Valeyta Demi-Aspect of Ashontrah and Tulkas

The vision starts in a realm in an existence. There are beings there that live along the shore. Out far from the shore is the Veil Mist.
These are spirit-looking type beings known as the Donjuin (Don-Joe-In). There was great peril at this time among the realm in this existence.
The Donjuin were being invaded by forces that have devoured others within their realm. These were the forces during Ashoweah's great expansion and the monstrosities that came and tore existences apart.
The Donjuin were a warrior race and prayed to the god they believed would save them. A great god of strength. A god named Kaltalk. He is known to us as Tulkas.
Then came the time of the great war drums when the Donjuin rally together to defend themselves against Ashoweah's monstrosities.
The fight seemed hopeless but in the heat of battle the great god they prayed to Kaltalk joined the fight striking down the monstrosities. Banishing them from the shores and away from Donjuin. They left behind a dying realm.
The Donjuin had began to lose faith. They watched their realm begin to die. Kaltalk gathered the wisest of them to try to find a way to restore the dying realm.
The wise elder woman of the Donjuin spoke about sailing into the mist. For there is one there who may help them restore what is dying.
Kaltalk agreed. They built a boat and Kaltalk sailed into the mist. He sailed for a long time. The waters were calm but the mist was thick. He did not know which direction to go or if he was lost forever within the Veil Mist and the Eternal Sea.
The waters started getting choppy and the mist swirled. A great storm tossed the boat around until it capsized and was wrecked. Kaltalk went floating helplessly in the Eternal Sea. Lost between there and the Veil Mist.
Kaltalk felt himself being pulled under. He was drowning. He began to lose consciousness. He felt that his life in this form was draining out of him.
Moreso he felt that he failed. He failed the Donjuin to find a way to restore their realm. He started to fade, but that the moment he felt arms wrap around him and pull him back to the surface.
This is Ashontrah in the form of Astartiae. This was her form after Ashtiarte's sacrifice. My memories of Astartiae will be shared in another post soon.
Astartiae raises a small island out of the waters inside the mist. There she tended to Kaltalk until he regained himself. Kaltalk thanked her for the help she had given him and for saving him.
Astartiae says 'I will stay with you here on this island and help you find your way through the mist, but for now rest and regain your strength.'
A little time went by and Kaltalk slowly began to regain his strength. On the shore of the island he watched Astartiae bathe in the water and sing. He was amazed how she could walk upon it.
They spent many times laying next to each other inside the Veil Mist and he told her of his deeds.
Kaltalk then spoke of the Donjuin and how their realm was dying and that he was sent to find the one who would help restore it. An inner sadness came into Astartiae.
Kaltalk asks 'Have I said something wrong? Have I troubled you?'
Astartiae tells him 'I know the place and the beings you speak of. They are all gone now.'
Kaltalk hung his head 'It is a sad fate for them. My only shame is that I could not help them.'
Astartiae brings something forth from a shell. A small orb of spirit light.
Astartiae says 'This is all that remains of what they once were. I feel sad. Will you hold me?'
Kaltalk holds Astartiae and the waters wash over them both and mist swirls between them. This is the time of the conception of Valeyta.
When Kaltalk fully regained his strength Astartiae raised a boat from the waters. A boat that looks like a large seashell.
Kaltalk kisses Astartiae's hand 'I hope to see you again fair maiden. Thank you for all you have given me.'
Astartiae replies 'And I shall seek your company again another time, but for now you must go. Strength and the aspect of what you are is needed far and wide.'
Astartiae raises her hands. The waters and winds start to pick up. Kaltalk enters the boat. He bows to her from the boat and she bows back to him from the shore. He sails off into the Veil Mist.
When Valeyta was born the Eternal Sea storms raged and the sky was filled with spirit energy. From the waters came forth the one known as Astartiae's daughter Valeyta. She was a humanoid and not a spirit wolf at this time. That is explained later.
She was a very beautiful child. Translucent and spirit-like. Astartiae named her Valatyn and raised her for some time in the storms of the Eternal Sea beyond the Veil Mist.
Some time went by and Valatyn grew. She is now around the age of 6 or 7 by human standards. She traveled with Astartiae everywhere. Always at her side.
Astartiae took Valatyn through the mist to different shores to let her see the different realms. Astartiae told her of the different things she had experienced and the different beings she had met.
Valatyn was always curious about her father. She asked 'Who was he?'
Astartiae answered 'Long ago he had sailed off into the mist to find a distant realm.'
Valatyn asks 'Do believe father is still sailing in the mist?'
Astartiae says with a sad face 'I am not sure. If he is then maybe one day we will find him.'
Valatyn would sleep next to Astartiae at night as they rested in the place they called home in the Eternal Sea. She would stare at the paintings Astartiae had painted on the walls.
Valatyn asked 'What are these strange paintings mother? What do they mean?'
Astartiae told her 'They are things I see in my dreams. Places, beasts, and plants of all kinds.'
Valatyn asks 'What are these places mother? Can we go there?'
Astartiae answers 'Every place I have been to I have never seen these things. I have only seen them within my dreams.'
Valatyn then notices a painting of a black diamond in the shape of the athranaak. 'What is that mother?'
Astartiae says 'I do not know. I have seen it in my dreams floating alone where nothing else is."
Valatyn turns her head to notice another painting of a dark black being with a rigid head and dark red eyes.
Astartiae asks 'Does that one scare you my little one?'
Valatyn says 'In a way it does. It seems frightening. Is this something from a nightmare you had?'
Astartiae says 'No. Although it may seem frightening to you little one, when I dream of this being I am not afraid. But yet, I feel sad and I do not know why. There is an inner sadness I feel. Like an empty piece has been lost.'
Valatyn says 'I know how you feel mother. I feel that way when I think about father. I want to go find him in the Veil Mist. Can I?'
Astartiae says sternly 'My little one, you must never travel into the Veil Mist alone without me. There are things in there that could harm you or take you away. Promise me you will never ever travel into the Veil Mist without me.'
Valatyn replies 'I promise mother. I am sorry for upsetting you.'
Astartiae says 'You did not upset me my little one. I love you. I just don't ever want to lose you.' Then she hugs her and holds her close.
Valatyn asks 'Mother, did you love father?'
Astartiae answers 'My love is eternal and my love is for all, but a lot of my love is for you.'
Time went on and one day Astartiae was busy singing and brushing her hair.
Valatyn asks her 'Mother may I go play on the Eternal Sea?'
Astartiae says 'Yes but be back soon and do not go near the Veil Mist.'
Valatyn replies 'I won't mother.' Then she took off across the Eternal Sea to go play and explore.
She came to the edge of the Veil Mist and stared at it remembering the words of her mother not to enter it without her.
Valatyn started to turn away from the mist when she heard a noise.
She thinks 'What is that? That sounds like a ship on water. What my mother has described to me. What I have seen the other beings sail on. This is the same sound that they make when they float upon the waves.'
Valatyn steps inside the Veil Mist and looks around. She sees a ship in the distance. She feels joy in heart thinking this may be her father.
She runs closer yelling out 'Father! Father I am here! I have found you! Come and I will bring you home to mother! Father!'
As Valatyn got closer to the ship she noticed that there were other beings there. These are beings she has never seen before. They looked ready to go to war.
There were many different types of beings but each of them looked savage and angry. She hears one of the beings yell out 'We're lost! Which way are we supposed to go?!'
Another being says 'Bring up that Mist Weaver. Put him to use.' She then noticed a being that resembled the mist was brought up in chains from below the ship.
The being aboard the ship spoke to the Mist Weaver and said 'Point us in the right direction or you will never leave the mist!'
This frightened Valatyn and she turned around to run when she bumped into something and it knocked her down.
There is a large floating barge in front of her. On the edge of it is a huge four-armed being who looked down and reached with hand to grab her and pick her up.
He says 'Well well well. Looky what we have here. A prize. A pretty little pet. This one is interesting. We should be able to sell it for a good price.'
Another being on the barge says 'Master Gorvag are you sure? She is kind of scrawny.'
Gorvag replied 'Well she won't make a good pleasure slave. We will see if we can sell her to a collector or something. Put her in a cage!'
Gorvag hands Valatyn to the other slaver. As she fights and screams she claws and bites him. She tries to run away but Gorvag snatches her.
She bites and strikes at him but whatever she did it did not seem to affect him.
Gorvag yells at the slaver 'You incompetent fool! Do I have to do everything myself?'
He walks over to a crystal prism and pulls out an object from the satchel at his side. He waves it in front of the prism. It opens and he throws her inside.
Gorvag says 'She is a feisty little one. Maybe she will be great for youngling gladiator games. I will decide what to do with her later. Press on! Let's get through this damn mist. We have worlds to conquer. Profit! It's profit! I am losing time and money!'
Valatyn cries out 'Mother! Help me!'
Astartiae is walking across the Eternal Sea crying for her lost child. She calls out Valatyns name as tears stream down her face. She comes to the edge of the Veil Mist.
Searching and searching Astartiae could not find her daughter. She falls to her knees and cries with her face in her hands.
Astartiae knows that things have been going on within the Veil Mist. Strange beings have been crossing through and she fears for the worst.
Back aboard the barge where Valatyn is imprisoned. She is on deck crying. She keeps telling herself 'I should have listened to my mother. Why did I come in here? Please mother. Please come help me.'
Gorvag screams at her 'Shut up you stupid little rut! He's coming and I don't need you crying in the background when he speaks to me.'
The Veil Mist goes dark and a being appears on the deck of the ship.
Gorvag says 'Great Master I am sorry I have to bring you here like this. We are pressing on to the next existence.'
Eternal Death says 'This progress has gone slow. I should punish you for this Gorvag but I need you and your armies. Quickly find your way through this mist. There are things that are now set into motion that I need to attend to. Your progress here is slowing that down.'
Gorvag replies 'I am losing a lot of profit on this. You must underst-' Before he can finish, a coil comes from Eternal Death's hand and wraps around his neck.
Eternal Death says 'I don't care about your profit. What I care about is my purpose and what I must do.' The coil releases and retracts back into his hand.
Gorvag touches his neck and replies 'I understand master. We will find our way through. No more delays even if I have to kill all the slaves and float on their bodies.'
Eternal Death says 'See to it that you do.' Darkness surrounds him and he vanishes.
Valatyn is alone on the deck of the barge ship. The crew appear to be passed out and Gorvag is nowhere to be seen. She is sad and lonely missing her mother.
A small bit of mist starts to surround her and a being appears. He says 'Hush little one. I will do my best to free you but you must go far away from here. I will help you escape.'
Valatyn asks 'Who are you?'
The being replies 'I am a keeper of this place. Now quiet. Hush. We don't want to wake them. I must set you free.'
The Veil Keeper works on the lock and the prism opens just as Gorvag returns to the deck.
Veil Keeper yells 'Quickly! Run!'
Gorvag alerts and awakens his slaver crew 'Stop them! Don't let them get away! Kill this one!'
The crew go for the Veil Keeper and he eludes them.
Gorvag yells 'Bring back that slave he set free!'
The Veil Keeper yells again 'Run! You must be quicker!'
He swirls his magic together and Valatyn feels herself changing. She is running faster and faster now.
Veil Keeper yells 'Quickly!'
Gorvag jumps from the deck and tries to swim after Valatyn. He cannot catch up to her because she is running on top of the water.
The slavers surround the Veil Keeper but he disappears. He then reappears far off where Valatyn has run to.
Veil Keeper says 'You must go. Here.' He opens up a black rift. 'Go through here. They will be closing in on you and I feel the presence of Eternal Death coming.
You must go. Quickly now. When you arrive there somebody will be there to greet you who I have sent for already. He will take care of you. Go now.'
Valatyn replies 'Thank you for helping me. I wish to get back to my mother. Please. Will this take me to my mother?'
Veil Keeper says 'I cannot get you back to your mother. It is too dangerous now. I am sorry child but you may have to forget her for a while. Just remember that I do this for your mother. To protect you and her both.'
The Veil Keeper then places his hand on her head and she falls limp. He picks her up and places her inside the rift portal. He then closes it just as the blackness swirls in the mist.
Veil Keeper says 'Goodbye little one and good luck to you. Maybe one day you will be reunited with your mother.' Mist swirls around him and he disappears.
Somewhere in another part of the Eternal Sea in the Veil Mist... Astartiae is still searching calling Valatyn's name. Tears coming down her face.
Then mist starts to swirl and a Mist Weaver comes out. He says 'I bring you a message that your daughter is safe, but you must leave here now. Eternal Death has come. Slavers and other beings cross through the mist conquering existences. You must leave please. I will guide you out.'
Astartiae argues 'I cannot leave my daughter. How can you guarantee me she is safe?'
Mist Weaver says 'The Keeper of the Veil has saw to it. He was not able to return her to you out of fear of Eternal Death. He has instructed me to tell you that he can guarantee her safety. But you must go now, and quickly.'
Astartiae feels darkness coming over the Veil Mist. A coil strikes through into the Mist Weaver and he burns to ash.
Astartiae quickly runs through the Veil Mist and out back into the Eternal Sea. She then drops to her knees and weeps. 'My beautiful daughter. Lost to me.'
Valatyn awakes and finds herself in a strange place. It appears to be some type of labyrinth but is totally made of bones.
Several beings surround her. She opens her eyes to fright. These beings are mutilated. They look down upon her.
One of them speaks 'Do not be frightened little one. You are in no harm here. I know the Veil Keeper. He has sent you here. I owe him a favor. Therefore I shall watch over you. Come.'
She arises still a little fearful and starts to follow this strange mutilated being.
Valatyn notices herself to be different. She feels transformed. It is strange. She looks down at herself and sees that her hands have become paws.
She cries out 'What has happened to me?!'
The mutilated being says 'You have been changed by the Veil Keeper. This will disguise you for you are very special. You will be kept here until the time comes for you to leave. Look at yourself now.'
He places a black mirror in front of her. Valatyn stares at herself in the mirror. It seems to be that of a beast, but she is not frightening or scary looking. She is more majestic.
The mutilated being asks 'Are you not pleased with this form?'
Valatyn replies 'It is very beautiful. Although I miss my old one, I will stay with this one.'
The mutilated being says 'My name is Baukarin. You will serve me here and assist me. You shall guard this place and the athranaak. Make sure no one is to enter this garden of bones.'
Valatyn asks 'Is that the name of this place? And what is an athranaak?'
Baukarin points up to the sky. There floating is a massive object. He says 'That is the athranaak. It is the essence and machine that holds power over all the borderlands. You will guard it and make sure none try to enter it.'
Valatyn agrees to this. The mutilated beings leave and she wanders through the garden of bones always staying under the athrnaak. At times she noticed that it began to change shape.
When she would rest and dream she would dream about being with her mother upon the Eternal Sea. She would awake in tears. She felt lonely inside the garden of bones.
One day a great sound came from the athranaak and it changed shape. She was approached by Baukarin. There was another mutilated being with him.
Valatyn asks 'Master what is going on? Why is the athranaak making such strange noises?'
Baukarin answers 'The time has come. I have been challenged in the Trial of Blood for my position as Count of Pain. If this should be my ending and my undoing, you have observed me well guarding the garden of bones and the athranaak, but your time here in the borderlands is done.'
Baukarin turns to the Myrrdonite standing next to him and says 'This is Xarsha. He will take you to a place where you must go. But first you must witness the Trial of Blood. Come my little guardian.'
Valatyn follows the two Myrrdonite to a large arena. She takes her place next to Xarsha who says nothing.
Before her master Baukarin leaves he says something to Xarsha in the thothilssin language. Which Valatyn was never able to quite learn. Xarsha then looks over at her and says something back to her master. They both nod and Baukarin leaves.
Baukarin then appears in the arena below. He is faced off against another mutilated Myrrdonite. One whose name she does not recognize for everything is in thothilssin.
The battle begins but is over soon after it starts. The other Myrrdonite kills her master and claims the seat of the Count of Pain.
Xarsha then turns to her and says 'It is time to go little guardian. Different places await your arrival. Follow me.'
Valatyn arises from her seat and follows Xarsha. He leads her far away and it seems they have traveled for many days. They come to the river of bones.
Xarsha brings out a horn from underneath his cloak and raises it. A low tone sound comes from the horn. Valatyn notices a boat coming up the river. There is a hooded boatman upon it.
He speaks something to Xarsha. Then Xarsha speaks something back. He points down at Valatyn. The boatman looks down at her. She can feel his dreadful gaze upon her.
Xarsha turns to Valatyn and says 'He will take you now to where you need to go. But first, all of what you remember must be gone.'
Valatyn says 'If that is the price I do not wish to pay it. I do not wish to lose my memories. Especially that of my mother.'
Xarsha says 'This is for your own protection. In time you will be reunited with your mother.'
As he lifts her head and with his finger wipes a tear away he says 'Do not worry young one. You will understand that all things come to an end and begin again in time. This is an ending of one of your journeys through time and the beginning of another.'
Xarsha places his hand on Valatyn's head. She closes her eyes feeling very sleepy. She falls asleep.
Xarsha picks her up and gives her to the boatman. Xarsha says 'Take her to the spirit wolves. They will guard her and continue raising her as their own.'
He places his hand on her head once more 'Remember child, in time you will be reunited with your mother again.'
The boat leaves the shore of the river of bones and sails down into the black mist.
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