Book of Aphrodite Chapter Five

The real history of Aphrodite. This fifth chapter continues on right after Aphrodite and Poseidon step through a portal to Jotunheim.
Aphrodite and Poseidon find themselves in the frigid cold high mountains. It is snowing hard and they cannot see very far in front of them. They are in blizzard-like conditions.
Poseidon shivers 'Are you sure you want to continue on with this? I don't know where this portal has taken us.'
Aphrodite says 'We must continue on. We must find out more and avoid war between Alfheim and Jotunheim. If there is any way we can help then we must dear brother. We can bear this frigid cold.'
She remembers some of the magic teachings she learned at the library of Thoth. She speaks an incantation to form a small ball of fire. This provides some light and a little bit of warmth.
They are not sure which direction to go but decide to go down the mountain.
After wandering for a while Poseidon says 'I think we are lost.'
The snow is falling less and the blizzard ended. They see some trees. Poseidon says 'Let's go over there and see if we can get our bearings.'
Aphrodite says 'I need to rest a while anyway.' They make their way over to the small area of trees.
These are large trees of Jotunheim. They tower many hundreds of feet into the air and the tops are covered in snow. They almost like small mountains.
Poseidon says 'This mountain range is massive. How do we even know where to find the kingdom of Jotunheim?'
Aphrodite smiles 'Brother do you believe I would come this unprepared?' She reaches into her bag and pulls out a map.
On the map is marked where the portal is. There are instructions written in Elvish, a language Aphrodite has been studying for some time. They lead to the main kingdom.
The sun breaks through the clouds and the snow subsides. Jotunheim is a place with only one sun. It is reddish in color and not very bright.
Aphrodite studies the map a little more and notices the sun symbol. From there she studies the inscriptions and places her bearings.
The clouds gather again and block out the sun. The snow starts to fall again.
Poseidon says 'We should go before it turns into another one of those blizzards.'
Aphrodite casts another fire orb and they travel for a while. As it grows dark they notice the sounds of crashing trees in the distance.
Poseidon says 'I hope that isn't anything that is going to try and kill us.'
Aphrodite says 'I don't know. We are in the land of giants.'
They hear loud shrieks and roars echoing across the valley they descended into. There is loud thundering like a stampede and trees crashing. They turn to see trolls emerge from the woods.
Aphrodite has fright in her eyes. Poseidon yells out 'Run!' They run as fast as they can through a valley between two mountain ranges. The trolls catch their scent and chase after them.
Poseidon reaches into his bag and pulls out three small blue orbs. He throws them down on the ground and creates a water wall that instantly freezes. It only slows the trolls down for a few seconds and then they close in faster.
Poseidon looks up a cliff 'We are going to have to climb. It is our only chance.'
Aphrodite is worried because she is not a very good climber. She never went with the other young divine when they would climb the rocks on Mount Olympus.
Poseidon says 'Don't worry. I won't let you fall.'
He takes a rope from his bag and ties it around her waist and then to his. He lifts Aphrodite up high above his head. She grasps onto the side of the rocks and starts climbing with Poseidon climbing below her.
They can see the trolls at the side of the mountain wondering where they went. The trolls sniff the air and notice them climbing. The trolls roar loudly to alert the others.
Aphrodite climbs a little higher and reaches a ledge. She says 'I am exhausted. I don't believe I could climb anymore.'
The trolls see them on a ledge above the rocks. Poseidon looks at her and then down at the trolls. He says 'I can carry you on my back. We will have to keep climbing.'
They notice the trolls are starting to climb up after them. Aphrodite looks down at them with fear and says 'There is no way we will be able to out climb them with you carrying me. We are trapped.'
Poseidon picks up large stones and throws them down at the trolls, but it does not seem to slow them down.
Poseidon pushes Aphrodite back and stands in front of her on the ledge. He draws his short sword and says 'I will try and hold them off. Try and get away.' He cuts the rope tying them both together.
Aphrodite says 'I will not leave you.' She casts more fire orbs down at the trolls.
This burns the eye of one of the trolls and he falls backward knocking another one off. The hit the ground and shriek. They have become more angry from this.
They see the large hand of a troll appear on the ledge as he pulls himself up. Poseidon rushes forward and cuts the fingers. The troll shrieks and falls backward.
Then other hands start grasping the edge as he runs as fast as he can cutting and slashing. Some of the trolls fall back from the ledge but this only infuriates them even more.
Aphrodite and Poseidon hear a whisper on the wind. It is the language of the Jotunn. She tries to listen to see which direction it is coming from.
They feel shaking in the mountain and the ice and snow above them breaks away. Aphrodite yells 'Poseidon!' He is at the edge trying to fend off the trolls. She feels that the mountain is going to come down.
Aphrodite grabs the end of the rope still dangling from his waist and pulls him back just in time against the ledge. The top of the mountain comes down knocking the trolls to the ground.
When the avalanche has finished Aphrodite is huddled with Poseidon against the ledge. They then hear the same female Jotunn voice again. Someone approaches from up top making their way down the cliff.
Poseidon asks 'Is that one of the giants?'
They gaze upon a female about 12-feet tall. She has antlers, long white hair, and blue skin. She gracefully moves down the mountain with the ease of a mountain goat.
She comes down to the ledge and stands before them speaking to them in Jotunn. Aphrodite and Poseidon glance at each other.
Aphrodite shakes her head and speaks in Elvish that she does not understand. The female giant speaks back to them 'Yes I understand Elvish. My name is Skadi. I am keeper of the mountain. Are you lost here?'
Aphrodite answers 'Yes my brother and I came through a portal. We were seeking to go see King Frostcag of Jotunheim. We have an urgent message for him.'
Skadi says 'Well you shouldn't be up here. You are very lost. The kingdom is in the other direction.' She points in the opposite way they were going.
Poseidon looks at Aphrodite and asks 'What is she saying?'
Aphrodite responds 'She is saying we went the wrong way.'
Poseidon says 'Next time let me try reading the map.'
Aphrodite says 'Well that wouldn't help us either considering you don't speak Elvish or read it. Just let me do the talking.'
Aphrodite asks Skadi 'Will you take us to the kingdom?'
Skadi says 'It is several days travel. Small ones like you and your brother may not survive for these mountains are filled with wild trolls.'
Aphrodite says 'It sounds as if the journey may be dangerous, but my brother and I are willing to risk it.'
Skadi replies 'There is another way. I know a dwarf who lives in this direction. He is not very far. This could take you to the kingdom through the underground belly of the mountain. Come, I will take you to him.'
She turns and starts to walk away. Poseidon asks 'What did she say?'
Aphrodite says 'She is taking us to a dwarf who will be able to get us to Frostcag's kingdom through the belly of the mountain.'
Poseidon says 'The belly of the mountain. Sounds interesting enough. Let's go.'
They follow Skadi and she helps them the rest of the way up the cliff. When they reach the top the see a large singular mountain. It stands out differently.
Although it is covered in snow the base of it is black. In the distance they can see a tower and make their way to it. The top of the tower lights up in flames.
Skadi says 'Flamebeard lights the tower every night. It scares the wild trolls away.'
Aphrodite says 'Flamebeard. I think I met him before.'
Skadi says 'He is one of the oldest of the dwarf shamans and very wise.' She leads them to the tower. 'I must return to the wild for there are creatures which depend on me. It is nice meeting you. I did not get your names.'
Aphrodite says 'This is my brother Poseidon. I am Asherah.'
Skadi bows 'It is a pleasure to meet you. Maybe our paths will cross again one day.' She walks away into the distant falling snow.
Aphrodite turns to knock on the door but notices a dwarf already standing there in the doorway. She recognizes him.
Aphrodite starts to speak 'Flamebeard, I am...'
Flamebeard interrupts her 'I know who you are. I heard ya. You are Asherah and this is your brother Poseidon. You came all the way here from Alfheim wishing to speak to King Frostcag about an urgent message.'
Aphrodite is astonished 'Yes, how did you know?'
Flamebeard says 'All the trees have been speaking of it since you arrived. They've been listening. I heard the message quite a while ago and was waiting for you to show up here.'
Poseidon says 'If you knew we were here why didn't you signal us or send someone to find us?'
Flamebeard says 'And who am I supposed to send boy? The trees? They are supposed to get up and walk to carry you over here? You got two legs longer than mine. You made it.
I sent Skadi out to find you anyway. Good idea climbing the cliffs. Real smart boy. These are wild mountain trolls. They climb more mountains than you have ever seen.'
Aphrodite says 'If you know why we have come then you can take us to see King Frostcag.'
Flamebeard says 'Yes of course I can take you. I will take you through the belly of the mountain. I have already been making arrangements to wake the giant guardian. Come on, he doesn't like to be woken up very much.'
Flamebeard walks in the direction of the black mountain. Aphrodite and Poseidon follow him curiously.
When they arrive at the mountain Flamebeard raises his hands and speaks in a dwarven language. Fire flames light up in his eyes as mountain rumbles. Some of it breaks away and forms into a huge mountain giant.
Flamebeard speaks to the mountain giant in dwarven. The mountain giant replies as thundering rumbles through the wilderness. His voice is deep and booming. It shakes Aphrodite to her very core.
The mountain giant then kneels down and lowers his hand. Flamebeard turns and says 'Well, come on.' He climbs up onto the giant hand followed by Aphrodite and Poseidon.
The mountain giant lifts them up high close to his face. Flamebeard says 'You better tuck yourself in. You are in for one hell of a ride.'
Aphrodite and Poseidon look at each other as the giant moves his hand towards his mouth and opens wide.
Flamebeard says 'This is always the best way to travel here in Jotunheim.'
Then he jumps into the giant's mouth. The mountain giant tilts his hand. Aphrodite grabs onto Poseidon.
As the mountain giant swallows them they slide down his throat very fast as if they are sliding down snow.
Aphrodite has fun while Poseidon is terrified. The excitement overwhelms her as adrenaline flows through her body.
As they come to the end they shoot out another side into a large pile of pine branches.
Aphrodite says 'That was the funnest thing I have ever done.'
Poseidon says 'Once is enough for me. Let's not ever do that again.'
Flamebeard says 'Good thing the last time I came through here I decided to stack those. You all would be falling on your bottom then you would be walking sore. Anyways come, follow me.'
They are in a large underground cavern brightly lit from the sides of the walls.
Flamebeard says 'You are in the belly of the mountain. We will go this way to enter out into the kingdom of Frostcag.'
As they walk through the corridors Aphrodite sees carvings on the walls.
Aphrodite asks 'What are these strange engravings on the wall?'
Flamebeard says 'These engravings come from the first times. Way before the Jotunn when the elemental giants ruled Jotunheim.'
Aphrodite asks 'Who were the elemental giants?'
Flamebeard says 'Well you just got swallowed by one. However long ago in Jotunheim during the first times, the elemental giants clashed with each other.
The other beings such as the Jotunn, the trolls, the dwarves, and many others who existed here suffered under the wrath of their battles.
This went on for quite a while. The Jotunn, dwarves, and trolls were the children of these great elemental giants. Then one day...'
Flamebeard stops and faces one of the carvings on the wall. He continues 'A young Jotunn boy was born and also there a young female dwarf.
As the prophesy states, one would become the father of the sky. The other the mother of the mountain.
The Jotun and dwarf grow up and finally convince the elemental giants to sleep. When all had calmed down, the beings and races of Jotunheim came together.
The mother of the mountain and father of the sky handed over the ruling and governing of Jotunheim to a great Jotunn prince who was born. They called him the keeper of the chilled winds. He is King Frostcag.'
Aphrodite walks over to another engraved image on the wall of King Frostcag sitting high upon the throne. A female dwarf off to his left side and a male Jotunn off to his right.
Flamebeard says 'These are the keepers of balance here in Jotunheim. The mother of the mountain Greywillow and father of the sky Ymir. As well as keeper of the chilled winds King Frostcag himself.'
Aphrodite's eyes widen with great fascination of these tales. She says 'So much history here. I wish to learn more of Jotunheim.'
Flamebeard says 'Well, we are almost to the entrance of the kingdom. Deliver your urgent message to him and then ask him more of the history of Jotunheim.
Frostcag is not the brute that King Yserah makes him out to be. He is very wise and strong. He stands up for Jotunheim. He is protector. He is our King.'
Aphrodite hears the voice of another dwarf nearby. 'Who are these you brought here cousin? I have not seen them here before. These look like young Olympians. I thought all the young divine were in Alfheim. What are they doing here?'
There is a darker black colored dwarf. He has no hair on his head but has a long black beard.
Flamebeard says 'Aye cousin, they come here bringing an urgent message to King Frostcag. Young Asherah and Poseidon, this is my cousin Myrdrin Moonstone. He is advisor and head chancellor to King Frostcag.'
Aphrodite and Poseidon bow to him. Moonstone returns the bow and says 'You bring urgent news for King Frostcag? Share it with me and I might be able to help you.'
Aphrodite says 'We believe the attack upon Alfheim is not the doing of King Frostcag as King Yserah believes, but of another darker group. My brother has wandered around the palace of Alfheim and discovered an organization known as the Bentian.'
Moonstone says 'Aye, we know very well the Bentian. You believe these trolls who are working with the dark elves who attacked Alfheim are Bentian too?'
Poseidon says 'I know they are Bentian. I heard it from the mouth of one of the dark elves.'
Moonstone says 'Well this is urgent news the King must hear. Come, you traveled far and have probably faced many perils of Jotunheim. We will get you some warm food and cold ale.'
Moonstone turns to leave and before he goes he acknowledges his cousin with a strange look and a kind of sinister bow. 'Good day to you cousin, thank you for bringing them here.'
Flamebeard returns a strange look says 'Thank you for receiving us cousin.'
Moonstone leaves and Poseidon starts to follow. Flamebeard grasps Aphrodite's arm and whispers in her ear 'Be careful what you tell Moonstone. He has been acting a bit odd lately.'
Aphrodite looks at Flamebeard with a puzzled look, but sees the seriousness in his eyes. She gives him a nod in acknowledgement and follows Moonstone.
She goes up a staircase that leads up to a door. When they enter through the door they see a grand fortress carved into the mountain. A huge wall surrounds the outside with very large gates.
Moonstone says 'Come on now. The King will be waiting.'
As they approach the gates they see two large mountain trolls. Aphrodite and Poseidon feel fear and both stop in their tracks.
Moonstone walks forward 'What's wrong with you lads?'
Poseidon asks 'Those trolls are friendly aren't they?'
Moonstone says 'These ones are. They are in the service of the King.'
Aphrodite tells him of their ordeal with the high mountain trolls.
Moonstone laughs 'Well those trolls are wild. They have been that way for years. They began eating all the animals and elk around where they live, diminishing most of their food supply.
After a while they began to eat each other. That is why they are wild. They are uncontrollable so we leave them be in the high mountains. They rarely come down. Do not worry about the ones you find here.'
As they approach closer the trolls reach up and grasp the top of the gates and open them. They go inside and see the massive fortress. There are many different dwellings, buildings, and places in the villages and towns below.
They can see trolls, dwarves, and Jotunn all going about their daily business. There are markets and street shows. She smells the scents of cooking meat, fresh vegetables, and baked pastries.
Aphrodite and Poseidon's stomachs start to rumble. They have not eaten for a long time and they brought minimal food with them. The elven bread they brought with them that is supposed to be like a full meal with one bite, but it is bitter and tasteless.
Moonstone notices the look of hunger in their eyes and says 'Come, the King will be having a feast. You can eat there then explain to him what you discovered in Alfheim.'
They make their way to the gates of the fortress. There they see two Jotunn guards clad in armor. They open the gates and Aphrodite, Poseidon, and Moonstone pass through.
They proceed down a hallway until they come to a place with a long table. There sits King Frostcag. Aphrodite approaches the Jotunn King and bows. King Frostcag raises his hand to make a gesture for her to stand.
Moonstone says 'King Frostcag, these are the young Olympians who have come here from Alfheim.'
King Frostcag leans forward 'Yes I received a message from Flamebeard about them here on the wind and whispers through the trees.
You are welcome here. Please sit and have something to eat. You can tell me yourselves what you discovered about the Bentian in Alfheim.'
Aphrodite is surprised at Frostcag's knowledge of what she has come to tell him. She thinks to herself 'Did the trees really speak that fast here? Does the message travel on the wind?' She is intrigued and decides to save the question for later.
They sit at the table and Aphrodite explains everything she and Poseidon discovered. When she finishes speaking King Frostcag asks 'Did you inform King Yserah about this?'
Aphrodite says 'No, not yet. He seems to have a strong dislike for Jotunheim and for you. I thought it best if I come here and speak to you first.'
King Frostcag smiles 'You are very wise young Olympian. King Yserah is blinded by his power, greed, and dislike for the other beings and races of the realms.'
Aphrodite looks at him puzzled. King Frostcag raises his eyebrows and says 'Oh, he has not told you this I am guessing. Simply ask yourself this, you have spent some time now inside the palace of Alfheim...
Have you ever noticed any dark elves or other races of Alfheim there besides elves, gnomes, or wisps? Have you ever asked him why there are none?'
Aphrodite says 'Actually you are very correct. Come to think of it, I have never seen any other races of Alfheim even though I heard there are many.'
King Frostcag says 'You should ask him about it next time. I can tell you for myself if you would care to listen.'
Aphrodite says 'I do care to listen. I would like to see it from your perspective.'
King Frostcag says 'King Yserah is nothing but a brutal despot. He despises the dark elves. He believes they descended from the ancient realm of the Void and are pure darkness and evil. The only one he keeps close to him is the half-breed. His brutal sidekick Raugunitar.'
Poseidon says 'Yeah Raugunitar. He does seem to be a real brute.'
King Frostcag says 'Raugunitar is cutthroat and ruthless. His father was a great dark elf leader long ago in the early times of Alfheim.
King Yserah came to the throne and banished all the dark elves and other races from the palace and kingdom.
The dark elf Dourdrin. who was the father of Raugunitar, led an uprising against King Yserah. This was quickly crushed and Raugunitar killed his own father.
He has been in the service of King Yserah since. Be careful around him young Olympians. He could end your life at any moment.'
Aphrodite asks 'What about his General Alakin Silverleaf? Is he to be trusted?'
King Frostcag says 'Silverleaf is an honorable family going back to the first times. Alakin has always upheld that honor and seeks in truth.
King Yserah twists the truth for his own desires. The Silverleaf family is still loyal to Alfheim. Alakin is someone you can trust. He is someone I trust.'
A female dwarf dressed in grey with a white cloak approaches the table where they are sitting. Aphrodite recognizes her as the female dwarf she met before with Ares.
She is also accompanied by the ice blue dwarf and a young dwarf girl. Aphrodite had never seen such a little dwarf girl before.
The dwarves approach and bow and King Frostcag introduces them. 'My young Olympians, this is the mother of the mountain Greywillow and her cousin my best engineer and architect Fogbeard.'
Greywillow says 'And this is our little cousin Blacklace. Don't mind her. I am watching her for the day.'
Aphrodite looks at Blacklace and smiles 'How are you doing little dwarf?'
Blacklace says 'I am doing just fine. Why are you staring so hard at me? Maybe you should paint a picture and take it home with you.'
Aphrodite and Poseidon both giggle. Poseidon says 'Wow she's got quite a bite on her.'
Blacklace says 'Quite a bite? You want to feel my bite? You are going to feel it when I jump up there and punch you in your effing nards.'
Aphrodite is shocked by such language from a small child. Fogbeard looks down at Blacklace and says 'You need to mind your mouth there little Blacklace or I am going to put you in a cage and lower you down into the frosty fires of the furnace. That ought to cool you off.'
King Frostcag laughs 'The company of dwarves is always grand. Tell me mother of the mountain, what have you come to see me for?'
Greywillow says 'It is urgent. The mountain is unsettled. Many wild trolls are gathering high up in the mountains. We have also sensed the presence of dark elves and other strange beings who are unfamiliar to what we know of the realms. I need you to come with me great King. The mountain needs to speak with you.'
King Frostcag stands and says 'There is no time like the present. Excuse me young Olympians, I must depart on this urgent business. You are welcome here in my kingdom.'
The Jotunn King signals to a dwarf servant then says 'My servant here shall show you to quarters. Please rest and tomorrow we shall speak more.'
King Frostcag leaves with the dwarves and the servant shows Aphrodite and Poseidon to their quarters. Aphrodite goes into her room and sees the beds are very large. They have elegant beautiful carvings on them.
Aphrodite climbs herself up on the bed. It takes some effort to get up there. She relaxes in the cozy quilts and blankets. She stares at the carvings on the ceiling until she falls asleep.
Part Ten...
She dreams of a battle where she sees thousands of large Hungali in conflict with the Ouhrkina. Many are dying.
The dream flashes and Aphrodite is standing on a hill in the borderlands. She looks up and sees the strange object floating in the sky.
Then she turns to her right and sees Pathagoras standing beside her with his eyes completely black. He holds a chalice in his hand then raises it up to her and drinks it.
The chalice falls from his hands and his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth start to bleed. He opens his mouth and lets out a loud scream.
This wakes her up. It is still dark but Aphrodite is too disturbed to sleep. She grabs her robe and leaves the chambers. She walks down the long halls.
Aphrodite cracks open the chamber door of her brother Poseidon. She can hear him deep asleep with his dreams. She quietly closes the door and proceeds down the hallway.
She looks at the large statues and inscriptions. This place is huge and grand. The ceiling towers so far above her head that it disappears into the darkness of the night.
Aphrodite makes her way through the fortress. Down and down she goes. She gets a sense as if something is calling her. She can hear a faint voice whispering through the dark corridors descending downward.
She recognizes the language although she does not know what it says or what language it is. This is the same language she has heard before. It is Thothilssin though she does not realize it.
Aphrodite follows the whispers down further and comes to a black door. She tries to push on it a little but it does not open. She can hear a voice inside.
She looks through the large keyhole and sees Myrdrin Moonstone. He has a strange box-shaped object raised high above his head. He speaks the language she heard in her dreams.
This causes a black mist to pour out beneath the object. Moonstone's back is blocking her view. She cannot see where the mist is going.
After all the black mist comes out of the object Moonstone lowers the box with his hands. He turns around and is holding a black glass wine carafe.
Aphrodite notices Moonstone is making his way toward the door. She moves away from it and quietly goes back up the stairs.
She goes to a balcony where she hides and waits. She watches Moonstone make his way up the stairs and across the grand hall and decides not to follow him further.
Just then Aphrodite hears whistling. This strikes her as odd. Who would be whistling now? She follows where the whistling is coming from. It leads up onto a grand balcony. There sits an old man in grey. She knows who this is.
He is sitting on the edge of the balcony with his legs hanging over. It seems he has a fishing pole. How would he be fishing from way high up here?
Aphrodite then hears the rumble of water. As she approaches she sees a waterfall descending down from the fortress.
Father turns his head to notice her 'Ah young Olympian Aphrodite.'
Aphrodite says 'It's Asherah now Father. I would like for many to start calling me that.'
Father says 'Oh? Asherah. That's right, you mentioned that name before to me. It is very beautiful. It is good to see you are using it.'
Aphrodite asks 'What are you doing here Father?'
Father answers 'I am fishing for the blackfish inside the waterfall. Although I haven't caught anything yet and I haven't caught anything in years. All the times I come up here, nothing. Not even a nibble. What brings you here to Jotunheim young Asherah?'
Aphrodite explains the tale of what led her and Poseidon to Jotunheim.
Father replies 'Sounds like there is a lot of evil, darkness, and danger afoot. You should be careful young Asherah. Not many places and beings are who they seem to be. You must notice the bigger picture. You must stand back and take it all in.'
Aphrodite says 'I think I understand Father.' Just then she hears a female voice.
Greywillow asks 'You still trying to catch the blackfish Father? You know he only comes around once every so often. Everyone in the kingdom has been trying to catch the blackfish, with no luck.'
Father says 'One day Greywillow. One day.'
Greywillow says 'Young Asherah, it is nice to see you here. What are you doing up out and about so late at night?'
Aphrodite says 'I couldn't sleep.'
Greywillow says 'Bad dreams is it?'
Aphrodite says 'Something like that. How did you know?'
Greywillow answers 'I can feel certain things. Sometimes just the look on someone's face can tell me more about what they are feeling and thinking than a thousand words they could say to me.
You seem one of great curiosity. One who wishes to go out and gather all the wisdom they can.
Be careful young Asherah, sometimes this can be dangerous and attract the attention of unsavory characters who wish to keep that wisdom secret for themselves.'
Father says 'You should show her the heart of the mountain Greywillow. I think she would find that very interesting.'
Aphrodite asks 'The heart of the mountain?'
Greywillow says 'Well, I suppose one as curious as you should understand what the heart of the mountain is and what she does. If it wasn't for her, all of this in Jotunhiem including all the ones that lived here and even myself would not exist. Come, I'll show you.'
Greywillow casts a grey mist out of her hands that forms into a portal.
Father says 'You should go young Asherah. This will be quite informative for you. You may find some answers to questions you will have later on.'
Aphrodite gives Father a hug and kisses him on the cheek. 'Thank you Father, it is always a pleasure to see you.' Then she steps through the portal with Greywillow.
They go into a large cavern. Although there are no torches, the cavern is lit as a luminescent light radiates from the stones and rocks.
As Aphrodite and Greywillow step forward she sees a large underground lake with bright glowing blue water. In the center of the lake there appears to be a small mountain.
Aphrodite asks 'Is that the heart of the mountain?'
Greywillow says 'Yes, not only is she the heart of the mountain, she is the heart of all of Jotunheim. Would you care to know a little more about her?'
Aphrodite says with delight 'Oh yes. I am always fascinated with the history of the realms and this is such a sight to see.'
Greywillow says 'Then you should consider yourself honored for not many have come down here to see the heart of the mountain herself.'
Aphrodite asks 'Where did she come from? Was she always the heart of the mountain?'
Greywillow answers 'As legend goes, long ago before the first times there was nothing but a great mist. It was said that she came from the great mist.
When she finally settled, around her sprouted up the mountains and great places of Jotunheim. From her all the land and the elemental giants were born. She is also mother to the Jotunn, dwarves, and trolls.
In the first times when the elemental giants battled each other the dwarves, Jotunn, and trolls suffered. It is said the lake here are the tears of the heart of the mountain. Her tears flowed as she watched her elemental children battle each other.
There came a time when she could withstand the sorrow and sadness no longer. She called out to her elemental children beckoning them to sleep within the mountains, but they would not listen. She has been here ever since. I speak to her every now and then when she wishes to speak.'
Aphrodite says 'I see, this is fascinating. What is the great mist?'
Greywillow says 'Only a few know. Even the many great kings and queens of the pantheons and great houses themselves have no knowledge of what the great mist was or where it came from or even if it existed.'
Aphrodite asks 'How could something exist then not exist?'
Greywillow walks beside her, places her hand around Aphrodite's arm, and says 'Some questions my child have better answers in time. Come, we should return you now back to your chambers.'
*Like the story that Flamebeard told it eventually took the help of Greywillow and Ymir to convince them to sleep. The heart of the mountain is actually a citadel from the 2nd existence who came through the veil mist.
Like the lost athranaak in Vlackheim, she tried to re-create where she came from, but she had the help of Great Father. The elemental giants, dwarves, Jotunn, and trolls were her children.*
Aphrodite stretches a bit and yawns 'Yes I do feel more relaxed now. Thank you for bringing me here Greywillow. This has been exciting and fascinating to me.'
Greywillow bows 'You are very welcome young Olympian. Now come, I shall take you back.'
She waves her hand and grey mist makes a portal. They both step through into the palace of Jotunheim.
Greywillow says 'Rest well young Asherah. We shall speak again stoon.'
Aphrodite bows 'Thank you Greywillow.' She returns to her chambers and climbs in bed, but she cannot fall back asleep.
She keeps thinking of all the different things she experienced in her short time in Jotunheim. Her thoughts wander until she is tired enough to close her eyes and drift to sleep.
In the morning Aphrodite arises early and greets her brother Poseidon. They wander down to the main court hall where breakfast is being served.
On the way they see King Frostcag who greets them. 'Morning young Olympians, you arrived just in time for the first meal of the day. Then you may sit and join my council and observe how we run a kingdom here in Jotunheim.'
They walk with King Frostcag to the main hall. Aphrodite says 'This place is fascinating and so beautiful.'
King Frostcag says 'I am glad you enjoy it young Asherah. I have also heard that you've studied in the library of Thoth. Have you seen the library of Alfheim?'
Aphrodite says 'Yes I have seen it. It is grand.'
King Frostcag laughs 'Ha, Yserah. He is just a collector of other people's knowledge and wisdom. You should ask him how he obtained all those scrolls and books, but that is beside the point. Later on I will show you the grand library of Jotunheim. The library of Alfheim is small in comparison to my collection.'
Aphrodite smiles in delight 'Yes I would love to see that.'
They go to the main court hall and take a seat at a table. King Frostcag sits at the head of the room on his throne. He eats a little and then starts receiving audiences.
Aphrodite watches as he has audiences with different beings of Jotunheim. Trolls, dwarves, and other Jotunn settling disputes, blessing marriages, and other daily tasks of the kingdom.
She sees two elves approach the court and recognizes them as Alakin Silverleaf and Raugunitar.
Alakin speaks 'Great King Frostcag, I have come on behalf of King Yserah of Alfheim.'
Frostcag looks down and sternly says 'On behalf of King Yserah? One who threatens war against me. Here I have two young Olympians who have come to me and informed me of dark plots. I can assure you it was not Jotunheim who wished to assassinate Yserah. If I wished him dead I would kill him with my own hands.'
Alakin replies 'We have come on behalf of King Yserah to retrieve the two young Olympians who are here. They are warded under the protection of King Yserah by the pantheons. You understand this.'
King Frostcag replies 'They may leave with you when they choose. If they choose to stay here, then they will stay here under my protection.'
Just then Myrdrin Moonstone approaches the King carrying a mithril tray with a black glass wine carafe.
Moonstone says 'I have brought up the finest wine. My King, this is a gift coming from King Yserah himself. I believe he wishes to make amends for his harsh words.
He has sent this fine wine to you as an example of his good will and the everlasting friendship between Alfheim and Jotunheim.'
King Frostcag looks down at Alakin Silverleaf and Raugunitar. 'Well, your King wishes to buy me off with gifts. Have you brought me other things?'
Alakin says 'King Yserah has already sent many gifts in forms of apologies for his harsh words. That wine there is some of the finest in Alfheim. Our King wishes to be on good terms with Jotunheim.'
King Frostcag replies 'Well, let us taste this wine. Then we shall speak of the good terms between our two kingdoms.'
He drinks the wine from the black glass and says 'I see the King has excellent taste. Now, let us begin speaking of term... ugh...' Frostcag stops mid-speech. His eyes glaze over and he starts to choke then falls over to the floor.
King Frostcag grasps his throat and his eyes go black. Black blood flows from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. There is panic in the room.
Raugunitar moves over to Aphrodite and Poseidon and pulls them away towards him. Moonstone is beside King Frostcag on the floor appearing to try and revive him.
With a last breath Frostcag dies. All in the court hall are looking at him with shock.
Moonstone stands and proclaims 'He has been poisoned. It was the wine. It was those elves. The two Olympians here are spies, they have poisoned King Frostcag. Seize them. Take them and do not let them get away!'
Alakin says 'It is time we leave.'
Jotunn royal guards attack while Raugunitar and Alakin fight back.
Moonstone commands the guards 'Kill them. Do not let them get away. They assassinated the King. His blood is on their hands. This is an assault from Alfheim!'
Alakin turns to Aphrodite 'Quickly, I know you are wise in the portals. Cast one to Alfheim so we may go through, or we will die here.'
Without hesitation Aphrodite casts a portal. She turns to Alakin and says 'We must not go. We are innocent.'
Alakin pushes Poseidon through the portal. Raugunitar picks Aphrodite up and throws her over his shoulder. They go through just as the Jotunn guards descend upon them.
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