War of 13 Existences Part One

Asteria Arella drew this picture which represents what is happening.
Set, Tulkas, Tenomachi, Valeyta, Amerriah, Rurxaxia, Midorra, Ravar, and Pisch are currently running infiltration missions. They are currently captives on purpose.
Right now the slavers guild is deciding what should be done with them. At first they were just going to kill them.
Pisch said to one of them called Yarkin that 'Loyalties can change.' Tulkas said 'New alliances can be formed.'
Yarkin is the overseer of the conscripted slaves. He is one of the same kind as Gorvag.
There is an emissary that follows him around. This guy has a humanoid body with a robe and his head is a big eyeball.
Yarkin: "We will see where your loyalties lie after your trial in the pit."
Slavers are pushing Set, Tulkas, Tenomachi, Valeyta, Pisch, Amerriah, and a few others into the pit. 13 captives.
Yarkin is telling another citrine being who is a slaver: "Find these two escapees and bring them back. We will see how much their companions are loyal to them when we put them through the stretch."
Ravar is also there at the pit as a captive. He whispers to Tulkas: "I fear what is in this pit will test us to our limits."
Tulkas: "Did you send out your last message?" Ravar nods his head.
The emissary speaks to Yarkin and he responds: "I must see to this message. Find these two and bring them back."
Yarkin and the emissary went into the citadel. Inside there is a huge circular area with statues. They seem familiar to Atherak.
The emissary's eye becomes like a projector and he projects the image of Eternal Death.
Yarkin: "I await your instructions Master."
Eternal Death: "The time is coming when the aspects gather. Once again they seek to destroy and unbalance everything. I will not have this. I reign for true judgement.
Before all those that follow them, they will be tested within themselves. Will the aspects come running to sacrifice themselves for these beings?
Or will they stand aside as I kill them all? I have gathered 11. I need 2 more. You have some of these loyalists captured."
Yarkin nods in acknowledgement: "They are being tested right now in the pit. As all who seek to serve your will."
Eternal Death laughs: "Do you think they will seek to serve my will? They are playthings for the aspects. All those who follow them are just playthings for them. They will see that in the end. For the end is coming.
I serve true judgement. The aspects will not regain what they think they have lost. The ending of a cycle and beginning of a new. Their time has to an end and mine has just begun. It is time to set it in motion."
Yarkin acknowledges this in agreement.
Eternal Death: "You know what to do." Then the image fades.
Eric Small is there with the captives. He is Lycan shifter. Grey and white wolf. He looks like a shaman.
Gabe Dawson is also there. He has humanoid features, dragon-like ridges that go up his nose and front of his face. He has two small horns. His skin is greyish with a golden glitter to it. Long black hair. He also has a long black fu manchu. White eyes. Bat wings.
Blade OfSnow is there. She is a light elf with long golden hair. She has some rank. Possibly a captain.
In our citadels in the 3rd existence...
Adrian Djp is there. He is is a Jotunn. He is speaking to Lemniskarun about the infiltrating captives. His name is Forragin. He is a Jotunn General.
Lemniskarun: "This plan has come at a heavy cost already."
Lyindrinar: "200 lives already sacrificed for it."
This little group with Tulkas, Valeyta, Set, and the others went out and were meant to be caught. But these 13 captives are the only ones left alive. Except for the 2 escapees.
Lemniskarun: "I hope it is worth the price we have already paid."
Lyindrinar: "I believe more of us will sacrifice before this is through. I have this feeling inside me."
All of the conscripts including the captives have this obsidian thorn necklace locked around their necks. This disables their abilities.
Ashontrah got Tuberose. She is an interesting being. She keeps shrouding herself and changing her form.
Catherine Bates is an elemental nymph named Leontae. She is blue. She floats off the ground and flutters her wings as she moves.
She is speaking to Dolloiandea. Doumarae and Dolloiandea have been communicating with the citadels.
Dolloiandea: "Sister Leontae the primordial essence and core inside these citadels is ancient. So much here to understand of what came before most of ourselves. Sister keep a close eye on Asteria. I feel great doom looming over her."
Leontae: "I will not let any harm befall her."
At the pits...
Our captives are in cages above the circular pit. The slavers are gathering into the seats around the pit. Inside the pit are sharp dark purple crystals sticking out of the edges.
The slavers are spitting and poking at the cages.
There is a reptile slaver that is about 9 feet tall. He takes a spear and pokes at Ravar.
Slaver: "You are not worthy of any loyalty. You will die in the pit. You are all pathetic!"
Then he spits on Ravar. The slavers all laugh.
Reptile Slaver: "Look at this fish! He is nothing more than bait at the end of a hook."
Valeyta looks at the slaver: "Better than being somebody's pet iguana."
Reptile Slaver: "I don't know what an effing iguana is. But if you wish to insult me..."
He reaches through the bar and picks up Valeyta and knocks her back.
Reptile Slaver: "Anything else to say little one?"
Tenomachi stands up: "You will pay for that!"
Reptile Slaver laughs: "You have a good hide on you beast. I will be sure to make boots out of it after you die in the pit."
Eternal Death realizes that the aspect of Sadness is in that captive group. That is why they are alive. He wants to bring down the aspects. He thinks they keep messing up and should be done away with. He believes he can do judgement better than Atherak.
Yarkin has a very high position in the slavers guild. He worships Eternal Death. He believes Eternal Death is the new judgement.
Eternal Death set this all up. It is not about the Seven Houses winning. It is about punishing the aspects. He wants to destroy everything and kill all intelligent living beings.
Basically just leaving the animals. He believes the innocents who die during this will be automatically transcended and the rest will be punished.
He wants to put all the blame and fault on the aspects. That all the aspects should go to the borderlands.
He knows what aspect he is. He knows he is originally the Seed of Life but because of what Atherak did to him he is Eternal Death. He has known what he is for a very long time.
At our citadels in the 3rd existence...
Leontae: "Do you think they will come?"
Asteria: "My brothers will come because we will need them."
All the rest of our allies except those captured are at the citadels forming up in a tundra environment. There is a huge dry lake bed. Doumarae is placing everyone.
Eomeya: "I know it may seem like our plan will succeed, but you don't know my brother. You don't understand what he has become."
Doumarae: "No I don't. The only ones who understand are the aspects themselves."
Eomeya: "But some of them strive for the same thing my brother does."
Doumarae: "And what is that?"
Eomeya: "For the aspect that eludes them all."
Doumarae: "If it is the aspect I think you speak of I trust him to be more on our side. His Athernites are here. That speaks for itself."
Eomeya shakes her head: "Atherak holds no sides. He will not come."
Doumarae: "In our hour of need he will be here."
Eomeya shakes her head: "You will see."
Eomeya walks away and she is joined by Greywillow and Flamebeard.
Eomeya: "I must go see my sister. I believe she will understand. I can feel my brother's power how much it has grown."
She gets a vision and almost faints. Flamebeard catches her. Her eyes get nebula swirls in them and they change.
Greywillow: "What is it my dear? What do you see?"
Eomeya: "Death. Eternal Death. He moves now to stomp out the Light and Dark and reclaim the last two pieces."
Then Eomeya regains herself: "I must warn my sister. We must go now."
The Light Yiyl is gone. It got destroyed. Light beings got killed and the light there got absorbed. Eternal Death didn't find there what he was looking for.
Eternal Death has 11 but the last two puzzles are the keys with Hue. (Darren Bass)
When the light got destroyed the Void King Varidon dropped to his knees in pain. He felt it. He was with the Nether King Baradin.
Baradin: "What is wrong?"
Varidon: "There has been a disturbance between light and dark."
He wasn't in pain from becoming weaker, it was from him becoming stronger due to the weakening of light. It was overwhelming him. Varidon opens his eyes and darkness pours out.
Varidon and Baradin took their best warriors and left to go help the light beings.
Leontae is with Asteria...
Tuberose is screaming out hysterically from the sphere Ashontrah has her in. Asteria is holding her.
She keeps screaming: "He can walk on the outside. He will go claim what is his. None will stop him!"
Leontae: "What does this mean?"
Asteria: "Something terrible is coming."
At the pit...
There is a cage with all of the captives. It is lifted up and into the pit with a crane.
They also put a cage full of slaves lowered down into the pit. These slaves are planning to take the same loyalty oath. To them being a slaver is better than being a slave.
Yarkin is floating at a podium at the pit. He gives a command to his emissary. Its eye changes color and they hear an announcement voice.
Announcement: "Fellow brothers and sisters, conquerors of existences, look before you. There are those coming to claim loyalty. Well their loyalty shall be tested.
If they truly wish to join and be one of us then they must prove themselves with a sacrifice of blood and battle. Praise his name. May Eternal Death bless us for this offering."
The slavers in the crowd bow their head.
Announcement: "Let them prove their loyalty."
The cages in the pit open. The slaves from the other cage came running forward.
Gabe: "What do we do?"
Tulkas: "Yayentae just stay to the back. Stay behind us."
Amerriah: "What are you sensing Tulkas?"
Tulkas: "I am not completely sure but this is all part of something more sinister than we could possibly imagine."
The slaves are coming at our captives to fight.
Set: "Kind of a shame we have to kill them or be killed."
Valeyta: "We must do what we have to do in order for Ashontrah's plan to succeed."
They are fighting and are unable to use their abilities. Yayentae is at the back of the cage.
One of the slaves there has four arms and one eyeball, with a big mouth, short back legs and runs like an ape. He attacked Ravar and swatted him to the side.
Amerriah came out like a ninja and kicked the slave popping off his eyeball. He is screaming swinging at everyone.
Valeyta is on top of a slave and snaps his neck.
Set is standing calm with his arms crossed. A slave with blue skin and a white ponytail with a whole bunch of eyes with fang teeth rushes at him. Set side steps and trips him and the slave lands on a spike.
Set: "This was easier than I thought."
Pisch: "Why don't you try breaking a sweat for once?"
She is wrestling with a bird creature that has a reptilian head and big feathers.
Pisch flips her over and says: "Sorry bitch." Then breaks her beak and pulls it apart like a wishbone.
Rurxaxia is trying to avoid this really big greyish tan humanoid being with short ears and a big snout. He is about 9 feet tall and is trying to hit her.
She is moving around in her wisp form. He tries to smash her in his hands and cannot get her. Rurxaxia hits him in the eye and then the ear. He is swatting around.
Midorra is helping Tenomachi fight this big hairy being with a huge horn.
It is trying to go at her. They are fighting like animals. Jumping on each other and biting.
Tenomachi gets scratched by the horn. This slave is much bigger than him. It gets ready to pounce on Tenomachi. Midorra jumps on its back and rips its ear. The slave has pointed ears like a dog.
It reaches around and grabs Midorra and slams her to the ground. The slave goes to claw at her but she quickly moves away.
Valeyta: "Use the arena against them."
Set is standing looking at his fingernails.
Set: "Already figured that out."
Rurxaxia blinded the slave she was fighting. Ravar comes and and pushes him into a spike.
Tulkas grabs the big slave who was running like an ape. He grabs it by the hands and swings him around and he goes into a bunch of spikes and breaks them.
Tenomachi is on the back of that beast slave. Midorra is also on it biting at its throat.
Yayentae is at the back of the cage with his hands over his head: "This is all wrong. This is all wrong."
Our captives killed all the slaves. We won. The slavers are cheering.
Yarkin calms down the crowd by putting his hands in the air. He has the emissary project again.
Announcement: "They have passed the first test of proving their loyalty. Now for the final test. Lower them in."
A cage is picked up. It is filled with weak slaves and children. It is lowered down into the pit.
A slaver points at the cage: "A true test of loyalty!"
The cage opens. The slaves won't even come out. They are huddling in the back in fear. These are not aggressive beings.
Valeyta: "I will not be a part of this."
Set: "There comes to a point where enough is enough."
The captives all look at each other and then to Tulkas. He is the mission leader.
Tulkas: "Then let me go to my afterlife knowing that I was judged balanced of heart."
They decided they would rather die than kill those slaves. There is no action going on. The slavers are getting angry. The crowd is throwing things.
Emissary: "You should kill them now master or lose the loyalty of those who serve you."
Yarkin: "Just effing wait."
Pisch: "There is nothing that is going to get us out of this now."
Tenomachi: "I only wish to see my love for the last time before I die."
Valeyta: "And I as well wish to see my love."
From the perspective of the captives everything around them is getting blurry. Ravar starts to move but Tulkas stops him.
Ravar: "What is going on?"
Tulkas: "Wait."
Yayentae is still at the back of the cage. He is giggling and crying.
Yayentae: "My brother comes. My brother comes. Brother go home. You shouldn't be here. He will catch us."
Something is going on. Now they see an illusion of themselves running out there killing the weak slaves.
Tulkas: "Everyone stay still."
They hear a voice from the back...
Vustik: "That would be your best advice Vala. Let me do my work. I am an entertainer after all."
Pisch: "Vustik!"
Vustik: "Zip it and you may live to see the end of the day and accomplish Ashontrah's plan."
Tenomachi: "Just listen to him Pisch."
Yayentae shakes his head: "That's not me out there. That's not me out there."
Vustik looks over at him: "Ah brother, nothing changes with you."
The illusion makes it seem like they are killing those slaves savagely and gloating to the crowd. The slaver crowd is eating it up.
A slaver stand up and pounds his chest: "Now I can call them brother and sister!"
Emissary: "These beings are impressive. Especially these Avnomar."
Yarkin smacks him: "Do not tell me what I already know!"
Vustik says to the captives: "Well I better wrap this show up. You all need to get in your places. That means from here to there. Get moving!" He claps his hands.
Tulkas and Tenomachi have to pick Yayentae up because he is saying he won't go.
Pisch turns to Vustik: "Maybe I was wrong about you."
Vustik: "Oh you weren't wrong about me. Better take your place."
Pisch: "How will we find you?"
Vustik: "I'll be around."
They all take their places over there in the places of the illusion. Then the weird effect turns back to normal.
Yarkin calms the crowd again.
Yarkin: "You are one of us. Arise brothers and sisters."
They send down a platform and the captives all get on it. Yayentae might blow it for everyone. He is covering his ears and shaking his head.
Valeyta: "Just remain calm."
Valeyta and Amerriah are pulling down his arms to his sides and putting him in the middle.
There is also a light being here that is in the group but we have not identified her yet. Her name is Ryitia (Ree-Tia).
The little collars came off everyone as they were being raised up. Rurxaxia gets into her humanoid form. She gasps when she sees all the dead weak slaves.
Amerriah looks down at them: "Fucking Vustik."
Tulkas: "He did what he had to do. Thank Ashontrah it didn't have to be you nor I."
The platform is set outside the pit...
Ravar: "Alright everybody, get into character."
The slavers are shaking their hands and patting them on the back.
Slaver speaking about Yayentae: "What is wrong with this one?"
Pisch: "He was wounded badly from the fight before."
Slaver: "We have some of the best healers. Come and I will show you."
Reptile Slaver walks up to Valeyta...
Reptile Slaver: "The finest drink and pleasure slaves for my new sister here."
Valeyta walks up close to him. "Hmmm pleasure." She grabs underneath him and rips off one of his testicles.
He drops down to his knees.
Valetya: "If you ever put your fucking hands on me again."
She knees him in the jaw and he falls over. All the other slavers cheer for her.
Slaver: "I think we got a new captain!"
They are going to celebrate...
Tulkas in Elvish: "Remember to stick to the plan."
There is a big fish looking creature who came up to Ravar...
Fish slaver: "There are some fine lakes here I would like to show you that we could bathe in." He is flirting with Ravar.
Ravar: "I will come along."
Rurxaxia: "I will go with you."
They are all striving to stay in character. They are immersed in the slaver culture.
Tulkas sits down with a high commander. He looks like a Jotunn with all onyx black skin and stark white hair, white eyes, and red tattoos.
Tulkas: "I am new here and I want to learn. I am a leader. I don't wish to run among the foot soldiers. That is why I am here to see you. Tell me, how does all this work? How does one gain favor?"
High Commander: "There is the slaver board which is ran by the Arniyx. Then there are the investors which are the seven houses. Then there are the industries ran by each member of the board. Yarkin is on the board. Each on the board has an army which is called an industry."
Tulkas: "Tell me more."
High Commander: "Since Gorvag is gone Yarkin has become the highest grosser. He is trying to become the chairman of the board. He serves the great master."
Tulkas: "The great master?"
High Commander: "You will soon know if you are truly a loyal brother."
He pulls down his armor on his left shoulder and it shows a thothilssin symbol branded into him.
Yarkin tells his emissary: "Bring these new brothers and sisters to me. I wish to speak to them. But let them have their fun first. See to their every need." The emissary nods.
Yarkin goes into his great hall. There are other beings like the eyeball being. They are projecting images of the board and representatives of the seven houses.
Board: "It is good that you finally join us for this meeting."
Gorvag's sister: "We are ready to move."
Kammakay: "I want my citadel back! They killed my daddy! I am going to make them pay!"
Gorvag's sister: "Shut your mouth!" Kammakay cowers down.
Gorvag's sister to Yarkin: "You waste our time. We are ready to crush them now. We need the slave conscripts. You promised that they would be ready."
Yarkin: "They are ready. If you would pay attention to this instead of what you are stuffing into your mouth. I await my master's instructions."
Eternal Fire: "Yes but the time has come now."
Yarkin: "If you decide to make a move now you will lose. Have you not seen the Athernites that are there with them?"
Eternal Fire: "I fear them not. Especially Dolloiandea. I will stomp her flame out. I do not fear them."
Yarkin: "And when the other aspects come to their aid? Then what will you do?"
Eternal Darkness and Eternal Light: "Who? Ashoweah? Biariat? Vauxskrin? Mientian? Their aspects of Light and Dark? They will never show."
Yarkin: "One of them already has. Wait until my master recollects what is his. Then we will have a weapon that not even the aspects can stop."
Gorvag's sister: "Well your master needs to hurry!"
Yarkin: "Hold your tongue you pathetic unbreedable slag. My master makes his move soon. Stay where you are. Watch and understand why he is the true aspect above all."
Eomeya goes to see Asteria...
She enters the room and they both have the same vision at the same time. They see Eternal Death ripping into the outside of existence and grabbing Hue and Juleen. They see him and he has the Atheron key in his hands. It is overwhelming.
Eomeya: "We must go to them."
Asteria: "There is nothing we can do now."
Usula comes to Asteria and Eomeya...
Usula: "Did you see it? Did you feel it?"
Asteria and Eomeya nod their heads.
Usula: "Do you know what this means?"
Asteria: "Eternal Death will gain the last two pieces and he will kill them all."
Eomeya: "I wish Ashontrah was here but she is not yet reformed. So it is up to us now sisters to stand against this until Ashontrah comes."
Usula: "But I bring a message that we are not alone. Come with me."
Leontae: "May I come?"
Usula: "Yes. Your teacher is already there and she awaits us."
Leontae, Eomeya, and Asteria follow Usula. They go into a room inside the citadel where they knew no one else was there.
There are three robed figures standing there.
Eomeya: "And who are these? I feel almost whole again."
Asteria: "Welcome brothers."
One of them: "Sisters you do not stand alone. Eternal Death wills to undo it all. Through all our deeds and all our unjust we must come together."
He takes off his hood and it is Ashoweah. The others take off their hoods and it is Vustik and Mono Baphomet.
Newly introduced...
Catherine - Elemental Nymph Leontae
Eric - Varekrin a Lycan shifter
Gabe - Yayentae the aspect Sadness
Forragin a Jotunn General.
Blade OfSnow - Light elf with long golden hair. She has some rank. Possibly a captain.
Tuberose - Interesting being. She keeps shrouding herself and changing her form.
There is also a female light being we have not yet identified who is in the group. She is a light realm champion.
To be continued in part two...