Demi-Aspects Part Three

This includes Kaderell, Shaderell, Pisch, Ravar, Himeros, and has the epic story of Tenomachi.
Kaderell Demi-Aspect of Juleen and Ashoweah...
Kaderell is the brother of Shaderell. They are both Demi-Aspects.
Ashontrah: "Kaderell what is your relation with Shaderell?"
Kaderell: "We grew up as half-brothers. Shaderell had killed our mother."
Ashontrah: "But that was not your real mother. You are a Demi-Aspect."
Kaderell: "Then who am I? What is so missing from my past?"
Ashontrah: "The mother you had was a caretaker. You were brought to her by Berikin who is a trusted servant of your father Ashoweah. He brought both you and Shaderell to her."
Kaderell: "This is a lot for me to take in. Who is my mother?"
Ashontrah: "Juleen is your mother and Hue is Shaderell's mother. This explains why your personalities are so different. You both have Ashoweah as your father. Shaderell born the light and Kaderell born the dark."
Ashontrah: "Your incarnation has questions for you but it seems it is me who needs to provide the answers."
Kaderell: "I would be most grateful if you did."
Q1. What are your aspects?
Ashontrah: "You have the power of darkness but you also hold some of Ashoweah in you. You can focus these two. This keeps you more balanced than Shaderell. You do not have the extreme of Ashoweah overriding because you understand the balance of darkness."
Q2. What should I do to connect with you?
Kaderell: "I am trying to figure this out but there is a connection that I will make soon."
Ashontrah: "Juleen will be able to help you with this. As you are able to get more in touch with who you are and where you came from this will be easier for you. You may even want to visit your father."
Q3. What do you really think about Shaderell?
Kaderell: "I am not sure what to think about him now that we are both Demi-Aspect brothers of the same father. I do not trust him. We will see what happens."
Q4. Why can't I remember your parents at all?
Kaderell: "I cannot remember my parents but I feel whoever this servant of Ashoweah is may have done something to erase our memory of them. I feel the answer to that question leads back to the servant Berikin."
Ashontrah: "When you were born Ashoweah took you both away from a not-so-conscious Hue and Juleen. He gave you to his servant. The servant cast something over you both. Then you were given to the caretaker mother. She was instructed to feed you both something while you were young."
Kaderell: "Why would he want to keep this secret?"
Ashontrah: "There are some answers you are going to have to get directly from your father."
Pisch Demi-Aspect of Ashontrah and Ashoweah...
Pisch had grown up thinking that her mother was Yisch and her father was Ashrae.
Ashontrah: "After getting my memories back from Thrax I searched through to find my memory of my daughter...
I place her as a baby inside a clam shell and hold it in my arms as I rise above the Eternal Sea.
I go towards the Veil Mist and it parts for me. I go where it is very stormy. The waves are raging. There is a crashing of water and wind. I walk through it carrying the clam shell.
I walk towards great cliffs. There is a whirlwind of great wind. I go towards the shore. The wind blows strong and the waves are crashing.
There is a female figure at the shore. She raises her arms and the winds calm. I raise the clam shell high and the waves calm. I meet this female on the shoreline. I give her the clam shell.
This must be another place. These great winds do not match where our current ones are. This is not Yisch it is another female.
This is a place of great wind but it is different. These are connecting winds to the Eternal Sea.
After I leave the female looks inside the clam shell and sees a baby. She takes her to her home for a while but there is also some kind of turmoil.
The female seems fearful that someone is approaching. She wraps the baby up and starts to flee. There are dark figures chasing her.
She runs toward where the great wind is over the sea. The baby is crying. This female casts the baby into the wind right before she is struck down. The baby vanishes into the great wind.
The baby is alone wrapped inside a cloth. She comes to the other side of this great wind. This is near a shore with great cliffs.
She is tossed around on the raging sea but she does not sink. She floats to the shore where there is a robed figure.
This figure is a male. He picks up the baby and recognizes some kind of energy that connects where she came from.
He takes her to his dwelling and cares for her for some time. This is where the memory ends. The male was a keeper of the great winds."
Ashontrah: "I realized I have a memory of Ravar and also of the Erotes. They may help connect the dots between my children. I am going to look at them...
Ravar is older than Pisch. He was watching over and guiding her while she was floating on the Eternal Sea. He is in the waves looking onward at her with the robed figure at the shore.
He is also watching over at her while she travels on the Eternal Sea as a young girl. This is after she was with the keeper of great winds for a while.
He guides her on the Eternal Sea though she does not fully realize it. He never got too close. He was watching over her as an older brother.
That is not all the memory I have of Ravar. He was there as I was formed as Aphrodite and came out of the Eternal Sea. He was watching from off in the distance.
He could feel me when I was trapped inside the void prison. He felt my moment of capture and it changed him. The waters he was in froze to ice.
When he was frozen in the ice he saw a horrible beast moving beyond him. It may have been a representation of the void monster. Ravar was also there when I was formed as Astarte and Asherah.
The Erotes memory starts with me and the twins inside the Eternal Sea. There is a sadness there with us. I spent the most time with these two children in my forms.
The Erotes arose with me again form the sea when I came as Aphrodite. I have represented myself many times with them in many forms.
Eros always wanted to listen more to my words while Himeros would go a little bit astray.
Eros always seemed to pay more mind to what I was saying. He followed my instructions more and would serve as my messenger. He would love to spend long hours brushing my hair.
Eros would find comfort in this. I would tell him stories of places I have been and people I have met. He was always fascinated with my stories.
He would also take comfort with me when we would both experience love. The love between others, partners, family, parents and children. We would watch other beings and their love and we would enjoy it.
I always strived to keep Himeros from straying too far. Himeros was led more by desire while Eros more by love.
Makes sense because in mythology they are Eros (Love) and Himeros (Desire).
Eros is also Anteros. While Himeros is also Pothos. There are only two Erotes. They are twins. It seems Himeros got a bit more of Vustik while Eros got more of me."
Six Questions for Pisch...
Q1. What are my aspects?
Pisch: "I am not quite sure. I know it goes beyond the wind and frost that I have been part of since I was a baby. I want to know who I truly am deep down inside me. What am I?"
Ashontrah: "You have been associated with wind but you are the child of Ashontrah and Ashwoeah. You are quite balanced between us though sometimes you sway more to one side than the other.
From me you have desire, love, and overcoming. Rising up to meet challenges. From Ashoweah you have anger and cruelty.
When you absorb from others this was because of what you have from him. It is your part of me that keeps you from taking everything. You have control over it now."
Q2. Why did I come from a Water Lily?
Ashontrah: "A water lily is what lured me to Ashoweah to conceive you. It showed up at the Eternal Sea. I smelled it and it had an intoxicating scent. This is when Ashoweah and I were together to make you."
Q3. More of my pregnancy and birth with you...
Ashontrah: "The pregnancy caused me great difficulty because it was draining to me. I tried to counter-balance it. Ashoweah was there when you were born. He gave me the clam shell to place you in.
Ashoweah had to be there when you were born in order to balance out the birth. It would have been too dangerous otherwise. I am not sure why he had to be there for your birth but it was not required for all of his children. It was only required for you."
Pisch: "I wonder why.. I wonder if that means over time I could develop more aspects over time from either side."
Ashontrah: "Not more aspects but yes to more power within them. You may have more traits from us that I did not list. That is just what I am aware of at this moment. You could have any combination traits from us. Like when a child is born and they get some of each parent."
Q4. What advice could you give for me to become everything I am in the spiritual to physical as quick as possible? And what can I do?
Pisch: "I need to discover the full potential of what I can do. Knowing that I have traits from both Ashontrah and Ashoweah who are two of the most powerful beings to exist and even not exist.
I am their daughter. I want to bring it to my physical. They are both here in the physical. Ashontrah and Ashoweah are bringing their power here. I want to as well. There is a way. I need to keep focusing. I will visit my father."
Q5. How can I improve my senses to make things easier?
Pisch: "I need to drink the water of the Eternal Sea. I need to immerse myself within in. I need to go back to where I started. I feel that I will find something there that will help the senses."
Q6. What is the original name I was born with?
Ashontrah: "The name we gave you at birth is Asheahwah (Ah-She-Ah-Wah)."
Ashontrah: "I went to see Riovo outside existence and he gave me a lot of knowledge about my past and my children.
Conception of the twins Eros and Himeros with Vustik...
I am half-clothed singing and dancing through a forest. Vustik is following and watching me but remains unnoticed.
I come down to a shore with a lagoon. I see golden water. This is part of the Eternal Sea. I remove the rest of my clothing and swim in the water.
Vustik changes into a different form into something like an elegant serpent. He slithers into the water.
I notice there is a serpent in the water but it is very calm and I don't feel threatened by him.
The serpent comes up from the water looking at me. I swim with him for a while. He shows me many wondrous things. When I am underwater he puts on a great luminescent display of colors.
I then begin to feel connected with the serpent. I swim with him more and more and his body wraps around me. I stare into his eyes and kiss it on the top of the face. He forms into a humanoid form. We sink beneath the waves.
When I awaken later I am on the shore. I feel different as if it were a dream. It was such a beautiful moment. I had conceived the twins Eros and Himeros with Vustik under the waves.
Conception of Ravar with the Veil Keeper...
I am walking on top of the Eternal Sea. The Veil Mist surrounds me and I can feel eyes watching me.
Some of the mist from the veil breaks away and forms into shapes that entertain and fascinate me. This continues for some time. Then song come from the mist and I start singing with them.
The music becomes louder and I am drawn into the mist. I find a figure made of mist there. This is the Veil Keeper.
We embrace and mist wraps around us both. We conceived Ravar. The music still plays here in the mist over the waters."
Tenomachi Demi-Aspect of Great Mother and Great Father...
This starts with Great Father wandering robed ragged and grey. He is on world that seems to have been decimated.
A white raven lands on his shoulder and speaks to him. He replies 'Tell her not to worry. I will return soon. I am just following the hunt.'
Great Father is wandering and getting closer to where he hears thousands of loud shrieks as if beasts were in pain. He climbs over the top of the hill and before his eyes he sees many of the Savage Gods impaled. Down below he witnesses two figures. He recognizes them and starts his approach.
The one figure that is standing and controlling the impalement coils is Eternal Death. The other figure is kneeling with his back toward Great Father. He is looking at something. Great Father recognizes him as Atherak.
Great Father says 'Very well my son.'
Atherak says 'I am where I need to be Father. These savage ones brought me here.'
Great Father notices that Atherak is standing over a beast where half the body is torn away. It shrieking and painfully suffering. It is a beautiful beast in the shape of the wolf but with six eyes. Powerful jaws, beautiful coloration.
Dark deep purples and blacks shining and shimmering silver. But it is covered in deep purple goo. That is its blood. It was suffering.
It was slaughtered as the savage gods came through reaping the land. Little did they know that right behind them Atherak and Eternal Death were there.
Great Father says 'It suffers much my son and yet I see something within you.' He places his hand on Atherak's shoulder.
Atherak says 'It reminds me of one long ago that I had. This beast as it suffers. This natural one torn away by these savage bastard offspring.'
Atherak then puts his head down close to the beast. The beast whimpers as it suffers.
Atheraks says 'Be at peace now natural one. Run among the free.' He places his hand on the beasts head and there is snap as he frees the beast from its suffering.
The savage gods are still shrieking in pain. Atherak rises.
Great Father looks around at the impaled savage gods and says 'So it has come to this my son. The hunt will continue on then.'
Atherak says 'I hunt what your Aspects have created. I hunt what they have destroyed. Naturals and sentials alike. Yes Father, the hunt will continue.'
With that Atherak raises his hand and coils come from them and pierce within to the savage gods. Destroying their cores and burning them to ash.
Atherak says 'Come Death. We must continue.'
Atherak and Eternal Death slowly walk away. Father speaks over his shoulder 'There will come a time my son where judgement will end.'
Atherak says 'Yes Father there will come a time, but that time is not now.'
Great Father kneels down at the body of the natural wolf beast. He picks it up. The beast forms into a ball of energy and he places it into his robe.
He says to the raven on his shoulder 'Tell Mother I have found our son Atherak. I have seen what he has been doing. Tell her I am coming home. Tell her that Father needs to be comforted.'
Great Father comes through a mist into an overgrown forest. Very thick and deep woods. He wanders through them.
A black raven joins him by his side and greets him. He touches it under the beak and acknowledges it.
Father says 'Thank you for the welcome home my friend. I see your brother has not yet returned.'
The raven flies from his shoulder and forward to what appears to be a hollowed out tree. But it is a home with a door carved of wood. Father raises his hand to the door.
Inside is a small cozy comfortable dwelling. Father begins to walk. He is tired and weary. He has wood carvings of different beasts that aid him. One takes his walking stick, another his robe, another larger one pushes up his favorite chair.
He sits and says 'Ahhh it has been a day and such a time. Thank you my friends for welcoming me home.'
There is a small table next to the chair. Father picks up two small carved wooden figures. He whittles on them more and says 'One day my two little friends you shall go forth and see all of time.' He places the figures back down.
He has his robe brought to him. He reaches into the pocked and pulls out the orb of light he got from the beast earlier.
He notices the white raven fly in and land on a perch next to the black raven. He smiles and looks down at the small ball of light.
Great Father then feels hands upon his shoulders and hears a voice.
Great Mother says 'You seem weary old Father. You have traveled hard and long. Tell me, what have you discovered. What has our Atherak been up to?"
Great Father says 'He has been doing what needs to be done. Although there are moments when I think and feel inside him he wishes that things were different.'
Great Mother asks 'Things were different?'
Great Father says 'I found him today. He had found the savage ones. I will not describe to you Mother what his punishment was for them.'
Great Mother says 'Yes Father. You can spare me the details. I have felt different in many things since Atherak was given the aspect of judgment from us.'
Father reaches his hand up and places it on Mother's hand. He says 'It was our will Mother. It was our will'
Great Mother looks down at the ball of light in his hands and asks 'What is this Father?'
Great Father says 'When I found Atherak he was over a beast that seemed to be devoured by the savage ones. The beast was dying. Atherak ended his misery. But for a moment within him I sensed something. An inner sadness. When he was gone I retrieved the beast's ascending soul. For reasons I don't know Mother but I have brought it here.'
Mother reaches down and picks up the light from Father's hand and places it on his chest. The light absorbs within him. She then embraces him and puts her arms around him.
Great Mother says 'Come Father. Come lay with me. Let us be close together in comfort in such times.'
Great Father says 'At the moment there is nothing more that I would want or ask.'
Great Father stands up and retrieves his robe. He heads to the door of the of the dwelling. He opens it and there is a brilliant light. He steps into it. This was the moment of Tenomachi's conception.
The vision continues. Great Father relaxes comfortably on his chair with his feet up on his stool.
There are his wooden carved beast creatures around him. He stretches and notices something crawling underneath his robe. He looks down and sees what appears to be a small beast.
Yet is more humanoid like. The beast looks up at him with big black eyes. Father looks down and smiles 'So you are what is new of me and Mother. You are very unique.'
He picks the small humanoid beast up and holds him up high. 'Very unique indeed.' The beast changes shape and becomes more bird like. He tries to flutter a bit but falls. Father catches him in both his hands.
Great Father is surprised at this. 'I see Mother has made you very unique among the natural ones.' He places him on the floor. The carved wooden beasts gather around him. He lets out a little howl sound. He had shifted back into his wolf-like form.
The wooden carved beast look at each other. They are excited and curious about this new companion. Father looks down and smiles. He is happy with this.
A little bit of time goes by. Great Father leaves the young Tenomachi with his other wooden beasts and his ravens at times. They play with him and teach him many things.
Tenomachi is a bit older now and more child-like. He follows Father around the forest. Learning and seeing the other beasts and taking upon their shapes.
Young Tenomachi was known by a different name Yafaowin (Yah-Fay-Oh-Win).
Great Father tells him of the many different existences and the time of great judgment. These are stories that Yafaowin falls asleep to at night.
Yafaowin falls asleep dreaming of the stories of Father in vivid detail. Sometimes he has nightmare. He sees the suffering of the time before the great judgment.
When he does this he shapeshifts and changes into a different type of beast.
Time goes by and Yafaowin grows. He is more like a young man. He comes in from the forest and sees Father sitting there holding something in his hand. It looks like a wooden branch.
Yafaowin asks 'Father how have you been? I have been searching all over the forest for you and you have been here. Is there something the matter Father?'
Great Father says 'No there is nothing the matter. Nothing troubles me. I am just feeling a bit sad.'
Yafaowin asks 'Sad? Why Father? Is there something I have done to sadden you?'
Great Father replies 'No it is nothing you have done. It is what you must do now that saddens me. You must go now through the mist and make your way among the existences. You are part of the natural ones.
In the times that are coming you will understand more why. Now go my son and take this branch. This will help guide you through the mist. This will help recognize you among all natural ones.'
Yafaowin makes his way through the mist. He enters into a land with large trees, deep forest, and great running rivers. Here he runs wild among the natural ones learning their ways.
He doesn't have too much contact with sential beings. He chooses to remain more among the natural ones. The little contact he does have with sential beings is only brief.
If there is any slight notice of sense of fear or danger he will stay away from them. Shifting into any natural one form that he can to avoid detection.
One time when he is out on a run he hears something upon the wind. The cries and screams of sential beings.
Yafaowin catches the hint of smoke and blood on the air. He smells deep and takes off running while listening and smelling.
He comes to a place of sential beings screaming. He knows this place well but has never entered himself. He has watched these beings from afar.
This city is ablaze and many are dead. There are other creatures there that Yafaowin does not recognize. They hold no scent. No smell of blood. They appear to be made of bone.
He watches them as they gather up many of the sential beings trying to flee. Also the ones not trying to put up a fight. They are gathering them in to steel-type cages of twisted metal.
Then Yafaowin sees another being. A darker shaped being. More looming and powerful. His scent is definetly clear to Yafaowin. It is apparent this being has great power and there is the scent of death on him.
Yafaowin watches as this being releases coils from his hands. They appear to be like tentacles. They pierce into the beings inside the cages and they burn to ash. This being is Eternal Death.
When he is done Eternal Death turns his head to the forest where Yafaowin is watching from. He points and says a command in a language that Yafaowin does not understand. The bone creatures turn and run towards him.
Yafaowin decides it is best to flee seeing as he is outnumbered. He runs and then he shifts so he can fly as the bone creatures catch up to his pace.
He takes off into the air but he is entangled by a net which brings him to the ground. When Yafaowin regains himself he is surrounded by the bone creatures.
He shifts into a larger shape. A bigger greater beast. More powerful. This rips through the net that he is in and he prepares to make his last stand.
He notices these bone creatures stop. They stand at attention and do not move. Then Yafaowin catches the scent of death again on the air.
He sees Eternal Death coming forward. Yafaowin growls and lets out a loud roar. This does not frighten Eternal Death who comes face to face with him.
Young Yafaowin feels his body tense up as he cannot move. Frozen as if he were stone. It is not fear that has made him tense and frozen but something else.
He notices with his eyes that there are two strange objects floating in a circular pattern around this death being.
Eternal Death looks him in the eyes and for a moment Yafaowin feels fear down to his very core. As if he can feel his time is at an end.
As he stares into the death being's eyes he sees something. It is an image and another image. He notices other beings that seem to be impaled. There is the being Death itself but there is another that is kneeling.
Then Yafaowin notices the image of Father who has wandered into the vision in the eyes of this death being.
Eternal Death's eyes start to glow brightly and it momentarily blinds young Yafaowin. When he opens them again he notices that the death being is walking away with his bone creatures.
When they are out of sight he feels the frozen tension of his body release. He regains himself and returns back deep into the forest.
Since then he has come to new existences in the form of beasts. The natural ones. But he is part natural one and part sential. Part of Great Father and Great Mother. This is Yafaowin. Now known as King Tenomachi.
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