Demi-Aspects Part One

I go to see Thrax. He has my hidden memories back from when I was the Beautiful Voice.
Thrax: "She comes. She comes. She comes. Can I go? She calls. She calls."
Xarsha: "You may go to her. You have something that belongs to her."
Thrax: "I did. I kept. I lived. I died. I kept."
Xarsha: "Then go then."
Thrax: "Mother call. I come."
Ashontrah: "Give me your hands." I cannot bring it all the way out.
Thrax: "I help. I help mother. I kept safe. I can get."
He steps back a little. Thrax: "Might hurt some." He forms into the obsidian stone. It vibrates and shatters.
It is a blue pink sphere. Ashontrah takes it in her left hand.
Thrax: "I hurt. Mother help."
Ashontrah waves her hand and he is put back together.
Ashonrah: "Than you Thrax."
Thrax: "I did good. I kept."
Ashontrah: "You have done good. Return to Xarsha."
Thrax: "Myrrdonite not your enemey."
Ashontrah: "I know."
Thrax: "Help others understand."
Ashontrah stands in the borderlands. She thought she heard Arku's voice... "When you find yours you will find theirs."
Ashontrah: "Where are you?"
Arku's voice: "I am nowhere. I am everywhere. I am like what you hold in your hand. I am a memory. I am with you always."
Shaderell, Vustik, and Hue had a meeting...
Vustik has convinced Hue to come to a meeting by saying that they both knew it was the right thing to do to put the Atheron key somewhere to protect it.
Hue discovered that Shaderell is a Demi-Aspect of Light.
Shaderell: "Not surprising mother."
Hue: "When have you deserved to call me mother? Sneaky. Cut-throating your way to where you are. If you are an demi-aspect of myself then I have put too much fate in the light."
Hue turns to Vustik...
Hue: "And you brother. Bringing me here as if I were a fool. You are the Lord of Lies. You don't want what I want. You want it for yourself."
Hue stands up: "I am afraid you have wasted not only my time, but yours. I will retrieve the Atheron key and the aspect of judgement. I will keep it away from all of you even if I have to do it on my own. None of us should hold the aspect of judgement. I am not as blind as many think."
Then Hue leaves.
Shaderell: "Fuck!"
Vustik: "Calm down. It is not like she is the only aspect of Light and Dark. We will see how the other feels about our offer."
Shaderell: "I see where you are going with this."
Vustik is looking at something in his hand....
Vustik: "It seems that the sibling rivalry hasn't really stopped." They are spying through an orb...
Ashoweah and Mono are having an argument...
Ashoweah: "We must bring our other brothers and sisters together. As many of them as we can. I must have it. Go gather our siblings and bring them here."
Mono: "I don't think so. I am tired of being your dog. You may be an aspect, but so am I. If anyone should hold judgement it is I. To keep it away from ones like you. You are no better than Eternal Death. It is coming back to me now. It has all been coming back to me. Many of us aspects are at fault for what Eternal Death became. But it was you. You were the cause of it. It was you who corrupted her."
Ashoweah: "You need to forget your petty crush." Talking about Eomeya.
Mono: "I will not let you harm her again. If you go for the Atheron key you will find me there and we can settle it then brother."
Nummandor: "What shall we do now?"
Ashoweah: "I don't need him. I have others. There are other siblings who may see my way. I will go to them soon enough. They must understand that only I can protect the Atheron key and judgement itself."
Nummandor: "Where are you going to start?"
Ashoweah: "I need to talk to my little sister. There is dissention growing within the Light and the Dark. My other siblings will try to take advantage of this. The creations of the aspects, the first born." Referring to the Demi-Aspects.
Ashoweah: "I will gather them to me. As I am sure my siblings will also gather them to their sides. The one who holds judgement in the end is the one who will bring true balance."
Something is thrown at Ashoweah and hits him in the shoulder. He hears a laugh. He turns and sees the aspect of Happiness.
Hapiness: "Oh my siblings. I almost feel bad that you all didn't invite me. Tsk tsk tsk. I feel so sad. No, not really." Then he laughs.'
Ashoweah: "What are you doing here?"
Happiness: "I wanted to join all the family fun. Watching Father all day is BORING. But entertaining at times. He is getting so old. He cannot even whittle anymore. But I laugh every time. I have watched what you all did helping our dear brother find himself."
He comes to the side of Ashoweah and puts an arm around him and pulls him close.
Happiness: "Everyone is so angry. So upset. Why can't we all just be happy? You know... enjoy a joke or two. Laugh together. Like we used to."
Ashoweah pushes him away and Happiness laughs.
Ashoweah: "You are the joke."
Happiness: "Don't be so upset brother. Angry all the time. I am here to help you. Let me talk to our siblings. You want some of them to see the way you see? Let me talk to them. They all enjoy my company. Except for you. But I will make you laugh yet. You will SMILE brother!"
Ashoweah: "Help me? Maybe you just get your wish."
Happiness claps his hands in excitement.
Happiness: "Good good good. Something to do. Something to do. I was getting so BORED brother. But leave it to my siblings to bright up things. Make them more exciting again. This is much more fun than watching Father."
Ashoweah: "Yes fun. It will be a lot more fun if you help me out."
Happiness claps again: "Oooh what can I do? I cannot wait! I am going now. You won't be disappointed. See you soon dear brother."
Hue came back to Juleen...
Juleen: "You didn't promise him anything did you?"
Hue: "I gave that liar nothing. It looks like we stand alone. You and I."
Juleen: "We can try to go to the others."
Hue: "You still don't understand. They all wish to possess it for themselves. What will they do?"
Juleen: "But not all of them. Let's go to our sisters and speak to them."
Hue: "They stood by and did nothing. I don't think they have what is right in mind. I believe our sisters are still in shock at the moment and it has clouded their better judgement. You know as well as I that no aspect. None of us should hold judgement."
Juleen: "Then come with me and explain that to them."
Hue: "No. It is time that I take action. If I have to do it with or without you."
Juleen: "Hue. Please." Hue leaves.
Juleen is upset...
Juleen hears a laugh and two arms come and touch her on the shoulders.
Happiness: "Don't cry little sister. Don't be so dark. You are light. Smile. Remember, I always used to make you laugh."
He holds out a flower. It forms up and the petals come together and make a fart noise. Juleen chuckles.
Happiness: "There. You see? Don't worry about Hue. She just has to blow off some steam. But I heard everything you were saying. I will go with you. I will convince our sisters that you and Hue are right. Come on. Will you PLEASSEEE?"
She chuckles because he is acting like a clown.
Happiness fake cries: "If you don't I will turn into our brother and become super sad. Boo hoo everything is gloomy. I am so sad. Can I come with you PLEAASEEE?"
Juleen: "Yes I would love to have you with me. All the feminine have always enjoyed your humor. You have always made us smile."
Happiness gleefully claps his hands: "This will be so FUN!" He grabs Juleen by hand and makes a farting noise when he steps. "You hear that sister? Am I stepping on frogs?"
He does another fart noise. "There are frogs in here. All over the ground. I am squishing them. Don't let me squish the little froggies sister."
Juleen is laughing. He finally stops and says: "Come on." They leave.
The female Light Champion meets up with Hue...
Hue: "And are you still with me?"
Light Champion drops to her knees: "I have always served you my King and I always will. There are others who will stand beside you."
A mist forms around them. The Veil Keeper arrives.
Veil Keeper: "You are right dear sister. The power of Atherak, the aspect of judgement must be kept safe. I will help you sister. There are others who will. But come, there is something you must remember. Something I must show you."
Veil Keeper takes Hue into the Veil Mist. He takes Hue to this table.
Veil Keeper: "Do you like the human game of chess?"
Hue: "I know of it. Never taken overwhelming liking to it."
Veil Keeper: "Then will you humor me sister and play a game with me?"
Hue agrees and they sit at the table.
The Veil Keeper explained the Vustik was saying.
Veil Keeper: "There are demi-aspects and they are closer than you think. Think of it as a game of chess. Everything the Aspects have done throughout time is like that game."
He picks up a Knight.
Veil Keeper: "These are the demi-aspects. Like the pieces we have positioned them throughout time. But unlike the other aspects, you were connected with Atherak's puzzle for a long time. You know the power within them. That power is now within the Atheron key. You know it can corrupt other beings who are not aspects."
Hue: "This is why Xarsha should not have it. It will corrupt him."
Veil Keeper: "In time yes. Xarsha is a demi-aspect made by Father but he is not the only one. We have friends sister. Friends that see what you and I see.
We know that the Atheron key can corrupt even the strongest of wills. We know that none can hold it. We have allies who see as we do. Xarsha may be one of the demi-aspects of time but he is not the only one."
Xiaria steps forward from the mist. Hue recognizes who she is.
Hue: "And do you agree with us?"
Xiaria: "I knew Xarsha once but we have been apart in time for so long. The light that once burned inside him has been dead for just as long. I fear for him and I want to save him. I will help you."
Veil Keeper makes a move on the chess board. Hue is putting it all together what is going on. She feels there is something here that can help her.
Hue: "But who else will stand with us?"
Veil Keeper: "There are others. I will let them speak for themselves."
Nether King Baradin: "I stand with you. I have seen the way power can corrupt."
He is speaking about Euravasiah.
Baradin: "I have watched the innocents die and suffer. You are right Hue. You are a Great King. Such power should belong to no one. It should be kept safe as you and the Veil Keeper see. I stand with you."
Hue: "Then there is someone else I must go see."
She makes a move on the chess board and takes of the Veil Keeper's pieces. The Veil Keeper looks at his next move.
Veil Keeper: "That's is it sister. You realize now what I meant when I said they are close."
He makes his next move and takes one of Hue's pieces. Hue looks at the chess board.
Hue: "Then I must seek out the demi-aspect of Darkness. I must go to the Void. I must speak to him."
She makes her chess move.
Veil Keeper: "He will be with you. He will understand. But make haste sister. For our siblings Ashoweah, Vustik, and Baphomet have already begun to make their moves. You must act now before it is too late."
Then Veil Keeper check mates Hue on the chess board. Hue stands up and gets ready to leave. Baradin is going with her.
Hue: "Where will I find you again?"
Veil Keeper: "I will be here waiting."
He opens up a mist and Hue and Baradin go through it.
Ashontrah: "Tulkas you are the last unknown aspect. This is why you could not be burned away. Tulkas is pairs with Baphomet."
I have matched up some of you with who you are a child to...
Tuberose with Asteria and Great Father.
Rurxaxia with Asteria and Thoth.
Leontae with Asteria and Thoth.
Midrorra with Great Mother and Tulkas.
Dolloiandea with Usula and Ashoweah.
Set with Usula and Vustik.
Melkor with Usula and Baphomet.
Pisch with Ashontrah and Ashoweah.
The Erotes Himeros and Eros with Ashontrah and Vustik.
Valeyta with Ashontrah and Tulkas.
Ravar with ?? and Veil Keeper
Moidaybe with Eomeya and Great Father.
Tenomachi with Great Mother and Great Father.
Blade OfSnow with Juleen and Baphomet. Her name is Boientae.
Shaderell with Hue and Ashoweah.
Just as Achilles was a Demi-God which made him far more than a man. Demi-Aspects are on a much higher level. Demi-Aspect is already more powerful than Divine.
They are the rank directly below the Aspects themselves on the scale.
Darren: "But they are presumably more numerous than the Aspects right?"
Ashontrah: "Yes they are. They are basically our children."
When an Aspect has a child with a different kind of being it does not produce a Demi-Aspect. Two Aspects must come together to make a Demi-Aspect.
Pisch: "So just like a Demi-god could a Demi-Aspect match up to their parent Aspects? Over time getting stronger?"
Ashontrah: "They have traits of both. Not sure about the over time becoming stronger unless they were unlocking something that was dormant."
Set: "Are the Demi Aspects also eternal in this way?"
Ashontrah: "Just as a Demi-God may be killed so can a Demi-Aspect."
Darren: "Are Demi-aspects of any significance to the balance of Existence? Like how Hue and Juleen are over Light and Dark, would Shaderell be over Light too?"
Ashontrah: "They play a role but they do not replace the aspects."
Eomeya: "Is there always a reason behind creating a Demi-Aspect?"
Ashontrah: "I guess you could relate that to any reason parents would have a child."
Pisch: "Do Demi-Aspect's have their own symbol?"
Ashontrah: "As far as a symbol, I am not sure about that.
If you did have one it would be some sort of mix of my symbol with Ashoweah's since are are from both of us. I don't know what his is."
Set: "We're all one big, weird family, huh."
Ashontrah: "You are all either half-siblings or cousins."
Darren: "I don't even remember all the Aspects."
Ashontrah: "Not too hard to remember. Only 19 of them. 12 males and 7 females."
Ashontrah: "I am really curious about Usula considering her children are Set, Dollo, and Melkor."
Ashontrah: "The Demi-Aspects (besides my children) can consider me aunt Ashontrah. As the aspects who are not your parents are your aunts and uncles."
Charlie: "This is going to be one hell of a reunion."
Ashontrah: "Tulkas you being an aspect makes so much sense with the experiences we had together in the vosmos. Also the fact that you died a few times while there. Also when we went so far back in time and you were the candle maker. Remember that?"
Tulkas: "Yes. I remember that clearly. You said a cycle lasts for about a million years and I have a time span far beyond that. Also explains how I kept coming back after I died those few times."
Ravar arrives for his True Self Past Vision...
Ravar: "I remember being first formed in the water. Before I came forth there was a spear piercing the water. Then I formed and came out of the waters of the Eternal Sea.
I remember the mist that surrounded the waters I came from. I moved across the Eternal Sea in the mist. Then I came to a point where I crossed the mist.
I sunk back down into the waters. I noticed there was shore and beings on the shore. They had lights. They were putting the lights in the water.
I was curious about this so I went closer. They were chanting a name that Ashontrah and the Veil Keeper went by. Then I showed myself to them. The beings bowed to me and praised me.
After that they would come and speak to me. I would always try to help them. This went on for a long time.
I remember there was time when one of the beings came to the waters. She looked injured and begging me to help saying the Divine Ones have turned on them all. That they tried to appease them but it didn't work. She asked if I would help drive them away.
I told her I would speak to them if she brought them to me. I could not leave the waters. She told me 'Then it is hopeless because these divine beings could not be reasoned with.'
I offered to take her into the sea to protect her, but she didn't come. This troubled me for some time because after he beings didn't come to visit me for a while.
There came a time when I noticed something on the shore. When I went to it I saw all those beings dead on the shore. Then there was another being there. It was the Savage Gods. Like the Bishberrin. They were devouring the bodies.
I appeared to them and warned them to stop. The Bishberrin and several of them laughed. He threated to come and devour my core.
The Bishberrin started walking in the water to come to me. This is a being I had never seen before. As much as I used the water to try and push him back with waves they would just crash around him.
The Bishberrin was getting closer to me. I backed out as far as I could back into where the mist was over the waters. Then the Bishberrin could no longer follow me. I stayed in the waters inside the mist for a while. I didn't come out for a long time. I felt a great sadness going on.
I remember hearing a voice inside the mist. It was a male voice. I asked him 'What has happened? I cannot leave the waters.'
The voice in the mist 'You can go forth and see them yourself.' Then the Veil Keeper gave me legs so I could go on land.
I went to the shore and left the waters. It was strange to me because I had never walked before. The world I was on was empty. I couldn't find where these beings were. I found their cities but none of them.
I returned to the waters and my legs turn back into my tail. I swam for a long time across the Eternal Sea until I came to another mist point. Then I came out of the mist and went to the shore.
I met a different being there. He was faceless. This was Ashoweah. He told me that all the seas in the Eternal Sea were being claimed and that I shouldn't be there when the Savage Ones come.
I didn't know who the savage ones were. Ashoweah showed me who they were. I remembered the one who chased me into the water.
Ashoweah tried to convince me to come with him. That I should become small enough to fit into a jar. I figured I would be safe. So I let Ashoweah shrink me down and put me inside.
When I was inside the jar I could barely see out. Ashoweah put the jar into a satchel. I remember being in darkness for a long time but I could hear different things going on.
I didn't like the sounds. They were of destruction and beings screaming. There was a lot of fear and terror. I would hear this while I was alone in the dark.
After the sounds of terror and fear died down I would get sounds of cruelty and despair. This went on for a while. I was all alone inside this jar in the darkness.
I would sleep a lot and dream. I would see beings subjugated by others. Many of the dreams had to do with the Savage Gods.
I remember hearing the voices of Ashoweah and the Bishberrin. They were arguing. Then I heard commotion like there was a fight.
Then I felt a great shaking in the jar. It felt like I was falling. When it stopped the water wasn't as deep. This was because the jar fell over and was sideways.
I remember hearing the voice of a Savage One. He sounded like he was in a panic. The water shifted in the jar again and I was right-side up. I felt a bit more shaking.
While I was always in the dark in my jar there was suddenly a light coming from above. I felt a presence around the jar. Then everything shook and shifted again.
Where the light was above me it was now beneath me. I was falling towards it inside the jar. Then it became very bright.
Then I felt the jar being picked up. I tried to look outside the jar. I pushed myself against the edge of the glass. I saw one of the huge Savage Gods. He said about me 'This one will be tasty.'
The Savage God was trying to get the top off my jar. I was in a panic. He couldn't get the top off so he threw the jar on the ground but it didn't break. I was getting tossed around on the inside.
When I could see that the Savage God and a large stone and he was going to smash my jar. Then something pierced through him and he dropped his stone. Something was attacking it.
It was just a black silhouette of a figure fighting this Savage God. Black tentacles were coming out of him and pierced into the Savage One. He was held in place.
Then where the light was above me a shadow loomed. I could see another one of these black silhouette beings with red eyes. I could not make out their features. Its hand reached down and picked up my jar. It was holding the jar.
I remember hearing the shrieking of the Savage Gods. Then I felt a presence of something that overwhelmed me. Two more black silhouette beings with red eyes came.
One of the beings took the Savage God and lifted him up and reached into his chest and pulled out his core and crushed it. When that happened the Savage God turned to ash. They were speaking to each other in a language I did not understand.
I was taken to the black silhouette being who just ripped out the core of a Savage God. I was handed over. I was very fearful of what would happen.
This being was looking into the jar at me. Its red eyes were looking straight into me. The jar began to crack all around me. I was in a panic because I didn't know what they were going to do with me.
I went under the water and covered myself as the jar was shattering. I stayed under the water for a bit.
I finally found the courage to go back up. When I did I wasn't in the jar anymore. I was near a shore in an ocean.
I swam for a while along the shore. I didn't sense any beings. I heard something. I looked up to where it was and there was this diamond-shaped object in the sky. Then everything went dark except for this object I was watching.
Then it went from a diamon shape into a square. Then went from square to circle. Then it broke apart into two-halves. There was a flash and I was blinded by this. The flash knocked me unconscious.
I remember waking up on the shore. When I did I was really old to the point my body ached. I didn't know what happened.
I heard a female voice calling from the water. I swam as hard as I could to it. I felt like my body was aging and dying.
As I was swimming I came to the mist and I swam into it. Then my body gave out on me. I was floating face up in the waters.
I remember feeling a hand around the back of my head and on my chest.
A female voice said 'Time to shed what is old and begin anew.' I remember feeling really calm and warm.
My body was not aching or in pain anymore. I remember seeing a pink light and then I closed my eyes.
When I woke up again I was little like a child. I was swimming in the sea. I would live for a very long time. I would stay in the sea.
Every now and then I would venture through the mist to a shore. I could see beings on the shores but I didn't try to make contact with them.
As I would live for a long time I would age then the female voice would call me again back to the mist where I would feel warm and calm and see the pink light.
Then I would close my eyes and reawaken a young child again. This is how I have lived up until now.
Over time I got friendlier with the beings on some of the shores. I would speak to some of them."
Ashontrah: "So this is why it was more difficult to discover Ravar's mother. That pink light and voice is me.
The black silhouette being when he crushed the jar said in thothilssin 'This is something new and unique. It is not time for it to be judged.'
When Ravar would travel through the veil in the Eternal Sea he was going to different worlds, realms, and existences."
Six Questions for Ravar...
Q1. What are your aspects? Your nature?
Ravar: "I am compassion. I feel complete when I see love. I like to go places and interact with beings who are very kind and compassionate. I do not like beings who are aggressive they make me angry.
From the Veil Keeper I am able to travel the Eternal Sea through the veil mists to other seas and existences. If beings are kind I will teach them things.
This is what I was doing with those beings before I was put into a jar. I was teaching things I didn't even realize I knew."
Q2. Did I connected to you over these months?
Ravar: "Yes. I have felt a strong connection. It has come on very strong and intense. I don't know how you are doing on your side but on my side it is very strong. I have been moving around a lot recently."
Q3. How can I be sure to connect with you?
Ravar: "I don't know. We could come up with a secret word. You could connect through a certain ritual that I could reveal just to you. A prayer or a chant would work.
I remember when some beings used to want to speak to me they would chant, sing, or pray to me. You can do something like that."
Q4. I am sorry but I have to ask this, it’s struggling me...
Why do I face hair problems since years, how can I fix this once for all?
Ravar: "I would have to see. I don't know what to do about it. I could see what can be done."
Q5. What do you suggest me to do? Work on?
Ravar: "Expand your mind. Seek out those who work with compassion, love, and righteousness. Learn from them. Learn their ways. Teach them your ways. This is what I do."
Q6. Do you have anything else to say?
Ravar: "I could say many things. I just learned of being a Demi-Aspect. It is like a whole new ocean has opened up for me. I am ever the explorer. I wish to go swim through it.
This fills me with joy that Ashontrah is my mother. I adore, love, and admire her. She inspires me.
I look forward to the new horizon. This new discovery about myself."
Usula is an Aspect who is paired with the Veil Keeper. Ashontrah chose and asked the questions.
Q1. What are your aspects and what is your role outside existence?"
Usula: "I am Learning, Exploration, Discovery, Advancement, Development. I am always in the pursuit of knowledge. I am growth through learning."
Q2. You are deeply connected with Ashontrah and Thoth.
Usula: "You were the two who inspired me the most out from the aspect that I am. I learn from you like parents. You are who I am closest with. I have learned the most from you two. I originally helped in the development of writing and the recording of languages."
Ashontrah: "So this is why you are the scribe for Thoth."
Usula: "Yes. I like to keep records of things. Everything."
Q3. How long have you as Usula in existence known that you are an Aspect from outside existence? How did you find out?
Usula: "I found out through Thoth. I used to know a long time ago but I forgot. I had written it down when I remembered. Thoth showed it to me again. I recently rediscovered who I am.
Thoth gave me a book and said it was about me. I read and studied it. When I discovered myself it was an awakening. I knew there were events that were going to happen. I was not just going to record them, I was going to be part of them."
Q4. What do you understand about your Demi-Aspects your children?
Usula: "Not much. I haven't had much contact with them until recently. I want to learn more about it."
Ashontrah: "What do you remember of when you made them?"
Usula: "I made them through moments of exploration with the other aspects. Going on a journey with them and wanting to make something together. Not all the Aspects I felt right about after our journey together. I felt taken advantage of."
Q5. What is your relationship like with the other Aspects?
Usula: "With you Ashontrah and a few others I have a strong relationship. There are others I don't know very much of because they keep themselves at a distance and don't really interact. Some I do not trust at all but that is because of who and what they are."
Ashontrah: "Who are some of the ones you have a strong relationship with?"
Usula: "Mostly Ashontrah, Thoth, Great Father, Riovo, and Sadness."
Q6. Have you seen your full force form outside existence?
Usula: "Not in a long time. I am not very fond of outside existence. It is limited for growth, knowledge, and discovery. Of course that is just my observation. I like the existences better because I can learn and grow here."
Ashontrah: "Do you want a double unification?"
Usula: "Yes. I want to bring all of me here to discover."
Usula: "I am very weary of my brothers at the moment. I am worried about a certain sister because they mean well but sometimes they let their passion for what is right override them."
Ashontrah: "Do you want to share more about this?"
Usula: "Not at the moment. I want to learn more about it and see how I can assist in the best way."
Ashontrah: "You have something more you want to say."
Usula: "I want to say something to my sisters. We need to stand together. Some of our brothers are too bent on their own desires. This will be important when I record the history. I feel that things are going to happen and we all need to stand together. This is going to shape the future."
Thoth: "Usula has always been a dear friend to me. She keeps my records and ensures that the preservation of our histories does not go unrecorded. She knows far more than she realizes. She will soon discover just how much she knows."
Then Thoth speaks with Usula privately in a conversation that cannot be shared.
Tulkas is the last remaining unknown aspect. We are about to find out who he is. His pair is Baphomet.
Q1. What are your aspects and what is your role outside existence?
Tulkas: "Strength, Bravery, Valor, Honor, Determination. I try to keep the other aspects true to what they are. In existence I try to honor what I am."
Q2. Tell me about my relationships between myself and the Aspects.
Tulkas: "I get along with an admire most of the other aspects except for a few. I don't care for Baphomet, Ashoweah, or Vustik because they don't use honor."
Ashontrah: "What other Aspect are you closest with?"
Tulkas: "I am close with Asteria, Eomeya, Father, Thoth, and Riovo. I am with most of them except those three brothers."
Q3. What do you know about your Demi aspect children?
Tulkas: "I try to keep an eye on them. I have never stopped them from doing what they wanted to do.
I know mostly everything about my Demi-Aspect children. I keep good tabs on them in hopes that they turn out to do what is right.
I try not to have too many children because I want to give them all my care and attention. They should not have an absent father. I made each of them thoughtfully. I do not have children on accident."
Q4. What advice can you give to me to increase integration of my full force form?
Tullkas: "I cannot bring my full force without double unification. Once we do that then through sheer determination I shall have all my power here.
I will do what is necessary to be able to fight and protect. I hold strength and honor and these aspects need to be here in the existences.
My incarnation can increase our power level in the spiritual and physical through sheer will power. I have an infinite supply outside existence. He just has to tap into it."
Q5. I feel a few of the Valar are Demi aspects. Is this true?
Tulkas: "Yes it is true. Quite a few of them are. They are my children. Including my incarnation brother."
Ashontrah: "How many of the Valar are your children?"
Tulkas: "Five of them are. 3 males and 2 females. Valkar, Orome, Narakin, Yavanna, and Nessa."
Q6. What advice do you have for the Demi-Aspects?
Tulkas: "The Demi-Aspects need to find and honor themselves in our traditions. They need to seek out their parents whether they be good or ill.
They need to face who they are. They should realize what they are part of. Many of them to do not realize their potentials as Demi-Aspects.
They are our children but some can be astray by other aspects who wish to take advantage.
This family is complicated. Just because you are related does not mean you can trust them. They are what they are. They should keep this in mind."
Ashontrah: "How do they honor themselves in our traditions?"
Tulkas: "Traditions from before the existence. Long forgotten by many. There are some of us who remember. I am still rediscovering them.
I wish for all of us to rediscover them together. They are the power that influences all around us.
We need to be part of this again. The true aspects need to come together and honor these traditions.
The aspects within us are great power that should be used with respect. They should be used in the highest honor of what they are."
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