Demi-Aspects Part Two

Eomeya the Carrier...
Eomeya is the Aspect called the Carrier. She is the reproduction, birth, the cycle of life from womb to tomb.
Eomeya: "The cycles of life like in my dealings with Ashoweah can be corrupted and bring forth utter savagery and brutality.
This was the problem with my last born of the 13 existences. That is what corrupted me and gave birth to the Savage Gods.
This is why I felt ill for so long and had to keep remaking myself. Because of what Seed of Life became there was a constant decay inside me. I feel this has been corrected.
Seed of Life and myself are responsible for the seasons and cycles. Most places have seasons where things have a cycle of change and renewal.
Then the cycle got off when the Seed of Life became Eternal Death. I blame Ashoweah. It was the Savage Ones who went through and destroyed our most cherished existences."
Q1. Can you tell me more about your purpose?
Eomeya: "To continue the cycles and balance them. Birth, Life, Death. This was the purpose of me and Seed of Life.
I lost my purpose for a while when Seed of Life became Eternal Death. Well not lost in one sense because I kept trying to continue on.
There was always something missing. I would go try to find what was missing through the other aspects.
Especially with Baphomet because he genuinely cared about me unlike some of the other male aspects. I have a close relationship with Baphomet."
Q2. What can I do to integrate my in and outside existence self more quickly?
Eomeya: "Get in deeper touch with our aspects. Seek help from those who can help connect us. There is still much missing from me. Memories, thoughts, many things I wonder about.
I feel as though I am missing something big about what I am meant to be doing. As the Seed of Life is regaining himself I hope to regain this within me.
I want to have all of myself be able to come through to Midgard. I feel a great need and importance to be there.
Midgard is about to go into a new cycle and the fall is just the beginning of what is to come. Integration is very important to me. There is much I need to do. I shall be there to do them.
Focus on what these aspects truly mean. Birth, Life, Death. Youth to old age. This is what I am and what I represent.
Do you see the immense importance and responsibility which is upon us in our role? The immense power of what we do. It brings tears to my eyes. This should never be corrupted. It should remain pure and strong. I shall strive to make sure of this."
Q3. Is something in the physical restricting my connection to the spiritual?
Eomeya: "There is external pressure due to the nature of human beings my physical is surrounded by. I am disgusted with this. They don't respect the cycles of life. They piss on it.
What bothers me is that my brothers have so much influence and these human beings follow them because it is easy. This is something that really upsets me.
This messes up my connection at times. Not all the time. I don't feel that anything else is restricting it.
Except for the fact that my physical lets so many things around her bother her. Things that may be beyond her control. She has good intentions of helping but it gets overwhelming."
Q4. What is your relationship with the other aspects?
Eomeya: "I love all the other true aspects equally. I understand that they are what they are. Sometimes they don't open themselves to change.
I want to guide them on this. This is another thing I have been struggling with. I don't have disdain for any of them. I don't want to mention names but one of them I kind of pity. I really feel for him because he doesn't move on when things change.
Baphomet and I share a long history. He tried to step in when the Seed of Life was gone. To try and fill that role. He never tried to take advantage of me."
Q5. Can you tell me more about your aspects?
Eomeya: "I am what the cycles and seasons represent. Birth, Life, Death, Renewal, Transition, Change. Letting go of the old and embracing the new changes that come our way through the ups and downs of life.
These are what give us growth. We are born to live and live to grow. There is growth in life. Yet each life is a cycle. Cycles end and new cycles begin. This is how life continues. I am all of this."
Q6. What do you know about your Demi-Aspect children?
Eomeya: "I know much of them. Some would be better to forget. I have some children that were created in love and some that were created in despair.
I love my children though some of them have given me much distress. I respect each life. When those who have come from me do not respect it this pains me. I want to look the other way but I know I cannot. I take responsibility for what I have made."
Gabe Yayentae the Aspect Sadness...
Q1. Can you tell me more about yourself?
Yayentae: "There is much to know about me. Whether anyone cares to truly listen or not. Well that is a tale itself. Edgar Allan Poe was one of my past incarnations.
I have always felt different from all the other aspects. I never found joy in what any of them were interested in. Especially watching that poor unfortunate little being inside that strange prism."
Ashontrah: "What being are you talking about?"
Yayentae: "Atherak. It just seemed sad that he was in there and the way other aspects looked at him like a pet. Like an animal in an exhibit like they do on Earth.
Then I watched what my brothers would do. They would gloat in their spoils of triumph achieved upon the bones of those that were made to suffer."
Ashontrah: "You are meant to talk about yourself for this question."
Yayentae: "There is nothing to myself that is important. What is important is that we embrace sadness and sorrow. This helps us learn from our mistakes which none want to learn from. That is why the pet became the beast.
It is having empathy. I don't believe the aspects truly embrace everything that they are. I believe they try to be more than what they are. This blinds them and it makes the existence of the lesser beings worse.
I feel all the sadness of everything. I feel loneliness and heartache. When my other siblings feel that they turn it other aspects. They don't embrace it."
Q2. Tell me about your relationships with the other aspects.
Yayentae: "I love all the other aspects but I feel they don't respect me. My brothers are cruel to me. They think I am weak.
But in sadness and loneliness and the aspects that I am you can find strength. I carry the heaviest burden but I carry it because no others can. This is my burden.
It is so easy for beings to follow my brothers and sisters instead of me. They don't want to carry the burden. I feel alone but I am not alone. I understand my purpose and I ask for no more and no less.
Taking time for sadness and loneliness in our lives gives us time to reflect. We cherish the better moments and we find inner strength to carry forward through adversity. Give your sadness and your loneliness the proper respect."
Q3. Do you have any Demi-Aspect children?
Yayentae: "None that I want to speak of. The wound is still quite fresh even though it happened long ago. I don't want to talk about it."
Q4. Do you want to come fully from outside existence into your physical Midgard body?
Yayentae: "I am not quite sure. I already feel the misery of that place. The load on me is already heavy. I am not sure if I want to take on even more. I do not want to carry the burdens of Midgard.
Staying away from it seems better for me. Though I do want to be connected to communicate and teach my incarnation. He needs to know many things. No one else will be able to teach it to him."
Q5. What role do you play within the existences?
Yayentae: "I do what no one else can do. There are beings out there who suffer and no one feels for them. No one cares. I care for them. I suffer with them. They are not alone in their sadness and sorrow. I am with them."
Q6. What advice do you want to share?
Yayentae: "There is so much advice I want to give. That I continue to give. But is there anyone who will truly listen to it? Does anyone care about sadness? It seems as soon as someone is sad we want them to change the way they feel. Like sadness is a terrible aspect.
I am the one who is disdained and rejected. Who will embrace their sadness to actually learn the lessons I can teach them? They seem to do anything to escape me and the lessons I share. They want to feel good on the surface. That is all that matters to them. I am the one who gets to the root."
Tuberose Jederva Demi-Aspect of Asteria and Great Father....
It is not possible to describe what she looks like. She has a constantly changing form. She is a bit wild. To bring her here for the session I had to put her into a sphere. She is not only humanoid. She can be many things. Asteria is calming her down so we may speak with her.
Q1. What has happened to you that causes you to constantly change form?
Jederva: "This is my state of being. This is how Asteria and Great Father made me. There are many forms of truth and they made me to reflect that. I go by the name Jederva. I used to have more control over my forms but my time with Eternal Death has made them unpredictable."
Q2. What is your role in the spiritual? What aspects do you embody?
Jederva: "I am truth. I represent the many form of it. The many ways it reveals itself. The way it hides itself. I reveal things the way they are.
But truth is not always about being transparent. Sometimes truth needs to remain unseen. I am Asteria's priestess. I assist her in the light of truth and honesty no matter what it looks like."
Q3. How can I integrate my spiritual into my physical more quickly and effectively?
Jederva: "Focus on the truth of who you are. Be honest without being too revealing. It is most important that you give the truth to yourself.
Look for the hidden truths that lay beneath the surface. Realize that the deepest inner truth is that you are me. When you do this you can remove the separation."
Q4. What is blocking and preventing me from connecting to the spiritual?
Jederva: "I was blocked while I was with Eternal Death. He kept the truth inside me in a constant state of confusion. I could not tell the difference between what was real and illusion.
I did not want to risk reaching out to my incarnation. I didn't want Eternal Death to know who I was there. He has now been restored to the Seed of Life. I can once more connect with my incarnation. I am able to see and perceive truth once again."
Q5. Do you have a close relationship with your parents?
Jederva: "Yes. Especially with Asteria. I have always tried to assist her in any way I can. I recognize the honor of being the daughter of aspects. I love Asteria and Great Father. They have taught me many things. I have only gone outside of existence once. I have always wanted to go back."
Q6. How can I recognize impostors of you?
Jederva: "By looking at their deception. You can see the truth in me. They won't have this in them. Impostors are lies. Learn the difference between the two energies."
Rurxaxia Demi-Aspect of Asteria and Thoth...
Q1. What’s your nature or role as a Demi-Aspect?
Rurxaxia: "I am magical divination. I learned this from my teacher who said I carry great aspects inside me."
Ashontrah: "Who is your teacher?"
Rurxiaxia: "Xarsha was my teacher. He found me and taught me until he sent me back."
Ashontrah: "Where did he find you?"
Rurxaxia: "When I was dead. That is how I learned thothilssin. Xarsha spoke to me in thothilssin. I had died when I was very young. I studied in the borderlands. There were other teachers. I learned with other myrrdonites who follow the belief."
Ashontrah: "The belief of what?"
Rurxaxia: "I don't fully know because I wasn't old enough to understand it and I wasn't a myrrdonite. As time went by the teachers became fewer. I am nervous speaking about this considering the current circumstances. I am concerned it will make me a target."
Q2. Lately, when I try to connect with your energy, I have visions of serpents wrapping around you and thothilssin symbols written on them. Can you tell me something about this?
Rurxaxia: "These I remember from when I was first found in the borderlands. Those are coils and not serpents. Xarsha used three puzzle pieces to wrap coils around me to protect me. They were covered in thothilssin symbols. The coils had bone serpent heads. As I slept they would whisper thothilssin into me."
Q3. I can see a side of you that looks corrupted. It appears as a caged reflection. What do you know about it?
Rurxaxia: "I am trying to think about something that Xarsha told me a long time ago, but I cannot quite remember it. Xarsha would know about this."
Q4. Ashontrah: "Tell of your last memories of the borderlands."
Rurxaxia: "I remember still being young. I remember going inside a big object with Xarsha and three other teachers. I recognize it now as the athranaak.
Before I went in there I would see it and they told me to stay away from it. I was also told to stay away from the other Myrrdonite, Raw Ones, and Ancient Ones who lurked near the athranaak.
I remember that Xarsha and three other teachers took me there. The Ancient Ones came after us. Three of the teachers stayed behind to hold them back. I never saw them again.
Xarsha put me into the athranaak coil core. He had something in his hand. They were three puzzle pieces. He did something and it got really bright. I went unconscious. I woke up in an ancient temple."
Q5. What happened to Rurxaxia when she was young...
When Asteria and Thoth made Rurxaxia she was stolen and taken by one of the Savage Gods. The Bishberrin tried to absorb and devour her but he couldn't. He kept trying until it killed her.
The Bishberrin wanted to take aspects that were from Asteria and Thoth within her. This is why Xarsha watched her so closely in the borderlands. He even protected her from other Myrrdonites who would have used her for her powers.
Q6. Did you know that you were a demi-aspect of Asteria and Thoth?
Rurxaxia: "No. Not until recently. I had always felt a strong connection with both of them. I prefer to be around them if they would have me. I want to make up for a lot of lost time. I don't think it was fair that I was stolen away as a baby. I didn't get to spend time with my true parents."
Asteria: "Of course I would love to have you."
Rurxaxia: "Thank you. I am very happy."
Himeros Demi-Aspect of Ashontrah and Vustik...
I actually got a new Aphrodite statue that has the Erotes with me. I want my sons close by.
Vustik visits with Himeros after the Part One post.
Vustik: "I welcome you here. Come sit. Partake. You are among friends and among family. Please sit." Himeros is nervous.
Vustik: "You seem a little nervous. Relax. What can I get you? What do you desire?"
Himeros: "At the moment I kind of desire to know why I am here. Why have you brought me here?"
Vustik: "You know. There comes a time, even if it takes a long time, in every father's life to reach out. So I am reaching out."
This startled Himeros for a moment. He was in disbelief of what he thought Vustik was telling him.
Himeros: "How can I trust your word Vustik for you are that of illusions and lies."
Vustik: "Well that I am. You have done your homework very well. But this is no illusion or lie. Here let me help you open yourself up and you will see that what I am saying to you is no illusion."
Himeros relaxes. Vustik puts his hand forward and energy comes out. This energy becomes a smoke and Himeros breathes it in. Deep down in his core he realizes that what Vustik is saying is the truth.
Himeros: "This cannot be. Yet I feel it is so true."
He sits for a moment and Vustik watches him.
Vustik: "I will give you a little time with that on your on. But I am a busy man quite lately and my time is quite precious so I brought you here. To offer you whatever you desire most but I need you. I need you to help me."
Himeros: "Why should I help you? You are deceit. You would just deceive me in the end and I may end up alone. I will not turn against Ashontrah. So you can forget that."
Vustik: "I would never wish to cause any of my siblings or their children harm. You are mistaken. I want to help Ashontrah. I want to help us all. And you can help me help everyone else."
Himeros: "I will listen to what you have to offer but I will make no guarantees that I will help you."
Vustik: "I want you to speak to your mother. I want you to convince her to take you to the athranaak.
The only thing I need from you is to take this little orb with you that cannot be seen. It will gather everything that I need to know. Just take it and bring it back. That is all I ask.
By doing this you will be helping all the aspects, all your cousins, and your mother.
Xarsha... you believe I am deceit but yet I cannot see forward in time. Think about it. One who knows what is going to happen. What he has now the Atheron key, you believe me to be deceptive and cruel. In the hands of Xarsha we are all in danger.
He can know our every move. Haven't you seen how quickly he moved in when Atherak was gone? To claim? Yes he has been plotting this for a long time. He can bring us all down. I need you to help me."
Himeros is hesitant but he thinks about it and makes his counter offer.
Himeros: "I will take this orb and I will speak to my mother of this. That is all I can promise you."
Vustik: "Fair enough. Take it to your mother. Show it to her. She will know I am genuine. I must leave you now my son. We will meet again and I thank you for helping all of us.
You will do the right thing. I know that. You are of Ashontrah. And you are cunning and wise. That part you get from me. I think your mother there is looking for you. You should go to her."
Himeros: "I will take this to her. Whether we meet again or not that will be up to me to decide."
Vustik watches Himeros leave.
Himeros arrives for the session. He has curly deep rose red hair. His eyes and wings are also a deep rose red. His skin is pale with a rose red tint.
Ashontrah: "Welcome my son. I take it you have found out that you are a demi-aspect."
Himeros: "It has recently come to my attention. I had a visit with Vustik."
Ashontrah: "How did your visit with Vustik go?"
Himeros: "He wants me to do something for him."
Ashontrah: "What does he want you to do?"
Himeros: "He wants to take an orb to the athrnaak. He wants information about the Atheron key."
Ashontrah: "What do you want to do?"
Himeros: "I don't know. I want your advice mother."
Ashontrah: "Vustik should know better than to use my son."
Himeros: "What do you want me to do?"
Ashontrah: "Let's do nothing about it for now. I want to talk to you about some other topics first."
Himeros: "Very well mother. I will answer anything for you."
Ashontrah: "These questions are actually from your incarnation. I know you desire to be fully on Midgard. I also desire this for you."
Himeros: "Yes I do. I want to experience it in full. I want to experience it as myself there."
Q1. Tell me more about your role and aspects.
Himeros: "I am sensual desire. I ignite the flames of sensual passion. The sensuality I get from my mother and the passion from my father. Yet I am also able to ignite desire of all kinds. Not just sensual. Though that is my area of expertise."
Ashontrah: "You are gorgeous. By why wouldn't you be? You come from me."
Himeros: "You are beauty beyond all mother. I am very grateful to be from you. I am very pleased you have regained all of your Aphrodite. She is the form I was closest with out of all of them."
Q2. How can I better connect and integrate you and what is preventing me?
Himeros: "Fear. This has been my biggest obstacle. Not fear of death. Not fear of hate. Not even fear of rejection. It is a fear of my power."
Q3. Tell me more about your relationship with Ashontrah, Vustik and Eros.
Himeros: "I have always been close with Asherah Aphrodite up until her imprisonment. She was everything to me. My brother Eros and I were with her as much as we could.
I did not know that Vustik was my father until recently. I always thought we simply formed with Aphrodite. Came from the Eternal Sea. But I see now that it was more than that.
I do not know where my brother Eros is. There has been an impostor Eros but I know it is not him. My brother Eros has disappeared.
He left while my mother was imprisoned. I would like us to find him again. I feel more complete when I am with him."
Q4. Why do I feel more connected with darkness and femininity rather than their counterparts?
Himeros: "My father Vustik has a deeply dark personality. Not dark in the literal sense but dark in deceit and cunning. I am his son so there is part of that inside me. Then there is my mother Ashontrah Aphrodite who is femininity herself. I am who I am. I am from them."
Q5. Why have I always resonated with Feline Nature, Seduction, Hunting and Immortality/Invulnerability?
Himeros: "Well of course. Felines are sensual and have an elegance to them that reminds me of myself. Seduction is one of the powers I was given through my parents. Hunting is part of desire. It was their aspects which made this inside me.
I want to stay looking young and beautiful. Who would not want immortality? The invulnerability is in response to the fear that my incarnation feels toward the power that I bring. He is yet to realize the full potential of who I am.
Realizing I am a Demi-Aspect has made a change in my own perspective. I will take advantage of this new opportunity I have discovered. I know that with you mother that I will learn much more about myself. I want to be closer with you again."
Ashontrah: "I want to keep you close. I have need of you in the times to come."
Himeros: "We will be a family again. We just need to find Eros."
Ashontrah: "I will find him. I will get him and bring him back. Maybe Vustik will help me."
Himeros: "I truly hope that he does."
Q6. Ashontrah: "What is your fondest memory of us together?"
Himeros: "My fondest memory of us together is when me and Eros were babies. The way you carried us. We looked up at you and you shined. I remember this.
I always looked up whenever something would shine like the sun, the stars, or the moon because it always reminded me of my mother. I also remember being in the waters of the Eternal Sea and how warm the waters felt."
Ashontrah: "Now for the task your father gave to you. Would you like to go to the athranaak?"
Himeros: "Are you sure you want to take me there? You know I will have an orb."
Ashontrah: "I know. Come. I would like to show it to you anyway."
Ashontrah and Himeros go to the Athranaak...
We are outside the athranaak. Xaxo lets us inside. There is no one here. Xaxo leaves us and it is just Ashontrah and Himeros inside the athranaak. There are no signs of Xarsha. We see the coil core and the Atheron key floating below it with the puzzle pieces around it.
Himeros: "Is that what Vustik is so fascinated with?"
Himeros steps closer to it and almost touches it. He is entranced by it. Ashontrah reaches and takes his hand. This frees him from the trance. He shakes his head.
Himeros: "What just happened?"
Ashontrah: "The Atheron key is the most powerful of all Atherak's puzzles. Inside it holds what some may see as a treasure, but it is judgement itself.
I believe Vustik and the other aspects wish to unlock it, but it is a tricky puzzle. It also can corrupt the mind and drive them mad. Then ultimately consume them."
Himeros: "Thank you for helping me break the trance I fell under when I saw it."
Then he notices something laying on the ground beneath the key. There is a long black feather.
Himeros: "Mother look. That was not there before."
Then coils wrap around Himeros and pick him up. The security system of the athranaak is reacting. Himeros cries out.
Ashontrah: "Remain calm."
Then Ashontrah speaks in thothilssin. The coils just holds him while one coil searches him and retrieves the orb and examines it.
Ashontrah: "Stay very still."
Then she speaks to the athrnaak in thothilssin again. Then the coils gently set Himeros down and retract back into the core.
Himeros: "I apologize mother. I hope I didn't cause any problems here."
Ashontrah: "No. You are fine. You are just unfamiliar to the athranaak."
We hear the voice of Xarsha in the darkness. We turn to see him approaching.
Xarsha: "Quite unfamiliar indeed. Great Queen Ashontrah, you come bringing unknown guests. Puzzling yet interesting."
Ashontrah: "I wish to show my son something. It is something that I want him to understand."
Xarsha: "Yes Great Queen. Indeed."
Xarsha walks over to where the feather is on the ground. He picks it up and then once again places his hands behind his back. He turns to us both and looks at Himeros.
Xarsha: "Without your brother I see. I wonder which Demi-Aspect has come to me. There are many things returning to this existence. Ashontrah would know of who."
Himeros: "What do you know of my brother? Where is he? Is he here? Is he harmed?"
Xarsha: "If he was here, son of the Great Queen Ashontrah, then he would be dead. Your brother is not dead, but yet has found... others. We need the ones like you.
I am sorry Great Queen Ashontrah to cut your tour short, but you and your son should go see Mono. There you may find his brother."
Himeros: "What has Mono done with my brother? Has he harmed him?" He is angry at this.
Xarsha: "He has not been harmed. In fact he is being well cared for. I see no harm coming to him. He is in good hands. Be well assured of that.
Now if you will excuse me there are things I must attend to but it is always good to see you Great Queen and you son of the Great Queen Ashontrah. Thrax would you kindly show them the way?"
Thrax rushes up to us. Himeros is weary of him.
Thrax: "Come come. I take I take you there. You travel safe. Always safe with Thrax."
Xarsha: "Until next time Great Queen. Your visits are always welcomed."
Thrax takes us to a small athranaak which takes us outside of the main athranaak. Here we are greeted by Xaxo. He bows to Ashotrah but keeps a close eye on Himeros. We go through a rift and return back to Ashontrah's home.
Ashontrah: "We are not going to go see Mono Baphomet yet."
Himeros: "I want to go now but I will wait until you say to go. May we go soon?"
Ashontrah: "Yes we will go soon."
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