Book of Aphrodite Chapter Four

The real history of Aphrodite. The third chapter continues after Aphrodite enters the portal King Yserah told her he has never taken before.
When she comes out the other side of the portal she enters a strange desert land. This is not the borderlands. There are trees in the distance and she sees and oasis. She makes her way there.
Aphrodite comes to a beautiful lagoon and takes a drink. As she drinks the water she notices a reflection behind her. It is a being similar to the satyr. She is frightened by this.
She quickly stands up and looks around. The being is gone and she can hear rustling in the trees and overgrowth around the small lagoon. It sounds like something is moving.
Aphrodite pulls out her dagger and says 'Who's there?'
She holds her dagger up 'Do not come any closer! I do not wish to harm you. Just stay away!'
As Aphrodite turns around she is startled by a being kneeling in front of her.
She is shocked and raises her dagger. He raises his hand to plead with her to stop.
He says 'Please. Don't hurt me. I only wish to look upon you.'
Aphrodite gets the sense that the being means no harm. He raises his other hand and gives her a beautiful flower. One like she has never seen before.
He says 'I picked this for you when I saw you. It is the most beautiful flower here.
Until now I thought it was the most beautiful thing within all my realm. Gazing upon your beauty I know that is not so.'
Aphrodite asks 'Where is this realm?'
He replies 'This is Jauntian.'
Aphrodite says 'Jauntian? I have never heard of this realm.'
He says 'We are known but not far and wide. Not as grand as the other realms. The Jauntian divine keep mostly to ourselves I presume.'
Aphrodite curiously looks at him 'You presume? Where are the other Jauntian like you? I see you are divine.'
He says 'I do not know. I have never seen them. Although I can feel their presence here none of us ever speak to each other. What is your name beautiful one?'
Aphrodite says 'You never see them but you feel they are here. How do you know you are not alone?'
He says 'Oh I am not alone. There are many beasts and plants here. They are my friends also.'
Aphrodite says 'I see. What is your name?'
He bows and says 'My name is Yahweh. What is your name most beautiful?'
Aphrodite bows and says 'My name is Asherah.'
Yahweh says 'Asherah. That is a beautiful name. What are you doing here in Jauntian?'
Aphrodite says 'I am looking for information.'
Yahweh says 'I know much information. The plants and beasts speak to me of different realms. If there is anything I can help with please let me know.'
Aphrodite says 'I am looking for a way to the borderlands. Have you heard of this place?'
Yahweh says 'I have heard of this place. There is a Ourhkina who comes here. He has a portal that leads there.'
Aphrodite is excited by this 'He has a portal that leads there? Can you take me to this place?'
Yahweh says 'I can do that if you wish. I would love to take you there. Come with me.'
He reaches out and takes her hand. They go from the lagoon and out of the oasis. They walk across the desert landscape. She notices the rocks and mountains are beautiful reddish colors.
After they walk for a while Aphrodite notices something carved into one of the mountains.
It a cavern but not large enough to be a fortress. There are two strange looking statues which guard the entrance.
Yahweh says 'It is inside, but we have to be quiet. If the Ourhkina catches us we may be in trouble.'
They both go inside and it is is quite dark.
Aphrodite says 'I can barely see anything.'
Yahweh says 'Hold my hand I will lead us. I can see in the dark.'
They head down a long corridor with a light at the end. They both make their way to it. Just then Yahweh pulls Aphrodite aside up against the wall.
Yahweh whispers 'Get down and stay silent.'
They both get low and hide behind a large stone. They can see a figure approaching from the light in the distance.
As he walks by Aphrodite notices he is a Ourhkina. She cannot see his face because he is fully clad in armor. She feels that she may have met this one before.
The Ourhkina passes them and goes down the long corridor out the entrance.
Yahweh says 'Come, we are good now. Follow me.'
They continue down toward the light. When they reach it they enter into a lit room with a portal in the center.
Aphrodite asks 'Is that it?'
Yahweh nods 'Yes.'
Aphrodite asks 'Are you sure it leads to the borderlands?'
Yahweh says 'Oh yes. I have been watching before. I have seen two Ourhkina speak that is where the portal leads.'
Aphrodite is excited 'Then there is no time. I am going through.'
Yahweh says 'Let me come with you. Maybe I can be of further help.'
Aphrodite says 'Okay but be careful.' They both enter through the portal.
When they come out the other side they are in the dark black lands of the borderlands. Aphrodite suddenly starts feeling weaker but decides to carry on anyway.
She looks around and sees black jagged mountains in the distance. They are too far for her to walk and she does not want to stray that far from the portal.
Yahweh tugs at her shoulder and points to something not too far away. There are sounds coming from over there and they are getting closer.
This strikes Aphrodite's curiosity and she moves in the direction Yahweh pointed.
Yahweh says 'Wait, it may be dangerous.'
As Aphrodite gets closer she hears the sounds of what could be a battle or a fight. She comes over the hill and hides down. She can see three mutilated beings facing off against another.
Aphrodite says 'These must be Myrrdonite.'
She sees another being with a short black cloak standing behind the others. Aphrodite recognizes him as Vex who is Vustik.
She watches as the three Myrrdonite attack the one. When they get close enough to him he seems to disappear and then reappear behind them.
Slicing them with the small blade in his hands the other Myrrdonite fall.
Vex says 'You are a tricky one Xarsha. They warned me about you. Saying you move faster than anything. Fortunately I got plenty of friends here.'
Vex then places his fingers to his lips and whistles. The ground shakes and up from it appears giant mutilated flesh gollums.
One of the gollums comes up from the ground right beside Aphrodite and Yahweh. They tumble and roll. They both get to their feet as the flesh gollum looks upon them.
Vex notices what the flesh gollum is looking at upon the hill. He says 'I see you brought a couple little friends Xarsha.'
Vex signals to the flesh gollum 'Bring them here. They can watch you die.'
Xarsha replies 'I do not know these ones. The only one who will be dying today is you.'
Vex signals the flesh gollums to attack Xarsha. Once again as they get close he disappears and then reappears in another place. When he does flesh gollums fall to the ground as if they are dead.
The flesh gollum on Aphrodite and Yahweh begins to strike. They both move and run. The flesh gollum chases close behind them. Other gollums start to rise from the ground.
Yahweh trips and falls. Aphrodite turns back and tries to help him up, but there seems to be a hand grabbing his ankle. She pulls on Yahweh as the flesh gollum closes in.
Aphrodite pulls out her dagger and cuts the hand off from Yahweh's ankle. Just then the flesh gollum is upon them. She looks up in fear as it goes to strike down.
They both make ready for the impact of the strike. They don't know if this will be their last moments. Yahweh and Aphrodite close their eyes and hold each other.
But nothing happens. They can hear a large thud and feel the ground shake. When they open their eyes they see the flesh gollum dead in front of them.
When they stand up and turn to run they face the Myrrdonite being Xarsha. He says 'You two do not belong here.'
Yahweh steps in front of Aphrodite and says 'I am Yahweh. Do not stand in our way or I will be forced to deal with you myself.'
Xarsha replies 'I know who you are. I know who both of you are.'
He looks at Aphrodite strangely for a moment. 'So they have arrived. Hmm, this is something I have expected for some time.' She can feel his words are directed at her.
Off in the distance they can hear more flesh gollums approaching.
Xarsha says 'It is time you shall be leaving. You should go now before they come.'
With a wave of his hand Xarsha seems to bend the view of the borderlands. It opens a portal but it is quite different. This is a rift.
Xarsha says 'Go now. Seek the safety of your realms. You should not come here again.'
Aphrodite and Yahweh go to the rift. Yahweh goes through as she turns back to see the flesh gollums try to attack Xarsha. Once again Xarsha disappears and reappears and the flesh gollums fall dead to the ground.
Xarsha looks at Aphrodite and says 'You should go now young Asherah. Our paths will cross again one day.'
Just then Aphrodite notices Vex standing on the hill. He looks down as she steps through the rift and it closes.
Vex says 'Asherah. So you're name is Asherah. I've been wondering who has been following us around. I will remember that name Asherah.'
On the other side of the rift Aphrodite and Yahweh return where they came from. They fall to the ground.
Yahweh picks her up and says 'Are you alright Asherah?'
Aphrodite says 'I am fine but I don't think I want to go back there for a long while.'
Yahweh says 'Agreed. I don't like that place.'
Just then they both hear a voice 'Neither one of you should ever be journeying there.'
They notice the Ourhkina standing in the chamber. He is clad in armor with a helmet on his head.
He looks at them both and says 'You need to come with me. As for you young Olympian, you should be in Alfheim. I will take you there.'
The Ourhkina motions for them to follow him out of the cavern. He opens a portal and they all step through.
On the other side they have returned to Alfheim. There King Yserah is waiting with two guards.
The Elven King sees Aphrodite and places his hand upon her shoulder 'Is everything alright? I hope you are not hurt young Aphrodite. Some of these portals can be dangerous.'
Aphrodite tells him that she went through the one he has not gone through yet. Then she introduces him to Yahweh.
King Yserah acknowledges him 'I thank you for taking care of young Aphrodite. I also thank you Arkunoss for finding them and bringing them here.' Arkunoss is another name for EinossArku.
Arkunoss replies 'They are safe now. I shall take Yahweh back with me. Until another day good King.'
Yahweh turns to Aphrodite and says 'Thank you Asherah. That was a grand adventure. I hope in time I will get to see you again.'
Aphrodite replies 'Thank you for standing up for me and trying to protect me. I owe you. Yes, I would like to come see you again.'
Yahweh turns to leave with the Ourhkina and they step through the portal.
King Yserah sends the guards away. He looks at Aphrodite and says 'Tell me young Aphrodite, what have you seen?'
Aphrodite decides to describe to Yserah what she has seen. She has started to trust him. She tells him of the adventure she had with Yahweh into the borderlands.
She also tells her of the dream that woke her up earlier that night and the name Asherah.
King Yserah says 'Asherah. That is quite a beautiful name. You should use it as another name others can know you by. I myself have used other names for other beings to call me by. You should do this. It is a beautiful name.'
Aphrodite replies 'Yes it is quite beautiful. As beautiful as it is mysterious to me. I think I will have others call me by that name.
I mean, those who are close to me know me as Aphrodite. I would like for others to call me Asherah. It is a beautiful name afterall, Asherah.'
Part Nine...
Aphrodite is in her bed chambers in Alfheim. She is dressing herself up elegantly. A gnome brushes Aphrodite's hair and then places a necklace around her neck that King Yserah had given her.
Aphrodite looks at herself in the mirror. She is wearing a beautiful almost translucent but not see-through green Elven dress laced with fine silver.
King Yserah has also given her a beautiful silver Elven crown to wear. These kind are usually worn by the high Elven families of Alfheim during special occasions.
When King Yserah presented it to her he spoke of the honor of wearing it. That this crown once belonged to the Queen of Alfheim during the first times.
One of his servants spoke to him about giving such a grand crown of the first Queen of Alfheim to a young divine who is not even born of Alfheim and let her wear it.
King Yserah looked at the servant with a stern angry look and said 'I am King of Alfheim. My decision is final on this matter.'
Aphrodite looks at herself again in the mirror. She turns to the female gnome servant and asks her 'What do you think Minyin?' She is the wife of the gnome Saumjin.
Minyin answers 'Oh my child, I have never seen someone so beautiful. It takes my breath away and stills my heart to look upon you.'
Aphrodite graciously smiles and blows her a kiss. 'Thank you for all your help. I have never been to a grand ball at Alfheim. Can you tell me about them?'
Minyin replies 'Oh my child, you are in for a treat. King Yserah throws some of the finest grand balls and celebrations.
I have been in the service of the kingdom and the palace for a very long time. My family has.
I grew up here and I have never seen quite the celebrations before. Not like King Yserah's celebrations. None can compare. You are in for a grand treat.'
Aphrodite feels excitement and she decides to go and see how her brother Poseidon is coming along.
When she enters his chambers she sees many different outfits scattered around including Elven armor.
She sees the gnome Saumjin standing there holding material in his hands. He has an impatient look on his face.
Poseidon is standing in front of the mirror. He is wearing fine silver cladded beautifully engraved mithril armor.
Poseidon says 'Saumjin I think I will go with this one.'
Saumjin replies 'Yes young Olympian. Like all the others you tried on it looks grand on you. Now if we are all finished here I have much to attend to.'
Poseidon looks at himself up and down in the mirror 'I don't know Saumjin. Does it say too much about me?'
Saumjin does a face palm 'No young Olympian. I don't think it says too much about you.'
Aphrodite says 'I think you look handsome brother.'
She steps forward and grasps the collar of his armor as if to straighten it. She looks at him through the mirror.
Aphrodite says 'Yes very handsome. Many of the young ladies will definitely be looking to dance with you tonight.'
Poseidon smiles 'And I shall steal their hearts away. But my first dance will be with you sister, the most beautiful of all.'
Aphrodite smiles back 'Thank you dear brother.'
She turns to the gnome and says 'Thank you for all your help Saumjin. You may go now.'
Saumjin sighs with relief 'Thank you young Olympian. I shall see you at the ball.'
As Aphrodite and Poseidon proceed down the corridors they come by a room and hear a voice call out from it.
Thor says 'Poseidon dear friend is that you? Would you mind coming here for a moment?'
Aphrodite and Poseidon go into Thor's chambers. He is having trouble trying to fit the Elven armor on.
Thor says to Poseidon 'I see you had no trouble getting yours on. Do you think you could help me?'
Poseidon says 'Yes it took me some time as well to get it on.' He helps Thor with the claps on the armor.
Aphrodite says 'Well, I am going to go ahead to the main courtyard. I will see you both there.'
She then makes her way back down the corridor. Before she enters the courtyard she sees two other young divine. It is Loki and Set.
Loki is showing him something as Set lean up against a pillar. Out of curiosity Aphrodite decides to investigate and get closer.
Set says 'Pshh, I could think of something better. That will be no fun at all. You got to think bigger Loki. Your little tricks are nothing compared to what I could come up with. I really want to make this a grand ball considering how boring this place is.'
Loki says 'Whatever you think Set. You sit there and you boast about what you can and cannot do. You think I am the only one who is going to get laughs out of this little prank? Ha! You will be laughing in the end too and you will be wishing you thought of it.'
Set says 'I am not going to be wishing anything. Except that I was out of this boring place.'
Loki then walks away from Set toward Aphrodite. As Loki gets near her he looks to the ground and quickly scurries by.
Aphrodite makes her way to the grand courtyard. She is overwhelmed with delight and excitement.
It has been beautifully decorated. The finest carved wooden tables and the finest cloths. She can see wisps flying around.
The whole element of nature and the natural beauty of Alfheim is mixed in. This will be a grand ball. Aphrodite smiles in anticipation.
King Yserah stands behind her 'It is grand isn't it?'
Aphrodite says 'It is the grandest celebration I have ever seen and ever had the honor to be invited to.'
King Yserah winks and says 'My young Olympian, just wait. You have not seen anything yet. Come and walk with me.'
They walk together and he asks 'How are you enjoying your time here in Alfheim? You look very beautiful. Thank you for giving me the honor of accepting my gifts.'
Aphrodite says 'Thank you for honoring me with them. I am enjoying my time here. I know I spend a lot of it in the library, but it is so grand to me. Speaking of that, I had a question for you concerning my new friend.'
King Yserah says 'Your new friend? Ah, Yahweh. That is his name if I can remember.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes Yahweh. It does sadden me he is not here. I wish to invite him if that would be alright.'
King Yserah says 'My young Olympian, we can discuss that matter further.'
Aphrodite says 'I have another question about him. Why is it he is divine yet they do not have a pantheon? What can you tell me about them?'
King Yserah says 'Well my child, I am afraid I don't know too much about them. Just from what my father told me is that they came in the first time. They were there when the creation of the pantheons and great houses came about.
However instead of partaking in them they choose to remain silent. They exist in their realm and not too much is known about them. They do not communicate with the pantheons or the other houses.
They live rather reclusive. I hear that they are like that even with each other. The only ones who would have direct contact with them are the Ourhkina. I hear they speak with them.'
Aphrodite says 'The Ourhkina, yes the guardians. I had some questions about them too. Where do they come from? They are not divine yet they are not mortal. They are a different energy I cannot quite understand.'
King Yserah says 'Well they were never born like you or me. They just were. They appeared in the first times. They are what combats anything that would threaten the balance within the realms.
If they cannot contain balance and it is overwhelming or too powerful like when a great evil rises, they are assisted by the other angelic race that came during the first time. The Hungali.'
Aphrodite says 'I have heard of the Hungali. Although in my studies they do not speak much of them.'
King Yserah says 'Have you ever seen an image or picture of one?'
Aphrodite says 'No. Never. I have never even seen one.'
King Yserah says 'This way then. I have something to show you.'
They go down a hallway and Aphrodite notices the paintings and inscriptions along the wall. He looks up and down it.
King Yserah says 'It is just up ahead here somewhere.'
He then stops and faces the wall 'Ah, here it is.'
Aphrodite walks up where he is standing and turns to look.
King Yserah says 'This is a Hungali.'
Her eyes widen and she gets a sense of fear as she stares at a painting of what she saw in her dreams.
Aphrodite gets a strong flash of darkness and almost faints. Yserah catches her.
King Yserah asks 'Are you alright?'
Aphrodite says 'I don't know. I just felt lightheaded.'
Her eyes focus again on the painting of the Hungali. King Yserah stares at her and then looks at the image.
King Yserah says 'You have seen this before.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes in a dream I had.'
King Yserah asks 'Will you be alright?'
Aphrodite replies 'Yes I think I'm fine.'
They both walk together down the hallway and he escorts Aphrodite to her chambers.
King Yserah says 'We shall see you later then. I hope you will enjoy the ball tonight. It is to honor the divine children of the pantheons who are my guests here.'
They bow to each other and he leaves. When Aphrodite goes to open the door to her chambers she notices it is slightly open. This worries her.
Aphrodite forcefully pushes the door to her chambers open and standing there is Poseidon. She almost hits him with the door.
Poseidon says 'Woah sister. What's gotten into you?'
Aphrodite sternly asks 'Why are you sneaking around in my room?'
Poseidon says 'I wasn't sneaking around. I came in to see if you were here. Come on, we are going to be late. I want to meet up with the others.'
Aphrodite says 'You go ahead. I will catch up soon.'
Poseidon takes both of her hands 'Come on sister, enjoy yourself. It is not all about study and learning. It is time to have some fun. Besides, you are very beautiful. You should take pleasure in that every now and then. Let others see how beautiful you are.'
Aphrodite smiles 'Do you really mean that brother? It is not just because you want to go lust after Freya?'
Poseidon grins 'Well it is a little bit to do with that, but it is mostly to do with you and how beautiful you are.'
Aphrodite laughs and kisses her brother on the cheek. 'Let's go then.'
Poseidon says 'I hope Freya is wearing that short leather battle dress. She does have a nice set of legs.'
Aphrodite laughs 'Those legs will crush you dear brother.'
Poseidon says 'I might enjoy that sister.'
They meet up with the others and go down to the courtyard. They see other young divine who have gathered from all the pantheons.
They all take their seats. Aphrodite and Poseidon are at the royal table with King Yserah.
The Elven King at the head of the table. Another young female Elf to his left and an empty seat to his right. A royal guard stands behind him with a serious striking look on his face.
Across Aphrodite notices several faces. Some she has not seen before. It seems that all the young divine from the pantheons are here in Alfheim under the protection of King Yserah during these troubling times.
As she glances around she notices Thor, Freya, and Loki at a table. Loki seems to be peering down at something on his lap or under the table.
Aphrodite pays it no mind and looks over more to her right across the way. Sitting at another table she notices Set.
He is leaning in his chair up against the wall. His arms are crossed and he has a disappointed look on his face as if he is not partaking in any joy of the celebration.
A small servant gnome approaches him holding up a tray with wine. Set takes some wine and drinks it down. He then sets the glass on top of the gnome's head.
The gnome scurries around trying to get it off. He bumps into the wall and falls down. Set gets a laugh at this.
Aphrodite rolls her eyes and looks away to focus on the entertainment. There are gnomes juggling and doing tricks. It is quite entertaining.
Then her attention turns toward King Yserah. He rises and greets General Alakin Silverleaf who is holding a very small child in his arms.
King Yserah beckons Aphrodite over to them. She says to Poseidon 'I will be right back.'
Poseidon pays her no mind as he continues feasting and watching the gnomes perform. There is a clown act going on that he finds very humorous.
Aphrodite goes to the Elven King and bows. He returns a bow and says 'Young Asherah, I would like you to meet my most trusted man. He is loyal to the King and realm. This is Alakin Silverleaf and his newborn son.'
She looks at the newborn baby Elf. While she has seen Elven children she has never seen a newborn. He is beautiful and she tells his father so.
Alakin says 'His name is Lyindrinar and he is my son.'
Aphrodite says 'He is as handsome as his father and I am sure just as brave. He is worthy of being King.' She kisses baby Lyindrinar on the head.
Alakin replies 'Well I am not sure of King, but he will hopefully follow in his father's footsteps.'
King Yserah smiles and places his hand on Alakin's shoulder. 'I know that will be his destiny. He will follow in his father's footsteps and have the same honor his father possesses. He will serve the crown of Alfheim."
Baby Lyindrinar sneezes a few times. Aphrodite asks 'Is he alright?' She places her hand on his head.
Alakin says 'He has caught a little bit of the wisp fever. Nothing much, but it is why I could not be here this evening my King.'
King Yserah says 'I understand. Go and be with your newborn child. Take care of him. I have Raugunitar with me and this is a celebration. Enjoy your time with your son.'
Aphrodite returns to her seat and the celebration continues. The gnomes are twirling around juggling wisps. The wisps go into the air and create circles that the gnomes jump through like small acrobats.
Aphrodite looks across the way and sees Set rolling his eyes. He says 'Even this is boring.' Set looks over at Loki who has a huge grin on his face.
Loki reveals his hands from underneath the table. A small purple glowing light floats up into the air where the wisps and gnomes are performing their act.
The light grows bright and explodes and purple slimey goo splatters everywhere. The musicians stop playing. Everyone is in shock.
Set laughs 'You're right it was funny!' Loki also laughs. Some other young divine who think it is part of the act laugh as well.
Aphrodite has a look of shock on her face. She knows this was not part of the act.
King Yserah stands up and yells 'Enough! This is an outrage! I take you in my kingdom, grant you free passage to my palace and great forests. I show you hospitality and respect.
I have done a great deed for your pantheons and the houses by bringing you here and protecting you from the evil outside you do not understand. This is how you repay me! By making a mockery of my hospitality!'
He picks up a fine cloth napkin from where he sits and wipes some of the goo off his face.
King Yserah yells 'You will all clean this up! Not my servants. No one of Alfheim. You! You will clean this up.'
His gaze turns to Loki 'And you, I should have figured as much from one raised by Jotunn filth. I will speak to you later.'
King Yserah then turns to his very stern serious looking Elf guard behind him 'Raugunitar, make sure they do not leave. None of them until this place is spotless.'
King Yserah then looks at Aphrodite 'Young Asherah I know you took no pleasure in this. You may come with me and retire.'
Aphrodite stands there speechless and then gazes upon the other young divine. They look at her. She feels she should choose her next words wisely.
Aphrodite says 'It is all our responsibility. If they are to be punished then I am too. I will remain and help them clean it up.'
King Yserah is displeased and says 'Have it your way then.' Then he leaves. Raugunitar steps in front of the door where he made his exit.
Raugunitar says 'You heard the King. Get to it.'
Set says 'Screw this. This isn't my problem. I didn't do this. I am not cleaning it up.'
Set walks over to Raugunitar and says 'If you will excuse me, I need to get through there.'
Raugunitar looks at him with a stern straight look on his face and says nothing.
Set knocks on Raugunitar's armor as if he was knocking on a door. 'Um hello? Are the lights on in there? I need to get by.'
Raugunitar replies 'No one leaves until this place is spotless. Including you.'
Set decides he is going to try to push by Raugunitar and says 'Well then I am just going to have to get you out of the way.'
With a quick reaction Raugunitar turns and slams Set against the wall and holds him up.
Set yells 'Get your hands off me! Do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is? Do you know the pantheon I come from? Do you know anything about any of that?'
Raugunitar replies 'No and I don't care. I don't care who your pantheon is. I don't care where you come from. I don't care who your father is. Your father, your pantheon, none of them are here. It is just you and me.'
Set stares at Raugunitar and says 'I... I...'
Raugunitar says 'You are going to help clean this place up right?'
Set nods his head to say yes. Raugunitar sets him back down and he helps clean.
It takes several hours to clean up all the dark purple goo. They place it all into a large cart that some gnomes brought in.
When they are finished Raugunitar says 'I will need a couple of you strong ones to push this cart out. Gnomes will show you where it needs to go.
You, the funny one Loki, you come with me. King Yserah wishes to speak to you about what will happen to you. The rest of you may go.'
Thor and Poseidon were the ones chosen by Raugunitar to push the cart out. Aphrodite decides to help them. They follow a young gnome out past the gardens.
Aphrodite notices some of the goo turn into small crawling blobs that leap from the cart onto the ground. The gnome is startled.
They all back away in astonishment of what is happening. The cart rocks back and forth then tips over. All the goo spills out and form into little blobs that crawl around and spread out.
Thor is puzzled 'What is happening?'
The small blobs start to grow bigger and contort wildly like they are changing shape.
Aphrodite's curiosity turns into fear as she sees some of the blobs turn into trolls. Some of the other blobs form into dark elves. One of the trolls smashes down on the gnome and he is no more.
Poseidon yells 'Run!' He runs through the courtyard with Aphrodite and Thor. They can hear the trolls and dark elves in pursuit. Arrows are flying past them. Upon the towers they can hear horns sounding. The guards have noticed.
Elven guard yells 'We are under attack! Inform the King! They are on the inside! Trolls! Dark Elves! To arms!'
Aphrodite, Poseidon, and Thor continue running and are almost crushed by a falling pillar. It barely misses them and lands between them separating Aphrodite from the other two.
Aphrodite continues running and loses track of Poseidon and Thor. She can see the guards battling the trolls and dark elves.
She runs down a long hallway and hears the sounds of battle all around her. Aphrodite hears loud rumbling footsteps like a stampede. She turns to look behind her and sees three large trolls in pursuit.
Two elven guards step in to protect her but are quickly crushed. Aphrodite turns a corner and runs with all she has. She feels arrows fly past her. Dark elves have joined the pursuit with the trolls.
Aphrodite turns another corner and bumps into Raugunitar and Loki. Raugunitar draws his sword and says 'Get behind me.'
Two dark elves come running forward and attack Raugunitar. He makes quick moves and cuts them both down. He then throws an energy ball from his hand that turns into a shield.
Raugunitar tells Aphrodite and Loki 'Run. That will not hold them forever. The King is just up ahead.'
As Aphrodite and Loki run they see King Yserah coming toward them with sword in hand. He tells them to take cover.
The trolls break through the energy barrier and make an attack. Both King Yserah and Raugunitar cut them down.
When it is finished other elven guards approach. Raugunitar says 'Report.'
The guards say 'Most of them are dead. The others are escaping. What are your orders my King?'
King Yserah says 'Hunt them down. Do not let any escape. Take prisoners if you need. Find out where these trolls come from.'
Raugunitar says 'These trolls are not of Alfheim. They are of Jotunheim.'
King Yserah picks Loki up by his collar and slams him against the wall. 'This is your doing. What did you bring here? Do not lie to me!'
Loki says 'That was not meant to happen. I was just having one of my troll servants bring me a little joke. I just wanted a little bit of laughter. It was never meant to do that.'
King Yserah says 'If you are lying to me you could not even imagine the consequences.'
Raugunitar says 'I don't believe the boy to be lying. I believe this to be a message from the Jotunn King and the message was meant for you. You were the target my King.'
King Yserah places Loki back down on the floor and says 'So this is how the King of Jotunheim wishes to deal with our falling out. Very well. I will send a message to him through this boy here.'
He says to Loki 'You will return to Jotunheim. Tell your King if it is war with Alfheim he wishes. If he wishes to assassinate my life. Then he will meet my justice.'
King Yserah says to Raugunitar 'Send the boy back.'
Raugunitar asks 'Shall I cast a portal to the kingdom?'
King Yserah says 'No. Use the one we have here.'
Raugunitar says 'That exits out into the high mountains of Jotunheim several miles from the kingdom. How will he get back?'
King Yserah looks at Loki and says 'Let him walk.' Then he turns and leaves.
Raugunitar takes Loki to the hall of portals. Aphrodite follows behind to not be noticed. She watches him push Loki through the portal and leave.
Aphrodite hides as Raugunitar walks past her. She enters into the hall of portals feeling sad and upset. She decides to go through the portal that leads to Yahweh.
When she is on the other side she sees a hut with a fire going. It is nighttime there. Yahweh is sitting by the fire. He looks at her with delight.
Yahweh says 'Asherah! You came back. I have been here waiting for you. I hoped you would return soon.'
As she walks closer to him the look of joy on his face fades as he notices her upset and crying.
Yahweh asks 'What's wrong Asherah?' He stands up and comes closer.
Aphrodite is crying 'So much has just happened. So many terrible things.' She puts her arms around him and buries her head in his chest.
Yahweh says 'Don't worry Asherah. You are here with me now. You are safe.'
Aphrodite sleeps in the hut. When she awakens in the morning she sees the dying fire and Yahweh sleeping on a boulder. She decides to collect herself and not wake him.
Aphrodite touches Yahweh on the head and says 'Thank you for watching over me my friend.' He continues to sleep.
She goes back through the portal that leads to Alfheim. When Aphrodite steps through she notices a servant call her by name.
He turns to another servant and says 'Tell the King I have found her. She is here.'
The elven servant then approaches her and says 'Young Aphrodite are you alright? You went missing and no one could find you.
The King has been searching everywhere and has the royal guard looking for you as we speak. Your brother Poseidon and other young divine of the pantheons have also joined in the search for you.'
King Yserah and Raugunitar enter into the hall. Yserah approaches her and places his hands on her shoulders. 'Are you alright young Asherah?'
Aphrodite says 'Yes I am fine. After all the commotion I went to see Yahweh. I felt safer there and stayed through the night.'
King Yserah says 'It has been longer than a night. You have been gone almost a week now.'
Aphrodite asks 'How could that be possible?'
King Yserah explains that the times between realms are different. Some are slower and faster than the others.
Aphrodite says to herself 'That would make sense I guess.'
King Yserah says 'It is good to see you unharmed. Come, your brother has been looking for you. He has been worried.'
Aphrodite walks out of the room.
King Yserah turns to Raugunitar 'Go through the portal and deal with this Yahweh. Chase him off. I don't want Asherah associating with ones such as him.'
Raugunitar nods in acknowledgement.
Aphrodite goes down the corridor and sees Poseidon. He rushes up to her with a relieved look on his face.
Poseidon embraces her 'Where have you been sister? Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you. I have been worried sick. Are you alright?'
Aphrodite says 'Yes I am fine. I was safe with a friend. What happened here since I was gone?'
Poseidon says 'Other than looking for you, it appears the royal guard rounded up some of the dark elves. The other trolls were killed but he is holding a prisoner.'
He leans in closer and whispers in her ear 'I wandered around at night sister. I went down below in the underbelly of the palace. I heard screams and cries as if someone was being tortured.'
Aphrodite takes his arm and walks beside him 'Tortured? Did you see who?'
Poseidon answers 'Yes I did. I followed the sounds and screams. There in a very dark place I saw the brute Raugunitar torturing one of the dark elves.
The dark elf was not giving him any answers. He just kept saying that the Bentian are everywhere are they are watching... What are you thinking sister?'
Aphrodite says 'I don't think Loki knew anything that was going to happen. I think there is more behind this than we can possibly imagine.
I want to try and help Alfheim and Jotuheim avoid war. I have to prove it was not the King of Jotunheim who was trying to set up an attack. I believe these Bentian are trying to cause upheaval.'
Poseidon asks 'What are you suggesting sister?'
Aphrodite says 'I'm suggesting that later this evening you and I travel to Jotunheim. Speak with Loki and also speak to Jotunn King. Maybe we can find out what is going on over there on their side.'
Poseidon says 'How will we get there? How will we leave with anyone noticing we are gone?'
Aphrodite says 'I have a plan for that too. There is an elven magic spell. It is an image spell. I want to try it out before we leave. I can probably cast an image of us sleeping. Then we can use the portal room to go to Jotunheim and find out for ourselves.'
Poseidon asks 'What if we get stuck there for a while and they try to find us in the morning? Then they just see images sleeping. They will know we are gone and it will raise more suspicion.'
Aphrodite says 'Hmm that is true. If I could only think of a way to excuse our absence long enough so we can journey to Jotunheim and find out what we can about these Bentian. I feel evil forces are at work.'
Poseidon says 'Well isn't there some sort of elven magic in the library that can help us out?'
Aphrodite smiles 'Dear brother sometimes you are as wise as you are handsome. I know there is something in there I came across. Something to make gollums and another to duplicate yourself.
I am going to go to the library and see if I can find it again. Meet me back here later. I will show you what I found and we will come up with a plan.'
Aphrodite goes into the library of Alfheim and starts looking through the books on magic. There she finds the spell known as 'Mirror Image'.
She reads about the spell and how it casts an exact mirror image of herself. Apparently the elves would use these to confuse their enemies during battle to think that more than one army has shown up to the battlefield.
Aphrodite studies the spell and tries it on a book. She reads the incantation and focuses the energy on the book. Right beside it appears an identical book.
She smiles with delight that the spell had worked. She decides to go back and meet up with her brother Poseidon. She finds him waiting by her room.
Poseidon asks 'Did you find anything?'
Aphrodite says 'Yes I did and I know it will work. Quickly come inside so no one sees us.'
They both go into Aphrodite's chambers and she pulls a book out from her bag. She shows him the Mirror Image spell.
Aphrodite reads the incantation and at the end says Poseidon's name. In a flash there is a duplicate Poseidon standing beside him. He is shocked and overwhelmed.
She then reads the incantation again for herself ending with her own name. There appears an exact duplicate of her.
She finishes in the incantation and instructs the mirror image of herself to act as she does. These mirror images carry out the same actions they do.
Aphrodite and Poseidon smile at each other. Poseidon takes a piece of charcoal from the fireplace and marks their hands.
Poseidon says 'Just so we will be able to tell our real selves from our fake selves.'
Aphrodite says 'Another wise decision dear brother.' They gather their things and go to the hall of portals.
This is the first time Poseidon has been in this room and he is amazed at all the different portals.
Aphrodite looks around 'Hmm which one was it again?'
Her memory comes back to her and she sees the portal Raugunitar had sent Loki through. Aphrodite and Poseidon step inside.
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