Book of Aphrodite Chapter One

I have not recovered my Asherah memories yet. So while Asherah was my form before Aphrodite I will share this story with you first.
This will set the Greek Mythology straight on what really happened. Aphrodite is the form you all know and love that came before Ashontrah. There are many chapters to this story.
Part One...
This starts with the creation of this existence we currently live in. Great Father reached into the Creator and pulled something out. This goes deeper than what we knew of this so far.
Great Father reaches into the Creator and past it into the Eternal Sea where Asherah was at that time.
Asherah is sitting on the shores of the Eternal Sea where her palace is. She is reflecting on many things she has been through already. Looking back at the friends she has made and lost.
As Asherah sits there a light comes from the sky. The waves rise a bit and become more active.
Asherah walks out onto the water looks up into the sky. She feels the presence of Great Father.
She reaches her arms to the sky and hears the voice of Father speaking to her 'Our beautiful Asherah, Aspect of Love, Beauty, Hope. I call to you now. I must ask something of you if you would hear me.'
Asherah says into the sky 'Yes Father I have always listened and I am here. Whatever you need of me, ask.'
Great Father says 'There is an existence now being created that will need your guidance of love and beauty. It will be an existence almost unlike any other.
We need you here and so much else awaits for you. Will you Asherah? Will you help us in this new existence to spread love, beauty, hope, and compassion?'
Asherah says 'I would be honored Father. As the Aspect of Love I have had an influence over many other existences.'
Great Father says 'That is why we need you here. Something will happen inside this existence that has not happened before.
We need Love, Beauty, Hope, and Compassion to outweigh the other Aspects who have already begun to seek influence in this newly created existence.'
Asherah says 'I know some of my other Aspect brothers as well. If they already have interest to influence this new existence then I should also represent my aspect.'
Great Father says 'That is why I have come to you Asherah. Now we must go when you are ready.'
Asherah says 'I will be ready soon Father. First there is something I must do here.'
Great Father says 'I will be waiting when you are ready.'
Asherah says 'I shall not be long.'
She turns and walks back to the shore and goes up the steps of her palace where she is met by a palace servant.
Asherah speaks to her servant and calls her Yandiae. She is a humanoid type being with elongated ears, blue skin, white hair, and she has gills on her throat.
Yandiae replies 'I am here oh beautiful one, Great Love. How can be of service?'
Asherah says 'When I leave the Eternal Sea I will need you to stay here and watch over my palace. I must gather some things first and say goodbye.'
Yandiae says 'I shall guard this place always until your return.'
Asherah goes inside the palace to where her bed chambers are. There are the paintings from her previous forms. She has added more from dreams she has had.
She gathers something out of a small shell. It looks like a clear crystal orb. She places this inside a pocket of her robe.
Asherah looks at the wall and sees the painted images of a black shape followed by a black being with red eyes. There are other images she had painted beside them.
The next painting shows the black being holding out within his hands an image of a winged humanoid being.
Asherah touches the wall with her fingers and rubs her hand over this image. She says 'Goodbye mysterious ones. Maybe one day we shall meet.'
She turns and leaves the bed chambers. As she does so she waves her hands. The doors close and seal within the wall.
Asherah then returns to the shore and calls to Great Father. 'I am ready to leave now Father. I am looking forward to spreading my aspects upon this new existence.'
Great Father says 'So be it then.' She steps out onto the water. The water rises up and swirls around. Her form goes from humanoid into energy. She swirls up toward the light.
He reaches back through the Creator of the existence still being created as he cuffs Asherah in his hands. He is going to cast her down into a new sea.
Great Father then turns to Great Mother and says 'Let her rise with this new existence from an Eternal Sea placed there. Let her rise with her two children she has brought with her.'
The crystal sphere that Asherah had taken from the bedchambers in her palace must be connected with Eros and Himeros.
Great Mother says 'Yes let her rise. She will arise anew, but there are many challenges she will face in this new existence. For already other Aspects have been pouring their influence into it.'
Great Father says 'This is where it all comes down. The ending of a cycle and beginning of a new. Her aspects must be present here if everything is to balance out within the end.'
As the orb of light comes down from where Father has sent her into this existence into an empty sea. A sea of no color.
As she connects with the sea and lands in the water there is a ripple effect. A bright energy that flows through the waves and the color of the sea changes.
Great Mother says 'Don't forget the children Father. She will need them with her.'
Great Father says 'Oh yes, I have almost forgotten.'
He reaches into his robe and pulls out two small identical orbs. He casts them down where Asherah is in the sea. They land in the same spot.
There Aphrodite starts to rise. She rises as a child with two orbs floating around her.
Great Mother says 'Has everything been set into place?'
Great Father says 'Yes. Thoth and a caretaker have already been there to greet her. They will raise her kindly under the care of those I sent forth.'
The young Aphrodite is greeted by a caretaker as Thoth watches on. The caretaker takes Aphrodite and these two orbs go with her.
Caretaker reference...
Riasha: Olgren Caretaker of Young Divine
Great Mother says 'Here she goes, our beautiful Love. Once again she makes her journey into a new existence. It is a pity that her memories will be lost to her.'
Great Father says 'One day in time she will rediscover them and rediscover who she is. But she will make new memories here. Spread new love, beauty, compassion, and hope upon this existence. I have been speaking with one.'
Great Mother asks 'Who have you been speaking to Father?'
Great Father say 'I have been speaking to the lost Time Walker. He has shown me the future of this existence in the many paths. I should tell you more them Mother.'
They both smile down upon Aphrodite.
Part Two...
Aphrodite is about 2 or 3 years old. She is playing with other divine children.
She is playing a game with other goddesses. This game involves small stones. When it is about her turn she gets ready to roll the stones.
Then a foot comes up and kicks the game. It is young Ares who for some reason has always been at competition with Aphrodite. He always tries to pick on her.
Young Ares laughs 'Stupid game!'
One of the other little goddesses says 'Ares! Why do you have to ruin our fun every time?'
Young Ares laughs 'Because your fun is stupid and weak!'
Little Aphrodite feels anger grow inside her. She stands up to Ares.
With full rage she yells at him 'I will show you who is weak and stupid!'
Little Aphrodite takes her fist and punches Ares straight in the eye.
Ares starts to cry loudly and a barrage of curses comes from his mouth directed at her. He gets angry and he picks up a large tree branch.
Aphrodite runs down the hill to the grove as Ares chases her screaming curses.
Aphrodite can feel Ares gaining up on her. She looks back as sees him raging in anger. She tries to run faster but she is almost exhausted.
As she looks back one more time she bumps into something and falls to the ground. A hand reaches down and picks her up. He says 'Is everything alright little divine?'
Little Aphrodite brushes herself off and looks up to see two large beings with wings standing before her.
She remembers seeing these kind of beings flying high in the skies above where the Titans would meet. Bringing messages back and forth.
Ares runs up and stops. Aphrodite says 'He wants to hurt me. He tried to ruin our game and I stood up to him. Now he is trying to hurt me.'
Ares places the branch behind him to try and hide it. One of the winged beings looks down at Ares and walks up to him and kneels. Ares seems kind of terrified.
The winged being says 'Hmm so this is the young God of War. Well he has quite a lot to learn. He has no honor I see. Chasing young girls.'
Young Ares is spiteful at this being's words and yells 'I am the greatest warrior there will ever be! I could strike you down right now!'
The winged being laughs 'Well he does have pride.' He draws his sword pointing the blade at Ares.
This brings a smile of delight to little Aphrodite as she stands there watching this.
Young Ares feels a little bit afraid as the winged being towers over him and takes the tip of his sword to Ares' nose.
The winged being then flips the sword over and holds the blade as if to hand the sword over to Ares.
Wing being says 'Well, strike me down.'
Young Ares grabs the handle of the sword as the being lets go of the blade. The sword is too heavy and Ares falls to the ground. He struggles with all his might to pick it up.
He curses and kicks at the sword. When he does this he stubs his toe on the hilt. Everyone laughs including Aphrodite. Ares stomps off in anger.
The other winged being says to the first 'I think you were a little too hard on the boy Gabriel.'
Gabriel says 'Hard is not enough. I wasn't being hard on him. There is fire in that boy. I am telling you EinossArku, he is one to watch out for as he grows.'
EinossArku says 'Well, we will deal with that when the time comes. As for you little one, you should be back up with the other divine children. Gabriel will take you there. Follow him. And stand proud today, you stood up to one who thought you were weak. This proves great strength inside you.'
He turns and walks away and then lifts up into the air as his wings spread. Little Aphrodite watches him fly off.
Then she hears Gabriel 'Come on little divine one. Let's take you back with the others.' He reaches down and offers her a hand. She takes it and walks with him.
As little Aphrodite walks with Gabriel she asks him questions. She says 'I have seen your kind before flying up toward where the Titans sit. What are you called?'
Gabriel chuckles 'You are a very insightful little girl. I sense a lot of discovery in you. A lot of knowledge seeking. We are what are called the Ourhkina.'
Little Aphrodite in her child-like voice 'The You-Ki-An?'
Gabriel says 'Close enough. We are the angelic guardians of this this existence.'
Little Aphrodite asks 'What is the existence?'
Gabriel says 'I almost forgot again. You have not yet begun your schooling. You will learn of these things. Now come, there are the other children. Join them.'
Little Aphrodite smiles 'Thank you sir You-ki-an.'
Gabriel bows and says 'It was my pleasure little goddess. Now run along.'
Time passes and little Aphrodite is now around the age of 5 years old by human standards.
She is taken by her caretaker along with the other divine children up to the great halls of the Titans. Here she will be named and her schooling and training will begin.
Little Aphrodite makes her way up the grand staircase. She sees all different types of beings there. Many have gathered for this special occasion. For this only comes once within a cycle.
As she arrives up there she is greeted by her long childhood friend. Many find him to be a peculiar boy.
He spends most of his time with the young goddesses instead of the other young gods. He is a very dear friend to her. His name is Apollo.
Little Aphrodite sees the family of the Olympian King Zeus. She has heard many stories about him. About how brave and handsome he is. The stories do not disappoint.
Zeus and his wife Hera have many children. This may seem confusing because later on Aphrodite is at their wedding as an adult. This is because they remarried a few times after being separated.
Some of their children are Aphrodite's dearest and closest friends. While Ares is her adversary.
Sitting upon the great thrones of the Titans they rise up and the others all take a knee.
Little Aphrodite does not recognize them all by name or face but she has heard stories of them and their keeping of the realms.
One of them stands in the middle and looks down. She almost recognizes him. He seems almost familiar to her but she cannot place it.
He says 'I Ouranos have called upon my children, and my children's children, and the children of them for this great occasion that happens once within the cycle.
Today the divine children will receive their standings within the realms. As I call your name step forward and we the Titans shall name you.'
He calls many times and little Aphrodite takes her place in line behind the other divine children. Apollo is in front of her and in front of him is Ares.
Each of them are called out and named one by one for what they will represent.
When it comes to Ares, they call him out as Ares God of War and Triumph. The representation of Victory. Apollo is named the God of the Sun, Joy, and Happiness.
When it comes to her turn the Titans speak among each other. Then Ouranos rises again and says 'Aphrodite you shall be named Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Compassion.'
This fills her heart with warmth and she bows gracefully. There is celebration after the naming of all the divine children.
Little Aphrodite then again notices the Ourhkina. She looks at them and smiles. There are more of them than the two she met earlier.
The celebration goes on into the night and little Aphrodite becomes quite tired.
Her caretaker picks her up in her arms and says to Zeus and Hera 'I should take her home now. She is very tired.'
Zeus smiles and touches little Aphrodite on the head. He says 'Yes she is very tired. She has much learning to do. Schooling will start soon. Great Master Thoth will be her instructor.
She has so much love and beauty to give. I myself, King of the Olympians Zeus, look forward to great things from her.'
Part Three...
Aphrodite is a little older around the age of a young teen around 13 in human standards. She wanders in a grove to a lagoon underneath a waterfall. Aphrodite is barefoot as she wanders down to the lagoon.
She is a happy and full of love type of child. Her studies are going well. She is Thoth's top student. She learns quickly as if knowledge comes naturally to her. However Ares is always there tormenting her at every turn.
But on a day like today free from studies she decides to go down to the sacred waters beneath the waterfall to swim there for a while as she usually does.
This is a place where she takes time to herself to get away from her studies and the daily life of living upon the mountain of the Titans.
Aphrodite disrobes and dives into the waters of the lagoon. She swims there and takes time to enjoy the waters. She looks up at the sky and the clouds that pass by.
She daydreams and sees images from her dreams within the clouds. Places long ago that she has dreamt of, places she has seen, other things of her imagination.
She sees the clouds form into images of Thoth and the library he always speaks of. Another image forms into the Ourhkina. The beings she is so curious about.
Aphrodite is startled from her daydream by the sound of movement in the woods. She gets the sense of uncontrollable lust. This frightens her.
She swims out to the middle of the lagoon to stay away from the shore. As the sound seems to surround all the woods.
She hears low laughter. She recognizes it as the Satyrs. The caretaker has warned her of them and let her hear the sounds they make.
Thoth has taught her how to pick up on their energies of lust and desire. They are known for taking young maidens for their own sexual desires.
Fear strikes over her and she decides to go to the shore to gather her robe and begin her journey back with haste.
As she gets near the shore she notices that her robes are gone. She can hear the laughter of the satyrs all around her. Three of them emerge from the woods.
One of the Satyrs says to the others 'Look at this beautiful little one. Mmmm I can almost taste her skin.' He licks his lips.
The satyr to his left says 'Oh yes I am already lusting for her. She will bring me such great pleasure.'
This frightens Aphrodite as the satyrs make their desires well known. They run towards her as she goes back into the water.
The satyrs are not afraid of the lagoon so they to pursue her. One of them grabs her by the ankle and she screams.
He is dragging her back to the shore through the water. She tries to get away.
A satyr standing on the shore says 'Ahhh let me have her. I love it when they fight.' Aphrodite screams louder as terror strikes over her.
Then she hears a mighty voice that says 'Leave the girl be!'
The satyr on the shore is struck by a larger being she recognizes as Zeus.
He then turns his attention toward the other satyrs. The one who had her by the ankle lets go and she swims out a little bit.
The other two satyrs prepare to attack Zeus. He then sends out lighting from his eyes. The satyrs back down and scurry away into he woods.
Aphrodite is relieved to see them gone and happy to see the Zeus has come to her aid.
Zeus turns to her and says 'Do not be frightened now child. They are gone and they won't be coming back. I personally know the satyr leader and I will be speaking to him. If they ever trouble you again they will feel my wrath.'
Aphrodite smiles 'I cannot thank you enough King of the Olympians. You have come to my aid and I have forever grateful. If there is anything I can do to repay your kindness I will be at your service.'
Zeus is standing there and a smile crosses his face. He says 'There are some things you can do for me.'
Zeus disrobes himself 'First let me bathe with you. I will swim with you in these waters just to make sure the satyr do not return.'
Aphrodite feels uneased by this. Zeus walks into the water and she swims a little bit away from him.
Zeus says 'Do not be frightened child. I will stay here with you until you have completed your afternoon swim.'
He smiles strangely at her and this makes her feel unsettled. She does not say anything. She swims even more away from him.
Then she hears a woman's voice screaming 'How dare you do this! I should have known! This is just like you and I am sick of it. I am tired of it!'
Zeus turns around to see Hera standing on the shore. He tries to explain his actions. That the satyrs had come to rape Aphrodite and he had fought them off. That he was only staying there with her so they don't return.
Hera says 'Then why are you not standing upon the shore? Why is are your robes laying here? You trying to seduce this young divine like some chambermaid?'
This angers Zeus and he says 'Chambermaids mean nothing to me! And besides, this is none of your business. You are the wife and the mother. So be that and let me be who I am.'
Hera is angry and says 'This is what you are!' She picks up a rock and throws it hitting Zeus in the head.
Zeus storms out of the water, grabs Hera by both arms, and shoves her against a tree.
Zeus says 'No more of your jealousy woman! No more of your intervention into my rule! I denounce you here in front of these sacred waters. Here on Mount Olympus underneath the Titans I denounce you!'
Aphrodite makes her way to the shore. She takes Zeus's loincloth which has been on the ground as Zeus is standing there stark naked. She wraps it around herself to cover her nakedness.
Hera looks at her 'I see what is going on here! Love? Ha! You are nothing more than a mere harlot trying to steal my husband.'
Aphrodite says 'No great Queen. I would never do such. Your husband speaks the truth. I do not know why he wishes to bathe with me.'
Hera screams 'You are a liar you little harlot!'
Zeus takes his grip on Hera's arms and says 'Do not speak of her that way! And do not speak of me!'
Hera says 'You have denounced me. I shall speak to you in any way I choose. You are a foul King. You have no conquest to your name. Therefore you are weak. Our children are stronger than you. They shall rise up one day and replace you.'
Zeus says 'So this was your plot all along. To turn our beloved children against their father.'
Hera says 'You are not even worthy of being a King!'
Zeus strikes her and Hera falls to the ground. Aphrodite is startled by this.
Zeus says 'So be it then. I reign my judgement on you and banish you. No longer shall you remain in these lands or here upon the Titan Olympus. You are banished! Be gone!'
Zeus grabs his robes and walks away.
Hera gathers herself, stands up, and brushes herself off. Then looks at Aphrodite.
Hera says 'You will pay for this! This is your fault! You are nothing more than a usurper. I shall see to it. While I am in banishment I will think of nothing more than to get you back for what you have done!' Hera then turns and walks away.
Aphrodite feels saddened by this and believes the words that Hera said. She feels at fault for everything that happened. Aphrodite starts to cry.
Aphrodite runs and lays on her bed. Her caretaker asks 'What is wrong?'
Aphrodite says 'I feel so alone here. I have no one to talk to besides you. All the other divine children have siblings and I have none. I wish I had a brother."
Caretaker says 'You are so special little love.' Then holds Aphrodite tight as she falls asleep.
Part Four...
Aphrodite is at her home at Mount Olympus. She is about 15 years old in human standards. She looks out into the distance and sees the lights and stars far off.
She sits and enjoys reading her scrolls that Thoth lets her borrow from time to time. This one speaks of other existences and great places unknown.
She wonders from time to time exactly how old Thoth is and where he comes from. Deep down inside she feels that Thoth possesses a wisdom and knowledge that is unknown the Olympians and the Titans themselves.
Aphrodite is at the top of her class in her studies. She is also the favorite of her instructor Thoth. He teaches divine students across the pantheons.
She learns of many different places and realms. She also learns about the great pantheons of the divine and the 10 cosmic houses that come together as a council. They oversee everything that happens in the realms.
In her free time she often likes to wander the great halls and sometimes eavesdrop on conversations.
She has a deep fascination with the Ourhkina who are guardians of this existence. She remembers the day she first met them face to face.
She thinks about the Ourhkina she bumped into. Although she never really saw him again his image stays with her.
Aphrodite is also deeply fascinated in her studies with the kingdoms of the different realms and how they work. She is very interested in Alfheim. She believes it to be a beautiful place full of mystery and wonder.
Her thoughts come back to her as she rolls up her scroll. She looks out across one more time from the views of Mount Olympus. Then she settles down into bed dreaming of tomorrow. The day Thoth offered to take her to his great library.
She excited for all the new wonders she will get to explore and about the wisdom and knowledge the library holds. While she is thinking about this she drifts off to sleep.
Aphrodite rises early the next day full of excitement. She gathers everything she will be needing for her journey to the library.
Her caretaker greets her with a good morning and says 'Someone is here.' Aphrodite wonders who would be visiting her so early in morning. This makes her ponder.
Caretaker says 'It is a messenger from Thoth. They will be escorting you to the great library.'
Aphrodite feels and excited and very special that Thoth would send an envoy to escort her to his great library.
The caretaker takes her down and she sees the being standing there. There is a large crane next to her. This is Usula.
She greets Aphrodite and says 'I am scribe to Thoth. I shall take you there. Please young divine, climb upon the crane's back.'
Aphrodite is filled with delight. She quickly climbs up on the crane. The scribe of Thoth takes her position in front. She whispers a command to the crane and it rises and flies up into the air.
Aphrodite looks into the small sack that she brought. Inside are the two orbs that always follow her. They have become like friends to her. Although they do not speak they seem to listen to every word she has to say.
It is a small way for her to not feel lonely although deep down inside she wishes for a sibling. Someone she can share time and adventures with.
Aphrodite has heard of great magic within Thoth's library. She hopes that may he will let her read some of the ancient scrolls that contain this magic.
She may be able to find an answer to the question in her mind and heart. 'Is there a magical way I could make a brother?'
The scribe of Thoth turns to her and says 'We are almost there young divine. Hold on tight.' In front of her Aphrodite sees large brightly shining gates.
The scribe brings out a horn from under her cloak. She raises it high and a beautiful melody comes form the horn. The gates glow brighter and open.
The crane lands on a platform set upon high. Down below Aphrodite notices thick clouds with energy joining through them almost looking like lightning. She wonders 'What could be below there?' This is actually the Veil Mist.
Aphrodite departs from the crane. The scribe Usula says 'This way young divine.' They enter into a large hall where the ceilings seem to go endlessly up into the sky.
There are shelves and shelves of scrolls and books. This fills Aphrodite's heart with joy. So much wisdom her hungry mind cannot wait to indulge in.
Aphrodite sees Thoth speaking with another familiar Titan known to her. He is with Prometheus. Although she has only made small talk with him here and there she gets a warm sense from him.
She and the scribe Usula walk close to where Thoth and Prometheus are having a conversation.
Thoth greets her 'Ah there is my prize pupil. I am sure you know the Titan Prometheus.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes I know of him master. Very well. We have met before.'
Prometheus says 'It is a pleasure once again young Aphrodite. I see master Thoth has allowed you to do some private studying within the great library.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes and I am overjoyed at all the wisdom and knowledge within here.'
Prometheus smiles and puts his hand under her chin to lift her head up to look into his eyes.
He says 'For a hungry mind such as yours there is plenty here to feed it. Enjoy your time here young Aphrodite. We shall speak more in the future.'
Aphrodite says 'I would love that. Thank you so much.'
Prometheus says his goodbyes to Thoth. He walks down the stairs and out of the great hall. Thoth looks down at Aphrodite and sees her smiling as Prometheus walks away.
Thoth says 'He sees much in you young Aphrodite.'
Aphrodite asks 'What does he see in me?'
Thoth answers 'Prometheus is very wise and a very good judge of character. What he sees in you is a strive to gain all the knowledge and wisdom that you can.
You have a hungry mind for this and also a hungry mind for adventure. We shall speak of that another day. Come, I know you are anxious to begin feeding that hungry mind of yours.'
Aphrodite follows Thoth down the library. He leads her to a section and says 'I believe you should start here.'
She walks down the aisles of books and scrolls. Some of the titles are familiar to her. She recognizes it as more of a novice beginner section of knowledge.
She feels somewhat disappointed. She believes she is ready for greater wisdom and knowledge.
Thoth notices the look on her face and says 'Be patient young Aphrodite. The wisdom and knowledge you seek will come in time, but there are pieces here that you should study and learn. I know that you are very interested in magic.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes I am. Very interested. It is one of my favorite studies.'
Thoth reaches to the shelf and pulls out a scroll. He says 'I know you may be disappointed that this is more of a beginner novice section. But have you read this? This is an interesting spell that I always find comes in handy in some of the most awkward situations.'
He hands her the scroll and she opens it. A surprised look of delight comes to her face.
Aphrodite says 'This is a portal incantation. How to summon portals. You have not even begun to think that any of the students in our classes are ready for this. This is way far beyond anything we are learning there now.'
Thoth smiles 'Well you are my number one pupil. I believe you are ready to learn this. Here take some time. Study it and practice it. When you are done return to me.'
Aphrodite says 'Oh yes I will. Thank you master Thoth.' She goes to the main floor where there are a few lounge sofas.
She places her bag down on one of the sofas then opens the scroll and studies it. Her mind absorbs the knowledge within it right away. After a few minutes she decides to try and cast the spell.
She struggles at first. The portal appears in front of her but does not grow large enough for her to step through. She concentrates more and studies the spell again. She makes the portal grow larger.
When the portal is large enough she smiles and rolls up the scroll. Then she steps through.
To her surprise she falls down to the ground. The portal has taken her to another part of the library. She sits up on her knees, brushes herself off, and gets ready to stand up.
She bumps her head on some scrolls sticking out from the shelf. They fall to the ground. This startles her for a moment.
As she looks around she notices this part of the library seems like it is almost never used. There are cobwebs and dust everywhere.
The scrolls that have fallen have kicked up dust. She coughs a bit then looks down at them. She decides to pick them up and place them back on the shelf.
Aphrodite places four scrolls on the shelf but when it comes to the fifth one her curiosity overwhelms her. She decides to break the seal on the scroll to open it and see what it is.
It seems to be written in an old Thothic language. She struggles with it a little bit, but she has excelled in her studies of all the languages of the realms. She starts to read.
Her eyes widen as she continues. She thinks 'Is this what I have been searching for? And it has landed right here in front of me. This is truly fate.'
The scroll reads of powerful magic on how to create a sibling. Since she doesn't have time to fully read the scroll she decides to take it with her.
She pulls out the small ribbon holding her hair and ties the scroll around her waist. She stands up and looks for a moment at all the ancient scrolls and books covered in dust upon the shelves.
Aphrodite says to herself 'I must really come back here one day. All the wonders and mysteries in this part of the library.' She makes a mental note to herself.
She then starts to study the portal scroll again. She concentrates and opens a portal. She focuses on the portal to take her back to the main hall of the library.
She steps through the portal and it takes her where she wanted to go. This time it does not open up high above the floor. It is perfectly level to the ground as if it were a doorway.
Aphrodite goes to her bag on the lounge sofa. She takes the scroll she found in the old part of the library and places it in her bag.
She then again focuses on the portal scroll. After a while and traveling to some realms only briefly, including Alfheim, she decided to find master Thoth and show him how much she has been practicing the incantation of portals.
She goes up the stairs to another level of the library. She sees the scribe Usula sitting at a desk.
Aphrodite says 'Excuse me scribe, have you seen master Thoth?'
The scribe says 'Yes he is down the hall. Just follow the candles.'
Aphrodite follows the lighted candles down the hall and sees master Thoth in a great room standing before a stone with strange symbols she has never seen before.
Thoth seems busy studying the symbols on the stone. To gain his attention she clears her throat and says 'Excuse me master Thoth.'
He turns his attention from the symbols toward her and says 'Ah young Aphrodite. Have you come to show me what you have learned?'
Aphrodite says 'Yes I have traveled quite a few places and have seen wondrous things. But only for a brief moment, I did not wander off far. I have mastered this portal incantation. I would love to show you.'
Thoth says 'You have mastered this? Well then young Aphrodite, if I ask you to take me to a certain place do believe you could take us there?'
Aphrodite says excitedly 'Yes, yes. I can. I know I can. Where do you want to go master Thoth? Anywhere. Tell me.'
Thoth says 'Well this has been quite a busy day for you. You may come again tomorrow. But I have work to do. So how about you open a portal and we take you home?'
Aphrodite says 'I can do it. That is easy.' She concentrates on the incantation of the portal.
Thoth says 'After you my young Aphrodite.'
Aphrodite says 'Thank you master Thoth. I shall see you on the other side.'
As she goes through the portal she steps down into water. She had opened the portal right above the fountain of the palace she stays at.
Aphrodite feels a bit embarrassed as she stands up from the water. She is a little bit wet but not soaking.
Thoth floats through the portal his feet above the fountain. He then comes to a landing on the other side of it feet touching the ground.
Aphrodite climbs out of the fountain and says 'Sorry, I guess I didn't quite know where to open the portal at home.'
Thoth touches her on the head and says 'You will master it soon enough, but you have learned it quite well. I will leave you now. Come to the library again tomorrow and continue in your studies. There are a few other incantations I would like to show you.'
Aphrodite says 'I would love that master Thoth. Thank you. I will see you tomorrow.' With that Thoth floats back through the portal and it closes.
Caretaker comes to greet her. Aphrodite tells her of the day's adventures. When evening comes and Aphrodite is resting quietly in her chambers she remembers the scroll.
She says to herself 'I forgot to tell master Thoth about the scroll. I hope he is not upset. I hope he doesn't think I tried to steal it.'
Aphrodite decides she will explain it to him tomorrow. She knows master Thoth would understand she is not a thief. She has always been very honest and kind, but in her excitement she can sometimes be a little forgetful.
She reaches into her bag and finds the scroll. She begins to study it while she daydreams of creating the perfect brother she can share adventures with.
As she studies the scroll her eyes become heavy and she falls asleep. Aphrodite is awakened by the sounds of knocking at the palace doors and realizes it is not yet morning.
She arises and puts on her robe. She opens the door and wanders down the hall. She can hear voices in the distance. It is two male voices speaking with her caretaker.
Aphrodite walks to the balcony on the second floor and peers down at them. She can see her caretaker talking to two Ourhkina.
Her heart is full of joy as she recognizes one of the Ourhkina. The one who escorted her back the day Ares chased her. It is Gabriel. She wonders what he is doing here at this early hour.
Gabriel notices Aphrodite watching from the balcony above. He smiles at her then his face turns serious again as he continues to speak with the caretaker.
The caretaker looks worried. She nods her head and speaks a few words. The Ouhrkina turn to leave. She closes the doors and with an incantation puts a great bar over them.
Aphrodite is feeling a bit worried. Caretaker says to her 'Aphrodite, you should be sleeping. Come, there is something I must tell you.'
Aphrodite says 'What is it? Why did you put the heavy bar on the door?'
Caretaker says 'The Ourhkina have come. There is a murder here upon the mountain. He has broken in to the new Queen's chambers. Killed the guard and tried to cast a spell upon her. It is dangerous at this time. You must stay inside. Come, you can sleep with me in my chambers tonight.'
Aphrodite says 'Kill the guard and try to cast a spell on Beatae?'
Zeus had gotten remarried after denouncing and banishing Hera. This was his new wife. She is a niece of one of the Titans. Zeus had married after just one encounter.
Aphrodite has seen her at the many banquets and balls. She doesn't seem very strong. She is very quiet. Only a little bit older than Aphrodite.
Zeus shows Beatae off like a trophy to all the head pantheon gods and goddesses. Although Aphrodite has never spoken a word to Beatae she senses an inner sadness.
Hera had been banished to Tartarus for a certain period of time until Zeus feels she has paid for her disrespectful words toward him.
Aphrodite goes into her caretaker's chambers and they both get in bed. Aphrodite cannot fall asleep.
She is wondering 'Who would be able to sneak into the King and Queen's bed chambers? Who would be able to kill one of his mighty guardians?'
Aphrodite feels more curious than terrified that there is a murderer on the loose. This being must possess great magic power.
She can no longer contain her curiosity when she decides she will find out more.
Knowing that her caretaker is asleep, Aphrodite slowly creeps out of bed and goes down the stairs. The front door of the palace is barred but she knows of a secret way that leads down into the cellar of the palace which has a door that leads the garden.
Aphrodite goes outside to the garden. She leaves and walks on the road. There are many other villas and palaces nearby. They are the homes of the Olympians, the Titans, and their families.
She gets to a corner and hears voices. She lowers down and hides. She does not want to be seen. She peeks around and sees Zeus dressed in his armor speaking with two Ourhkina. He has many of his guards around him.
Aphrodite recognizes these Ourhkina. She has seen them before and knows their names. One is the great warrior Ourhkina called Michael. The other is the wisest of all. He is the leader of the Ourhkina. His name is Melek Taus.
They are speaking with Zeus. Aphrodite listens in to try to hear what they are saying but cannot quite make it out.
Then she remembers an incantation that Thoth has been teaching her in her studies. The incantation will allow her to hear all conversations louder even from miles away.
She uses the incantation and whispers it into her hand and then places her hand to her ear. Now Aphrodite can begin to hear what they are saying...
Zeus says 'This being must still be here. We must find him. He has tried to seduce my Queen and has killed one of my most loyal guards.'
Melek Taus says 'Has the Queen said anything?'
Zeus says 'She still seems to be under a trance, but she keeps muttering the word Vex.'
Michael looks puzzled and repeats 'Vex? I wonder what that means.'
Aphrodite notices the look on the face of Melek Taus. It is as if he recognizes what this means. Melek places his hand on Michael's shoulder.
Melek Taus says 'Vex. That means we could be in great danger. Call upon more Ourhkina. We need to search this entire place. If he is here then the King and Queen's lives may be in jeopardy.'
Zeus says 'Vex. Vex is a he. I will have his head for what he has done to my Queen.'
For those who do not know, Vex is another name for Vustik. In many of my earlier posts for 2018 we use the name Vex for him.
Melek Taus says 'Great King Zeus, you must understand. If any of your men are to find Vex they should report immediately back. Do not try to handle him on your own. He has power far beyond anyone's understanding. If your men find him do not try to challenge him. Find us.'
This upsets and angers Zeus. He feels insulted as if Melek Taus believes him to be weak.
Zeus says 'I don't care how powerful he is. He tried to seduce my Queen and killed one of my royal guards. He will taste my power.' He signals to his guards and angrily stomps away.
Melek Taus turns to Michael and says 'We must find him before Zeus does.'
They turn to leave and Aphrodite hides behind the corner as they walk by. She hopes they did not notice her.
Her curiosity of this being before has now turned to a little more fear. She decides to head back to her home to the safety of her caretaker.
She makes her way through the garden, down through the secret entrance of the cellar, and back up to her caretaker's room where she is still sound asleep. Aphrodite crawls back into bed and feels quite fearful.
Now that she has heard the Ourhkina speak of this being she thinks to herself 'Who could this be? And why were you Ourhkina so worried? I wonder.' Her eyes get heavy and she falls back asleep.
Aphrodite is dreaming but the dream is more of a nightmare. She feels herself trapped behind dark glass. She bangs on the glass and screams.
There are silhouettes of beings outside of the glass but they seem malevolent. As if they have put her there. She screams and cries out for her caretaker and for master Thoth.
She bangs more and more on the glass until it cracks and suddenly shatters. With this Aphrodite wakes up.
The caretaker is already up and seeing to the day's chores. Aphrodite climbs out of bed and goes downstairs to the main hall. She is excited that she gets to return to Thoth's library today.
Aphrodite finds her caretaker and asks 'Do you think the same scribe will be coming to pick me up today? I cannot wait to return to Thoth's library.'
Caretaker says 'Oh a message came this morning from master Thoth. You will not be able to travel there today. The incidents of last night have required his attention. King Zeus and the Titans have called upon him. I am sorry young Aphrodite if this disappoints you.'
Aphrodite lowers her head and says 'It does a little but I understand. Did they ever catch the one who broke in?'
Caretaker says 'No. They searched everywhere but he was gone. They are meeting today to discuss it further with the Titans and Great Houses. You should enjoy your day. Run along and find some of your friends. I am sure you can keep yourself busy.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes I can. You don't mind if I go down to the ancient grove do you?'
Caretaker says 'Yes you can go but be back before lunch time. I made something special for you today.'
Aphrodite smiles and embraces her caretaker and gives her a kiss on the cheek.
Aphrodite says 'Thank you so much. I will see you later.'
She leaves the palace and goes down the side of the mountain to the ancient grove.
There she sees some of the other young divine. They have gathered around the tallest tree in the grove and are looking up at something.
As Aphrodite gets closer she notices that her friend Apollo is climbing up to the top to the great nest of the golden eagles that live high in the branches.
They are cheering Apollo on as he climbs. Aphrodite is worried because Apollo is not the best climber. He almost reaches the top and grabs for the next branch. It breaks and he slips and falls.
All the young divine there gasp. Aphrodite quickly speaks the words of the portal incantation.
A portal appears below where Apollo is falling. He falls through the portal and right beside her where the portal has opened he falls out.
The other young divine turn in amazement. One of them asks 'How did you do that?' Aphrodite smiles and says as she walks away 'Oh I have many little secrets.'
She turns and sees Ares standing in front of her. He bows and greets her 'Beautiful Aphrodite, it is a fine lovely day. How are you doing this morning?'
Aphrodite says 'I am doing the same as I do every morning Ares when you see me and ask me. I am doing fine on this day. How are you doing?'
Ares says 'Delightful. You should have seen me last night Aphrodite. I went with my dad to hunt down the intruder. He is so lucky we didn't find him.'
Then Ares leans in closer to her 'I tell you Aphrodite if he was to come face to face with me. Oh the wrath I would have unleashed upon him.'
Aphrodite rolls her eyes and says 'Yes Ares I am sure you would.'
Ares winks at her and says 'On you better believe it beautiful. You should come watch me ride sometime. I am strong and I am a master horseman already. I will be a great victor in my first battle.'
Aphrodite again rolls her eyes 'Yes Ares a great victor. I am so overwhelmed to be in your presence.'
Ares smiles and says 'Yes my presence is very overwhelming now isn't it?'
Aphrodite says 'Oh yes so much that it spreads out way beyond Mount Olympus. Now if you will excuse me Ares I wish to do some quiet reading alone.'
Ares bows and says 'Oh by all means beautiful Aphrodite. Oh wait, I have something for you.'
Ares reaches into his pocket and pulls out a beautiful golden necklace. He gives it to her.
Aphrodite takes it and says 'Thank you Ares. This is a wonderful gift.'
Ares bows and says 'You are always welcome most beautiful of all creatures.'
Aphrodite says 'Thank you once again Ares. Now have yourself a wonderful day.' She walks off deep into the grove.
Ares says to one of the others 'You see? She wants me. She cannot help herself with my overwhelming presence.'
Aphrodite finds a quiet place to sit and starts to study the scroll she brought with her from the library. From what she understands, she needs to go to a place called the Eternal Sea.
She wonders 'I have heard of a place here and have visited it once when I was young. A sea that goes on for eternity. I bet by using the portal incantation it can take me there.'
Aphrodite studies the old scroll even more and finds out there are materials she must gather. Then she is to go to the Eternal Sea and submerge herself in the waters. When she will arise again it won't be alone but with a sibling.
She reads off the list of materials she will need for the ritual. She knows where to find them. She puts the scroll away and heads back up in search of the materials she needs.
Over the next several days Aphrodite gathered the materials she needs for the ritual. Many of her studies and classes have been canceled because master Thoth and some of the other instructors have been called away.
Aphrodite decided on the day after she gathered all her materials that this is day she will create her sibling. Her perfect brother.
When she has all her materials together she uses the portal incantation. She concentrates hard and speaks over again 'Eternal Sea. Take me to the Eternal Sea.'
A portal opens but it is very strong and pulls Aphrodite through. She ends up on the other side splashing down in the water. She then start to swim and paddle a bit.
She remembers an incantation she learned in class that gives the ability to levitate. She uses the incantation and floats back up a few feet above the water.
Aphrodite says to herself 'That's better.' She reaches into her bag for the ritual materials.
She places them in the correct spots in front of her then reads from the scroll while mixing the materials together. Around Aphrodite are her two orbs which are always with her.
As she reads the final words of the incantation on the scroll she sees a light. She starts forming from it and becomes blinding and the scroll becomes hot to the touch.
Aphrodite feels overwhelming energy overtake her body and she goes into convulsions. Her body floats up into the air and energy swirls around her.
She feels really heavy and painful. She drops back down into the water. She starts sinking but she is not drowning. She cannot move her body. She feels as if she is paralyzed.
Flashes and images flow in front of her face at a rapid speed. They are so fast that she cannot keep up to make out what they are.
Then Aphrodite feels warm and relaxed then she passes out. Her dreams are dark and mysterious.
She dreams of certain places she has never seen before. There are very power beings, but she cannot remember their faces. They seem foggy.
Aphrodite feels herself floating up and as she opens her eyes she bursts out of the water.
There she is on top of the Eternal Sea. Aphrodite catches her breath as she hears a voice.
He says 'Where am I?'
Aphrodite looks to her right and there she sees standing before her a younger man. He is stark naked but he seems so familiar to her.
Aphrodite says to herself 'Have I done it? Have I created a brother?'
She says to him 'You are here on the Eternal Sea brother. I have made you.'
Then she hears two other small child-like voices. She looks down to see two children with wings. They look at her with their hands stretched up toward her. These are the Erotes.
She gets the sense that these are the two orbs that have always been with her. She is delighted with this. The incantation has worked far beyond what she possibly imagined.
Aphrodite says 'This is wonderful. I have a brother now and two others with me. I shall never be alone.'
Her brother turns to her and looks her in the eyes. He says 'You are my sister. You are so beautiful and I feel so warm inside.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes you are my brother and we shall have many great adventures together.'
She then remembers it is time to get home and introduce the brother she created to her caretaker. Aphrodite uses the portal incantation. A portal forms and opens up.
Aphrodite says 'Don't be frightened brother. I am going to take you home. Come with me. And you two, you know the way.'
The two child beings fly through the portal. Aphrodite takes her brother's hand and they walk through.
When she steps out of the portal she is home again. She gives her brother a cloth she had in her bag to hide his nakedness.
They return to her home where her caretaker is in the kitchen preparing a fine meal.
Her caretaker turns to her and says 'Aphrodite who is this?'
Aphrodite says 'This is my brother. I made him from a scroll that I found in Thoth's library.'
Caretaker seems surprised but does not say anything to discourage her. She says 'So you have a brother now. What is your brother's name?'
Aphrodite thinks and says 'His name is Poseidon.'
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