Memories of Love: Ashtiarte

These are my most ancient memories of my first forms. It also shows what happened with the first judgement. I will share more as I collect and process more of my memories.
Part One...
Great Father and Great Mother are standing above mist that is swirling around water. A figure stands there before them. This is the time they made Atherak into judgement. The words are spoken. Atherak leaves and the conversation begins.
Mother says 'Do not weary Father. This was meant to be.'
Father replies 'It is not the passing of Judgment that makes me feel weary and my heart heavy. It is the fact that I feel almost deceitful in a way to what we just created. Atherak does not know.'
Father opens his hand and inside is a pink orb of light swirling around.
Mother looks at the light and says 'It is best to let Atherak think she is gone. He must go forth and judge. Be the Aspect of Judgement until the time that it is ended.
As for Love, she must be reborn over and over again until she makes a full hold in all existences and the existences to come.'
Father says 'I trust in your heart. You have always been that wise Mother. Wiser than me. But still, I feel almost deceitful and I worry for what is to come.'
Mother closes Father's hand around the pink light and draws in close to him. She puts her arms around him and tells him 'You must take Love now and cast her into the Eternal Sea so she may be reborn.'
Father says 'I will Mother and when the time of Judgement comes to an end hopefully Love will then reign and restore all of the imbalance that has been caused. All the pain and suffering of all beings. May the rebirth of Love restore them to balance.'
Father then turns away from Mother and descends down toward the mist. He stands the water close to the mist. He raises his hands. The mist parts and he walks through. He is on the edge of the Eternal Sea.
He opens his hand and looks at the orb of swirling pink light.
Father says 'Live again. Return to us Love. For in the times to come you will be needed. And needed over and over again. As Hate and Anger rise you must rise as well from the waves of the Eternal Sea.'
Father then closes his hand and kisses it. He rears back and casts the orb of pink light out into the Eternal Sea.
When it lands in the water ripple effects spread throughout the Eternal Sea. A blinding pink light strikes across the water and then it is calm.
A tear falls from Father's eye. He says 'Come back to us Love and Beauty. The existences will need you.' Father turns away and goes back into the mist.
Out on the water a light begins to form beneath the waves. It then forms into that of a figure. She is Ashtiarte (Ash-Ti-Art-Ae).
Ashtiarte rises above the waves and opens her eyes for the first time. She walks across the Eternal Sea trying to remember who she is.
She looks at the Veil Mist that surrounds her and has a question in her mind 'Why do I feel so much anger and hate beyond these mists? Where is the love? Where is the beauty in all things? Is it gone? Am I gone? I must find a way to return to them.'
Ashtiarte feels alone but inside the mist eyes are watching her. It is the Veil Keeper. She almost senses he is there. She walks close to the mist but she is not yet able to enter it.
She puts her hand up and inside the mist on the other side, as if it were a glass window, is the Veil Keeper.
He puts his hand up towards hers and says 'Your Love and your Beauty is needed so much now. Judgement has come.
So many things are falling apart here. It seems as if Father and Mother have unleashed upon the existences a Great Judgement that may destroy us all.
I will find a way to set you free. We need you to return to us. The existences need Love if we are to continue. If not, all is lost and all will be undone.'
On the other side of the Veil Mist it is as if Ashtiarte could hear the Veil Keeper's voice in her head. A tear comes from her eye. She tries hard to think back and remember.
Ashtiarte wonders 'What had happened to me before?' Her memories seem far and distant as if a wall was surrounding and keeping them from her.
She closes her eyes and concentrates as hard as she can. She gets flashes of the Atheron. On the outside of it first and then on the inside.
Everything that was in there that was beauty and love. Everything that was part of that existence inside which she was Voice of flashes inside her mind.
This warms Ashtiarte a little bit and she smiles. Then it becomes more intense. Her smile fades as the flashes inside her mind from the Atheron turns from beauty to decay.
She sees it wither and die. She sees a being there all in black laying in the burned ash. He is weeping. She can hear his cries of agony as his hand reaches toward the sky. As the ash falls all around him.
Ashtiarte reaches her hand out as if she is trying to touch the being and grab his hand. Tears stream down her face. She feels as if she touched his hand. Then another strong flash comes through her mind.
She sees the Judgement that comes upon the 13 existences. The being that she saw before crying in pain and suffering in the burned ash has changed. He is surrounded by others. They are going through. Armies fall before them. Worlds burn.
She sees this being sitting upon a throne with an object in his hand. He closes his hand and it causes the destruction of the 13 existences. Everything including the Veil Mist and the Eternal Sea burn away to ash.
Ashtiarte then regains herself and opens her eyes. She weeps 'I must find a way past this mist. I must return. Love, Beauty, and all that I am is needed now. I must find a way.'
Part Two...
This vision opens up with images. Ashtiarte is dreaming of the same black being. He is running through a beautiful meadow. There are flowers and creatures all around.
There is a beast running beside him. It stops and looks up at her. She feels a sense of warmth and love. As if she is watching him from above.
The image flashes and she sees great armies marching upon cities, villages, planets, and realms. Much war has spread. She sees suffering as the strong prey upon the weak. There are horrid sights. Slaughter, malice, utter chaos. These images flash stronger and stronger.
The image flashes again and she sees the black being kneeling before a rose. She hears him shriek and cry out in pain and suffering and she sees the rose crumble.
Then Ashtiarte opens her eyes. She is resting upon the Eternal Sea. She rises up as she wipes away a tear. She walks along the edge of the Veil Mist rubbing her hand against it as if she is trying to find a way through.
On the other side of the mist walking parallel to her is the Veil Keeper. She cannot see him. He is not alone even though he appears to be by himself.
Veil Keeper says 'Only Love can bring this balance back. Let me reach out to her Father please.'
Father replies 'The time of Judgement has to run its course. Even though the suffering may be great it must happen.'
Veil Keeper says 'I understand that Father, but at least let me reach out to her so she is not alone.'
Father sighs 'I shouldn't do this. But the sadness and loneliness I feel is inside her. This has swayed my heart. Put your hand through the Veil Mist.'
The Veil Keeper puts his arm through the Veil Mist. On the other side where Ashtiarte is touching a hand comes through and grabs hers. She is startled for a moment.
The Veil Keeper walks through with his hand clenched with hers. He says 'Do not be frightened. I am here for you. I will show you things. I am here to help you because it is all of us who will need your help in the end.'
Ashtiarte says 'I am not frightened. You just startled me. But I am more happy now that I am not alone. I am haunted by dreams. They begin beautiful and then turn into nightmares. I have been contemplating a lot trying to remember."
The Veil Keeper says 'You are Love and Beauty, which has gone almost all but extinct within the existences. Judgement now reigns over them.'
Ashtiarte says 'Help me remember.'
Veil Keeper gets close to her and whispers 'I can help you but we must do this in secret. Come with me.'
He pulls her into the Veil Mist and they walk together through the mist.
Veil Keeper says 'There is so much that you have forgotten. So much I must show you that you must remember first of who you are before we can continue on. But I must seek the help of two. Come with me. They will help us.'
The Veil Keeper takes Ashtiarte through the mist. She walks beside him for what seems like an eternity. Not many words are spoken until finally he comes to a stop.
Veil Keeper says 'Wait here. I will return shortly. I must find them. They are supposed to meet me a little bit ahead in the Veil Mist. They understand what is going on now. We have a plan and we need you to be part of it.'
Ashtiarte says 'I will be part of whatever plan that there is to restore love, beauty, hope, and everything to the existences. If this is my purpose I will wait here for you to return.'
Veil Keeper says 'I will not be long, but please do not move from this spot no matter what you hear. Stay here. For the Veil Mist is vast and you could get lost and it may take me time and cycles to find you again.'
Ashtiarte says 'I will stay right here until your return. No matter what happens I will not move.'
The Veil Keeper walks off vanishing into the mist. Ashtiarte stands silently alone. A little time passes and she hears a faint voice within the mist.
She cannot tell where it is coming from. It is not just from one direction. It seems to be from all around.
Ashtiarte silently listens as she tries to make out what it is saying. Little by little she can hear it more clearly.
A male voice 'Has it come to this? All upon these existences. Is this what took you from me? Where have you gone? My Voice. My Beautiful Voice. Faded into the wind. Has it come to this?'
A tear comes down Ashtiarte's cheek. That voice seems so familiar. She feels much sadness within her.
Ashtiarte then looks up to see the Veil Keeper returning. He is not alone. Two other beings follow him who she has never seen before.
Veil Keeper says 'I am glad to see you here. Most wander off into the mist when they hear the voices call to them. Did you hear the voices? Did they call to you?'
Ashtiarte says 'I heard a voice calling to me. It was sad yet angry.'
The two other beings behind the Veil Keeper look at each other. Then they look at the Veil Keeper.
The female being says 'Then there is no time to lose. We must act now.'
The male being says 'Atherak. If the voice that you heard was him then he will go to no limits to end all the existences.'
Ashtiarte says 'End all existences? That means everything.'
Veil Keeper says 'Yes everything. The Eternal Sea, the Veil Mist, the existences, even us. Everything.'
Ashtiarte strongly replies 'This cannot happen. What must I do?'
Veil Keeper says 'You must remember. That is why I have brought these two here. They are the Time Walkers crafted by Father's own hand. They can help you remember. They can take you back.'
The two Time Walkers gather around her. She is in the middle of them as they join hands. Light energy goes through them.
Xiaria says 'Let me help you remember.' She touches Ashtiarte on the head and a vision flashes.
Vision from the Time Walkers...
Love can see herself walking upon different worlds. She has a form inside the existences but not in the Atheron.
There is sadness, pain, and suffering. She tried restoring it the best she could reaching out with all that she is.
There is a little black being following her. He speaks strangely but she enjoys his company. This is Thrax.
The vision flashes more. Love sees herself weak on the ground on a world that is dying. She reaches out.
Thrax is with her. He is in a panic trying to revive her. He keeps speaking 'No mother. No die. No leave. Please mother. Please stay. No leave. No die.'
Love looks up to him 'My sweet Thrax. My memory of my Atherak. I am fading. I cannot find my way back to the Atheron.' She places her hand upon his head.
Thrax says 'No leave. Without Love nothing is worth anything. No leave. No take Love away. Please Love must stay.'
A light forms in her other hand and she says 'Love shall always be remembered and Love will return again. As long as there are beings like you and Atherak who believe. I must help you remember. Keep what I am inside you Thrax.'
She presses the light against Thrax's chest. His dark black skin turns light pink for a moment. Then he turns back.
Thrax says 'No want mother's memories. Mother's memories are yours. Mother keep. Mother live again. Mother get better. Mother Love that all will love.'
Love feels herself fading. Thrax runs around her in a panic 'Please mother no take Love. No Love die. Love no leave. Mother no die.'
Just then the Veil Mist swirls around her. From inside it the Veil Keeper approaches.
Thrax takes on an offensive stance. He growls and snarls at the Veil Keeper. 'You no hurt mother. You no hurt Love. Thrax destroy you!'
The Veil Keeper raises his hand 'I am not here to destroy Love. I wish to save her. We must get her back to the Atheron, but there are those who are coming Thrax. You must do something for me. You must distract them. You must try to stop them while I get her back to the Atheron.'
Thrax says 'Thrax will do. Thrax will fight. Thrax will defend mother. Defend Love even if Thrax have to die. Thrax defend.'
Veil Keeper says 'You are loyal Thrax. It will take everything I have to return her and yet she still may die. But never lose hope, Love never fades even if it goes away for a while. It is always there and it will rise again.'
The Veil Keeper picks Love up and concentrates a mist around him. There are savage voices approaching.
Thrax says 'Thrax will fight all. Thrax will defend Love. Thrax will make a stand!' Thrax's form grows larger and he becomes more vicious.
Veil Keeper says 'Keep them at bay Thrax. I must concentrate. I must find a way there.' The mist swirls more violently has he holds her. She is still fading.
The Savage Ones descend upon them. Thrax battles with them and says 'Go. Hurry! Save Love!'
The mist swirls more and more as Thrax is taken down and pinned by the Savage Ones. Another being appears. It is Ashoweah.
Ashoweah says 'Brother stop. You cannot help her but I can.'
Veil Keeper says 'By absorbing her? By taking Love and twisting her as the way you do? You do not know what you will bring upon the existences if you keep continuing."
Ashoweah says 'I bring balance to the existences. Strong the way it should be not weak. Now give her to me. I am the only one who can restore her. By taking her into me we will become one.'
Veil Keeper says 'That will never happen.' He concentrates fully. The mist swirls and he disappears with Love.
Ashoweah is angered by this but he does not show it. One of the Savage Ones says to him 'They have escaped. What if this Love is restored? Our plans for ruling over the existences will not go through if she is restored.'
Ashoweah says 'Fear not. Nothing can restore her now. Her aspect and essence will return to Father. I would not be so worried. Our expansion and conquering of the existences will continue and they will be reformed in our ways.'
Love feels herself floating away from the arms of the Veil Keeper. She is inside a place that she does not know but it seems familiar. She is back inside the Atheron. As she starts to gather herself she realizes that is where she is.
There is Atherak looking down upon her. Love speaks to him and tells him it is time to go and that she always loved him and will always be with him.
Love feels herself fade and crumble. She hears Atherak shriek and cry out in agony as she feels herself burn away.
Unnoticeable to Atherak, Love feels herself floating up. She has no form but she floats up and out of the Atheron.
There the Veil Keeper gathers her within his hands. He says 'I must take you to Father and Mother. I feel that something is coming. They must bring you back. They must.'
The Time Walker vision ends...
Ashtiarte opens her eyes to where she currently is. Xiaria removes her hand from Ashtiarte's head.
Ashtiarte says 'Atherak. That being. Where is he now?'
Veil Keeper says 'He is still around, but he is not who you remember. He plans to bring total judgement upon the existences and destroy them all. It is his pain and suffering of the loss of you that has done this.'
Ashtiarte says 'Then I shall go to him and tell him that I am restored.'
Veil Keeper says 'That cannot be possible. Judgement must run its course. Atherak was made this way by Mother and Father. But there is something we can do.
We can at least try to convince Mother and Father to not let him destroy it all, but it is only you who will be able to convince them. The Time Walkers and I will assist you with this in any way.'
Ashtiarte says 'And what about Thrax?' The Time Walkers look at each other.
Veil Keeper hangs his head low and answers 'He has been taken for some time by the ones that came for you. We cannot help him now.'
A tear comes down Ashtiarte's face. She raises her head. She feels strong and determined.
Ashtiarte says 'Then I will find a way to convince Mother and Father to not have Atherak destroy everything. We will find a way.'
Part Three...
It is as if Ashtiarte is dreaming again. She sees a vision of the Savage Ones. They are dragging Thrax. He seems very weak. They drag him in front of Ashoweah.
Ashoweah says 'Escape and caught. Escape again. You are a very elusive little being I must say. And what did you do all this time?'
Thrax says 'Thrax warn. They no listen. I will warn the coming of. He has arrive. Thrax was right. He has come.'
Ashoweah says 'That is where you are right little elusive being. Where the existences failed to listen to you I did not. And you were right.
He has come and he intends to undo everything that I and others have worked so hard to obtain. But see Thrax, you can help me. Inside you is something that was given to you.
Something that I need. You should just hand it over Thrax. Save yourself the pain and suffering that I have planned for you if you choose not to. Listen to me Thrax."
Ashoweah gets closer to him. Puts his fingers under Thrax's chin to lift his head 'And listen closely... I can restore Love. I can bring all this to an end.
All of the pain and suffering will come to an end. None of us will have to live in fear of judgement. If you will just give me what I ask for.'
Thrax says 'You not Love. You are Hate. You are Anger. Everything that Judgement has come for is because of you. You have done this. You and those who follow you. Thrax no give you Love. You no Love. You have no Love.'
Ashoweah says 'Still defiant to the end. What are you planning little being? To escape this time again? No. You will suffer. And with or without you I will find a way to achieve what I desire. Torture him. See how much this little being can take.'
The vision is horrible. Ashtiarte watches helplessly as Thrax is tortured to death. She cries and as she opens her eyes she screams out his name 'Thrax!'
Ashtiarte is awake. The Time Walkers and the Veil Keeper are resting but the cries from her dream have alerted them.
The Veil Keeper comes to her side and says 'It is alright. Tell me what you dreamt. He holds Ashtiarte in his arms and comforts her. 'Just know that he loved you and his pain and suffering has now come to an end.'
Ashtiarte looks up at the Veil Keeper with tears in her eyes and says 'Why has it come to this? Where has love gone?'
Veil Keeper looks down at her and says 'Love has gone nowhere. Love is inside you and love will help restore. As long as it takes. How many times we have to live and die. Love will restore."
Ashtiarte asks 'How can I restore so much that has been lost?'
Xarsha says 'You can help. You can keep Atherak from completing his judgement upon all. Love can save us all. We have to find a way.'
Veil Keeper says 'Yes we must continue. We must see the Brothers. We must go to the Great Library. They may be able to tell us more detail about Atherak and his plans.'
Ashtiarte says 'Where is this library? Lead on. We must find it. We must go there now.' She is anxious and determined.
Veil Keeper says 'Be patient. I have sent a message to the Brothers. We should be recieving an answer any time soon.'
Ashtiarte calms herself and is more relaxed. Some time goes by and still no message has arrived.
The Veil Keeper stands up and walks over to her. He says 'Come with me. There is something you must see.'
Ashtiarte follows him and he leads her through the mist. He comes to a place where he opens the mist. In there she steps through with him.
They are in a different place. Ashtiarte can feel the pain and suffering all around her. There high upon a grey hill she sees a being standing there.
The Veil Keeper stands motionless, but something is drawing Ashtiarte to this being. She walks closer.
She recognizes him as Atherak, but he has changed. She sees him raise his hands. Above him appears a giant prism shaped object.
Ashtiarte listens closely to hear him speak. He says 'Rise those of the dead. Serve me. Become stronger than you were. I remake you into an Army of Judgement.'
Down in the valley below Ashtiarte can see the spirits of many beings. The object above starts to react.
Many tentacle-like coils shoot from the object. Millions of them pierce into the spirit beings below. They start to change.
Ashtiarte reaches out with her hand as she watches. She says 'Atherak please, I am here. Atherak."
Atherak turns his head as if he seems to notice her. He walks in her direction. Looking and scanning the area.
Ashtiarte reaches out again 'Atherak please. I am here. Come to me.'
Atherak takes steps forward still scanning the area. It almost seems if he can hear her but not see her.
Ashtiarte tries once more and walks toward Atherak. The Veil Keeper puts his arms around her. Mist swirls and they return inside the Veil Mist.
Ashtiarte is angry at this 'Why?! What have you done? Why did you stop me? I could have reached out to him. He heard me. Why did you take me?'
Veil Keeper replies 'You could not have connected with him. That is impossible now. Judgement must run its course. But we cannot let him fully complete his plan or it will be the ending of us all.
The message has arrived from the Brothers. We must go to the library and fully find out what he plans. Come. There is much you must understand.'
Ashtiarte is still quite upset but she agrees to go. She climbs upon the back of a giant bird along with the Veil Keeper and Time Walkers. The bird lifts them up into the Veil Mist.
It flies through the mist and enters into a large library where Riovo and Thoth greet them.
Thoth says 'Brother Veil Keeper we received your message and have brought you here.'
Riovo says 'We must all work together and study the books for what Atherak has planned. We will need all your help.'
Thoth looks over at Ashtiarte and notices. He walks forward and takes her hand in his.
Thoth says 'Love. Beauty. You are here with us. There is hope.'
These two beings are familiar to her. They explain who they are and she feels comforted.
It is time to get to work. Ashtiarte is handed many scrolls. As are the Veil Keeper, Time Walkers, and Riovo.
We begin to read them and decipher them. All study as hard as they can, but still no answers have come up.
At that moment Ashtiarte starts to feel weary and dizzy. She tries to stand but loses consciousness. Xarsha notices. He rushes over to catch her just in time as she faints and falls.
Ashtiarte is having a vision. She sees a being kneeling and weeping. He is upon a place that looks utterly destroyed.
The being looks up and says 'Love. Beauty. Everything that was is gone. Where have you gone? Why is this happening?'
This being is the Seed of Life. Atherak walks up behind him. She cannot tell what they are speaking to each other. She sees the Seed of Life kneel before Atherak.
She watches Atherak change him and it fills her with fright. This being that was once so elegant and different, pure in nature, has changed. His new appearance and essence terrifies her.
She then reaches out again 'Atherak. Please!' Atherak turns his head as if he noticed but then turns it back toward Eternal Death. Both beings leave.
Ashtiarte awakes upon a lounge sofa. Riovo and Thoth are above her.
Thoth asks 'What did you see?'
She explains her vision to them. A frightening feeling comes over all in the room.
Thoth says 'Then our brother now serves Atherak and what he was is no more. You must act quickly. I think I have found the answer to how Atherak is going to destroy everything.
He must have taken the essence that is within the Atheron. He has re-created objects within the borderlands, the mist, the others. He has almost completed this process. These objects will unleash the death and decay, the total destruction within the Atheron upon the 13 existences.'
Veil Keeper says 'Is there any way to stop him from doing this?'
Riovo says 'None of us can. None of us are strong enough to go against him now. Even if we all join together, which will never happen, we cannot stop him.'
Thoth raises his head 'But there is hope. There is one but she must go before Mother and Father and a sacrifice must be made. We must take her there. That one is you sister. It is you.'
Ashtiarte says 'Then I shall go and whatever sacrifice must be made I will do it. I feel everything. Everything that has happened. It has made me weep but now I must be strong.
There is still love inside Atherak. I can feel it. Although he may not notice me he can hear me. I have called out to him. I can convince him or convince Mother and Father to have him stop. At whatever sacrifice it must be.'
The Brothers tell the Veil Keeper 'You must take her swiftly to Mother and Father.'
Veil Keeper says 'But Mother and Father have been silent. They have not acted on anything. It seems they have locked themselves away.'
Riovo brings out a scroll. It is a map. He says 'There is a way to them through the mist. Study it and take her there. There is no time.'
Xiaria says 'Then we must go then.'
The Brothers come before Ashtiarte and take her hands in theirs. 'Good luck sister. We know that you will be able to restore love, beauty, and hope. We will see you again even though you might not remember us.'
They embrace and then she climbs up on the back of the crane. The bird flies back into the Veil Mist.
The bird lands and the Veil Keeper starts to study the map. 'This way.'
The four of them begin their journey through the mist to find the entrance to where Mother and Father had been staying in secrecy.
They travel for some time. Then the Veil Keeper puts his hand up and signals for them to stop.
Xarsha asks 'What is it?'
Veil Keeper says 'Something is coming.' He swirls a mist around Ashtiarte and the Time Walkers. 'Stay here. You will remain unseen. Do not move whatever happens. Stay and do not act. Find your way to Mother and Father. No matter what happens to me find your way.'
He gives the map to Ashtiarte. She can feel all around her the presence of other beings getting near.
There is Ashoweah and the Savage Ones with other armies. They surround the Veil Keeper.
Ashoweah says 'What a pleasant surprise to see you here brother. This works out very well for me. I need to find my way through the mist. Your mist. And here you are to lead me.'
Veil Keeper says 'I will never lead you through this place. Judgement is right on your back and you don't even know it.'
Ashoweah says 'I will find a way to endure judgement and continue on. I have a plan you see and you are going to lead me to where I need to go.'
Veil Keeper says 'Where would I lead you?'
Ashoweah says 'To Mother and Father of course. I must convince them.'
Veil Keeper says 'They will not listen to you now. You have let your own anger, hatred, and chaos overcome you. Look what you have brought upon all of us.'
Ashoweah says 'I have brought balance and I do not fear judgement.'
The Veil Keeper grins and says 'We'll see about that.'
The Veil Mists go dark. Ashoweah and the Savage Ones seem confused. Black lightning strikes everywhere. Some of the Savage Ones are hit by it and burned away.
Two beings step out of darkness. It is Atherak and Eternal Death.
Part Four...
Ashoweah, Atherak, and Eternal Death prepare themselves for a fight. The Savage Ones join in and a fight pursues.
The Veil Keeper looks in Ashtiarte's direction and yells 'Go!'
Her and the Time Walkers run through the mist. Ashtiarte is looking at the map trying to study it.
Ashtiarte says 'Here this way.' Then she looks at it again 'Now this way.'
Ashoweah notices her and the Time Walkers breaking away. Several Savage Ones are in pursuit.
Other beings pursue along with the Savage Ones but she does not recognize them.
Time Walkers say to her 'Go. We will try to keep them at bay. You must find your way through the mist.'
Ashtiarte says 'I cannot leave you. I am losing all of you one by one.'
Xarsha says 'It is important that you find a way. For it is only you who can save us now before Atherak's final judgement. Go!'
Ashtiarte places her hand on both their faces 'I promise you both I will find a way. Thank you for everything you have done.'
She leaves them in the Veil Mist and continues following the map.
Ashtiarte continues through the Veil Mist saddened by the loss of her friends, but still determined.
She keeps studying the map and following it. She feels herself getting closer to where she must find.
Ashtiarte hears weeping in the distance. She follows the weeping and hears sounds of crying. There she sees a being kneeling with his face placed in his hands.
She walks up to him and asks 'What is wrong?'
He looks at her with teary eyes 'All is lost and sadness overwhelms me. Too much. I can do nothing but weep. For what is coming I weep.'
Ashtiarte feels heavy within herself and saddened by this being. The empathy overwhelms her. She kneels down behind him and places her arms around him. This is being is the Aspect of Sadness.
He places his hands upon her arms and says 'Where have you been for so long? Sadness has overwhelmed us all. Love and everything that you are has been diminished. Where have you been? I have missed your warm embrace.'
Ashtiarte says 'I was lost walking upon the Eternal Sea for so long. I had died and I was reborn. But I am here now. Love is here.'
Sadness says 'And will Love stay with us? What will Love give for all of us to end this sadness and suffering?'
Ashtiarte holds him tight and says 'Love will give all. Love will give everything that she is. Because I love you all and I will sacrifice whatever it is, all that I am, to restore love."
Sadness says 'And that is what saddens me the most.'
The mist starts to dissipate all around them. There Ashtiarte sees an old tree with a door.
She helps Sadness to his feet. Hand in hand they walk together to the door.
Before they enter Sadness turns and embraces her. He says 'Thank you. For a moment I am happy and full of love. Remember me in time. For I will always remember you.' Sadness opens the door for her and she enters.
When Ashtiarte goes inside the tree she sees Great Mother and Great Father gathered around a pool of water. She steps forward and is greeted by Great Mother with a smile.
Great Mother says 'Our beautiful Love, you have found your way back to us.'
Great Father says 'Yes Mother she has.'
Ashtiarte steps forward and says 'Mother and Father, I have seen what was and what has become. I have seen the loss of love and have felt the pain and suffering of sadness that has come over all existences. I ask you now. Help me restore love. Help me end what is to come.'
Great Father says 'Step closer. Look into the pool. There is something you must see first before you decide.'
Ashtiarte steps closer and looks into the pool of water. She sees an image...
On top of a hill in the place known as the borderlands Ashoweah is on his knees with coils wrapped around him. There are many impaled beings behind him shrieking in pain.
Atherak stands on the hill above him. The Veil Keeper is also there kneeling.
She hears Atherak speak 'My dear Aspects, now you see that judgement comes to us all.' He brings out a small athranaak. It starts to spin.
Ashtiarte sees flashes across all existences of athranaaks appearing above them. Charging up with powerful energy. Then it flashes to where the Atheron begins to glow.
The Veil Keeper speaks 'Atherak do not do this. Do not end this. Think Atherak, remember what you were. Remember who you were.'
Atherak replies 'I remember much Veil Keeper.'
He walks forward and touches the Veil Keeper upon the head and says 'You are a just being. You are balanced like my Voice was. But still, you and other Aspects took her from me. How could you ask me to remember when all I can think of is the pain and suffering you have caused. Not only to me, but to all.'
Atherak then turns to Ashoweah and says 'And you will witness the end of it. Everything you desired. How does it feel when all you know is hate, anger, and chaos to see it undo you in the end?'
Ashoweah does not reply. Eternal Death is standing there and says 'He is too cowardly to reply my master. He is too fearful. Even being Fear himself he is afraid now. I embrace the undoing as he should.'
Atherak then walks back upon the hill and says 'So judgement is final.' Dark energy flows around him. 'It is time to end it.'
Ashtiarte reaches down into the pool of water and her fingers touch over the image of Atherak.
She says 'My beautiful Atherak. My sweet innocent Atherak. Remember the love that we had. That I had for you. Please Atherak, remember.'
A single tear falls from her cheek and hits the water causing it to ripple. Atherak pauses for a moment as if something has reached out to him. He is sensing something.
Then he continues to charge up the energy to end the existences. Ashtiarte removes her hand from the water and weeps.
Great Father says 'Your love is so great that even now in the end of it all and the one who ends it all you still love.'
Ashtiarte says 'I would give anything for them to feel love again. To feel my love for them. I would sacrifice everything.'
Great Mother looks at Father and he says 'So be it. Place your hands in the water my child.'
Ashtiarte places her hands in the water and feels bright energy flow through her. She feels herself lift up and disperse leaving her form behind.
In her final words Ashtiarte says 'Remember Love. Remember me. I am always with you.' The energy grows brightly and her forms fades away.
Great Father looks at Mother and says 'The sacrifice has been made. It is time.' White mist surrounds Great Mother and she disappears.
Upon the hill in the borderlands Atherak is completing the final energy charge. The energy flows back into the key he is holding in his hands.
Atherak turns toward Eternal Death, Ashoweah, and the Veil Keeper. He says 'Now witness my final judgement.'
Bright light forms in the sky above them all and a voice speaks. Great Mother says 'Atherak the time has come for judgement to end. Your Beautiful Voice, Love, and all that she is returned and made the sacrifice.'
A light beam then comes into Atherak and he is shown what happened and the sacrifice that she made.
Great Mother says 'She did it for love. For the love of all things Atherak. For the love of you.'
A single red tear falls from Atherak's eye. He says 'Love for me? Why for me?'
He looks down at the Atheron key in his hands. 'She was always with me. Love for me. End it Mother.'
A light comes from the sky upon Atherak. He shrieks only for a moment and then burns away to ash.
The coils release themselves from Ashoweah. Eternal Death drops to his knees 'Master! I will complete your judgement master. I will.'
The Veil Keeper vanishes along with Ashoweah. The ashes of Atherak rise up and disappear.
On the Eternal Sea, Great Father is walking across the water. He comes to a certain point and kneels down.
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a beautiful pink swirling orb of light. He kisses it and then places it into the water where it sinks.
Father then stands and says 'You are now home my beautiful Love. Everything that you are has always been and will always be. Now rest my child for one day soon Love will rise again.'
Great Father turns and walks away and disappears into the Veil Mist.
To be continued...
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