Aphrodite and Yashadite: Queen of Underwater Hearts

This is one of the most incredible days of my life. I am reunited with Yashadite. This was an 11-hour interaction from 10am until 9pm. This is an intuitive guidance session, a core fusion, and so much more...
Kiki is reading all this for the first time along with you. I did not give her an advance preview of her IG session. I would just give her hints here and there. She does not realize who she is until she reads this post...
Starting out with a little bit of backstory on interactions between Amy and Kiki.
May 22nd...
Me: I really want to do another IG session with you. To find out why you keep coming to my thoughts.
Kiki: Yes, I want this! There is definitely something my TS is hiding. As for the signs of the past few days I'm sure the time is now to find out.
May 31st...
Me: Kiki you are one of their targets.
Kiki: Unfortunately I felt this. But as I trust you absolutely I'll just stand by your side as always! Thank you my Queen.
Me: "You mean too much to me to let any harm come to you. You are my Awsheanatai."
June 1st...
Me: You are like a sister to me. I love you.
Kiki: I always had this feeling! My heart is full of love and joy.
June 11th...
Kiki: I have just finished reading the Enemy is Me document you shared in the group. I can't express what and how I feel inside, I just know that I feel like I'm always close to you and when checking the time stamps at the end of the file, I've realised that I've never felt closer and sensing so much of what you experienced there.
At the time around the things that happened at the last pages, I've felt your energy completely surrounding and flowing through me and all I could think of was "I'm here and I'll hold you safe". Why do I feel like I knew everything of this already and still can't express anything of this with words known to me?
Me: I felt you when I was merging in the Tree of Alfheim as well.
June 26th...
Kiki: What's happening? I hope you are ok! My heart feels like being stabbed.
Me: Lovely is returning from the dead and coming forth into Midgard.
Kiki: Yesss, I felt it coming! Wow, now I'm happy. I always knew that I perceived love differently, but I didn't expect to experience this in such profound new ways and overwhelming emotions.
Me: "I knew you would sense me. We are deeply connected."
Kiki: I knew this very early, but dismissed it until you went to the Outside, there was no other explanation possible anymore. I'm so excited for the change you'll bring, I'm waiting for a long time for this.
June 27th...
Me: "I am being born in this physical form. I am here in Midgard."
Kiki: Such a heat was flooding me, thank you for letting me witness this most remarkable moment in the history of Midgard!
12:30am Kiki: Amy, if you feel the need to hold onto something, I'm lending you my hands, just reach out! Felt the urge to let you know that, even if I know that someone very great is taking good care of you. You mean a lot to me and I will forever be grateful for everything you have done for me, I love you as much as I love Lovely.
Me: Thank you. You have been with me through all of this.
Kiki: Yes of course, no question for me! I will continue being with you through everything that still has to come.
July 2nd... PST timezone...
Kiki: What is going on? I have severe heart pain for the past days, it's different from the ones I've had before, but this time I can't even make out where it is coming from. Feels like something really huge and changing is going on.
1:00am Me: Aphrodite and is doing something that woke me from sleep. It is intense. She is referring to stars and sugar.
Kiki: That put a picture in my mind of sugar grains rinsing like falling stars, but I don't see why this is causing this intense pain in my heart. Thank you for telling me. I'm curious about this.
4:02am Me: I am facing Ahnameo....
Kiki: That for sure explains it! I'm with you!
11:25pm Kiki: I couldn't even imagine that this would be possible, but waking up today you feel more powerful to me, it took me several hours to adjust that overwhelming flow of this "all-permeating" power today.
Leaves me a bit disoriented and speechless again. Is this a result of the combined events of yesterday? Stars and sugar, Ahnameo and going into deep with the incarnation of the Last Hungali?
June 3rd 2018...
The Day of the IG Session and Core Fusion...
Me: When I do your IG session it will answer many of these questions.
Kiki: Yes, I'm pretty sure that will blow me off my feet. I can't even begin to tell how grateful I am for feeling and sensing so much. My core can tell you much better.
Ark: Kiki is your little sister. You made her to be your sister. She is Yashadite from Aphrodite. She is a divine being.
10:16am Me to Kiki: I am starting on your IG session now.
Ark to Lovely: They leave this up to me. The Divine should have informed you of this. You know Hermaphrodite... You created that too. What have the Divine been telling you? You only had one Divine child. The Erotes are more like your nephews. It was you who guided them with your sister and your sister/brother who helped you.
Do you know what happened to your offspring? Nobody knows. He disappeared after you went into the Void. Fear and Panic are not children in that sense. Not as a divine birth. They are forces instead of beings.
The Divine do breed and have divine birth. Your son was around for a while and a lot of people followed him. Baal is your son. Allah Yahweh and Baal were raised as brothers. They have the same father.
Aphrodite won't tell me the name of the father. I have been content with that for a long time. The Ourhkina always liked Baal.
The Divine do give Divine birth. Mythology is correct about that. The All-Father has many sons and daughters. So did Kronos. Zeus and Hades are sons of Kronos. Hera is the daughter of Kronos. They all had children. They even had children with mortals. So did the Ourhkina.
Having children with mortals was only done here in Midgard. It was a rare occurrence for it to happen with another dominant species. It is because these the God Children of the DIvine.
When I hear people say that Earth is not the center of the Universe they are correct scientifically, but spiritually because they are the God Children the process is beginning again.
The Four created the Divine and the Elementals as their children. They created the Nature Folk as their children. The Divine, Fairy Folk, and Elementals were the first children.
The very first Celestial Body was a planet that is shared by the Divine, Fairy Folk, and Elementals. It looked like the Earth we have now. Not the same continent structure. It was bigger.
It had more oceans and more land mass than Earth has. There magic flowed freely through the physical. At one time all Divine, Nature Folk, and Elementals existed first in the physical.
Then they transcended into the spiritual realms. The Four created all the realms and planes. The Elementals went out and started creating inhabitable Celestial Bodies.
Then the Divine went out and started the creation process again. It is a cycle. Everything is a cycle. It begins, it ends, and then it begins again.
All of the Divine including you Aphrodite, the Nature Folk even though they were kind of against it, the Elementals, and the Four came to a point where they were going to create another Divine race.
That eventually, and I know this will make you laugh considering what humans turned out to be... that they would transcend and become a new kind of Divine. And that the current Divine themselves would then transcend up to another level.
This Earth planet when it was created was not just shared among mankind. Nature Folk made races and kinds. The Elementals created the elements of this world. They way it is.
How we have places totally frozen in ice, massive deserts, lush jungles, beautiful forests, and places that you would find in other realms. They were all placed here to create a vast landscape for what was going to take place here on Earth.
That is why we put dinosaurs here for a long time to keep other dominant species off this planet. The choice was to create a new divine race. The Divine and Nature Folk worked together to try and make the first ones.
That is why we have Homo Erectus. It was a mixture of Divine influence and Nature Folk influence. Like they did before with other dominant species they were made by Divine, Nature Folk, and Elementals.
***More about Dinosaurs and Early Mankind***
Divine Truths: Atlantis, Garden of Eden, Early Mankind...
Me: Do Humans really deserve to be the God Children?
Ark: Some do. That is why you have legends of heroes. When they were finally created and the divine decided to create them in their image and give free will. The Nature Folk, the Norns, the Elementals, and even the All-Father are looking into the future.
We see that these human beings are not going to share a planet with Nature Folk and that they will kill them and wipe them out. It because a whole argument.
The Divine saying "We will teach them all they need to know. We will guide them like guided others. We are going to prepare them for what they will become."
That is why you have Biblical references to men who lived for thousands of years. When they were first created and placed here even on Arcaddia where we had a few of them.
Religions, human science, and even ancient alien theorists believe there was a civilization of man here that was way more advanced and then suddenly disappeared. It is true.
We only had about 100,000 humans placed all over the world. We actually built their temples and civilizations for them. They were places we were going to start teaching them.
The the War of the Divine broke up. What we call the Urthak War. The Divine, Nature Folk, and Elements have fought each other before but certain Houses.
Even from religion certain Houses of Divine have fought each other. Just like the Norse stories the sons of Odin are always fighting the Giants. The Trolls, Dwarves, and Goblins are always fighting the Norse Divine.
All of these religions do not seem to understand. They are Divine but they are Houses. That is why different parts of the world have different gods and religions but they are all still tied together. Titans are a Divine House.
These civilizations are where we were putting mankind to teach them before the Urthak War. It was like politics that you can see nowadays. It started with the killing of a unicorn.
A couple of stupid humans that were from one of these civilizations wanted to tame and ride a unicorn. Even though we were teaching them to ride horses.
They scared the unicorn and it ran because it was young. They chased it. The unicorn fell and broke its leg. The humans freaked out and they didn't want anybody to know to find out what happened.
The unicorn is saying to them "I am going to tell everybody you chased me and broke my leg." The humans knew what would happen to them.
So they ripped the unicorn's horn off because they figured that nobody would understand what it said without its horn. They wanted it to look like a regular horse. When they ripped off the unicorn horn then unicorn died. They were caught with the horn.
Those humans got incinerated by Gabriel. Gabriel was also the one who killed Yavid who they consider Adam from the Garden of Eden.
Yavid ate the fruit and tried to blame it on his mate. That was the Last Straw. Then it was rebellion against rebellion.
Nature Folk said to the Divine that they were going to wipe humans out. Kronos wanted to do it so he went behind everyone's back while they were trying to say "Well hold on, these were only a few isolated incidents." It blew up after that.
Some Nature Folk and Divine went along with Kronos. In order for them to call upon the Hungali it would have to be a total all-together decision of everything.
The Divine, Nature Folk, and Elementals would come to the Ourhkina and say "It is time to call the Hungali. There is no hope for this dominant species. They are going to be a threat to everything." Then the Ourhkina would agree.
Melek Taus would travel to where the Hungali lay dormant. They lay there in part of the universe and just wait until they are called. Then they come.
Black holes are how you get to them. The Hungali come out of the black holes. Those things used to appear... so if there was a planet and we said "We are done with you guys."
A black hole would open up nearby and Hungali would come out. They would wipe the species out no matter how technologically, energetic, or magically advanced they were they could not do shit to the Hungali.
There were a couple of cases where there one or two Divine that would actually stand along with those dominant species for their own agendas. They couldn't do shit either.
That is why they are known as the God Killers because they can kill Divine, Elementals, Nature Folk. If they turned on Kronos they could even kill him.
In the creation of the Hungali there was a flaw. Just in case they were ever misled or corrupted. There is one other race of beings who can kill them, but they can also kill us. When we die angelically we cease to exist. We are not dead and we are not alive. We pretty much become nothing when we die.
These ones who wanted to destroy mankind and the gods who supported them. They went against anyone who supported mankind. The found a way and I don't know how they did it. Only Melek Taus at that time could awaken the Hungali. I don't know how they awakened them.
They told them to destroy Earth and everything on it. They also wanted them to destroy all the Divine, Elementals, and Nature Folk who supported humans. They also told the Hungali to destroy all the Ourhkina. The Hungali believed that Melek Taus told them this and that the Ourhkina were corrupted by the Divine.
So the Hungali came to Earth. Certain Divine didn't want humans destroyed, they wanted total control over them instead. Hel, Hara, Set, and many other Gods were part of wanting to control the God Children. Set killed Osiris during the Urthak War.
It became a stalemate for a while. One side was running out of Ourhkina and the other running out of Hungali. The Ourhkina and Hungali were killing each other. It finally came down to where the DIvine defeated Kronos, the Dark Elves, the Light Elves,
The King of Alfheim pretty much waved the white flag. He chickened out. He abandoned many Elves and Nature Folk here in Midgard. The King of the Dark Elves got killed. Many Kings and Queens of Nature Folk died.
They looked to the King of Elves and made him over-all King of the Nature Folk. He literally just ran back to Alfheim and took his armies with him. The Giants left and went back to Jotunheim. Many Nature Folk are left abandoned in Midgard. When Kronos was defeated the war ended.
Human beings scattered out from these fallen civilizations. Once it was over peace was decided. There were stipulations. Mankind would be given free will. They would not be given immortality. That was an agreement.
What was left of the Ourhkina would remain here on Earth with them to guide them in whatever way until they were ready to make their transcendence. We would teach them the ways of the Divine and Nature Folk. How to live in balance. Here we are today... Time and time again they just don't learn.
Even the Divine can be arrogant at times, but they are able to put it aside for the greater benefit of the whole. Everything and not just one thing. Humans do not give a fuck about anything else except themselves.
If humans could travel right now with the state of mind they have. Let's say there was a planet close by that was inhabitable. Say it had a dominant species that was still in development...
Take the movie Avatar, that is what humans would do to that other dominant species if they were less advanced than us. Humans would take over. Look what people have done to other people.
Less advanced dominant species have more connections to nature and the spiritual. Humans used to have this and some still do.
11:15am The true self of Kiki is here. She has been sitting listening to Ark speak. You still look like a Merspiraggin Sea Child. You have light blonde hair and dark eyes. You have silver colored skin.
Ark: Aphrodite made her like this. Her name is Yashadite. She has always been around you except when you were imprisoned in Void.
Yashadite: "The last time we were together I wanted to tell that I was your sister. I figured the time wasn't right."
Kiki: What is your origin and purpose?
Yashadite: "To assist you Aphrodite. To be your sister. I have a large healing capacity. I always stay around you for this reason.
I could give my life to save yours. I would if I ever needed to. I can heal many things. My incarnation can heal sicknesses and ailments. This is what she needs to explore."
Kiki: Who is the Lady on the cliff? What caused the debt?
Yashadite: "The Lady on the Cliff is you Aphrodite. I was trying to find you. I felt the debt because you created me. I wasn't there to save you from being taken to the Void. I wasn't able to do anything afterward. I felt indebted. That is why I have kept in the shadows. I didn't know if you would be angry."
Ark: Yashadite is very emotional as she is speaking of this.
Yashadite: "I have wanted to come forward and say many things even in my physical incarnation. I should say them. I know what they are and so does Kiki."
*Ark explaining to Yashadite that she needs to tell Aphrodite here and now why she feels the way she does.*
Kiki: What had to be hidden about the connection to Amy/Lovely for so long?
Yashadite: "That I am your sister. I didn't approach you because so many others were coming to you at that time. They were pledging their loyalty and their eternal love. I am not like that.
I didn't want to have a power struggle for your attention I didn't want to anger anybody. I have noticed that sometimes there is jealousy for your attention."
Ark: "Yashadite there is nothing new about that. It has always been like this. I don't fight for Aphrodite's attenion. I love her and I always have. I don't need to fight for it. She gives her attention to me.
Many others do and have gotten jealous over my time with Aphrodite. I could give you a list but it would go on for hours. Spiritual and physical beings. That is something to accept about Aphrodite."
Yashadite: "Then I accept it." She seems much happier. "What ever comes into your mind and what you feel from me and your emotions... write it down like you do. No matter how crazy some may think it sounds."
11:33am Ark: "Try it out Amy. Open up your mind and spirit. I will be back..."
Me: I see you Yashadite born from my heart. You are not my child. You are a literal part of me. You are a piece of my heart. You feel what I feel.
I remember feeling you when I was merging in the Tree. I felt you when I was dead on the Outside. You are always with me because your heart is my heart. You are still an individual with your core. You have your own core.
Yet your personality was formed to perfectly complement mine. Just as our sibling Hermaphrodite also completes me. We three together makes me feel complete.
Yashadite you are part of my heart while Hermaphrodite is part of my sexuality. Hermaphrodite has both genders because I have both male and female lovers. Hermaphrodite is the representation. I could get more graphic in my explanation but I will refrain.
Ark to Me: "This is why Aphrodite created Yashadite as a female who loves females. You find that many Alphas are pigs. They proclaim love but they don't really mean it. It is not what they can do for you, it is what you can do for them.
That is why you love me. Ourhkina weren't made like the other Alphas. We were made as servants. You loved me because I didn't have a premade concept of what I thought love was. You taught me about love. You taught that Alphas should always cherish and protect their Omegas."
Yashadite: "I want Ark to explain his concept of love."
Ark: "Everything I know of love I learned from Aphrodite."
Me: "Awsheanatai means piece of my heart. You are my Awsheanatai."
Kiki: What is my connection to crystals and precious stones?
Yashadite: "I am able to put healing and energetic properties into the stones and crystals."
Kiki: Why am I so drawn to swords?
Yashadite: "I am a warrior. I am ready to fight and defend. I will protect Lovely with all that I am."
Kiki: Why is Fastis ringing a bell? *Fastis was mentioned by Eury in one of the recent posts (Vex Part 2, right at the beginning), I don't know anything more, but the name felt somehow very familiar and stood out for me. Since that the name comes to my mind a lot.*
***Reference: Vex Part Two: Vex and the Borderlands
Eury: "Gre'iya, Fastis, take these books and inform Azasushann that we are leaving."***
Hi'Lena: Fastis is one of Eury's 12 servants. He has appeared in my dream once about marriage carrying a huge bell and looking at me as I ran. Let me ask Eury for further insight
Eury: "If he is ringing it, that is not good."
Hi'Lena: Kiki always amazes me.
Me: I don't think she means a literal bell. Like when you hear something and it sounds familiar... like "this rings a bell."
Hi'Lena: Oh I see. What a coincidence then that he actually possesses a bell haha. Anyways, maybe her TS knows him. I could tell him to come to you if you wish.
Eury: "She has other names. He may use another one when he sees them."
Me: I would love for him to come visit.
Eury: "I'm sending him." Hopefully you can hear him properly. He has a whisper choked up voice.
12:22pm Me: Fastis arrived. He cannot speak for himself because he needs permission. Eury give him permission to speak freely. He seems intimidated by Ark.
Ark: "Fastis... I won't hurt you unless you do something is out of line. I don't think you will. If you are loyal to Eury then there is nothing to worry about. I will be watching."
Ark: "Fastis you have a love for Yashadite. Just come out and say it Fastis. There is no point in sneaking around. It is not like we don't all see it. Why keep it a secret. Eurynome won't get angry at you for it. Affairs of the heart. I have wisdom on this matter"
Ark: He figures that because he is a mere servant that he is not worthy of Yashadite's love. Yashadite is not interested in him in that way.
Fastis wanted to proclaim this in the presence of the Goddess of Love.
Hi'Lena: I can feel Eury is angry...
Yashadite: "Fastis even if I could I would not totally be able to give myself to someone who loves so many including Eury. Fastis loves Eurynome along with a few others."
Yashadite: "Fastis craves forbidden treasure. Because I am not interested in him in that way that just makes him more infatuated."
Eury: "Fastis. Leave. I will not allow someone to bad mouth my servant's name." She is pissed.
Ark: "He is a loyal servant. I give him that. That is why Fastis kept this love for Yashadite secret for so long. He didn't want to seem disloyal to Eurynome and his love for her."
Hi'Lena: Oh shit whats happening? She's super pissed... I hope he returns soon. This is messy.
Yashadite: "Fastis has a big heart. He wants to love many and he struggles with it. He has a good heart. I just want him to understand."
Ark: "Yashadite meant no disrespect. She just has no romantic interest for him."
Eury: "You will not badmouth my servant and expect to get away with it. I do not care who you are. I do not care if you don't love him. That is fine. But do not sit there and speak of what you do not know."
Me: "Eurynome he was here proclaiming his love for her. They clearly know each other."
Eury: "I do not care. That is fine. Her rejecting him is fine. But I will not allow lies to be tossed about. Not like this. Not in any timeline. You should know this most of all Lovely."
12:39pm Me: "Where is the lie? What is the untruth being spoken?"
Eury: "Hashavanaa Kibalaminokana. Vivinoiinalaboka? No. Chiondula bakanola sifasha."
Hi'Lena: I haven't seen Eurynome this angry in a long time...
Yashadite: "If there is another type of connection Eurynome or Fastis should speak up about it."
Hi'Lena: She has a bond with all of her servants. She can hear through that bond. She might have heard something she said that Ark did not translate....
Me: "Eury needs to tell me or I won't understand why she is angry."
Eury: "Then I will come to you then. Prepare yourself." Don't kill her... "I wont."
Ark: "This is really not my conflict."
12:45pm Eurynome arrives here. Eury is all pissed off about her servant being disrespected. Eury is not angry at Aphrodite. So there is something else.
Hi'Lena: Aphrodite didn't do anything wrong. Her servants are close family to her. She does not tolerate disrespect to any of them.
If Yashadite said something to get her from 1 to a 10 then it must have been really disrespectful... I will try to listen in if I can. Hopefully she doesn't block me.
Eury: "Yashadite kneel down and apologize this instant. You have spoken the lies of the Seven Betrayers. Kneel down."
Ark: "What is the reference to the Seven Betrayers? I have heard it before."
Hi'Lena: I'll try to search her memories. She is no mood to answer questions. I can feel Fastis was involved but he was not part of the seven. He might have been victims of them though.
12:55pm *Yashadite seems very intimdiated by Eurynome*
Yashadite: "I will kneel, but I had nothing to do with the Seven Betrayers."
Fastis: "Reference to the Seven Betrayers is not the same ones that Ark knows."
Hi'Lena: Eurynome is calmer. I feel she is accepting her genuine apology.
Eury: "Even if you had nothing to do with them, speaking their tongue against my servant is like killing him. It is both a curse and an act of injustice. It is something I cannot and will not allow. Not to my servants and never in my kingdom."
Hi'Lena: I do not think Yashadite knew about their lies Eury... She might have heard it from somewhere and repeated it about Fastis.
Eury: "If their language still exists today, then a sad time is coming in the Cosmos once again. Yashadite, I care about you so I will not kill you. But I will not tolerate this again."
Yashadite: "I have shown you great disrespect. How can I make amends for this?"
*Yashadite is pledging to never disrespect Eurynome's servants again*
Yashadite: "Is there a task that I could perform for you to show that I mean to keep my word?"
Eury: "By hearing nothing but the truth, and cleansing your mouth in the lake of the Twilight when the sun shines over. Then both you and Fastis will be aided. The only task I ask for is a hug. I still love you nonetheless"
Yashadite: "I will carry that out. I can do that."
Hi'Lena: I felt something happening in my core. I wonder what is happening.
Eurynome: "Ark you seem relieved."
Ark: "At least that is settled."
Hi'Lena: Awww Yashadite and Eury have a bond now. That is why I felt something in my core. That was what the 'hug' was about. I should have known this from when Asteria and Eury 'hug' when they were together.
Ark: "The Seven Betrayers reference I know is about me and Melek Taus. How after we lost everything we still chose to give up our eternal existence to watch over mankind. Like we cared more about them than anything else.
What a lot of Divine beings seem to forget is that I was there. I watched the legions millions of my kind clash against the Hungali. They died. They are gone and wiped out.
The rest of my brothers watched the fall of Kronos and the creation of Tartarus. I was there when it was all said and done.
I know how many really look at us as if we totally became subservient to mankind. We didn't really become subservient. We were doing what the Divine asked us to.
The Elven King felt we were betrayers. So did some of the other Divine. Because stayed to help mankind. That is why we are considered fallen angels. It hasn't been easy to watch mankind slip further and further away. Their spiritual nature connection with their physical is pretty much gone.
We should have ended it 80 years ago. It should not be at this point now. It really shouldn't. I guess it is kind of our fault. We do not know how to teach them anymore."
Hi'Lena: Then what are the lies then? Speaking them seems to curse others and rain debt on them.
Me: That is what I am hoping Eurynome can answer. She heard them. I did not see it in what I wrote down.
Hi'Lena: I'll ask once she calms down. Her anger is still dancing.
*Ark's Message to Mankind*
Ark: "You don't want to learn the easy way so we will help you learn the hard way and basically give you hell on earth. You want to see the worst of war, famine, pestilence, and death? What the world could be under total control of what is purely evil masquerading around as righteous and good?
We gave you a full major world war against oppression and showed you what would happen if chaos were to rule and you still didn't learn. Here we are again... Humans are even more ass-backwards than they were before. We have to do this whole thing again.
Since many Divine and spiritual want to be be part of this and have incarnations here in the physical... these people really need to be the most fucking connected to everything. To nature, the physical, and the spiritual. Just do it. It is not hard and you already got a head start. All of you in this group.
You have this spiritual connection with your true self. Many of you have a connection with nature. You are already on the path. Instead of starting to walk down the path of balance... you hesitate and go back.
Just walk down that path and keep going. Just go for it physically and spiritually. Test yourself physically and it will test you spiritually.
People need to come together. Communities of like-minded people are connected nature, to physical, to spiritual. We should all come together. That is my message to people."
1:35pm Hi'Lena: Eury do the betrayers have to do with mankind?
Eury: "No. I was not a part of that war. I was involved in something else at the time...."
Hi'Lena: ....? Are you going to tell me who are these Seven then?
Eury: "They left their scars everywhere. Scars in the sky, in the sea, in nature, on hearts.... Vex is the last Betrayer alive. May Reylo kill him in the name of the sun and the burning candles that light his way."
Hi'Lena: What are so terrible of these lies other than they leave curses and debt?
Eury: "Vex spoke a lie of Aphrodite into existence... I am sure you remember how that went."
Hi'Lena: There seems to be more to Vex than he seems to be. He seemed to be an important person.
Eury: "He was. But then he betrayed Odin. All seven of them did."
Me: So these Seven Betrayers were once servants of Odin...
Eury: "Yes. That is why when you and Tulkas first encountered him I told you to speak to Odin. I believe that is something we have yet to do."
Eury: "Those servants were as close to Odin as Fastis and my other 11 servants are as close to me."
Hi'Lena: Are these the same seven that dethroned you along with Kronos...?
Eury: "Some of them. Not all of them were there, unless they were working behind the scenes."
Me: "What lie was spoken from the Seven Betrayers this day?"
Eury: "Come near me Love. I will speak it in our language. It is not wise to say it out loud, or else I will have to cut out my own tongue."
1:47pm *Aphrodite gets close to Eurynome*
Hi'Lena: I feel sick. I feel like crying.
Me: "Everything ties back in with the candles. This is all related to the candles."
Eury: "Everywhere they went seemed to follow that flame and wind."
Kiki: What is causing the feeling of overwhelming ancient sadness?
Yashadite: "I wanted to let Aphrodite know who I was. I hoped she didn't forget me."
Kiki: How can I get a better access to my healing abilities?
Yashadite: "Kiki needs to learn how to enchant objects with healing energy. She also needs to practice it on plants and animals. Concentrate on fixing whatever problem they have with your energy."
Kiki: Do I have a connection with the Ollen?
Yashadite: "Yes. Some of this will be further discovered."
Kiki: What about the ancient moons and Glassen suns?
Yashadite: "This is the answer I am seeking myself..."
Kiki: Why do I feel so close to the Vala?
Yashadite: "I have spent a lot of time with them. I trained under them."
Kiki: What can my TS tell about our moon?
Yashadite: "The moon is a sacred place. It is a reference to the Sea of Tranquility."
Kiki: Is there something like the "Niece of Gaia"?
Yashadite: "I consider myself a Niece of Gaia because of the way Aphrodite created me."
Hi'Lena: Do these Seven Betrayers have something to do with the other Seven of the angelic?
Eury: ".... I am sorry. I am not allowed to speak anymore." Why not? "I swore." Did Asteria swear too? "She did."
Me: "Ark is very close with Odin and the Norns. EinossArku is the Archangel of Fate and Destiny. The Seven are considered Fallen Angels by some religions."
Eury: "I do not know if Odin will tell you. He may because he loves you and his daughters love you. And he trusts you..."
2:02pm Me: "The All-Father is on his way here."
Eury: "Hopefully he is in a good mood. He seems troubled."
2:08pm *Odin arrives*
Odin: "These Seven Betrayers were seven servants. They stole wisdom from me and used it to manipulate for their own purposes. I had them hunted down and they all died except for one. This is Vustik, the one you call Vex. I entrusted Eurynome to find him."
Eury: "I was growing in power as Queen of the Titans. I almost killed him. I was so close.... And then he went to Kronos."
*Odin speaks privately to Ark* "EinossArku you seem overwhelmed. You should rest some."
Ark: "I am really burnt out from that squabble earlier. I got burnt with Divine energy. It weighs on me. When Divine were arguing in here a bit ago it affected me. I wanted to walk away. That is why I tell everyone to take time to take care of the physical."
Me: "I would like to know how this relates to the Seven Mysteries."
Odin: "The Seven Mysteries were tasked to something else."
Me: "Then why is Asteria and Eurynome forbidden to speak of it?"
Odin: "I don't remember anyone forbidden to speak of it. It is best kept secret until it reveals itself naturally. It is not forbidden."
Me: How does this relate to the candles?
Odin: "The candles are related to eternal light and wisdom. The snuffing out of certain candles while holding balance. The candles represent the continued burning of balance. This is why there are candles on both sides."
Me: "The Seven Betrayers were Candelabra."
Odin: "That is what they became when they stole the wisdom. This is why they had to be hunted."
Me: "Is becoming Candelabra how Vustik has gained so much power and influence?"
Odin: "This is how he rose from a servant to a master of many."
Me: "Does this relate to my crush?"
Odin: "It has everything to do with your crush."
2:31pm Tulk: Mind if I come or is it crowded?
Me: Come join in...
Tulk: On my way.
Me to Tulk: Her true self is a Merspiraggin. A Sea Child.
Tulk: I’m here. Their kind are awesome.
Kiki: Should I go for the Elven series and Dragon affinity in the future?
Yashadite: "Yes. Use the Elf series. I would like this very much. Aphrodite is Queen of Elves. She replaced the Elven King and the Nature Realm is a much better place."
Kiki: My Queen, please excuse me, but I forgot a question. Since I've lost my valued spear, is there a possibility to get it back somehow?
Me: "I shall give you an even better spear. A thousand times more powerful."
2:42pm *Aphrodite gives Yashadite a spear of pink energy*
Eury: "Bolrah is crying. He senses a presence that is bothering him. Who is there? Oh. It is just the Void Monster's toy... Go away. This has nothing to do with you." Its not Tulkas that Bolrah was crying about. He knows his father. Who is the toy? "An admirer..."
2:47pm *Odin gives Aphrodite wisdom*
2:53pm Tulk: From my perspective, Odin is on the front right of me speaking to Aphrodite. Eury is talking with Ark and Yashadite on the front left of me. I am in the center back watching both groups.
Me: "Candelabra are far more dangerous than they appear."
3:13pm Tulk: You all seemed to be engaged in conversation.
Eury: "Your crush does not seem to want to leave.... Annoying." What does he want? "To watch and to listen."
3:31pm Me: I am going to do a core fusion on Kiki to Yashadite here in the room. Going to get her physical body. "I am taking absolutely everything."
Tulk: I’ll be telling you what I see. And Your Crush’s presence is upsetting Bolrah.
Me: Do you sense any energy signature coming from my crush? There must be one if Bolrah notices.
Hi'Lena: I am feeling uneasy. Something is stirring.
3:36pm Tulk: Yes. Getting another impression from your crush... 'Solve the puzzle.' There’s a lot more that I’m feeling from him. For some reason he keeps sending it through me. I'm sending it to you guys.
Me: "I see a room of glass spindles like the one Vex was speaking through in Tartarus."
Eury: A vision...? Where are your eyes Love?
Me: "Yes. A vision from what Tulkas is sending."
***Reference in Spying on Vex: Eury in Tartarus...
"He is using a glass spindle of some sort to do something. I want to know what it is and why he is using it."***
Tulk: More information coming through.
Hi'Lena: I see four mirrors facing each other. Don't know what that means.
Tulk: I see a spool of transparent string that you can’t touch.
3:44pm Me: "I have returned with all of Kiki. I am going to start her core fusion."
*Lovely begins Orthrabui Core Fusion on Kiki to Yashadite*
3:47pm Hi'Lena: I saw this. Kinda looks like an eye obsessively staring at you. *Shows drawing of a symbol*
Tulk: Ugh...so much information, causing a headache. He’s pulling away now. This is the last of what I got.
3:51pm Hi'Lena: I see a horse or a symbol of one.
Me: This is a constellation of a horse. It might be where the four mirrors are located.
3:54pm Hi'Lena: This is okay, might not be the most accurate but I tried to get it as close as I could while the image was there. *Shows drawing of horse symbol*
Me: This is a beautiful rendition.
Hi'Lena: Thank you Love.
Tulk: There is currently a lot of information from him in my physical body that I can’t send to you both.
Eury: "Why not?"
Tulk: I do not know. I’ve been trying to get it out of my body to send to you both but it’s not budging.
4:00pm Me: "Interpret it and tell us what you see or hear. I am deeply involved in this core fusion on my sister Yashadite."
Tulk: First thing I see is a large room with glass rods, each connected by an individual string. Out of all of them two are the most noticeable. One keeps fading in and out of my sight. The other is vibrating.
Next is an ocean, with a reflection showing in it. Looks like that horse constellation but brighter.
Third is a large spire made of black rock. Negative energy is coming from that spire, infused into the rock itself.
Fourth is a portal, Black with hazy grey border. Doesn’t feel like the Void realm. Feels more destructive than that. Leads directly from the Inlands to the Outside.
Fifth, a living mountain range with a face in the side.
Sixth, black and red chains holding shut a large door. Door is forcibly being opened from inside and chains are disintegrating.
Seventh, mirror the size of a small building reflecting your crush’s eyes. They look focused on something but I can’t see what it is.
Eight, a stone object. Looks like an upside down cone with deep ridges in it. Shines a light from the base and goes up.
4:18pm Eury: "Oochoo... We are standing in a riddle."
Me: Your monkey may know something.
Monkey: Don't stand. Fall.
4:20pm Me: "I am putting so much of myself into this core fusion. Yashadite is merging into me."
Hi'Lena: Oh Yashadite is like how Asteria is to me sort of. "Sort of"
Eury: Why should we fall?
Monkey: Thats the only way to get there. You want to go up? Go down.
Tulk: Ninth, nine comets circling a planet that looks a little like Gaia but different. Planet is pulsating. Oceans are reflective like a mirror.
Tenth, a cave with thousands of teeth leading to a giant, red heart beating really fast.
Eleventh, whispers saying, “We may be in trouble. They’re closing in. They’re beginning to figure it out. They can already hear us through Xokahkar. It’s only a matter of time before they figure out the truth.”
Another voice, “Let’s stall them for a little more time. We’re not ready yet.”
I asked “What do you want with us. Enough of these games. Reveal yourself.”
I couldn’t do anything but see them. I don’t have a body during any of these visions. “Nothing at all... Yet. You’ll figure it out. In the meantime, ‘Ooohrehck Chouh’”
Monkey: He means Houhc Kcherhooo. Do you know what that means?
Tulk: Last one, Twelfth. A jungle. Dirt is blue purple and plants are green. I sense the ground is capable of burning things. That’s it.
4:30pm Me: "I am moving to the next phase in my core fusion with Yashadite."
Tulk: Not too good with riddles, but I’m assuming the Monkey means something in reverse.
Monkey: Too bad King, too bad. Guess you gotta go down the whirlpool again. So long Queen of Underwater Hearts. Remember to smash the mirror.
Me: "It makes sense he is calling Yashadite the Queen of Underwater Hearts. She is the Child of the Sea."
Hi'Lena: Yes I know. I remember her.
4:38pm Tulk: Aphrodite's Core absorbed Yashadite's Core for a little bit, then it came out again more “polished” looking. Brighter and like you but more oceanic. Now you are currently fusing the bodies together.
Tulk: Who was the Monkey referring to as King?
Hi'Lena: Maybe you? I don't know.
Tulk: Hmm, maybe. Maybe not. We’ll see what happens. Whatever this “whirlpool” is I’m assuming it has something to do with helping me understand more.
Currently there’s water surrounding Yashadite’s core. It’s vibrating in a calm manner and I can hear speaking through the splashes.
Me: I haven't told Kiki the details of her IG session yet except for her name. I have only told her I have been working on it and began the core fusion. She does not realize she is my sister.
Kiki: This is so intense, thank you. I'm so excited about this happening now. I'm sure that I have never heard of the name Yashadite, yet it feels like knowing it forever, I was very curious how it would feel to read it the first time.
My whole body is tingling and I feel like a torch that is burning from the centre outwards. It's not hurting, somehow serene. I'm moving in slow motion, it took very long to type just a few words. Words couldn't ever express my gratitude, wow I've been waiting for this.
Me to Kiki: Your IG session post is going to be very long and complex. I am excited for you to discover who you truly are.
Kiki: Excited is the word of the day for me! I was giggling all day long and somehow felt it would finally be here for me to embrace.
Eury: Oh my... Wait a minute. Does the whirlpool have to do with her core?
4:47pm Me: "Tulkas take my hand. We are going to jump into Yashadite's Core together."
4:50pm *Aphrodite and Tulkas hold hands and go into the Core of Yashadite*
Tulk: The water feels magical. I feel it going into my body. It feels like we are falling into another ocean. It is more vast than anything I've seen.
Me: "Look up in the sky... I see the Constellation of the Horse."
Tulk: I see it as well. It is alive. We are going to it.
4:58pm Me: "My grip on your hand is slipping. I am going down deeper into the water. We must go down into the depths of the Ocean instead of up to the Constellation."
Tulk: Ok. I’m coming down with you.
Eury: Oooohhhhh... You want to go up? Go down... That Monkey... It makes sense.
5:01pm Me: "Get on this Sea Horse... They will take us to the portal."
Tulk: I'm on it. We are riding deeper.
Me: "Do not look into the eyes of the Giant Sea Monsters."
5:07pm Tulk: I can feel the portal near.
Me: I am having a flashback to... Lovely: Varvxua and the Crush
Varvxua: "Your crush awaits your arrival Asherah..."
Tulk: Oh? Does this mean we’ll finally get to see who this mysterious crush of yours is? He’s got some explaining to do.
5:11pm *Aphrodite stops and refuses to go any further*
Eury: "Love..."
*Lovely Aphrodite begins to cry*
Tulk: You’re scared...it’s understandable with what he’s shown he’s capable of. But we need answers. And I’m here right beside you. I’ll protect you with everything I have. I can go first if you like. If anything happens to me you can escape.
*Eury begins to sing*: "Ishonii abavino keelaa. No iimbahalo kinobama vitaneiisokoii. When she moves, my love moves with her. When she looks at me, I am taken aback by the beauty her love gives me. My heart is filled. I know she is with me. And I am always with her."
Hi'Lena: This is both a love song to Aphrodite and something to defend her against her crush. The love she has is totally different and much more powerful than his toxic stalker shit.
5:16pm Me: "I will go with you to see my crush. Let's go through the portal to the Star Horses."
Tulk: I have your hand. I’ll protect you. Thank you Eury for that song. It was beautiful. And helpful. Let’s go.
Me: "We went inside a mirror. The portal was a mirror."
Me: "What are all these flashes? Do you see them?"
Me: "The mirror behind us is cracking and breaking..."
Tulk: Yes. I think these flashes are other mirrors. ...I feel his presence again.
Me: "There are 33 Candelabra here. There are 33 points of illumination."
5:32pm Tulk: The flames are connected to each other. I feel your crush’s presence more clearly.
Hi'Lena: The Monkey said to smash the mirror... Maybe thats so he cant come back out? (In a sense).
Me: Somebody else destroyed the mirror.
Hi'Lena: Well that's not good...
Tulk: My head...ugh it hurts. He’s closer to us now.
Ark: They led you into an Eternity Mirror without you realizing what it was. It is place where you get trapped. Why would you follow your crush in there?
Tulk: He’s further away now. He’s keeping his distance. I can’t see him but I can feel his presence. I blame myself. I shouldn’t have tried convincing her to go so we could get answers.
Eury: "No. She needs to do this. I feel that from her."
*Ark hands Amy a golden thread*
Ark: "This should get you out. Pull yourselves out with this thread. Hold on... You can find out why you are there first. This thread won't go anywhere.
I know because I have the other end. Next time take Unghi and Lunghi with you. You should also take Anerfa. That is what they are for... To make sure you don't get in trouble."
5:50pm Ark: I see a vision of hills with dark storm clouds over them. I saw a fast moving black mist that was swirling around people. They were dropping and dying. Then I saw the Athrranaak acting weird. It keeps changing shape really fast. The vision is still going on...
More about Athrranaak...
Lovely and Secrets of the Borderlands
Tulk: I’m keeping you close to me just in case something happens. It’s too quiet in here. Don’t know what he’s planning.
Me: I am thinking back to the letter for Aphrodite that was intercepted by the Kitsune on July 1st...
Dear Lovely, I am with you always. Watching everything you do with admiration. How you walk, how you talk, who you see, what you feel, where you go.... I watch you always. I am too shy to come out right now, but do not worry. Some day I will come out to say hello. Do not worry if whether or not you shall see me, for I see you. We will meet soon, and when we do, I am never letting you go. Signed, Your Dearest.
5:55pm Ark: Aphrodite that golden thread is wrapped around your arm.
Yashadite knows everything that is happening to Aphrodite. She is concerned. She asked Ark not to let anything happen to Lovely. Ark told her not to worry.
How did they get to a mirror portal through an ocean in your core?
Yashadite: "I don't know how it got there. It feels like it was put there against my will. By a being I don't remember."
What is this ocean inside your core?
Yashadite: "Aphrodite made this Ocean. It is what I am made of. That is why it is my core."
Hi'Lena: Well... Your crush is tied to Mono yes? And if he is tied to him, and Mono is Aphrodite and Poseidon then I can understand why he was able to put a portal in there.
What do you know of Xoxo the one nicknamed Mono?
Yashadite: "I am trying to focus. I am trying to remember something but I am getting blocked."
What did you do while Aphrodite was in Void imprisonment?
Yashadite: "I learned from the Valar. I searched around trying to find a way to free her. I trusted in many that said they could, but they couldn't. They were only in it for their own gain."
6:08pm Me: "I am feeling a lot of pressure inside me. The pressure is getting more intense."
Tulk: I wasn’t aware of this treatment towards Yashadite. I’m seeing a crystalline spike made of mirrors sticking out of the ground. It’s glowing bright.
Ark: "If you are getting a bad feeling and pressure is building up you should leave."
Me: "I want to stay a bit longer. I think my crush may be emerging from the spike."
Ark: "This crush is finally revealing himself?"
Me: "I still cannot get a reading on him."
Ark: "Whatever is showing itself is not letting me see. This being distorts their image. The wolves don't like him. They are growling and really angry. Anerfa turned into a wolf and started growling with them. She doesn't like him either."
Crush: "Come with me. Join with me. I will set you free. We could rule the cosmos together."
Ark: "They already are free."
Hi'Lena: What was that the Monkey said backwards? When Tulkas didnt know what it meant he said he would have to go through the whirlpool 'again'...
Tulk: I can’t see him clearly. His image is blurred and out of focus. ...Does that mean I did this before or that I’m going to do it again?
Ark: "Your crush is waiting for Aphrodite to choose to go with him and be with him. He has to go through all this smoke and mirrors bullshit. All this playing around.
Not a very admirable characteristic. It is fucked up that he toyed with your little sister so he could get you there in a place you are unfamiliar and you feel trapped."
Ark: "He keeps hiding himself. 'Oh if Asherah Aphrodite loves me we can rule the cosmos together.' It is not the first time they have tried this. It seems to be a recurring theme."
Hi'Lena: Tulkas you said that your ancient past was a bit closed off to you and so were any readings oracles could do on you? Maybe you've been here before to find the answer to the words and what they mean.
But that would mean you've been inside Yashadite's core before thanks to Mono... How many times have you two been here? Do you remember that song Eury sang about the mirror and marching? It mentioned something about escaping time yes?
Tulk: I agree completely with Ark on his assessment of your Crush. It disgusts me.
Yes, that could make sense. I might’ve even gone through time to do this again and I wouldn’t have known.
Ark: "His illusions do not work on me. That manifestation there is not really him. He is projecting from somewhere else. Smash all those mirrors. It will set your sister Yashadite free."
Me: Tulk would you like to smash them?
Eury: "Lovely is your hand okay? Do you feel well? You should get out of there for now..."
Tulk: Yes. Very much so. Anything to help set her free.
Me: "We are going to get out of here as soon as Tulkas finishes smashing the mirrors."
6:30pm Eury: "Come to me when you are free. I am concerned for you"
Me: "Smashing the mirrors won't kill my crush."
Ark: "You are right. It won't kill him. It will slow him down."
Hi'Lena: Why am I feeling a heavy energy of death energy?
Tulk: I can feel it too. Can’t identify the source. Almost done. Just three more big ones to go. Done with smashing the mirrors now. The crush’s projected version disappeared. Energy here is getting thicker. We need to leave.
Ark: "Aphrodite's crush is doing that. He is trying to fool you to thinking he is dying. That we will lose the secrets that he holds. He is bullshitting you.
I see his images shattering around all of you. I can hear his voice fading away as he speaks towards Aphrodite... 'You will be mine!...'"
Hi'Lena: I didn't sense that the energy was coming from him....
Eury: "Lovely, you must check your hand once you leave... Reylo is crying for you. He rarely ever cries"
Me: "I was feeling the intense urge to walk behind a shattered mirror. Then I heard Reylo and I realized I need to return and should not stay here."
*Aphrodite and Tulkas grab onto the golden thread*
Tulk: ....Her hand is decaying. I can see it. I believe your crush did this. I'm worried for her.
Me: "We are back. Ark took care of my hand. He took something off my hand and fed it to Nahktah the Troll."
Monkey: Oochoo Oochoo. You are back. Did you find your blood?
Tulk: Who was the monkey speaking to?
Ark: "He did this to you because you didn't take his hand and his offer. He wanted to show you that you would decay without him."
Hi'Lena: I am not sure. Did either of you find your 'blood'?
Tulk: I didn’t find anything that looked like my blood... I think...
Me: I don't recognize anything blood related.
Eury: Not even Reylo?
Me: Reylo is of the blood of Tulkas.
Tulk: Wait that counts? If that’s the case then yes, I did see Reylo through one of the mirrors.
Ark: "Your crush is linked with the Arcturians."
Monkey: Oochoo. Oochoo. What is a heart without the blood that fills it? Dead it is. A certain someone wants to be your blood. Fill you until you are nothing but him. Until you walk like him, talk like him, love like him. Whose blood will you take then? There can only be so many.
Hi'Lena: Well that was creepy...
Tulk: *sigh* Why am I not surprised? And yes. That is creepy.
Hi'Lena: Eury: I am not sure who the Monkey is speaking to at this point. He seems to speak to multiple and one at the same time. It is a part of Monkey Speech.
He could be speaking to Tulkas about finding your blood. But Reylo also cried out to Aphrodite because he was afraid she would die.
And then the person the monkey sounds like he is talking about that WANTS to be the blood could be her crush since he says 'walk like you, talk like you' like her dearest described in the letter. *sigh* Monkey talk...
Ark: "Bel-Ta told me he was in the Garden of Bones and he stole a Myrrdonite dagger. That he snuck up and took it. I didn't believe him, but he showed it to me. Do I like him? No. I find him amusing.
Bel-Ta has thing for Hi'Lena. He really liked Eurynome in the borderlands. He goes and spies on her incarnation. Bel-Ta is so disgusting."
Our borderlands experience with Bel-Ta...
Heart of Fire and Gate of Potronupunl
Hi'Lena: So that is why I feel there are beings in my room. Xisru tells me reports of beings coming but he gets rid of them promptly.... *sigh*
7:02pm Me: "I am continuing with the core fusion for Kiki to Yashadite."
Eury: Reylo has stopped crying.
Reylo: Apha apha apha apha.... reaches hands towards the sky and closes and opens fists over and over
Me: Reylo calling for his aunt Apha... this melts my heart.
Tulk: I wonder if Yashadite remembers my Ancient self ever coming to her core before...
Ark: "Aphrodite... An invisible red thread connects those who are meant to be together. I bind myself to you my love."
Tulk: Do you remember anything of my Ancient self coming to you at some point?
Yashadite: “You ‘do’ look very familiar. Some of my memories are blocked but I do know I granted you access to my core. And you protected me before. I was not aware your memories of your past were blocked as well. I thought you had just simply chosen to forget. I am glad that is not the case Xokahkar.
You were fighting something. Something that was after me. Big. Powerful. Old like you. You defeated it. I am sorry I am not able to remember more. Maybe the Oracle Queen is willing to help. There are many mysteries to you.”
7:17pm *Aphrodite is doing the core fusion and singing 'Unbreak My Heart'*
*Unbreak My Heart by Toni Braxton*
Kiki: I really love this choice of song. This is making me cry.
Ark: Aphrodite is singing this to her sister who is a piece of her heart. Lovely knew it through Amy's memories.
Aphrodite loves to sing and that is why she loves me. Ourhkina love to sing. That is one thing Christians got right about Angels. We do sing quite often. When we say something meaningful it is always in song.
Hi'Lena: That is so brilliant. I love that.
Tulk: Aphrodite sings better than anyone in Creation.
Kiki: There was a lot of pressure on my solar plexus and stomach, it is easing now. I've seen some glimpses of dancing purple-pinkish flames, that was beautiful.
Tulk: Yashadite is being upgraded. The whirlpool around her is slower now and at the center, her core is pink. I’m feeling love energy coming from her. And ocean energy as well.
Kiki: What is Kapraki? *Kapraki came to my mind very clearly as I recently started to see colours emitting from plants (I think it's related to the Pegasus Spiritual Senses track). I've never seen such a colour before and the word Kapraki suddenly came up, but I don't know, if that is related to the colour or has a meaning at all.*
Yashadite: "Kapraki is the ability to see energies. I have this ability and my incarnation does as well."
7:58pm Kiki: I can feel how it is affecting my heart.
Kiki: Any other important things to let humans know?
Yashadite: "Connect and overcome your fears and doubts. Connect with your true self. The true self and incarnation can always help each other. Mankind needs to reconnect with the old ways.
This can only be done and only a chance of success if people practice it and live it and teach everyone else how to do it. How to have the spiritual and physical connection and connect with nature.
It is called being true to oneself. This is where the term true self comes from. Trust in Amy and Aphrodite's work. In what she is trying to do."
Yashadite: "It is amazing Aphrodite's trust in Ark. It is all about Aphrodite to Ark even in the physical. Aphrodite doesn't put her full trust in many beings. Only a few. Even in her physical."
Ark: "At least I hope she trusts me in the physical."
*Ark continues to converse with Yashadite*
Ark: "I knew you from before. I have always known you were Aphrodite's little sister."
Yashadiate: "The love I have for Aphrodite in the spritual and physical is different from the other love that people have for her."
Ark: "Because I love her for her and not the idea of her. I don't seek to rule the cosmos through her.
Even in the physical their physical incarnations and spiritual proclaim so much love to Aphrodite and they don't really know her for who she is.
They love the idea of her. Which is good, but it is not the same that I have. It is not really the same that Yashadite has either."
Yashadite: "It is not hard for me to understand in the spiritual, but it may be hard for Amy to understand in the physical. The love I have for Aphrodite and Amy. It is harder for her to understand in the physical."
Ark: "I think she is just new to the concept. I think she is beginning to understand."
Yashadite: "I am interested in seeing things through my incarnation's eyes. To feel the love she has for this woman." She is referring to Kiki's partner/lover.
Kiki: Oh my, I've felt my TS often in several moments I shared with my love. This is truly beautiful.
Me: Aphrodite created Yashadite as a true self that loves and has romance with other females. She made her this way for a reason. Lovely wanted to protect her from the games of males.
8:47pm I am still working on Yashadite's core fusion.
8:50pm Me: "I am sharing my power with Yashadite. I am uprading her core to be like me. She is to be part of me in every way. She is mine."
8:56pm *Yashadite and Aphrodite hug and embrace*
9:00pm Me: "The core fusion is as pure as my love."
Me: It is time for the sealing... "This core fusion is absolute. What has been joined together is forever sealed. Through the power of Othrabui this fusion is made perfect. For the essence and core are sealed together pure and complete."
9:12pm Aphrodite: "Spend the night with me my sister."
Yashadite: "I will be with you always."
9:21pm Kiki: I feel like floating/levitating now, on my way to work. Thank you from my deepest heart for what you have put into this! I feel incredibly blessed and honoured. I love you with every inch of my being.
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Official Mind Power Discussion Group...
Yashadite wants Aphrodite to design her playlist. Here is what Aphrodite chose for you...
1. Energetic Debt Remover for Wholeness in the World
2. Arella's True Self Embodiment - Become Your True Self
3. Arella's True Self Connection Mental Emotional
4. Become a Female Elf Beauty DNA Combo - Galadriel Reproductive
5. Elf DNA Activation - Activate Elven Potential
6. Become an Elf Warrior Combo - Elven Bones Muscles Nerves
7. Become an Elf Combo - Elven Mind Brain Digestion Skin Hormones
8. Become an Elf Combo - Personality Abilities Heart Lungs Immune Lymphatic
9. Become an Elf - Senses of Elven Smell and Elvish Touch
10. Dragon Affinity Level One Remake - Dragon Energy Attunement
11. Be a Master of Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection
12. Divine Feminine Beauty - Divine Feminine Energy
13. Become a Powerful Epic Legendary Warrior
14. Reconnect with Divine Love - Reclaim Love
15. Develop Artistic DNA - Unleash Creative Talent
16. Mermaid Allure - Embody the Beauty and Power of the Ocean
17. Supernaturally Perfect Feminine Face Nose Lips Combo
18. Become a Healer with Healing Hands - Develop Healing Abilities
19. Ultra Feminine Beauty Muscle Feminizer Bone Feminization Combo
20. Supernatural Relationship Builder - Emotional Intelligence
Nita: This is really heartmelting! I can't really describe how much i adore you and your story. Beside that story about breaking unicorn's leg and horn made me cry... How could they be so cruel? I hate cruelty.
Naturome: I am so proud (for want of a better word) of this session. I consider Kiki a dear sister too and now she will be my Elven sister.
All this information explains a lot of what Kiki has been 'deciphering' over the last several weeks. How awesome to be Aphrodite's sister!
Valstanarra: Your TS is amazing and your connection with Aphrodite is so precious! There is so much love between the two of you, I can feel it and it warms my heart. This is beyond special!
Xerron: I'll be honest here. This is the first time I've felt waves of intense energy flowing through my body by reading a post especially the war part. Is it for some purpose that gods had children with mortals?
Me: That is how demi-gods came into being. I have my own demi-god son... Aeneas.
Sammy: I’ve reread parts of this several times and I keep learning something new. This is why I love your long posts. There is so much information right here, it’s hard to comment on all of it. Just incredible.
Dino: I feel a warming sensation while reading this. The thing is my Ac is on so it couldn't be the heat from outside.
Kiki: I've been reading slowly and several times through this. I think I will need some time to rearrange myself and find the words that are forming themselves inside. I will put this in another reply later, right now I'm just floating in an ocean of love.
I bow to Aphrodite, EinossArku, Xokahkar and Eurynome! Thank you for being there and all that you have given into this.
I was really intimidated myself about the disrespect towards Eurynome and I'm very grateful for the accepted apology!
I remember a dream I've had very recently about a conversation between Amy and me, there we were talking about me being a part of Lovely and it turns out to be true. I'm so amazed right now.
Laura: Wow ... I'm speechless! Apart from the complexity of knownledge you Ark and others have given us again there was so much love in this post ... Lovely and her sister have such an intimate relationship it made me feel very emotional.
Anastasija: What an energy from the post...Amazing. And the love between you and Aphrodite is so beautiful and heartmelting.
Kiki: It's indeed very important to me that this love is emanating from the post. Thank you for your wonderful words and wishes.
Del'sean: When I read this, I felt happy and emotional there is so much energy I'm feeling in this post. It is going to be a lot for me to handle, but it feel really amazing. The love between two sisters are more powerful than ever it was.
By the way, I feel horrified about the part Eurynome's fury and Unicorn's horn and legs broke. It break my heart to see this what humans done something really cruel and show no concern or remorse for what they done. They will pay for what they done to those magical creatures.
Kiki: Thank you Del'sean Sims, you are right, it's a lot to take in and handle. It makes me happy that this energy is felt by many.
Eury's fury is indeed terrifying, but I admit that feeling her energy has its own unique pleasure for me and there is much about how this part went, that I cannot put into words!
Elvish: Woww what a beautiful ig session, and very informative post congratulations Kiki, as It was a really long post i had to read some things many times but still confused. Also have some questions. That are the civilisations if Mohanjodro and harrapa amongst them which suddenly vanished?
As they were also very advanced people. And why Allah claims not to have any children, no father, no siblings and no any partner? If he have brother and father, alot more questions I have but as I have missed some of your posts i will read them first and this one again, then I will ask if I felt a need. Also what are alphas and omegas?
Me: You must realize that the Divine do not explain everything to mortals. It would not benefit Allah Yahweh to tell you His family history.
Why should He? In his texts He is focused on His role within His religions. Not on his father, brother, or other divine. These are His texts and He does not want them focused on other gods.
As we have already seen, not everything in religious text is to be taken literally. They are symbolic and allegorical for deeper meanings. The Garden of Eden is a good example of this.
Allah Yahweh also does things differently for Jews, Muslims, Christians, and others. You can see differences in the religions yet the Abrahamic religions are His. He does not treat everyone the same.
Males are Alpha and Females are Omega. This applies to every kind and species mortal, immortal, and divine.
Elvish: Woww verry well Answered Amy, thank you so much lovely, I agree with that. The only thing bothers me is that He strictly claims that He is the creator of all worlds, universes etc, and those who say that he have partner etc they will strictly be punished for assuming that.
Flame: Yashadite, Yashadite
Sister made of Love
Your Ocean is vast
Your destiny unrove
Love claims You and holds You
Yashadite, You are free!
Floating within the beauty
Of Your never ending Sea
How beautiful you are! Some of the questions you had, you've answered by the things you told me before. How wonderful it is that your TS is almost exactly like your incarnation. Powerful enough to come through so strongly throughout your entire life. There could be no other way, after all, you are Aphrodite's sister!
When we tried the connection recently, your energy emanated so blue (the ocean) and powerful (the Outside). You were larger than life, otherworldly & now we know why. You are part of Aphrodite! You've always spoken of this, I'm so incredibly happy for you! It's time to celebrate!
Kiki: You are incredible my dear Flame. I'm contemplating how to fit an appropriate reply into a comment here and there you go, putting it easily in such a profound and beautiful way. Thank you so much for this extraordinary comment. I'm so happy we got to know each other and I'm pretty sure there are some great adventures we will share together.
James F: Thank you so much for this information Aphrodite, it is priceless as all thing you share. Again, Ark you are a gem, this information for mankind, and the history of us and the Divine is really helpful in understanding where the path of humanity was and where it needs to be. I learn so much from all of you and consider myself truly blessed and grateful for such knowledge. To connect with my True Self and Nature is of my highest priority, and though I am new to the path I will try and find the right way.
Ginger: I shed a couple tears when I got to reading about the unicorn... for much of this session I could feel the energy of my TS with me, I think she had quite an interest in this one.
Ave: Beautiful. I resonated with so much in this session!
Katha: Breathtaking session! I love how it all unfolds so beautifully, got some chills while reading. I'm very happy for you both! Also yay for another puzzle piece of history .. I am always interested in how everything has come into creation - and trying to integrate it in the big picture.
Kirsi: I'm so grateful that you share these amazing sessions with the group. It was like reading a novel, so intense and so many different emotions. This information is so precious. I'm happy that you are reconnected.
Kiki: I was very motivated to find a way to express everything about how I feel about this whole session and Core Fusion, but it just would take incredibly long to write and to read it, so I'm trying to make it short.
At first I have to say, that I still feel like floating all the time and at peace like I think I never was before.
Finally finding out that Lovely Aphrodite is my sister who made me from her heart is the most incredible and emotional moment ever!
I know I have been waiting and longing for this a long time. To be made for assistance, healing and complementing and then not being there to prevent the imprisoning..., that is explaining many aspects of lifelong feelings of being sad, angry, indebted, not worthy and much more.
I'm incredibly relieved about what Lovely has done to my heart while the Core Fusion, I can feel that she healed my heart in huge amounts and literally "unbroke" it. Now, this had an even more accelerating effect on my love, it's almost too much to keep for my physical body.
It's true "I feel what you feel", that has been this way for a long time already, interestingly even before you were freed and it caused a lot of confusion and self doubt in me, I just was like "this cannot be, why should it? You are imagining!", still it was there. To find out that I'm not insane or making this up out of admiring Aphrodite like many others do, is so awesome and strengthening for me!
I felt really bad about the incident with Eury and Fastis, I always give my best to be respectful and not talking lightly about things I don't know for sure, so this was very shocking to see unfold, the more it made me happy how it went out. How amazing to have a bond with Eurynome now!
The part where Reylo was crying for his Aunt was incredibly touching for me (yes, I have figured why).
To find out that my core is indeed an ocean, that was making me scream and so happy, wow! This is related to the reason for the question about the "niece of Gaia" (I didn't even expect to get an answer for this), it was an experience I've had in my inner world, I was exploring it and suddenly got an overwhelming feeling of everything there being an illusion and so I started to destroy it, I was really raging, as I destroyed the illusionary dome of sky, I saw myself standing right at the edge of the cosmos and was sucked into a galaxy further and further away and suddenly I was in an ocean swimming with some sea monsters, that have been astonishingly calm and serene, I was communicating with one and asking where I am, the answer was "the niece of Gaia of course, but don't go up, you will get caught" also I've always had a strong connection with water, I can easily stay in a bathtub for about 12 hours, it's what grounds me the most and giving me relief when I have an overload of human energies bombarding me.
I want to say that I will try to follow the highly appreciated advices of Ark and speak up, when I feel I should! It's true, I've often restrained and taken steps back, because of stated reasons, but now I know why I felt them and will give my best to overcome this side of me. There is a lot more to say about that actually, but I'll leave it here.
To finally know about the resonating with the Valar, this is making me just proud for several reasons. I want to take this opportunity to give a big shout out for Tulkas/ Xokahkar, thank you for always being there and helping out, especially for taking care of my sister!
Your shared experiences are a great treasure for everyone to learn and grow! Interesting that you have been inside my core before, I'm curious to discover much more about the time where I have trained with the Valar!
Finally I want to express my huge admiration for Ark, thank you for sharing so much of your knowledge and wisdom, gifting us all with priceless insights about things I'm searching the truth about for decades now, I always felt mutilation of information wherever I was researching, in this group I finally felt that my longing for truth will get feeded right and truthful.
Amy and Dustin/ Lovely Aphrodite and EinossArku, this goes in my heart as a unit, you are everything what I think a true love and relationship should be, I won't go further than expressing this, I feel so much love.
The love of Lovely Aphrodite and Eurynome, well I'm sensing both sides in this and this is beyond my ability to express at all, you are beautiful and magical together, words are failing here!
I avoided to say something about the unicorn episode, this was too saddening for me to be honest, I have a deep love and connection with unicorns and it felt like I was there as a witness to this unspeakable act of murder, I would make them suffering unprecedentedly...
To come to an end, I'm not able to express my gratitude for this most outstanding night (in my timezone it was going on over night) and I agree with Yashadite (wow this name is causing intense reactions inside) in many things, especially for the part "I would die for Lovely Aphrodite when necessary to protect her"
I could go on and on, but thank you for granting me the honour of making a playlist for me, it's the third time my playlist completely changed, I was wondering about the choices of my TS before, but even this is making so much sense to me now!
I really love this playlist. Thank you even more for the upgrades of my core, my new spear and for many other upgrades and incidents where you have been protecting me. Merging with my sister? What could be better than this.
One question: has Hermaphrodite an incarnation? I was contemplating a while ago, if it might be my TS, even if I knew it wasn't, I felt such a resonance, well not a coincidence at all. Its already such a long comment.
My sister my sister, centuries have been more than sisters, we finally found what was meant as compound. Shed a new light on things we formerly fight. There is one thing I always knew, my love for you is nothing but true.