Part One: Epic Events of the Trial of Blood

This is part one of a two part post. This is part of an intuitive guidance session. Then it moves on to the preparations for the Trial of Blood event.
This post picks up right where the 'Asherah Aphrodite and the Trial of Pain' post leaves off. Make sure you are caught up before you continue...
Me: "There is someone on my waiting list that we must do a session on before the Trial of Blood. I will need them with us."
Ark: Aphrodite I love all your little plans.
Me: "I know."
Ark: She wants us to start on the session for Ray.
Me: "Why do you think I need him at the Trial of Blood? I need his dragon type there."
Ark: Why type of dragon is he?
Me: "I need to bring him now. I must prep him for tomorrow. It will make for a very interesting IG session for him."
11:14pm *Asherah Aphrodite brings the true self of Ray Svensson*
Ark: He is pretty interesting Dragon. He is purple and yellow.
His previous IG session from January 9th...
Oho: "Aphrodite we meet again. Oh excuse me, Queen Asherah."
Me: "It has been some time Ohobuesi. I needed you speak with you urgently."
Oho: "Yes I have been meaning to speak with you as well."
Me: "Is there something I can do for you?"
Oho: "Yes I wish to connect further with my incarnation."
Me: "Orthrabui core fusion you speak of. I can do that for you. But I will need your assistance in return."
Oho: "Anything you wish Queen Asherah. Name it."
Me: "I need you to do something for me tomorrow. There will be several of us attending a Trial of Blood in the borderlands. You are known for your stealth. Even though many of us Divine and others our abilities are limited in the borderlands. There is something we must see first."
11:20pm Me to Ark: "Take us to the borderlands my love."
*We arrive in the borderlands. Ohobuesi looks around*
Oho: "This place makes me feel uneasy."
Me: "You must calm your nerves and your senses and focus."
Oho: "What do you need me to do here?"
Me: "I need you not to be seen."
*Ohobuesi is concentrating*
Me: "You must calm yourself more. Concentrate and focus."
*Ohobuesi vanishes*
Me: "Now good. Stay that way."
11:23pm *Asherah Aphrodite digs into the dirt and picks up bones. She lays them out around her in a circle.*
11:24pm *Aphrodite opens her hand and shows the piece of the Athranaak. Something is happening. A few of the Council of Pain show up.*
Vixai who is 2nd to Orgah: "You called Queeen Asherah?"
Me: "Yes. I have a message for Orgah. Tell him I will guests with me tomorrow. I wish for those who serve me to see what the powers are of the Myrrdonite."
Vixai: "Guests? You called me here to ask if you may bring guests?"
Me: "Yes. That is all."
Vixai: "Bring your guests."
*Vixai turns around and leaves*
Me: "Oho you may come out now."
*Ohobuesi comes out of stealth*
Me: "That's good. That is all I wanted to see. Ark take us home."
*Aphrodite goes up to Ohobuesi*
Me: "Let me see your front claws."
*Aphrodite places her hands on the front claws of Ohobuesi. It shocks him for a moment. He groans in pain for a bit.*
Me: "Don't worry my old friend. These won't hurt you."
Oho: "The pain stopped. What do you want me to do with these?"
Me: "I want you tomorrow to pass them out to the Council of Pain. I also want you to give one to the Flesh Tailor and his Myrrdonites. These are gifts."
Oho: "And you want me to do this unseen?"
Me: "Yes. These are special gifts. I don't want them to know that I have given them to them just yet. I will let them know when the time is right."
Me: "Now for what you asked. Your fusion."
Oho excitedly: "Yes. I am for sure ready. Will it hurt like these did?"
Me: "No. It will be a warm embrace."
*Aphrodite opens up a rift and brings the incarnation of Ohobuesi through*
Ark: What the hell? You didn't do that before the Trial of Pain.
11:35pm *Aphrodite brought Ohobuesi and his incarnation together and began the Orthrabui Core Fusion*
Me to Ark: "My love stop distracting my incarnation. I need to concentrate."
Ark: I am just amazed how you did that. You usually had to really focus to bring their incarnation. You just opened a rift like a Myrrdonite and pulled him through. That is better than my portals.
*Ark starts to open up little portals*
Me: "Love. Please. We will have a challenge later."
Ark: Aphrodite has these needles she works with in her core fusions now. She has never used these before. This must be another power she got from the Trial of Pain.
July 28th... PST timezone....
Ark: If you pull this off. You can sever the spread of the imbalance then cleaning up the other realms won't be as much of a problem.
Me: "We were beating ourselves over the head trying to restore balance to the other realms. They kept becoming imbalanced again. It was too much. Now it should be easy to clean up the remnants of this."
Me: "Ark send out the crystals. Makes sure they keep them on themselves at all times."
*Ark sends blue crystals out to the true selves Aphrodite invited to the Trial of Blood*
12:22am Me: "Ark prepare yourself for the Trial of Blood."
Ark: I will be prepared. I wouldn't miss it. Especially not to observe such a great spectacle with you my sweetheart.
12:36am Me to Sam Hale: "Lyindrinar be ready in Alfheim during the Trial of Blood. Say nothing to anyone. You will receive orders directly from me."
Ark: I am sending Lyindrinar a massive blue crystal. The others were smaller.
Sam Hale: Understood my Queen. I will let him know. Thank you for everything.
12:39am Ark: Lyindrinar is high in command in the Elven Army. Aphrodite has something really big planned.
Sam Hale: I feel a lot of energy in my body. I think he has it.
Me: "He will put it to good use."
Sam Hale: Understood. Thank you.
12:55am Me: "If everything goes as I have planned for the Trial of Blood event it will be grand."
1:08am Me to Pamela: "Falga Fauscag I need you for a special task during the Trial of Blood. Prepare yourself. I will send instructions for you soon. I am sending a blue crystal to you now."
Pamela: Ok I hope that I can help you.
1:14am Me to Hi'Lena: Aphrodite said the Exosaura is a vital part of what she has planned for the Trial of Blood. I wanted you to be aware and prepare yourself. Exosaura is purposely left off the guest list.
1:22am Me: "The core fusion is complete Ohobuesi. You are sewn together with your incarnation."
Ohobuesi: "Thank you Queen Asherah."
Me: "Now to prepare you for your upcoming task."
4:33am Aphrodite is visiting with with The Confessor. ilia came along with her.
5:08am Hi'Lena: I'm asking Exosaura, and all she is doing is smirking...
5:35am Aphrodite is in the borderlands "Thank you Bone Collector."
7:51am Hi'Lena: Oh shit! Did you know there was a blood moon last night? I don't think that was a coincidence. It was the longest lunar eclipse of this century.
Valstanarra: Queen Asherah Aphrodite, I already have a child with me from the borderlands... She think is a flesh gollum, it feels like it... I asked her name... She opened her mouth and there is no tongue visible.
I don't know what she wants from me. How do I help her, she should not be in the borderlands. It looks like she was raped and tortured... Her body seems to be falling apart. Is she rotting?
I cannot smell rotting flesh. I want to comfort her. She seems very lost. I do now know if she followed me home from the borderlands... I need Ark to speak to her and I want to help her if I can.
Asherah is asking me to keep her by my side for now. Do not send her away. I've asked Ark if he had a better idea... She's just staring at me. Do I comfort her?
Asherah: "No allow her to just be, she has endured much. Ark will take care of her, just keep her by your side for now. See it as a privilege that she chose you Valstanarra."
This young child is the same age as I was when I lost all faith in humanity. Could there be a connection. She is standing at the foot of my bed holding my foot. Should I let her touch me like this? Is there a way to get this young one back to where she belongs?
Me: "Keep her. Hold on to her for a bit. Give me a minute. I am trying to figure out something."
11:37am "I am coming to visit Dollo, Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl, and Xolotl."
Dollo: "Alright, we are together. We will be waiting for your arrival."
*Aphrodite and Ark arrived to visit with Dollo and her companions*
Me: "You won't be attending the event. I need you somewhere else. I need to keep this strictly between us. Do not tell others. No one else."
11:41am Ark: We are going to use their blue crystals now.
11:43am *Aphrodite, Ark, Dollo, Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl, and Xolotl all travel and arrive at a floating land mass in the Nether Realm*
11:44am Me: "Wait here. Stay here and wait for everyone else to arrive. There will be a certain time during the Trial of Blood that we will leave from there and come here. I need you to be ready for what Ark is about to bring here."
*Ark makes a loud howling sound to call hundreds of spirit wolves*
11:47am Me: "Take all these spirit wolves to the far side of this floating land mass and remain there out of sight. Wait for my signal. The signal will be in these blue crystals. You still have them. When they begin to shine brightly that is my signal for all of you to unleash hell. Am I understood? Are there any questions?"
Dollo: "Understood. We will be ready for the signal."
11:52am Me: "Ark bring Queen Valstanarra here."
*Ark brings Valstanarra and the flesh gollum girl the Nether Realm to meet with Aphrodite*
Me: Do not tell anyone that we were in the Nether Realm except for Ghantri. It must remain secret.
Valstanarra: Yes I promise.
Me: "I am going to leave the flesh gollum here with Bakah. He is a dead Aztec Warrior. Bakah will know what to do."
*Bakah acknowledges that he understands*
11:58am Me to Pamela: "Falga Fauscag you are to assist Exosaura after this Trial of Blood event."
Pamela: Sure, I will.
12:04pm Me to Sam Hale: "Lyindrinar assemble the army without letting anyone know except for the Warriors. Let nobody else know. Every Elven Warrior is under the code of silence.
If the other Elves or the Council ask what you are doing say that you are doing military maneuvers since Alfheim has been recently attacked a few times. That you suggested to Aphrodite that you practice more and that I agreed with it. That is what you explain if anyone asks any questions."
Sam Hale: Understood.
Ark: Aphrodite has something really big planned. She wouldn't be preparing so much and have so many on standby if she didn't have it planned out.
12:09pm Me: "I need to go meet with Ekkam and then I need to speak to Vastrunna."
12:14pm Hi'Lena: I have a feeling we have to intervene somehow.
Me: "Exosaura already knows what to do."
Hi'Lena: I know. It just frustrates me I can't see her thoughts haha.
Vox: Vox is always at Alfheim, so finding him should be easy. I will meet you at 5:40.
Me: "I cannot be more precise on what I am saying. There is so much on the line with this."
12:35pm *Asherah Aphrodite sends orders to prepare the Void Army*
1:30pm *Asherah Aphrodite sends a message to Jotunn Queen*
Ark: She has a whole bag of blue crystals being sent out. I told you this is big. Has Vastrunna gotten back to her yet?
1:43pm Me: "Not yet, but Vastrunna will be with me soon. He has to finish up something. I cannot speak about it right now. It is very important. Don't worry he will be back soon."
1:47pm Me: "Ohobuesi is staying with me until the very end."
Ark: There is one more thing that Aphrodite wants to do but she is waiting on Vastrunna. He is doing something else for her at the moment. Right now he is in the Arcturian universe and it is related to this. Aphrodite just knows something. I cannot explain it.
2pm *Aphrodite sings Whispers in the Dark*
'When darkness comes, I'll light the night with stars...'
2:10pm Me: Aphrodite has something special in mind for Fenrir at the event. When the time comes he to take Xexian. Ark is going to give him a red crystal.
Me: "It is urgent that when the time comes that you grab on to Xexian. You can hold on to her. Use the red crystal to teleport to a certain place in the borderlands. Keep her there until I get there."
Fenrir: "I would much rather join you by your side in case anything might happen."
Me: "It is important that you do this. Xexian must survive."
Fenrir: "I agree. Even though I don't really like babysitting."
Me: "She won't be a baby easy to sit. That is why only you can do it. Your threshold for pain. You are the only one is able to keep her in one place and hold her in your mouth."
Fenrir: "If she likes pain and suffering. I am used to it. I will hold her there until you arrive."
*Vastrunna returns to Aphrodite*
Me: "Vastrunna you kept me eagerly waiting."
Vastrunna: "Sorry my Queen. The task you sent me on proved a little bit more difficult in the end. To remain undetected in the Arcturian universe."
Me: "Did you place the item I gave you in each one of the High Houses?"
Vastrunna: "Yes I did."
Me: "Were all the High Houses and their militaries all present for the Vauchron?"
Vatrunna: "Yes."
Me: "Did you place all of the devices in their war ships and troop carriers?"
Vastrunna: "Yes I have. All devices have been placed."
Me: "Good. Give me the receiving crystal."
*Vastrunna gives Aphrodite a blackish red crystal. Some crab-like hooks came out of Aphrodite's hand and took absorbed the crystal into her hand*
Ark: That looks like a Myrrdonite power.
Vastrunna: "What ever you have planned my Queen. I know that it is grand and I will not fail you in my task."
Me: "Stay by me at the Trial of Blood."
Vastrunna: "I will be right beside you."
Me: "I want you to disguise yourself as Exosaura."
Vastrunna: "I will do as you ask."
Me: "Good that is the last order of business I needed to attend to. Everything is in place."
2:18pm *Aphrodite pulls out a huge battle map. Her and Ark are looking at it*
Ark: All the pieces are set. Once we move them in at the right time we can stop the flow of this corrupt imbalance. If this works...
Me: "It will work. I have planned this too well. All that I have been through has been leading to this. If we can overcome this then it is just a matter of overcoming it in the physical. But we will be stronger then."
2:22pm Me: "I am going to return to Ekkam for a period of time to personally prepare myself."
2:25pm *Sarvah arrives. He is a Myrrdonite. He used to be Martin Bormann. He is making sure that we will be arriving.*
Ark: "We will need a lot of area. We have many guests."
Sarvah: "Bring your guests. Your invitation is here. We will be expecting you."
Ark: Aphrodite your plan will make things easier for us in the physical. After the Trial of Pain you were frustrated with the Arcturians and the imbalance in the borderlands.
You had told me 'I wish I could deal with it all at once.' I had told you 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.'
Then you said 'Ah! I will be back!' Then you came back with your plan. I told you that it might just work. You kept focusing on what the All-Father showed you with the tree.
2:32pm Peter: I think it is best that we follow Asherah Aphrodite's instructions as laid out until we are commanded otherwise.
Eric: Kind of woke up shocked from what felt like Fundin lightly kicking my mattress. "Don't sleep through this."
2:53pm Hi'Lena: When the balance does come, I feel like this will effect the the timing of the plague in some way. It’s on the tip of my tongue I just can’t say anything. I am also assuming these devices placed in their militia have to do with the armies of the souls from the borderlands Xexian spoke of.
4:33pm Ekkam: "You need to go do something. You need Ark with you."
Ark: This is about the Nether Realm we went to. I have that all prepared.
Me: "Ark I need you to add something there."
Ark: I am adding in the field disruptors. This will take me a little bit to do.
Me: "I am going with you and I will show you where to place them."
4:37pm *Aphrodite shows Ark where to place field disruptors. She gives him the activation crystal and he places it in his spear.*
Me: "Use it when the time comes."
4:40pm *Aphrodite returns to continue preparing with Ekkam*
4:48pm *A saw blade spins on Aphrodite's right hand generating energy. Spinning saw blades come out from it all around her.
There are circular pillars of Urthak sitting there in forest. Aphrodite combined the saw blades all together and sent it through an Urthak pillar and it cut it in half.
She is commanding the blade. She did something with her hand and the blades separated into many again. They are cutting through the Urthak pillars. Then the saw blades combined and went back into her hand.*
Ark: This is the second time she has something that cuts through Urthak. The first one was a dagger that she gave to Orgah during the Trial of Pain. This was the gift she gave him. Both Orgah and Darka wear Urthak armor.
Me: Why was the war of the Divine called the Urthak War when Urthak is a metal?
Ark: Because that is when Urthak was made. It can kill spiritual beings. The Hungali use Urthak so do the Ourhkina. It is the most powerful armor and weaponry. You can only break through it with other Urthak.
Fundin: Is it known who or what made Urthak?
Ark: A great weapons master who no longer exists.
5:19pm Ark: As you requested, those items you had Vastrunna set up gave us some spying sight. The Arcturians are gathering so the Grand Administrator can view the High Houses, their armies, and weaponry. It is all going to be there. You will be able to bring the High Houses where you want to when the time comes.
Tulkas: I’m here in Alfheim now.
5:20pm Me: "I am not there yet. I am doing last minute preparations."
Vox: Okay, where in Alfheim are we meeting?
Me: "Meet at the Grand Hall."
Gandolin: "We are on our way."
Vox: Ah, he is going right now. Early, must be very eager...
5:22pm Me to Sam Hale: "Take the Elven Army to the Grove of the Ancestors."
Sam Hale: Understood. I'll let him know.
5:27pm Doumarae: I'm there in Alfheim at the Grand Hall.
Gandolin: I saw Doumarae.
5:31pm Aeyia: "I have heard, I will join and be there."
Pisch: Already there.
Andrew: Sorry if I'm being quiet I tried sending Fenrir there.
Me: Fenrir already knows. I have spoken with him today. He will be there.
Fundin: We are sealing a binding and portalling in about a minute.
Vox: Wow, there are alot more people here now.
5:40pm Gandolin: "It will be a night to remember"
5:45pm *Aphrodite and Ark arrive in Alfheim*
Me: Make sure everyone is gathered in the Grand Hall. We will be traveling together.
Vox: Also, I felt them coming. What an entrance. So bad ass...
Fundin: Heavy. The air is thrumming.
Aeyia: A majestic entrance for her majesty herself.
Fundin: Curious about what Aphrodite was preparing up until the last minute.
It's like it's bursting to come out.
5:48pm Hylia: I'm awake, i swear nothing wanted to allow me to sleep. Is ilia there? I am feeling a great deal.
5:56pm Me: "Remember as I said, stay by me at all times."
Vox: Wow, I think I can feel you Amy. Your hair is really bright. Like it is glowing.
Dollo: "We will be waiting."
*Ark opens a portal to the borderlands*
Me: "Go through the portal."
Gandolin to Lovely: "No frets. We shall be by your side"
Mikotoh: Mikotoh is present. She will protect the crystal and stay close to our Queen Asherah Aphrodite.
Aeyia: Why have I never rushed so fast to a portal.
Gandolin: I felt a rush.
Rurxaxia: "Who would ever want to leave your side? I'll stay with you."
5:58pm Me: When you arrive you will see a huge black arena. There are thousands of Myrrdonite there. On the outside are their armies of flesh gollums and rottlings. Our seats are right next to the Council of Pain. You will notice that the Flesh Tailor is with them.
*Asherah Aphrodite shares some of her behind the scenes plans*
Fundin: Hardcore. Definitely a risk but a well-calculated one.
Eliakim: Exquisitely executed.
Rurxaxia: I love her plans. In the end, everything is connected and perfect.
Doumarae: I think there is a necessary reason behind everything Queen Asherah Aphrodite does.
Fundin: Whoa. Definitely a lot of prep work. And having so many people executing different parts of the plan without knowing the whole picture makes it that much more secure.
Aeyia: That is all extremely well coordinated.
Vastrunna: Queen Asherah is the best strategist!
Eomeya: Unbelievable! That’s strategic planning on the highest level!
Gandolin: I'd always admired your intelligence. It always surprised me, but after knowing you for so long I am used to it and am proud to be loyal to you.
Jourkurbidan: Your plans are always so well executed. Its making me want to get creative myself.
Aeyia: Anyone who questions her ability to execute her plans should firsthand question themselves.
Naturome: I feel so honored to be watching these events unfold. Lovely's plans are massively epic and far reaching.
Part Two: Epic Events of the Trial of Blood...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...
Some post comments...
A.E.: Aphrodite My True self would very much like to accompany you on a mission after the trial of blood resolves.
Jonard: I'm excited to see what happens next!! I want to know why Asherah Aphrodite did and commanded all those things. I'm excited to see how this unfolded. I hope you post it soon.
Atesh: I can’t wait to see what happened. This is epic. I love Aphrodite and her plans. They are admirable.
Aviad: Holy shit. Asherah should play chess. She would kick ass. Cant wait for what happens next. I have a feeling out of the 1000 plans she has i have a small hint what might happen in part 2, or at least what some things could happen.
Suchi: Excitement building..waiting eagerly for the next installment.
Aleksandra: Our Queen is a brilliant mastermind as always. And the cliffhanger. Can’t wait for the second part.
Ginger: I had a feeling there was much more to this Trial of Blood than meets the eye haha, this is thrilling! I can't wait to see what happens. Your plans are so incredibly grand Queen Asherah.
Elvish: Wow what an epic master plan you made, can’t wait for part 2.
Zanele: I got chills and my heart is beating fast... I can't wait to read the next post!