Bindarg Dinner Party

Exosaura who used to be known as Eurynome invited me to quite a dinner party tonight. She calls Aphrodite by the name Ashontus because that is the first name she knew her by. I wrote about our dinner experience. First I need to go back a few days and share a bit about what happened earlier.

July 18th...

8:04pm Exosaura: "Pull it out of him." What type of magic are you using? "Bambulahae" What for? "To kill it" Kill what? "The Jansen."

8:18pm Me: Ark pulled it out of me. It was a Jansen.

8:19pm Exosaura: "Pull it out of Ark as well."

Me: He has it. He found the one inside him. He says thank you for finding them.

Exosaura: "Send them to me."

8:21pm Ark: I crushed their heads but that is probably just a form they had. Sending them through little portal to Exosaura.

He sent them through.

Me: I was feeling really drained before you found them. I feel more energized. I do feel that there was some damage done. I feel there is something wrong inside me.

8:23pm Exosaura: "Let me check. Nothing permanent. What is undone can be sewn back together"

Ark: There is left over crap from that being.

Exosaura: "Yiswes is coming to aid you"

Me: He pulled it out. Ark is putting a new field on me.

8:30pm Exosaura: "My Dearest, I give you a kiss from Void Love."

Me: The Jansen got in because I was in the Mystical Arcturian Mainframe. They bugged me... literally.

Me: Aphrodite is sad because she lost something.

Exosaura: "Do not worry Dear. That is why I sent Yiswes."

Me: She lost one of the pieces of the moon.

8:33pm Ark: You need moonlight.

Yiswes: There is no point in being sad when all is going according to plan. We are on Plan #11. No time for chit-chat. We need to do this quickly.

Me: I love her no nonsense attitude.

8:38pm Me: “We are on the moon.”

8:45pm *Exosaura begins to sing*

Me: I am outside watching the moon while they are there.

Hi'Lena: I am singing too. There must be a significant moment going on.

Ark: She is being embraced by Mother Moon.

Aphrodite: “Ark are you ready?”

Ark: No because the moon is behind clouds

8:53pm Now Ark is doing it...

Hi'Lena: The song is finished.

8:56pm Me: He is finished as well. Ark held his left hand out towards the moon and he put his right hand on my core. He was putting energy Aphrodite was sending from the moon into my physical body.

8:59pm Ark: The moon smiles upon us and gives us her blessing. The wind whispers and sings of it. So do the trees.

July 19th...

Me: "For my Exosaura... Having part of your love with me while I was in Void imprisonment kept me strong. I dreamed we would eventually be together again. We are meant to be."

Hi'Lena: This song really describes Exosaura's emotions when Ashontus was trapped in Void. She cried for so long. What good was all the beauty in the cosmos without the love?

She cried for Love to return to her and split herself. Even though those fragments did not remember who they truly were, they still remembered the memories of Aphrodite's love.

Ashontus and Exosaura: The Love of Aphrodite and Eurynome...

July 20th...

4:05pm *Exosaura casts dark magic for Ashontus*

Me: What is happening?

Yiswes: Plan #68 coming into motion. Hurry up. Send the Binarg here. We need to get this done.

Exosaura: Be more respectful my love....

4:11pm Me: "Sending the Bindarg. She is feisty. I have our special ropes on her. This will get her in the mood. They are the same kind we keep in the underwear drawer."

Yiswes: I have my tools ready. Come by the kitchen when you are done with your current plans

4:18pm Hi'Lena: Remember those beings that were inside you and Ark? When you sent them to Exosaura I saw her dicing them up with a knife on a kitchen counter. She's really skilled. I then saw her put it in a cauldron and mix it up like soup.

Me: "I will be ready to eat when I arrive. Bindarg for dessert."

Hi'Lena: "I am missing a few ingredients.... Do you have the blood of the golden Arcturian per chance? It would make for a nice sauce."

Me: "I already saved it for this occasion. It is a bit tangy. I put his heart in the box as you asked as well. I will bring it. I also saved his feet for our dance tonight."

Exosaura: "Oh thank you. Perhaps we can cook this together then. Yiswes is setting up the oven"

4:26pm Me: "Make sure the Bindarg watches the cooking show. I don't want her to miss it."

Exosaura: "I have her eyes, nostrils, and mouth pried open so she can take in all of the senses of the wonderful feast. I have also ordered my servants to drill open her ears so she can hear all of the wonderful sounds in the kitchen."

Yiswes: Do you prefer your Queens roasted or grilled?

Hi'Lena: This is all too entertaining to me lol

4:36pm Me: "Grilled with some lemon sauce."

4:40pm Yiswes: Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. Wear something nice. And don't be late. I hate delays.

Me: I will be there at 5pm.

Exosaura: "I am recording this cooking show for our other 'friends'. I hope they enjoy. They will not be able to get rid of it until they see the entire thing. Including us eating"

4:58pm Me: "I am wearing one of my favorite dresses. I am on my way."

5:00pm Exosaura: "Thank you for showing up on time my Love. Dinner shall now commence."

Me: "I am so glad this Bindarg Queen could join us for dinner. She seems delighted by our meal."

Exosaura: "Shall we let her have a taste?"

Me: "I want to pour some of this drink down her throat. She seems thirsty."

Exosaura: "Please do. Your generosity knows no bounds my Love. You truly know what people deserve"

5:07pm Me: "Oh she seems to have gotten a cough. Here, have some more..."

5:14pm Me: Ark is on his way.

5:16pm Me: "Tulk you are invited for dinner"

Tulk: "Coming now."

5:18pm Ark: I am here though Ourhkina don't eat.

Yiswes: I will have to fold more napkins.... Be grateful I am folding it for you.

5:19pm "The Golden Arcturian blood really makes the sauce extra special."

Exosaura: "Thank you."

Tulk: This is amazing sauce. This is why I like Exo’s cooking so much.

Me: The Bindarg are notorious for eating their victims. We are simply showing them how it is done.

Tulk: At a large round table with red cloth covering it. Cuts of meat in various bowls. A large bowl of Arcturian blood sauce on the side. This is very elegant.

Me: This is not Bindarg meat. This is Jansen meat. The Bindarg is for dessert.

Tulk: Ah. That’s good. How will she be prepared?

5:27pm *Aphrodite smiles*

Yiswes: The wine is ready, My Lady.

Exosaura: Go ahead and pour it. I think you will find it compliments the meal well. Sweeter than usual. I hope you won't mind.

5:38pm Me: "You added essence of peacock to this wine. I love it."

Me: "Hold out your hand Exosaura. I brought you a gift for the meal..."

5:40pm *Exosaura extends her hand out*

Me: "This is the Ladle of Honey. This is the ladle that leads to the third star."

Tulk: Wow. That’s a throwback to Xanamoi. Been awhile.

Exosaura: "This is beautiful. Thank you."

5:51pm Yiswes: Dessert is ready. She has been preparing since we started.

Me: "We should speak to her. Ark wants to know which Queen she is."

Ark: I see the Bindarg Queen here, but I don't speak the language.

Aphrodite is doing something the Bindarg Queen... I can feel Lovely's rage.

5:59pm *Asherah Aphrodite turns dark*

Me: "I won't be able to contain this anger."

Ark: Aphrodite just ripped her apart.

Me: My physical body went into convulsions.

Ark: She got too angry and had too much explosion of dark energy. It was overloading your physical. I told Aphrodite to stop. She needs to stop.

Yiswes: "Well there goes my cake..."

Ark: At least she listened to me. She stopped. I told her that I have been in the physical as incarnations longer than anyone.

Because your body is still taking all this on she needs to slow down. She could damage her physical. When you damage the physical you damage everything else.

All because she is angry at one stupid Bindarg. I told her to let them be and do what they are doing in their side of the galaxy. I am not trying to be mean.

Hi'Lena: Its not mean to tell it like it is (although I will admit I was very aroused).

Me: I kinda enjoyed the overload of power into my physical though the convulsions were really intense. I could see how it would bring damage to the body.

Hi'Lena: I guess this is why you should upgrade your physical body haha.

Tulk: It’s happened before to me a few times. They’re intense at first but feel good the longer it goes on. Really wanted that cake though. Ah well, guess we can make something else with her.

Yiswes: Good thing I always have a back up. We can eat her heart instead.

6:15pm Me: "Yiswes you know me too well. Of course you have a back up."

Yiswes: "Listen well loyal guests, and viewers of disgusting inferior species! My Lady has entrusted me to prepare this cake to the finest caliber.

I have pumped butter made from the richest milk of her Mother herself of the Divine Beasts. The most sweetest and sparkling of sugars made from the Crackling Trees, eggs from the Arcturian mothers who shall never give birth again....

This shall truly be a delicious cake. I have pureed all of the ingredients mixing them into a creamy base that will flutter the heart. Enjoy."

6:21pm *Aphrodite laughs with delight*

Tulk: Literally salivating now. I’ve already started eating. This tastes delicious. Taste even better with the wine.

6:45pm Me: Aphrodite was making me go into convulsions again. She told Ark “Make me rest!”

Ark put her to sleep and they immediately stopped. She is laying inside me now.

Hi'Lena: Ah so dinner is over then hehe. I'm glad you had a nice time. Have a good rest.

Me: Well she was so involved with the dinner that she made me overload twice. I call that an eventful evening. I enjoyed it very much.

Hi'Lena: What made the convulsions the second time? Do you know what she did to cause them?

Me: She didn’t say. Now she is passed out so we need to wait to ask her.

Hi'Lena: Oh my gosh... We didn't even get to dance with one another. Oh well. Next time perhaps.

Me: Oh yeah she brought the Golden Arcturian feet.

Hi'Lena: Another time then. I'm sure there will be many more dances to come.

7:43pm Me: She just woke up.

Ark: You should not eat Bindarg. They carry parasites.

Me: “We were eating the Jansen that stole from us. We got back what is ours.”

Ark: Oh you were eating the Jansen. That is good.

Me: Aphrodite ripped the Bindarg apart and destroyed it. So all we got was the heart.

Ark: She went dark on the Bindarg because she read its mind and what they do.

Ark: The second set of convulsions were out of her control. That is why she had me put her to sleep.

Me: Thank you for always taking care of us.

Ark: That is my job. It is what I do.

Me: When Aphrodite went dark she was shaking and it caused my physical body to convulse.

Ark: This means you are completely connected. You are connected like me. When you get angry she gets angry and vice versa.
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