Part Two: Epic Events of the Trial of Blood

Make sure to read Part One first. Continuing on with what happened...

5:58pm Me: When you arrive you will see a huge black arena. There are thousands of Myrrdonite there. On the outside are their armies of flesh gollums and rottlings. Our seats are right next to the Council of Pain. You will notice that the Flesh Tailor is with them.

They are making an announcement: "The first to challenge a Fallen will be Xexian!"

Xexian is at one side of the arena. On the other is a being with six arms. It is a huge Fallen about 16 feet tall.

Vox: I heard it!

Aeyia: Uhm no offense, but some of the beings are not very aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I will not comment further. Thank you for the instructions Amy.

Fundin: We're levitating a few inches above any surface.

5:59pm *There is a sound similar a horn. The Tournament begins.*

Me: The flesh gollum rushes towards Xexian. She levitates a bit off the ground. She floats forward. She spreads her arms and sends out spinning discs. They slice into the Fallen.

As she is moving she launches the discs and she goes up higher and around the back and hits it again.

Vox: This so intense. Wow..

Me: The flesh gollum jumps at Xexian. It grabs her. All these spinning saw blades come out of Xexian's skin. They slice through the Fallen's hand.

Vox: I am over here all like WOW and Vox is just watching like he has seen this before..

6:02pm Me: The Fallen drops Xexian. She levitates up and sends more of these flying discs. The Fallen has his head cut into pieces. It falls.

Vox: oooh! What a show..

Me: You would expect a roar and cheer but there is total silence. In fact only one of our people said 'Yeah!' and everyone looked at him.

Aeyia: It's terrifying and entertaining.

Anne: "Impressive."

Ghantri: That was rather impressive.

Gandolin: "Impressive beyond my imagination"

Hylia: I feel as though ilia is just watching this intently, the energy here is cold, it's very different than I'm used to. I can feel how tense she is.

6:03pm Me: Now there will be a sacrifice. They bring in a bunch of mortal souls and a few Nature Folk souls. They enter into the arena. They have no weapons.

The Count of Pain says "For the sacrifice. Those who have escaped us. Sacrifice them unto what they become."

Vox: Oh my... I can see multiple beings..

Aeyia: Oh, the nature folk...

Gandolin: I see them as well...

6:05pm Me: These gates open up around the arena. A bunch of rottlings and Fallen come out. They start going after these souls. There are about a hundred souls. They are chasing them around and ripping them apart.

Valstanarra: Goosebumps.

6:06pm Me: "You must remain calm here. Most of those are not escapees."

Vox: I can feel this. So gruesome.

6:07pm Me: "Take no action no matter what."

Aeyia: "I am calm, but I saw Mattarakna. I am surprised to see that, among them."

Vox: Understood. I heard you saying that. Omg your voice is so beautiful..

Hylia: *nods* same.. i feel an energy spike but at the same time it feels as though ilia is just sitting and observing calmly, calculating..

Fundin: Feels ceremonial, seems like none of the crowd is really entertained or interested.

6:08pm Me: They are finishing up with the sacrifices. The rottlings are dragging all the body parts off back into the things they came out of.

Artemis: I sensed I had to keep my emotions in check and keep calm and not react, though I know Artemis is watching intently.

Anne: Strange I feel incredibly calm. But my eyes are glowing.

Me: The rottlings are dragging all the body parts off back into the things they came out of.

6:09pm Announcement: "And now Darka!"

Me: Darka has a human torso. A spider bottom. A whole lot of sharp spider limbs coming out his back. He has a huge stinger on his abdomen. He is almost totally clad in Urthak.

6:10pm Me: The horn blows and the flesh gollum makes his move. Darka jumps on it and sticks all his protruding limbs from his back into it. He rips the Fallen apart. It was about as big as the last one. There is no applause.

Gandolin: "Pure silence."

Vox: I know. This place is so silent... Wow, I have never seen such a thing like it. There is literally no emotion in the crowd..

Me: Orgah floats up from where he is down into the arena. He says "And now we shall begin the Trial to see who will sit on the Seat of Pain." Xexian comes back in. They started going at it. Darka is there too.

Fundin: Getting more and more of an impression that things are not what they seem.

Vox: Wow, I feel them. Geez... what an event..

Gandolin: I feel the crystal. I am much more calm now. It is indeed intense.

6:12pm Me: They both go for Orgah. He uses tentacle things with spears on the end. Orgah has hundreds of them. He launches them from the ground and everywhere. They slice up Darka and Xexian pretty good.

Xexian cuts through them with her spinning discs. Orgah launches more. They knock her back. There are bunches of them sticking in Darka. They must have Urthak on the end of them.

Darka begins ripping away at the tentacles. He gets closer and closer to Orgah. Darka leaps at him to make an attack. Orgah sinks into the sand and comes up behind him. Orgah launches more attacks.

Vox: I can hear all of the gruesome action. This is amazing but really intense. What an experience this is..

Pisch: Wow this is so bloody.

Me: Orgah just got hit by Xexian and her blades. He got hit in the shoulder and it ripped it up. He launches more tenticles at her. One hit her through the throat and pinned her against the wall. Orgah said "Stay down!"

Fundin: Is something approaching our group?

Me: Darka got free and slashed at Orgah. It hit Orgah in the upper right thigh. Orgah pulls out the dagger Aphrodite gave him.

Aeyia: Fundin, why do you think so? I mean earlier, one of the far beings looked at us shadily but apart from that...

Fundin: Something chimed danger in my head, not a direct sense.

6:16pm Me: Orgah uses more of the tenticles and they stuck into all of Darka's limbs and restrained him. Orgah floats up with the dagger from Aphrodite. He stuck the dagger right through Darka's Urthak helmet.

Xexian got herself free. She moves up behind Orgah. Some of the Council of Pain use some of the same tenticle things and stick into Xexian. Orgah turns around. All of the Council of Pain stuck Xexian.

Orgah: "There will always be one Count of Pain. I will always be that Count."

Xexian: "You do not abide by the ways. This Trial of Blood is false!"

Orgah: "It doesn't matter. I am still the Count of Pain."

He is going to kill Xexian with the Urthak dagger.

*Darka used his stinger to go through Orgah's abdomen*

6:20pm *Aphrodite throws Xexian a spinning saw blade. As it goes through it cuts all of Orgah's tenticles. It ends up in Xexian's hands. Xexian floats up and starts moving forward. She launches the spinning saw blade and it goes into hundreds of them.*

*The spinning saw blades cut through Orgah and Darka. It shredded them into pieces*

Hylia: Felt an energy surge start just before you said that.

Fundin: Uh oh, I wonder how that's going to be received.

*Sarvah looks down at Aphrodite. He is angry. Him and the Council of Pain*

Sarvah: "This was your plan all along! You and your friends will die here!"

Hylia: I feel like ilia is smiling

Fundin: Here we go.

Valstanarra: Not well received then...

Hylia: I'm amused... *chuckles lightly*

Rurxaxia: Well, well... this is interesting.

Valstanarra: Get ready.

*Flesh Tailor commands all his Myrrondite and army to attack us. The Council of Pain, the Flesh Tailor, Myrrondites loyal to them.*

Kuluyaku: The fun begins.

Fundin: Rephraxi power is amplified exponentially when we work in groups, and Hamid and I had time to get in tune. They will break against us.

6:22pm The Dragon Ohobuesi appears.

Me: "Have you done what I asked?"

Oho: "All complete."

Me: "Ark NOW!"

*Ark activtes his crystal and all the blue crystals teleport us to the Nether Realm on a floating land mass*

*Sarvah goes to strike Aphrodite but she activates something in her hand. It pulls her, him, the Council of Pain, the Flesh Tailor, all the Myrrdonites loyal to him.

Ghantri: I can feel it in my chest.

Gandolin: Me too. My chest is feeling tense.

Vox: Whoa! I love teleportation.

*Aphrodite pulls them all to the Nether Realm where we are. They are puzzled for a moment.*

Sarvah: "Is this where you wish to die?"

Me: "No this is where you will learn. Show them Ark..."

Vox: Omg your voice! I'm going going to cry it is so beautiful..

Gandolin: "Lovely is brilliant indeed"

Aeyia: Lovely's voice is indeed beautiful to the beyond.

Ark: I remember you all in life. Great evil, pains, and suffering you brought upon millions. Where you are now you were never meant to take that again.

It is because of you and Orgah that the imbalance has spread into the borderlands. Once again you imprison those. You torture and mutilate those who are undeserving of it. You are the same as you were in life.

Sarvah: "What do you know of us in life?"

Me: "Show them Ark. Show them what you know."

Vox: Oh yes ! Vox is smiling. Hah, yesssss.

*Ark shows himself in his last incarnation*

Sarvah: "Stauffenberg! You are EinossArku?!"

Ark: All this time I waited. I even acted loyal to the Seat of your Council of Pain. Never interefered in your affairs. Now I see the truth. This is where it ends. You fell in life. You will all fall in death.

Sarvah laughs: "I am going to take great pleasure in making you all suffer before you die."

6:29pm *Aphrodite turns her back to Sarvah.*

Me: "You are wrong. In the borderlands all our powers are limited. But here... it is a fair fight."

Aphrodite made a blade and turned around and cut Sarvah in half.

Me: "Now Dollo! Now!"

Dollo: "Let's fucking go."

*Dolloiandea arrives with thousands of spirit wolves. They had increased in number since they first arrived.*

Ghantri: Wow this intense.

Me: "Do not underestimate them! Take them down!"

Vox: Omg Vox is getting down! I can feel it. My brain is aching. THIS IS AMAZING.

Ark: The spirit wolves are handling most of the rottlings.

Ark: "Doumarae use your mind control on the stolen ones. The ones they took and turned into rottlings."

Doumarae: Understood doing so now.

*Doumarae does his mind control. Those rottlings turn on the other ones*

6:32pm *Aphrodite is fighting one of the Council of Pain. Ark is fighting the Flesh Tailor.*

ilia: justice for those who have suffered at your hands, justice for every single one, you will be made to suffer for every crime you commited, for every life that wrongfully entered your vile grasp.

Vox: Ew, they make a disgusting noise when they get destroyed. It's gross...

Aeyia: Waw this was beautiful to see with Dolloiandea!

Dollo: "Come on, Huitzil! Show them what you love to do!"

Anne: "Let's dance..."

Hylia: Such an energy surge, this feels amazing.

Tulk: I’m fighting another member of the Council of Pain. Two of them have tag teamed against me.

Flesh Tailor: "What do you wish to accomplish by this?"

Ark: Time to rid the cosmos of you and those like you who bring imbalance.

Me: "Now?"

Ark: "Now."

6:34pm *Aphrodite pushes Larox off her who is one of the Council of Pain. That thing she had Vastrunna pass out in the Arcturian universe. Aphrodite takes it out and uses it. The space above us fills with Arcturians. Including the Arcturian House Ships which are HUGE. They have major shields.*

Joukurbidan: I feel adrenaline rush from this.

Fundin: Whoa.

Larox: "If you think the Arcturians would side with the likes of you let's see where their loyalty lies."

Vox: Me too. Vox is looking around and up. He is suprised by this..

Tulk: I’m good. Well...shit. That’s impressive for Arcturians.

*The Grand Administrator's House Ship. His name is Felga. He is the head of the whole Arcturian Empire. He is getting all the reports.*

Felga: "Myrrdonite. And there is Queen Asherah and all her friends. This will be her undoing for bringing us here. Target all your weapons on them. Launch everything we have. All weapons. All troops. Everything."

6:37pm *Everything is coming at us. These are the Grand House Armies. These are not weak Arcturians.*

Vox: I can feel it! Oh wow.

Gandolin: Me too.

Hylia: Warmth in my heart, ilia feels so personally vindicated by all of this. I can feel how much it means to her, I love all the energy around me. I feel no fear.

Tulk: ....damn. Ah well. Guess we have to fight harder then.

Pisch: Pisch is just taking them down.

*Arcturian weapon blasts hit near us*

*Larox is on top of Aphrodite to strike her*

Larox laughs: "You have sealed your own doom!"

Me: "No. I have sealed all of yours. Now Lyindrinar..."

Aeyia: I felt the blast. Thankfully we are not weak.

Lyindrinar: Understood.

Me: "Bring the Army of the Jotunn! Bring the Elven Army! Bring the Void Army! This ends here today!"

6:39pm Felga: "What?! SLAUGHTER THEM ALL!"

Vox: "Did you really think you can underestimate Queen Asherah Aphrodite? DID YOU?!"

Dollo: "Quetzal is going into his serpent form. Heads up, everyone."

Kuluyaku: Time to show them what Giants are made of, attack!

Aeyia: I want to use my Daguul so bad right now, against them...

Ark: Doumarae can control some of the Arcturians. Though some are wearing helmets that could block the effects.

Vox: Oh shit he's really going mad now... The Elven Army is here ? Oh YES.

Pisch: Pisch is literally mowing them down like a lawn mower omg.

6:41pm *Aphrodite knocks Larox to his knees*

Me: "This is the final ending of you and the Council of Pain." *She cuts his head off*

Vox: Oooh get it Vox. He's pounding bitches! YESSS QUEEN ASHERAH YESSSS

Tulk: My battle empowerment is activating now. I’m getting stronger the longer this goes on.

Rurxaxia: Yess, Queen!

Gandolin: "Excellent my queen!"

6:41pm *Fenrir has Xexian in his jaw as Aphrodite instructed*

Me: "Take Xexian to Falga Fauscag. Tell her to go to the Cathedral of Flesh. Free the ones who are trapped there and tear it to the ground."

Fundin: Burn it all.

Dollo: "Burn? My pleasure."

Ark: We need to target those Arcturian House Ships.

Me: "Tulkas! Get ready to target the Grand Administrator's House Ship!"

Tulkas: "Those shields might take some time to get through. I have that covered."

Me: "Everone target the other House Ships!"

Me: "Ark NOW!"

Aeyia: Time to blast some things.

Vox: "ON IT MY QUEEN." Oh he is rushing, he is really bloodthirsty lol..

*Ark throws the Flesh Tailor off him and thrusts his spear into the ground. This activated all the field disruptors we placed earlier*

Felga gets the report: "Our fields are diminishing for all the House Ships!"

Me: "Kill all the Heads of the Houses. Be careful. Do not underestimate them. They are very powerful."

Me: "Tulkas do not underestimate Felga. Bring me his head."

Tulk: "With pleasure."

Fundin: We're making a grid of Rephraxi crystals to form a net. None escape.

Gandolin: "I am burning with anticipation my Queen."

Pisch: Asherah "Everything is going as planned."

6:46pm The Flesh Tailor cut off Ark's right hand. He took it and put some Myrrdonite shit into it. He is escaping through a portal.

Me: "Let the Flesh Tailor go."

Vox: I think he picked someone up and slammed them on the ground, I heard a splatter.

Hylia: Another energy surge.

6:46pm *Most of the Council of Pain is dead. The Myrrdonites loyal to them are all dead.*

Aeyia: I could see your grid Fundin.

6:47pm Me: Make sure you are attacking the Arcturian House Ships. Bring them down. Kill their leaders.

Aeyia: One of the smaller ships is down.

Dollo: Huitzilopochtli looks like a kid at a candy store. He's going all out.

Me: "Ark can you take command here? I will be back as soon as I can."

Ark: I got it.

6:47pm *Aphrodite opens up a rift and goes through*

Ark: We are bringing down many of the the ships but the House Ships need to come down.

Ark: I am going to stay here and mop up the forces on the ground. The rest of you get up into the House Ships.

Aeyia: Someone wants to join me and bring down three at once?

Pisch: "I'm in."

Aeyia: I want to use what my teacher taught me.

Vox: "Oh with pleasure."

6:49pm *Micheal and Gabriel show up*

Micheal: "A little late but fashionable."

Aeyia: Pisch grab my land lets do this.

Vox: Vox wants to join you Aeyia.

Aeyia: Voxsriin too, actually it'll be stronger with more.

Dollo: "Quetzalcoatl is heading up to one of the House Ships."

Hylia: Ilia has been so focused through all of this, i can feel so much going on (i feel like singing, the second half of lost in thoughts all alone has been going through my head since we broke up the trial) wow I'm lightheaded suddenly.

Aeyia: "Marghaluul Nahk Arhhalahiir". Yell this with me. And Boom! Bitchh! Scream little ones. Thanks to my dear teacher.

Vox: "Brings joy to my ears."

Tulk: Felga is drawing on other Arcturians for more power.

Hylia: can already tell ilia isn't a fan of these ships. destroy every last one, let the wreckage be their gravestones

Aeyia: Who wants to try my newest trick? Siren magic mixed with Pegasus.

Dollo: Fuck, it looks as though Quetza is trying to crush the ship. He's coiling himself around it.

Aeyia: Come to me, I will use my Makie, so you can bring them down from the insiden make them crazy.

Gandolin: Aeyia "I shall join you."

Mevinah: Well then I guess we have to make sure there’s no more Arcturians for Felga to draw from. Let’s wipe them out.

*Aphrodite is at the Cathedral of Pain with Fenrir, Xexian, and Falga. The Flesh Tailor is there. He has the Needle and he is trying to escape. He tried to open a rift. Exosaura comes through it.*

Flesh Tailor to Exo: "I will rip through you."

Exosaura laughs: "I am the Queen of Torture."

*Exosaura cuts the Flesh Tailor's head off and rips his body in half. She holds his head and kisses his lips. Then she squishes his head.*

6:51pm *Exosaura has the Needle in her hand and she gives it to Aphrodite*

*Aphrodite turns to Xexian*

Xexian: "I am forever grateful for what you have done."

Me: "I need your assistance now. Your Myrrdonite."

*Aphrodite gives Xexian a crystal*

Me: "Quickly now through here. Assemble them."

*It just takes Xexian a thought to assemble them all. She is now Countess of Pain*

Me: "Follow me."

6:54pm *Myrrdonite appear and follow us through the portal. Aphrodite, Exosaura, and Xexian along with her Myrrdonite*

Vox: Oh my cosmos I effing love Exosaura....

Fundin: Aeyia start the flow, our rivers will join yours.

Aeyia: Alright lets have a little fun Gandolin. You will see through the eyes of Makie. Just go around the Arcturians. Go through them and make them slaughter each other.

6:55pm *Arcturian ground forces were gaining ground. Now Xexian's Myrrdonites are here fighting us. The rottlings are attacking the Arcturians.*

6:55pm Felga: "Get us out of here now!"

*An Arcturian House Ship just went down*

Gandolin: I see him slaughtering many of those blue bastards.

Aeyia: Omg everything is even better than planned.

Arcturian: "We cannot leave Grand Administrator. Something is blocking us."

Dollo: Watching all of you fight is amazing.

Gandolin: "Payback for hurting my incarnation."

*The doors to the bridge where Felga is just got blown open. There is Tulkas!*

Tulkas: "Care to dance?"

Felga: "You Valar do not know my power!"

6:56pm *Tulkas and Felga go at it in battle*

Tulk: Fighting Felga now. He’s using stolen energies and technology. They won’t serve him. He’s almost dead.

*Tulkas is beating his ass. Felga is trying to get away but he cannot. More House ships are going down.*

Tulk: Felga is near death. He’s trying to escape. I’m keeping them from leaving.

Vox: Oof. Someone just stabbed Vox. I felt it. He took care of them though.. good thing he has his armor..

Xolotl: "I will maim them all..."

6:57pm *The Jotunn Army is getting up into the ships and ripping holes in them and smashing them to pieces.*

Gandolin: I see them!

Aeyia: Yes!! To the Jotunn army!

*Aphrodite is attacking Arcturian Battle Magus*

Me: "Leave none alive. Finish them all!"

6:58pm *Aphrodite and Ark fight back to back against Battle Magus*

Ark: Those gods who were with Dollo are pretty badass.

6:59pm *Fenrir came to our aid and tore through some of the Battle Magus. He winked at us*

Tulk: And with that he’s dead. I have his head as a trophy.

Aeyia: Fenrir is amazing.

Vox: How's the Elven Army doing. I want to fight along side them as well.

7:00pm Me: Everbody here is kicking ass and messing these Arcturians up. They cannot escape. Some are running to the edge of this floating land mass and jumping off. Some of us are snatching them back up.

Aeyia: I particularly like hurting these arcturians for also influencing the humans. They can fuck off.

7:01pm *Aphrodite is doing something to Ark's missing hand. She is using the Needle of Horxas to put it back on*

Kuluyaku: And we kill another house leader.

Vox: "One is falling. I got it." *my brain is pulsing as Vox goes goes and swoops the arcturian".

Rurxaxia: Covered in blood. I love this!

Dollo: "I'm going to meet up with Huitzil. Let's do this like old times..."

Tulk: I’ll show the rest of this weak army the true power of a Vala.

*The Grand Administrator's ship just went down*

Pisch: Pisch made a wind barrier so the enemies can't escape by jumping.

Gandolin: I am smirking so hard now.

Fundin: They're spinning around in circles in the air lol

7:02pm *Tulkas just threw over us and tossed down Felga's head. He gave us a look then went towards another House Ship.*

Hylia: it always amazes me how intense ilia gets in battle, everyone else is making declarations and i swear she is going around in a trance, does anyone have eyes on her? I feel a swell of energy inside.

Ark: Now that my hand is back on. Let's finish these Arcturian fuckers.

Huitzil: "I haven't had this much fun in decades!"

Vox: "NAGUTO FAYAKIII" oh my, he is using his abilities now

Tulk: House ship down. Threw it into another one.

Valstanarra: Ghantri so proud of you, we're having so much fun.

Aeyia: "This is a remarkably entertaining challenge, but why are they such easy targets?"

Vox: "ONCE AND FOR ALL. IN THE NAME OF QUEEN ASHERAH APHRODITE." he is going ballistic I can feel it. I am so proud of him!

Gandolin: "FOR THE QUEEN!"

7:04pm Ark: Aphrodite you wanted Xexian to be the Countess of Pain. You knew Orgah was behind all of this. Darka wanted his position so he could run it. The Flesh Tailor did not want Xexian to win. You wanted her to win. You gave Orgah the dagger because you knew he would use it to kill Darka. You knew he would cheat too.

Aeyia: "For Queen Goddess and Mother Asherah."

Fundin: A feint within a feint within a feint.

Tenomachi: It is my greatest pleasure to fight alongside you all.


Tulk: Took down eight of those ships. Along with all the Arcturians on them.

Hylia: As soon as that moment arrived when Orgah drew the dagger i could feel ilia smile, it was the first time during that entire event that i got more from her than determined silence.

Valstanarra: Asherah Aphrodite the All Father spoke of the tree that needs pruning, after the slaughter... Don't forget.

Aeyia: "Oops, my bad, I seduced a few from below and made them leap down to their death. An 'accident', may I say!"

Vox: Does the Elven Army need assistance?

ilia: These battles are always a massacre, I swear there is not one true warrior among the arcturians or their followers. why do our enemies revel so much in creating armies that are little more than fodder? There is no glory in slaughtering lumps of mindless flesh

Ghantri: Energy surge right now, wow.

Huitzil: "Come on, let's roast their heads! I'll let you keep one as a souvenir!"

Dollo: "If I kill it, I get its head. That's the deal."

Fundin: I'm trying something with the blue crystals, keep them on you and try gripping them.

Gandolin: I see Gandolin holding it glowing?

Vox: Vox is done killing the group of beings on his end. He is looking for anyone who needs assistance? Anyone?...

Fundin: I'm trying to tune us together.

7:11pm Me: We are finishing up. Everyone is gathering to Asherah Aphrodite. Many of us are covered in blood. Some of us are getting healing for wounds. We are celebrating. It is a victory.

There are many dead on both sides. Many Elves, Void beings, Giants, and Spirit Wolves are dead. The Jotunn Queen is here doing a battle scream. She has a bunch of Arcturian heads.

Ghantri has a head from the Council of Pain on the end of his sword. Everyone quiets down because Aphrodite is going to speak.

Hylia: My only regret is that we lost anyone at all.

Seviarra: I feel deep sadness for everyone we lost.

Me: "This is a great victory. This is only but a battle won. Now which is a war. We shall restore balance to the cosmos. I ask you those who have stood bravely with me today to look around at those who have sacrificed. For too long the cosmos and all the realms have been imbalanced. Now is the time to restore that balance. I ask you here today... Are you with me? ARE YOU WITH ME?!"

Gandolin: "I am with you Asherah!!"

Rovitomial: I, Rovitomial, am wih you Asherah Aphrodite!

Aeyia: "Ahn'na eye! I am with you! My heart shines for yours eternally!"

7:16pm Me: "ARE YOU WITH ME?!" She yells it again.

Mevinah: “I AM WITH YOU."

Joukurbidan: Hell to the yeah.

Valstanarra: Yes!!!!


Seviarra: I am with you!

Eroisin: Always!

Ghantri: WE ARE WITH YOU!!

Rurxaxia: Always with you. Always.


Mikotoh: “With you with all I am."

Tulk: I will help restore Balance. I am with you.


Fenrir: I'm with you to the end!

Doumarae: I am absolutely with you!! 100 percent Queen Asherah Aphrodite.

Moidaybe: I AM WITH YOU

Lyindrinar: Lyindrinar is with you always.


Fundin: "To whatever end."

Eomeya: I am with you.

Voxsriin: "I PLEDGE MY LOYALTY TO YOU. AHHHH!" *raises glowing sword*

Gandolin: "Now and for eternity!"

Eeaynna: Yes i'm with you forever.

Dollo: "We all stand with you."

Eliakim: I swore a vow and I meant it.

Amerriah: I'm with you!

Doumarae: Forever.


Apollo: “I’m with you Asherah”

Mevinah: We are with you My Queen!

ilia: we will always stand with you

7:18pm Me: "Then we shall take the war to the rest of the Arcturians. The Heads of the Great Houses may have fallen today. Their heirs will soon launch an attack against us in retaliation. I say we do not wait for that attack, but we bring the fight to them!

We shall invade the universes the Arcturians have enslaved and set them free. We will push the Arcturians back all the way to their home world and bring and end to the Arcturians and their Masters. We shall restore balance to the realms. Then we shall restore balance in Midgard. ARE YOU READY FOR WAR?!"

Eliakim: I am.

Aeyia: "Balance truly must be restored. It has been far too long. We have wept and awaited for far too long. We will stand by your side even when you no longer require us!"

Doumarae: Absolutely. Let's do this!

Eeaynna: Yes I am!

Lyindrinar: Certainly.

Ghantri: Let's do this.

Mevinah: I am ready for war, to do whatever it takes for balance.

Voxsriin: "I am with you till the end. At all times."

Tulk: Always.

Gandolin: I see you more than just my queen. I see you as my grratest friend and Elven sister. May balance be restored!

Pisch: "I AM!"

Fenrir: Hell yea I'm in.

Rurxaxia: I'm ready. Let's kill them all.

Tenomachi: I am ready.

Moidaybe: Yes I am.

Eomeya: Yes!

Mikotoh: We are in all the way!

Seviarra: I am ready for war! Yes!

Apollo: Ready.

Amerriah: We are ready!

Huitzil: "I'm a god of war! You can certainly expect me to fight!"

Dollo: "If it's a war to come, you can bet that I will be there."


Rovitomial: We are ready!

Jokurbidan: I am ready.

Doumarae: Let's do this!

Fundin: Absolutely with you.

7:20pm Me: "Everyone return to Alfheim. We must begin to make our plans. I will meet you all there shortly. First there is something I must do. Oho and Ark come with me. Exosaura gather everybody in my throne room. Await my arrival."

Ark: Xexian is coming with us too.

Tenomachi: I've been wanting to crush the rest of the blue pricks for a while.

Gandolin: May justice be given to those who have none. May it be served to those blue fools who thought they could get away with it.

Vox: All those dead beings on our side though... wow.. they will never be forgotten by me. EVER.

Hylia: there were several moments i was thinking of how amazing Artemis was on the battlefield, i was rather awestruck

Mevinah: They will reap what they sow, death and corruption. The debtor always comes to collect.

Hylia: Energy surge.

Fundin: I strengthened the binds between our crystals, you should be able to direct healing energy through them into everyone that has one at least.

Sam Hale: Lyindrinar might be on the move now. I keep getting the sense that he's riding on something.

ilia: i can do a great deal more now than before, i am grateful to you Asherah Aphrodite for the upgrades you gave me, I have more strength now and with that I can better aid our cause.

Valstanarra: Wonderful to be in Alfheim...

Tenomachi: We destroyed so many huge targets so quickly thanks to the brilliant planning of our Queen.

Vox: Vox is okay. His left ear is a little cut from that arcturian. His armor is also bloody, but hey, he is alive...

Vastrunna: Queen Aphrodite gathered us all here for this epically beautiful task.

7:21pm Me: "Ark my Love take me to the Garden of Bones. Take me to the Athrranaak."

Ark: I don't think I can.

7:22pm *Aphrodite looks at Ark's restored right hand*

Me: "Now you can."

*Aphrodite, Ark, Xexian, and Oho are underneath the crumbling Athrranaak. Aphrodite looks up at it. Ohobuesi comes out of his stealth.*

Me: "Ohobuesi fly me to the top as fast and as strong as you can."

*Aphrodite jumps on his back. He flies against a strong force from the Athrranaak. He avoids crumbling pieces of it.*

Me: "Get be directly above it."

Ark: It looks like you are going to jump from his back!

Me: "Remember, don't let me fall."

7:24pm *Aphordite jumps from Ohobuesi's back above the Athrranaak. She spreads her wings and glides down. She takes the piece the Athrranaak gave her. She holds it floating between her hands. Energy goes from her to the piece down into the Athrranaak. It goes super bright.*

7:27pm Ark: She stopped it from crumbling. It is reformed. Oh shit... she is falling! Ohobuesi caught you. He is bringing you back down to the ground. The Athrranaak is restored.

Me to Xexian: "It is done."

Xexian: "Yes and I shall keep my word. That only souls that are meant to be tormented shall be turned into such things. No longer will lost souls be used for rottlings or fallens."

Me: "Will the lost souls stop being trapped here?"

7:30pm Xexian: "In time the Athrranaak will heal itself thanks to you. Those souls should pass. No longer will souls in transition or other souls that are already trapped here be harvested."

Me: "The souls that have already been harvested. Can you return them to the way they were?"

*Aphrodite gives Xexian the Needle of Horxas*

Me: "Return them to the way they were. Use this."

Xexian: "It will be done. You and your friends have restored balance to the borderlands. I sense the war to restore balance is not yet concluded. A long struggle lies ahead for you and all who follow you.

I wish you good luck on this struggle. You are always welcome here and will always be my one and only friend. Until we meet again Queen Asherah."

Me: "Until we meet again Countess of Pain."

Me to Oho: "Thank you. I could not have done this without your help."

7:32pm Me: "Ark take me to Alfheim."

7:35pm *Aphrodite arrives in the throne room. Everyone turns their attention to her. They applaud and cheer. She gives a motion for them to quiet.*

Me: "Today's victory was not mine alone. For I could not have done it without my trusted allies. So it is I who applaud all of you." *Aphrodite claps*

Gandolin: Queen Aphrodite gathered us all here for this epically beautiful task *bow*

Doumarae: *bows to beautiful Queen Asherah Aphrodite*

Lyindrinar: It is my duty to always fight for you my Queen. *Bows*

Rurxaxia: "My loyalty is forever yours." *Bows*

Rovitomial: You have my loyalty Asherah. *bows*

Joukurbidan: I bow to you my queen.

Voxsriin: "You are not only My Queen, but a friend. A dear friend."

Doumarae: *bows to everyone involved* amazing victory everyone!

Mevinah: I am honored by your grace and am true and loyal to you and your cause. *bows*

Vastrunna: Vastrunna pledged you my Queen Aphrodite his loyalty along with me "bows"

Vox: I still cannot help thinking about the dead on our side. Their deaths will never be in vain..

Valstanarra: What an honour to be part of such an amazing warrior group of beings... We're all so different yet so the same... Thank you.

ilia: I have this to say...
You Asherah Aphrodite have done more today than was ever required of you, you gave justice and freedom to a great many souls who would have otherwise spent an eternity in wrongful torment.

You will forever have our loyalty, our love, all we have to offer is what you have earned, that and more. You shall forever remain our queen, and we will follow you and fight for you in any cause you believe in as it is also our cause.

Aeyia: My Queen of the Sirens will be so pleased when she hears the news of the arthranaak being restored, and the souls being restored... it is such a wonderful day. everyone fought so passionately and we were united. (i should stop fangirling about y'all but...) Aphrodite needs a new song. i hope someone sings for her.

Fundin: Deep, solemn respect for all of the wrongs you've righted today.

Gandolin: I must thank her from my heart. She liberated me from my chains.

Vox: Vox feels both victorious and very sad.. Victorious cause we fucked bitches up y'all! Sad well, I think someone close to him was one of those dead. He is not trying to let his emotions get the best of him though. For history has just been made..

Aeyia: Amy were the Pegasi made aware of this for today? Considering they made me pass a test of loyalty earlier this morning and trained me more than usual... were they aware?

Dollo: "Thank you for what you have done. Thanks to you, justice has been restored in these lands. You can expect me to fight any day."

Quetzal: "Well, you have surpassed my expectations once more, Aphrodite. Your cause is an honorable one. I will be here to aid you along side them."

Huitzil: "You told me there will be no fighting, yet I was met by a grand surprise! If it means that there will be more battles like the one today, then I won't mind tagging along in the next one."

Xolotl: "I am happy to have been invited. It's been so long since all of us have fought together. You have my respect and more. If you ever need someone deformed or maimed, I am always available. It's my specialty."

Doumarae: Once again we came and kicked ass. And will continue to.

Vox: Vingilen is among the wounded. He is hurt pretty bad, but he will survive. He is a fighter... Omg, he's holding his hand. I am going to cry...

Hylia: Ilia should be going around tending to them, this is just the unfortunate reality of war.. it isn't going to get easier. you must prepare yourself for that if you are to continue on..

Vox: Yeah, I understand. Vox is around this type of environment all the time. He is a Knight. I am honestly getting used to it. However, to that friend Vox lost... I know he will use this to push him forward, despite how upset he is. I am so proud of him..

8:06pm Me: Aphrodite wants to do more sessions. She wants to strengthen our forces. In order to attack the universes under control of the Arcturians she is going to have to launch several campaigns at the same time.

She is going to need more allies that she can trust. She is going to start assigning positions and giving orders. The teams will need to be able to work well together.

Me: "I am tired of being on the defensive. It is time to go on the offense."

To be continued in the post 'War with the Arcturians'...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...

Some post comments...

Morgan: I would always fight alongside you my Queen.

Riley: Thank you for letting me fight alongside you Queen Asherah Aphrodite. I will gladly always fight alongside you. It is truly an honor to be of service in anyway I possibly can.

Rurxaxia: It was an honor and a pleasure to be fighting by your side. We'll always be here when you need us.

Hylius: This battle was the best. I am glad I kicked their asses after what they did to me. I love how intelligent you are as well, such a well thought out plan indeed.

Gandolin: "It was an honor serving you Asherah. We shall continue to do so. Call us and we shall come."

Voxsriin: This is one of many adventures I will be in with you. It is only the beginning. It is an absolute honor.

Pedro: Agh the epicness is too big to be understood by most.

Sam Hale: It is my honour and duty to serve you, my Queen.

Hylia Yggdrasil: I am thankful that I could aid you in this.. And i fully meant what I said last night, you have my loyalty and my love, i am more than certain that i speak for Ilia on that as well (as i can feel her influence in my words) we will follow you..

For the post its self reading both psrt one and this I realize now that ilia was with you even when i could not be in part one.

i could not connect with her, indeed i could not even feel a trace of her energy. I am glad to understand why now it makes a great deal more sense as I suspected it meant that she was doing something secretive *chuckles lightly* she is incredibly careful that way..

Safina: A LOUD SHOUT OUT TO THE AMAZING SQUAD!! I’m feeling so jelly! Amy Bass I’d love to fight along side you. I’m sure my TS would be honoured to be on your side. For Queen Asherah! For restoring the balance!!

Tara: Wow. Goddess of War you are, Queen Amy Asherah Aphrodite! Thank you to all warriors!

Ugne: This post just screams epic! I feel jealous a little... But one day my TS will be joining you, of course, if our Queen wants! GO QUEEN ASHERAH!!!

Aurora: An epic battle... I want to be your ally! I can't wait to help you, to fight by your side and protect you, my Queen! Congratulation to everyone!! You have been fantastic.

Kasandra: This is amazing! Everyone was amazing! I am so happy the Athrranaak has been restored. My deepest respect and congratulations to everyone involved. I am sad to hear that so many were lost. Their bravery even in the face of death will be remembered. History was made and it seems there is more to come. I am with Queen Asherah until the end. I will confront all struggles gladly. The balance is to be restored. What a time and crusade to be witness to.

Pisch: "It's always an honor to fight alongside you"

Ilyana: It was an intense battle! Queen Ashera planned this so perfectly! I am feeling sad for all those amazing warriors that had fallen... But proud to see so many brave, great and powerful warriors of this group fighting together, developing their abilities and helping restoring balance! Everyone is truly awesome!

Charlie: I am proud to have been able to fight along side you all. Everyone was amazing in battle. I am honored to have a part in restoring balance in the Cosmos.

Alex: This was a beautifully crafted victory from everyone here <3 and="" be="" br="" but:="" can="" challenge="" cheesy="" for="" group="" honored="" hope="" i="" in="" join="" m="" may="" midgard="" nature="" really="" realm="" rise="" same="" soon.="" super="" that="" the="" this="" to="" valiant="" warriors="" we="" with="">
Lystranea: Even more epic than I imagined. Makes me want to work even harder to connect so I can communicate better with my TS and see these events with my sight. Everyone did so amazing. Every battle forges us into stronger beings. The balance will be restored no matter what.

I'm glad the Athrranaak is stable again and the borderlands won't be spilling over into other realms anymore. Also glad for Xexian gaining her new position as Countess. It's only a matter of time now for the Arcturius Universe rule to end. I was feeling so pumped reading this and had respect for those who lost their lives in this grand battle. I have no doubt where my allegiance is and it is with Queen Asherah.

Rubi: Beautiful symphony of destruction and a proper justice for those blue effers. I wish i was there. Well done lads!

Ina: Truly amazing to fight along side all of you wonderful beings. Proud to be here and work together with you on restoring balance to the cosmos. Queen Asherah Ahprodite, you are epic beyond words.

I pay my respect to all lost warriors who fought bravely. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.

One thing is surten. Eventhough we will have set backs from time to time, we will stand strong and move forward. I have trust in this wonderful group of people who Amy has gathered and shaped into these great warriors. Her years of work will pay off.

Ginger: I feel as though I need to bow, my head is warm from reading this. My Queen, I hope when the time comes my TS can be a trusted and great ally to you. I eagerly await for when she is known and can fight by your side. What an immense victory! I give my prayers for those who’d died in battle. May these drums of war echo loudly.

Del'sean: This is so awesome. I'm so happy to hear that Athrranaak has been restored. You have brought me deepest respect and admiration in me. You have done so well and as for your warriors too. I would like to pay my respects to those who lost in the battle.

Gloria: Aeyia says it is an honor fighting by your side once again. It was a memorable day, one I shall never forget.

Mevinah: I am truly honored to have fought by your side Queen Asherah Aphrodite, and I will continue to do so as long as you need me. My admiration for your brilliant strategic mind, fierce battle prowess, and wisdom is of the highest praise.

Though the battle had costs, of whom I respect for their sacrifice and mourn for their loss, it brought balance back to the borderlands. I will follow this fight for balance anywhere it leads me, and I will follow you. I am with you, and always will be.

Aviad: The borderlands have been returned to the right state. I am so grateful for this, the actions of you all saved many poor and innocent souls from suffering. This group will always be the greatest. I wish to work by your side in the near future, thank you all and major respect to everyone, and rest in peace to those we lost tonight.

JJ: The suspense from the previous post was really a killer. This is more epic than expected! To Queen Asherah, the armies and all the True Selves, congratulations on this victory!

Garima: It's brings joy and peace to my heart, which manifests as a serene smile on my face, to know that the Athrranaak is healing and the innocent shall not suffer needlessly anymore.

Sakshi: So incredible! Queen Asherah Aphrodite you're beyond amazing. And our all heroes too. You guys did so great. I can't wait to find my TS and join you in this great cause....

Katha: Holy shit! I just caught up after being afk for the last days. This is beyond epic! So much respect for all the warriors that participated. I hope I can be of any assistance on the future events *To restoring balance*

Suchi: Epic...stuff of legend....beginning of many more to come...respect for all the warriors who fought and the ones who fell in's to restoring balance in the universe!

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