Myrrdonite Trial of Blood

If you are easily offended it is best if you don't read this post. It is dark, sick, and twisted.
The leader of the Myrrdonites Orgah is the Count of Pain. He has been the Count of Pain since 1946.
He is Adolf Hitler. His Council of Pain around him the Myrrdonites that follow him are former Nazis. They got turned into Myrrdonites.
Remember how I told that ones are selected to become Myrrdonties? They pick the cruelest most vicious people they can find. Serial killers, mass murderers, utterly cruel people. They turn them into Myrrdonites.
I could go down the list of people. Some who are very strong Myrrdonites are Jim Jones, Stalin, Elizabeth Báthory, and Lizzie Borden.
There is a female Myrrdonite called Xexian. She was one of the most famous female serial killers. Her name was Aileen Wuornos.
What makes her so unique was the way she was in life. She dropped all her appeals and asked to be executed. She has literally no fear.
When the Myrrdonites choose you they drag you through what is known as the Test of Pain. You are being dragged through torture and being ripped apart in the most sick ways. It is very painful. She took it all.
Myrrdonites reference...
Lovely and Secrets of the Borderlands
There is always Count or Countess of Pain. Each Myrrdonite gain their power through how much pain and suffering they can afflict.
There are certain crimes set down by the Divine and the whole that are punishable and will get you sent to the borderlands. I am not going to list them all. These should be common sense things.
There are beasts that look like dogs in the borderlands They are big hairless hounds that are totally scarred up.
They all have different types of heads. Many of those are child abusers. The Myrrdonites will torture you for however long they feel like.
Every so often there is a Trial of Blood where those Myrrdonites challenge for leadership. Who is count to be the Count or Countess of Pain.
Depending on how powerful they are and how much pain they have afflicted they literally challenge each other to the death again. What is called a Fallen Death. You won't die but you will be turned into a flesh gollum.
There are ones that look like flesh gollums that are all weird. There is no picture I could show you that depicts them. They are called The Fallen. They are really strong.
Me: So the flesh gollum that came with Orgah and went into the chest of Gitgah was a Fallen?
Ark: Yes, he was. Gitgah himself might become a Myrrdonite. It depends. Under Orgah probably not. Gitgah will probably be turned into some other type of beast.
Gitgah and Orgah Reference...
Elemental Elf Gandolin
The Trial of Blood is on July 28th. Xexian is one of the challengers going up against Orgah. There are a few others. The one I am concerned with is Darka.
When Darka was alive he dealt in torture, beheadings, and all kinds of really horrible shit. He took his Test of Pain with joy. He laughed and enjoyed it.
He was a sadist. He loves torturing souls. He has become a very powerful Myrrdonite.
I don't think I would have as good of dealings with him as I would with Xexian. He may revoke all the agreements that were made my Orgah.
Me: I would like to be a spectator at the Trial of Blood.
Ark: I am sure I could get us seats.
Me: Yes, get us seats. I should be there.
Me: Who was the Count or Countess of Pain before Orgah?
Ark: He came out of the 1890s and lived in the north of France. He was an older gentleman when he got into doing what he did. Before that he was a very respected doctor. A surgeon. He retired because he had some sort of ailment.
I think it was with one of his eyes. It affected him. So he moved to northern France where he helped practice a little bit of local medicine.
What people thought he was doing was taking trips to seek medical attention for his eye. He told people that he would practice surgery again if he could get his eye fixed. He was wealthy and he traveled all over.
When he was on his travel he would abduct young men and women of a certain age. He was fascinated with the number 19.
He would abduct 19-year-olds and operate on them while they were awake and alive. Without anesthesia. He would torture them until they died. After that he would practice necrophilia. Then he would cut them up and eat them.
What he didn't eat he would cook and give to the local people who were starving on the streets. He would say "I have these extra meats." These poor hungry people would eat it. "Thank you good doctor for this food."
He believed that if he had relations when his victim died that he would absorb their soul. They he would eat their flesh to gain their strength and youthfulness. His eyesight in his left eye did start improving. He was into some really dark ritual shit.
Eventually on one of his travels he died of a heart attack. The most fucked up thing about all this was that no one ever found out what he did. The 19-year-old young men and women that he abducted he would take them off the street. Just these poor starving people.
His story to them was "I was expecting some company tonight and we were going to have steak. Unfortunately my company had other pressing matters to attend to. The Good Lord has taught me always to give. I see that you are in need. Come and join me for dinner."
Then he would feed the meat of the other victims. Some of these young women actually made passes on him and he turned them down.
"No. I am just here to help you." Then he would distract them, get behind them, and knock them out. He would tie them up and gag them and then do what he did.
He was never really aggressive. He didn't yell at them. This one woman he had tied down he got his crotch too close to her hand and she grabbed onto it and squeezed it really hard. He reached down and started squeezing her wrist really hard. He got free. He didn't yell at her or strike her.
He said "Well, there seems to be a problem we must take care of." Then he surgically removed her hand while she was awake. She was passing out in extreme pain. Then he cooked her hand and ate it.
He was the Myrrdonite Count of Pain until Adolf Hitler. Orgah killed him in a Trial of Blood. That flesh gollum that came for Gitgah was the Count I just told you about. The surgeon.
Whoever the Count or Countess is can control all the Fallen. There are many Fallen. There is actually a period of 200 to 300 Earth years where there was a new Count or Countess every few years.
We need to see who the next Count or Countess of Pain is going to be. They will be the Head Myrrdonite. Darka would be more difficult to deal with than Xexian.
Me: Is it possible Orgah will keep his spot?
Ark: Not against Xexian and Darka. They have become two of the most powerful Myrrdonites. That means that Orgah and his Nazi council will be turned into Fallen.
Me: How often do the do a Trial of Blood?
Ark: It is not a seasonal thing. It is whenever there are challenges. Many of the Myrrdonites don't like each other. They don't cheat at their challenges.
So they sometimes happen often and other times not. There are many challengers in the one coming up on July 28th.
The Trial is Orgah's doing. He is pissed off because some of his Myrrdonites got killed by these challengers. He had to make them into Fallen.
The Fallen are mindless. Orgah is angry about that because he lost Albert Speer. He really liked both in life and in the borderlands.
Some more of his Myrrdonite council are Hermann Göring, Martin Bormann, Reinhard Heydrich, and Joseph Goebbels.
His other Fallen he has with him is Rudolf Hess. He was his second Nazi in command for a while until Rudolf betrayed him. Rudolf lived until the 1980s as well as Albert Speer.
They thought they were free and clear of all the horrible shit they did. They thought when they died they would go to a better place.
Heinrich Himmler is not a Myrrdonite and you have to wonder why. He has strong ties to this Myrrdonite Council of Pain. It is because Himmler was the incarnation of Gabriel. My past incarnation was Claus von Stauffenberg.
They went to the borderlands. Albert Speer first got turned into a Myrrdonite. Rudolf Hess got turned into one of the Fallen.
Albert became a Fallen because Xexian killed him. He got put back together as a Flesh Gollum. Orgah is not too happy about that.
Darka has killed a few of his council. Orgah hates Darka because Darka killed his love Eva Braun in the borderlands. She ended up not going the same route Hiter did. She just ended up being in that bunker all alone in the borderlands.
Once Adolf became a Myrrdonite and challenged and become the Count of Pain he went to where Eva was at in the borderlands and took her.
He turned Eva into a Myrrdonite. Darka killed her. All the Myrrdonites try to outdo each other in pain and suffering.
When Darka found out that all the heaven that was promised to him through his religious beliefs didn't turn out the way he expected he just laughed.
Darka came from an upbringing of luxury. He got everything he wanted yet he always wanted more. He had a great upbringing with loving parents.
While Xexian had a shitty life. Her thread was terrible. Darka dwelled on wanting to inflict pain and suffering without reason.
Xexian was thrown into her situation. Horrible upbringing. She had to prostitute herself just to survive. Because she was raped she flipped a switch.
She became who she was supposed to be. She was meant to be that way. It wasn't something that she wanted to be.
Both Xexian and Darka were meant to be the way they were. If Xexian was given a different choice I think she would have taken it. She has no fear. I know most Myrrdonite fear something. Orgah won't be the Count of Pain for long.
Me: We should explain to them about the Dark Messiah.
Ark: World War II and everything that lead up to it... The reason that there are many who have incarnations during this time is because it was a huge major event not just physically but spiritually.
Mankind was going off track and there was a big chance to put them back on track again. To restore balance.
We gave them somebody who would unite the world and it did. It just wasn't for them. It was against them. We had to show mankind that the way they were going could be like this. The world could be ruled like this.
So we are going to take the most worst things you could possibly imagine war, famine, countless death, and we are going to throw some more on top of that.
So the world could come together and say "Despite all our differences we need to unite against this threat against all of us. To our world and our way of life."
They came together. They fought and they sacrificed. They overcame this threat and were back on track again.
Adolf Hitler was the Dark Messiah given to the world to put mankind back on track. That didn't last very long.
This balance lasted for about 3 or 4 years after the war. Then mankind didn't just go off track, they jumped off the cliff.
There was a big struggle for balance after that in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. Sometimes good did win.
The Civil Rights Movement was a very good cause to restore some balance. Then you have all this other shit that sets more off balance.
The Hippies had some really good ideas for universal peace and love. In the 1960s they started realizing something was going on with the planet and they needed to protect it. In the 1970s was the birth of the Green Movement.
Any bit of good that would create some balance over the decades got corrupted and manipulated which made it worse.
These movements meant to restore balance became corrupted. Who corrupted them? Mankind to gain power and wealth over people.
What happened in World War II was the last big chance they got before judgment which we are about to face now.
This is like standing before the judge at court. World War II was the judge giving you a slap on the wrist like community service.
Now you are standing in front of the same judge and the gavel is coming down. You had he chance to avoid and now you are getting your judgement.
Since the turn of the millennium, Mankind has taken balance and distorted. They have tried to manipulate it for their own selfish little wants.
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...
Read this post next for a reference to Darka and the Trial Blood....
Intense Epic Session for Naturome
Some post comments...
Hylius: You were right this is dark. As I read this I could literally imagine myself as if I were in the borderlands. I am making sure to stay away from it, and hoping I am not there. I remember you saying Hilter is a Myrrdonite, but wow this is a lot to take it. This is definitely not for the feint of heart.
Dakota: I love these informative reads. This wasn't too hard for me to get through, I think its because i am attracted to dark stories and read them a lot. Is Josef Mengele a Myrrdonite too? He was arguably as sick and twisted as Hitler. Perhaps even more.
Lisa: May I also assume that this is why so many of us have incarnated here now at this time as well, because this last judgement is coming, similar to why so many incarnated during WWII? Are we here to observe, or to help? Or maybe both? I know every TS has their own reason, but in general? I have so many questions lol.
Luke: This is such a tremendous post. I value the information shared here. Kind of makes me theorize about certain things. This world is about to have its final sentence and the majority of mankind will show no regret before the judgment. Stubbornness and pride will only dig their grave in misery and death. We have to be strong and unite to persevere together, for dark times lie ahead of us.
Kirsi: This group keeps changing my world view every day. When I was an atheist I was angry at those cowards who killed themselves after commiting a murder so they wouldn’t end up in jail. It’s a relieve to know they will get what they deserve.
Marj: Call me weird and crazy, but hell! I enjoyed reading this! It contains all of my favourite genre, horror, gore something like that, other than that,it’s not some sort of Creepypasta story but a real story! Thank you for sharing this another lesson my brain absorbed.
Safina: Thank you so much Amy for sharing this with us. This was very informative. We could not have gained this knowledge elsewhere.
Me: There was indeed a time when Gabriel went rogue. This was shortly after his love Joan of Arc had died. He accepts the things he did during that time. Gabriel is an Ourhkina and one of the Seven along with EinossArku. He went a bit dark for a while after he lost Joan.
Sayli: This post is so so dark.....felt disgusted at the kind of things these people did....but so much of information.
Lystranea: That's really fascinating. So there is some solace that the truly evil people get their comeuppance, if only there was a choice to bar someone from being a count.
This Darka sounds like trouble especially since the new Count/Countess can lead all the Fallen. There's nothing worse than someone who always gets what they want and doesn't know when it's enough. I hope the trial goes in Lovely's favor.
Lily U: I am kinda calm reading this post. Perhaps it's because what I want is balance and justice be brought again to Midgard. Those bastards deserve what were brought to them. When I am stronger I will not allow those cruel things be brought to innocence.
Thinking of what is coming might be greater than WWII, it just makes me shiver… The Judgement is finally coming. I do not care about the selfish humans who deserve this. I just know I gotta be ready, and I should start right now. Thank you for the post my Queen.
James F: I had the strangest feeling of Deja Vu reading this. I thank you for sharing with us this history and truth Queen Asherah Aphrodite! The borderlands are indeed a dark place, but indeed this too must be part of the balance. No matter its darkness, I thank you for sharing truth.