Boientae: Secret Love of Juleen and Baphomet

This true self past vision is the story of Boientae and the secret love affair between Mono Baphomet and Juleen.
This takes place between the Bentian War and the Urthak War. This happens in our existence we currently live in.
Baphomet is an Ourhkina and Juleen is a light being. She a humanoid that glows with light.
Juleen stands upon a hill waiting patiently, yet she is nervous. She does not want her presence to be noticed by any others. Especially by beings from the Light Realm.
Ever since the presence of a mysterious piece, the Light realm seems to have closed itself off. Still warring against the new Void King Umbranathor.
There is tension still rising. The Bentian War has ended, but the effects can still be felt through the realms.
Juleen is here for something else. As she feels the wind pick up, her heart starts to race. A figure appears in the sky and approaches down. It is the Ourhkina known as the Baptizer.
For some time Baphomet and Juleen have had a secret relationship. Juleen is destined to marry the future king of the Light realm. She knows she must serve her future king and be loyal to her.
A deep sense of guilt falls within Juleen. Yet it is overcome with comfort when she stares into the eyes of her lover Baphomet.
Baphomet smiles and places his hands on her shoulders. 'You come, I knew you would come. Long have I desired to see you. To feel your embrace.'
Juleen looks him in the eyes 'I have longed for you.'
They kiss and embrace then stare long into each other's eyes.
Juleen breaks away and Baphomet sees the sadness upon her face. He lifts her chin with his finger.
Baphomet says 'What troubles you, my love? Please tell me, I sense a sadness grows within you.'
Juleen's eyes well up with tears 'My sadness comes when I think of our future. The fact that we can never be together is what weighs heavy upon me.'
Baphomet lowers his head. He knows what Juleen speaks of. The Light realm has blocked itself off and has a great distrust of the Ourhkina. They have been denied access to the Light realm.
The affair between Juleen and Mono Baphomet would be judged harshly.
Even on Mono's side the Ourhkina are distrustful of the Light Beings. Especially his brothers Gabriel and Michael.
The Void can be understood because it is not closed off to the Ourhkina. The mad Void King is no more. Umbranathor has ascended to the Void throne.
So much weighs against them and their love together. In these troubling times when realms and kingdoms do not trust each other, their love is forbidden in the eyes of many.
Juleen desires more deep down inside. She loves Baphomet. He is kind to her and an escape. A dream come true.
She looks deep into Baphomet's eyes. They stare at each other for what seems like an eternity. They kiss and embrace then make passionate love upon the hill.
They wake up in each other's arms and Baphomet stares at the sky. He knows he can never speak of this to his brothers or ever show any kind of joy to them about it.
Mono Baphomet and Juleen spend the morning together.
Before they depart Baphomet says 'I have loved you so long, but I must go now. I feel deep down inside this may be our last time together.'
Juleen says 'Please do not think that way. Even to us, the future is unknown. We will be together again.'
She touches his face and kisses him 'This I swear to you. In this life or the next, we shall be together again.'
They leave and Juleen returns to the Light realm while Baphomet returns to the Ourhkina.
Baphomet makes his way into the hall where the Ourhkina has their headquarters. There he sees EinossArku standing beside a white tree. He is the Ourhkina Keeper of Fate and Destiny.
There is a question burning deep down inside Baphomet. A question Arku would know the answer to. But could he trust his brother? He would have to reveal his love affair with Juleen, the destined Queen of the Light realm.
Baphomet realizes he will not be able to keep his love affair with Juleen a secret for long. He must know the answer and his brother EinossArku will have that answer.
Baphomet says 'May I speak to you alone for a moment?'
EinossArku says 'Something weighs heavy upon you brother.' He places his hand upon Baphomet's shoulder. 'If you need to confide in me I am here for you. Come, let us go somewhere private and you may tell me what is on your mind.'
They travel to Alfheim where the Ourhkina are accepted by King Yserah. The Alfheim lands are open to them.
Mono Baphomet and EinossArku sit together in the forest. Baphomet reveals his love affair with Juleen.
Baphomet says 'Please do not tell the other Ourhkina. Is there any possible future destiny where she and I can be together?'
EinossArku sits back for a moment and thinks. 'There is no destiny for you and Juleen to be together, but there is a child. A child she carries within her now. A child that if born within the Light realm can bring dire consequences.'
Baphomet lowers his head. 'A child of mine, I wish it could be born into happiness. Maybe with an understanding between the Light realm and the Ourhkina. You speak words I know are true.
I can feel the dread and persecution which would come with the child's birth. What should be done, brother? I know it may be hard for you to understand, for us Ourhkina are forbidden to love others.'
EinossArku rises and places his hand upon his brother's shoulder.
'Yes it is forbidden, but if you are guilty of it brother, then so am I.'
Baphomet looks curiously at his brother 'You are guilty?'
EinossArku says 'I am.'
Baphomet asks 'Whose eyes and affections of love do you direct yours to?'
EinossArku smiles 'I won't give you her name, but she inspires many. That is what made me fall in love with her.'
Baphomet asks 'Have you revealed this love to her?'
EinossArku says 'No, I believe this love will reveal itself to both of us in time. Now brother, let us concentrate and focus on you. The child will be a daughter. She must not remain in the Light realm or with the Ourhkina. She must be remade to look different.'
Baphomet asks 'Why must we hide her from who she truly is?'
EinossArku turns and places his hands behind his back. There is something he knows. Something he has not yet even revealed to Melek Taus. A sense of concern overcomes Baphomet. What has his brother seen?
EinossArku remains silent for a moment then speaks. 'It is not right that we should hide her, I know you feel that. I feel it as well.'
EinossArku turns and stares at Baphomet with a look that pierces deep within. 'There is darkness, evil, and great malice on the rise. The realms in this existence will tear themselves apart before the end.
If your child with Juleen is revealed during this time I fear the worst for her. To save her we must bring her here. When she is born I know someone who can change her.'
Baphomet asks 'Raise her here? Among the elves or gnomes? Who in Alfheim?'
EinossArku says 'There is a trusted family I know here who would raise her as their own. Our futures are far apart from each other. You are my brother now, but one day we may not be. '
Baphomet thinks for a moment and agrees. He must find a way to get a message to Juleen to have her keep this secret.
EinossArku says 'The birth will be difficult. Juleen may suffer amnesia and loss of memory from it.'
Baphomet knows this must be understood. It is to protect Juleen and the unborn child that all this must come to pass. He agrees.
EinossArku says 'I must go to someone who can help.' He opens a strange rift.
Arku is known for being able to go between the realms using portals, but this does not look like his usual ones.
EinossArku says 'You should come with me Baphomet. There is so much you need to understand about what is going to happen.'
Mono Baphomet follows EinossArku through a rift into the borderlands.
Baphomet says 'So the rumors are true EinossArku. You travel more and more within the borderlands.'
EinossArku says 'Yes, the rumors are true. In order for us to have your daughter be raised in Alfheim she must take upon their appearance. There is only one who can do this.'
Mono Baphomet follows EinossArku across the borderlands until they come to a decrepit old dwelling.
EinossArku says 'Stay here, I must enter alone.'
Arku enters into the chamber. There in the corner shrouded in a ragged cloak a being sits quietly working on something.
The being speaks 'Ourhkina of Fate and Destiny, you come seeking me.'
EinossArku says 'Yes, you are the only one I know of who can do what needs to be done. I come on behalf of my brother Baphomet. He -'
The being Amler cuts him off 'Yes, I know what you desire. I do not cut flesh anymore. I haven't for so long. But if you wish to ask this of me, know what must be sacrificed. Your kind is coming to an end and you will lose the love of your brother for this. Is he willing to accept that?'
Baphomet enters the room. 'I am willing to accept anything to protect my love and my child.'
Amler laughs 'So willing are you beings to sacrifice everything for what you believe is right, without yet seeing what the future holds. So be it.'
Amler rises and goes over to a rickety cabinet and pulls out a vial. 'When your child is born Baphomet, you must take this. You must cut her hand and pour the contents onto it. This will give her the appearance of a light elf. There EinossArku will take her to be raised among them in Alfheim.'
Baphomet agrees. He thanks the being and leaves.
EinossArku says 'There is a price to pay for everything, but we choose to make that sacrifice.'
Amler sits down and goes back to his work. Arku turns to leave.
EinossArku says 'I thank you Amler for what you have done.'
Amler cackles 'You thank me know, but know this Ourhkina of Fate and Destiny. What are you willing to sacrifice for love? That answer will come to you in time. Now leave me to my work.'
Mono Baphomet and EinossArku return to the Ourhkina headquarters. They are met by a shrouded light being who tells them Juleen has gone into secrecy and the pregnancy has been difficult.
No one there knows Juleen is pregnant except for this light being Sassian, who is her loyal handmaiden servant.
Baphomet and EinossArku reveal their plans for the child. In order to maintain stability with the Light realm, the child must not stay there.
EinossArku presents a golden cloth like a blanket. He instructs Sassian to wrap the child in the cloth then bring her to Alfheim to meet with them. Sassian agrees and all three of them part ways.
In the Light realm, Juleen gives birth within a secret chamber. It is only her and Sassian who are there. The birth is difficult and Juleen slips into unconsciousness.
When the child is born, Sassian wraps her in the golden cloth then takes her to meet with Baphomet and EinossArku.
They meet in the forest of Alfheim where Baphomet is handed his daughter. He looks down at her as she and her wings shimmer with light.
Baphomet gazes into his daughter's eyes and sees his beloved Juleen within her. He looks at EinossArku and says 'She will never know her parents and how much her parents love her.'
EinossArku says 'She will make her way brother. She will grow strong. That is her true gift from her parents.'
Arku hands a blade to his brother. Baphomet hesitates, but he knows this must be done. He cuts the palm of his daughter. She is not harmed by this and does not feel the pain. Instead, she giggles.
Baphomet takes the vial that was given to him and pours it upon her hand. There is a great flash of light as Mono holds her. When the brightness dims down he stares down at her.
Her wings are gone. She looks Elven now. Baphomet kisses her on the head 'You are born of great love. Even though that love may be forbidden, it has produced something so beautiful.'
Baphomet hands his child to EinossArku and asks 'Will she be safe?'
EinossArku answers 'I am giving her to a trusted Elven family I know. They will raise her as if she were their own. Don't worry brother. She will be fine.'
Baphomet places his hand on his daughter one more time. EinossArku turns and leaves with her.
EinossArku is taking the child to Barentia Starfall. She is a very wise light elf, coming from the very first families. She has been council to many. Her magic is known throughout Alfheim.
When EinossArku arrives, Lady Starfall is there to greet him. He hands her the child and she looks down.
Barentia says 'She is quite beautiful. I do not mean the way she looks as an elf. I can see her true form, even through the disguise the Myrrdonite has placed upon her.
She is truly strong. That of her mother and father. That of Light and Conquest. I see great things coming for her. I will care for her and raise her well. That I can promise you.'
EinossArku nods 'Thank you Lady Starfall. You have done us such a great deed by undertaking this task. What will you name her?'
Barentia says 'I shall name her Boientae. It is old Elvish for Secret Love.'
Lady Starfall takes the baby and places her in a cradle. She sings to her an old Elvish song about two lovers and their secret forbidden love.
True Self Connection...