My Son Vetian Aeneas

Demi-Aspect of Ashontrah and Mono Baphomet
From what I understand so far. It will become more clear when I get to this point in the Book of Aphrodite...
After Astartiae is gone Vetian goes off on his own. He finds one of the puzzle pieces from the borderlands. He almost gets fully corrupted by it.
Eternal Death gets the 7th piece from him. Vetian ends up getting his form destroyed by his own choice to stop the corruption.
Story of Vetian...
Memories of Love: Astartiae
He is born to Aphrodite as Aeneas. He doesn't realize when Aphrodite is imprisoned. He gets fooled by the impostor to think that is his mother.
Aphrodite was imprisoned during the Trojan War. It was the impostor Aphrodite who fixed up Paris and Helen. She gave Aphrodite a bad name.
Dustin found him...
Remember the Dragon King who I was supposed to marry by command of the Ten Houses?
So you know Vetian came back to me born again as Aeneas....
Aeneas was confused because he thought the whole time the impostor was me and he wanted to know the truth.
The Dragon King was working with the Candelabra told him not to dig up questions. He decided Aeneas needs to be taken out of the picture.
He had Aeneas imprisoned in Void crystal, but he did not get taken to the Void. He got dumped in Verginheim. It is one of the lost sub-realms of this existence.
He landed in a part and these weird beings that are like Angler Fish Murlocs. They have two walking limbs and four arms. They are not hostile. He landed there and they think he is a god.
Aeneas is still imprisoned there even now with these creatures worshiping him in the crystal. Sending Xaxo go to get him...
We got him! Xaxo smashes the crystal. Vetian's father is Mono Baphomet.
Dustin gets him out of hibernation. He is awake and very drowsy.
Aeneas: "Where am I?"
Dustin: "Midgard."
He looks around strangely at everything.
Aeneas: "Where is the Dragon King?"
This was the last thing he saw.
Dustin: "He is dead."
Aeneas: "How long have I been gone?"
Dustin: "Not very long. You are still under the effects of imprisonment. I will clear it out. Don't worry."
Aeneas: "Who are you?"
Dustin: "You can call me A."
Aeneas: "How did you find me?"
Dustin: "I knew where you were. You mother sent me."
Aeneas got wide eyed. He sat up but it was too much for him. "My mother? Where is my mother?"
Dustin: "There is a lot you need to understand. I am going to help you remember something you may have forgotten a long time ago. You mother had you brought here."
Aeneas: "My mother. Where is she? Is she okay?"
Dustin: "She is alright."
Aeneas: "Is she is in any danger?"
Dustin: "She is is well watched over. No worries. You need to rest a little. I will take care of you until you regain your strength. Then I will take you to your mother. She knows you are here. You are safe."
Dustin: "I want to show you something now. You will see it like a vision. This is your mother's memories. It is going to be shocking to you at some things. Do you understand?"
Aeneas nod his head.
Dustin: "You need to relax and lay back."
Dustin is going to show Aeneas all my past starting with the Voice up until now. He will show him how he is Vetian.
The eyes of Aeneas are glowing as he watches the memories. His facial expressions are ranging from happiness to anger. Dustin set it at high speed to make it seems like he has been watching for days but it is actually a short amount of time.
The vision is complete...
Aeneas wakes up reaching out his hand: "Mother!"
Dustin: "Relax."
Aeneas: "I never knew. EinossArku tried to tell me."
Dustin: "That he did."
Aeneas: "I was such a fool!"
Dustin: "Don't be so hard on yourself. A lot of trickery going on."
Aeneas: "How could I have been so blind?!"
He is getting angry about the impostor. He remembers the whispers from the other divine about her saying Aphrodite as easy and a floozy. He is very angry.
Dustin: "Calm your ass down or I will calm you down. Unless you want to go beat up the world at that time you have to understand that everything going on was beyond your control. You didn't know. You tried. Your mother tried.
Even she was unable to uncover everything. I have been dealing with the assholes responsible for this for a very long time. That is how I found you. So calm down and not break my place up please."
Aenas: "I apologize for my actions. You have been kind to me so far. Will I be able to see my mother soon?"
Dustin: "The device I am holding in my hand I am talking to her incarnation."
Aeneas tries to speak through the cell phone: "Mother hello? Are you in there?"
He is remembering something. He knows what it is now. His incarnation has used one.
Aeneas: "My incarnation! My vessel!" He still has one here.
Aeneas: "I was so confused. It was said my mother came back from being imprisoned. I remember a long time ago that EinossArku tried to tell me that is not your mother. They sent him away.
Gabriel told me to go to the one your mother is supposed to marry. Ask your questions to him and you will find out the truth."
So Aeneas was imprisoned shortly after I got out of Void prison.
Aeneas: "They will pay for what they did to my mother and what they did to me!"
Dustin: "Hey hey calm down."
Aeneas: "You can assure my mother is okay?"
Dustin: "I can assure that."
Aeneas: "I have so many questions. Take me to EinossArku."
Dustin: "I cannot do that because he is dead. He died a while ago. What I can do for you, I can let you stay here until your mother is ready and then you can speak to her."
Aeneas: "You can promise me that?"
Dustin: "I don't make promises. I give you my word. You can speak to her soon."
Aeneas: "So I am a demi-aspect? So I much I need to understand. What does it mean to be one?"
Dustin: "Try to be more like your mother instead of your father. I know some of your cousins who got it real bad."
Aeneas: "I got cousins?"
Dustin: "Quite a few. Dolloiandea is your cousin."
Aeneas: "When can I meet some of them?"
Dustin: "Meet with your mother first. You also have brothers and sisters."
Aeneas: "Brother and sisters?" He remembers Himeros and Eros. "What happened to them?"
Dustin: "They are still around. They have vessels too."
Aeneas; "My heart fills with anticipation to meet my mother again. To meet these brothers and sisters. But still there is anger and vengeance in me. Anger and a desire to destroy the candelabra."
Dustin: "They are done. They have been done for a long time."
Aeneas: "The candelabra are gone?"
Dustin: "The majority of them. Your mother and Arku and others wiped them out. Took care of them."
Aeneas: "This is a cause for celebration."
Dustin: "It is still dangerous times and you are not yet caught up on how dangerous times have been. Until your mother can explain more you should listen to me and follow what I tell you."
Aeneas: "I will do that if mother wishes. There is so much. As if my meaning has begun anew. It is like being born again to the people you love."
He tries to scan Dustin: "You are a strange being. I don't understand how could a being have a vessel and be dead? You are dead."
Dustin: "I am a different kind of being."
Aeneas: "How do I know to trust you?"
Dustin: "The kind of being I am I don't play games of trickery. If I wanted to destroy you then you would be dead by now."
Aeneas: "You make a bold statement! Words you do not fully think through."
Dustin: "I don't have to think through, I know. But that is beside the point. Trust me, that is one thing you are going to need to do. I don't play games. I don't do trickery or illusions. Your mother wanted me to find and help you. That is what I am doing."
Aeneas: "I will trust you until you give me reason otherwise. Pray that I don't. Where is my mother now?"
Dustin: "Not in any existence."
Aeneas: "Is she dead?"
Dustin: "She isn't dead. She is in the process of becoming more than she was before."
Aeneas: "I can feel her presence but her spirit is not with her vessel. I feel close."
Dustin: "You have a little sister nearby." Speaking of Ayvarahsa.
Aeneas: "Can I see her?"
Dustin: "Not yet. I am sure in time."
Aeneas: "Tell my mother I love her. I always love her. She is the best woman I have ever known. Inspiring, kind, gentle, and strong."
Dustin: "Then you know where you get it from don't you?"
Aeneas: "I feel ashamed. All these years watching this impostor. This person I felt I didn't know."
Dustin: "You got to stop dwelling on it. That person is gone. You and your mother will be united and it will be a happy reunion."
Aeneas: "How long will I have to stay here under your watch?"
Dustin: "I am sure not long. Your mother is just concerned about your well being. I told her I would watch out for you until she says otherwise."
Aeneas: "What is this?"
Dustin: "This is the athranaak."
Aeneas: "In the borderlands. I did some studying on that. Are you from the borderlands?"
Dustin: "Kind of."
Aeneas: "What about the beings who bring punishment and pain? Are you one of them?"
Dustin: "Kind of."
Aeneas: "What do you mean of kind of?"
Dustin: "They work for me."
Aeneas: "Who are you?"
Dustin: "I am a real good friend of your mother's."
Aeneas: "I wish to see her." He is anxious. "Is she still as beautiful as I remember?"
Dustin: "Well words cannot describe how beautiful your mother has become. You might recognize her. I think your core will recognize her."
Aeneas remembers his vessel and what the world is like.
Dustin: "Is your vessel in the group represented by Asherah Aphrodite on one of these things?" Shows him a computer.
Aeneas: "I remember I do."
We found him. He is Amandeep.
Intuitive Guidance Questions...
1.) How can i make strong connection with my true self.
Aeneas: "Let me." He reaches down and almost falls over.
Dustin: "You need to relax. You are starting to make me nervous. When you are learning to walk again you cannot take off running."
2.) Any affinities sub, you would prefer me to use?
Dustin: "Are you familiar with your incarnation and subs they were using?"
Aeneas: "I slightly remember."
Dustin: "Probably anything that would help connect."
3.) Do I have any advantage regarding telekinesis or should i try the sub of it?
Dustin: "Yes he does have an advantage with telekinesis. He can pick up on residual energy. He is also an empath."
Aeneas: "Mother I am here." He is starting to go under again. He is very tired.
4.) Any advice if you would prefer to give me?
Dustin: "If you could give your incarnation advice right now what would give them?"
Aeneas: "I want to reconnect with those I remember and love. Hold strong. I will regain myself soon. You must hold strong against everything and never give up hope. Stand your ground for what you believe in."
Aeneas: "Mother, I am here mother. I never left. I am here."
Q. Forgive my Ignorance but Vetian was reborn as a Demi-Aspect (Aeneas) right? Is he still Demi-Aspect because his core wasn't destroyed?
A. He is still a Demi-Aspect because his core was not destroyed. Once you are born as a Demi-Aspect no matter if you are reborn or reformed, you are always a Demi-Aspect. The only way you stop becoming one is if your core is completely destroyed.
True Self Connection...