Journey of the Atheron Key

These are the events from after The Fall of the Borderlands until today. February 14th to 22nd.
Rovitomial has carried the Atheron Key across the borderlands. He has faced many perils.
Dodging rot worms, running from rock to rock to keep off the sand. He avoided many strange dark and twisted things.
His journey has been long, guided by the voice inside the Atheron Key.
Rovitomial has asked it many times. 'Are you the master?'
The voice replies 'I am what you desire.'
It seems to Rovitomial that he has been journeying through the borderlands for an eternity. He feels himself growing more attached to the power within the Atheron Key.
At night he dreams of vanquishing those who brought such destruction. He dreams of holding up the Atheron Key to judge ones like Ashoweah.
Rovitomial journeys to a field. He has recognized this many times before in his studies of the borderlands.
He looks up and down to see if there is a clearing he can cross. He walks for a bit and the Atheron Key speaks to him.
Rovitomial answers 'Through there? I am not going through there.'
Atheron Key tells him 'You must go through there.'
Rovitiomal says 'You got to be crazy. I am definitely not crossing a corpse field. I know what happens to those who step into them.'
The Atheron Key echoes in his head. 'You must go through there!'
Rovitomial says 'Alright, alright.'
He steps into the corpse field. He sees the arms and half-submerged corpses all around. They twitch and move.
Rovitomial is almost hopping through, trying to only step on the bare patches. He then hears the voice again.
Atheron Key says 'Hurry, quickly. Quit wasting time.'
Rovitomial replies 'I am not wasting time, I am being cautious. You want to get there, don't you? I don't want to get pulled under the sand to become one of these things.'
Atheron Key says 'Just walk through them.'
Rovitomial asks 'What do you mean walk -'
Then he stops speaking as one of the hands grabs his ankle. His worst fears have come true. The corpses rise from the sand all around him.
Rovitimal says 'You see? I told you this was a bad idea.'
Atheron Key says 'Calm yourself.'
As the corpses rise around him, the hand around his ankle lets go. The corpses move aside and clear a path for Rovitomial with the Atheron Key floating in front of him leading the way.
After getting through the corpse field, Rovitomial continues his journey. He travels far across the borderlands.
He spends his nights upon the rocks off the sand. He knows that the tremors of walking upon the sand will bring rot worms.
Rovitomial comes to a great dark mist. It expands very far. He looks left and right. He can see no way around. He thinks about which way to go. Maybe through here.
Atheron Key says 'I wouldn't go in there.'
Rovitomial asks 'Why not? Will I get lost? Is this the right way? It feels that it is.'
Atheron Key says 'The way is straight in front of you, but I wouldn't go in there.'
Rovitomial looks to his sides again 'Well, can I go around?'
Atheron Key says 'You should go around.'
Rovitomial starts to calculate 'How far is it through this mist to where I need to be?'
Atheron Key says '38 miles.'
Rovitomial thinks 'And how far around?'
Atheron Key says 'The length of a universe. I wouldn't go in there.'
Rovitomial says '38 miles seems a lot less than the length of a universe. Whatever is within there, I think I have a plan for it.'
He reaches into his bag and pulls out several puzzles. He picks one out and sets it flat in the palm of his hand. It rises and floats into the mist. The puzzle leaves a bright vibrant yellow line beneath it.
Rovitomial says 'That will do. Just follow the line.' He walks into the dark mist.
Atheron Key says 'I wouldn't go in here.'
Rovitomial says 'All we got to do is follow the line.'
He follows the yellow line into the trenches of World War I.
Rovitomial hears explosions all around him. The sky above him is filled with smoke and he starts to cough. He hears men yelling and then the sounds of gunfire.
A man speaks to him in a language from Earth. Rovitomial recognizes the man is yelling in French. He has studied many languages.
The French soldier yells 'Civilian, why are you in this trench? You will die here! Get up. Get out of here!'
The soldier approaches Rovitomial and tries to help him up. When he does a look of shock comes upon his face and he points his rifle.
The French man mistakes Rovitomial's non-human appearance for some kind of German Super Weapon and he fires a shot.
Rovitomial blocks his face with his hands and hears a ricochet. The Atheron Key deflected the bullet.
The French soldier is struck in the leg from the shot and he drops to the ground. He yells for his comrades and they come and shoot at Rovitomial.
Again the Atheron Key deflects the shots and they ricochet back into the soldiers.
Rovitomial scurries out of the trench and runs as explosions go off around him. He almost runs into thick barbed wire but uses a puzzle from his bag to blow the wire in front of him.
He hears voices and shots behind him so he jumps down into a crater. He sees two Germans pointing rifles at him. One of them is screaming.
Rovitomial just figured out why. He does not look like they do. He must look like some sort of strange creature to them.
He drops down as the Germans take their shot. He crawls out of the hole as fast as he can and starts running.
Rovitiomial sees the yellow line and goes for it as he hears the sounds of war and battle all around him.
He makes his way through thick smoke and then crosses into another place. Are those trees? He rushes toward them. They seem to be like weeping willows.
As Rovitomial gets closer, he realizes they are more than trees. These are not weeping willows. They are decaying bodies hanging from a decrepit tree. The tree itself is made of flesh.
Rovitomial walks through the forest and recognizes that these beings are dark elves. He stares at their faces. Both young and old hang from these trees.
As he walks by he notices a banner. He stops and looks at it. This is the banner of King Yserah. Is he responsible for this?
Rovitomial stares at the banner for a while. The dark elves hanging from the trees start to whimper and cry out to him in agony.
They reach to grab him. Rovitomial concentrates on the yellow line and continues to run through the mist.
He is traveling through burned in places within the borderlands. As he follows the yellow line, he walks among unfortunates who have been slaughtered.
More and more anger and hatred grow inside him. He has seen so many who have died at the hands of those who desired power.
Rovitomial thinks of the Myrrdonite and Athernites who serve Judgement. He thinks of Ashontrah and Ayvarahsa.
He prays 'Oh Ashontrah, I hope all is well with you. I hope that Ayvarahsa is safe in your arms.'
Rovitomial steps through the dark mist into a scene. There he is in a dwelling.
There is a female being with two small children huddled in the corner. They seem frightened and the children cry to their mother.
Loud noises are heard as the chamber door is violently pushed open. There stands a male being with a long spiked leather strap.
The male being says to his children 'It is time for your punishment.'
He walks forward to the children and the mother places herself between the lashing.
Rovitomial has had enough. He grasps the Atheron Key in his hand.
The male being notices him as Rovitomial's eyes go black. Coils come from every direction, ripping into him and tearing him apart.
Rovitomial turns to the mother and her children who are looking at him with fear. They scream as Rovitomial continues to walk, following the line.
As he steps out of the dark mist, his eyes turn to normal and he drops to the ground.
Atheron Key says 'You are here.'
Events of February 22nd 2019...
Rovitomial hears something in the distance. It sounds like the tumbling of rocks. He rises and takes steps toward the sound.
There he recognizes it. It is not the sound of rocks tumbling over each other. It is bones.
He has made it to the river of bones. Is this where the Atheron Key wanted him to come? Now what must be done?
Atheron Key says 'Wait, you are not alone.'
Ashowewah speaks 'Finally, there you are little Rovitomial.'
Rovitomial turns around to see Ashoweah, Vustik, and Shaderell standing there.
He quickly reaches into his bag and launches several puzzles at them, but they are deflected.
Ashoweah says 'Not this time.' He casts his hand forward.
Rovitomial's infinity bag goes into flames and is dropped to the ground.
Vustik says 'All alone without your little bag of tricks. Now hand it over.'
Rovitomial steps to the edge of the river of bones. He grasps the Atheron Key in his hand and holds it over.
Rovitomial says 'I will destroy it before I let you have it.'
Ashoweah laughs 'You cannot destroy it. You desire it. Who does not desire the power of Judgement? Rovitomial, you are weak. You cannot possess its power. I will grant and spare your life if you hand it over. If not, I will destroy you and take it.'
Rovitomial holds the Atheron Key in his hands. He desires so much to conquer Ashoweah using the power of Judgement. He concentrates hard but nothing happens.
Vustik laughs 'You are nothing Rovitomial. You only dream of being powerful. You could never be a Demi-Aspect. You are not even a Divine. You are nothing.'
Rovitomial thinks to himself. All his journeys have led him here. He has the power now within his hand. Is he nothing, like Vustik would make him believe he is? A determined look crosses his face.
Rovitomial says 'You are wrong. I am not nothing. I am more.'
He clutches the Atheron Key tight against his chest and jumps into the river of bones.
Shaderell says 'Well there goes that. All this for nothing, just so once again that little bastard Rovitomial could ruin this.'
Ashoweah stands beside the river of bones. 'If I cannot control Judgement then no one shall. It does not matter, Rovitomial destroyed it completely along with himself. Once I find that despicable little child, then Judgement will be wiped out and I will replace it.'
A small voice is heard behind them. 'If you are looking for me, I am here.'
Ashoweah, Vustik, and Shaderell turn to see a little girl. This is Ayvarahsa.
Ashoweah says 'You saved me the trouble, little one. Judgement is gone and you are the last little thorn in my side. My plans do not involve your meddling.'
Ayvarahsa says 'I have no time for you. Leave now or suffer the consequences.'
They laugh. Vustik says 'What consequences, little girl? What are you going to do? You are all alone. No daddy. No mommy. No friends.'
Ayvarahsa looks at him angrily 'Do not speak of my mother.'
Ashoweah says 'Oh little child, did he strike a chord with you? I will speak of your mother. Where is she? Is she here now, standing beside you? Protecting you from what is about to happen?
No, she has other children. Have you ever wondered why she spends so much time with them and leaves you to sit alone wherever you sit and hide?
Your mother cares nothing for you. She only wished to have some power over Judgement. She let you watch your precious Myrrdonite die and now, you are alone. Your mother cares nothing for you, let that be known as you die.'
Ayvarahsa says angrily 'You do not know my mother. Never insult her again.'
Coils come from the darkness and strike at them. A coil slashes Ashoweah's face. This angers him and he starts to power up with dark energy.
Shaderell pleads 'Wait, wait. Listen, we don't need to do this. This is going to not turn out well for any of us.'
Vustik says 'He is possibly right. We are not in our element here.'
Ashoweah says 'I do not care. Do you fear the wrath of this little girl?'
Shaderell says 'I fear the wrath of Ashontrah that will come down upon us. You wish to have Ashontrah as your ally by killing her child? Oh she is not going to jump right into your arms. She will hate you.'
Ashoweah waves his hand and throws Shaderell aside. 'You have always been a weak son.'
Ashoweah turns to Vustik 'As for you, where do you stand? Do you fear the wrath?'
Vustik realizes that Ashoweah's power grows. It is better to kill Ayvarahsa. He will find some lie or illusion to cover this. She stands alone and no one is here.
In the river of bones, Rovitomial can feel himself tearing apart. He is pulled further beneath the bones. They pick at him ripping clothing and flesh. Still, he holds on tight to the Atheron Key.
Rovitomial feels himself falling. He lands on soil. The river of bones is above him. He hears something calling to him. He stands and walks the corridor beneath the river of bones.
There he comes to a chamber. In the middle of it is a tiny pool of black liquid. Rovitomial is weary as if he is walking through a dream. Flashes of the past come before his eyes.
When he goes inside the chamber it seems as if he has stepped back in time. There he sees two beings. One he recognizes as Atherak. The other looks like a mutilated Savage God. He listens to their conversation as he falls weary to his knees.
Atherak says 'Ahkra the time of the final judgement is coming. Those who lay themselves upon the altar of sacrifice to judgement. You must remain here within the borderlands until the time comes.'
Ahkra replies 'And what of Eternal Death master?
Atherak says 'He will remain among the living and you will remain among the dead. Until the time comes for you to lay yourself upon the sacrificial altar of Judgement. Then what you desire I shall fulfill.'
Ahkra says 'I desire to be in service of Judgement. I will sacrifice everything for it.'
Atherak says 'So be it.' He slices open his own wrists and pours black blood into a pool.
Atherak says 'The one who walks through time will come. You must prepare him. Teach him. When his time comes he will lay himself upon the sacrificial altar of Judgement. Bring him here and then your time and service to me will be fulfilled.'
Rovitomial watches the image fade. He crawls over and looks into the small black pool. He hears a voice inside his head and flashes of everything he has ever experienced.
Visions of his past, the Aspects, and Demi-Aspects. The time of the first judgement.
So much overwhelms him and still the constant voice echoes inside his head. 'What will you lay upon the sacrificial altar of Judgement?'
Rovitomial grasps the Atheron Key tightly and answers 'Everything.'
He thrusts the key into his chest and falls limp to the ground.
He watches as the Atheron Key falls from his hand into the black pool of blood. There he hears a voice.
Xarsha says 'You are now where I once was, Rovitomial. You have laid everything upon the altar of Judgement.
Xarsha lifts Rovitomial's head and says 'Your greatest desires now shall be rewarded.'
Rovitomial says with dying breath 'I desire so much, but above all, I desire peace.'
A figure rises from the black pool. This is the Master of Judgement.
Atherak says 'Peace you shall have, Rovitomial.'
He places his hand on Rovitomial's head as he dies. He is transcended.
Atherak says 'Take him Xarsha. Bring him with us.'
Xarsha picks up Rovitomial and follows Atherak down the corridor.
Back above near the river of bones, Ashoweah has powered himself. Still, Ayvarahsa stands her ground looking at him with anger.
Ashoweah says 'No matter who you are or who your mother is. You die today little girl. And yes, you die alone.'
Ayvarahsa stares him in the eyes 'I am not alone.'
A looming presence and the sound of rattling bones come from behind Ashoweah and Vustik.
They turn to see a figure rising from the river of bones. It is Atherak. Black wings spread from his back. Coils launch from his hands and wrap around their necks. They are lifted high.
Ashoweah and Vustik start to wither and feel the pain. They try to fight back using all their energy.
Atherak says 'Ah, if it isn't my two favorite Aspects. That's right, struggle. The more you struggle the more pain I inflict.'
Ashoweah and Vustik feel the pain coursing through their bodies.
Atherak says 'You thought you knew it all. Here you are dwelling within my lands threatening to extinguish my light. You defile the reputation and honor of her mother who is dear to me. No more.'
The coils tighten around their necks.
Atherak says 'I could kill you now, but yet, I have much more judgement coming to you. So long have you both ran from your judgement. Now it faces you.'
The coils release. Ashoweah and Vustik fall through rifts back to their dwellings and hit the ground. Spiritually and physically they are drained. They came so close to destruction.
A voice speaks inside their heads 'Come again and try to take what is precious from me or corrupt it, see what happens.'
Upon the field of the borderlands, Ayvarahsa smiles.
Shaderell pleads on his knees 'Atherak, I was not part of this. I had no plans in harming her. I was simply going to get her and bring her back to Ashontrah. Look, I have no problems with this.'
Atherak says 'Oh Shaderell you little worm. Always scheming to play the right side.'
Shaderell says 'What side would I want to be on but the winning side?'
Atherak says 'That is true of you Shaderell. Always thinking of yourself. Here, let me give you something to think about.'
A rift opens up beneath Shaderell and he falls through. As he is falling he looks to his left and sees Mount Olympus.
There Apollo is humming a tune eating a golden apple. He sees Shaderell falling.
Shaderell yells 'Oh shit!'
Apollo scratches his head and goes back to eating the apple.
In the borderlands, Xarsha holds the dead body of Rovitomial. Ayvarahsa steps forward and touches him on the head.
Ayvarahsa says 'Thank you Rovi. You have done so much for me and for my mother. You are truly a good friend.'
She kisses Rovitomial on the forehead. Xarsha steps back and Rovitomial's body rises.
Strange black and pink coils come from Ayvarahsa. They pierce into Rovitomial's body. His eyes open and life flows back in.
The coils release and Rovitomial is gently lowered back to the ground. He takes a deep breath.
Atherak says 'It wasn't really your time yet, Rovitomial.'
Rovitomial replies 'I was in tranquility. It was peaceful. There was calm.'
Atherak says 'I gave you what you desired. Was it truly what you wanted?'
Rovitomial says 'Although it was pure bliss, I felt alone. I felt that there was no discovery. I longed to return.'
Atherak says 'Ah, always the adventurer Rovitomial.'
A strange object forms in Atherak's hand. It almost looks like the Atheron Key. Except it is not sharp-pointed, it is more round. It shimmers many colors.
Atherak gives it to Ayvarahsa. She walks over and hands it to Rovitomial.
Atherak says 'Come Ayvarahsa, your mother has made a city she wishes for you to see. She awaits you. We should see her.'
Ayvarahsa smiles with delight 'I cannot wait to see mother. I miss her.'
Rovitomial stands with the strange key in his hands.
Atherak says 'Now go Rovitomial, you have so much more to discover.'
Xarsha, Ayvarahsa, and Atherak leave.
Rovitomial looks down and says 'So much more to discover. So much more out there and so much more in here.' He looks at the key as it glows.
Rebirth of the Myrrdonites...
Flashback to February 14th.
Xaxo looks and stares at the face of Ayvarahsa. Power flows through her from the athranaak and she rises up in the air.
Black and pink coils come from her hands and wrap around the bodies of Mevinah, Thrax, and Dollo and float them into the air.
The coils then wrap around Xaxo. He can feel them close in around him. The coils then focus in around Xarsha. Ayvarahsa speaks in thothilssin.
First she raises Thrax. No longer shall he be plagued by madness. No longer will he be hunched over and run around on all fours. Thrax stands up straight. He is reformed standing tall.
Thrax says 'I have been reborn. My mind is clear. The madness has subsided.'
Next she focuses on Mevinah. Life flows back into him. She grants him the power to not only reshape the dead, but to reshape the living.
Ayvarahsa concentrates upon Dolloiandea. Where she was chaotic fire before Ayvarahsa also grants her chaotic ice. Dolloiandea reforms as both fire and ice. No longer mutilated. She looks at Ayvarahsa and smiles.
Ayvarahsa turns her attention to Xaxo. He stands and touches his face. It feels much different. He is also much stronger.
Ayvarahsa says 'I wanted to make you handsome again.'
Xaxo smiles and touches Ayva on the face 'Thank you little one.'
Ayvarahsa focuses on Xarsha. With the power flowing through her from the athranaak she reforms him. Xarsha stands and Ayvarahsa runs and hugs him.
Ayvarahsa says 'I would change you from what you are, but I know you wish to remain as you always have. Now through time you will walk, forward and backward. Welcome back my friend.'
Xarsha says 'It is good to see you little one.'
Ayvarahsa speaks to all of them 'I have remade you out of Love and Judgement. You are my friends. You sacrificed yourselves in order to protect me and my mother.
I have tried to repay you with what I have given you. These are not gifts from me alone but from my mother. Always remember as you are loyal to me you are loyal to her.'
The Myrrdonite surround Ayvarahsa and kneel before her. They pledge to sacrifice for the Love and Beauty of Ashontrah and the Judgement of Atherak, as well as for Ayvarahsa.
True Self Connection...