Ilriliana: Demi-Aspect of Asteria and Thoth

This true self past visions opens up. The Titan mother Rhea cries out in pain. The pregnancy has been hard, but birth seems to be even harder for her.
Asteria says to her 'He fights you.' Rhea cries out 'I wish him to stop fighting. Just be born my son.'
Thoth is standing at the side speaking deep chants. He is performing magic, ancient spells that will guard the child and protect him and make him strong.
Asteria says 'Come now, come on out little boy. Come out and see this world. See what you are born into. Cause your mother no more pain. Come to me.' She says to Rhea 'Now, push. Bring him into this world. Push!'
With a deep groan and one more push, Rhea births Zeus into this world. Asteria lifts him high up and then shows him to his mother. She asks 'What will you name him?'
Rhea replies 'In a dream, I have heard the name Zeus. I will call him Zeus.' She looks at Asteria and says 'Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to have the birth here.'
Asteria says 'It was my pleasure. After all, I did deliver his brother here.'
Hecate has been standing quietly by and she speaks 'Yes, now my son Hades has a brother. It is, however, a shame that they share the same father who cares nothing for them.'
Asteria laughs 'Does he still plan to consume them?' Hecate responds 'He has threatened that for a while. But you know Kronos and his moments of anger.'
Rhea is more relaxed, cuddling young Zeus in her arms. Thoth is speaking the final blessings. Asteria thinks to herself and speaks 'So many children are being born.'
Hecate replies 'Yes, we will need them to help populate Mount Olympus. Why do you not come there? You should come there with us. After all, you are a Titan. You should be amongst us.'
Asteria says 'Ah, I couldn't bear the construction noises. The clamoring of chisels and hammers all day long. No, no, no, no. I'm fine here.
Rhea then asks 'But don't you get lonely, here all alone?'
Asteria replies 'I have frequent visitors.' She smiles at Thoth. Rhea being preoccupied with her son does not notice this, however, Hecate does.
Hecate places her hand on Asteria's shoulder and says 'Yes, I see that you are in good company. But anytime that you wish to come to Olympus and see the progress that has been made there, my villa is yours.'
Asteria says 'Thank you, I will think about it and maybe I will take you up on that offer.'
Hecate replies 'Well, the child is born. We should take him home. Come, sister, I have my servants ready. They will carry you on the litter and we shall return to Mount Olympus.'
Hecate embraces Asteria and looks her in the eyes. Hecate whispers to her 'Please come and visit soon. I miss you so much.'
Litter bearers come in and carry out Rhea and her newborn son Zeus on the litter.
As she passes, Rhea says 'Thank you, mother.'
Asteria smiles and kisses Rhea on the head and says 'Take your son home. I shall come to visit soon.'
Hecate, Rhea, and the servants depart. Asteria begins to clean up her things and reorganize. Thoth is helping her.
Thoth then says 'You were correct in saying so many have been born. It is a joy, this existence is expanding. Many things here are not like they are in the other places that we know of.'
Asteria replies 'Yes, that is certainly true. That we know of. When will come the time Thoth, that we will share this with the others? What we know?
There are dangers out there. There are others. You know our siblings, you know what they are capable of. This place to them will be ripe for the picking. They will come here as they have in so many others. Conquer, suffering, everything that is...'
Asteria stops in mid-sentence and hangs her head. Her eyes almost glow silver as she begins to cry, but she holds them back.
Thoth walks up to face her, placing his arms around her. He says 'We're safe here. They won't come here.'
Asteria looks up into his eyes and asks 'And if they do?'
Thoth embraces her tighter and says 'Let us not think about that now. Let us focus on what is good. What is right. What is truthful.'
They hold each other for a moment in silence. Thoth feels Asteria's emotions and says 'I know you long for a child.'
Asteria reaches her hand down to her stomach, imagining it. She responds 'I do. A child of my own.'
They hold each other for a bit longer. Thoth then says 'I should be going now. But, are we still...?"
Asteria replies 'Yes, we are still having dinner tonight and our usual cup of tea.'
Thoth says 'Yes, I enjoy our occasional rendezvous. Not as much for the dinner that is served or the tea, but for the conversations we can have, you and I.'
Asteria says 'Reminiscing of times gone by. Places we've been and seen.'
Thoth replies 'Yes, reminiscing.' He then takes Asteria's hands in his and says 'You and I, we are here together. We are what we are. Truth and wisdom.
We have a chance now in this existence for truth and wisdom to be part of its expansion. As it grows, this place can be different. We can make it that way Asteria.'
Asteria looks up and smiles and says 'That we can. I will join you soon, I wish to rest for a little while.'
Thoth kisses her hand 'Then I shall see you soon. Rest well.'
Thoth departs and Asteria starts to finish organizing her things. She thinks a lot about what Thoth and she spoke about. Of the old existences, the time before, and where they are now.
She can feel the balance in this existence. Thoth is right, they can make a difference here. This place can be different. Not like the others, not like what's been done to them.
Asteria finishes organizing her things and takes the last few sips from her goblet of wine and lays down to rest.
Asteria dreams she is running through a labyrinth with high black walls. She is not who she is now, she is the little girl that she was. Behind her, she can hear cackling and scraping of claws against the stone.
The creature cackles 'Little Aspect, are you running away little Aspect? I can smell you. I can taste your fear.'
Asteria is weeping as she is running. She is frightened. She is turning every corner, trying to find her way out. She turns down a corner and runs into a dead end.
She hears the voice getting closer 'No way out now little Aspect. Soon, I will devour you!'
Terrifying memories of the savage gods come back to Asteria. The ones who destroyed her existence hunted her kind down and devoured them. Only her and another escaped.
As she huddles against the wall, she can see the savage god turn the corner. They look down upon her. She stands up, she is terrified. She feels hands upon her shoulders suddenly.
The voice of Ashoweah speaks 'There you are, little sister.'
She turns to peer up and sees a faceless being. Ashoweah says 'I found you. It is beautiful where you are. So young.... so ripe. This is where you've been hiding. Well, you can't hide anymore.'
Ashoweah looks down at her and Asteria's eyes light up with terror. She awakens from the dream. There is a deep panic within her core. She realizes she must see Thoth immediately.
Asteria grabs her cloak and staff and her shadows fall in around her. She tells them 'Stay here. I will need some of you to stay. This is more than a dream. There is someone, there is something coming.'
Some of the shadows break away. Her shadows swirl around her and she disappears. They appear in the library of Thoth swirling around. Thoth is sitting in a lounge chair.
There is another lounge chair opposite of him. In the middle is a fine tea set made of gold. He is pouring cups of tea, awaiting the arrival of Asteria.
Thoth looks up as he sees the shadows form, knowing that she has arrived. He smiles and stands up to greet her.
Asteria appears and he says 'I'm sorry that the dinner will be a little late. It is a soup that I have made from the fresh herbs of my own personal garden.'
Asteria says in a stern voice 'We don't have time for dinner right now.'
Thoth asks 'What is it, my love? Something troubles you? Please, sit.' He directs Asteria over to a chair. Her hands are shaking.
Thoth takes both her hands in his 'Something terrifies you. A dream.'
Asteria replies 'It is more than a dream. It is a premonition. He is coming, Thoth. Ashoweah is coming here. He knows we are here.'
Thoth removes his hands from hers and hands her some tea. He says 'Please, drink.'
Asteria responds 'I don't have time to sit here and drink tea. We have to find out for sure. If Ashoweah knows of this existence, he will come and he will...' She sighs 'You know what he will do.'
Thoth says 'Yes, I understand the urgency. But you know what this means.'
Asteria sets the cup down and says 'Yes, we'll have to go back.'
Thoth shakes his head and replies 'It's too dangerous.'
She stands up and in a strong stern voice says 'Dangerous? It doesn't matter the danger Thoth. If Ashoweah finds his way here and brings others with him, they will ravage and destroy this existence.
You've seen it before. I have. We are the living proof of the cruelty of Ashoweah. Of his malice. We must inform the others. We must let the ones who are here know. Our other brothers and sisters are gone.'
Thoth replies 'Sadness? Carrier? The Carrier doesn't even know who she is. We don't even know where she is. Happiness, he could care less. Love, Beauty, and Compassion... she is gone beneath the waters of the Eternal Sea.'
Asteria says 'And Father and Mother? We should at least let them know.'
Thoth turns to Asteria and says 'And what do you think Father would say? Us going back and finding out if it is Ashoweah's plans to come here. I know you Asteria, you will wish to stop him.'
Asteria approaches closer and takes his hands in hers 'You do know me well. And I know you. I choose to stop him, you will help me.'
Thoth replies 'Yes, but we cannot let Father know. The others are either gone or those who are like us Asteria, they may not remember. And to awaken them and place this on them would risk many. It would risk it all.'
Asteria says 'Then we stand alone.'
Thoth says 'No. I know one who can help us.'
Asteria says 'The Veil Keeper.'
Thoth responds 'Yes, he could take us there. The Veil Keeper has tracked the movements of Ashoweah and the Bishberrin. He will know where to find Ashoweah. But answer me this Asteria, when we do find him, how will we stop him?'
Asteria looks at him sternly and says 'You know how. We may not be able to destroy Ashoweah, but we can make him forget. And we will need that dagger to do so.'
Thoth replies 'You wish for us to use that on him? That means we will have to get close enough.'
Asteria says 'Yes that means we will.'
Thoth says to her 'So what is your plan? To just go before him, `Hey brother long time no see`?'
Asteria replies 'Precisely. We'll take him off guard. He will be surprised. He believes he can influence me through my dreams. Won't it shock him when I show up and present myself before him, standing tall?
I am no longer a child Thoth. I have grown, I have learned. I have remembered and I am not ready to run away in fear again.'
Thoth smiles at her and says 'You're right. It's time to stop running. Here we have a new beginning. It's time we let Ashoweah know that.'
Asteria embraces Thoth and kisses him. She says 'Go get the dagger. I will bring the Veil Keeper here.'
Thoth goes to retrieve the dagger of lost memories from deep down inside the library.
Asteria casts a shadow orb in her hands. She sends it through a small mist portal. The shadows that came with her gather around her. She sits back down in the chair. She picks up a cup of tea and tastes it. She is waiting for the Veil Keeper.
Thoth returns to find Asteria sitting in the chair. She places her teacup down after finishing it. She stands up and turns 'Hm, this is peculiar.' Just as she finishes the sentence a mist portal opens up.
Thoth says 'Yes, very peculiar.'
Asteria responds 'It appears the Veil Keeper wishes for us to come to him. Shall we now?' Thoth and Asteria enter the mist portal.
They exit out the other side into the Veil Mist. Asteria sighs and says 'This place. You can never tell where you are going.'
They hear a voice out in the distance, it is the Veil Keeper 'You don't have to travel far, I am here.'
They see a figure kind of crouching in the distance, he is smoking a long pipe.
Asteria approaches and says 'Veil Keeper, I have come-'
He cuts her off mid-sentence and says 'I know why you have come. It's all in your message Asteria. You two want to go find Ashoweah.'
Asteria replies 'Yes. There is something that we wish to speak to him about.'
The Veil Keeper stands up 'After so long, now you wish to speak to him. Was this your idea Thoth? Or was this hers? You bring upon yourself more than you can handle. I cannot permit this. You both should stay where you are. You're safe there. I've kept Ashoweah from where you are.'
Asteria gets angry and in a stern voice says 'And you have let him and the savage gods, along with others, pass through the Veil Mist into other existences. Conquering them and enslaving them.'
The Veil Keeper turns around and in an angry tone says 'But I have kept your little existence safe. Where you are.'
Thoth replies in a calm tone 'He knows we're there. He knows of it now.'
The Veil Keeper pauses for a moment. He says 'Look, there should be no concern. Ashoweah, he already has plans in another existence. As for the savage gods, Judgement wiped them out a long time ago. Only a few remain. One in particular. But he is more focused on following Ashoweah around. You really don't have much to fear.'
Thoth says 'You mean the Bishberrin? Above all savage gods, he is the worst. Bent on cruelty, savagery, butchery. He alone could tear this existence apart. But now you say that he is following Ashoweah around?'
Veil Keeper replies 'Hence why I am trying to talk you both out of this. Let it be. There are many existences, already much older than the one you currently inhabit. Ashoweah will go there. They are more ripe for the picking.'
Asteria says sternly 'No. There's something here he wants and we have to stop him.'
The Veil Keeper finally gives in and says 'I can take you to where he's going to be. There you're on your own.' He begins to stir mist around them. In a flash, they disappear.
When they reappear, they are on a shoreline at the edge of the Eternal Sea. The waters there shimmer a rose gold. Asteria reaches down and touches the water. She says 'The Eternal Sea radiates here.'
Asteria looks up at the Veil Keeper and says 'Are these the points Ashoweah has been coming through?'
The Veil Keeper responds 'Yes. He chose these points where the Eternal Sea touches the existences. I don't know why, but I have the sense that he is looking for something.'
Asteria says 'More the reason to do what we need to do.'
Veil Keeper replies 'Then I shall leave you both to it. Good luck.'
Thoth says to the Veil Keeper 'When we are finished, we can guarantee on you getting us back?'
Veil Keeper says 'Yes. I'll keep my word to you. When you are done, call upon me.' He creates a misty orb in his hand and tosses it to Thoth.
The Veil Keeper says 'I will come when you call.' He surrounds himself in mist and disappears.
Asteria and Thoth wait on the shoreline. The Eternal Sea waters are energetic, warm, and inviting. Asteria stands up and removes her clothing. She turns to Thoth and says 'Join me for a swim in the Eternal Sea.'
They both walk hand in hand into the Eternal Sea. They bathe and hold each other. When they return to the shoreline, they lay there in each other's arms.
Thoth says to her 'Of all that I have loved, all that I have cherished, I have cherished you the most.'
Asteria says to him 'And I cherish you.' They kiss and that night below the moon and make love.
They are awoken by the sounds of thunder off in the distance, across where the Eternal Sea connects. They see storm clouds gathering. Black lightning strikes through them.
Thoth and Asteria quickly prepare themselves. Thoth closes his hands and opens them again, producing a small bird that he sends up into the air. It flies out towards the storm.
Asteria says to him 'What do you see?'
Thoth is concentrating with his hand to his head 'They're coming through.'
Where the bird is flying over the storm, Ashoweah and his dark army along with others come through the mist upon the Eternal Sea.
Thoth notices there is a being standing next to Ashoweah, with a long bone like snout and jagged sharp teeth. This is one of the savage gods, the one he feared, the Bishberrin.
Thoth in a panic says to Asteria 'He has brought others with him.'
Asteria says to him 'We should wait until he is alone.' She begins speaking an incantation. She asks for her shadows to hide her and Thoth.
The shadows hide them as Ashoweah and his armies approach the shore. He stands upon the shore looking out over the existence they have arrived in.
The Bishberrin at his side cackles 'So fresh, I cannot wait to begin to devour the most powerful beings of this existence.'
Ashoweah says to the Bishberrin 'We will not spend long here, we will make a mark and a foothold. I have another place that is riper than this.'
The Bishberrin turns in anger and says to him 'The one place you talk about is new. Their beings are not yet fully in power. Why waste our time there when there is so much here to devour?'
Ashoweah responds 'You crave too much. But understand where we go next, there are more powerful beings there. There are Aspects there.'
The Bishberrin cackles 'Aspects... how I long to devour one.'
Ashoweah looks at him and says 'And devour you shall, but please. For the time being, enjoy yourself here. Gain a foothold for our return. Oh, and I have brought you some company.'
He turns and signals for someone to step forward. This is the conqueror Dehmont.
The Bishberrin sighs with lustful delight 'Dehmont, how good to see you. One so beautiful.'
Dehmont says 'Bishberrin, great conqueror. I am delighted that I shall be joining you on this campaign.'
Ashoweah says to them both 'Now go forth. Enjoy, indulge.' He whispers to the Bishberrin 'Stay and do not wander far. I will need you soon.'
He hands the Bishberrin something but Thoth and Asteria cannot see what it is.
The Bishberrin and Dehmont then lead the armies away. Thoth and Asteria stay cloaked in shadow for the time being as they watch Ashoweah walk up and down the shore. He touches the water every now and then with his hand and then continues walking.
Ashoweah takes a few steps and kneels down to where the tide is coming in as the water washes around his feet. He touches his hand again to the water, scooping a handful of it. He says 'Where are you Astartiana (Asherah)? Where are you hiding? Are you here? Are you beneath these waves?
Or have you found yourself a new place to be? It's no matter, I will find you. I know wherever you will go. Where the others have gone. I will find them too.'
This angers Asteria. She reveals herself and Thoth from the shadows. She says angrily 'No need to find us. We are here.' Thoth draws the dagger and him and Asteria make ready.
Ashoweah slowly rises. He says 'I knew you would come, Asteria. You've been dreaming lately. Have you gotten my message? Ah, foolish of me to ask. Of course you have. You are here. And I suppose you wish me to stay away from that nice little new home you all found?'
Asteria replies 'You wish to take what is not yours. As you've done with so many others. So many places you ruined. I won't let you ruin this one. Not this time. You will not spread your malice there.'
Ashoweah faces them 'And here you stand, ready to stop me. What is Truth? Everything that you think you are Asteria, you are what the existences could do without. And you, Thoth. Are you two a thing now? Do you think your love will save her? Let's see if you are ready to make that sacrifice.'
Ashoweah begins to power himself up. Asteria and Thoth make ready. She begins to cast her shadows, they surround Ashoweah attacking him. He breaks free from them, sending energy strikes towards Asteria. Shadow shields form around her. Thoth begins to attack with energy strikes of his own.
The fight is back and forth, neither gaining an advantage over the other. Thoth says to Asteria 'We must make one strike is all.' He tosses her the dagger.
Thoth says 'I will enable him. It will take everything I have.' He begins to speak incantations and powers up as Ashoweah is doing the same, but Thoth makes the first strike. Rays of golden energy strike forth from Thoth, blinding Ashoweah and knocking him back.
Ashoweah hits the ground. Before he gets back to his feet, he produces a small orb from his cloak.
Ashoweah says 'Time for reinforcement.' He crushes the orb in his hand.
Thoth is getting ready to attack again. He is weak but still has some energy left. Before he can do so, he hears a cackling.
Thoth is tackled and forced to the ground. The Bishberrin is above him 'I will devour you first! All your magic will be mine!'
Thoth and the Bishberrin struggle back and forth. Asteria notices her love in danger. She must carry on, she must make the one strike against Ashoweah. As she moves forward, she is confronted by Dehmont.
Dehmont laughs at her as Asteria casts shadow missiles. Dehmont deflects some of them with her sword, but one strikes her shoulder drawing blood. Dehmont licks her wound and says 'Is that all you got you little bitch?'
Dehmont then launches her attack against Asteria. She brings up shadow shields all around her to block Dehmont's strike. As Dehmont goes down to strike her, Asteria disappears into shadow mist. From behind Dehmont, Asteria reappears.
She begins to strike Dehmont with shadow energy. Dehmont is taken off guard, she cannot defend herself. Asteria opens up a black shadow portal behind her and Dehmont is pushed through.
Asteria grins and says 'That's what I've got, bitch.' She is then hit by a dark energy blast and knocked down.
Ashoweah hovers over her 'It's time to end you. You've been a thorn in my side too long. Now that I've found you, Truth will die.'
Thoth is still struggling with the Bishberrin. His eyes begin to light up with golden energy. He blasts the Bishberrin's face, singeing him. The Bishberrin rears back and shrieks.
Thoth concentrates the rest of his energy and blasts golden energy at Ashoweah, knocking him off balance into the ground. Thoth stands off against Ashoweah, they make ready to fight.
Asteria seizes the opportunity as Ashoweah's back is turned. With the dagger in hand, she makes her move toward him, casting a shadow portal and getting closer.
She is almost upon him when she is tackled by the Bishberrin and thrown to the ground. He is on top of her. He leans his face in closer and drools over her 'Little Aspect, now you are mine.'
In her left hand, Asteria begins to cast something. She speaks an incantation. From her cloak, shadow spears form.
They pierce into the Bishberrin. He lets go of her right hand, the one holding the dagger. She makes a strike at him. He grabs her hand before she can land a blow.
The Bishberrin shrieks 'Now you will die!' Forcing her hand, the dagger of lost memories slices the right side of the back of her head. Her eyes go white.
Thoth is in shock and screams out 'NO!' With the rest of his energy, he blasts the Bishberrin off of Asteria.
He sends blinding light at Ashoweah with his right hand. A field casts around Ashoweah, imprisoning him for a few moments.
Thoth runs to Asteria and collects her in his arms. He begins running.
He remembers the orb and concentrates on it. It floats up from a pouch. He speaks a few incantations and the orb flies forward and opens up a portal to the Veil Mist.
Ashoweah has broken through the field. The Bishberrin has regained himself 'They've escaped.'
Ashoweah picks up the dagger that is still laying there 'Yes, but I know where they have gone.' He looks at the dagger.
The Bishberrin says 'But they will warn the others of that existence. Will that be a problem?'
Ashoweah replies 'With this dagger, Asteria sealed her own fate. She will not remember anything. And Thoth will be all alone. He will try to hide everything, bide as much time as he can.
But I will come, and I will conquer that existence. I will find her there as I found Asteria and the others. That is where she will go. My little Astartiana (Asherah).'
Thoth has crossed through into the Veil Mist with Asteria. There the Veil Keeper is waiting. With a concerned look in his eyes, he rushes to Thoth. He looks down at the eyes of Asteria, which have gone completely white.
Thoth says to the Veil Keeper 'Quickly, to my library. Send me there.' The Veil Keeper opens a mist portal back to his library. Thoth steps through and calls out to Usula and Riovo.
They begin to do incantations to try and help Asteria. These take time. All this time, a child grows within her. Asteria is still unconscious when her child is born. A little girl.
Asteria lies in a coma-like state. All that time, Thoth stays at her side, cradling their little girl in his arms.
Until one day he has to make the decision. He knows that Ashoweah will come, he knows that any Aspects or Demi-Aspects will fall under his malice.
He decides to take the child. There is a tribe of water nymphs that he knows. Asteria has always been very fond of them, she has helped in some of their creation. Thoth takes their daughter there.
Thoth speaks an incantation changing her form into that of the water nymphs. She is given into the care of them.
Before he leaves, Thoth speaks to her 'One day child, one day you will know who you are.' He kisses her on the forehead and then leaves.
Back at the library, Thoth, Riovo, and Usula work tirelessly to try and revive Asteria. Slowly but surely, they begin to revive her. Thoth knows that a cut from the dagger of lost memories has caused her amnesia.
Thoth speaks her name to her. Asteria replies 'That is my name? I have such pain in my mind. I do not know who I am.'
This saddens Thoth, however, he does not try to explain the ordeal they went through. He figures it is better to keep her safe, better she forget.
Then maybe Ashoweah will forget, maybe he won't be able to connect to her and find his way here. Whatever he is seeking, it is to bring down everything and twist it to his own malice.
Thoth returns Asteria to the Titans. Unbeknownst to her, their daughter Ilriliana, born to her and Thoth...
Part Two....
Ilriliana runs down to the shores of the vast lake. Excitement and anticipation flow through her. She watches as more of the elder Limnades head out into the water, ready to make the long journey down the river from the lake into the open sea.
She is anticipating this journey for herself. She runs toward the water. As her feet touch the water, she hears a voice from behind her 'Liliana.' Liliana turns to see an elder Limnade.
The elder Limnade speaks and says 'You are still too young to make the journey. Now come away from the shore.'
Liliana looks out as the other Limnades begin to disappear from her sight in the waters. Her heart sinks in despair for she wishes to join them.
The elder Limnade joins her down by the shore and places her hands on Liliana's shoulders. She says to Liliana 'One day child, you will make the journey. But not today.'
Liliana replies 'But I was so excited Gova, I believe I can make it. I'm a very strong swimmer.'
Gova says 'I believe you are. But don't look so sad. For today, the fisherman comes, and you are old enough now to sit in with the other children and listen to his tales.'
A smile crosses Liliana's face. She is excited about this. The fisherman comes every so often up the river to the lake. He brings with him the tales and adventures of his journies.
Gova says to Liliana 'Come now, child.'
Liliana and Gova turn and walk down the banks of the lake. Off in the distance, there is a lagoon. In there, other young water nymphs are splashing around.
As they approach the lagoon, Liliana seems a bit discouraged. She has never really gotten along with the other Limnade children.
Gova places her hands on Liliana's shoulders once more and says 'Go now, try to make friends. The fisherman will come soon and will tell his tales. For now, go. Be with the other children.'
Liliana steps into the water and swims off toward the other children. The other young Limnades see her approach and swim the other way. They are quite unpleasant to her. They consider her a strange child.
Liliana notices them swimming off and decides to explore the lagoon by herself. She spends much of her time alone. Many other Limnades do not speak to her. Gova, who is her caretaker, seems to be the only one Liliana has to take comfort in.
Liliana explores the bottom of the lagoon. She picks up precious stones and shells off the lagoon floor. She hears a commotion in the water and senses something. She sees the other Limnades swimming fast above her. They seem excited.
Liliana swims up to join them. She sees the other young Limnades, they are ecstatic. There is a boat coming up the river towards the lagoon.
There is a tall old man with a big straw hat. He has fishing poles and is in a small grey boat. He is rowing and smoking a pipe. He seems to be humming a tune.
When the fisherman reaches the lagoon, he sets the oars inside the boat and stands up. Young and old Limnades have gathered. They wait patiently for the fisherman to greet them and begin his tales.
The old fisherman looks down and says 'Ah, I see there are many new faces that have gathered.' He focuses in on Liliana and smiles.
The fisherman says 'Well, I know what you have all come for. Stories. I have some new fascinating ones for you. Gather around.'
The Limnades gather around the boat in the water, their eyes full of wonder and anticipation for the fisherman's stories.
The fisherman scratches his beard and takes a puff from his pipe 'Hmm, now where to begin? Ah, you all know of the realm of the Nature folk. I've told you I've been there before, haven't I? Well, I was just there recently again and guess what I saw?'
The old fisherman begins to tell his tales of his journey through the rivers of Alfheim and all the strange new Nature folk that he has seen there.
He also says that he has passed through the grand river and witnessed the elves and other Nature folk gathering to build a grand kingdom.
He continues on with his tales as the sun sets and the stars begin to shine. For a while the Limnades stay silent, listening to the fisherman's stories and dreaming of the time that they too will make the great journey. From the lake, down the river, to the open sea.
When the fisherman is done he says 'I thank you all once again for gathering to listen to my tales. My travels are so lonely and it always feels like home when I come here and see all of you gathered to hear an old man's stories. I will return again. Until then, I wish you all well.'
The Limnades begin to swim away from the boat and back to the shore. Except for Liliana. All the while listening to his stories, she began to think 'He sees so many wonderful places, so many new and exciting things. And he says he's alone... maybe I can keep him company.'
Liliana swims to the back of the boat and climbs aboard. She sees a large brown sack. She opens it and finds that it has grain in it. She decides to crawl inside and conceal herself.
She decides it is best not to reveal herself to the fisherman until they are far from the lake, down the river, and out on the open sea.
As she waits in the sack, she can hear the distant voice of Gova calling her 'Liliana? Liliana, where are you?'
She hears the old fisherman cough and then she hears the sound of him placing the oars in the water. He begins to row. Liliana can feel the motion of the boat on the lake.
The old fisherman is humming a tune which makes Liliana's eyes heavy. She begins to fall asleep. She slips off into a dream.
She is awoken by the boat shaking violently. There is water on the inside. Everything is wet. She can feel the bag she is inside moving all around the boat. The bag goes tumbling across the bottom of the boat and crashes into one side.
Liliana can hear the cawing of ravens and the old fisherman speaking 'Hold on my friends, the water is getting choppy before we head into the mist. Hold tight, the waves are growing larger.'
Just then a wave crashes over the boat, capsizing it. The old fisherman and Liliana sink beneath the waves.
Liliana frees herself from the sack and begins swimming upwards. As she looks down in the water, she can see the old man. He is sinking.
She begins to worry. She swims down and tries to push the old man up, but he is too heavy.
She begins blowing many bubbles beneath the old man. They rise to the surface, pushing the old man up with them. Liliana swims up along with him.
When the old man reaches the surface, he is still unconscious. It seems that the waters are calm now. All around them is a mist. Liliana swims up next to the old man. He does not awake.
She sees two crows fly down. A black and a white one. They land on the chest of the old man. They begin pecking at his chest. The old man coughs out a bit of water.
The old man stammers a bit 'W-What happened?'
Liliana replies 'The boat turned over in the storm. There must've been a storm. The waters and the waves... I could feel them. But the storm is gone now and the waters are calm.'
The fisherman notices Liliana swimming next to him. He says to her 'The boat must've capsized and I went under. I felt myself floating.'
Liliana explains to him 'Yes, that was me. I had to blow bubbles in the water to raise you up. I didn't want you to drown or sink beneath the waves down to the bottom.'
The fisherman replies 'Then you have saved me. But one Limnade so small should not be all the way out here. You are not big enough yet to make the journey. How did you get out here?'
Liliana feels guilty and shyly tells him that she snuck aboard his boat, wishing to travel with him on his adventures.
The old fisherman who is now treading in the water says 'Oh, oh yes. My boat.'
He looks around and sees his boat off in the distance. It is capsized. He starts to swim over to it. The ravens follow him as well as Liliana.
The old man reaches the boat and turns to Liliana and says 'I'll be right back.' He breathes in deep and submerges himself beneath the water. He pushes the boat until it is right side up.
The fisherman climbs aboard, looks around and says 'Hm, everything is gone. Must've sunk to the bottom.' Liliana climbs aboard as well and the two ravens join them.
The old fisherman looks around into the mist and the waters. He scratches his beard and says 'Even worse, I don't know where we are.'
He reaches into his cloak and pulls out a small knife and two small pieces of wood. He begins carving. Liliana watches him for a while strangely.
When he is done carving, there are two small oars in his hands. The black raven caws at him and the old fisherman says 'Oh I know. I know they're small. But I'm not done yet. Give me a moment.'
He scratches his beard again. Liliana looks at him and raises her eyebrows. She is curious. The old man says 'What were the words... ah.' He speaks a few words and the oars begin to grow.
When they have reached a certain size, the old man smiles at Liliana and says 'Now that'll do.' He places the oars in the water. He stands up in the boat and looks around.
The old fisherman says 'Hm... well, my one sure task is to get you back home. Soon as I find out where we might be.'
Liliana responds 'I don't want to go home. I want to travel with you. I want to see all the fascinating places you have been. I want to see this Alfheim and these shores of Olympus and these other places.
Please let me stay. The other Limnades, they're not as kind to me. Only Gova. And I know she may be worried, but I'll come back one day and she'll know that I was with you. That I was safe.'
The old man stares down at her 'Hmm, not all places are safe like your lake. Some of the places I travel, there is danger.'
Liliana looks at the old man with big eyes and says 'I'll be careful. I won't get in any danger. I promise. Please, just let me travel with you for a little while and then I can go home.'
The old man grins and strokes his beard with a sigh 'Well, I'm not planning on going any place too dangerous. Just planning to do some fishing. Off the shores here, maybe a lake over there. I guess you could come with me for a while.'
Liliana is overjoyed. She says 'Thank you, thank you.'
The old man and her sit back down. He licks his finger and lifts it into the air to catch the wind. He says 'Ah, east.' He turns the boat and begins rowing.
They row for a while and the old man is smoking his pipe and humming a song. The two ravens sit on the front of the boat. Liliana is quietly listening to the old man. His melody that he hums is very soothing and calming.
Around them, the mist begins to clear and the waters are calm. There are stars all over.
The old man tells Liliana 'You should sleep soon. Tomorrow we will be on the shores of Olympus.'
Liliana is excited. Gova has told her the tales of such places and hearing the old fisherman's stories as well. She drifts off to sleep to the melody of the old fisherman's song.
Liliana is awakened by the sound of seagulls flying all around. She looks up and sees that the old man is still rowing. He looks down on her and smiles 'Good morning little one.'
Liliana stretches her arms and rubs her eyes. Off in the distance, she can see a grand mountain stretching all the way up into the clouds. She asks with a small but excited voice 'Is that Olympus?'
The old fisherman responds "Oh why yes. There is good fishing right off the shores there. And the Titans who dwell here and their Olympian children are quite friendly and always welcoming. Listen.'
Liliana listens and hears the sounds of children and laughter. The old man says 'Ah, I think they've spotted my boat. They've come to greet me.'
Liliana asks him 'Do you tell them the same stories that you tell the Limnades?'
The old fisherman says 'Only if they ask. They're much more curious usually of what I bring. Unfortunately, all of it sank. They're going to be quite disappointed.'
Liliana and the old fisherman row closer to the sounds of children. The children shout greetings at him.
There are only two boys, one a little older than the other. They rush out into the water and help bring the old man's boat ashore.
Once they pull it up on the shore the oldest of the two boys says 'Wise old fisherman, you've come back. Did you bring us anything?'
The old fisherman says 'I am sorry Hades. I did have something for you and your brother Zeus here, but there was a bad storm and my boat capsized. I almost drowned if it wasn't for this nymph here. This Limnade.'
Both of the boys focus on Liliana. She is quite shy. Other children have always been somewhat cruel to her. She expects no less from these children.
Hades says to his brother Zeus 'Wow, a lake nymph.' Both the young boys stare at her for a moment. Liliana begins to feel uncomfortable.
Liliana's heart is overwhelmed when the youngest boy says 'She's beautiful.'
She replies to him 'My name is Liliana. What are yours?'
The eldest boy says 'I am Hades and this is my brother Zeus.'
The old fisherman says 'Well boys, I will need your help.' Hades and Zeus look at him.
Zeus asks 'How can we help you?'
The old fisherman reaches into his robe and pulls out a small brown sack. He shakes it and something jangles around inside.
He places it in Zeus' hand and says 'I need a couple things, like fishing poles and stuff. I've only come here recently to fish and to bring you the gifts that I brought for you and your brother. But they sunk beneath the waves.
Instead, take this treasure here and have three fishing poles made and we shall fish together. I will tell you the tales and sights that I have seen.'
Zeus and Hades are delighted with this. Hades says 'We will find the best fishing poles there are and will hurry right back.'
Zeus turns to look at Liliana and says to the old fisherman 'Can we take her with us? I would like to show her to my mother.'
The old man scratches his beard and says 'Oh I suppose.'
Liliana is excited. Zeus reaches out his hand and Liliana's small hand fits in his. He helps her down off the boat. Zeus and Hades take her up to Mount Olympus.
It is a fascinating beautiful place to Liliana. She meets Zeus' mother, Rhea. She is a very kind Titan. They stay there for a moment and have a bit to eat, while Hades goes out and gets the fishing poles.
Hades returns and the three make their way back down to the old fisherman. They climb aboard his boat and he rows out a little bit in the distance. They cast their lines into the water and begin to fish.
Zeus catches a small fish. Hades, unfortunately, catches nothing. As for the old fisherman, he sits there waiting patiently with his line in the water.
Liliana dives off the boat and swims around in the water. She says 'I can help you catch fish. I can scare them up to you. Then all you have to do is reach over the side.'
The old fisherman scratches his beard and says 'Fishing without fishing poles? How will we catch them?'
Liliana responds 'Just grab them with your hands. I'll scare them up.' Hades and Zeus smile at each other and then at Liliana.
Zeus says 'I will catch the most of them. You'll see.'
Liliana finds a school of fish and begins to swim back and forth in a frantic motion to scare them up toward the boat. The fish come to the surface.
The fisherman, Zeus, and Hades reach down into the water trying to grab the fish. Zeus catches two and Hades catches a very large one.
The fisherman catches a small one and it tries to wiggle out of his hand. He falls back into the boat and it rocks a bit. Liliana is at the surface and has seen everything that happened.
When the fisherman falls over, Zeus, Hades, and Liliana all laugh. The old man laughs too. The sun has begun to set. The four of them go back to the shore.
Zeus and Hades depart from the boat. The old man says 'I will come again and see you all soon.' Hades and Zeus bow.
Hades says 'And we will be waiting. Come, little brother.' They turn to leave but Zeus stops and turns back around.
Zeus reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a small ring. It is golden and has several jewels embedded in it. He hands it to Liliana.
Zeus says 'Here, I want you to have this. Something to remember me by.'
Liliana is taken by how beautiful the ring is and the gesture by the young boy Zeus. He is so kind. This warms her heart.
A tear forms in her eye. She looks at him and says 'Thank you, you are the kindest boy I've ever met.'
Zeus smiles and bows. He turns to catch up with his brother Hades walking up the mountain to Olympus.
The old man looks at Liliana and says 'Well, it's time we should go.'
They begin rowing back out to the sea. After a while, they come to the mist again. The old man stands up and licks his finger again. He raises it into the air to catch the wind.
He stands there for a moment and then says 'Huh, northeast.' He sits back down and turns the boat and begins to row.
Liliana asks 'Where are we going next?'
The old fisherman replies 'Well I wanted to go back to Alfheim, but I heard there's great ice fishing in a place called Jotunheim.'
Liliana says 'Where is Jotunheim?'
The old fisherman says 'It is a place of great mountains. There are giants who live there and huge elementals. There are others, small ones that are dwarves.'
Liliana is fascinated by this. She begins to ask the old fisherman of other places. He tells her of tales of different realms, places that he has been. He goes on for a while until Liliana grows tired. She falls asleep listening to his tales.
Liliana awakens. Something has fallen on her nose. It feels like melting water. She opens her eyes and notices that the fisherman has covered her with some of his robes. All around her, there is little white flakes falling from the sky.
She opens up her hand and watches one of the flakes fall into it and begin to melt into water.
She asks the old fisherman 'What is this water that comes from the sky? It's fluffy but then turns into drops.'
The old fisherman responds 'This is snow. We are in Jotunheim.'
Liliana notices the fisherman has his pole line in the water. She also notices that it is cold. She says 'It is so cold here.'
The old fisherman says 'Yes, Jotunheim is a land of mostly snow and ice. Great mountains.' He points out in the distance and Liliana can see great mountains rising up.
The old man gets a snag on his line. He says 'Hm, I got something.'
He begins to pull but there is a struggle. The old man seems worried. As he continues pulling, something arises from the water. The boat rocks a little bit. The old man and Liliana look up.
Towering above them is an ice elemental. The old man says 'Please, I meant no harm and no trespassing. I only came to fish.'
The elemental leans over the boat. Ice and snow are falling from him. He seems to be upset.
The old fisherman says 'Please. Do not cast us here into the freezing waters of the Jotunheim sea. The little one, it is much too cold for her.'
The ice elemental turns his attention towards Liliana. He looks down on her. So small but yet so fascinating. The ice elemental seems to smile. He makes a deep groan sound and he stands back up straight.
He submerges beneath the water again. The old fisherman looks over at Liliana and strokes his beard 'Hm, he must like you.'
Liliana and the old fisherman spend some time fishing on the sea of Jotunheim. He then rows closer to the shore along the coastline. Liliana can see the towering mountains. Off in the distance, there is a small fishermen village near the shore with short stocky type beings with long beards.
As the old man passes he waves and the dwarves wave back. The old man rows the boat back out to sea to where the mist meets. They pass into the mist.
For some time Liliana travels with the fisherman. To different places. Up the rivers of Alfheim, where she gazed in marvel at the large tree that towered up to the sky. The one the old fisherman called the Great Tree of Alfheim.
She sees many Nature folk along the shore. Elves and even little folk like her. She was amazed at these smaller creatures. They reminded her of the dwarves but much smaller.
She asks the old fisherman 'Who are they? What are they?'
The old fisherman replies 'They are gnomes. They tend to the trees and the plants. They are caretakers of them.'
This fascinates Liliana. Her and the old fisherman travel to different realms, where she meets other types of nymphs. Fire ones, ice ones, even ones that are plant-like.
They travel far and wide. Liliana has seen many of the places that the old man has spoken of in his stories.
The time comes when the old man says 'You have seen much and traveled with me. You have kept me company. But now is the time that we return you home.'
They row through the mist and to a sea. This is familiar to her. They row to the coast and up a river. Liliana gets the sense that she is home. They row onto the lake. Many Limnades have come out to greet them.
Liliana sees Gova. With a worried look on her face, Gova cries out 'Liliana! There you are.'
The old fisherman says 'She has been with me the whole time. She helped me. If it wasn't for her I would've sunk beneath the sea. We have traveled far and wide.'
All the other Limnades turn their attention toward Liliana with fascination. They look at her different now. It is not strange, but more with pride. She is one of them who has traveled far and wide with the old fisherman.
The fisherman turns to Liliana and says 'You are home now. Thank you for coming with me. I hope that all your curiosity has been filled. Maybe one day when you grow older, we may travel again together. Goodbye Ilriliana. That's what I shall call you.'
He picks Ilriliana up and places her into the water with the other Limnades who have gathered around her in excitement.
She looks up at the old fisherman and smiles. Ilriliana says to him 'Goodbye, old fisherman. I never got your name.'
The old fisherman smiles at down at her as he takes the oars 'You can call me Father. Everyone calls me Father.'
He then rows off across the lake and down the river, back out to sea.
At night, Ilriliana rests. She dreams of the places that she has seen and been. She will grow now among the Limnades and the nymphs. They will look to her with wisdom. When the day comes, she will travel. Across the lake, down the river, and out to sea.
True Self Connection...