Kailia: Demi-Aspect of Usula and Eternal Death

The true self past vision opens up somewhere inside the 3rd existence upon a world. There is a lone tower and village with a wall surrounding it.
Outside of the wall, the bone army of Eternal Death lay siege. They scale the wall, killing the defenders and those who dwell within the walls.
Inside the tower, a scribe is speaking to Usula 'Wise one, we must go now. We must escape. Eternal Death comes.'
Usula is gathering knowledge and wisdom that she has kept. It is knowledge of the 3rd existence. She has gathered it and is placing it into orbs. There is a sudden crash and the tower shakes.
The outer wall has given away and Eternal Death's army has broken through. They flood into the town below, slaughtering all. Eternal Death is floating in mid-air. He enters into the small town and makes his way toward the tower.
The defenders begin fleeing but they are cut down by Eternal Death's army. Eternal Death shatters the door that leads into the tower. He begins to make his way up.
Usula and a few scribes are making ready to leave. The scribes begin speaking an incantation to open a portal. Usula is gathering the rest of the knowledge into the orbs. They start to flee toward the portal. Eternal Death enters the room in the high tower.
With a movement of his hand, he says 'You will not escape me.' The portal closes. Coils come from Eternal Death's hand and pierce the scribes, burning them to ash.
He says 'I have come for the knowledge you have. I have come for you.' Usula looks on in fear as Eternal Death takes her from the tower.
He takes her to a fortress that he has on a desolate planet in the 3rd existence. He treats her well but he is draining knowledge from her.
Then the time comes when he takes her completely. This is the conception moment for Kailia.
After that time, Eternal Death leaves does not return. Inside Usula, something is growing. It is a child who would be a demi-aspect of her and Eternal Death.
The pregnancy is excruciating. She is held captive within this fortress. One of the bone creatures who is the general of Eternal Death keeps her imprisoned.
Usula gives birth to the child eventually. She is a young baby girl with wings. Her skin is a dark deep purple. Two small horns protruding from her head.
The bone general Mierkray takes the child into his arms and breaks off the horns. He cauterizes the small wounds. She shrieks in pain. He says 'These will be enough. The Master only wishes for pieces of her.'
One of the servants of Eternal Death asks Mierkray 'Another child?' He responds 'The child is no use to us. The Master has no need for her. Kill her.'
Usula cries out 'Please, please let her live. You have taken all from me, even her. You have snatched her from my arms. Please let her live. Tell your Master, in exchange for this, I will grant him the knowledge of the ancient library.'
Mierkray knows of Eternal Death's desire to know the knowledge of the ancient library. He responds 'Very well.' He turns to the servant and hands the child over and says 'Give her to the slavers.'
She is taken away from the fortress where her mother is being kept. She is sold to the slavers. They keep her for some time and let her grow a little. She is a young child of about 5 in Midgard years.
In all of her years, all she has seen is anguish and suffering. She was kept locked inside a small cage and barely fed enough to be kept alive. She does not have a name yet.
There comes a time when she is taken by the slavers and sold. She is given as a gift to a high slaver known as Gorvag. She is a gift for his young daughter Kammakay. Gorvag gives young Kailia to Kammakay and says 'Look what daddy got you. I've never seen one like this.'
Kammakay takes the cage and looks at it. Inside young Kailia pushes into the back wall in fear looking at the strange large four-armed being. Kammakay says 'She's not pretty! I don't really like her. I'm going to call her Stupid.'
Gorvag responds 'Take her and put her over with the rest of your pets.' Kammakay drags the cage off with young Kailia inside.
She takes it into a large chamber where there are other cages with young small beings. Kailia notices a stench as she passes some of the cages. Some of the young beings have expired.
Kammakay tosses the cage with Kailia into a corner and says 'You're going to be no fun. You can live over there next to the smelly ones!'
A slaver enters the room and speaks to Kammakay. She responds to him 'Make sure all my pets arrive there safely or else I'll have my daddy kill you. Or worse, be sold off!'
The slaver who looks like a large ape-like creature with silver fur begins to gather up the cages. Kailia is loaded aboard a craft with many of the other young beings that are locked in cages. The cargo bay is dark and many of the young beings are weeping.
They travel for a while and Kailia sleeps off and on and hungers. The craft begins to shake suddenly. There are sounds of shouting above in the upper decks. It sounds like fighting. Kailia listens for a while and the sounds of battle die down.
The craft sets down on a distant world. The cargo bay opens. The young beings tremble within their cages. Cloaked and hooded beings enter the cargo bay.
The one who is leading the group is Paravahn. He looks around and says 'Set them free. Quickly. And bring them food.'
Kailia and the others are released from the cages by these beings who have liberated them. They are taken off the craft and loaded onto another one. There they are given comfortable beds. They are warm and well-fed. Kailia feels safe for the first time in her life.
She awakes on the craft from a dream. She heads out to the main area of the craft. She recognizes Paravahn as the leader of the group who rescued them from the slavers. She walks up to him as Paravahn looks down. She smiles and wraps her arms around his leg and hugs him.
Paravahn reaches down to return the gesture and says 'What is your name little one?' She looks up with a disappointed look on her face and says 'Have no name.' Paravahn replies 'So you are Kailia then.'
She asks 'What is Kailia? I think it sounds very nice, whatever it means.'
Paravahn responds 'Kailia means one who is without a home. I shall call you that. For you are like many of us, ones without a home. Would you like that? Kailia?'
She smiles at him and says 'Yes, I would like that.'
Kailia is taken to a safe world in the 3rd existence where many refugees from other worlds have gathered. Those whose homeworlds have been taken by the slavers and Eternal Death.
Paravahn tells Kailia that the guardians and the divine that watched over them are gone and will never return. He spoke of a time of judgement.
Paravahn seemed saddened by this. He says 'Judgement ended before all the evil was punished and there are those who still suffer.'
Kailia responds 'I want to find others like me. I wonder if this is what happened to my people.'
Paravahn says 'One day we shall all find out. One day we will all know the truth. Until then, you are safe here. You can grow up, you can learn. This is your home now Kailia.'
She spends many years there growing and learning, training as a warrior and a fighter. Always remembering the cruelty of the slavers. She vowed one day to return and take vengeance on them and free everyone who was ever bonded in slavery.
Paravahn was her mentor and teacher and almost a father figure. She grew and trained and in her early teens, she went with Paravahn and the other liberators on raids to attack slaver transports and free slaves. This gave her a sense of excitement.
However in the back of her mind with every face she saw, every different being, she never saw another one like her. She wondered if her mother and father or brothers and sisters were out there. This question always remained on young Kailia's mind.
Kailia travels with Paravahn and some of the other liberators on several missions. It becomes more and more apparent to Paravahn that Kailia takes great pleasure in killing slavers. Even those who wish to surrender end up dead at her hand.
He has tried to speak to Kailia about it many times but it only frustrates her. She is about 16 or 17 in Midgard years around this time. She is angered by Paravahn's words and speaks harshly to him.
On a recent mission they went on, even though the pilots were not slavers themselves, Kailia killed them. She snapped at Paravahn saying 'What does it matter? They are part of the problem. They chose to fly, they knew this. They could fly our crafts for us, be our pilots. But instead they are blinded by greed and work for the slavers. They deserve to die.'
Paravahn replies to her 'You have much to learn young Kailia. This is not our way, to be like them. To kill without mercy. So many other planets and other realms have had to come to terms with the slavers to protect their own people. This you must try to understand.'
Kailia says 'Yes teacher, I have seen these ones who have given in. They will sell off their own children if the slavers wish them to. They are no better. How can you say that they are innocent when they are part of all this?'
Paravahn hangs his head 'One day you will understand.'
Kailia responds 'I have understood enough. I have seen the cruelty of the slavers. When did you become so weak to them? You have seen countless times their cruelty. And now you wish to spare those who support them?'
She grabs her things and says 'I'll speak to you about this another time teacher. Right now I must go on the mission with Darhwah.'
Paravahn responds 'I wish you would take some time to try the meditations I taught you when you were younger. Remember them. You were more balanced, not so full of anger.'
Kailia replies 'I am stronger now. I do not need those meditations.' She grabs her weapons and heads off to find Darhwah.
Darhwah has worked with the liberators for some time. He is a large slender being with bat-like wings and pointed ears like an elf. His face is elongated and he has large yellow eyes and very sharp teeth.
Kailia and Darhwah are great friends. She admires Darhwah. They both share the same bloodlust of killing slavers and those who support them.
They both head out on a mission with a small crew of liberators. They are going to raid a small plantation on a planet where key minerals are extracted. Here the family has many slaves.
The strange family are beings that seem to have an eyeball for a head. They are like the emissary that the slaver Yarkin had.
As Kailia and Darhwah approach the plantation, they can see the slaves are working. They notice the lack of overseers. Usually a plantation this big would have overseers to keep the slaves in line. They see an eyeball being guiding the slaves.
As they approach, the one slaver overseer looks up as well as the slaves. The ship lands. Darhwah and Kailia and the small crew make their way out of the ship.
The overseer walks up and greets them 'Welcome weary travelers. Welcome to our home. I am Nik nok Nakguri. I am the overseer for the family here.'
Darhwah draws an energy weapon and says 'Overseer, huh? Well see this.' He blasts the overseer right in the eyeball head and it explodes. The slaves look around in a panic and begin to run towards the main villa.
Kailia tries to calm some of them, but they run past in terror. She says to Darhwah 'Maybe they believe we are marauders trying to round them up to re-sell them.'
The slaves make their way into a villa where three other eyeball beings appear. They see the slaves run up to them and the slaves start speaking. The tallest eyeball being responds to the slaves and the slaves go inside.
The two other eyeball beings appear to be a child and a parent. The tall eyeball being approaches Darhwah and Kailia. He raises his hand as if to make a friendly gesture.
Kailia dashes forth and draws her dagger, cutting off the eyeball being's hand and then stabs him right in the eyeball. The other two eyeball beings begin to flee.
Darhwah follows them into the villa where an energy blast comes from the door striking through his chest. He falls to the ground dead.
The young eyeball being is holding some kind of energy weapon. Kailia sees this and draws her own, shooting the two eyeball beings to death.
Kailia then calls out 'We have come to liberate you from bondage and slavery. Your days of cruelty are now over. Breathe free!' She then walks up to Darhwah where he is laying dead.
Kailia looks down on him and says 'I will miss you old friend, but now your time in this is over. May you be at peace.'
The slaves look around in confusion, some of them are weeping over the dead eyeball beings.
Kailia finds this strange but she figures that the slaves can make their own way. She boards Darhwah's ship. Just before they take off, they notice that another ship has come. It is another liberator ship. Kailia hears through her communications that it is Paravahn.
He commands Kailia to meet him outside to assess the situation. When he does, he walks the grounds of the villa and notices the four dead beings.
Paravahn speaks to the slaves. The slaves confirm that they were indeed slaves to these beings but life there was not hard. They were treated very well, never beaten or starved.
They were taken care of. When any slave was injured their master would spend as much of his wealth as he could to help them. The slave master here was known among the slaves as a kind one. One that every slave wished to be sold to because of the family's kindness.
When Paravahn has heard the whole story, he turns to Kailia and says 'And you murdered them.' Kailia replies 'They were still slavers. It doesn't matter.'
Paravahn steps forward to her face-to-face and says 'I can no longer have you with me. Go. Take Darhwah's ship, but none will go with you. This is not our way. Be on your own.'
Kailia looks defiantly back at Paravahn and says 'Then I shall. I shall be stronger than you Teacher and I will bring the slavers to their knees. At every turn, I will hunt them down and destroy them.'
She boards Darhwah's ship and leaves the world. She heads out to another realm within the 7th existence. She crosses into the veil mist into other existences.
One day in a lonely world, there is a tavern. A being approaches her as she sits at the bar having a drink. He introduces himself as Stradith. He makes her an offer to join up with him as a bounty hunter.
Although she is still quite young in her teenage years, she has seen much and is an efficient killer. Kailia agrees to join up with Stradith to make her way and wealth in the bounty hunting trade.
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