The Epic of Tulkas Chapter One

This is the story of Tulkas in the form of Kaltalk. He is humanoid and looks a lot like an elf with elongated ears. His eyes glow green. His hair is black with a long black beard. His skin has a red hue.
This true self past vision takes place long ago. It is during the time of the expansion of the slavers guild along with Ashoweah and his minion, the Bishberrin.
These are very dark times. The realms and existences that do not bow to the will of the conquerors are absorbed and destroyed. Their populations killed or sold into slavery.
Throughout the existences, there is despair and suffering. Hope, Love, and all that is pure seems to have vanished from these places.
For a moment a small light seems to shine. It is the form of the most unlikely of allies.
Gushvar is an Arniyx who sits upon the high board of the slavers guild but deep inside he has disgust for slavery.
As time goes by, Gushvar slowly plans and makes preparations for what he has in store to bring down the slavers guild as well as stop the expansion of Ashoweah and the Bishberrin.
Gushvar has searched far and wide and knows the legends of the Aspects. He looked for two of them to call his champions. Those who would be the face of his cause.
He found them both... Kaltalk who is Tulkas and Xaxiaro who is Mono Baphomet. They themselves have already been fighting against the expansion of Ashoweah, Bishberrin, and the slavers guild.
However, they remained alone. It was Gushvar that brought them together. He secretly told them of his cause and what he planned. He would need them.
Gushvar believed in both of them. That their deeds and actions would inspire others to rise up against the forces which have brought them so much despair and destruction.
The time came for Gushvar's slave revolt. He purchased many slaves and secretly trained them, building their confidence. All of this unnoticed by Ashoweah and the slavers guild.
The revolt was led on the world of the Arniyx. This sent the slavers board fleeing from their own homes. Gushvar claims a great victory with Kaltalk and Mono standing at his side.
Many slaves rise up as word spreads throughout the realms and existences about Gushvar and the two Aspect Champions.
The vision shows Ashoweah standing in front of the slavers board.
A female slaver speaks 'Ashoweah, this problem has gone beyond our control. Even beyond yours. There is word now of other realms rising up. Several realms have stopped paying tribute and sending troops.'
A male slaver speaks 'How will we resupply our armies if we do not have tribute from the conquered realms and existences? We leave this upon you Ashoweah.
It was you who first supported Gushvar. We entrusted you to bring this to an end. At every turn, Gushvar's champions have defeated your monstrosities and armies.'
The headmaster of the slaver's board says 'This cannot be tolerated. We wish to return to our homeworld. You promised this to us. Yet you have failed.
We are tired of your failure. We will no longer support you Ashoweah or provide you with any armies for conquest and expansion.'
Ashoweah says 'Then what will you do when you negotiate with Gushvar? Will you come to some kind of settlement?
You sit here with your foul fat selves. You complain, cry, and whine like the cowards you are. Without me, Gushvar would already have your heads.
Here you bring me before you, to look down on me and scold me like I am one of your children, your little bastard offspring. I will show you the true power of my malice.'
Ashoweah concentrates dark energy on the head of the board member who spoke down to him. It pours from Ashoweah's hand into him. The board member rises up and floats toward Ashoweah.
With his other hand, Ashoweah thrusts it through the main board member's chest and pulls out his core. He crushes it and the body withers. The other board members look at Ashoweah with fear.
Ashoweah calmly walks around the body of the headmaster of the slavers board and says 'Now, here is how we will deal with the little problem of this rebellion. I set in place a final assault upon your homeworld.
Gushvar shall be there, this I know. I will bring the full force of my monstrosities upon him. In fact, I will bring myself and face this Gushvar. I will not kill him, I will grant you the laws of your kind and you shall deal with him yourselves.'
A board member says 'What about his champions? They will surely destroy you.'
Dark energy flows from Ashoweah's hands as he strikes down another board member. Pulling his core from where he is seated and crushing it.
Another board member stands up 'Please Lord Ashoweah, he was a fool to question your power. I fully support your plan and will give you all my forces. I believe that you shall bring us victory. I totally commit myself and my armies to you.'
Ashoweah says 'Good. The slavers guild is in need of a new headmaster. Gorvag, since your undying loyalty to me has been made presently clear you will be the headmaster. As for Kaltalk and Mono, I have one who shall deal with them.'
An overwhelming powerful presence enters the room and cackling is heard. This being is known to all and strikes fear in the slavers guild. He is the Bishberrin, the savage one.
The Bishberrin cackles 'I long to feed upon the Aspects of Strength and Conquest. They will not stand a chance against me. I have already begun my plan for their demise.'
A slaver asks in a meek frightened voice 'How will you lure them away from Gushvar?'
The Bishberrin cackles 'Leave it to me. There is a certain library where a few of the other Aspects like to hide. I will go there and ravage the place. Surely Kaltalk and Xaxiaro will come to defend it. I will take them somewhere and devour them.'
Ashoweah says 'This is the beginning of the end for this little rebellion. It will die like all those who support it.'
Everyone laughs in agreement. This plan seems fool-proof. With their combined strength the rebellion will fall.
On the homeworld of the Arniyx, Kaltalk who is Tulkas and Xaxiaro who is Mono Baphomet are sitting with Gushvar. They are conversing and enjoying each other's company.
Gushvar says 'You two bring me victory after victory. I could not do this without you. I am forever grateful.'
Kaltalk says 'The credit is not all ours. It was you who planned all this time. You prepared to put yourself and family in danger. You sacrifice much including your family.'
Gushvar says 'Yes they were a sacrifice.' His family was taken and killed. He is all alone now.
Mono says 'But your sacrifice restored hope in so many. We are so close now to bringing this to an end.'
Gushvar smiles 'We are very close now. All is prepared. We found where the slavers board is hiding. We will deal with them first then on to Ashoweah and the Bishberrin. I hope the other Aspects have been aiding us well and have found a way we can bring these two down.'
Kaltalk says 'They are very hard at work in the Great Library. They will find a way. We will end all the pain, suffering, devastation, and destruction that Ashoweah, the Bishberrin, and the slavers guild have brought.'
Gushvar uncorks a bottle of wine and says 'Then let us have a drink, my friends. To hope of the future.' He pours them each a goblet of wine. They toast and drink.
Just then a messenger arrives. He comes forth and bows. Kaltalk, Mono, and Gushvar arise. Mono can sense urgent distress.
The messenger says 'Mighty champions, I bring an urgent message. The Bishberrin made his way to the Great Library. He plans to destroy it. I send a message from Thoth, Riovo, and Usula themselves. We need you.'
Kaltalk with a worried look upon his face says 'We must go. We cannot let the Bishberrin destroy the Great Library or the other Aspects. We must go there now.'
Gushvar says 'Then I shall go with you.'
Kaltalk says 'No. You must make ready and attack the slavers guild. Maybe with a chance, with five Aspects, we can subdue and bring down the Bishberrin. If you bring down the slavers board then only Ashoweah remains.'
Gushvar says 'Then I will see to it.' He places his hands on the shoulders of Kaltalk and Mono. 'Good luck my champions. May the fate of all of us be with you.'
Kaltalk and Mono bow and leave through a portal with the messenger to go to the Great Library.
Gushvar calls to one of his generals 'Are the preparations made for the final battle to end slavery?'
General says 'Yes commander.'
Just then Gushvar notices something going on in the sky. It grows dark. He looks for a moment and says 'This is strange. What is happening?'
As Kaltalk and Mono come out of the portal, the messenger is struck down.
The Bishberrin cackles with his hand placed around the throat of Usula. Behind him, Riovo is on the floor unconscious.
Thoth is wounded and battered. He calls out 'Stand back! He is too powerful.'
Bishberrin cackles as he squeezes Usula's throat 'I knew you would come little Aspects.'
Mono says 'We have come. Let her go.'
Kaltalk says 'Face us, you coward. This time we will bring you down and end your savagery.'
Mono calls out to Thoth 'Regain yourself brother! We will need you.'
The Bishberrin laughs 'Oh little Aspects, I could kill you all now and devour your essence. But the master wishes for these three to live. As for you two, you will be mine!'
He tosses Usula aside and sends an energy blast knocking Thoth back down. The Bishberrin then begins his attack upon Mono and Kaltalk. They spar back and forth. The library takes immense damage as the fight pursues through it.
Usula pulls Thoth to a safe place behind a large shelf of books. She then goes for Riovo and pulls him there as well.
Usula says 'Don't worry masters, I will do what I can to help.'
Thoth opens his eyes and says in a weak faint voice 'You must help them. You must tell them the way to defeat the Bishberrin. They must take him to the Eternal Vortex. Go now.'
Usula makes her way back down to the fight. She sees the Bishberrin knock back Mono. He hits many shelves as they collapse to the floor.
Kaltalk strikes forward and locks with the Bishberrin in a bitter fight.
Usula goes to Mono and says 'You must get him to the Eternal Vortex. You and Kaltalk must force him into it where he will be ripped apart.'
Mono says 'Yes the Eternal Vortex.' He grasps Usula's arm and asks 'Can you open a portal there?'
Usula nods 'Yes I can.'
Mono says 'Open the portal behind the Bishberrin. I will join Kaltalk and with our combined strength we will push him in. Now go.'
He regains himself and strikes back toward the Bishberrin. Mono and Kaltalk fight against him, but his power is overwhelming.
The Bishberrin cackles 'Even with all your might you will not overcome me.'
Behind him, Usula opens the portal to the Eternal Vortex. Kaltalk sees this and realizes Mono is trying to push the Bishberrin through.
Kaltalk uses all his strength to force the Bishberrin back. The Bishberrin starts to slide backward.
When he is just inches away, the Bishberrin cackles again 'You think you have won, but you only succeeded in your own demise.'
The Bishberrin grows in power, knocking back Kaltalk. He grabs Mono by the neck and throws him through the portal.
Bishberrin laughs at Kaltalk 'When I am done with your friend Aspect, I will be back for you.'
He then goes through the portal. It closes as Kaltalk tries to follow him.
On the other side is the Eternal Vortex. There the Bishberrin and Mono fight back and forth. Mono is losing and the power within him is diminishing. He is drained with every hit.
At the Great Library, Kaltalk cries out to Usula 'The portal! Open it!'
Usula tries to regain most of her power but it drained her to open it the first time. A small portal begins to open and then closes. She tries again and again until she collapses to the floor.
On the homeworld of the Arniyx, the slave rebel army is crushed. Many are dead and many more have been captured and are slowly executed.
The board members of the slavers guild float down on their thrones. Gushvar is before them on his knees. He is scarred and wounded, unable to regenerate here.
Gorvag says 'Gushvar, you have been found guilty of treason and murder. As headmaster of the board, I sentence you to die. May your core forever wander the borderlands.'
With that Ashoweah strikes down on Gushvar and his core is sent through to the borderlands.
There Gushvar awakens in the borderlands, in a place that looks like his devastated homeworld with millions of dead slaves wandering endlessly. The spirits of their cores are all there.
Gushvar knows this rebellion has cost the lives of many and even more to come. He says to himself 'What have I done? I deserve to be here. They do not.'
He hears a voice behind him 'They will remain here as long as is foreseen.'
Gushvar turns to see a mutilated being standing with his hands behind his back. This is Xarsha.
Gushvar asks 'Who are you?'
Xarsha says 'What my name is and who I am is of no concern to you. It is what I offer. Yes, many more will die because of your rebellion. But I will offer you the chance to save two.
Your champions Kaltalk and Xaxiaro will die at the hands of the Bishberrin. I will give you the chance to save them and in return, you will serve me.'
Gushvar says 'I will serve you to save them. They have saved so many.'
Xarsha says 'Very well.' Gushvar is lifted into the air and an athranaak forms around him. He shrieks in pain as he is changed to a Myrrdonite.
Back in the Great Library, Usula tries one last time. Using all her strength, a small portal opens and starts to grow. It is not yet large enough to go through.
Kaltalk says 'Keep going. It is almost there.'
He steps a few feet back then runs at the portal and dives through.
On the other side, he sees the Bishberrin holding Mono by the throat.
Bishberrin says 'Ahh, I was just about to finish with him and then come back for you. But I see you have done me the honor of coming to me.'
The Bishberrin tosses Mono aside. Kaltalk empowers himself with his aspect of strength.
Kaltalk says 'I am going to put an end to you. You vile being.'
The fight goes back and forth. The Bishberrin has gained so much of Mono's power that it becomes overwhelming. With each blow, Tulkas is drained of strength until he is struck down.
Tulkas is spent and his power is drained from him. The Bishberrin says 'I will devour you first and gain your strength. Then I will devour him and gain his conquest.'
The Bishberrin bites down into Kaltalk's shoulder. Kaltalk can feel the rest of his energy draining away. He fights with all his strength. This frustrates the Bishberrin.
Bishberrin says 'Why can I not fully devour you?'
Out of anger, the Bishberrin grabs both Kaltalk and Mono by their throats. 'If I cannot have your power then I will destroy you completely.'
The Bishberrin throws both Kaltalk and Mono into the Eternal Vortex. He cackles 'Now to take these other three to the master.'
He enters through the portal to go back to the Great Library. Little does he realize, Usula changed the portal to take him somewhere else.
As the Bishberrin walks through, he falls until he hits the side of a mountain and tumbles all the way to the bottom.
Inside the Eternal Vortex, Kaltalk and Mono are swirling around. They can feel themselves ripping apart.
They fight against it with the little bit of energy and strength they have within them. It is of no use.
Kaltalk feels himself fading away. He is almost gone when he feels Gushvar grasp him and pull him and Mono through a rift into the borderlands.
Both Kaltalk and Mono are unconscious as Xarsha walks over to examine them.
Gushvar asks 'Are they dead?'
Xarsha says 'No, they live. However, they have been very drained. Memories, essence, energy, their aspect power itself.'
Gushvar says 'If only they were able to get the Bishberrin into the Eternal Vortex. Then they would not be here now. All will not have failed.'
Xarsha says 'All has not failed. The Bishberrin will be destroyed one day. They must seek out the one who can return Judgement. I will need something of you Gushvar.
You will take Xaxiaro to the Borgragin. You will take Kaltalk to the Donjuin. I have allies with these kinds. They will help in the recovery of these two so they can find the one who can return Judgement.'
Gushvar nods 'Then I shall take them there.' They are both taken where they need to go.
Kaltalk is unconscious and discovered upon the shore by a female Donjuin named Morosa. This is the one her father sent her to find. Her father is a wise mystic and seer.
He told his daughter Morosa that the great champion Kaltalk would be arriving here in bad shape and he would need their help.
Although Kaltalk is badly scarred and wounded, Morosa cannot help but admire how handsome he is. He is so gallant and strong.
Morosa speaks an incantation to lift his body into the air and takes Kaltalk to her father.
It takes some time for Kaltalk to fully recover. He even had to learn to walk again. All this time through the years, Morosa is by his side. Her father helps him remember who he is.
There is a looming presence. Ashoweah and the slavers guild desire to strike back against the Donjuin after finding out they helped the slaver rebellion. It is also said the Donjuin have Kaltalk in hiding.
Kaltalk learns of this and chooses to not remain in hiding. Instead, he convinces the Donjuin to fight back. They gain some victories.
Kaltalk is always looking during each fight for the Bishberrin as he remembers what was done to him.
He yearns for the second chance to fight him again. To lure him back to the Eternal Vortex and cast him into it.
Kaltalk has been training all this time making himself stronger. Rebuilding his aspect power.
Years go on and on and the Donjuin are not making any progress. Their realm is falling.
Morosa's father fell ill and passed away. She has grown older and always secretly loved Kaltalk.
The time comes when Ashoweah and the slavers guild bear down upon their realm. It was heard that the Bishberrin was coming to finish the Donjuin off himself.
Kaltalk makes ready to face him again. He is still young while Morosa has grown old in age.
She speaks to him 'I have loved you since the first day I saw you. I know you could never love me the same way. But now please listen to me...
My father as you know sent me to find you. All this time we watched over you. You are like a son to him.
His final words he wished to say to when the time came for our realm to fall, I have kept until this day. You must not face the Bishberrin. He would destroy you.
Instead, you must find the one in the Eternal Sea. You must go there to find Love and Beauty. The existences have gone without her for so long.
It has only been a whisper and a dream, but it is a dream that exists. A dream you must find to help restore what has been taken and destroyed.'
Kaltalk asks 'How can Love and Beauty help us overcome such a savage one like the Bishberrin?'
Morosa says 'It is because Love and Beauty will awaken Judgement. In time, when the Bishberrin and those come to an end, it is Judgement who will decide their fate. You must find Love and Beauty. She is the only one who can awaken Judgement.'
Kaltalk looks into Morosa's old eyes and says 'I will find her. I promise.'
Morosa says 'Then you must go upon the Eternal Sea. I have a ship there waiting for you. I must warn you, these waters can be treacherous. You must do all you can to keep from falling within them.
The Eternal Sea is part of eternity. If you were to sink deep beneath its waters you may be lost forever. Your memories and everything of who you are.'
Kaltalk says 'I will brave any storm to find Love and Beauty and restore what has been lost. To bring Judgement on those like the Bishberrin and the others who have brought such malice, cruelty, and destruction to us all.'
Morosa says 'Then come, the boat awaits.' She opens a portal and they both step through. They stand upon the shore of the Eternal Sea which connects to their realm.
Kaltalk says 'You have done so much for me. I would not be here if not for you and your father. I owe you so much. Will I ever see you again?'
Morosa says 'No, but know wherever I am that I will always watch over you. You have been part of my time here and will be part of my time in the hereafter.'
Kaltalk kisses her on the forehead and makes his way onto the boat. He drifts off into the water and enters the Veil Mist.
The next events are in the vision for Valeyta Demi-Aspect of Ashontrah and Tulkas...
After Kaltalk leaves Astartiae and sails off on his boat he finds himself in the events of Midorra: Demi-Aspect of Great Mother and Tulkas...
Part Two...
Kaltalk sails through the mist and back onto the part of the Eternal Sea that stretches to a realm. The existence is unknown. Kaltalk has come here recently.
He sails onward, looking toward the land mass before him. Large dark purple majestic mountains reach high into the sky.
Kaltalk has come here. He has found a place of his own here, a place to retreat to. Somewhere to relax when he is not on an adventure.
The Motcreen have accept him among their kind. The Motcreen are large vegetation-like giants. Almost like plants but not Ents.
Here he shares their realm. He has been a champion for them and faced many foes. Kaltalk has helped them restore peace among the races who live here.
The sential beings there are vegetation-like and the animals are small.
Kaltalk sighs and leans back as he works the ores. He is tired and looks at his hands. He notices they have aged.
When he can he makes a journey into the Veil Mist and onto the Eternal Sea.
He is looking for someone from long ago. He is trying to remember her face. She saved him and they spent a night together.
Kaltalk sees the land mass come closer in sight. He notices a figure standing upon the shore. He recognizes his daughter Mikurah. He smiles and rows faster.
Kaltalk arrives at the shore and ties his boat to a post. There Mikurah greets him.
Kaltalk says 'I see you knew where to find me.'
Mikurah smiles 'I always know where to find you father. Especially, when you go across into the Eternal Sea. I have always wondered, what are you looking for there?'
Kaltalk looks out at the water 'Not something, it is someone I met long ago.'
Mikurah asks 'Who father? What was her name?'
Kaltalk says 'I wish I could remember. I don't know if she ever told it to me. Out there somewhere across the Eternal Sea I know she is there.'
Mikurah says 'Maybe one day she will find you.'
Kaltalk says 'Maybe. Tell me, what brings you back so early from the venture you set out on? I did not expect you to return so soon.'
Mikurah is his daughter who he has spent so much time with he has watched her grow from a little girl into a young woman. Strong like him. Swift and cunning.
They have shared many adventures together. Their deeds are known far and wide among the realms of this existence. They vanquished many foes and have stood up for those who could not defend themselves.
Kaltalk knows deep in his heart that the time has come for his beautiful daughter to seek her own path. He smiles at her as he touches her face.
Kaltalk says 'I know why you have come. You wish to journey beyond this existence.'
Mikurah looks him in the eyes 'Yes, there are others out there. For some time now we have helped this existence. We have stood beside them against the most malevolent of foes and we have vanquished all of them. What will we do now? I feel like I am idling.'
Kaltalk says 'I understand, it is within you to uphold strength, honor, and justice. You stand up for what is right. I have raised you well. I am so proud of you and what you have become. I know it is time for you to go. I will see you off.'
Mikurah hugs him 'I will return when I can and tell you of the many adventures. I will tell you of the foes I have vanquished and those I have saved and helped. I know across many other existences they need my help. I feel them calling to me.'
Kaltalk says 'Yes, it is a calling for you. I would go with you, but I feel my strength is not what it used to be. I wish to strengthen my mind more with knowledge and wisdom.'
Mikurah smiles 'I never expected you to retire reading books father.'
Kaltalk chuckles 'Retired, I guess you could call it that. Maybe I am just taking some time.'
Mikurah says 'I understand father.'
Kaltalk says 'I have a gift for you that will aid you upon your journey.'
He walks her back over to his boat. He opens a chest filled with maps and journals.
Mikurah takes one of the journals and sees there are inscriptions inside. It is like a diary.
These are her father Kaltalk's drawings. She remembers most of these. They are adventures they shared together. He had written them all down.
She looks at one drawing in particular. It is of her standing at the front of the boat looking out over the Eternal Sea with her father Kaltalk at the ores.
Her father steps up behind her and she closes the book. She turns to hand it to him. He presses it away back toward her.
Kaltalk says 'It is yours now along with the boat. You will need it for where you are going. It will carry you there.'
Mikurah touches the boat and memories come rushing back to her. When they were young they had fled on a boat and it was badly damaged by the waters. The waters were choppy and the boat almost sunk beneath the waves.
They came ashore where the Eternal Sea touched the realm and spent time there crafting a new boat. This is the very same boat she and her father built.
Mikurah smiles and a tear of joy rolls down her cheek. She turns to her father to hug and thank him.
Kaltalk says 'It is both of ours. We made it together. Now I give it to you.
They reminisce for a little while on the memories that had passed and the adventures they shared. Until finally, Kaltalk and Mikurah push the boat down to the water.
Mikurah gets on the boat and Kaltalk pushes it out to sea. He stands on the shore and waves as she waves back and blows a kiss. She then sits down and rows off into the Eternal Sea through the Veil Mist.
Kaltalk sighs though he knows that one day he may see his daughter again. He looks down at his reflection in the water. His face has aged older.
Kaltalk talks to himself 'Well come on old man, let's go home.'
He returns to his dwelling. It is a large tree growing over rocks. There within the rocks is a door. He opens the door and goes inside his home. He has lived here for many years.
Kaltalk sets down his travel bag. A blue fire is already lit. He walks over to the table where there is a picture drawn on old parchment. He smiles at the drawing of him and his daughter. She must have drawn it.
He goes and lays down on his bed and places his hands behind his head as he stares at the ceiling. Kaltalk thinks back to all the memories of those who have come and gone and lived and died.
Kaltalk shakes his head and says to himself 'Snap out of it old man. You are acting like you are on your death bed.'
He sits up on the bed and places his feet on the floor. He reaches over to a shelf and grabs a book. He opens it to a blank page. He takes the quill from the shelf and begins to write about his most recent journey upon the Eternal Sea.
Kaltalk writes 'I rowed and rowed for what seemed to be endless years looking for any signs of her. The experiment I decided to try to bring her to me failed.
I jumped into the Eternal Sea and floated for a while treading water. Then it seemed as if I became weaker as if something was pulling me down.
I could not remain in the water too long. I climbed back aboard the boat feeling exhausted. I laid and rest for a while to regain my strength and try again. There must be a way to send a signal to her.'
Kaltalk stops writing and starts to think. He looks around the room and says to himself 'The answer is here somewhere.'
He places the book, ink, and quill down on the bed. Then he walks over and looks at another shelf of scrolls and manuscripts.
Kaltalk says 'I know it is here somewhere.' He pulls a few scrolls out and looks through them. 'If I could only find out your name and who you are.'
These manuscripts and scrolls are ones he collected over the course of his journeys through realms and existences.
He is always gathering knowledge and wisdom. Who saved him in the Eternal Sea? Who was the one who came to him upon the mountain?
Kaltalk feels allured to the one who saved him from the waters of the Eternal Sea. He tries his best to remember but there seems to be missing pieces.
He has learned many things of the Aspects and the first judgement. Still, the answer to his question eludes him. He sits down at the table and looks through the manuscripts. He cannot find anything to answer his question.
Kaltalk says 'The answer is here, but where?' His eyes feel weary. He leans back on the chair. He stares at the table with the scrolls and drifts off to sleep.
Kaltalk is awoken by a knock at the door. He almost falls over in the chair but catches himself. The knocks continue. Kaltalk gathers himself and yells out 'Just give me one minute! Be right there. Hold on.'
As he steps toward the door, the knocking continues. He opens the door to find his friend. He is one of the Motcreen, except he is younger. Not as tall as the others. He is known by a simple name, Vynn.
Tulkas rubs his weary eyes and says 'Vynn, the suns have not yet risen. What brings you here this early?'
Vynn replies 'Great Kaltalk, there is a strange object that fell from the sky. All of us have gathered around. We are wary, we do not wish to touch it. A strange energy radiates from it. I have been sent by the others to find you and bring you there to see this strange object.'
Kaltalk says 'Stay here, one moment. Let me gather my things.'
With a sense of urgency, he gets ready. It's been some time since there has been an uneasy presence in this realm.
If Vynn and the other Motcreen have sensed some kind of danger from it, then he must investigate. He gathers his things and walks outside, closing the door.
He says to Vynn 'Take me to this object. Let me see it for myself.'
In his bag he has gathered some manuscripts that may help him identify this object and where it came from.
Vynn takes Kaltalk to where the other Motcreen are. They are in a circle. In the middle there is a strange square object. It is glowing. It impacted the ground almost like a meteorite.
The Motcreen are wary of it. They are speaking to each other. The oldest and wisest of them, a female named Oggha, spots Kaltalk and Vynn.
Oggha cries out 'Kaltalk! You have come just in time. This strange object, energy radiates stronger and stronger as every moment passes.'
Kaltalk looks at the small crater in the ground and sees the object. He kneels down to get a closer look at it. He picks up a small stick and pushes the object over.
There are strange symbols written on it. They seem somewhat familiar to him. As he turns the object with the stick and rolls it over to one side, a certain symbol sticks out.
He spots a symbol that he recognizes. He stands up quickly, takes his sack from his back and digs through it. He pulls out a manuscript.
Oggha and the others peer over at him, curious as to what he is looking for. Kaltalk is turning through the pages. He sets the manuscript down and picks up another. He goes through two of them and then finds what he is looking for.
In one of his journals, he remembers an existence that he and his young daughter had journeyed to. This place was ravaged and destroyed. Only a few beings existed there.
They lived in hiding and when Kaltalk discovered them, they spoke of a powerful being. One who is only known to them as Eternal Death. He had come to their world because of a strange object.
When Kaltalk had asked them to describe the object, they said it was in the form of an octagon like shape. One of the survivors, who was blinded by this object, was able to draw in the dirt a symbol that they saw upon it.
Kaltalk had inscribed this symbol into his journal. Then he listened to more tales of how the slavers guild was employed by Eternal Death to locate these objects for him so that he may come to claim them.
Kaltalk is familiar in his studies of Eternal Death. After leaving that existence, he discovered more information about him. Eternal Death led back to the time of Judgement. When the aspect of judgement Atherak, made him and began to judge the existences.
After Atherak was burned away, Eternal Death vowed to carry on the judgement. But twisted by his own malice and lust for death, he has gone throughout the existences, gathering these ancient objects.
These objects were said to be made by Atherak himself. They were spread out amongst the existences after he burned away.
The Motcreen surrounding Kaltalk look at each other in curiosity. Oggha speaks 'Mighty Kaltalk, what do you know of this object?'
Kaltalk replies 'I know that there is great danger behind it. We must act quickly. Take this object to your most secure place. I will need some of you to come with me. I need to build a boat. I need to take this beyond this realm. We must act quickly, there is no time to lose. Come.'
Oggha and the others present no argument. They listen to Kaltalk's commands. Many of them gather up the object. None of them touch it directly. They use plant roots to lift it up. They place it into a large wooden chest.
Kaltalk and a few other Motcreen go to a place. They gather limbs and branches to work with. Kaltalk begins crafting these into planks to build a boat.
His friend Vynn comes to visit him during the days that he is constructing his boat. It seems to Kaltalk that Vynn's mind is more unbalanced. There is a strange energy surrounding him but Kaltalk cannot place it.
Kaltalk resumes focusing on his task of building his boat. He will take the object into the Veil Mist and into another realm, there he will leave it. If Eternal Death wishes to come and claim it, then so be it.
Kaltalk does not wish to bring Eternal Death's wrath upon these beings and this realm that he worked so hard to vanquish evil from.
Some time passes and Kaltalk is almost finished with the boat. On the day that he finally puts the final piece together, one of the Motcreen comes rushing down the hill. It is urgent and Kaltalk can sense it. He turns to him.
The Motcreen says 'Come quickly Kaltalk. The piece, it is gone. Someone has stolen it.'
A look of fear and worry crosses Kaltalk's face. He tells the being 'Quickly, take me there. Now.' The being lifts Kaltalk onto his shoulders and runs off at full speed to where the piece was hidden.
Kaltalk enters the chamber where the piece was hidden, he sees three of the Motcreen laying dead. Others have gathered over them, weeping.
One of them says 'Their life forces are gone.' Kaltalk examines the fallen Motcreen, it seems they have withered away. As he goes to touch one of them, they turn to dust.
He thinks to himself. Who could have done this? It could have been Eternal Death.
Oggha says 'We should find out who has done this.' A root grows up from the ground and into her hand. Her eyes flash white. For a moment, she is in a trance. When her eyes go back to normal, a look of sadness is upon her face.
Kaltalk says 'What is it? Did you see who took the piece and killed the three?'
Oggha replies 'Yes, I have.'
Kaltalk says 'Who was it? Where did they come from? What kind of being were they?'
Oggha says 'They came from here. They were one of us. It was Vynn. I noticed his strange behavior. I should have questioned it more. He seemed as if he was possessed by something.'
Kaltalk says 'Then there is no time. I must find him, I must help him.'
Oggha replies 'I will be able to help you with this. Come.'
Kaltalk and Oggha leave the chamber where the piece was hidden. Oggha raises her hands in the air and many butterflies fly from them.
Oggha says 'They will find which way he went and then you may follow.'
Kaltalk patiently awaits for the butterflies to return. Night comes and three moons rise high in the sky. Kaltalk looks out into the distance. He cannot rest. Even though he feels more tired than he's ever felt before, he cannot rest.
Worry and fear keep him awake. Not fear or worry for himself, but what may come to this existence if Eternal Death has found where this piece is. He worries for what will become of these beings here.
Kaltalk then notices a small light heading towards him. He stands up and as he focuses on it, he sees that it is one of the butterflies. It is glowing. The butterfly lands on his hand and looks up at him.
Almost as if speaking with telepathy, the butterfly says that she has discovered where Vynn has gone.
Without hesitation, Kaltalk says 'Take me to him. We must make haste. I must save him. This piece will corrupt him. He has already done terrible things. I hope that we are not too late. I fear what will come in search of this piece and what he will do to gain it.'
Kaltalk travels on until morning following the butterfly. He comes to a lone grey mountain. As he approaches the large cave entrance he feels an overwhelming sense of strange energy.
There are sounds like thunder coming from the sky. Kaltalk looks up to see portals opening. Through them appear three citadels. He recognizes these. They belong to the slavers.
Kaltalk tells the butterfly 'Fly back and warn Oggha to gather the Motcreen together and go to the sacred underground caverns beneath the great mountains. They must stay there until I return. Quickly now.' The butterfly flies off.
He pulls out his dagger. It was a gift from the guardians of an existence he and his daughter helped protect from slavers.
Kaltalk enters into the cave and feels the overwhelming strange energy all around him. It grows stronger as he goes deeper into the cave.
He makes his way deep inside the mountain. He sees Vynn in chamber. The strange square object is floating above him. There is a strange black tentacle coming from it piercing into Vynn's head.
Vynn turns to notice Kaltalk enter the chamber. Vynn says 'You came to take it from me didn't you?'
Kaltalk raises his hand 'Listen to me Vynn, I need you to give me that piece. Please understand, you are in great danger. We are all in great danger.
There are beings who have come and will stop at nothing to get that. They will enslave everyone and kill those who resist. I cannot stop them all unless I have that piece.'
Vynn asks 'How will you stop them with this piece?'
Kaltalk says 'I will give it to them and bargain with them to leave this realm and existence in peace. They know how valuable this is to someone. Let us hope he does not arrive himself.'
Vynn says 'So you would just give power away to them. I do not fear these invaders. I have a new friend. My friend has spoken to me. I did not mean to kill the other three, but they tried to keep me from my friend. Now you come to take my new friend away.'
Kaltalk says 'Please Vynn, you must listen to me. That is not your friend. It is controlling you. You must try to break away. It will consume you.'
Vynn says 'You would take my friend away.'
Kaltalk says 'I am your friend Vynn. Please, you must listen to me now.'
Vynn gets angry and the object glows. He grows bigger and stronger with it. Strange vines emerge out of Vynn's skin and wrap around him.
Vynn screams 'You are no friend! You come to steal and take my friend from me! You will pay for this!'
Vines launch out from him and wrap around Kaltalk squeezing him to try and break him.
Kaltalk summons upon his strength and snaps some of the vines. Once his hand is free he reaches over and breaks the others.
Vynn strikes forward again and Kaltalk grabs the vines before they can wrap around.
Kaltalk says 'Please Vynn, don't make me do this. I don't want to hurt you. You are my friend.'
Vynn grows stronger and sends more vines that wrap completely around Kaltalk.
Kaltalk is restrained and fights with all his strength.
Vynn says 'I do not need you. I do not need anyone. I am empowered by my new friend and I will rule over all.'
The vines around Kaltalk squeeze tighter and tighter.
Kaltalk says 'Please, you must let me free.'
Vynn madly laughs 'I will crush you!'
Kaltalk uses all his strength to keep the vines from crushing him. He notices a strange rift open behind Vynn.
A being walks out of it. As he comes into focus Kaltalk feels a panic within him. This is Eternal Death.
Vynn does not notice as Eternal Death walks up behind him. He reaches for the coil from the piece going into Vynn.
Eternal Death rips the coil from the back of Vynn's head. Vynn shrieks and diminishes in power as he falls to the floor.
The vines release themselves from Kaltalk and he drops to his knees. He catches his breath as he looks on.
Eternal Death goes for the piece. There are four others floating around him.
As he grabs it he speaks some words in the thothilssin language. The piece joins the others floating and swirling around him.
Eternal Death looks at Kaltalk 'Ah, so this is where you have been all this time. You are always on the Bishberrin's mind. He seeks you out and wishes to destroy you. And here you are Kaltalk. What were you planning to do with my piece? Tell me before I have you watch this existence die.'
Kaltalk says 'I came to get the piece to hopefully barter with you to spare this existence.'
Eternal Death smiles and laughs 'If you were any other Aspect standing before me I would take you for a liar. If it was Ashoweah or any others I know you would have other plans and wish to fool me. But it is you Kaltalk, you hold honor high above all. So I would trust your words.'
Kaltalk says 'So you understand. What will you decide then?'
Eternal Death says 'I will not spare all this existence. The slavers guild are greedy. Far too greedy. I wish to see them all destroyed one day, as many do.
Until then, I need them to carry out the work of my master's final judgement, which will come in time. But time I have Kaltalk. I shall spare this realm and a few others.
If slavers try to advance on them they will feel my wrath. This I will grant you Kaltalk, but you must leave here and never return.'
Kaltalk asks 'Can I trust your word on this? How do I know that once I am gone you will uphold your end of the bargain? Why would you just let me leave here? Why not give me to the Bishberrin?'
Eternal Death says 'The Bishberrin is a vile creature. You however, are an Aspect. Strength, Honor, Justice, everything you uphold.
In ways I admire you Kaltalk. That is why you will be spared. Look at you now, you have aged. You have been bathing in the Eternal Sea haven't you? Oh yes Kaltalk, I have been watching.'
Kaltalk feels surprised. What does Eternal Death know? How does he know?
Eternal Death continues 'You've been looking for Love and Beauty haven't you?'
Kaltalk cries out 'What is her name? If you know of her speak her name.'
Eternal Death smiles and laughs 'Her name is known to you. It is out there on your Eternal Sea. Go searching for it. Bathe within the waters of it. Listen to the wind on the water. Then you will hear her name. Now go, I will spare those you wish me to spare.'
Kaltalk notices Vynn has regained his consciousness.
Vynn stands and says 'Kaltalk, my friend. I am sorry. The allure of this strange piece called me to it. It overcame me and I felt trapped. It took over my will.'
Kaltalk says 'It is alright. We shall go back and explain to the others.'
Eternal Death says 'Go now and remember what I told you.'
A rift opens up and Eternal Death steps through. Kaltalk and Vynn make their way out of the cave.
They look up in the sky at the three citadels. They see portals open above them and the citadels go through leaving the realm. The slavers are gone.
Kaltalk and Vynn go back where the Motcreen are patiently waiting. Kaltalk explains what happened to Vynn as Oggha and the others judge him for what he has done.
It is decided that Vynn be banished to the far side of the realm. There he must live in exile until the day comes when they call him back.
Vynn agrees humbly to the judgement. He thanks Kaltalk for standing by his side even though he tried to kill him. Kaltalk understands and has forgiven him.
Vynn leaves to his place of banishment. Kaltalk tells Oggha of his deal with Eternal Death and that he must go.
Kaltalk gets on his boat and a Motcreen pushes it out into the water. He takes the oars and starts to row.
He looks back at the Motcreen and hopes that one day he will see them again even though Eternal Death has told him not to return. He knows that Mikurah may return here one day.
Kaltalk rows out into the Eternal Sea and enters the Veil Mist. He continues on for a countless amount of time. Searching and searching, bathing within the waters. Doing what Eternal Death told him as he ages even older.
His strength drains from him every time he swims in the waters of the Eternal Sea. He listens to the wind, but no name ever comes to him on it.
Kaltalk has grown old and withered from his former self. He starts to row back in the direction of the Motcreen he left so long ago.
As he rows through the Veil Mist he can feel himself become weaker. His final strength is sapped out of him.
He lays down in the bottom of the boat. He can feel the waves rocking the boat up and down. He then feels himself pushed upon the shore.
Kaltalk feels his life force fade away. He feels lifted as if a giant hand is reaching down. He looks into the eyes of an old friend. It is Vynn who is fully grown.
Kaltalk asks Vynn about his daughter Mikurah. Vynn tell him that she has never returned.
Vynn asks 'Did you ever find the one you were looking for?'
Kaltalk says 'No, maybe she awaits me in another life. Maybe we will meet again.' He takes his final breath and dies.
The Motcreen gather around a large funeral pyre and a blue flame is lit. Upon the pyre is the wrapped body of Kaltalk.
These beings are not the only ones who are there. Many from across the spared realms have come to pay honor to Kaltalk. The fire burns high in the night of the three moons.
After the funeral Vynn stands alone until there is nothing left but ash. Vynn says his final goodbye and turns away.
Out in the distance there is a boat rowing toward the shore. When it arrives an old man in ragged robes steps out.
He walks up to the pile of ashes then kneels down and digs through them as if to look for something.
The old man pulls out a small glowing orb. 'There you are. I am glad I got here in time.'
He holds the orb in his hands and speaks to it. 'You are needed somewhere else. Strength, Honor, Justice, all that you are is needed. Those you have searched for, you will meet again.'
The old man takes the orb back to the boat. He places the orb in his lap and takes the ores. He rows out to the Eternal Sea whistling a song as he enters the Veil Mist.
To be continued...
True Self Connection...