Book of Aphrodite Chapter Eight

The real history of Aphrodite. The eighth chapter begins right after the defeat of Saurzon and his army.
Zeus lifts Aphrodite up and says 'You have done very well Asherah. Now that Saurzon does not have this weapon we can place it down deep inside the vaults of Olympus with the other piece we found. There they will be protected.'
Raugunitar helps King Yserah over to her. Aphrodite notices the wounded King and helps heal the wound on his chest. The battle is finished and the allies are victorious.
King Yserah says 'You saved me once again Asherah.'
Zeus says 'I am sorry for the delay. We were caught up. It seems that Moonstone has aligned himself with the Nether. The Nether made an attack and I had to go.'
King Yserah says 'The Nether has made their presence known here. It seems the Nether Queen Drexia has sided with Moonstone and Jotunheim. They will surely come for these weapons, these strange pieces.'
Zeus says 'Then we shall prepare Mount Olympus for an assault.'
King Yserah says 'Yes, but we must look elsewhere. Moonstone and Saurzon will come for those pieces. They seem to have some strange dark power behind them that is empowering them. Saurzon alone could take down an entire army.'
Zeus asks 'Do you have a plan in mind?'
King Yserah says 'I have been making preparations with the Valar. Moonstone and Saurzon will come to try and regain the pieces. We shall assault Jotunheim.'
Zeus places his hand on his chin 'Ah, attack their headquarters while they are attacking ours.'
King Yserah says 'Yes, we need to stop Moonstone. He will not go for the pieces himself. He is the key to bringing down all this darkness and evil. I believe him to be the master behind this and the Bentian.'
Zeus says 'Then we shall prepare Mount Olympus for an attack. Asherah, I will need your assistance in these preparations. And little brother Poseidon, I wish to have you at my side. Where is my son Ares?'
King Yserah says 'I sent Asherah's companions to have Ares hold back Saurzon until we could get the piece out of here. Saurzon made it over the hill. I fear the worst King Zeus.'
Just then a warrior appears upon the hill. The front of his armor is crushed and he is removing it. He stands there proud. Wounded, but alive.
Aphrodite says 'Your son is strong. He lives to fight another day.'
They all agree to follow King Yserah's plan and make the preparations. This may be the final battle that will bring down Moonstone and the Bentian to finally end this war.
King Yserah says 'I shall gather my forces and return to Alfheim with the Arcturians. I will be sending messages soon. I will let you know when we are ready to convene war council.'
Zeus bows his head 'You are a trusted ally King Yserah. I will be standing by waiting to receive your message.'
Zeus turns to Aphrodite and Poseidon and says 'Come, let us return to Olympus. Let us take this evil placed within this golden sack down in the far catacombs of Mount Olympus where we will keep it safe.'
Aphrodite says 'Mighty Zeus, I feel something is not right. I don't trust taking the piece there.'
Zeus moves in closer and whispers 'I understand. I have the same fear. But in order for King Yserah's plan to work we must take it there. I need you with me. Are you with me?'
Aphrodite says 'I am with you to whatever end my King to stop this evil.'
They return to Olympus. Aphrodite goes with Zeus down to the catacombs beneath the palace.
Zeus says 'You have done a great deed for us Aphrodite. Recovering this piece will help bring about an end to Moonstone.
Now that it has been taken from Saurzon their power will diminish. King Yserah's plan should work.
They will definitely come for the pieces we possess, but they will not expect King Yserah to assault Moonstone in the capital of Jotunheim.'
Aphrodite says 'If Saurzon comes for the piece are you sure we will be able to stop him?'
Zeus says 'We must do everything we can and buy King Yserah time when his assault on the Jotunheim capital begins. We cannot let Saurzon get the pieces and return them to Moonstone.
I don't know the power of these strange objects, but it is dark and beyond anything my scholars and wise men and women can understand.
At whatever cost, we must keep them from getting back to Moonstone. King Yserah's assault should be able to break through. If he can kill Moonstone we can bring an end to this.'
Aphrodite looks at him and says 'I agree. However, what we spoke of earlier. I still feel it is a danger keeping these pieces so close together. I don't know what it is, but something inside me gives me a sense of terrible dread.'
As they approach the locked door Zeus stops and turns to her 'I trust your senses Aphrodite, but for now we must continue on with the plan. Once we achieve victory we will send these pieces far apart from each other under watchful eye.
They will be protected so they may never fall into the hands of any others who wish to bring down the pantheons and great houses. Never again will this darkness spread across the realms.'
Zeus brings out a key from his pocket and places it in the lock on the door. He turns it and the door opens. Inside what appears to be glass is the first piece that was obtained much earlier on. There is another glass case sitting next to it.
Zeus turns to her and says 'The piece please.'
Aphrodite hands him the golden fleece sack with the piece inside. Zeus opens it and it is almost like strange voices come from it.
He reaches inside and picks the piece up in his hand. He gazes at it for moment. Strange voices fill the room and Zeus becomes entranced and his eyes go black.
Aphrodite senses danger and calls out to him 'My King Zeus, what is wrong?'
She slaps the piece out of his hand and Zeus falls backward. She comes to his side and helps lift him up.
Aphrodite asks 'What happened? Are you alright?'
Zeus says 'I was deep within a vision. Something dark and evil spreads. I see Kronos awakening the Hungali.'
Aphrodite's eyes widen and she tells Zeus of the dream she had. The same dream he saw in his vision.
Zeus stares at her 'I wonder what it means. Why would Kronos awaken the Hungali?'
Aphrodite says 'Something must be happening. Something so dark, sinister, and evil that it may bring destruction to all of us for Kronos to awaken the Hungali.'
Zeus stands up to his feet 'By all costs we must keep this from happening. This could be a possible future that may bring destruction to us all. We must stop this evil. Bring down Saurzon and Moonstone and end this.'
He grabs the golden bag from the floor and wraps it around the piece to pick it up. Zeus places the piece inside the glass case next to the other one. They both turn and leave the room as Zeus locks it up.
There is a small squad of royal guard there instructed to guard the vault at all costs. Zeus and Aphrodite proceed back up through the catacombs.
Aphrodite says 'Will the war council convene soon?'
Zeus says 'King Yserah should already be on his way.'
Aphrodite asks 'Shall I gather the others and have them join you in the council chambers?'
When they reach the top of the catacombs Zeus says 'Yes gather them all and bring them there.'
Zeus places his hand on her shoulder 'I have a special mission for you. I will need you to go with King Yserah to the realm where the Arcturians dwell. There is one there I need you to find and speak to. His name is Queshjet. He is an Arcturian battle mage.'
Aphrodite says 'What should I ask of him when I find him?'
Zeus says 'I request him to come here to Olympus. I need his services.'
Aphrodite bows 'Then I will find him. I will accompany King Yserah to the Arcturian realm.'
Zeus smiles 'Good. Gather the others, I shall meet you in the council chambers. Yserah should be arriving soon. We will discuss the next step of our plan.'
Aphrodite says 'I will gather them as quickly as I can and meet you there. Good luck to you King.'
As she walks away Zeus calls her name. 'Aphrodite, thank you for all you do. You are truly of service to Olympus.' She smiles and bows.
Saurzon walks in the capital of Jotunheim with wounded dark elves, trolls, dwarves, and Jotunn all around him. Many are dying.
He looks around at his dark elf kin who have been driven from Alfheim. They are now refugees behind the walls of the Jotunheim capital. Saurzon is a dark elf himself.
As Saurzon approaches the steps he sees the dwarf Fogbeard sitting in despair and sadness.
Saurzon gazes down at him 'You look at better times dwarf.'
Fogbeard says 'I think back to better times when this kingdom and courtyard was full of happiness and there was no war. Now I watch my kinfolk dying. All I can think of is how to help them. The fellow Jotunn and the dark elves.'
He gazes back up at Saurzon and asks 'Tell me, can these pieces these weapons you speak of bring this suffering and war to an end?'
Saurzon says 'King Yserah and those on the council of the high houses are fools. For so long they have reigned. They have made all of you suffer. Where is your cousin?'
Fogbeard says 'I don't know. I have not seen him in a while. He does not wish to speak to me. I only receive orders to build more machines so more of us can go and die.'
Saurzon says 'Keep faith little dwarf. We are gaining new allies. Soon we will have the power to force them back. Your kinfolk shall rise above this as well as mine.'
Saurzon then leaves Fogbeard on the steps with his thoughts as he approaches the palace gates. There he sees the daughter of the Jotunn Queen.
Saurzon bows 'Princess, how fares your mother?'
Frigia replies 'My mother is sick and ill in the mind. Moonstone tends to her.'
Saurzon says 'I am seeking him out. I must speak to Moonstone.'
Frigia says 'And the piece? By the look of your hand you have lost it.'
Saurzon gazes at his fingerless hand and says 'A temporary setback, but to lose one we will gain two.'
Frigia says 'Is all the sacrifice worth it in the end? To bring down the great houses? And the destruction the pantheons have brought upon us with the murder of my father by that wretched King Yserah?'
Saurzon says 'You will have his head on a pike. That I can assure you. King Yserah believes himself to be so wise and cunning, but he is just a pawn in a bigger game.
I ask something of you, a great task. If you would grant me this princess. I need you Frigia. I need you to go to Volheim. Seek out the mighty warrior Jaiddaka. She will know what to do. Tell her the hunt has begun.'
Frigia says 'I will go and return with the beast that will devour King Yserah's army.'
They bow to each other and the gates of the palace open. Saurzon walks through and goes up to the chambers of the Jotunn Queen Helginin. She is resting intoxicated on a sofa with bottles of wine all around her.
Moonstone speaks into her ear and then looks up at Saurzon. He says 'Excuse me my Queen, I will return shortly.'
Moonstone walks over to Saurzon and says 'Please come and join me in my own chambers. We shall speak of your failure there.'
They go into another room inside the great fortress. There inside under heavy guard is a dark fiery black red portal.
Moonstone says 'Come Saurzon, tell the master of your failures. Tell him how you lost the other piece.'
The fiery black red portal begins to blaze. Saurzon approaches and kneels 'We were overwhelmed. The piece was stolen from me by a little thief. A little girl.
She used magic of Thoth to achieve this. I had it within my grasp master. I will have it again. They have taken it to Olympus with another piece. I will regain them both.'
From the fiery portal the master speaks 'This is only a temporary set back. You will go and gain these two pieces. Make way for my coming. As for the young Asherah, she must not be harmed. Is this clear?'
Saurzon says 'She will not die at my hand or any of those who serve me. Those who try shall meet their end at my own hand.'
The fiery portal replies 'Very well. See to it. Bring her to me when you gather the two pieces.'
Saurzon rises and says 'It shall be done master.'
The fiery portal speaks to Moonstone as Saurzon leaves the room. Saurzon waits by the door to listen. Moonstone bows but he cannot make out the small conversation between them.
Saurzon does not trust Moonstone. He knows that Moonstone has grown in great power due to the piece that floats around him.
Saurzon felt this power from the other piece. He desires to gather all three of them. Saurzon speaks nothing of this to Moonstone and blocks his thoughts from being infiltrated.
Moonstone approaches Saurzon and says 'Well, I guess you will be going to Olympus afterall. I will make preparations here for King Yserah's arrival. He believes he found a way to come here and assault Jotunheim. We shall let him.'
Saurzon says 'So we hand Jotunheim over to Yserah?'
Moonstone says 'We wasted enough time here. These ones are expended. The Jotunn, the trolls, and the dwarves. We have armies elsewhere. Armies unbeknownst to our enemies.
We will let them think this is their great victory. We however shall gain it. And you will regain what you lost. Now come, we have preparations to make for the great King Yserah's arrival.'
Back at Mount Olympus Aphrodite gathered all of the Olympians and told them to meet at the council chambers. The war council is ready to begin and everyone must know the part they will play in the battles to come.
Before she joins them Aphrodite returns to her palace. She needs to gather some things for her trip to visit the Arcturians. As she enters into her room she sees a familiar face.
Aphrodite smiles 'Yahweh.'
Yahweh says 'Asherah, I am sorry to intrude like this. I discovered something I need to tell you.'
Aphrodite says 'I am happy to see you Yahweh. I was thinking of coming for you before I left. I wanted you to come with me and King Yserah to the realm of the Arcturians.
He is going there and Zeus has given me a special mission to find an Arcturian battle mage. He is requested to return here.'
Yahweh says 'Zeus is entrusting you much with this Asherah. He must have a lot of faith in you. I can see why.'
Yahweh approaches closer and whispers in her ear 'But King Yserah is not who you think he is. I discovered things Asherah. Things you must see.'
Aphrodite looks at him with surprise 'What do you mean Yahweh?'
Yahweh says 'I have been traveling to the other realms. I went to Svartalfheim. There the Goblin Queen is holding the prisoners in the war between Jotunheim and Alfheim. Asherah, there are more than soldiers there. She is using younglings in the mines as slaves.'
Aphrodite asks 'And you believe King Yserah knows of this?'
Yahweh says 'I am not sure, but I have seen Raugunitar there once or twice. I kept hidden. I didn't want him to see me. Something about him frightens me.'
Aphrodite places her hand on his shoulder 'I believe King Yserah knows nothing of this. It must be from Raugunitar or maybe the Goblin Queen herself.
We must remember that Raugunitar is half dark elf, but he is all about power. I do not trust him fully, but I know he will not betray the King.
I will speak to King Yserah on our way. That is why you must come with me. We must both speak to him alone away from Raugunitar.'
Yahweh says 'I agree. If King Yserah knows nothing of this then he will certainly be glad we told him.'
Aphrodite says 'Then come Yahweh. Come with me.'
Yahweh smiles 'I will go anywhere with you Asherah. Anyway I can help, I am there for you.'
Aphrodite gathers her things and they both walk up to the council chambers high upon Mount Olympus.
Before she enters in she says 'Wait here Yahweh, you are not permitted inside. You are not part of the council. I am sorry, I wish you could come.'
Yahweh says 'That's alright. I understand. I will wait here for you.'
Aphrodite goes into the council chambers where all have gathered. She sees King Yserah and Raugunitar there. They are all speaking of their plan.
Zeus points out that Aphrodite will accompany King Yserah to the realm of the Arcturians to find the battle mage Queshjet. They will need him. For he is not only a powerful magus, he is skilled with technology he integrated with his magic.
King Yserah says 'Queshjet will be a valuable asset. It is said he can mass teleport. We will need this if we are to seize the Jotunheim capital. We must position ourselves outside the walls.'
Ares asks 'Why not just go on the inside of the walls?'
Raugunitar steps in 'Our scouts discovered that Moonstone has a powerful field over it. Nothing can get in and out without his knowing. We would not even be able to break through there.
The position of the fortress is surrounded by two cliffs and heavily guarded. We will not be able to maneuver the Arcturian ships in there. If we can find a way, we may be able to smash through the front wall.'
Zeus says 'Then it is agreed. The council is concluded.'
Aphrodite approaches King Yserah as he speaks with Raugunitar. As she gets close Raugunitar looks at her as if he is staring into her soul. As if he knows what she and Yahweh have been speaking about. She pays it no mind and puts on a face.
King Yserah looks at Aphrodite and says 'Ah, young Asherah. I am glad you are accompanying me to the realm of the Arcturians. If you will excuse me one moment.'
Yserah turns to Raugunitar and says 'Carry out these orders. I will not need you to join me here.' Raugunitar bows and leaves.
Aphrodite thinks to herself 'This is unexpected. It will play in my favor when Yahweh and I approach him later about Svartalfheim.'
Aphrodite says to King Yserah 'If you don't mind, my friend Yahweh came to assist me. I would like for him to journey with us to the Arcturian realm.'
King Yserah says 'I do not mind. I know he is a good friend of yours. He seems very wise. In any way he can help you, it is like helping me. So please, have him come.'
Aphrodite says 'He is waiting right outside. When will we depart?'
King Yserah says 'An Arcturian ship brought me here and it is ready to take me there. Come, it is right outside.'
Aphrodite steps outside the halls of the council chamber and looks up. There in the sky is an Arcturian vessel.
Yahweh says 'I have never seen such a thing up close. It is amazing. Is that how we are traveling to where the Arcturians are? Inside that?'
King Yserah smiles 'You will enjoy the trip. It is quite comfortable in there and the Arcturians are excellent hosts.'
He looks up at the ship and raises his hands 'Now hold on.'
Aphrodite feels light surround her and it feels as if she is floating. In a flash she is aboard the Arcturian ship.
An Arcturian commander greets King Yserah and speaks with him for a moment.
King Yserah says to Aphrodite and Yahweh 'Relax, we are headed to the realm of the Arcturians.'
The ship lifts up and surrounds in bright light. In a flash it disappears.
Aphrodite is sleeping on the ship and dreaming. She dreams she is in a place unfamiliar to her. She sees a river of bright golden water with hints of blue.
Something is emerging from the water. These are the beings she has always taken curiosity in. The winged creatures arise as the Ourhkina.
She walks through them unnoticed glancing at each one. These fascinating beings, there is something about them. Something she has not yet discovered within herself. There is a connection to them.
Aphrodite walks along the bank of the river watching the Ourhkina as they emerge and takes much delight in this.
She walks further down the bank of the river. There not very far from the Ourhkina she notices it grow darker. Up ahead she can see a being. She is fascinated and lured toward him. He is the Myrrdonite who opened the rift she and Yahweh went through.
The Myrrdonite Xarsha does something over the river. She sees a small object like the one she saw in the borderlands. The object that has haunted her dreams.
She can see Xarsha controlling the object over the water of the river. It glows bright with darkness and shatters into dust that falls in the river turning the water dark.
Aphrodite becomes fixated on the water. She is almost in a trance-like state. When she gathers herself she turns to see Xarsha standing next to her. He touches her on the forehead and says 'Find the guardian.' There is a flash and she awakes.
Raugunitar knocks on her chamber door upon the Arcturian vessel. He says 'We arrived outside the world of Arcturia. King Yserah requests an audience with you.'
Aphrodite arises with excitement and wonders about the dream as she gets dressed. She then heads down to the main bridge of the ship.
There she sees King Yserah standing and through the looking glass of the bridge she sees a bright beautiful blue and green world.
Yahweh joins at her side and says 'I have never glanced upon such a beautiful world.'
Arcturian commander Meenik says 'Yes, our home world of Arcturia. There is one singular continent. The rest is mostly surrounded by oceans.'
Aphrodite stares 'Almost as if it were an eternal sea.'
Meenik says 'It is believed the Arcturians came from the old legend of the eternal sea. You will enjoy your time here lady Asherah. There is much culture. There is also much knowledge and wisdom in our vast libraries.'
Yahweh says 'Such a beautiful world and there is hardly a trace of your civilizations on the continent.'
Aphrodite notices large structures which orbit the planet.
Arcturian commander Meenik says 'When the Ourhkina came and gave us the ability to travel outside our world we had one main city that remained upon the floating oceans.
Most of the continent now is left for nature and wilderness. We do not build there. Instead many of us travel there to connect with the elements, the divine, and all of our existence.'
King Yserah says 'Queshjet. This is where we will find him. He travels mostly alone at times. Making pilgrimages across the continent.'
Meenik says 'We tried to inform him before your arrival King Yserah. I apologize for the delay. Queshjet is rather solitary. I do have good news, he received the message. You will be meeting him on the far eastern part of the continent where it touches the ocean. He is there waiting for you.'
Meenik turns to Aphrodite and Yahweh 'You are in for a treat. The continent is very beautiful. Queshjet is a very wise battle mage. I am sure you will have many questions for him.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes, I will have many questions for him.'
She feels disappointed that Raugunitar is here. She thought he wouldn't be coming on this journey and she wanted to be able to speak to King Yserah alone about the brutality in Svartalfheim.
Aphrodite and Yahweh spoke about this earlier when they entered on the ship and found him there. Yahweh eavesdropped on the conversation between Yserah and Raugunitar.
Raugunitar had come back to King Yserah insisting to come along in case any Bentian tried to assassinate him. King Yserah argued with him for a moment saying it was unnecessary. Somehow Raugunitar persuaded him.
Aphrodite decided it was best to keep the information to themselves during the journey. They would approach King Yserah alone another time.
They travel into the atmosphere of Arcturia. Aphrodite looks out over an endless sea. It is beautiful. The water shines a sky blue.
She notices a large structure off in the distance. It is held up by four pillars pointing to the sky with rings floating around it. This must be the city Meenik was talking about.
Not far from it is a land mass with large trees and lush forest. She can tell it stretches on for quite some distance.
Yahweh says 'It is amazing.'
Meenik says 'Come, we prepared a shuttle craft. I am sure you will enjoy taking this form of transportation. It will fly closer to the eastern coast of the continent where you can take in the sights.'
King Yserah says 'Yes, plus I am not very fond of your teleportation methods. They leave me feeling rather drained.'
Meenik says 'This new form of magic and technology is still being adjusted. I apologize. You may take the craft down. You will enjoy it more.'
An Arcturian from the bridge takes us down to the shuttle craft. It is made of a clear see-through material almost like glass.
They fly above the ocean and see herds of many strange creatures in the water. On the eastern coast there is a black sand beach in front of a luminescent forest. It is a captivating sight.
As they approach the shore they see an Arcturian wearing a plain brown robe. He looks up and waves his hand to signal.
King Yserah says 'That is Queshjet. He came to greet us as he said.'
The shuttle craft lands down on the beach and a hatch opens up. King Yserah, Raugunitar, Aphrodite, and Yahweh step out.
Queshjet walks up to King Yserah and they come together in a warrior embrace. Queshjet says 'It has been a long time my friend. It is good to see you. I see you brought guests. Come, I am camping over here. We can speak of these matters.'
They follow Queshjet into the luminescent forest to a small campsite. Queshjet says 'I am sorry that we shall be camping and not staying in a grand palace with rooms. Here on Arcturia we connect with nature. It helps the energy flow through us.
All those who choose to become battle mages must take the long pilgrimage. For forty years they must cross each end of the continent. Beneath the nine moons they find and empower themselves and steady their minds. When they complete this they are ready to be an Arcturian battle mage.'
Aphrodite is fascinated by the answers she is getting about Arcturia before she even asks the questions. She says 'I hear the Arcturians are one of the oldest dominant species of all the realms.'
Queshjet chuckles 'So those of the Emperor and legends would like to say. I myself believe that our realms are just part of something larger. That we are young and still growing.
There are questions I have and the answers are far out there beyond my understanding. Maybe one day someone will come and bring answers to the questions all of us truly seek.'
Aphrodite smiles 'I feel the same way.'
At the campsite there is a nice blue fire and a small tent-like structure.
Queshjet says 'I should make some accommodations for the rest of us.'
He speaks an incantation while forming something in his hands. Four more tent-like structures appear. Aphrodite is in awe. How was he able to do this? Just create them out of nowhere. Magic and energy flows through him.
They sit around the blue fire and converse. Aphrodite pleads with Queshjet about aiding Zeus in Olympus.
King Yserah says 'The time has come to end this darkness that spreads upon the realms. Your powerful magic will be needed.'
Queshjet sits deep in thought for a long time then says 'I cannot join you in the war against this darkness you feel is spreading. I must stay here. My time in such affairs has come to an end. I walk the continent as a humble pilgrim.'
King Yserah sighs 'I understand my friend.'
Aphrodite feels this is a big disappointment. They came all this way to seek help that might bring an end to the darkness. Yet he refuses.
Queshjet says 'However, I will give you the power you seek. Tomorrow you must follow me to a place. You and young Asherah here. There I will grant you the power you seek to defeat your enemies. Now let us rest.' He leaves to his tent.
King Yserah and Raugunitar sit quietly for a moment. Yserah says 'At least we got what we came for in some way. We may not have Queshjet to stand beside us in battle but he has given us the means to end this conflict. I shall retire for the evening and leave the rest of you as you are. I bid you good night.'
Raugunitar stands 'I believe I shall retire too.'
Aphrodite and Yahweh are left alone. They gaze up at the sky and the nine moons which shine down upon this world.
Aphrodite stands 'I want to see more of this. I am going to take a little walk. Would you care to join me Yahweh?'
Yahweh says 'Yes, I would also like to see more of this place.'
They both head off into the woods and travel to a clearing on top of a hill. There they see a single luminescent blue tree surrounded by bright red grass. Here Aphrodite and Yahweh rest and gaze up at the stars.
Yahweh says 'You tell me much of your dreams and I am always fascinated by them.'
Aphrodite says 'I tell them to you because I trust you. What do you dream of Yahweh?'
Yahweh blushes and becomes silent. Aphrodite smiles 'What do you dream of? You keep secrets from me. Tell me.'
Yahweh answers 'When I dream, I dream of you.'
This delights Aphrodite and she rests her head upon Yahweh's chest. He stares into the night sky and places his arms around her. They hold each other close.
In the moment they become one, embraced in this connection they feel so strongly between them. They fall asleep together.
In Aphrodite's dream she is behind blue glass. She feels trapped in fear and can barely move. She can see figures outside the glass. She cries out but none hear her.
Aphrodite awakens from her nightmare. She is still resting next to Yahweh. He wakes up from the startle of her dream.
Yahweh asks 'What is wrong?'
Aphrodite says 'Just a nightmare.'
Yahweh asks 'What kind of nightmare?'
Aphrodite says 'I was trapped and there were figures of beings beyond the glass I was trapped in. I was frightened and kept calling out, but none came.'
Raugunitar stands above them 'There you two are. You snuck off and had the King worried. Queshjet reassured him that no harm came to you. But still, you should have returned. Come, Yserah and Queshjet wait on you.'
Yahweh gathers his things and as he stands Aphrodite walks in the distance. Raugunitar faces him and says 'If I find out you have violated her in any way, I will butcher you like the animal you are. You understand me you fucking goat?'
Yahweh feels fear as Raugunitar stares him down striking him to his very core. He means the words he said. Was he watching? Does he know what happened between them last night?
Raugunitar turns away and follows Aphrodite. Yahweh follows behind a bit.
Aphrodite sees King Yserah and Queshjet standing waiting for her. Yserah asks 'Are you well this morning lady Asherah?'
Aphrodite answers 'Yes, I am fine. I apologize for sneaking off last night. I just wished to see more of this place. I fell asleep, but Yahweh was with me. No harm came to me.'
King Yserah says 'No worries. Come, we must make the journey.'
They go on a long journey up a mountain. There at the top they find ruins of an old city. It has been worn down and barely any of it remains.
Queshjet says 'This was the first city on Arcturia. This is where the Titans and Ourhkina came to us. This is where we learned our ways. The ways of balance in everything.'
Aphrodite looks at the ancient engravings depicting the meeting between the Ourhkina and Arcturians. As well as ancient Titans.
Queshjet leads them to a center opening. There are large deep shimmering blue stones pointing to the sky. In the middle is a large dark purple crystal.
Queshjet faces the crystal and raises his hands. He speaks an incantation and the large stones around the circle start to glow. Energy flows from them into Queshjet and down into the large crystal.
The others are overtaken and overwhelmed by the power of this energy. As the energy continues to flow the crystal glows blindingly bright. Aphrodite puts her forearm in front of her eyes.
When the brightness dissipates Queshjet is standing there. In his hands is a small purple glowing crystal. He presents it to King Yserah who looks down on it and says 'I believe young Asherah here should take possession of it until we return to Olympus.'
Queshjet bows to him and turns to Aphrodite. She pulls out a small pink satchel and places the crystal inside. They bow to each other.
Queshjet says 'Use this well, for it can only be used once. You must decide on the right time. I wish you all good luck. This is where I leave you now.' He walks off into the distance.
King Yserah smiles at Aphrodite and says 'It is done. I am sorry we could not stay longer here, but we should return right away.' He looks at Raugunitar and says 'Send up the signal.'
Raugunitar brings out a strange looking silver coated metallic wand from a satchel he is carrying. On the end of it is a bright blue glowing sphere.
He raises it into the air and the sphere shoots from the wand up. It rises high into the air and explodes into a beautiful array of falling sparkling fire like a flare.
An Arcturian craft approaches from high above. King Yserah asks 'Are we ready to return?'
Aphrodite, Yahweh, and Raugunitar look at him with acknowledgement. They then feel bright energy forming in them. As it glows around them they are transported into the vessel.
Arcturian commander Meenik is aboard and says 'I see you obtained something that will help us in our plan to bring down Moonstone. But Queshjet is not with you. He must of decided not to participate. It is his ways. He is older now.'
King Yserah says 'Yes, although I wish to have him at our side. He will be there watching over us. That I know. Meenik, return us to Olympus. We must make preparations now.
All have gathered and the armies will be there. We must be ready to strike. Bring down Moonstone and end this darkness that plagues our realms.'
Meenik bows 'Very well. We shall arrive there soon.'
King Yserah turns to Aphrodite and places his hand on her shoulder 'Thank you Asherah, you have done very well. We must now prepare for what is to come.'
Aphrodite says 'I am ready to end this darkness, bring down Moonstone, and restore peace to the realms. I believe this is my destiny.'
King Yserah smiles 'So it seems young lady Asherah. So it seems.'
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