Book of Aphrodite Chapter Six

The real history of Aphrodite. The sixth chapter continues after the assassination of King Frostcag.
Aphrodite, Poseidon, Alakin, and Raugunitar come through the other side of the portal and fall to the ground. They notice King Yserah standing there with his royal guard.
As they get up and the portal closes King Yserah has a stern angry look on his face. He says to Aphrodite 'You two have cost me a lot of trouble. I had the royal guard search the gardens and everywhere within the kingdom of Alfheim.
It was only when my wisps reported they saw you two go through the portal to Jotunheim that I sent Alakin and Raugunitar.
You have cost me dearly and I have had much worry. The word has gone back to the pantheons about your disappearance. That is a matter we will deal with shortly.'
King Yserah notices the tears in Aphrodite's eyes and says 'Hmm peculiar.' He turns to Alakin and asks 'What happened?'
Alakin Silverleaf says 'The King of Jotunheim has been assassinated. Jotunheim believes this was done by your hand. They believe these two were sent there as spies to distract the King and that a poison was given to him. We arrived just in time to see this assassination take place. I worry my King that Jotunheim will declare war upon us.'
King Yserah gets a concerned look and says 'We must avoid this at all costs. I will send emissaries to the Jotunn Queen. We must try to make peace.'
Alakin says 'I would not send emissaries at this time. We must find out who did this first and prove that you my King were not behind the assassination.'
King Yserah looks at Aphrodite and Poseidon. 'Yes we must. Since these two have been there I will question them. I am sure they will cooperate.' They both nod their heads in agreement.
King Yserah continues 'Take Poseidon back to his chambers. As for you Asherah, walk with me. I wish to hear what you discovered in Jotunheim. Maybe it might lead to clear my name of this assassination.'
Raugunitar and Alakin escort Poseidon as King Yserah and Aphrodite walk down another hallway.
King Yserah says 'Tell me young Asherah, what did you discover in Jotunheim? Is there anything that might clear Alfheim of this assassination?'
Aphrodite tells King Yserah how she awakened that night and noticed that Moonstone had a strange object. That she also noticed Moonstone holding the black glass wine carafe that Frostcag drank from. She tells him she believes Moonstone is behind the assassination.
King Yserah says 'This may cause a problem if we reveal this to the Jotunn Queen. Moonstone has the ear of the Queen. Right now stricken by her grief he will make further advancements against Alfheim. Hmm...'
He stops for a moment and puts his hand on his chin as if to go into deep thought.
Aphrodite asks 'What are you thinking my King?'
King Yserah says "Your word is true. I also believe Moonstone is behind this assassination, but I feel a deep presence as if he is just a pawn in a bigger game. Too many things have happened recently. There must be more behind this than just Moonstone.'
He places his hands on Aphrodite's shoulders. 'I need your help Asherah. I trust you among all the other young divine. They do not care for such interests.
You however, you search for wisdom that others wish not to be discovered and you are able to find it. I will need you Asherah. I will need you within my service.'
King Yserah takes a knee and kneels 'Will you help me Asherah? Will you help me uncover this evil that seems to be ripping our realms apart?'
Aphrodite answers 'I can try to help, but I have yet so much to understand.'
King Yserah stands and says 'Yes there is much wisdom and knowledge you are yet to understand, but I can help you with that.'
He then brings out another key from around his neck and says 'You have been to the Alfheim library many times. There is a room sealed by elven gates. It is locked. I am sure you have noticed it.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes and I always wondered what is behind it, but I never thought to ask. I figured that your grace's kindness to allow me to study in your library was an honor in itself and I should not ask for more. I did not want to overextend your hospitality toward me.'
King Yserah smiles 'And I thank you for that. You are not only wise, you are very well mannered. Almost Queen-like Asherah.
You have the mind of a Queen and the wisdom and logic to deal with such affairs. That is why I need you to be my eyes and ears here in Alfheim and among the pantheons.'
His face becomes very serious as he looks in her eyes 'There is a dark presence arising Asherah that may devour us all. You and I can help stop it. Will you help me?'
Taken by the look in his eyes Aphrodite says 'Yes, yes I will help you.'
King Yserah places his hand on her shoulder. 'Good. I know I could count on you.' He gives her the key to the locked gates in the library. 'Go there Asherah. See what you can find out. Whatever you find report to me personally.'
Aphrodite smiles with delight and bows 'I will your majesty.'
King Yserah smiles 'You had a long journey. Please, rest. I will have servants sent to your quarters with food and wine.'
Aphrodite says 'I would much rather get started on uncovering this evil. If it is all the same to you your majesty.'
King Yserah replies 'Yes, feel free. The library is yours. Uncover this evil.'
When Aphrodite arrives in the library she goes to the back where the elven gates are locked. She takes the key and turns the lock. The gates light up for a moment as if energy flowed through them.
Aphrodite opens the gate and goes down a hallway to a round room with many scrolls. She walks around looking at the shelves. She can feel their ancient wisdom and knowledge.
She takes a scroll down and opens it, this scroll speaks of the time before. Aphrodite reads through it with wonder and amazement.
She then notices a peculiar name, it seems so familiar to her. She decides to write the name down so she can ask King Yserah later on if he knows anything of it.
Aphrodite rolls the scroll back up and places it on the table in the center of the room. She looks around at the other scrolls.
She pulls several scrolls down and takes them to the table. She then pulls a chair out and begins to study.
Part Eleven...
It has been a few months since the ordeal in Jotunheim. Since then, much has fallen into disarray.
An army from Jotunheim invaded Alfheim in the northern dark swamps where they rally dark elves to their cause.
King Yserah gathered his mighty elven army along with his greatest generals and went out to deal with the threat and defend Alfheim.
Before he left King Yserah gave Aphrodite a necklace that he said was from his mother and said 'You remind me of her. You have her strength in you. I see that. Take care of my kingdom.'
Aphrodite was not able to ask him about the strange name. She asked several other scholars around Alfheim and even the keepers of the library to no avail.
King Yserah's army went off to meet the army of Jotunheim, but it has been several months. As Aphrodite walks she can feel the fear in the realm.
She has been in the great gardens and seen the bodies coming back. The war is brutal and the Alfheim army has suffered defeat after defeat.
After the death of King Frostcag, the Queen of Jotunheim Helginin went into a deep depression handing complete power over to Moonstone.
King Yserah tried to send emissaries to calm the matter. Moonstone had them beheaded with their heads sent back to Alfheim and their bodies thrown from the great mountains.
Even against Greywillow and Flamebeard's objections, Moonstone carried on with his plans to invade Alfheim. He said it was the order of Queen Helginin that King Yserah pay for what he has done.
Alfheim emissaries were sent to the pantheons and great houses to ask for aid against the invasion.
However, it was discovered that the pantheons and houses were also in disarray. The leaders of House Centaur were brutally murdered. The Nordic pantheon had several foiled assassination attempts.
That is all Aphrodite knows about what is going on outside of Alfheim. There was not very much word. All that was well known among all is that the realms were living in fear.
Aphrodite continues to study in the library of Alfheim to try and uncover this dark mysterious force.
Many of the scrolls are written in a language she does not understand and no one she spoke to in Alfheim could understand it either. It was only known that it came from the time before.
With the effects of the war and fear raging through Alfheim, most were too preoccupied to even try to help her discover.
The young divine of the pantheons continued on as usual not showing much of the effects the war had upon them. Some wished to join in the fight, but were not permitted to.
It was heard that Moonstone had expelled Greywillow from the kingdom of Jotunheim and no one has heard from Flamebeard in a while.
Moonstone then employed the mighty engineer Fogbeard to create mass weapons used against the armies of Alfheim. This caused King Yserah defeat after defeat.
Even with all the fear and panic, Aphrodite felt safe. When King Yserah left he asked his loyal allies and long time friends to come to Alfheim. They are the Valar of Valinor.
Many of the Vala came to defend Alfheim in case it was ever under siege. They would however not participate in the campaign against the armies of Jotunheim.
Aphrodite found the Valar to be remarkable and very wise. But even then when she asked them about the strange name and strange writing, in all their wisdom they had no knowledge of it.
The past several months Aphrodite spent most of her time in the library. She went through the portal many times to see her friend Yahweh, but when she arrived there she was unable to find him.
She would search all the way to the oasis, but still Yahweh was not found. Aphrodite worried at times and deep down inside she missed his company.
What she knew of Yahweh's kind is that they are very isolated and reclusive. Maybe Yahweh went off to do this. She hoped she would see him again.
Aphrodite would go through the portal and look for Yahweh at least once a week. Searching for a few hours before returning to Alfheim.
Then one day in the early morning a gnome servant came to Aphrodite's chambers and knocked on the door.
Aphrodite answers the door and says 'Good morning.'
The gnome servant bows and says 'Good morning young Asherah, there is someone here to see you.'
Aphrodite wonders 'Who could be here to see me?' She asks the gnome 'Do you who who this is?'
The gnome replies 'It is a Ourhkina. He has two other small winged beings with him. They are child-like with wings.'
Aphrodite is delighted because she knows who this is. 'Himeros and Eros!' She grabs her robe and puts it on. 'Please hurry, take me to see them.'
As Aphrodite approaches the main hall she recognizes the Ourhkina as Gabriel. She rushes down the stairs and the twins Eros and Himeros fly into her arms.
She hugs and kisses them both. 'Oh how I have missed you so much.' She then asks about the caretaker and how she has fared.
Eros says 'She is doing fine even though there is much fear in the kingdoms. She decided to have us come see you and make sure you are well.'
Himeros says 'Yes and we are delighted to see it is so.'
Aphrodite asks 'What is going on back home?'
Eros says 'So much has fallen apart. Realms are starting to rage war on each other. There was an assassination attempt in the Void realm. The Void King in all his anger blamed the Light for this. They waged war upon each other.
The great council has not met as most of them have returned to their palaces under heavy guard. It is said that the Bentian come through strange portals and carry out assassinations and attacks.'
Himeros says 'Eros and I saw a royal guard explaining his ordeal to others who found him as he was dying.'
Aphrodite whispers 'What did he say? Tell me, what did he describe?'
Eros says 'Some of the Bentian found their way in underneath the palace of Zeus in the lower catacombs of Olympus. These guards discovered them.
He said they came through a mysterious portal unlike he has ever seen before. He said the beings who came through were cloaked. He could not tell where they were from.
He also said black tentacles came from this strange looking portal and struck through the other guards draining the life out of them until they almost withered away.
The surviving guard who described this said he escaped. He used the fail-safe system to block and cave in the catacombs. It is unknown what happened to the attackers.'
Aphrodite asks 'Did he describe this strange portal in any detail?'
Eros says 'Yes he did. He even made a drawing of it.'
Aphrodite says 'He did? Oh if I could only see that drawing.'
Himeros smiles and reaches into a little bag around his neck. He pulls out a parchment and hands it to her.
Aphrodite says 'Himeros, did you steal this?'
Himeros says 'No, I just borrowed it. I knew you would probably be interested in it.'
Eros say 'You are so wise Aphrodite. If there is anyone who can figure out anything about these strange portals you should be able to. You have studied in the library of Thoth. Maybe you have seen it before.'
Himeros says 'Yes and if you discover it then you can tell Zeus and Hera.'
Aphrodite says 'Hera? I thought she was banished to Tartarus.'
Eros says 'Zeus lifted the ban on Hera setting her free under grief for the loss of his other wife. He granted her any palace that she wished. Instead she came home to be by his side and comfort him. It is said she made him strong again.'
Aphrodite smiles 'That is good. We need Zeus, he is the only one who can defend Olympus.'
She unrolls the parchment that the guard drew of the strange mysterious portal. Her eyes light up almost in fear. Himeros and Eros notice this.
Himeros says 'What is it my lady? Are you okay?'
As Aphrodite stares down at the parchment. She has seen this kind of portal before. She remembers her experience with Yahweh in the borderlands. The portal the Myrrdonite opened up looked exactly like this one.
Aphrodite rolls the parchment back up 'There is so much I have to do here. How long will you both be staying?'
The Erotes both reply 'As long as you need us my lady.'
Aphrodite says 'I have good use of you then. Come, I will take you to my chambers and you will be able to settle in there. Then we shall go to the Alfheim library. I have questions about these strange portals and I know the answer is there.'
They enter the Alfheim library. The Erotes Himeros and Eros look up 'Wow my lady, this library is fascinating. I've never seen so much knowledge.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes, there is quite a bit of knowledge here. Though the knowledge I am concerned with is in a different part of the library I have been entrusted to by King Yserah.'
Himeros says 'King Yserah entrusted you with this? This must be a great honor my lady.'
Aphrodite leads them to the gate and brings out the key. 'Yes it is. Quickly, let's go inside.'
The Erotes go with her down the hallway into the round room of the secret library.
Aphrodite says 'Himeros and Eros, bring as many of those scrolls down from the upper shelves that you can. I must look through them. We will start with those and then we will work our way to the books.'
For several hours back and forth Himeros and Eros would bring Aphrodite the scrolls from the shelves. She looked through many of them.
Quite a few of them are in languages she does not understand and has never seen before. The scrolls she can understand hold no knowledge of this strange portal.
Aphrodite says 'I wish there was some kind of guide or way to translate these old languages. I know my answer is here but I just cannot seem to get it. It is like a treasure right in front of me that I just cannot grasp.'
Just then she hears a noise from down the hallway and shouts 'Who is there?!' She hears no answer.
Aphrodite sees a figure covered in a black robe with a hood. She cannot make out its face. She becomes alarmed as her dealings with beings in black robes has never been good.
She stands up from the table and draws her dagger. Himeros and Eros come to her side saying 'What is it my lady?'
Aphrodite says 'Hurry, stand behind me.'
As the figure comes closer she yells out 'Do not come any closer! I do not wish to hurt you!'
The figure pulls down his hood and reveals his face. It is Yahweh. He holds up his hands and says 'It is me Asherah. Don't worry, I am not here to harm you. I came looking for you.'
Aphrodite sheathes her dagger and joyfully runs to embrace Yahweh. She asks 'Yahweh, where have you been? I went looking for you.'
Yahweh answers 'I was told to go away. I came here to apologize. I thought about it for a long time, whatever I did to offend you I am sorry. I did not ever mean to scare you.'
Aphrodite says 'You do not scare me Yahweh and you have never offended me. Why would you think such a thing?'
Yahweh responds 'The other elf who follows the King around. He came to me and told me that you were frightened of me and you wished I would not trouble you anymore. He told me to go away.
I asked him if I could speak with you about this. For I could not believe that I had frightened you and if I had I wished to apologize.
He then got very angry with me. He grabbed me by my throat and said that I should leave you alone and that if he finds out otherwise he will deal with me himself.
I am sorry I was gone so long. I did try to come see you, I just didn't want to cause you any problems or any fear.'
Aphrodite touches his face and says 'I would never be afraid of you Yahweh.'
Yahweh smiles 'I am so glad to hear that. What are you doing here? I didn't know this place existed. There is strange ancient energy here in these scrolls and books.'
Aphrodite says 'I can feel the energy too, but the books and scrolls are written in languages I have never seen before.'
Yahweh looks up some of the scrolls and looks at them. He comes across a scroll of a single image almost like writing. Aphrodite was never able to understand what it means.
Yahweh says 'I have seen this one before.'
Aphrodite stands beside him 'You have?'
Yahweh continues 'Yes it is the language of my kind. It says the Lost Cavern of Knowledge and it gives the direction to it.'
Aphrodite says 'All that in one symbol?'
Yahweh turns the scroll it is on and says 'Yes, it is not just one symbol meaning one thing. If you turn it you can read the whole message.'
As he turns it Aphrodite sees the symbol changing shape. She is fascinated by this and asks 'What does it say now?'
Yahweh says 'It is giving the direction to find the Lost Cavern of Knowledge.'
Aphrodite asks 'Can you follow it?'
Yahweh answers 'Yes.'
Aphrodite says 'Can you and I go there?'
Yahweh smiles 'You wish for me to go there with you?'
Aphrodite says 'I would not have anyone else by my side.'
Yahweh says 'Yes I can take you there. It may be a few days journey. Won't you be missed here?'
Aphrodite says 'There is so much going on that I am sure I will not be missed. Don't worry about Raugunitar, he barely notices any of us. He is usually busy outside the palace.'
Yahweh says 'Well good then. When do you want to leave? We can go at once if you choose.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes let's go.' She turns to Himeros and Eros and says 'Take care of my things here and keep your eye on Poseidon.'
They exit the secret library and Aphrodite locks the gate. She hands the keys over to Himeros and Eros 'Protect these at all cost and let no one know you have them. I do not wish to take them with me, just in case we run into any trouble. I wouldn't want anyone to discover this library.'
The Erotes Himeros and Eros nod in acknowledgement and fly off. Aphrodite and Yahweh go to the portal room and step through the portal to his Jauntian realm.
Yahweh turns the scroll and the image changes shape. He says 'We must follow the brightest sun for three days in this direction.'
Aphrodite says 'Well, I guess we should get going then.'
They go the directions on the map and for three days they follow the brightest sun in the sky.
At night they rest and Yahweh tells her what he knows of his realm. There are no other humanoid sential beings there. Only plants and animals. It seems to be like a desert landscape she has heard of in other realms.
The are beautiful oases and high mountains at times. There are also small lush little forests and many juniper. A plant Yahweh finds his nourishment from.
There are many olives trees and Yahweh picks fruit from them. He cures them in his hand and gives them to Aphrodite. She finds them to be delightful and very tasty.
Yahweh also picks wild mushrooms for her which only present themselves at night. They are luminescent. He sometimes puts them in stew with olives.
After following the sun for three days it becomes night again. Yahweh wakes Aphrodite up and says 'It is time to go Asherah. We must keep following the direction on the scroll.'
He brings out the scroll as three moons shine in the sky. The image on the scroll lights up and as he turns the scroll it changes shape.
Yahweh says 'We are close now.'
They travel on until morning when they come to two separate cliffs. Yahweh brings out the scroll again and it changes shape to resemble the cliffs in front of them.
Yahweh says 'Come, this is it.'
As they get close to the cliffs they see an opening that looks like a large cave.
Yahweh says 'The caverns are down in there.'
They both enter the cave. The walls seem to glow bright orange.
Yahweh says 'I feel we are very close now.'
They come to a place in the cavern where the walls close in. There is writing on the wall.
Yahweh says 'Look.'
On the wall they see strange drawings. Aphrodite touches them. They seem to be inscriptions of something.
Aphrodite asks 'Can you make some of these out?'
Yahweh says 'Yes. It speaks of a place here. A place I know and have been to recently.'
Aphrodite asks 'What is this place?'
Yahweh says 'It is not far from here. Look Asherah, this is interesting.'
Aphrodite asks 'What is it Yahweh?'
Yahweh says 'These symbols right here. They are in the same place I know of. I have been wanting to show you this place for some time.'
Aphrodite looks at the symbols on the wall. There are 13 of them. In the center there is a strange yet familiar looking object. Something she has seen in her dreams. It is a black diamond-shaped object.
Aprhodite asks 'Yahweh, can you read any of this?'
Yahweh says 'This part I do not quite understand. It represents something. But this part over here I should be able to make out a little easier...
It speaks of a time before the first time. It talks of ones who came from a place older than all the realms, older than our whole existence. It says when they came here they stayed for a short time and the place they came to died.
It also speaks of other things coming here from an ancient place that existed before our own. That is all I can understand. Let me see if I can make sense out of some of these others.'
Aphrodite says 'Please do Yahweh. I will be forever grateful if you could help me discover what these mean.'
Yahweh smiles 'I will do my best.'
Aphrodite turns and notices another set of drawings and inscriptions on the wall. She is very lured to them. They are inscriptions and drawings of three beings. She is lit up with fascination to her very core.
Aphrodite asks 'Yahweh, what is this?'
Yahweh examines the drawings and says 'These are the inscriptions of three beings. Look Asherah, this one... the name is like yours.'
Aphrodite looks at the drawing of the being with the inscription on the inside of it and says 'I don't see where it says that. Are you sure?'
Yahweh says 'I am familiar with some of these writings. They were made by my kind. Even though some of them are strange to me, I am sure this says your name.'
He looks at the other two 'These ones are more difficult for me to understand.'
Aphrodite says 'The same name as me? I wonder.'
Yahweh says 'Maybe they were sisters. Maybe they were the ones that came in the time before the first time.'
Aphrodite says 'May I tell you something Yahweh?'
Yahweh says 'Yes, anything Asherah.'
Aphrodite says 'I never knew my mother or father. I was always raised by my caretaker. I am wondering if Asherah is the name of my mother. My real mother.'
Yahweh says 'Maybe it is. Maybe the answer is hidden somewhere.'
Aphrodite says 'I know it is out there. I feel such a strong connection to these images. Maybe they explain my past. Maybe this Asherah was my mother.'
Then she remembers that several months before she discovered something that seemed familiar to her. It was a name she had written down. She was going to show King Yserah but so much happened she let it slip her mind.
She reaches into her bag to look for the small piece of parchment. She takes it out realizing the symbol on the wall is the same symbol she wrote down.
Aphrodite says 'That's it! Yahweh, I need you to come back with me to Alfheim. I need you to stay there with me. I think you could be a great help to me in the library.'
She shows him the parchment. Yahweh's eyes light up and he says 'Wherever you copied this from in your library there may be more. I would love to help you with this Asherah in any way I can. What about the King and that very mean servant of his?'
Aphrodite says 'You let me figure that out. I assure you he will be no trouble. Will you come with me Yahweh? I need you to help me. There are answers right in front of me and with your help maybe I will be able to unlock them.'
Yahweh smiles 'I will do the best I can to serve you.'
Aphrodite says 'Good, come. Let's get back to Alfheim.'
Before they go through a portal back to Alfheim, Yahweh is a bit hesitant.
Aphrodite says 'Everything is going to be alright Yahweh. I will take care of you here. I promise no one will harm you.'
Yahweh looks at her and says 'I trust you.'
They both step through the portal. Aphrodite shows Yahweh back to her chambers where Eros is patiently waiting for her. He seems eager and nervous.
Aphrodite asks 'Eros, what is the matter?'
Eros says 'My lady, the Arcturians are here. They brought weapons and great ships that fly in the sky. They seem strangely frightening.'
Aphrodite asks 'Have they come to invade us?'
Eros says 'No. They wish to meet with Raugunitar. It appears King Yserah invited them to come.'
Aphrodite asks 'Has this meeting taken place?'
Eros says 'No. Raugunitar has not yet returned to the kingdom. He was dealing with something on the outside. They should be meeting soon.'
Eros then whispers in her ear 'My lady, I have seen the two Arcturians. They give me a bad sense.'
Aphrodite gets a concerned look 'Come with me Eros. Let's see for ourselves what is really going on.'
She then tells Yahweh 'I will be back soon. Please make yourself at home.'
Aphrodite closes the chamber door behind her. She and Eros head out of the palace. Aphrodite sees great objects in the sky. These are crafts the Arcturians traveled in.
She sees a small contingent of cavalry ride up and recognizes the armor of Raugunitar. He steps off his horse and is approached by two Arcturians in the courtyard. They are escorted by elven guards.
Aphrodite moves in closer to get a better view. Raugunitar greets the Arcturians with a bow and they bow back.
Raugunitar says 'You came just in time. My King is under siege at this very moment in the far north. I just received the message. The powerful machines of the kingdom of Jotunheim are overwhelming. My King's army will be crushed.'
Arcturian replies 'We have come at the request of King Yserah in this new alliance. I am a representative of the Arcturian Emperor. My name is Pavguad and this is my assistant Norrindin.'
Aphrodite looks at the assistant Norrindin and realizes she has seen this one before. He was there that day in the council. The one she recognized as the same face as the being with the black crown in the Void. Though his skin was a different color.
Raugunitar says 'We should make haste. My King may still stand.'
Pavguad says 'We are here at your service.' He makes a signal with his hand up toward the ships. They lower and turn about. 'We will be advancing. Come, we will take you aboard. Let us hope your King still stands.'
Norrindin brings out a device from under his cloak. As he turns the device, the two Arcturians, Raugunitar, and his men glow brightly then disappear. Aphrodite watches the Arcturian vessels move off into the distance.
Aphrodite feels a deep worry inside. She heard what Raugunitar said about King Yserah under siege. She would feel a deep sadness if anything happened to him. He has been so kind to her.
She returns to her chambers with Eros only to find it empty. 'Where is Yahweh?' A slight bit of panic comes over her. 'We have to find him. Eros come quickly.'
They search the palace and cannot find Yahweh anywhere. She then heads down to the library. As she walks back to the gate of the secret library she notices it is open. The only one who could have the key is Himeros.
Aphrodite says 'This is strange. Be ready for anything.'
She pulls out her dagger and goes down the hallway into the round room. There she sees Yahweh with Himeros. She sheathes her dagger with a sigh of relief.
Aphrodite asks 'Yahweh, what are you doing down here?'
Yahweh says 'Please don't be angry Asherah. Don't be upset with Himeros. I convinced him it would be best to serve you if we came down here and got started.'
Aphrodite says 'I am not angry at you Yahweh. I thank you. Please continue.'
Yahweh says 'Do you remember where you got the image you copied?'
Aphrodite looks around the room at the stacks of books and scrolls and says 'Hmm I should have kept it a little more organized. We better begin looking. Himeros and Eros can help me.'
Yahweh says 'I can turn my attention toward other things and see if I can discover anything I understand from these books.'
He walks over and gathers a few books and sets them down before him on the table to look through them.
Aphrodite asks 'Yahweh, how is it that you know so many different languages and have so much knowledge?'
Yahweh says 'I don't remember when I learned to read, but I remember being very young. That place we went to with the borderlands portal and the Ourhkina we ran into, I have been watching him and he has been watching me ever since I was young.
He used to leave books and scrolls for me. I would study them then return them. When I did this he would give me more. I thank him for that. He gave me knowledge of the other realms and much wisdom of languages.'
Aphrodite, Himeros, and Eros continue looking through the scrolls trying to find the one she copied the image from. Yahweh continues to read through books.
Yahweh says 'Asherah, come here. Look...'
Aphrodite comes over to look over his shoulder.
Yahweh continues 'I have been looking at this phrase for a long time trying to decipher it. It says your name in here, or the name of your mother as you believe.'
Aphrodite excitedly says 'Don't keep me in suspense. Tell me, what does it say?'
Yahweh replies 'And she rose from the Eternal Sea, Asherah reborn again.' He turns the page but the rest of the book is missing.
Aphrodite feels disappointed looking at the torn pages and says 'It is right there in front of me. This may explain my mother and where she came from. I wish I could find the rest of this book.'
Yahweh smiles 'It is possible we can find the rest of it. The name of the author who wrote it is in the book.'
He turns to the first few pages and points to an elven inscription.
Yahweh says 'Whoever wrote this book lived here in Alfheim. Maybe someone may know his name. We should take it to some of the scholars and historians here. They may be able to help you discover this.'
Aphrodite says 'That is a good idea. If they can help us discover who this author is, and if he is still alive, maybe he has knowledge that can help me.'
She asks around with the local scholars of the library. One of them says 'Yes, I know this author very well. He has written some of the great plays of tragedies and dramas in Alfheim. His name is Leiston Crowfeather.'
Aphrodite asks 'Do you know where he lives?'
The scholar replies 'Some say he lives beyond the great sacred forest of Alfheim up on the blue mountain. But my young Asherah, that place is off limits to young divine.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes, I know. Maybe after things have settled down I shall go see him. I am fascinated by his works.'
The scholar says 'Yes he has written some of the finest histories along with some of the best plays known through all of Alfheim.' Aphrodite bows and leaves.
Yahweh whispers 'You have no intention of waiting do you Asherah?'
Aphrodite smiles 'I do not.'
They return to her chambers to gather some things. She does not know how long the journey may be, but decides she will take it anyway. She wishes to speak with Crowfeather to see if he can tell her more about this book.
After she gathers her things she instructs Himeros and Eros to stay and gather any word of what may be going on in the other realms.
Aphrodite then goes with Yahweh though the courtyard to the main gates. There they come across some other young divine of the pantheons.
As she discovered over the years, the female or feminine side of the pantheons consist of two certain types of females. There are the strong warrior-like ones such as Artemis, Athena, and Freya.
Then there are the more girly ones who are more graceful and elegant. This is the group that has always looked upon Aphrodite without much acceptance. Some jealous that she was named the Olympian Goddess of Love and Beauty and would have that title when she is grown.
Aphrodite notices another Olympian in the crowd. He is Dionysus, who is almost always intoxicated. He seems to spend his time with the other females of the pantheons. He is conversing with Isis.
When Aphrodite walks by Isis speaks to her 'Ah Aphrodite, you should come join us. We are having more dresses tailored. Then we will have massages and drink wine. Enjoy some entertainment here in Alfheim.'
Isis looks at Yahweh with a look of disgust on her face and says 'Uh, who's your friend?'
Aphrodite says 'This is Yahweh. He is divine like us.'
Isis says 'Um, not quite like us. He will not be able to come along on the invitation I present to you. It's kind of a woman thing.' She turns her glance back toward Yahweh.
Aphrodite says 'I have many other things to do. Enjoy your time and thank you again for your invitation.'
Aphrodite and Yahweh walk away and hear Isis say 'And she is going to be the Olympian Goddess of Love and Beauty? Ha!' They hear giggles from the other females.
As Aphrodite and Yahweh walk down the path they see Set leaning against a wall. He is looking their direction shaking his head. Set says 'Quite a bunch of bitches aren't they?' Aphrodite smiles at this.
Just then they hear a loud roar in the sky. Aphrodite looks up and sees an Arcturian ship. It is returning and seems a bit damaged.
She notices the same light formation off in the distance. The same as when Raugunitar and his men went onto the ships.
As it forms back together she can see it is Raugunitar. An elven council member rushes up to him.
Council member says 'Sir Raugunitar, what is the news of our King? How does he fare in this fight?'
Raugunitar smiles 'With the help of the Arcturians the siege has been broken. We pushed them back. The King sent me back here to maintain his order in the kingdom. He is going to pursue them and drive the armies of Jotunheim out of Alfheim.'
Council member bows 'Then this is a day of celebration. Our King will surely be successful and triumph over these invading forces.
Come to my home Raugunitar so I may entertain you and you can tell me all about the battle.
Many of us on the council are very interested. We wish to write the tales of how our King broke the siege and drove back the armies of Jotunheim.'
Raugunitar replies 'As long as you have the best wine.'
Aphrodite notices the Arcturian ship turn about and head off as Raugunitar and council member leave.
She continues to travel with Yahweh on the outside of the palace. They come to where the Grand Tree of Alfheim stands.
Yahweh looks up at it in amazement 'I have never seen a tree so big.'
Aphrodite smiles 'It is as beautiful as it is grand. Come, we should continue on.'
They make their way through the forest until they come to a clearing with a majestic blue mountain in front of them. They hear voices and sounds of hammers as if someone is working.
They walk toward the mountain and come up over a small hill. Down below are many gnomes and a mine leading into the mountain.
There are also elven guards speaking to the gnomes saying 'Continue to work. Mine the ore. Make the spears and the arrows that will fly down upon the enemies which come to enslave you.
You are the backbone of Alfheim. You are the pillar that holds all that is true. For your King, for your kinfolk, for Alfheim. Your work is needed.'
The gnomes carry on without complaint even though many of them look tired and exhausted.
Aphrodite then hears the sound of coughing not too far from where she and Yahweh are observing. They walk over and see the little gnome Saumjin.
Saumjin says 'Ah, lady Asherah. What are you doing all the way out here? You know the King has forbidden anyone to travel beyond the great forest.'
Aphrodite says 'I know, but I have secretly been put on a mission from the King. He has entrusted me to be his eyes and ears.
If you do not believe so, when he returns from his great victory you can ask him yourself. Right now I am on an important mission for him.'
Saumjin says 'I understand. I won't let anyone or the guards know you are out here. Your secret is safe with me.'
He coughs again and Aphrodite signals to Yahweh to give him some water.
Saumjin drinks it and says 'Ah thank you. I have been thirsty for a while. The dust from the mines have caused me to cough so much.
The elves are going to bring in more water soon. Many of us gnomes are thirsty. We must make the arrows and spears that will vanquish the enemy and drive them from Alfheim.'
Aphrodite helps him up and says 'I understand. Good luck Saumjin. I hope to see you soon.'
Saumjin bows 'The same to you my lady.'
Aphrodite asks 'Oh, do you know the author Crowfeather?'
Saumjin answers 'Every gnome in the kingdom knows of his works. I am his number one fan.'
Aphrodite says 'I heard he lives upon the blue mountain. That is who we are seeking. Can you help me? Do you know where he is at?'
Saumjin says 'Yes, he is pretty easy to find. If you go down here a short distance you will find a trail that leads up the mountain. Follow that trail until you see a small cabin in the distance. That is his. Crowfeather lives there, though not many have seen him in years.'
Aphrodite says 'Thank you Saumjin.'
Saumjin replies 'Be safe young Asherah.'
Aphrodite and Yahweh follow the directions and find the trail. They approach the crudely structured cabin and walk up the steps. There is a fire burning inside.
She knocks on the door and hears a voice 'Um, I am closed right now. Dinner. Yes, I am having dinner. Come back tomorrow.'
Aphrodite is delighted as she recognizes this voice. She opens the door and walks in. An old man sits in a chair.
Aphrodite says 'Father!'
Father says 'Ah, young Aphrodite. Oh excuse me, young Asherah. What brings you to my humble home?'
Aphrodite says 'I come looking for the author Crowfeather. Is that you Father? Are you the famous author of Alfheim?'
Father says 'I believe that is one of the names I've gone by. Yes, that would be me.'
Aphrodite tells him of her recent discoveries and what she found in the library. Yahweh hands the ripped book over to her and she shows him.
Father stares at it for a while and says 'I think I remember writing this, but it was so long ago.'
Aphrodite asks 'What about the rest of it? Do you have it here? Do you have another copy of the book you wrote?'
Father says 'I'm afraid not. I only write one copy of each. I leave it to others to produce more copies of it. As for the missing pages, I do not know.' He gives the book back to her.
Aphrodite asks 'Father, you wrote down in there something of Asherah and an Eternal Sea. Can you tell me more of what this Eternal Sea is?'
Father leans back in his chair and takes a puff of his pipe. He says 'Eternal Sea. From what I can remember, it is a sea that stretches on for eternity. It touches all the realms at certain places.'
Aphrodite asks 'Do you know where it connects to the realms?'
Father says 'I cannot quite remember. I do remember that the Eternal Sea has good fishing.' He leans back with a look of sadness 'I remember I was very happy there.'
Aphrodite says 'Asherah, she came from the Eternal Sea. Do you remember her?'
Father says 'I have met so many in so much time. I must have known her once.'
Aphrodite says 'I believe she may be my mother.'
Father says 'Maybe she is. That answer I am sure you will discover in time young Asherah. You and your friend here, you are welcome to stay. It is getting late and I don't want you getting lost in the forest on your way back.'
Aphrodite says 'I would like that. We will stay.'
Father walks over to his little small fire where there is a pot cooking stew. He says 'I am not the best cook, but you are both more than welcome to join me for dinner.'
Aphrodite smiles 'I would love to Father. Thank you.' She enjoys dinner with Yahweh and Father.
Father speaks of fishing and Yahweh speaks of his realm and a certain fish that runs in the river there.
Yahweh asks 'How old are you Father?'
Father answers 'Hmmm, well I am not quite sure.' Then he laughs 'That should tell you how old I really am.'
Yahweh says 'You remind me of an old man I saw once wandering in my realm. I didn't talk to him. He seemed to be a nomad. I remember he stopped at an oasis to give water to his beasts. He looked old like you and very wise. He seemed happy and cheerful.'
Father strokes his beard 'Maybe he is a relative of mine.' They all chuckle at this and continue eating dinner.
On the other side of Alfheim near the black forest, a battle rages. King Yserah has been joined by the Arcturians.
The Jotunheim army is pushed back and their great machines are destroyed by Arcturian technology.
King Yserah rallies his army 'They are on the run, now is the time. Gather your courage and your strength. Let's drive them back to the abomination land they came from. For Alfheim!'
The Alfheim army pushes forward. The Arcturians target the Jotunheim army with great beams of energy from their ships. The front line forces of the Jotunheim army break and many flee.
On a hill overlooking the forest off in the distance stands Moonstone along with Vex. Behind them in the valley below are more machines of Jotunheim along with a reserve army.
Vex says 'What will we do about the rest of them who are fleeing?'
Moonstone looks down at the Jotunheim army being pushed back and says 'They are expendable. We will carry on with the next part of the plan.
While King Yserah is busy trying to gain such a great victory by cutting them down, we will lay waste to the palace and kingdom of Alfheim.'
He then reaches into a bag and pulls out a small box cube shaped object.
Moonstone continues 'Now watch my apprentice. Observe the power I have gained.'
He turns and faces the hidden army on the other side of the valley and speaks in thothilssin. The black cube reacts and rifts open up.
Vex laughs 'Oh King Yserah. This is going to bite him right in the ass.'
Moonstone tells the Jotunn General standing next to him 'Signal the army to go through. Tell them when they reach the other side to show no mercy. We will set the palace ablaze. Carry out my orders. Kill them all.'
Jotunn General replies 'And the children of the pantheons, the young divine. What about them?'
Moonstone says 'They are just casualties of war. Make sure of it.'
The Jotunn General bows and signals for the army to go through the rifts.
Moonstone turns to Vex and says 'Come my apprentice, we are needed elsewhere. The master wishes to speak to us. He has empowered me and now he wishes to empower you.'
He opens another rift and they step through. Vex says to himself 'This is the moment I've been waiting for.'
When they come out the other side Moonstone and Vex are in the borderlands. There is a Myrrdonite in front of them. Hacklind the current Cutter in the borderlands at that time.
Moonstone speaks 'Hacklind, the master has called me. He informed me that you yourself must be present in Alfheim. I do not know why he wishes it of you and why he doesn't send me himself.'
Hacklind says 'The master needs you elsewhere. I see you brought your apprentice with you. His power will empower you Vex.
As for myself, there is one in Alfheim that the master wishes to be eliminated. I will go there and find this young Asherah.
I will bring her and drag her back here to the borderlands where she will know an eternity of pain and suffering under my knives.'
Vex says 'I've had dealings with this young Asherah before. Careful, she can be tricky and luck always seems to be on her side.'
Hacklind replies 'The divine even fear stepping into these lands. You think for one moment that the dead fear the living? I will show you. I will drag her back here.'
Moonstone says 'Ha. She will be nothing. I have seen this young Asherah. Although she thinks she has some knowledge, she is just a child. She will be easily destroyed. Come Vex, the master awaits us.'
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