Nyrix and Lyrix: History of the Mist Weavers

The true self past vision begins. The Veil Keeper walks across the great expanse of the Veil Mist. He comes upon an impaled Savage God who he hopes to save. This is his friend Ahkra.
Veil Keeper stares at his friend who is barely living. 'I am sorry my friend. I wish there was something I could have done.'
Ahkra says in a dying voice 'You have done all that can be done. We will expand throughout all, existence by existence. They will devour.'
Veil Keeper places his hand on Ahkra's wounded chest. 'There is no stopping them then. What shall I do when they come for me?'
Ahkra says 'They cannot pass beyond the mist without you. This place and time will be their undoing. Look for me again my friend. I will arise from judgement.' He breathes his last breath and dies.
Veil Keeper lowers his head in sadness 'Then I will bide the time until we meet again. I shall let them pass through the Veil Mist.'
The Veil Keeper true to his word lets the Savage Gods, Ashoweah, and the others pass through the Veil Mist to expand their influence upon the 13 existences.
The leader of the Savage Gods was soon devoured by the Bishberrin who was even more savage.
The Veil Keeper had no choice. If he were to turn against Ashoweah and the Bishberrin, then the Savage Gods would devour the Veil Mist. That would cause the existences to collide together. The borderlands would overrun and soon it would consume all.
Judgement came just as Ahrka said it would. The Aspect known as Atherak hunted down the Savage Gods. It was on this day that the Veil Keeper let some of the vilest of them into the mist.
Riktia who is a brother to the Bishberrin says 'Now that we have made our way through Veil Keeper, show us the way to the 11th existence. They choose to stand against us.'
The Veil Keeper stalls for time and says 'The mist is thick and heavy. Something is within it.'
Veil Keeper has struck a deal with the right hand of Judgement known as Eternal Death. He has led Atherak and Eternal Death here.
The Savage God Riktia grows weary. He senses something, the one who has come to kill his kind. 'You tricked us Veil Keeper!'
The Veil Keeper says 'No, I had no knowledge of this. Quickly, we must run through the mist. They will come for us all.' He runs off into the mist.
Riktia screams 'I will hunt you down, you coward! Find the Veil Keeper and bring him here.'
He signals to the other Savage Gods and they make their way through the mist.
There is silence and then the sounds of shrieks. The Savage Gods are butchered.
The mist clears and to Riktia's shock, all his fellow Savage Gods are impaled on spikes. Eternal Death stands in front of them.
Riktia prepares himself and says 'I stand alone against you. I will travel to the 11th existence and obtain what I need to destroy you and your master. First, since you decided to face me alone, I will devour you.'
He makes his move as Eternal Death remains motionless.
Riktia is then overcome by a terrifying voice. 'Riktia, it is I who has come for you.' He turns to see Atherak standing there.
The coils from Atherak pierce into Riktia. He shrieks and burns away into ash.
Atherak concentrates his coils into all the other impaled Savage Gods and burns them to ash. Then he calls for the Veil Keeper who emerges from the mist.
Atherak says 'You have done me well. Ahkra was right to trust you. This will not be our last meeting.'
Veil Keeper says 'And I am to remain here alone?'
Atherak says 'You will not be alone Keeper of the Mist. In time others will be at your side.'
Atherak and Eternal Death disappear into a cloud of black mist.
The Veil Keeper is left to himself. He wanders endlessly through the mist. He has always been alone in the Veil Mist. He watches many pass through, but he is by himself.
As he wanders he hears an unfamiliar sound of someone singing. As he makes his way toward the voice, he sees a female. She is painting something within the mist itself.
The images float around her as she paints. She turns to the Veil Keeper and says 'Finally you come. I thought I would be waiting forever.'
The Veil Keeper is entranced by her. She is Great Mother but he does not realize it. She does not give her name.
He asks 'You have been waiting for me? How do you know who I am? Have we met before?'
The female laughs 'Many times before. Come, walk with me.'
They walk off together in the Veil Mist. She takes him by the hand and says 'You must be so lonely here. I can feel it within this place.'
Veil Keeper is surprised by this, yet he answers 'It is lonely here. Many cross through, but none ever stay. And those who have crossed through lately only wish to bring malice and destruction to other existences. Judgement is hunting them.'
The female says 'So much sadness and sorrow. It must weigh heavily upon you. You are all alone with no one to share it with.'
Great Mother puts her arms around him and says 'I am here now. Share with me everything that you are.'
She kisses him. They embrace each other and make love beneath the mist.
The Veil Keeper sleeps with her in his arms. For the moment he feels good. Everything which weighs upon him seems to vanish. He is happy.
When he awakes he discovers that the female is gone. He is saddened but holds onto the memory like a treasure.
The time of Judgement comes and goes. Most of the Savage Gods were wiped out by Atherak before he burned away.
Existences begin to grow and expand from the original 13. Many new existences come. The Veil Keeper watches this for a while.
Then comes to the time when beings cross through the mist again. The Veil Keeper himself does not make contact with them.
He sits alone in his dwelling until one day he arises from his sleep. There is the sound of two small voices crying like children.
The Veil Keeper goes to the main room of his dwelling. There he finds two golden boxes. Inside them are two babies. One boy and one girl. He names them Nyrix and Lyrix.
This brings him joy. He is no longer alone. He raises his two children.
He desires the best learning for them. The Veil Keeper has Thoth and Riovo bring manuscripts and scrolls which he reads to his children.
He is happy with his little twins. He shows Nyrix and Lyrix the expanding existences and how realms are created. They watch together from the Veil Mist.
The Veil Keeper also warns them of the Bishberrin and Ashoweah. If they are to ever see them in the mist they should stay far away.
The twins are about 4 in Midgard years.
Lyrix asks 'Are there any others like us?'
Nyrix asks 'Are we the only ones here?'
The Veil Keeper explains that they are the only ones. He then tells them a story of how the existences are created and grow. 'These are the cycles of beginning and end.'
Nyrix asks 'But why? Why are there no others here? Does the mist not grow?'
Veil Keeper says 'That I do not have the answer to.'
Nyrix says 'Would it be in any of the books or scrolls that Thoth brings for you to read to us?'
Lyrix says 'Maybe he would know.'
Nyrix has a look on his face as though he is thinking very deeply.
Veil Keeper asks 'What are you thinking of?'
Lyrix says 'Shhh, it is supposed to be a surprise.'
The Veil Keeper looks strangely at his two children. 'A surprise? What kind of surprise?'
Lyrix smiles 'Something for you, father. Something me and Nyrix have been wanting to do.'
Veil Keeper says 'Something for me?'
Nyrix says 'But we will need Thoth's help.'
When Thoth returns with more books Nyrix and Lyrix secretly ask him of a way to create other beings inside the Veil Mist with magic.
Thoth is reluctant to tell them. Their young child-like eyes persuade him and turn his heart to tell them at least a little something.
Thoth says 'My two dears, there is a way. But you are still too young to understand it. Maybe when you grow older we can speak of it again.'
Nyrix and Lyrix are not totally satisfied with this answer. They were hoping for something they could do sooner. They wanted Thoth to give them something they could do now. They want to create others within the Veil Mist.
They are happy knowing that one day Thoth will return. They will always keep this in their minds and when that day comes they will discover how to create more inside the empty mist.
Some time goes by and Nyrix and Lyrix are playing out in the Veil Mist. They are children of about 11 or 12 in Midgard years.
Lyrix starts to draw in the blue shimmering sand. Nyrix has always admired his sister and her skills in art.
She makes a drawing of the twins with their father and many other children.
Nyrix asks 'Who are all the others?'
Lyrix says 'I don't know, but I was dreaming about them. Let's play hide and seek.'
Nyrix sighs 'Oh, I hate that game.'
Lyrix looks at him with big eyes and Nyrix gives in.
Nyrix says 'Fine, but I am not going to -'
Lyrix tags him 'You're it first.' Then she runs off into the mist.
Nyrix sighs again. Hide and seek is a game his sister always wants to play. He is not very fond of it.
He goes searching for his sister who is hiding for the game. Time passes by and he gets worried.
Nyrix calls to her 'You should come out. It is time to go home!'
He starts to panic. Where could his sister have gone? Their father has warned them not to wander far from each other. Strange beings always pass through the mist and many of them are hostile.
Nyrix is frantically yelling out his sister's name. 'Lyrix! Come out please! This is not funny! We need to go home. Father will be worried!'
He hears giggling. It is a sigh of relief to him. He walks forward and sees Lyrix holding something.
It is like a strange black thistle flower with deep shades of purple.
Nyrix asks 'Where did you get that?'
Lyrix says 'The spider lady gave it to me.'
Nyrix says 'The spider lady?'
Lyrix says 'Yes, I got lost and I heard you calling my name but I couldn't find you. I am sorry. I went off too far to hide.
This spider lady found me and I told her I was lost. She brought me back here so you could find me. She also gave me this pretty flower.'
Nyrix says 'You should not be taking things from beings wandering the mist. Father would not like that.'
Lyrix puts on a pouty face 'I know. Don't tell him please.'
Nyrix takes pity on his sister 'I won't, but you should hide that flower when we get back. Don't let father see it. If he does I will have to tell him the truth.'
Lyrix hugs him 'Thank you. I will not let him see it.'
They return home to the Veil Keeper. The spider lady Dehmont watches from the distance. A smile comes across her face.
Dehmont laughs 'That's right little ones. Run home to your father now.'
The Bishberrin cackles 'Ah perfect planning. This will bring him out of hiding. You are excellent and cunning as well as beautiful.'
Dehmont says 'You asked me to help you find the Veil Keeper my love and I have found him. Now for what I want in return.'
Bishberrin says 'The Demi-Aspect child of Truth. Yes, she is yours. I will have Jedahva delivered to your fortress.'
Dehmont says 'Perfect.'
She then places her arms around the Bishberrin. He growls in ravaging delight. They uh, have a savage sexual moment.
A little time passes and Nyrix and Lyrix now appear around 15 in Midgard years.
Nyrix has grown stronger. He has learned how to work the mist within the veil. He looks out upon the many realms.
Lyrix seems more distant from the mist. She speaks to Nyrix of leaving to go live in one of the beautiful realms.
She always kept the strange flower she got from the spider lady hidden under her bed wrapped up in a cloth.
The Veil Keeper is in her room and notices something on her vanity table. It is a carving of a woman. His daughter made this.
He recognizes it as a carving of their mother. Lyrix has very insightful dreams. She must have dreamed of her.
This saddens him a bit and he drops the carving. It rolls under the bed.
As the Veil Keeper goes down to grab it, he notices a strange object wrapped in cloth. He takes it and unwraps it to find the flower.
He has never seen anything like this before. Where would his daughter get this? As he touches it, he pricks himself on the thorn. A drop of blood hits the floor.
The blood shimmers and turns black. This startles the Veil Keeper. Something strange is happening. He can feel a disturbance getting closer to his home in the mist.
The Veil Keeper thinks of his children. Panic sets within him. Something is wrong.
He follows his sense of danger and it leads him to a clearing in the mist. He sees Dehmont and the Bishberrin.
The Bishberrin has his hands around Nyrix. Lyrix is kneeling before them crying.
When the Bishberrin sees the Veil Keeper he says 'There you are. Hiding all this time from me. I have come seeking you out for my vengeance. It was you who led Atherak to my beloved brother.'
Veil Keeper says 'It was me. Whatever quarrel you have, it is with me. Let my children go.'
The Bishberrin picks Nyrix up by the neck. 'Why should I let any of you go? I am not one of mercy.'
The Veil Keeper gets angry, but he knows that any sudden moves he makes could endanger his son's life.
Veil Keeper pleads 'Then take me. They were not born at that time. They have no quarrel against you. It was I who did it.'
Nyrix calls out 'No father, please!'
Dehmont laughs 'Oh, the love of a parent to their children. It is always the weakest point.'
The Bishberrin laughs and throws Nyrix to the Veil Keeper's feet. 'Take your son. I will not kill him. I have come for vengeance and my love is correct.
Dehmont speaks the truth. It is the perfect way for me to have my vengeance upon you. I will not kill you either. I will take from you what you took from me.'
With his powerful jaws, the Bishberrin bites down upon Lyrix. Her eyes start to fade and her skin withers.
The Veil Keeper cries out 'NOO!'
Lyrix looks into her father's eyes one last time and says 'I love you father. I am sorry.' She falls limp to the ground.
The Veil Keeper pushes Nyrix behind him and begins to power up.
Mist energy blasts from him toward Dehmont and the Bishberrin but they disappear into the mist.
He can hear their laughs fade into the distance as he rushes to his daughter.
The Veil Keeper takes Lyrix into his arms. With tears in his eyes, he looks at his son. 'Return home quickly!'
Nyrix asks 'Where are you going, father?'
Veil Keeper says 'I have to find Ahkra. He is the only one who can bring her back now. Go home!'
The Veil Keeper waves his hand. A strange rift opens in the mist and he steps through. Nyrix tries to follow but the rift closes.
Nyrix returns home and goes into his sister's room. He falls to his knees and weeps.
He notices the thistle flower on the floor and starts to think. Is this how they found them? Was that the spider lady? Of course it was. She gave this to Lyrix to lead them here.
Nyrix angrily says to himself 'I should have made her throw it away. I should have. It is my fault.' He crushes the thistle and screams out his sister's name.
In the borderlands, the Veil Keeper wanders holding his dead child within his arms. He calls out 'Ahkra! Hear me! Come to me! I need you!'
Two beings appear in front of him. It is Ahkra and his apprentice Xarsha.
The Veil Keeper drops to his knees with Lyrix in his arms. 'Please Ahkra, you have the power. Bring her back. Don't let her come here, please. You are my friend. Please Ahkra, bring her back.'
Ahkra answers 'I am your friend, but I serve Judgement. This you have brought upon yourself. You allowed those who are wicked, destructive, and savage to cross through the mist. Many others have been where you are now. Holding their dead children in their arms. I cannot help you.'
The Veil Keeper cries out 'Why?! Please! Bring her back!'
Ahkra and Xarsha leave and disappear. The Veil Keeper remains alone weeping.
He knows Ahkra speaks the truth. This judgement has been brought upon himself.
He allowed the Bishberrin, Ashoweah, slavers, and others to cross in the mist to other existences. Bringing death and destruction in their wake.
Why did the Veil Keeper allow them through? He didn't want any of them to try and replace him. Especially Ashoweah. He knew he was the only one who could control the Veil Mist.
As you know, the Veil Mist runs through all existences. If he was to be taken away from it and it fell into someone else's hands, it would collapse. The realms and existences would collide together. That is why he did what he did.
The Veil Keeper returns to the mist. He wraps his daughter's body in the finest cloth then places her on an altar in a glass case. He stands there with his son.
Nyrix says 'This is my fault father.' He explains what happened with the spider lady and then says 'It is my fault she is dead.'
Veil Keeper says 'No. I brought this upon us all. If there is anyone to blame, it is me.'
The Veil Keeper falls into a deep depression after this. Nyrix sees his father almost wither away.
He spends most of his time standing in front of the glass case on the altar with his daughter's body.
The Veil Keeper speaks to her at times. Nyrix hears of Ahkra and the borderlands and how he can raise the dead.
Nyrix studies to find a way to go to the borderlands himself. He will ask Ahkra to return his sister.
He figures out how to open a rift into the borderlands and steps through.
Nyrix is in the borderlands. He doesn't know how to begin his search. How does he find Ahkra? He looks around, wondering which direction to go.
He sees large dark grey mist clouds in the distance. Nyrix reaches into his bag and pulls out a book that belongs to his father.
For years, the Veil Keeper has written down many things about the different realms and the beings within them.
Nyrix knows of the Myrrdonite who exist here. Once when he was a small toddler, he observed his father speaking to a being who looked much like the Bishberrin who killed his sister.
Except this being was mutilated like he was reformed. There was a sense of death which radiated from him. This must have been Ahkra.
As Nyrix looks through the book he notices an illustration. It is of a large diamond shaped object. He reads his father's writings. It is an athranaak.
Nyrix starts his search through the borderlands. If there is an athranaak, then Ahkra may be there. It is said the Myrrdonite now remain in the borderlands after the end of the first judgement.
He reads a bit more and studies as he makes his way through the borderlands. Ahkra is said to be the second Myrrdonite, made by Atherak. He is the Savage God who betrayed his own kind.
After the ending of the first judgement, Ahkra took control of the borderlands and athranaaks. Slowly his power and influence over the Myrrdonite has been diminishing.
Nyrix continues to read and discovers that Ahkra is called the Dead Prophet who speaks of the one master.
Nyrix wonders 'The master?' He feels something grab his leg. He trips and falls and the book goes flying from his hands.
He looks down at his ankle and sees a dead hand gripping around it. Nyrix struggles and kicks at the hand to break himself free.
Other hands emerge from the dark grey sand, grabbing at him. He sees decaying figures crawl up through the sand.
Nyrix fights but he is restrained. He reaches for his dagger and tries to cut at them with his right hand. But something grabs his hand and pulls it away. The dagger falls.
More figures emerge from the dead sand. They stink of rotting flesh. Nyrix struggles but the beings are overtaking him.
They hold and lift Nyrix up passing him along to each other. They move him closer and closer to something. A sense of dread fills him.
As Nyrix is pulled closer he can see two beings standing there. The dead rotting ones toss him to the ground. He lifts his head and stares up. There before him is Ahkra and Xarsha.
Ahkra says 'You have come to me, Son of the Veil Keeper. Wishing and hoping I will return your sister to life. As I told your father, this I cannot do for him.'
Nyrix says 'It is not for him. It is for me. Whatever judgement my father brought upon himself is his own. I ask you. Help me return my sister.'
Ahkra speaks in a strange language to his apprentice Xarsha. His apprentice says something back. They are speaking thothilssin.
Ahkra replies to Nyrix 'I will help raise the spirit of your sister again. But you must go to the Great Mother and receive her blessing. She will ask something of you. You will find it and return it to her. Then you will bring it to me. Only this way will your sister's spirit live on.'
Nyrix says 'Tell me how to find this Great Mother. I will go to her and ask her.'
Ahkra and Xarsha speak to each other again in thothilssin. Nyrix tries to understand but the language seems to cause him pain the more he focuses on listening.
Ahkra says 'My apprentice Xarsha shall aid you in this.'
Xarsha casts a dark mist in his hands which opens into a rift. He motions for Nyrix to step through.
On the other side of the rift, Nyrix finds himself in a forest. He starts to follow a path. There is a sense leading him somewhere. He comes to an old tree with a door and window carved into it.
Nyrix hears beautiful singing coming from inside. He walks up to the door and the singing stops before he can knock.
A female voice says 'Come in. I have been expecting you.'
He enters in to see an older woman sitting in front of a large bowl of water.
Nyrix asks 'Are you Great Mother?'
The older woman chuckles 'To some. I go by many names.'
Nyrix explains why he came. He tells her everything.
Great Mother sits and stares into the bowl of water. She hums with a smile on her face even as Nyrix speaks of the death of his sister.
Great Mother looks up at him and says 'I will give you my blessing. First, you must bring me a vial of water from the Eternal Sea. With my blessing and the vial, return to Ahkra. Your sister's spirit will live on.'
Nyrix asks 'How do I get to the Eternal Sea?'
Great Mother says 'Gaze into the bowl.'
Nyrix looks down into the bowl of water. Mother takes her finger and stirs it.
As she does this, Nyrix becomes entranced by the ripples of the whirlpool as it draws him in. He feels as if he is floating then falling.
Nyrix falls through mist and splashes down into water. He is floating in the Eternal Sea.
Nyrix starts to feel strange and his body aches as he swims. He weakens and struggles to stay afloat above the water.
Even with all his strength, he still cannot keep from sinking beneath the waves. He struggles hard to get back to the surface.
Nyrix feels a hand on the back of him which pulls him from the water onto a boat.
The old man says 'This is not a place to swim.'
Nyrix wipes the water from his eyes and focuses. He sees an old man wearing a grey robe. He has a long white beard.
The old man pats him on the back 'Are you alright son?'
Nyrix says 'Yes I didn't expect to go free falling.'
The old man says 'It is a good thing I was out here fishing. What brings you here?'
Nyrix explains his task. The old man listens as he puffs on his pipe.
The old man says 'Oh, well, that is a just cause. I can tell you love your sister deeply. If you need just a vial of the water from the Eternal Sea, there is plenty.' He chuckles as he uses his arm to present the expanse of the sea.
Nyrix says 'Unfortunately, I do not have a vial with me. I do not know how I would carry it back.'
The old man says 'I might have just the thing.'
He reaches into his bag and pulls out a brown glass vial. 'I can give you this one. I used to put wine in it, but I have tried to slow down on my consumption of it these days. I come out here to fish and too much wine puts me to sleep.'
Nyrix dips the vial into the Eternal Sea and fills it with water. Now he has to figure out how to get back.
The old man says 'I was on my way to see Mother. Anyways, I can take you there.'
He pulls back his fishing rod then places his ores into the water. He starts rowing.
They come to what seems to be a very small island. Not even big enough for two people to stand on. This island has a door.
As the old man approaches it he ties his boat. He then gets off it and brings out keys from his pocket. This unlocks and opens the door.
Nyrix is astonished by this. On the other side is the forest he remembers wandering through.
They both step through and the old man closes the door behind him. When he locks it, vines grow over it.
The old man says 'You can never be too sure about who might come in. Got to keep things locked up here.'
Nyrix follows the old man back to the tree house. They can hear the singing of Great Mother.
They both enter inside. The old man takes off his robe and places his walking stick next to it.
He walks up to the older woman and kisses her on the side of the head.
Mother says 'Evening Father, how was fishing today?'
Father says 'Oh, the same. I mostly watch the waves. I found this one out there.'
Mother looks at Nyrix and says 'You have returned. Do you have the water?'
Nyrix shows her the vial and Mother takes it in her hands. She whispers something and kisses the vial.
Mother then hands it back to Nyrix 'There you are.'
Nyrix looks at her strangely. He has gone through such an ordeal. Just for this? He decides not to say anything about it.
Nyrix simply replies 'Thank you.' He looks at Father 'And thank you for not letting me drown.'
The old man says 'Well, I would have had to reel you in either way.'
Nyrix starts to think and concentrate. He opens up a portal back to the Veil Mist.
Before he leaves, Nyrix says 'My sister's spirit will live on. I thank you both for making this possible.'
Mother and Father say at the same time 'You are very welcome.'
Nyrix goes back to the mist. There he opens a rift to the borderlands and steps through. Ahkra and Xarsha are there waiting for him.
Nyrix says 'I have done what you asked. Now, will you return my sister?'
Ahkra looks at his apprentice. Xarsha brings something out from a small box. It is a strange pyramid-shaped piece.
This piece floats over the Ahkra. He says 'Your sister's dream will live on as she will. You and your father shall no longer be alone within the mist. The vial please.'
Nyrix gives Ahkra the brown glass vial containing the water of the Eternal Sea.
Ahkra waves his hand and the pyramid piece floats over the vial. A strange black liquid comes from the piece into the vial.
It reacts with the water inside and glows brightly for a moment. Then it dies down.
Ahkra returns the piece back to Xarsha who puts it back in the box. Ahkra then closes the vial and hands it to Nyrix.
Ahkra says 'Pour this on the body of your sister. Her spirit will live on.' Xarsha and Ahkra turn and leave.
Nyrix steps back through his rift and returns home. There he goes before his sister. His father is waiting. He has been watching.
Nyrix wonders if his father will be angry with what he has done. The words from his father surprise him.
Veil Keeper says 'You did this out of love. You have done what I could not.'
The Veil Keeper lifts the glass. Nyrix brings out the vial and uncorks it. He pours the liquid upon his sister's body. A strange bright light starts to glow. It is blinding.
The mist starts to swirl all around them. The mist forms into a silhouette of Lyrix. She takes a hand of both her father and brother.
Lyrix says 'I love you both so much. I will always be here within the mist. I will always be a part of you. You two who I love so much will no longer be alone.'
Nyrix and the Veil Keeper start to cry. They can feel her hand again. Then she fades away to mist.
As the mist clears, the Veil Keeper and Nyrix notice other young children around looking at them. Boys and girls. These are the Mist Weavers.
The Veil Keeper says 'Is this my daughter? Is this Lyrix?'
Nyrix says 'This is the dream she had.'
Nyrix has aged some from his time in the Eternal Sea. He is more of a man of 20 in Midgard years. The Veil Keeper notices this.
The children gather around the Veil Keeper. He tells them the stories he used to tell Nyrix and Lyrix when they were young.
Nyrix stands in the back and watches with a smile. He hears a whisper upon the mist and follows it to a clearing.
There in the blue shimmering sand is the drawing his sister made long ago. The one of Lyrix, Nyrix, and the Veil Keeper walking with many other children.
Nyrix smiles 'I love you sister. You will always be with me and I will always be with you.'
True Self Connection...