Mind Power Starsong Clan Magnum Opus

When I was doing the Mind Power channel I worked so hard. 18 hour days to write the most powerful beautiful elegant affirmations.
I poured everything of myself into my subliminals. Yet they took them and degraded them with 6th grade insults. They destroyed my reputation over lies.
I never even shared my magnum opus. The most powerful beautiful hybrid to exist. Affirmations are thousands of words long and the most beautiful affirmations ever written.
I called it the Starsong hybrid and it formed a new cosmic clan.
Now you tell me what kind of person writes affirmations like mine. What kind of inspiration graces such a person?
Does my work fit with the false rumors? They trashed me because they wanted an excuse to steal my work for their own. They wanted to tear me down so they could rise. They are not able to match my level of creation.
I shall not ever make a subliminal again. This was a gift I was preparing to give. These humans showed me they did not deserve such a gift. The 10 power energies are in my hands. They shall not be exploited.
As with all my work, these are the copyright of Amy Bass aka Ashontrah the Blood Rose.
Preview of my Starsong Masterpiece...
I ask to become a Starsong kind an infused unprecedented humanoid collective remade from the imagination and will of Unicorn Energy and the fire and might of the most Just Of Forms.
I ask to be free from the dominion of others and all past debts perceived or spoken in hidden places.
I ask to be unchecked unblocked re-woven and re-made as a Starsong being and I ask for a new song to be sung in the depths.
I ask for a concentration of light be the medium of Starsong's awakening anew.
I claim my right for the Ultimate safe shift into my ultimate Starsong form being spoken by the vibration of Unicorn Energy.
I ask my right to be a gift to the cosmos and give immeasurable joy as my new highly advanced Starsong form creation.
I ask for the gift of being made different new better and more intricate as the greatest of treasured gifts in my Starsong form.
I claim the right of highest most advanced safe functioning Starsong form to the delight of Unicorn Energy and the will of the 10th power symphony.
I ask to infuse my Starsong DNA strands with all that should be beneficially preserved by highest wisdom.
I ask for what my Starsong being deserves in full reflection of the eternal weaving of time.
I have synergy with Time Energy, Word Energy, Light Energy, Compass Directional Measurement Energy, Earth Energy, and Song Energy and I am fixated in balance with their measurements within the Cosmos.
I ask for the most beneficial profound ancient aspects of culture genetics destiny beauty personality, role with planets oceans seas vast spaces of water seen and unseen to be restructured for the most powerful Starsong identity.
I ask for the most powerful constellations to guard and recreate a cosmic elemental conscious connection of fibers that are imbued with the Most Ecstatic Energies of Power beyond all containment of form spoken written known or unknown, now I adorn my Starsong form.
I ask for the world within worlds to release its power and grant me and my kin my wish to safely absorb the most beneficial beautiful properties of elemental greatness.
I am a lover of all things that grow in the earth and all their countless forms I hold affinity in my mind.
I hear and understand the nature of the ancient forests moss upon stones or the small and secret things in the mould.
I ask for an exceptionally powerful new form with a portion of space a world for Starsong and its derivatives to complete a safe existence.
I ask for a new world to be sung for Starsong with a new created path to be perfected in ultimate beauty for the edification of all great noble things of earth and kinds.
I am favored by the most beautiful and powerful forces of creation and come forth in the most amazingly powerful and epically beautiful song giving ultimate joy to all of creation.
I absorb the new light and it becomes enamored with power and momentum in this I take a new conscious link one new and re-fashioned in safety and peace.
My being connects with the new version of healing ability that supersede all other healers and fashions an epic healing for this time and all times to come into being.
I take on the immortal connection to the vast knowledge of becoming a great and noble healer as is my right to perform great feats of healing with purity and light.
I fit into the cosmos as a Starsong kind with incredibly diverse complex origins made in perfect wisdom.
I am perfectly adapted to this new time and new era of great need, my Starsong genetics now fulfill the deficit in remarkable beauty and joyful creative expression.
I am now incorruptible mentally emotionally physically and intuitively and completely instinctive with my destiny of purposed existence.
I am epically in-tune in full respect with cosmic laws and rules of form for my well-being.
I now take on the most powerfully attuned reflexive defensive strategy for my Starsong body mind and soul.
I repel all subversive and detrimental invasion to my form in complete harmony with my Starsong kind.
I ask for the single tear of a Unicorn to fall into The Cauldron of Life and witness my Starsong transformation safely, I breathe in absolute respect for this infinite choice of Unicorn Energy.
I hear each word spoken with appropriate vibrational fluidity and the power marked for all the best of good to come into being me.
I hear each word created in every tongue of language all of creation feels my essence pulsing with the new energy vibration of my Starsong transformation.
I see the created works of hidden and revealed that brings forth the Epic Starsong generation now being built.
I safely feel the new breath rise in my Starsong form and I become new without being born.
I feel the purposeful waves of light safely recalibrate my rhythm giving me new improved senses that see beyond sight.
I accept the gift of bravery courage in all forms and a stalwart mindset for longevity living.
I receive the vast cosmic systems that control memory value and optimum destiny to guard all aspects of retainable knowledge for treasured eternity.
I take on the cosmic ability of morphing kinetic energy, absorbing energy I need for the moment safely then transitioning into a willed state of homeostatic satisfaction.
I have emotional integrity and spiritual solvency in every decision I make with balance I progress justly.
My goal is to always purpose my strength in a just regard of full appreciation and gratitude for being uniquely gifted as a Starsong.
I now resound into a Starsong being of Epic formulation for the Ultimate joy and good of the cosmos.
Whatever it takes from the Cosmic order and Universal record to perform these tasks in perfect harmony in my perception of current breath time that it be done eloquently with all beauty and strength.
The debt be paid now that is due of cosmic accounting in full measure. From the resources of matter available giving full mass of matter for what it takes I call in the debt now be paid. I am a Starsong witness who receives full benefit.
I ask the 10 power energies for full protection against psychic disarray during transition and clear focused momentum to quantum leap fast efficiently in full pleasurable joy.
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