Story of Kaderell and Shaderell

Kaderell is a Demi-Aspect of Juleen and Ashoweah. His brother Shaderell is a Demi-Aspect of Hue and Ashoweah.
The true self past vision opens up. Ashoweah sits upon a black throne. He is staring at an orb in his hands. Beside him are two large monstrosities.
Ashoweah says 'Where are you? Where are you hiding? I shall find you. I have found the others. I will find you all.' The large doors to the chambers open. Ashoweah closes his hands and the orb disappears.
Two of his guards are dragging in the Aspect of Sadness. Behind them, the Bishberrin follows.
As Ashoweah closes his hand, he can see in the orb and he says 'You see, there is one of them now. Brought before me.'
The guards bow and they throw Sadness to the floor. Ashoweah looks at the Bishberrin and says 'Ah, I see the hunt was very successful.'
The Bishberrin replies 'Far from any hunt. This weeping, crying one, he put up no resistance. He didn't even run. What kind of hunt is this?' The Bishberrin pushes Sadness by the head to the floor.
Sadness begs 'Please, what do you wish of me? I have nothing to offer you. I never have. Why do you bring me here now?'
The Bishberrin pushes Sadness by the back of the head again 'Maybe we brought you here, maybe I will devour you.'
Ashoweah rises from his throne and says 'It is true, I do not need anything from you. In my opinion, you are nothing but weakness. But you have the knowledge, knowledge of ones that I wish to find.'
Sadness replies 'The only knowledge I have is what I have seen. The sorrow, the suffering. Across many realms and existences, I have walked and seen it. What is left behind. The destruction of your pet here. He tears through savagely, leaving nothing remaining. That is the knowledge that I have.'
The Bishberrin grabs Sadness by the neck and lifts him 'Pet?! I will make you into my pet, little Aspect.' The Bishberrin raises Sadness high into the air, his hand around his throat, choking him.
Ashoweah then says 'Enough, release him.' He says to Sadness 'No, that's not the knowledge you have that I wish from you. Tell me, where is the Light and the Darkness?'
Sadness' eyes grow wide. He thinks to himself 'How could Ashoweah have knowledge of this?' He swore to keep their location secret.
Ashoweah continues speaking 'They are weaker now, that I do know. Separated. And you know where they are.'
Sadness replies 'I have not seen anything of my sisters. They are gone, far beyond your reach. And even if I knew, I would never tell you.'
Ashoweah laughs 'You will.' He tells the Bishberrin 'Again.'
The Bishberrin sinks his fingers into the back of the neck of Sadness. He begins to cause pain throughout Sadness as he lifts him up. Sadness screams in agony.
Ashoweah responds to his cries of pain 'Are you ready to speak now? Tell me where they are.'
Struggling through the pain, Sadness cries out 'Never! Destroy me if you want. I will never tell you where they are!' Sadness shrieks in pain at these final words.
Ashoweah turns to the Bishberrin and says 'Enough, release him.'
Sadness falls to the floor. Ashoweah walks closer to him and kneels down beside him. He places his hand on Sadness' head and strokes his hair.
Sadness is convulsing from the pain that is coursing through his body. Ashoweah speaks to him 'I believe you. I believe you'd rather die than tell me where they are.'
Ashoweah lifts up Sadness 'But would you let them die to keep a secret?' He raises the head of Sadness. A chamber opens. Inside are younglings, gathered from all different places.
Ashoweah says 'Look at them. Look at them, so innocent, so pure.'
The Bishberrin then steps in and says 'Yes, and so ripe.' The Bishberrin picks up one of the small younglings and devours them, shredding through the flesh and the energy. He then picks up another one and does the same.
Ashoweah chuckles at this while Sadness watches in horror. One by one the Bishberrin devours them.
Sadness is overtaken by the suffering and cries out 'Enough! Enough...'
Tears run down his face, he knows he cannot handle the sight of this. But he also knows that what he is about to reveal may be far worse. He is Sadness, he understands these things.
The Bishberrin stops devouring the younglings as only a few remain, cowering in the corner. Ashoweah once again pats Sadness on the head and says 'You see, that wasn't so hard now was it?'
Sadness raises his head and says 'Kill me. Just end this, kill me.' The Bishberrin walks over to where Sadness is on his knees.
The Bishberrin puts his foot on Sadness' shoulder and kicks him back 'Kill you? Devour you? Hahaha, you are not worth it. What shall we do with him?'
Ashoweah says 'Dump him. Some lonely world in some lonely realm. Leave him there with the thoughts of his betrayal. Let him suffer in his own misery.
But before we do, keep your end of the bargain. I have plenty more younglings for the Bishberrin to devour. Where is the Darkness? Where is the Light?'
Sadness reveals to Ashoweah where Hue and Juleen have been hiding. After that, he is dumped on a barren world already ravaged by the Bishberrin and Ashoweah's armies. There he is left alone and he weeps.
Ashoweah says to the Bishberrin 'I need these two. I need the Light and the Dark in my grasp. I need it in my hand. So that I may use it for my expansion. Everything will come to me.'
The Bishberrin replies 'They will not serve you. What will be done with them? Force them? They would rather be destroyed than to have you control them.'
Ashoweah says 'I don't mean to control them. I mean to breed with them.'
The Bishberrin says 'This will not be an easy task, they will know your trickery. You cannot even disguise yourself without the Hue seeing through it. She has the inner sight to see past these things, as well as Juleen of the Light. Now to get close enough to her... that may present a problem for you, master."
Ashoweah says 'Yes, even though they are not joined, it still presents a problem to me. But not to you. You carry on my gift, my grandson. Last of your kind. You are of the Carrier. Combined with my powers, Bishberrin, you will be able to bring them down. Hold them. And I will implant my seed within them.'
Ashoweah places his hand on the head of the Bishberrin and dark energy pours into him. In his other hand, he forms an orb swirling with other colors.
Ashoweah says 'This is what I have collected from my brothers and sisters. Parts and pieces of them. Now I give it to you.'
He smashes the orb into the head of the Bishberrin. The Bishberrin falls back shrieking in pain but then begins to laugh as he absorbs the energy.
The Bishberrin says 'Yes... Juleen's Light won't stop me, nor will Hue's Darkness. You will have them. You will have your seed planted in them.'
Ashoweah says 'My offspring with them, we will rule the existences. Through them, I will control the Light and the Dark.'
Bishberrin asks 'And once the children are born, what of Hue and Juleen?'
Ashoweah replies 'Devour them.'
The Bishberrin grins 'Very well. Who shall we go for first?'
Ashoweah says 'We will subdue the Light.'
On another world, a battle is raging. Juleen leads her army against the slavers, with crushing victory over them.
One of the slavemasters of the Slaver's Guild is brought before them in chains. One of the guards says 'My Queen, Headmaster Garroch, of the Slaver's Guild.'
Juleen approaches him. She looks at one of her guards and they force the heavy, four-armed creature to his knees.
Juleen then says 'Slavemaster Garroch, I find you guilty of crimes against the realms and hereby sentence you to death.'
Garroch replies 'Heh, kill me, more will come. You stupid bitch.' One of the guards strikes Garroch in the head with the end of their spear.
Juleen raises her hand 'You will be executed. And as for your Slaver's Guild, let them come. I will drive them out.'
Garroch laughs 'Ha, you, you've been trying for so long to stop us. But little do you know, great Queen, ones are hunting you. You've been betrayed. He will come for you.'
Garroch begins laughing hysterically. Juleen draws her sword and places the tip of it under his chin and says 'Who will come? What are you talking about?'
Garroch continues to laugh and Juleen says 'Speak now!' Garroch laughs 'You're a fool, you think I came here to sacrifice myself and my army? I didn't come alone.'
The anger within Juleen burns. She flashes brightly with light and with one strike, she splits Garroch's head in half. Garroch begins to laugh again as his head forms back together.
Juleen then makes more strikes, cutting off his arms and his legs. Garroch is one of the beings of the Slaver's Guild that regenerate when they are wounded.
Juleen then screams at Garroch 'Who is coming?! If I must cut you into a million pieces, wait for you to reform, then do it again... You will tell me!'
Garroch in a faint recovering voice replies 'They're here. Why don't you find out for yourself?'
Just then her guards come under attack from monstrosities. Juleen recognizes them, they are the works of Ashoweah.
She yells to her forces around her 'Make ready! Let's drive these foul beings back!'
Juleen does not fear Ashoweah. There is a Light core within her. That can blind and burn him, forcing him away. She will not allow him to get close.
Juleen's forces begin to attack the monstrosities and she joins the battle herself. The monstrosities are no match for her army, nor her ability in the Light.
Juleen notices something. Several of her guards and soldiers are being struck down. She looks off into the distance and her eyes light up in fear. She knows this being.
She has been to the worlds he has ravaged and destroyed. She thinks to herself 'But how? Why would he align himself with Ashoweah? How long have they been working together?'
The Bishberrin cackles as he focuses his attention on Juleen 'Ah, the one I came for.' Soldiers try to protect their Queen but they are viciously torn apart by the Bishberrin.
The Bishberrin faces off with Juleen. Juleen shouts at him 'Back you foul being! You shall not devour me! The Light shall burn through you!' She then shines with bright brilliant light, as if to phase and blind the Bishberrin.
The Bishberrin cackles 'Your Light has no effect on me!' He then rushes forward and a fight ensues. With every strike, every blast of light, the Bishberrin seems to absorb it all.
He then grabs Juleen by her hands and slams her to the ground. In a desperate defense, Juleen uses the Light core within her. It burns so bright that it burns away everything around it.
The Bishberrin cackles though 'Ahahaha! MORE!' He bites down on her left collarbone. Juleen shrieks in pain. She can feel her Light being drained. She is weakening.
The Bishberrin holds her down. Juleen is almost unconscious, but she is fighting it, trying to not fall under.
She looks up at the Bishberrin 'You won't kill me so easily...'
The Bishberrin laughs 'I didn't come to kill you.'
Juleen's army is being driven back. More monstrosities and forces of the Bishberrin attack them.
Ashoweah approaches Juleen and the Bishberrin 'No dear sister, we're not going to kill you yet. I need you. Hold her.'
The moment Ashoweah forces himself on Juleen, she shrieks in pain. When he is done, Juleen is weak and ravaged. She rolls onto her stomach and tries to crawl away.
She is trying to regain her strength. Rage burns inside her but she is weak from the Bishberrin's attacks. She begins to feel pain in her stomach, in her womb.
Ashoweah recovers himself and brushes off his robe. He looks down on her and says 'No, I need you alive.'
He waves his hand over her and Juleen feels her body grow stiff. She falls under a trance. Around her forms a dark crystal prison.
Ashoweah signals to some of his monstrosities. He says 'We will take her now. Keep her. When the child is born, you may devour her.'
The Bishberrin cackles in delight at this. Ashoweah says 'I have one more seed to implant.' He instructs his monstrosities to take Juleen in her prison to an undisclosed location.
Ashoweah turns to the Bishberrin and says 'Now, time to subdue the Darkness. This may prove to be a little more difficult.'
The Bishberrin asks 'Shall we bring the armies?'
Ashoweah with a stern voice replies 'I will not waste the armies. We could bring a thousand of them against Hue and she would destroy them all. No, I need to get you close to her.'
The Bishberrin feels something within himself and says 'Eh? What is this?'
Ashoweah waves his hand over the Bishberrin and replies 'Yes, let the Light grow within you. This is how you will get close to Hue.'
Bishberrin cackles as he feels the energy and taste of Juleen's blood in his mouth. The power of the Light grows within him. He says 'Yesss... I will bring down Hue. Their Darkness will not be able to stop me now.'
Ashoweah says 'Just keep her busy. I will do the rest.'
He leans down and picks up Juleen's fallen Light sword and says 'Just buy me enough time to get close enough.' With a wave of his hand, Ashoweah and the Bishberrin disappear.
On a darker world, in a far forgotten realm of an existence. Hue stands alone upon a mountain. Hue has made herself ready.
The night before, she awoke from a deep sleep. She has remained solitary. On her own, she has honed her powers and skills of the Darkness.
She knows of the great evil and suffering that has devoured many realms and existences. If Ashoweah was ever to get the power of her Aspect, she knows the great consequences that would follow. This is why she remains solitary.
Some have come to challenge her, but all of them have fallen. The night before, when she awoke from her sleep. A strange being came to her from a rift or portal and spoke to her of a future he saw.
The being seemed mutilated and from a different place. When Hue tried to sense the being's energy, the being had no life-force in it. It seemed to be dead.
Hue said to the being 'Who are you? And if you come here to challenge me, like so many others, you will end up dead like them.'
Xarsha replies 'I am already dead. I do not come here to challenge one such as you. I come here with a warning.'
Hue asks 'A warning?'
Xarsha says 'Great Darkness. You will be taken and give birth against your will. To a child who will use the Light for wickedness.'
Hue replies 'I will bear no child who would twist the Light, nor a child that would twist the Darkness.'
Xarsha says to her 'The choice will not be yours. However, you will survive the encounter. There are things you must find Darkness. You must find the Light and become one again with it. For your time with Darkness has died out. You will be reborn into the Light.'
Hue says 'And how would you know this? The Light and the Darkness now, we have been separated for so long. All the Light within me is gone, as I am sure the Darkness within the Light has dissipated.'
Xarsha replies 'The Light itself has been subdued. They come for you. Make ready for them.'
Hue says 'And will I be victorious?'
Xarsha says 'No, but you will gain something. A rebirth, into the Light. There, we will meet again. Something will come to you. A powerful object. You will use it to regain the Light and the Darkness. That is why you must endure this.'
Hue realizes that he was seeing things that had not yet come to pass. That strange sense flows over her. She says to Xarsha 'Then I shall meet them and I shall endure what is to come.'
Xarsha turns to leave and says 'And endure it you will.'
Hue asks right before he leaves 'Who are you?'
Xarsha turns his head over his shoulder and replies 'One who has seen and has walked through time. One day, we will meet again.' The being enters the rift and disappears.
Back to the next day...
Hue is standing on the mountain, overlooking the dark planet. Thunder and lightning flashes before her. In the skies are dark black storm clouds.
Below her on the mountain are two beings. She recognizes them. It is Ashoweah and the Bishberrin. They have come just like the strange being said.
Hue stretches out her left arm and in her hand forms a Dark spear. The Bishberrin makes ready and Ashoweah says to him 'Subdue her.'
The Bishberrin is filled with the Light and he cackles and rushes forward. Hue makes ready. The Bishberrin leaps into the air and aims to strike down on Hue, but she makes a sudden move and slashes him across the chest with her Dark spear.
The Bishberrin growls 'Grr, bloody shot.' He turns and continues his attack.
Hue makes several more strikes on him and he shrieks in pain. The Bishberrin says 'Why you... you will die for this!' Bishberrin strikes again and Hue goes to block it with her spear.
The Bishberrin grabs her spear. They are struggling back and forth. With his strength, the Bishberrin snaps it in half and forces Hue to the ground. He bites down on her shoulder. Hue shrieks in pain.
The Bishberrin says 'Now... stop fighting.'
Hue with a pained expression but fury in her eyes, says to him 'You want to taste the darkness? Then here it is!'
Hue forces the Dark Energy through her and the Bishberrin cackles with delight 'You gave it so willingly.'
Just then, pain grows inside the Bishberrin. He lets go of Hue and backs away from her. Darkness begins to burn from his eyes and his mouth. He shrieks 'Aghhh what is happening?! You said the Light would protect me!'
Hue regains herself and grabs her broken spear. She says defiantly 'You are not the Light. You're merely a candle that needs to be snuffed out."
She rushes forward and grabs the Bishberrin. She shoves the spear tip through his chest. The Bishberrin shrieks in pain.
Hue then leaps into the air and with a mighty kick, she knocks the Bishberrin back. He rolls down the mountain.
She looks down at the Bishberrin and says 'You underestimate me, like so many others.'
Just then, she feels a sharp pain in her back right shoulder. She screams in agony. Ashoweah stands above her. He has used Juleen's Light sword to strike her.
Ashoweah says 'Now, have a taste of your own Light.' He forces his own energy through. Hue grows weak.
The Bishberrin has regained himself. He looks down at his chest and pulls the broken spear out. He licks it and says 'Hue... if the master didn't need you, I would be eating you. Devouring your flesh.'
The Bishberrin then runs back up the mountain. He grabs Hue and forces her down. He holds her down while Ashoweah forces himself upon her.
Hue cries out in defiance, screaming curses at Ashoweah. While she struggles, Ashoweah says to her 'Do not struggle. You will give birth to the new Light. My new Light. And you will be its mother.'
Hue says defiantly 'I will never mother your bastard child.' The Bishberrin bites down onto her shoulder and she screams in pain.
She can feel her energy draining while she slowly slips into unconsciousness. Ashoweah finishes and he places a Light crystal around Hue. He says 'There, that will give time for the child to grow.'
Ashoweah waves his hand and the crystal prison floats into the air. He opens a portal. He turns to the Bishberrin and says 'Now let's take my prizes back. What grows inside them will grow rapidly. When it is finished, then you may devour them.'
The Bishberrin cackles in delight. They enter the portal with the crystal prison and it closes. There the lonely dark world they left behind remains alone in the darkness.
Part 2...
Hue and Juleen give birth to sons. When this is occurring, Hue and Juleen are still unconscious. Stuck within deep dark dreams. Unbeknownst to them, they give birth. In the birthing chamber of Hue, a young boy is born who shines brightly with Light.
A caretaker of Ashoweah's awaits. The caretaker says 'Bring the child to me.'
The child is placed in the caretaker's arms. The caretaker brings out a bottle. Inside the bottle is a potion. The caretaker pours it over the young baby boy.
The baby's skin turns white and he takes on more of a humanoid form. The caretaker then hands him off to a servant 'Make this one ready, I will retrieve the other one.'
The caretaker leaves the birthing room and travels down a long hallway to another birthing room. This one has Juleen.
Juleen may be unconscious, but her body struggles. Finally, the baby is born. The child is given to the caretaker. The caretaker takes out a potion and pours it on the baby, turning its skin black.
The caretaker hands the child to another servant and says 'This will do. Now, we will take them to the Emperor of the Mierjin as the Master wishes.'
The servant replies 'And the mothers? What shall be done with them?'
The caretaker hands the servant a scroll and says 'They will be taken here, see to it. Make sure that they are not killed or harmed, just leave them.'
The servant bows and instructs several others of the task. They gather up Hue and Juleen and take them. They dump them in distant realms far apart.
The caretaker takes the children to Mierjuin as instructed by Ashoweah. Mierjuin is the home realm of the Mierjin. Balthra is the Emperor.
He had struck a deal with Ashoweah for protection for his realm from the Slavers and the Seven Houses. In this deal, the Emperor is to provide Ashoweah's forces with Mierjin.
They are to serve his every need and never question him. This has caused dissension in his Mierjin council. They view their Emperor as weak.
Emperor Balthra receives Ashoweah's caretaker. The caretaker presents the children and gives Ashoweah's instructions.
Balthra is to raise the boys as princes of Mierjin. When the time comes, they are to succeed him in the throne. He will name them joint heirs. If he denies this, then Ashoweah will revoke his protection and be left at the mercy of the Slavers.
Ashoweah is sitting upon his throne viewing a large dark orb of a conquest he has achieved recently.
The large chamber doors open and the Bishberrin presents himself. He is enraged and says to Ashoweah 'What have you done with what you promised me? Where did you take them?'
Ashoweah replies 'I promised you nothing. They are gone.'
The Bishberrin says 'You cheated me. You promised me that I would be able to devour the Aspects.'
Ashoweah laughs 'And why would I give that to you? You know nothing of Aspects. All you desire is to devour everything. To quench that uncontrollable hunger for power. I will never give you such. I have no more use for you, go your own way.'
This enrages the Bishberrin 'I will have what was promised, and I will devour them. But first, I will devour you!' The Bishberrin strikes at Ashoweah and they begin to battle.
Ashoweah calls upon his monstrosities and they attack the Bishberrin. As the Bishberrin is preoccupied with Ashoweah's monstrosities, Ashoweah opens up a portal. He goes through, escaping the wrath of the Bishberrin.
The Bishberrin finishes destroying the monstrosities. He screams in anger 'I will have you. I will hunt them down. All of you!'
On the home realm of the Mierjin...
The children grow under the watchful eye of the caretaker. Balthra and the Queen have never really received these two as their own.
The council and many other Mierjin speak of treason. Wanting to overthrow the Emperor and break away from Ashoweah's hold over their realm.
The two young boys, named Kaderell and Shaderell both grow. There is a sibling rivalry between them even as children.
Kaderell seems more determined. He is also kinder and strives for excellence. Shaderell strives for power and he uses his position as the prince to gain what he desires.
Shaderell is more carefree. Kaderell considers him lazy. Even in their schooling, Kaderell studies hard to learn the lessons. Shaderell pays someone to do the lessons for him.
All this time as they are growing, the Mierjin Empire begins to fall apart. The people have lost faith in the Emperor. Many of the high council speak of him as if he was a tyrant and a coward.
In secrecy, the Mierjin council wishes to remove him and place the two young princes on the throne. There is dissent among the council itself. They know the ways of Shaderell. He is no different in his desires, like the Emperor himself.
The council decides to place their hope in Kaderell. They speak of him as wise and noble. Honest and true. All across the Mierjin empire, revolutions are beginning.
Many have begun terrorist attacks on the Emperor and his establishment. Attacking the royal aristocrats loyal to him. Kidnapping and even killing them at times. This underground revolutionary group is known as the True Order.
Kaderell returns to the palace of the Emperor. As he enters the main hall, he can see his brother Shaderell lounging on a sofa. Several Mierjin concubines surround him. He laughs as they feed him and massage his body.
Shaderell looks over at his brother 'Hah, where have you been? You look like shit.'
Kaderell is worn and bloody. He looks down on his brother in anger and says 'I have been down in the city of Karrock. Where the terrorist attack happened. Many are dead. I helped uncover some of the bodies myself...'
Shaderell replies 'Well go wash the stench of them off you. I can smell it all the way over here.' He drops the fruit that he is eating on the floor and shoos the concubines away.
Kaderell says to him 'Wash the stench of the dead? These are our people. The ones that we are meant to rule over. I see you do nothing. And still, our father proclaims us both that when the time comes, we shall rule in his stead.'
Shaderell takes a cloth and wipes his mouth and hands 'Yep when father is dead. Hopefully that time comes soon. I'm sick of playing second fiddle to him.'
Shaderell stands up and says 'I have greatness brother. Like you. Although, I'm not the hero champion type such as yourself. I, however, am wise. I'm cunning and I'm ambitious.
With father gone, we should end our rivalry. This rivalry that you've had with me since the day we could remember. Let us rule, let us continue what we do. You and I brother, we can make the Mierjin empire great again.'
Kaderell is taken by his brother's words. He has never heard such words from his brother before, praising him.
Kaderell places his hand on Shaderell's shoulder and says 'You speak as if we should rule together. You speak of uniting our Empire again. I see the truth in your eyes and this surprises me. You seem so different. Tell me brother, what has changed you?'
Shaderell replies 'I've been studying. I have a new tutor. One who is profound in philosophy.'
Kaderell smiles and says 'One day you should introduce me to this tutor. I would love to hear his philosophy.'
Shaderell grins 'Yeah, maybe one day.'
Kaderell says 'When father is gone, what should we do with the one he serves? The one who swears to protect us?'
Shaderell says 'Together we will stand up against him. We will unite the Mierjin empire once more. Make it strong. We will have no more need of Ashoweah's protection. We will no longer pay him tribute.'
Kaderell smiles and says 'And when that day comes, I will stand beside you dear brother. Now I must go see father. How does he fare now?'
Shaderell says 'Father is fading. He has grown very ill. When he rests there are constant nightmares. I fear his time will come soon, dear brother.'
A look of sadness crosses Kaderell's face 'Then I shall go to him.'
Kaderell enters the chamber of the Emperor. The Emperor lies in the bed. Wise men and women surround him, placing incantations and spells upon him. The time has come.
The high priest approaches Kaderell and says 'Where is your brother? He should be here. The last moments of your father have arrived.'
Kaderell can hear his father speak in a faint voice 'Kaderell, my son. Please, come closer.' Kaderell approaches his father.
The Emperor's eyes open a bit and Kaderell can see darkness growing within them. The color of his skin is fading.
The Emperor speaks in a weak voice 'Do not let your brother rule. I choose you and you alone. Your brother deals with one whose death is eternal. I fear that he has been involved in my demise.'
A look of concern crosses Kaderell's face and he says 'Your demise? How?'
Just then Shaderell enters the room. The Emperor looks over at Shaderell and his eyes widen. He says 'You have killed me! You have brought about my end!' He takes one last gasp and dies.
Kaderell places his hand upon his father's head and says 'Goodbye father.' He turns to Shaderell, where he is standing with an almost emotionless look on his face.
Kaderell asks 'What does father mean? Betrayed?'
Shaderell places his hands behind his back and says 'Father was weak. His rule was tearing this empire apart. My tutor has given me the means to make sure that his demise was fulfilled.
Now come brother, it will be announced to the council and the Mierjin empire that the Emperor is dead. And that we shall now rule in his place.'
Shaderell looks at the high priest and nods. The high priest returns the gesture with a bow. The high priestess leaves the chambers.
Kaderell looks at his brother and says 'You murdered him. Why? This is not the right way. It shouldn't be like this. There could've been another solution.'
Shaderell turns in anger and shouts 'There was no other solution! Do you really think that he would ever let us rule? The empire is tearing itself apart. The True Order is causing instability. With us together, we can bring everyone together.'
Kaderell replies 'And how will the True Order? How will they come to our side? How will you get them to stop? They are terrorists. They will not accept our rule. They did not accept our father's rule.
They will come for us even now. There will always be upheaval as long as they exist. You are a fool brother. To think that that they will just simply lay down their arms because the Emperor is dead and we have taken his place.'
Shaderell shouts 'The True Order are mine! Are you really that naive, dear brother?'
A look of shock crosses Kaderell's face 'What do you mean the True Order are yours? Are you behind them? Are you behind all the innocents that have been slaughtered in their path with these attacks?'
Kaderell grows angrier and approaches Shaderell 'I was there, I uncovered the bodies. I carried them in my arms. Their blood stains my clothes... because of you.'
Shaderell backs away and says 'It was the only way. Now the council and all of them will come to us. Our empire will be strong again. Are you such a fool that you do not see this?'
Kaderell says 'No. This is not right. And what of Ashoweah?'
Shaderell laughs 'I've already sent a message that we will pay no more tribute. We will do nothing for him.'
Kaderell replies 'Then you have doomed us all. Ashoweah will come. If we stand against him now, like this, the council will uncover the truth Shaderell. That you are behind the True Order.
They will blame us both. They will side with Ashoweah. You have not brought us anything but ruin. You have destroyed what our father has built. Everything.'
Shaderell laughs 'Come, dear brother. It is time you meet my tutor. Then you will see why I do not fear Ashoweah. I can guarantee you Kaderell that Ashoweah will bother us no more.
My tutor is a powerful ally. As for the council, well... they will accept our rule. They will accept our True Order. If they do not, then our new ally will deal with them.'
Shaderell leads Kaderell to the council chambers. There, the word has already spread that the Emperor is no more. As they enter the chambers, the other Mierjin council members and aristocrats are in an uproar.
One of them yells out 'The Emperor, if he is truly dead, then we must make the proper proceedings for succession.'
Another one argues 'There should be no succession! Rule of our empire should be handed over to the council. Shaderell is worse and more ambitious than his father. But he is strong. He will rip this empire apart and be the end of all of us.'
Unbeknownst to the Mierjin, Shaderell has heard his words. He looks up and with a loud voice says 'Hah. Do you dare oppose the will of the Emperor? You dare oppose me and my brother?'
With a raise of his hand, True Order members flood into the council chambers. The council members are forced to their seats.
Shaderell begins to speak 'A new era is rising. No longer will this empire be torn apart by a weak Emperor. We will rule now. No longer will we be the slaves under the foot of Ashoweah.
We will make our own way throughout the existences. Conquering as we go. I will make this empire strong. I will make it powerful. Even the Slaver's Guild and the Bishberrin and the Seven Houses will never try to conquer us. They will learn to respect and fear us.'
One of the council members says 'You are speaking like a tyrant! I will never agree to this. None of us would! They will all turn on us. Ashoweah and the rest of them. How can you guarantee our protection?'
Shaderell laughs 'I have made a powerful ally.'
He casts an orb in his hand and throws it out. The image of Eternal Death appears. The council is taken aback in shock. They know of Eternal Death.
Another council member shouts 'This is who you are dealing with? Then you do bring doom upon us all!'
Shaderell laughs and says 'No, I bring order. True Order.' He gives a signal and the revolutionaries begin to kill the council.
Kaderell is surprised by this. He slowly backs out of the room and makes his way out of the palace.
Two of the True Order revolutionaries see him leave and begin to pursue. Shaderell stops them and says 'Let him go. He won't be any more trouble to me.' When the council is dead, the True Order awaits instructions from Shaderell.
Shaderell tells them that a great purging will begin of the Mierjin empire. It will be remade in the image of the True Order. Kaderell himself has left the palace.
He makes his way and grows from a young man into a man. He finds a wife and watches as the True Order unleash the purging among the Mierjin. Many of the great tribes are wiped out. Kaderell takes his wife and chooses to flee.
Under Shaderell's guidance, the True Order council is established. As Shaderell once spoke of, the True Order grows strong. Even the Seven Houses and the Slaver's Guild and others fear and respect them. They expand their conquest throughout the existences.
Kaderell and his wife remain mostly in hiding. Moving from place to place.
Inside the True Order council chambers, a message is brought to Shaderell. He smiles 'Hm, seems Ashoweah has discovered a young ripe new existence. We will make our presence known there. I will go there myself personally.'
The True Order scribe who brought in the message bows and asks 'And what of your brother?'
Shaderell grins and says 'I'm sure one day we'll cross paths again. Until now, I heard he is all alone, all by himself. Leave him. He chose to walk away from what I offered him.
We will expand into this new existence. And there we will also gain a foothold and eventually, like all the others we have conquered, this existence will be ours.'
True Self Connection...