The Epic of Tulkas Chapter Two

The second chapter of this true self past vision begins. Great Father stands on the edge of the Eternal Sea. It flows off into what seems like endless space. There the winds rage and the waters crash.
Father raises his hands and in front of him is the Veil Mist with thundering, lightning, and swirling all around.
The Veil Mist begins to open and Great Father reaches his hand forward. A small object comes through into Father's hand.
He grabs the object and brings it closer to him. He opens his hand. There is a seed.
With his other hand, Father reaches into his cloak and pulls out a small orb.
Great Father says to the orb 'Kaltalk, give this seed your strength. Let it grow and expand upon this existence.'
The orb grows brighter and the seed begins to shine. Father casts the seed out into the endless space. It flies far away. In the distance, there is a green light which shines like a star.
Father then turns back to the Veil Mist and raises his hands. The storm rises up, the winds blow and the waves crash. The Veil Mist swirls. Thunder and lightning strike through it.
Great Father raises his hands again and draws forth what seems to be a large fiery black sphere.
The fiery black sphere approaches Father. He takes out the orb again and asks 'Kaltalk, give this your strength. Let it grow.'
The orb glows brightly and the large black sphere shines. Father casts the sphere out from the edge of the Eternal Sea. It flies far out. There is a shimmering dark red light.
Great Father turns again. The winds are stronger and they seem to almost push him back. He places his arm in front of his face to guard him against the winds.
The Veil Mist has opened larger. Father looks up and stares into the opening. In his hand, he is still holding the orb.
Great Father says to it 'Something large is coming through. Give me your strength Kaltalk. Let us bring this forth.'
The orb glows and energy flows around Great Father. With all his might Father reaches forth and draws a large mountain which comes through the Veil Mist. It is a citadel.
Great Father asks 'Kaltalk, give this citadel your strength. Let it grow.'
Father then casts the citadel out into the endless space. A bright blue light shimmers in the distance.
As Great Father watches this the winds pick up harder at his back. He falls and collapses upon the sea.
Something large comes through and spins past him. This diamond shaped object goes flying out into the endless space.
Father regains himself and scratches his head. 'I wonder what that might have been.' This object becomes Vlackheim.
Great Father turns back toward the Veil Mist. He raises his hands and brings them together. When he does this the winds and waves die down. The Veil Mist calms again.
Father says 'Hmmm, maybe one more.' He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small carving of a beast.
He then speaks to Kaltalk in the orb 'Give this strength. Let it grow.' The orb glows and the small carving of the beast glows.
Great Father casts the beast into the endless space. There in the distance is another bright light.
Father says 'I think that will be enough for today.' He places the orb of Kaltalk back into his robe.
Then Great Father feels a hand upon his shoulder. He turns around but there is no one there.
He stares down into the waters of the Eternal Sea and sees the reflection of Asherah.
Asherah smiles and Father says to her reflection 'I brought forth love, beauty, and all the aspects of you.
I thought of you while making these new places in this existence. I filled it with the aspects, but yours I thought of most of all for what I made.'
The reflection of Asherah fades and Father smiles. He then hears a voice 'Working hard Father I see.'
Great Father turns to see Great Mother. She smiles at him. Father says 'Oh, yes.'
He turns back and stares out into the endless space where the lights have grown.
Great Father says 'In time these will be places of wonder, but that is enough for today. I shall begin again tomorrow.'
Great Mother takes him by the arm and they walk off on the Eternal Sea into the Veil Mist.
Several times after that Father goes back through the Veil Mist and goes through the same process as before. Bringing different things through as the winds rage and the waves crash.
Each time he asks the orb of Kaltalk to give it strength and let it grow. What he brings through creates the realms.
In these realms grow a beast, a tree, and other beings which begin their lives there. This is the existence that we know now. This is the first times.
Upon the many realms which were created, different sential beings rise. The first is the primordials.
Some examples of these are the Tralients which are primordial tree and earth elementals of Alfheim. They are keepers of the seed which landed there.
The primordial mountain beings fire and ice are where the citadel landed to make Jotunheim.
The dark black sphere expanded into a realm of fire, black volcanic ash, deep dark forests of petrified trees to make Verginheim.
The small carving of the beast flew forward and created vast wild lands where beasts became the dominant sential beings. This is known as Volheim.
Great Father creates many more realms. The primordials are the ones who will give birth to their children making the many different Nature Folk, Divine, Titans, and others.
Father stands again upon the edge of the Eternal Sea watching the realms expand out. He looks down at the orb of Kaltalk and says 'One more, but I wish to give this one as a gift to you.'
The orb of Kaltalk begins to glow and a smaller orb floats from it. Father grasps it in his hand and casts it out. There a bright green golden light shines.
Great Father says 'This shall be a place that is a sanctuary. It will be a place of strength and valor. Who shall live there?'
Father scratches his head 'Aha, I got it.' He has an idea. Father removes his robe and it floats.
Great Father says 'I shall make one.' He jumps high and dives down into the Eternal Sea where he swims down to the bottom and digs in the sand.
Father pulls out a lump of clay then swims back to the surface. He molds the clay within his hands to create a little figurine.
Father scratches his head 'Hmm, he is missing something. Ah, I know.' He calls for his robe and it places itself around him.
Great Father places the small figurine in his robe pocket.
Father says to the orb 'Come Kaltalk, I need to go see the Norn sisters. I want this one to be different from the primordials and other beings which will come to pass.
I want him to wander like me. I want him to see these realms. He will be my eyes there. We need to wrap him in a thread of Fate and Destiny. Only the Norn sisters may do so.'
Great Father walks into the Veil Mist and reappears in the place of the Norns. The three Weavers of Fate and Destiny. They greet him.
Father says 'I do not mean to disturb you while you weave, but I must ask a favor of you.'
The Norn sisters agree to grant him a favor. He says 'I will need a single thread. I am creating a new wanderer to walk upon the realms of this new existence. I want him to study and learn.'
The Norns weave a single thread and give it to him. Father thanks them. They nod and continue their weaving.
Great Father leaves and goes back to the edge of the Eternal Sea where it flows into this existence.
Father takes the small clay figurine out of his pocket. He wraps the thread around it. 'Hmm, I will name you Eru.'
The orb of Kaltalk glows brightly. Father notices this and says 'Yes, he may need someone to guide him. He will need Strength.'
Great Father grasps the orb of Kaltalk in his hand and it transforms into a green and gold crystal sphere.
Father says 'That shall be good. Let us bring Eru to life.'
He focuses on the new realm he created as a gift for Kaltalk. In a flash, he is there in the realm. It is growing and expanding beautifully.
Great Father places the clay figurine on a grassy hill. He speaks an incantation and the figure wrapped in thread grows.
When it is full size the figurine begins to move as someone trapped in a web.
Father says 'Oh, I almost forgot.' He grabs the end of the thread and it unwinds as he pulls it away.
The figure stands up. He has long silver hair, elongated ears, glowing blue eyes. His skin is a light peach color.
The figure asks 'Am I alive? Is this a dream?'
Great Father says 'It is no dream. You are alive.'
The figure asks 'What is my name? Do I have one?'
Great Father says 'Yes, your name is Eru.'
Father gives Eru a robe and a walking stick and says 'I need you to be my eyes. I need you to wander these far places.
Write down everything you see. Tell me of it. You have been given eternal life. You will never grow old and you will never die.'
Eru agrees to this.
Father continues 'I will give you this here. This is the Essence of Strength. Whenever you feel at your weakest call upon it. This will empower you to be strong. I must go now Eru. Here, take this.' He gives Eru a key.
Eru asks 'What does it do?'
Father says 'When you have traveled all over this realm use the key and you will go to another place. But only when you are done here. Now go and good luck to you.'
Great Father walks away off into the distance and vanishes.
Eru is left alone with the green and gold crystal sphere. He places it upon the walking stick and travels throughout the land.
Father has also given Eru a travel bag. Inside is a book with endless pages along with a quill and ink that never run out.
As Eru travels the land he draws in the book and writes everything he sees. From the skies to the waters, mountains, plants, and animals.
He travels for what seems like forever. When he finishes going to every place in this land he takes out the key Father gave him.
Eru holds the key in his hand and closes his eyes. In his mind, he imagines a door. He places the key in the lock and turns it.
When he opens his eyes a door opens in front of him. Eru steps through the door. When he comes out the other side he is in a frigid frozen land of high mountains.
Eru hears the rumbling and thundering of the mountains. The winds are harsh and snow beats down on him. In the distance, he hears roars like thunder.
As he stares off toward it he sees large beings. They are primordial elemental giants clashing and battling with each other.
Eru holds on tight against the rocks as these huge primordial earth giants fight each other crashing down mountains.
The mountain above Eru shakes. He sees an avalanche coming down. He runs along the ledge and holds on as rocks, snow, and ice tumble down upon him.
As the ledge gives way and begins to fall a cavern opens up. Eru slides down through into the mountain.
Eru says to the crystal sphere 'It is dark here. Give me some light.' The sphere of Kaltalk starts to shine and lights up the large cavern.
There is a mountain inside this mountain. Water flows from it. This seems strange to Eru. He gets the sense this mountain is alive and watching him. It feels sad.
Eru makes his way through the cavern until he comes out into a tundra forest.
He travels for a while writing in his endless book describing what he sees in this place. He draws the primordial giants fighting and the mountain within the mountain.
Eru hears noises come from all around him. He decides to take a look. He closes the book and places it in his bag. As he walks through the tundra forest he can hear voices.
He quietly sneaks around the trees and smells smoke in the air. He notices there are beings who are much bigger than he is though not as large as the primordial giants.
They are wearing the skins of animals and gathered around in a circle around a fire. Eru watches them from a distance while writing and drawing about them in his book until he falls asleep.
When he awakes in the morning Eru continues his travels along this land of ice and snow.
He sees beings which are shorter than he is. They have long beards and seem a bit like the primordials, except they are smaller. He notices they dwell in caves.
Eru desires to name these beings. He calls the first ones that he saw the Great Giants. The ones he observed in the forest he calls the Jotunn. These shorter beings that dwell in caves he calls Dwarves.
He then comes across another type of beings. They are larger and more savage in a way. They are not as handsome or unique like the Dwarves and Jotunn. These beings look more foul and ghoulish. He calls them Trolls.
When Eru has completed traveling this land he finishes a chapter in his book. He writes 'I shall call this land Jotunheim.'
Eru pulls out the key and closes his eyes to imagine a door. After he opens his eyes he steps through to find himself in a lush forest. Kaltalk always with him along the way through the sphere.
The air is crisp and there are sounds all around of birds, animals, and trees. Eru hears voices in the distance and decides to approach them.
He observes slender beings with fair skin and silky hair. He notices they have elongated ears like him. They seem very elegant.
As night falls these beings go up into the trees. Erus watches as other beings come out in the darkness under the moonlight. These beings have darker skin.
They look like the other ones but are a different color. They wander through the night gathering things.
Eru names the beings the Elves, Light Elves and Dark Elves.
He wanders across this land and discovers other beings. He watches some very little ones around a foot high. They live within the ground and seem to tend to most of the plants.
These beings wander through the plants as if they are one with them. Most of them have long beards, rosy cheeks, and peach skin. Eru calls these little ones Gnomes.
He also discovers a different type of trolls here but they are shorter and hairier. He calls the beings with the butterfly wings Fairies.
When he has traveled everywhere across this land he ends up beneath a large tree. He looks up at it and wonders how elegant and unique this tree is. All over this is the only tree of its kind. He decides to call this land Alfheim.
Eru again uses the key to go to another realm. He goes Verginheim and sees the chaotic elementals. He calls them the Vergin.
He then travels to Volheim and sees beast-like men that run wild in packs. He names them the Volwynn.
As Eru travels he writes the descriptions of the different realms and draws illustrations.
He makes his way to the high mountain of Olympus and observes the birth of what he calls the Titans.
He also goes to the high floating sky realm of Asgard. From realm to realm Eru wanders. He names them all and writes about them in his book of endless pages.
All along this sphere of Kaltalk guides him along the way. Kaltalk speaks to him in his mind. He teaches Eru how to craft metals and how to work stone.
Eru is entranced by the knowledge Kaltalk has given him. He forms different languages. He writes down everything Kaltalk teaches him about.
Kaltalk has been his guide and teacher along his journeys through the many realms.
When Eru has traveled far and wide to the many realms he thinks of the first place he was in.
He imagines it in his mind and takes the key. He goes through the door back to that realm.
He sees a familiar being standing upon a hill. It is the old man who gave him the key and sphere.
Father says 'I see you have returned. Tell me Eru, what have you seen?'
Eru tells Father the stories of his adventures. He gives Father the book he has been writing in.
Great Father flips through some of the pages and smiles. He closes the book and gives it back to Eru.
Father says 'I am very proud of what you have done and very impressed with everything you have seen and written. You have learned much. What is it you have learned?'
Eru explains how the sphere of Kaltalk spoke to him in his dreams and showed him many things. He pulls out metal work and stone carvings from his travel bag.
There are also other manuscripts he has drawn. They show the workings of buildings and structures.
He thought about the many different realms of places and which types of dwellings would be best for the beings who live there.
Great Father is intrigued by this. When Eru finishes explaining he lowers his head as if he is disturbed by something.
Father asks 'What is it that troubles you Eru?'
Eru says 'Out of all my journeys I have come back here. This place, as beautiful and enchanting as it is. It is lonely for it is only you and I here.'
Father scratches his chin and thinks. He says 'You are right. This place as mystical and enchanting as it is, seems to have no occupants. That is something that should be remedied in time.'
Father places his hand on Eru's shoulder. 'You should rest now Eru. Your journey has been long and you finally returned home. This is your home.'
Eru smiles 'Yes it is, but this home does not have a name.'
Father says 'Well, you should name it. I shall come to you soon. Until then, rest.' He pats him on the shoulder and then turns and walks away.
As Eru watches Father leave he starts to think. 'A name for this place...' Then he hears the voice of the sphere in his mind.
Eru says 'You are right. There is so much strength and honor in this place. It is a place of valor. I shall call this place Valinor.' The sphere of Kaltalk glows brightly.
Eru builds his own little dwelling and rests. One day Father returns to him and says 'You must come with me. I have something to show you.'
Eru follows Father over a hill and down in the valley he sees beings. These beings have fair skin though not as slender as the Elves. They have more strength to them. They also have wings.
Father says 'I made these for you. They are from your dreams.'
Eru remembers dreaming of Valinor inhabited by beings who would represent what it stands for. Eru has admired everything about Kaltalk. He decides he shall call these beings the Valanor.
He takes the strongest of them and teaches them his ways. He calls these ones the Vala.
Eru spends time teaching what he learned from the sphere of Kaltalk to the Valanor.
Father returns to him and says 'Now take what you have learned to the other realms. Teach them these ways. Guide them. You will not be alone on this quest. You will be joined by one of the guardians of this existence.'
A large being with horns and dark red skin flies down. He has feathery dragon-like wings.
Eru has seen the birth of the Drakon through the seven-headed mother Tia-Mat. This being looks different.
Eru says 'In my travels, I have never seen a being like this.'
Father says 'These are guardians of existences. All existences have them. These are the Ourhkina and this is Melek Taus.
He will travel with you as you go and spread the wisdom and knowledge you have learned throughout the realms.
You must leave the sphere of Kaltalk behind. Build it a sanctuary before you go and leave it there. An elemental giant named Nimroc shall help you.'
Eru agrees and returns to his dwelling. The next day when he arises a large elemental giant is there waiting for him.
Together they build a sanctuary with a stone altar in the middle. Eru places the sphere of Kaltalk upon it. He then closes the door to the sanctuary.
Eru leaves with Melek Taus to travel the realms fulfilling Father's request to teach them language, writing, agriculture, architecture, and what they need to rise up from tribes into kingdoms.
Great Father is on his own quest. He stands in a barren wasteland. It is cold and he can feel the energies all around him. They weigh heavy upon his shoulders. He can feel the pain, suffer, and sadness of this place.
Father was almost tempted to show Eru this place so he may teach others of it. This place is beyond realms and is through every existence.
Once before the time of the first judgement, it was called the passing plane. It connected between realms, existences, and the place of transcension.
When Judgement burned away it became a place of pain and suffering. The mysterious lands of the dead, the borderlands.
Those who are lost and those who are meant to be punished. The unfortunates to the wicked. Father feels heaviness upon him, but he must be strong. He is here for different reasons.
Father says to his ravens 'Now go, fly and find him. Tell him I wish to speak to him.'
His two ravens fly from off shoulders into the distance of the borderlands. Father comes across and finds a large black stone to sit upon. He feels the ground rumble.
Not too far from him he sees a rot worm violently emerging from the dark grey soil. It rears up and roars. Father smells the scent of death. The ground trembles as it dives back down and moves away.
After a while Father finally sees his ravens approach. They land upon his shoulders and caw.
Father says 'Well, he seems to be late.'
He then notices a strange rift open in front of him. A tall mutilated being with four arms steps out. This is Gushvar who led the doomed slave rebellion long ago.
Father says 'Not who I was expecting.'
Gushvar says 'My master sends me to answer what you request of him.'
Father slowly stands up from the rock 'Oh? And what has your master decided?'
Gushvar says 'You wish to return Strength to the existences. Valor, Honor, and Justice. You will need the Essence of Life for this.'
Father says 'The Essence of Life? How could that still exist when the Seed of Life himself is now Eternal Death?'
Gushvar says 'Yes, the Seed of Life himself has become what he is now, but the Essence of Life still flows in the blood within his veins. You will need this combined with waters of the Eternal Sea in order to restore Kaltalk's form.'
Father scratches his chin 'So I have to convince Eternal Death to give me some of his blood. That may prove to be a challenge.'
Gushvar says 'A challenge indeed. A task you would not be able to complete. You have nothing to offer Eternal Death in exchange.'
Father touches his beard 'Hmm, that is very true.'
Gushvar says 'However, my master does.'
Father says 'What would your master wish in return?'
Gushvar says 'Only the simplest of things. The same things you desire. He wishes for you to bring the Aspect of Love and Beauty to this existence.
You wish to do so with Strength. You have plans to bring the others. My master has foreseen things that are known to you as well in your deepest fears.
This new existence of yours which you pour so much into will have its trials. Ashoweah will come here bringing Malice, Cruelty, Hatred, and Destruction.
If this existence does not know of Love, Beauty, Kindness, and Compassion it will not be ready for Ashoweah's arrival. My master has foreseen the times to come. This is what he requests of you.'
Father asks 'What has your master seen? Tell me, what does Xarsha know?'
Gushvar says 'My master is as you made him. Do you agree to his request?'
Father says 'Yes, it appears he desires the same things I do. So I will accept his offer in exchange.'
Gushvar says 'Very well. Stay here until I return with what you need.' He opens a rift and steps through.
Father sits back down on the black stone with the two ravens cawing at his side.
Father says 'Well, it seems I have more work to do.'
In a far existence in a desolated realm upon a mountain, there is a high fortress of bones. On a throne of corpses sits Eternal Death.
A rift opens up in the chamber and Gushvar steps through. Eternal Death is not alarmed by this.
He recognizes Gushvar as a Myrrdonite knowing they were made to the will of his master Judgement. He is angered by Myrrdonite corruption.
If only he could invade the borderlands and find a way to bring his master back. If no way could be found, then he must seek out and complete his master's work of the final judgement.
Gushvar greets him 'Your grace, I bring a message from my master Xarsha. He wishes something of you.'
Gushvar opens his hands to reveal a puzzle piece. It floats to Eternal Death. The piece glows with dark energy.
Eternal Death says 'Xarsha wishes for some of my blood to give to Father so he may restore the form of the Aspect Kaltalk in a new existence.'
Gushvar nods 'Yes, your grace.'
Eternal Death smiles 'If this was coming from any other being I would go and burn them away. But this is from Xarsha, the one who walks through time.
I know him. He would not just ask this of me unless he had something to offer in return. He has an answer to my long dying question.'
Gushvar bows his head 'Yes, and I bring that answer with me today. Xarsha, you, and even I serve the same master.'
Eternal Death says 'That I believe is true. I will grant him blood from my veins if he is to answer the one question I have. Will I gather the 13 pieces? Will I be able to bring about the final judgement?'
Gushvar looks in his eyes and says 'In time, yes.'
Without saying a word Eternal Death unsheathes his dagger and slices his wrist. He pours the blood over the piece Gushvar has given him. It absorbs within it.
Eternal Death floats the piece back over to Gushvar who takes it and places it in a box. Gushvar bows and opens a rift to leave.
Before he enters he hears Eternal Death say to him 'Tell your master Xarsha I will spare the Aspect of Strength and Honor, but when the time comes I will not spare any of the others.'
Gushvar says 'I will inform him.' He steps through the rift and it closes.
Eternal Death sits alone with a grin on his face. He has the answer to the question which has burned in his soul for eternities.
In the borderlands, Father is sleeping on the stone. A rift opens and Gushvar steps through.
The ravens jump down to Father and begin pecking and cawing at him. He shoos them away.
Father says 'No, no, no. I am not ready for breakfast yet.'
They peck at him more and he awakens from his dream to see Gushvar standing before him.
Father stands up 'Gushvar, you have returned and I am guessing you were successful?'
Gushvar gives a black vial to Father. It is filled with the blood of Eternal Death, the Essence of Life.
Gushvar says 'Combine this with waters of the Eternal Sea. Remember to fulfill your end of the bargain with my master Xarsha. In time you will understand his motives as well as you understand yours.' He leaves through a rift.
Father gathers his staff and says to his ravens 'Well that was easy enough. Come, it is time.'
As Father walks he says 'The best thing is, I already brought Love, Beauty, and Compassion. I knew what Xarsha would desire. She is already here and now Strength shall be. You see my little friends? Always have a Plan B. Think ahead.'
Father goes through a misty portal and arrives in Valinor. He stands outside the sanctuary Eru built. He stares at it for a moment. 'Well, it is not a castle. It will do.'
He steps inside the sanctuary. There upon the altar stone sits the sphere of Kaltalk.
Father brings out the vial of blood he got from Gushvar. He also brings out a pink vial filled with waters of the Eternal Sea.
He mixes the black blood into the pink vial and shakes it. There is a strange reaction.
Father's eyes light up 'Oh I wasn't expecting this.'
He pours the contents of the vial upon the sphere of Kaltalk. It shimmers brightly and then flashes with a bright green light that blinds Father. He is forced to shield his eyes with his hands.
When the light dissipates he hears the small crying of a child. Father looks down. When the child sees the face of the old man he stops crying and smiles.
Father takes out a small blanket from his travel bag. He wraps the young boy in it and places him back down on the altar. The child is content and falls asleep.
Father says 'You rest now. Eru will be back soon. He will help take care of you.' He places his hand upon the child's head. 'Welcome back my son. Welcome back.'
Eru returns to Valinor he goes back to the sanctuary. It has been a long road with many travels. Eru traveled from realm to realm. He watched them grow and develop new kingdoms.
When he opens the sanctuary door he hears the sound. He walks forward to the stone altar. The crystal sphere of Kaltalk is no longer there. In its place is a small child. A baby Valanor.
Eru takes the child in his arms and wonders for a moment. Where did this child come from? He realizes that the sphere is now a new form. He looks down into the child's eyes.
Eru says 'I shall take you to a place where you can be raised with other children. Your name will be Tulkas.'
Tulkas is a young boy about 5 or 6 in Midgard years. He is watched over and cared for by his master. He has a brother.
Karas guides Tulkas through his early childhood. He is a young boy amongst the Valanor. He grows and learns. He seems different from the other children. He is very wise and strong for his age.
One day when the children are out playing, the Valanor are constructing a large granary. The workers take a break for their afternoon lunch.
The children are curious and decide to investigate. They run around the half-built structure, playing games and such.
Tulkas stands off in the distance. He knows that the structure is not yet stable and does not wish to put himself in harm's way.
He looks at the other children and thinks of how they foolishly lead themselves into danger.
Just then, there is rumbling. One of the children had pushed a support beam that was holding up a side wall that was not yet set.
The side of the building comes crashing down. The children scream and scurry away. Some children who were trapped under the rubble are crying out.
Tulkas without hesitation quickly reacts. He rushes over to where the side of the building has collapsed.
He can hear their cries and pleas for help. He acts swiftly. He does not notice his own strength as he moves the rubble away. He picks up rocks larger than him and tosses them aside.
One piece at a time, he works on removing the rubble. He sees where the children are trapped inside. A beam has kept them from being crushed.
He reaches down and pulls three of the children out. One is still trapped inside, pinned beneath a rock.
Tulkas with all of his strength lifts the beam and the rock moves. The child's leg is free. He scurries out of the hole just as the rubble collapses on Tulkas.
Outside, other Valanor have gathered. They are in a panic.
Karas comes down from the hill. His eyes widen. The children say that Tulkas removed the rubble and got the trapped children out. He climbed in to free one and the rubble collapsed upon him.
Karas and a few others begin to move away the rubble. Karas worries for Tulkas and his fears overwhelm him. Has young Tulkas been crushed? Then he hears a sound. It sounds like a small child grunting.
Some of the rubble moves away and falls from the pile. Tulkas climbs out. He is dusty and dirty from the ordeal, but he is unscathed.
Many of the Valanor look on in amazement. Karas takes a rag and wipes Tulkas' face.
He says to him 'You are brave for what you've done, but you have put yourself in danger. You must be more cautious next time.'
Tulkas replies 'But none of the men were around to help. The other children were trapped. If I did not act then, they could have been crushed.'
Karas smiles and says 'You acted within your instinct to do so. You are brave. The time will come where you will test your bravery.'
Tulkas as a young boy proves his strength and his bravery over and over. Tulkas is older now. About 9 in Midgard years.
He is wandering through the forest of Valinor when he hears the cries of a creature. Tulkas follows the sound of the cries until he comes to a mighty river.
He sees a young Unicorn in the river, holding onto the rocks with all of its might. Trying not to be swept away by the mighty river.
The young unicorn cries out for help when they see Tulkas upon the shore. Tulkas looks around, he is trying to find a way.
Maybe a toppled tree or something that he can lean into the water and crawl out on. He hears the cry of the young unicorn. They lose their grip on the rocks and is swept down the river.
Tulkas reacts and dives into the river, swimming fast. The unicorn is pulled under by the water and hits a rock and knocked unconscious.
Tulkas swims as fast as he can. He makes his way to the unicorn and grabs them, pulling them ashore.
He sits on the shore with the unicorn and checks them to see if they are still alive. They are still breathing.
Tulkas hears noises from behind him. Other unicorns approach from the forest. They see what he has done.
They give him a ride back to Karas. They thank Tulkas for what he has done. Karas looks at Tulkas and says 'Your bravery and strength knows no limits. You have done well again today.'
Tulkas is awoken one morning by Karas. He tells him 'This is an important day. You must arise early. The great teacher comes.'
Tulkas with an excited look in his eyes says 'Eru? Eru comes again?'
As he gathers his things, he asks Karas 'Why is this such a day when he comes? Is there something new he is going to bring to us? Some new teachings? A new discovery of his?'
Karas says 'It will not be that today. There are other reasons that he comes.'
Tulkas finishes gathering his things and he and Karas set off. They head to the center of their village. Others have gathered. A group of Valanor makes their way to the kingdom of the Vala.
From all across Valinor, many have gathered. They sit upon the hills, looking down. Eru has made his presence. He has come to them.
Eru tells them of how he has walked many realms. He has seen over time many tribes become a kingdom.
The time will come when more Vala will be needed, but the time has also come for him to go. He must go beyond these realms. One day he may return.
When he finishes, he walks up the hill through the crowd. He stops for a moment. He sees Tulkas standing there. He approaches him.
Eru says 'How much you have grown. I can feel the power of your essence within you. One day young Tulkas, you will prove your strength, bravery, and honor. You are Valanor. All that is the Valar. I have set this fate before you.'
Eru places his hand on Tulkas. He looks at Karas and says 'Guide him well. Teach him. When the time comes, he will rise.'
Karas acknowledges this and Eru sets off over the hill. Since this time, Eru has never been seen again, except recently and only by a few.
Tulkas is saddened by the departure of Eru. When all begin to leave and return to their homes, Tulkas takes his time. He journies back a different route.
Valinor is not a land of danger. There are no enemies or foes that they fear that would prey upon any of them.
He comes to a clearing and discovers what appears to be rocks stacked upon each other. He notices a door. This is someone's dwelling. Who would live here?
Tulkas pulls open the door. It is old and creaks as it opens. He enters a small chamber and there are cobwebs everywhere. It is dusty as if no one had been here in a while. There is a stone altar in the middle of the room. He walks over to it.
He places his hand upon the altar. Something seems familiar to him. He sees visions in his mind, flashes of a man sailing in a boat across the sea into a great mist.
Tulkas removes his hand from the altar and the vision ends. He looks around the room and sees drawings and illustrations of strange things. Some of them are familiar to him.
He then hears someone cough behind him. He turns to see a tall old man looking down on him. Tulkas is not frightened by the old man. There is a look of kindness on his face.
The old man says 'I see you have found this place. No one appears to have been here for a long time.'
Tulkas replies 'Yes, but who does this place belong to?'
Father replies 'This is the place of the great teacher, Eru. When he came here long ago, before the Valanor existed, he walked the realms. When all of the tribes of the realms were young.'
Tulkas turns to the altar 'What used to be here? I placed my hand upon it. I saw a vision of a man sailing upon a sea into a deep mist.'
Father chuckles 'Yes, I imagine you did. Those are questions that will be answered to you in time young Tulkas. Come now, I will journey with you back to your home.'
Father and Tulkas leave the chamber. Father closes the door. He points in the direction of home 'Shall we?' As they walk, Father whistles a tune.
This tune seems familiar to Tulkas somehow, even though he has never heard it. It strikes something familiar deep down in his soul.
The old man returns Tulkas to his home. Tulkas spends a few more years growing and learning, his strength becoming more present to those around him.
The time comes when Tulkas must go through the tests of strength. He must serve. Through this, he will become an apprentice of his master, on his way to becoming a Vala.
One morning, Tulkas awakes to travel with Karas and receive his assignment. He had a dream the night before.
He dreams of the boat the man was sailing. Yet he is sailing it. He is upon the sea that he saw within his dreams, sailing through the mist. Off in the distance, he hears a sound.
A beautiful voice echoes upon the water. Tulkas steers the ship towards the voice. A silhouette of a beautiful woman appears before him.
As he rows in closer, a bright pink light shines from it. This blinds Tulkas. He puts his hand over his eyes. As the light intensifies, he awakes.
The dream stays with him as he and Karas set off. He is ready to begin his time here and serve the realms. He is ready to begin his task of becoming Vala.
Tulkas thinks to himself 'Tulkas of the Vala. I shall prove myself with strength, bravery, honor, and valor.'
True Self Connection...