Nenlura: Demi-Aspect of Eomeya and Kaltalk

The true self past vision begins. Kaltalk mans the rutter of the boat as he and his young daughter Mikurah sail through the mists. The water is calm and the light of two suns shines down upon them.
Kaltalk says 'Mikurah, do you see anything ahead?'
Mikurah places her fingers on the sides of her head and is able to see through and has sight of the many animals, the fish in the sea, and the birds in the sky. She searches far and wide to find land.
Mikurah says 'Not yet father, but I am looking as fast as the birds fly.'
Kaltalk stands up from the rutter and begins to test the wind. He adjusts the sail for faster speed.
Mikurah says 'Father we must change our course. We must go northeast from here. I see land.'
Kaltalk makes the proper adjustments to send the boat northeast. They continue to sail as one of the suns sets.
After a while, Kaltalk says 'How far are we now daughter?'
Mikurah concentrates again 'Not too far. We shall see it coming up soon.'
Off in the distance, they can see a land mass. Kaltalk smiles but is also cautious. These are uncharted waters for him. He has never been to this realm.
Are the beings who dwell here hostile or friendly? Is this one of the realms that have already been conquered by the slavers guild? They might sail into one of their resorts.
Kaltalk asks 'Can you sense any naturals upon the land?'
Mikurah concentrates 'Yes, there are many giant crabs.' She sees through their eyes.
There are several powder-white skinned beings with elongated ears and deep blue hair. They have a ridge that goes up from their nose to their forehead like a crown. There are males, females, and children.
Mikurah says 'They seem friendly enough.'
Kaltalk says 'Then we shall make landfall there and greet them.'
As they get closer, the beings notice the boat. They stand and gaze out. Some of the male beings step forward as to prepare just in case the ones on the boat may be hostile.
The children are asked to come back from playing in the water. All of them watch and wait as the boat comes close to the shore.
Kaltalk stands on the boat and waves to them. The beings on the shore look at each other. One of them raises his hand back to wave. Then the others do the same.
As they approach the shore, several of the males go down to the water and help Kaltalk bring the boat ashore. One of them says 'Noangae Ahkwou.'
Kaltalk concentrates to understand their language. They are called the Neipeian, the ones who came from below. They say they are friendly and invite Kaltalk and his daughter Mikurah to stay with them.
The males take them to shore and introduce them to a female who is not dressed like the others. She is more elegant.
She says 'My name is Shanyinyin. I am High Priestess to the Genduah. Welcome, may I ask who you are?'
Kaltalk says 'I am Kaltalk and this is my daughter Mikurah. Thank you for the warm welcome.'
Shanyinyin motions for Kaltalk and Mikurah to follow. She says 'I shall take you below. There you shall meet the Genduah.'
Kaltalk asks 'The Genduah? Who is she? Is that her name?'
Shanyinyin chuckles 'This is what the ancestors called her when they found her washed up on the shore.'
Kaltalk asks 'The ancestors?'
Shanyinyin says 'Yes, our ancestors. We are the ones who dwell below. The large dwell above and the small dwell below.'
She tells the story of her kind. They lived in a luminescent underground where other small creatures dwell. Above dwelled the large savage carnivorous creatures.
This presented a problem for their people. There were not many resources in the underground dwellings. The ancestors decided that some of them should travel above and seek better places to live.
Many set out but only few returned. Several of them made it to the shore where they found a strange wrecked vessel along with an unconscious woman.
They gathered her along with her things including a large strange box and brought them back to the underground.
Along the way, they noticed that the larger beasts would not try to devour or eat them, but instead remained calm.
They named the woman Genduah, which means one found at sea. She is actually the Carrier who we know as Eomeya.
As the Genduah regained her strength she was able to teach the ancestors how to calm the wild beasts above. When they did so they began to live in harmony.
Mikurah looks around at the many large intimidating beasts and the large carnivorous plants.
Mikurah says 'And you guys would fight back against these things if they ever turned on you right? I hope.'
Shanyinyin says 'Why would we? They saved us once. If it wasn't for them our kind would have suffered a worse fate.'
Kaltalk says 'What do you mean a worse fate?'
Shanyinyin says 'When the Genduah and ancestors emerged and established above ground villages there were great mountains which appeared in the sky and the beings of a thousand races came upon us.
It was the Genduah who warned us of this. They said they would take everything from us and turn us into their slaves.
It was her who decided we should all retreat back to the underground. The savage beasts here above saved us by devouring the beings of a thousand races. The great mountains left and we returned.'
Kaltalk knows of these beings. They are the slavers.
They continue walking and approach the opening to an underground cave. Then they go down into a luminescent cavern filled with glowing fungi, mushrooms, and light bugs. This is a beautiful place.
They enter an elegant underground villa with a luminescent garden of glowing bright neon colors. There they meet the Genduah who is Eomeya. She is tending to the garden.
Shanyinyin says 'Genduah, visitors from the sea have come to our shores. They are friendly so I have brought them before you.'
When the Genduah turns around, Kaltalk notices something. He senses something within her as if he knows her and she may know him. Kaltalk and the Genduah stare into each other's eyes.
Mikurah who is around 12 or 13 in Midgard years notices this. She is a young teen and loves her father very much. He is very handsome and attracts the attention of many females.
Her father, however, is not one to sleep around and he is usually respectful and kind in return. But there is something different about his stare at this one. Mikurah says nothing but makes note of it in her mind.
He says 'Genduah, I am Kaltalk and this is my daughter Mikurah. We sailed across the Eternal Sea and landed upon your shores. We thank you for your hospitality.'
Genduah walks forward and puts her hand out. Kaltalk takes her hand and kisses it.
She says 'Welcome Kaltalk.' She then places her hand toward the daughter. Mikurah is a bit reluctant.
Genduah says 'You do not have to kiss my hand. I am just offering it.'
Mikurah gently shakes her hand.
Genduah says 'You are welcome here. Please, stay for a while. I wish to hear where you have come from. I am sure that you and your brave daughter here have seen many adventures and been many places. I myself have not traveled from this place in a long time. My mind is hungry for news.'
The three of them sit down at a table where food and drink are brought to them. Mikurah is hungry and starts eating right away.
Kaltalk says 'You must excuse my daughter. We have been living on fish for a while.'
Mikurah goes for the nice cakes and many pastries. She thinks to herself 'I am beginning to like this woman. She seems friendly.'
Kaltalk and the Genduah make small talk. He tells her of many places he has been. She listens with fascination and laughs at some of his adventures. There seems to be some sort of connection between them.
Genduah is overwhelmed to hear about all of this. There is something pressing in her mind she wishes to ask him. She waits for the right moment.
Genduah says 'Tell me of the slavers and of the Bishberrin. Have you had dealings with them?'
Kaltalk says 'I've had news of the Bishberrin but have not had dealings with him for a long time. As for the slavers, my daughter and I see them quite often.'
Mikurah laughs while her mouth is full of pastry 'They run every time.'
Genduah chuckles 'And you are very fearsome young one. I can tell that you and your father stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. There is much honor and valor within both of you.'
Genduah continues 'Tell me Kaltalk, have most of the realms fallen to the slavers or the others?'
Kaltalk says 'Many have, but there are those who still stand strong.'
He speaks of the Womba that are a ferret-like race. He and his daughter helped them stand up and join together their many tribes against the slavers.
They forced them from the realm. Kaltalk and Mikurah are considered heroes there and were planning to visit again soon.
Genduah says 'You are welcome to stay for as long as you like. Please, be my guests. But first, let me give you something.
When you are not among the Neipeian here you must wear these necklaces. These will keep the beasts at bay and calm their minds.'
A priestess brings a box with two necklaces.
Mikurah says 'It is very beautiful. Elegant.'
Genduah says 'You may keep it even when you leave here in case you ever choose to return.'
Kaltalk and Mikurah stay for a while. The connection between Genduah and Kaltalk grows stronger. Mikurah notices this.
They hear a strange shrieking noise at night. The priestesses around the villa explain it is the beasts above. They say the noises echo through the underground chambers.
There is a time when Genduah and Kaltalk stay up late into the night having a long conversation. He notices the sounds of the shrieking and feels suspicious of where they are coming from.
Kaltalk takes Genduah by the hands 'There is something I must say to you. I do not believe the priestesses are telling me the truth about the strange shrieking noises that come at night.'
Genduah lowers her head 'I have grown very fond of you Kaltalk.'
Kaltalk says 'And I of you.'
Genduah says 'I must trust you with something. Come with me.'
She takes his hand and goes to a wall in the middle of the villa room. She presses a level and a door opens. There is a stone staircase that leads down. As they descend further the shrieks grow louder.
At the bottom of the stairs is a large room with a door. Kaltalk senses something behind it. He makes himself ready. There is a presence of danger.
Genduah says 'Calm yourself. Do you trust me?'
Kaltalk looks into her eyes 'Yes, I do.'
Genduah uses another lever and the door opens. There is a Savage God chained to the wall inside.
Kaltalk stares in astonishment. He doesn't know what to make of this.
Genduah says 'He is my child.'
Kaltalk notices something strange. As Genduah approaches the Savage God he begins to calm. His shrieks and roars almost become whimpers. She touches his head.
Genduah says 'I am sorry I must chain you, my son.'
She continues 'It hurts me to see him chained Kaltalk. I gave birth to their kind and it nearly killed me. I kept him in hopes that one day I may undo what they brought forth.
He is my child Kaltalk. You must understand the bond between a mother and her children. As a father, you must sympathize.'
Kaltalk says 'I do.' Genduah calms the Savage God to sleep by singing to him.
Genduah says 'He does not speak and he has no knowledge. He is more natural than sential. Still, he is my child.'
She and Kaltalk leave the chamber and go back up the stairs to the main part of the villa.
He feels bad that he was so worried and was ready to slay that being. Even though he didn't say it verbally, his body language did. He thinks Genduah sensed it.
Kaltalk takes her by the hands and says 'I am sorry for the way I was acting down there. I know you sensed it. He is your child as Mikurah is mine. I understand the love of a parent for their children.'
With that Genduah kisses Kaltalk. He takes her in his arms and carries her to her bedchambers where they make love. The next few days after are full of happiness and romance.
Then some of the Neipeian come to the villa. They found a being upon the shores. He has an urgent message for Kaltalk.
He goes up to the surface and sees a Womba who he recognizes as one of his friends. The Womba tells him that the slavers have returned in full force. They need his help to push them back.
Kaltalk turns to Mikurah 'Maybe you should stay here.'
Mikurah says 'No chance. I am going with you, father.'
Kaltalk then takes Genduah's hands and kisses her on the forehead. He says 'I may be gone for some time, but I will return. I thank you for everything.'
They both kiss. Kaltalk and Mikurah sail away into the mist.
Genduah is saddened by this, but she knows Kaltalk is true to his word. He will return.
Some time goes by and Genduah feels a child growing within her. When the baby is born she names her Nenlura.
Nenlura grows into a toddler. Every evening she and her mother walk down to the shore.
Genduah holds Nenlura in her arms and speaks of her father. They look out across the water feeling in their heart he will return.
At night Nenlura is woken up by the shrieks and sounds. Genduah keeps it secret for a while as she sings her daughter back to sleep.
Nenlura grows to about the age of 7 in Midgard years. Her mother is away and the priestesses are busy.
While playing in the villa she accidentally discovers the passage. She hits the lever for the door and out of curiosity goes down the stairs.
Nenlura enters the chamber at the bottom of the staircase. There she can hear a strange sound. It sounds like one of the large beasts from above who make a low growl purring sound when she pets them.
She looks around and walks to the door at the end of the room. Nenlura presses her ear against it. The low growl is louder. It is not a frightening growl, it is soothing to her.
Nenlura sees a lever and pulls on it with all her might. The door opens. She sees a Savage God looking at her. He roars loudly and savagely.
This frightens her and she turns and runs toward the door. There she runs into her mother. Nenlura wraps her arms around her mother's leg.
Genduah picks her up and says 'There is nothing to be frightened of. This is your brother.'
As they step forward, the Savage God calms down. Genduah places her hand on his head.
Genduah says 'See?' Nenlura also places her hand on his head.
Nenlura asks 'What is his name?'
Genduah says 'He doesn't have one and he doesn't speak like you and me.'
Nenlura asks 'Why is he chained?'
Genduah says 'He is only calm around us. If he were to be unchained he would hurt all the others.'
Nenlura looks at her brother with sad eyes. 'May I name him?'
Genduah says 'If you wish.'
Nenlura says 'I will call him Mauronauk which is sad one.'
She puts her hand on her brother once more. He is calmed and soothed.
Mauronauk takes his hand and places it on hers then looks into her eyes. He almost seems to be weeping inside.
Nenlura asks 'May I come down and play with him? Speak to him?'
Genduah says 'Yes, you may. But never unchain him or take him from here. Do you understand?'
Nenlura spends much time down in the room with her brother. Over time Mauronauk seems to become less and less savage.
One day a curious priestess who finds the chamber door open wanders down. When she enters she sees the Savage God but he does not react violently. He stares at her with curiosity.
The priestess who has never heard of the Savage Gods was frightened at first until Nenlura invites her over.
Nenlura says 'He likes it when you place your hand on his head.'
As the priestess does this Mauronauk responds with a low purr.
Nenulra grows older to around 12 in Midgard years. She tells Mauronauk of her father. That she and her mother go look out upon the Eternal Sea to await his return.
She falls asleep down in the chamber next to her brother.
Genduah finds her there and picks her up. 'Come, it is your time to go to sleep.'
Nenlura says with weary eyes 'Yes mother.'
She kisses Mauronauk on the head and says 'I love you brother. Good night.'
Genduah smiles at this. As she turns and walks away she hears something.
Mauronauk speaks 'I love you too.'
She turns around in amazement. Mauronauk stares at her and says 'Night mother.'
Genduah walks over to him and kisses him on the forehead. A tear of joy falls from her eyes. She says 'Sleep well, my son.'
The day comes when Genduah and Nenlura unlock Mauronauk from the chains and take him above.
Mauronauk stares upon the realm. He is calm and does not seem to be savage anymore. This is because of Nenlura who calmed the savagery within him.
A few years pass and Mauronauk has become part of their society. Nenlura is a young woman of about 15 or 16 in Midgard years.
She still longs for her father to return so she can finally meet him. Her mother has explained to her why he left when he did. Maybe he has not returned because he died.
Genduah explained the origins of her brother Mauronauk.
When Ashoweah impregnated the Carrier with the Savage Gods he had a lot of stolen enhancements from Great Father. That is why they were beast like. They were born as a litter and this almost killed the Carrier.
She explained there is another of his kind that still remained. The Bishberrin, who is pure savagery.
At times Nenlura would cry and hold her mother. Hearing tales of her mother's life brought her to sadness. Nenlura loves her mother and hopes her father is not dead.
One night there is a loud knocking at the entrance to the villa. A priestess answers the door to find a Neipeian male standing there. He seems badly wounded.
He says 'I need to speak to the Genduah right away.'
Genduah is awakened and comes down to see him. She is shocked. What could have happened?
Genduah asks 'Have one of the beasts above turned on you?'
He says 'No. A vessel came upon our shores. A being who was similar to Mauronauk came. We greeted him. We thought he was one of Mauronauk's kind. He killed all upon the shore.
Many ran but he hunted them down and devoured them. We fled to the underground chambers. Many have died. I was sent to come to you in hopes that maybe you could help us.'
Genduah realizes that she cannot help them. There is only one other Savage God, the Bishberrin. She gathers her priestess and the injured male.
Mauronauk says 'Something wrong.'
Genduah says 'You must take your sister with the others beneath the caverns below. I will greet you shortly. We must leave this world.'
Mauronauk says 'But is home.'
Nenlura says 'We cannot leave here. We cannot run. Maybe let me. I helped teach brother how to be nice. Let me speak to this one.'
Genduah grasps her daughter by both arms 'No. You do not understand. This one has no calm within him. Only savagery. He will kill us all. He will take me from you and he will kill you. Go with Mauronauk until I come. Do as I say.'
She hugs Nenlura and says 'I love you.' She looks over at Mauronauk 'And I love you as well. Please, my children, go from here. Go now.'
Genduah leads them to a secret passage and says 'I will be with you soon.'
She then takes an old manuscript sitting upon a shelf and looks through it. Genduah is trying to find a way to open a mass portal out of here. She wants to take her children and the others far away.
When she finds it she goes down the secret passage. There the others have gathered and awaited her. Genduah tells them she needs full concentration and they must remain calm.
Genduah speaks an incantation and the portal slowly opens. There is a rumble at the main entrance to the sanctuary. The great gate shatters. There is the Bishberrin.
Bishberrin says 'Found all of you hiding. Ah, with nowhere to go. This is exactly what I came for. To devour all of you.'
The Bishberrin then notices Mauronauk. 'Ha, so it was true. You are here. I have sensed it. Come brother, become what you are. What you have been. Join me in devouring these beings.'
Genduah steps in front 'No you will not. Listen to me, go away. Just leave us be. Take me instead. You know what I am.'
The Bishberrin reaches out with all his senses. 'Ah yes! Aspect! There has been those looking for you as well, but you have something I want.'
He looks over to Nenlura and salivates 'I smell upon your brat the essence of Kaltalk. You will bring him to me regardless, and I shall devour the rest. This child of his as well.'
The Bishberrin strikes down many as he makes his way toward Genduah, Nenlura, and Mauronauk.
Genduah grasps Nenlura tightly as the Bishberrin comes down upon them. Mauronauk steps forward and clashes against his brother forcing him back.
Bishberrin is surprised 'What are you doing?'
Mauronauk says 'No hurt mother or sister.'
He tosses the Bishberrin against the side of the cavern and goes into a rage and attacks. They are back and forth scratching, clawing, and biting at each other.
Genduah fully opens the portal and tells the beings to go through.
The Bishberrin powers himself up even more. He starts to win the fight with Mauronauk. The Bishberrin bites down upon him and brings Mauronauk to the ground.
Bishberrin says 'I will not devour you, but I shall kill you.'
The Bishberrin viciously rips Mauronauk's head off and smugly throws it at the feet of Genduah and Nenlura.
Nenlura screams 'NO!' Tears stream from her eyes. Her sadness swells into anger. 'I will kill you! I will kill you!'
Bishberrin laughs 'Run little one.'
As Genduah pushes Nenlura through the portal she says 'I will find you again. Go!'
Nenlura goes through the portal with the other fleeing beings. Genduah then closes it. She is there alone with the Bishberrin.
Bishberrin says 'Your brat survives, but you will be mine.'
Genduah says 'I will belong to no one.' She pulls out her dagger and thrusts it into her chest.
The Bishberrin is angered by this as Genduah drops to the ground. He stands over her body and says 'Pity.' Then he turns and leaves.
The boat of Kaltalk and Mikurah break through the waters with a smile upon their faces. They achieved victory with the Womba.
Though the war was long and hard Kaltalk thought many times about returning here to see Genduah.
They happily sail up to the shore of the land. Then they notice the withering corpses of the Neipeian.
Kaltalk is concerned and Mikurah makes ready. He thinks of Genduah. He and Mikurah run to find the entrance to the underground cavern where her villa stands.
As they descend downward they see more dead Neipeian. Only one could have done this. Kaltalk knows it was the Bishberrin.
Worry begins to overtake him of what the Bishberrin may have done to Genduah.
They discover the villa and the secret passage leading to the sanctuary below.
There Kaltalk sees Genduah's body on the ground. When he steps forward he drops to his knees. Tears roll from his eyes.
Kaltalk says 'I should have come back sooner. I failed you.' He weeps as Mikurah stands by his side.
They bury the dead and wrap Genduah's body in the finest cloth. They place her upon the boat.
Although this is the land she loved, Kaltalk wishes to return her to the Eternal Sea. To the place she came to this land from. They sail away.
When they cross through the mist Kaltalk and Mikurah set the body of Genduah into the water. She sinks beneath the waves.
Kaltalk hugs Mikurah and they both remain silent. Genduah was so kind to them and they will miss her.
As they sail away there is another little boat that arrives. An old man uses a certain type of hook and throws his line into the water. He sits and waits while whistling a tune.
After Nenlura stepped through the portal she was greeted by another kind of beings. These beings look like snails with arms, legs, and a big shell. They are very friendly.
The Genduah had been with them before and stayed with them for a while. They are now in a place that is safe.
Nenlura grows but still feels the missing pieces within her heart. She lost her mother, father, and brother.
She learns the ways and histories of many realms. Nenlura makes her way to the Eternal Sea and builds a boat. She sails off into the mist to find her parents.
Her tiny boat is tossed around as the waves pound against it. There is nothing she can do except to hold on. The boat almost tips over but stays steady. It does not capsize.
Nenlura finds herself entering into a different place where the waters and sky are black. It is a dark realm.
She places her ores into the water and rows ashore. She pulls her boat upon the land and unpacks her travel bag.
Nenlura has a short sword which was given to her as a gift by a being she met named Nurikaewa after she fled through the portal.
As she travels through this realm she recognizes that there was once life here, but it seems it has died out.
There is a strange glowing light off in the distance. She makes her way toward it and climbs a short hill.
Down in the valley below are large black pillars placed in the ground. In the center of them is an object that radiates with energy.
This strange object is very alluring to her. As if it calling to her. She looks to see if anyone else is around. Nenlura stands up and walks toward it.
Just then she notices a strange rift open and two beings step through. One of them has a long bone face like he is wearing the skull of a large bird.
The other looks strikingly familiar almost as if he was her brother. But the creature looks older and mutilated.
Ahkra is the mutilated Myrrdonite Savage God. The one wearing the long bird skull is Xarsha.
It was Ahkra who first discovered Xarsha in the borderlands and made him into who he is. He is major behind the scenes. Xarsha was his apprentice.
Nenlura listens in as the two speak...
Ahkra says 'The time has come. Eternal Death will come for this piece. I must stand before him. You have learned much, my apprentice. Carry on.
Remember, in time all the Aspects will gather upon one existence. There one shall make the sacrifice.
Find your way through the river of bones to where the master once tread. There you will find a pool, you will know then what needs to be done.'
Xarsha says 'By the will of the master.' He turns and leaves through the rift.
Nenlura is fascinated, but almost frightful. She stays back and continues to observe Ahkra.
In front of him on the stone altar, a piece is floating. It is almost circular in shape. It looks like a spiked ball.
Thunder and dark clouds gather. It seems this dark world is able to grow even darker.
A black mist swirls and three other beings appear. Nenlura silently watches them.
Eternal Death stands in the center with two other bone skeleton creatures at his sides.
Ahkra says 'You have come for what is not yours.'
Eternal Death says 'We both serve the master's will. Yet you stand in my way.'
Ahkra says 'You serve your own will. Not that of the master. I will not allow you to take what is not yours for your own desires.'
Nenlura notices strange objects floating around Eternal Death. Ahrka raises his hands and black tentacles come through them. They pierce into the bone creatures and shatter them to dust.
Ahkra says 'With such power, you do not come alone. I have evened the odds now.'
Eternal Death says 'I am the master's will. If you stand in my way, then you stand in his.'
A fight pursues between Ahkra and Eternal Death. They go back and forth until Eternal Death shoves his hand through Ahrka's chest.
Ahrka starts to wither away. In his last words, he says 'The time will come when all will be set right and Judgement shall return.'
Eternal Death says 'I will be that Judgement.' With that, he crushes Ahrka's core shattering him to dust.
He raises his hands and the piece on the altar floats up and swirls around him with the others.
Nenlura watches in horror and tries to make a fast quiet getaway. She slips and rolls down the hill.
This catches the attention of Eternal Death. He turns to her and says 'You little one have set your eyes upon something you should not have seen.'
Nenlura is frightened and draws her short sword. With a wave of his hand, Eternal Death turns her short sword into dust.
Eternal Death says 'You are a feisty young one and I sense a power of Aspects within you. Your father who is Strength. And your mother... Come to me, be part of my judgement to come. Serve me and your powers will grow.'
A frightening intuition comes over Nenlura. She starts to run and goes into the rift. Eternal Death does not pursue her through it.
On the other side of the rift, Nenlura finds herself in a strange land. She feels weak as if her energy and life essence is being drained away.
She crawls through the dark grey sand. The rift she came through closes. There is no way out. She feels herself fading.
Nenlura calls out 'Mother, hear me. Father, I need you both now.'
The winds pick up and the sands blow harsh. She notices a figure in the distance.
As he gets closer, she recognizes the face. It is her brother Mauronauk. He looks different, but yet she can sense him.
She faints as her energy is drained away. Her brother picks her up in his arms and carries her.
Nenlura goes in and out of consciousness. She can hear voices.
Mauronauk says 'Please, do not let her die here.'
Xarsha says 'You come to serve me. I will grant you this.'
Strange energy swirls around her. Nenlura is not sure what it is. She blacks out completely.
When Nenlura awakes she feels her energy coming back to her. She is in a different realm. It seems like a realm of twilight.
Nenlura is in the Twilight Realm of this existence. She is upon a black stone altar. How long has she been here? She does not know.
As the Twilight beings approach they speak a strange language. They kneel down before her. She speaks back to them but they do not understand what she is saying.
She goes with them to a village. There is running water. As Nenlura looks into the water she notices she is no longer a teenager. She is a mature woman.
How long has she been there? That remained unanswered. Nenlura makes her way through the Twilight Realm and then travels on to the other realms of this existence. Searching for the answers to her questions.
Nenlura looks like a luminescent Twilight Elf. She has elongated ears and eyebrows. She has light blue glittering over her. She has white hair and her eyes shimmer with twilight.
True Self Connection...