Tytoae: Demi-Aspect of Eomeya and Yayentae

This true self past vision opens up with Yayentae the Aspect of Sadness. He seems to be wandering someplace. It looks like a desert of red sand.
Yayentae is wandering and weeping. The wind is blowing very hard. Off in the distance Sadness can hear weeping on the wind.
He turns and follows in the direction it is coming from. He finds a small battered tent. Inside he can hear weeping. He approaches the tent with caution. The crying sounds like a female voice. He enters the tent.
He sees Eomeya the Carrier, she is on her knees and crying. Sadness asks her 'What is wrong? What could bring one like you to such tears?'
The Carrier Eomeya responds 'My children have made me weep. They are horrid. Cruel. They tear through the world, killing all. They were the cruelest of all. Most of them are gone now, killed by Judgement. But one remains and his cruelty, malice, and brutality I see within my dreams.'
Sadness says 'What is the name of your son? What is he called, this one who brings you so much grief?'
The Carrier says 'I cannot speak his name, but he is savage. He was born of my children. He is my child as well.'
Sadness places his arms around the Carrier and says 'I feel your pain and your sadness.'
She turns her head to him and looks into his eyes as they connect. Eomeya says 'For a moment, let us share our sadness together.' She kisses him and they embrace. They spend the night together.
The next day and the days that follow, Sadness and the Carrier wander through the red desert. She is haunted by dreams at night that terrify her. She weeps and Sadness can feel her grief.
One night, around a small fire, Sadness watches the Carrier sleep. He feels at unease as if something in the darkness is watching them. He's felt this for several days now. He watches the Carrier's belly grow. He knows there is a child within her.
Just then, the Carrier awakes. Her stomach is moving. She tells Sadness that the baby is coming. She can feel it. Sadness goes into a panic and stutters 'I-I-I d-don't know how to deliver a baby. I don't know what to do.'
The Carrier says 'I will guide your hand.' Together, the Carrier helps Sadness deliver their child.
For a moment, the two parents hold their newborn child and they are happy. They smile down at her. Sadness realizes in the back of his mind that it will be a hard life for her.
She is a very beautiful looking child. But in these times and these existences, she would be a prime candidate to be taken by slavers. Or even worse, Sadness knows that the power that grows within her could even be sought out by the Bishberrin. They hunt down powerful beings and devour them.
Sadness tells the Carrier 'We must find a way to leave here. If the slavers or even worse come, they will take her from us. They will enslave you both and kill me.'
The Carrier's eyes are transfixed on the darkness. She points out in fear. There is a light off in the distance.
Sadness is set into a panic. He picks her up and says to her 'Can you run a little? We must get away, it may be them. They may have already come.'
The Carrier replies 'I think I can make it. Hurry, we must head off into the darkness. Maybe they will not find us.'
Sadness and the Carrier cradle their newborn child and begin to head off into the darkness as the light approaches closer.
As they run away, the Carrier says 'I am tiring, can we rest? Are we far enough away from them?'
Sadness looks back to see that the light of their fire and the other light are now in the same spot. They sit down behind a red sand dune while the Carrier catches her breath and cradles their newborn.
Sadness looks over the dune to watch as the strange light moves from their campfire.
Just then, Sadness hears a sound. It is a scream from the Carrier Eomeya. This worries him and he heads back down.
There he finds a strange being, one that looks like a goat with long spiral horns. He has his hand over Eomeya's mouth.
Sadness tries to be strong and says in a panicky voice 'Let her go! Do not harm her!'
The creature raises his hands and lets go of the Carrier. She picks up the child and rushes to Sadness' side.
The creature says 'Please! I mean no harm. I saw the light off in the distance. They are definitely slavers. I know these kinds, they have come to these lands before. Hurry hurry, I will take you to a safe place.'
Sadness says 'How can we trust you? We do not even know your name. Who are you?'
The creature says 'I am Baugvin, desert lord. Now come, I shall take you to my place.
Sadness responds 'You are the lord of the desert here? Are there others like you?'
Baugvin says 'No, slavers came and took them all. Now come.'
Sadness and the Carrier begin to follow Baugvin. He leads them off into the night. They come to a small rock formation. There Baugvin removes a stone and they proceed down inside. There is a cave, not very wide, and a few gathered things. A small blue fire burns in the middle.
Baugvin says 'Here, make yourself at home. Have some food.' Baugvin hands the Carrier and Sadness a bowl of soup.
He looks down at the baby and says 'Ah, she is so beautiful, the young. It's good that I found you. The slavers would've taken her and then you. They would've sold you as pleasure slaves.'
Sadness responds 'Then I am forever in your debt for saving us and our child.'
The Carrier and Sadness fall asleep cradling their newborn child in their arms. Baugvin sits on a small stool across from them.
Sadness and the Carrier named their little newborn Quanya. They stay a few years with Baugvin. They are mostly left alone as Baugvin wanders the deserts. This is of not much concern to Sadness and the Carrier.
For the first time, Sadness seems to be happy. But always in the back of his mind, he worries about the slavers and other beings, such as the Bishberrin, finding them.
Quanya is about 3 in Midgard years. They are inside the cave. Sadness is preparing a stew. The Carrier Eomeya and Quanya play together. The Carrier begins singing and Quanya sits in her lap, listening to the song.
Just then the rock that covers the door moves. Baugvin comes rushing in. There is panic in his voice 'Come, come. We must go now. Come, the slavers are here. They will find us. We must head to the high rocky cliffs, they will not catch us there. Come, come.'
Baugvin takes Quanya by the hand. This is strikingly odd. Sadness has noticed that sometimes Baugvin will stare at his daughter with a strange gaze. But this is no time to think of that, the slavers are here and they must hurry and escape.
They begin running as fast as they can following Baugvin to the red cliffs. When they reach them Baugvin says 'Up, up. We must climb, we must climb. Here, I will carry the child on my back.'
Baugvin dashes up the side of the cliffs carrying young Quanya on his back. He is able to climb with ease. Sadness helps the Carrier up. They both begin to climb but they are slow. Off in the distance, they hear the roar of a craft in the sky.
As they are climbing the cliffs, Sadness tells the Carrier 'Keep going. Do not look back and do not look down.' Sadness looks off in the distance and sees a small craft approaching near the cliffs.
Baugvin reaches the top of the cliffs. He places Quanya on the ground and then turns. As the Carrier reaches up over the edge, he helps pull her up.
Sadness is almost to the top. He slips a bit almost losing his grip. He reaches his hand up for Baugvin and says 'Help, grab my hand. Please, I'm slipping.'
Baugvin with a sinister grin on his face responds 'They are mine now and you will fall.'
He begins to kick down rocks at Sadness. The rocks hit Yayentae and he begins to lose his grip and fall.
Baugvin turns to the Carrier Eomeya and Quanya and says 'Heh. I will use you for bargaining.'
Sadness is falling but he stops in the air. Energy from the ship catches him, suspending him in mid-air, and begins pulling him towards the ship.
Yayentae figures that he is caught by the slavers. As he's pulled aboard the ship, the energy field drops. He is surrounded by three beings.
He can see one at the pilot controls. This one looks a little bit younger. She has dark purpleish skin and bat-like wings. A being stands above Sadness.
He kneels down to him and says 'Do not fear, we are not here to harm you. My name is Stradith.'
Sadness looks up at him and says 'Please, who are you? Are you slavers?'
Stradith laughs and says 'No no. Not slavers. I wouldn't mix with the likes of them. My name is Stradith. This is my crew. We are here for a bounty. We've been searching a long time, I knew we would find him.'
Sadness looks at him strangely and says 'Do you mean Baugvin? Isn't he lord of these desert lands?'
The crew laughs. Stradith replies 'Baugvin, lord of the desert lands. Well, that's a new one for me. We like to call him around here Baugvin the Liar. He's a thief and a murderer. There's been a bounty placed upon him.'
Sadness says 'Murderer.... my beloved and my daughter are down there with him.'
Stradith places his hand on Yayentae's shoulder and says 'I assure you, we won't let any harm come to them. Kailia lets you and I handle this. Catch our bounty.'
Kailia sets the controls of the craft on autopilot. She unfastens her seat belt and grabs her weapons. Stradith turns to her and says 'Well we may have to take a cut on the bounty.'
Kailia grins 'Hmm, oh well.' Stradith then turns to the rest of them and says 'Gentlemen. Lady. Looks like we're bringing him in dead.'
Stradith and Kailia climb out of a hatch on top of the craft. Kailia grabs Stradith and flies up into the air. There below they can see Baugvin. He is holding a knife to the Carrier Eomeya's throat.
As they land, Baugvin screams out 'Do not come any closer! Look, I will give you these and the one that has fallen. You can have them and you can sell them. They will make good money for you if you let me go. Sell them as slaves. Much more money than a bounty on me, especially a bounty on me dead.'
Kailia yells out 'No chance. How dare you think that we would take them and sell them as slaves!' She grows angrier. She gets ready to draw her two daggers and move in for the kill.
Stradith places his hand on her shoulder and says 'Hold yourself. He's a tricky one and he is quick. We make any sudden moves, he will cut her throat and kill the young child.'
Kailia responds 'We have to move at the right time. Do you have him in your eyesight?' Stradith's left eye begins to glow bright red. He waits patiently for a moment focusing in on Baugvin.
After a moment Stradith whispers 'I got him. Get ready to move right.'
Baugvin yells out 'Then if you will not bargain with me, I will kill her and then kill you both. I will take your ship and sell the child.'
Quanya is crying, she rushes up and tries to hit Baugvin with her small fists. Baugvin looks down and just at that moment Stradith says 'Now Kailia!'
Stradith draws his energy weapon and fires off a shot at Baugvin, striking him in the head and knocking off one of his horns. He releases his grip on the Carrier and she dashes away.
Kailia has made a move to the right and then strikes down on Baugvin. She slashes him in his left shoulder but he is quick and dodges her next attack.
Stradith lets out another energy burst from his weapon. Baugvin notices this and leaps quickly into the air.
He attacks Stradith and he blocks one of Baugvin's strikes with his forearm. It cuts deep into Stradith's forearm.
Kailia makes her move and throws one of her daggers. This strikes Baugvin in his back above his right shoulder blade.
Baugvin turns around and outmaneuvers Kailia. He jumps over her and jumps on her back. He pushes her face into the red sand. He grabs the back of her head and lifts it up, getting ready to slice her throat with his dagger.
Baugvin says 'You will die first!'
The Carrier Eomeya notices this and grabs a handful of sand and rushes forward. She throws it into his eyes. Baugvin is blinded by this. Kailia rolls over and with her second dagger, pierces Baugvin through the jaw, up through his head.
Baugvin with wide eyes makes a dying sound and then falls over. Kailia regains herself and checks on Stradith. He is wrapping his arm with a bandage. He looks up and smiles at Kailia 'Heh, you got him.'
Eomeya picks up her daughter. She walks over to both of them and says 'Thank you. Thank you for saving us. I can tell now that you are not slavers. Baugvin said that you were.
He made us hide in his dwelling for a long time. He said that you would come, that you've taken all his people away. But I can see now that he was only telling us lies. Who are you?'
Stradith introduces himself and Kailia and says 'We are bounty hunters. We've been hunting for Baugvin for a long time. He is wanted for murder and other heinous crimes.' Just then, the ship lands next to them.
Sadness departs from the ship and embraces the Carrier and his daughter. The other bounty hunters come from the ship and gather the body of Baugvin and take it aboard.
Stradith tells Kailia 'We should make preparations to leave.'
He then turns to Sadness and the Carrier 'I would take you with us, but we do not have the supplies to take you on. I must warn you, find a place here to hide. Slavers are roaming this world.
I believe they have come to claim it. I've seen them off in the distance building. I don't know what their plans are, but they will come here and there will be more of them. If you are all caught, well... you know what price you will pay.'
Sadness replies 'We will try to be careful.'
The Carrier with tears in her eyes approaches Stradith and says 'Then take our child with you. Please. I cannot bear the thought of her growing up as a slave. Please take her with you.'
Stradith looks down at Quanya. He wishes that the Carrier would not be asking this of him.
As he looks into Quanya's eyes, he is overwhelmed by her. He says 'I'll take her with us. I will keep her with us. We will raise her.'
Kailia smiles at this 'Looks like I'm going to have a little sister.' She turns to the Carrier and Sadness and says 'Don't worry, we'll take good care of her.'
The Carrier decides as she looks at Kailia 'If she would be your sister, then I must change her. I fear that she may be hunted in the form that she is in.' Eomeya waves her hand over her daughter and white energy comes from it.
Her daughter begins to change. When she is done, she kisses Quanya on the head and says 'Goodbye my beloved little daughter. I know you will have a better life.'
Sadness wishes to intervene in objection to what the Carrier has decided for their child. But he knows that she will be better off with these bounty hunters than remain on the planet hunted by slavers.
Kailia takes the young child in her arms. She says 'Do you have a name for her?' The Carrier responds 'We do, but she must go by a different name now.'
Kailia says 'Then we shall call her Tytoae. She will be family.' She takes the young Tytoae aboard the ship.
Stradith looks at the Carrier and Sadness and says 'Good luck to you both. And be rest assured that your daughter will be well taken care of.' He boards the ship and the craft departs, leaving the planet.
The Carrier Eomeya and Sadness Yayentae are left alone. They begin to walk. They head back down the high plateau and red cliffs, down to the sandy desert.
They walk for a while and the wind and sandstorm begins to pick up. The Carrier turns to Sadness and says 'You have brought me such joy in such a short time. Embrace my heart now, but I must leave you as well. You are not safe as long as you are with me. I am hunted.'
Sadness with tears in his eyes says 'No... I cannot lose you too. Please, whatever hunts you, I will face it.'
Eomeya replies to him 'I know you would. But you cannot face Eternal Death, for you will die eternally. I cannot bear the thought of you being gone. You have brought me such happiness.'
The Carrier kisses Sadness on the head and says to him 'Find joy again. Find light again. And find love again. But know the moments I have shared with you, I will always love you for.'
Eomeya turns from Yayentae and walks away into the sandstorm. Sadness falls to his knees and begins to weep as the sand blows around him.
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