The Fall of the Borderlands

Atherak is in the Atheron. He approaches Ayvarahsa. She is in a little garden.
Atherak: "There you are. How do you fare today? I see the trees you and your mother have planted are grown and cold to the touch."
Ayvarahsa: "They are coming aren't they?"
Atherak: "Yes they are."
Ayvarahsa: "All my friends are going to die."
Atherak: "Yes, they will die. But remember what we talked about. Remember what you must do. Do you believe you can do what must be done?" Ayvarahsa thinks about it.
Atherak: "Your mother needs you to be strong now. Can you do that?"
Ayvarahsa: "I can do that for mother."
Atherak: "Good. You know what to do then."
Ayvarahsa: "I know and I'll do it."
Atherak: "That's my little girl. Beautiful and strong. You are truly your mother's child."
Ayvarahsa: "Is mommy going to be okay?"
Atherak: "Mommy is going to be fine."
Ayvarahsa: "Mommy is going to be more beautiful than she was."
Atherak: "Yes she is."
Ayvarahsa: "I cannot wait to see her. I miss her."
Atherak: "I know, and she misses you. Everything she does has a reason. You will see why as you grow."
Ayvarahsa: "Mommy is my hero. It's okay to think that right?"
Atherak: "Of course it's okay. Mommy is my hero too. Looky there."
Ayvarahsa: "It is a book."
Atherak: "Yes it is a little book. Be strong my little one. The time has come."
In a place of gathering inside the Veil Mist...
The Veil Keeper, Eomeya, Sadness, and Tulkas are gathered.
Eomeya: "Where is the Light and the Dark? What is going on, Tulkas? They were supposed to be here."
Tulkas lowers his head in frustration: "Seems their plans have changed. So much has been active and I felt so much. I have dreamed."
Veil Keeper: "What have you dreamed?"
Tulkas: "The intentions of the others. I know that Juleen and Hue wish to take the Atheron Key for what they believe is righteous.
They want to put it in a place so none may gain it. I believe strongly as Hue does, that no other Aspect should hold Judgement. But I fear the circumstances are changed. It is Ayvarahsa we must protect for Ashontrah."
Veil Keeper: "Why would Ayvarahsa be in danger?"
Tulkas: "Because I believe and I have dreamed of her death at the hands of both Ashoweah and Vustik."
He then stands silent as the others look at one another. They now know they have almost been tricked. The plan must go forward, but how?
Tulkas clenches his fists in anger: "I will not let this happen. I will not have them kill Ayvarahsa. I will not have them kill Xarsha and the others.
We must go there. We must speak to Xarsha. We must get him to give us the Atheron Key. At least to hold it for the time being. We must find some way for him to understand that. I dreamed of the death and destruction of the Myrrdonites."
Veil Keeper: "And if Xarsha refuses? Then what will be your plan of action?"
Tulkas: "Find a way to subdue them. Bind them or something. Maybe we can port them here into the Veil Mist."
Eomeya: "What about the 13 pieces?"
Tulkas: "Hue will claim those. That we cannot avoid."
Sadness: "It seems this is just one big conflict. What about the Seed?"
Eomeya: "He has decided to go with Ashoweah."
Tulkas: "Then we must get there. We must go now."
Veil Keeper: "I fear there is a conflict coming. A conflict beyond our control. Even though all of us here mean well and we know what must be done, others do not see it that way."
Sadness: "Maybe we will get inside. Maybe Xarsha will understand Tulkas' plan and just hand over the Key for a little bit. We could bring it back here to the Veil Mist. Then give it back to Xarsha afterward. I trust him as we all do."
Veil Keeper: "I am afraid the outcome is going to be much different than we desire it to be."
Eomeya: "Then we should go now before it is too late."
The gathering is over and they make their way to the borderlands.
In a different place...
Ashoweah, Vustik who is also called Vex, Shaderell, and Seed of Life meet up.
Ashoweah: "It seems the other Aspects have a different plan in mind for what they wish to do. That meddling Tulkas, he will try to talk Xarsha into surrendering the Atheron Key. He thinks that he can be some kind of sneaky little genius. Plotting behind our backs."
Shaderell: "Well this presents a fucking problem. Not only will we be fighting Xarsha and his Myrrdonite, but we will also be fighting the other Aspects too. I am thinking we should bring others... like maybe a fucking army."
Ashoweah laughs: "They do not have an army. None of them. This will not be a battle of armies. Either way, the outcome must be to our advantage."
Shaderell: "And what about the brat?"
Vustik: "I will deal with her. I have plans we have already discussed Shaderell. Leave the little offspring to me. I got no qualms about ending that one."
Ashoweah: "Nor do I."
Shaderell: "But it still presents a problem. If things go south then we will be outnumbered. It will be us versus all of them. I don't see Hue or Juleen here on our side."
Vustik: "That is because Hue and Juleen have their own intentions. Hue just wants all the pieces. She couldn't care less about what happens to anyone else.
Her motive is to keep the Atheron Key away from everyone. Juleen believes the same. What Hue truly wishes to gain is what she lost, her best friend."
Ashoweah: "Then their motives have been clear. As I am sure Tulkas will know ours. Shaderell, I would not worry my dear son. We will not be outnumbered. Another Aspect has seen the light and truth. The six of them should come. In fact, they should be arriving now."
There is a sound of beating wings. The six Ourhkina have arrived led by Mono Baphomet. Ashontrah had restored the Ourhkina.
In his hand, Mono carries a black spear. It was the spear that belonged to EinossArku.
Vustik is surprised by this and a little worried. He has not had great dealings with the Ourhkina in the past.
There are Gabriel, Melek Taus, Michael, and those who would fight against him. Why are they here? What could have brought them here?
Mono himself has been acting strangely. Vustik and Ashoweah don't trust him. Why would they come here?
Ashoweah greets them: "I see you have arrived. Even though we have stood against each other, and even after this we will be against each other again. There is great importance that brings us all here now.
Atherak is gone and Xarsha has control of Judgement by holding the Atheron Key. He also possesses the offspring which he will try to control.
This Demi-Aspect under his malevolent guidance may cause a problem to all balance. This has been shown. We must try to save this child and return her to her mother where she will be safe. I am sure we all agree with that."
Mono: "Yes, that we are in agreement on. It is why we are here. I have been blinded for so long by you Ashoweah and you Vustik. Now I see who I really am. My brothers have returned. It is because of Ashontrah they are here now. I will not let her child die at the hands of anyone."
Mono looks down at the spear of EinossArku: "I have seen it." He describes the events of the return of his brothers.
Flashback begins...
Mono is by himself at the great river where the Ourhkina originally emerged from. He is kneeling and thinking.
He raises his head and feels a familiar sense of energy upon the air. He hears the beating of wings.
Mono turns and looks to the sky. There are the Ourhkina. His eyes water up. Is this a dream? He must be dreaming.
It is not a dream. The Ourhkina land to the ground. There he sees six familiar faces standing before him. There used to be the seven but EinossArku is no more.
Mono rises to his feet, feeling overwhelmed. A tear rolls down from his eye. Melek Taus stands before him.
Mono approaches yet he is cautious. He has wronged them so much in the past. Yet they were so much a part of him. He stands a few feet away from Melek. He hangs his head and then kneels.
Mono says 'Forgive me, brothers, for I have wronged you.'
Melek Taus places his hand upon Mono's head and says 'We have all wronged each other from time to time. Some of us have been misguided. We fought so long to have free will, yet we did have it. We chose to make the choices we made. All is forgiven, Baphomet."
Mono rises and the six surround him in a circle. They place their hands upon him. The other Ourhkina outside the circle kneel.
As Mono looks at them, he notices something out of place. Where is EinossArku? The others have returned, he should have returned as well.
The six feel the sadness within Mono. Maybe it was true that Ashoweah completely destroyed his core, ending his existence. As an Aspect, Mono understood that there are things beyond.
EinossArku was like any other Ourhkina. Somewhere he must still exist, and if he does, then where is he?
Melek Taus says 'EinossArku did not transcend. He is not among us. But we are all here now.'
Mono smiles 'Yes we are. But still, it is like a piece missing of us without him.'
Melek Taus says 'Yes, there will always be that piece missing without him. We will never be fully whole without him. Come, walk with me, brother. There is something I must show you.'
Melek Taus and Mono walk up the river. They come to a place where the water has turned dark. Mono looks at a carved statue of his brother EinossArku.
The engraving below is written in Dwarven. The statue was carved by Fogbeard and brought here in remembrance of his friend.
Mono reads what the Dwarven inscription says 'To my friend, one who sacrificed for all.' Mono begins to weep as he reads this. He drops to his knees in front of the statue.
Melek Taus notices this and slowly walks away. He decides it is best for Mono to be alone at this time. Mono weeps as he looks up at the statue of EinossArku.
Mono cries out 'I'm sorry, brother. I am sorry.' He notices the spear in the hand of the statue. He looks at it as it glows and glimmers. It is the spear of Arku.
He takes it from the hand of the statue and weeps some more. He walks to the banks of the river where the dark water flows. He cries out EinossArku's name and throws the spear into the dark water. He drops to his knees.
Mono says 'I'm sorry, brother. If only I could undo what I have done.'
Just then, something breaks from the water. Mono looks up and sees the spear rise. It is black and dark. Mono is curious of this and he wades into the dark water.
He gets closer and closer. He grasps it and a flash overwhelms him. He is taken back to not long ago, to the death of EinossArku.
He is watching as if it was a movie. He sees the death happen. Mono notices himself looking at the corpse of EinossArku.
There is sadness in his eyes. Has he done wrong? He feels it in himself. If only he could go back and change that day.
He notices himself and the others leave. He watches as Arku's corpse begins to break away and wither into dust. He weeps, seeing this.
Mono then notices something. A rift opens. A being steps through. That being is Xarsha. There are ravens around him. The ravens gather the dust. Xarsha heads back to the rift as the ravens finish gathering the dust.
Mono with all his might and strength pushes through the vision, following the ravens through the rift. He sees ravens gather around Xarsha. They pour the dust from their mouths into a vial. Xarhsa seals the vial.
Xarsha looks over his shoulder as if he notices Mono's presence. He turns and coils come from his hands. Mono puts up his arms to shield his face. The vision ends. He is standing in the river holding the spear.
Flashing forward...
Mono has finished explaining his experience to them.
Mono: "If my brother's ashes are there and Xarsha does possess them, I will get them back. I will find a way to bring EinossArku back. If you choose to stand in my way, then you stand in the way of the six."
Ashoweah: "Do not worry about that. You will regain EinossArku's ashes and all will be dealt with. Then we can go back to hating each other."
Gabriel: "That's fine by me. Let's just get this done."
Shaderell: "Huh, good. Then we're all in agreement? We should be going. I'm sure all the rest of them are already on their way there."
Ashoweah: "Yes, let us depart. Pathagoras." A mutilated being enters the room. It is Pathagoras.
Flash back to January 28th...
Vustik and Shaderell meet this strange shrouded being.
Vustik says 'I see you have come.'
There is a weird disgusting look on Shaderell's face. 'This one reeks of death.'
The shrouded figure turns to Shaderell as if to size him up. Then he turns his head back to Vustik.
Pathagoras: 'I have come as you commanded. I assume you have read through my request. If you wish this task of me then in the end she shall be mine. That is what I desire. I can do many of the things that you wish. In fact I can carry them all out. But my price is her. We are in agreement are we not?'
Vustik: 'Yes yes. Once all is done you can have her. If you are able to implant Hue and bring her to our side for when we make our siege upon the athranaak and take the Atheron key from Xarsha.'
Shaderell interrupts: 'I have had very very bad luck with trusting other beings to carry out things for me. How can you assure me Vustik this one is different?'
Pathagoras removes the hood from his head. He looks like a mutilated divine.
Pathagoras: 'I have been in the borderlands for a long time in and out. Once where I was nothing but a scrawny little weak being I have altered myself and gained power.
I know how to do as you wish. I can take what you know. I can implant Hue. I can make you all strong enough to get past the defenses and inside the athranaak.
I can help you kill Xarsha. Then the Atheron key will be yours. Control of the borderlands will be yours. All I ask for is that Ashontrah is mine. And you will keep what you promise by giving her to me.'
Vustik and Shaderell look at each other. Shaderell says 'She will be yours. But first, you need to carry out what we need you to do.'
Pathagoras puts his hood over his head and says 'It will be completed soon.' He then opens a rift and goes through.
Vustik looks at Shaderell and says 'I have no intention of handing Ashontrah over to him. Once the Atheron key is in our hands and Xarsha and the other Myrrdonite are dead we will kill him.'
Back to present time...
Ashoweah: "It is time to go and claim what we need."
Pathagoras: "Remember our deal. Remember everything I have done for you. Remember what is mine in the end. Ashontrah, and rule over the borderlands."
Ashoweah: "You will have everything that you will need Pathagoras. Now, take us there."
Flashing back a few days ago inside the athranaak...
Xaxo, Thrax, Mevinah, and Dolloiandea gather with Xarsha.
Xarsha addresses them all 'You all have come. True to your loyalty to the master. The time has come, this you know. You must sacrifice.'
They all bow their heads in acknowledgment. The Atheron Key floats beneath the athranaak coil core. From within it, there is dust released. It flows around the inside of the room. It begins to form almost a figure. It is not solid, it is like swirling dust.
This figure is Atherak. He says 'You have all come before me. Willing to sacrifice what must be given. Through this, you will find a way, you will find yourselves. Through this, you will rise again. Sacrifice, it is the ultimate gift one can give in the sight of Judgement.'
Atherak raises his hand. A little girl enters the room. This is Ayvarahsa.
Atherak says 'The time has come, little one, to say goodbye.'
Ayvarahsa approaches them, one by one. At first, she goes to Xaxo. Mevinah is standing beside him.
Xaxo looks down and places his hand on her head and pats her.
Ayvarahsa says 'Goodbye my friend. Thank you.' The tears well in her eyes and a single tear falls from Xaxo. Ayvarahsa hugs him.
Xaxo responds 'You are the best friend I have ever had. I will sacrifice myself to protect you and your mother. You shine here.'
Mevinah then says 'You are all that is bright within this dark place, little one. I will miss you.' Ayvarahsa hugs Mevinah.
Ayvarahsa goes to Dolloiandea. Dollo kneels down and hugs her. She says 'You are like a little sister to me and you warm my heart.'
Ayvarahsa goes to Thrax. Piglet is standing beside him. Piglet is snorting and crying.
Ayvarahsa says to Piglet 'Don't cry, you'll make so much of a mess and then you'll have to clean it up.' She then hugs Piglet.
She then turns to Thrax. He looks at her with his big red eyes. He simply says to her 'I love you so much, I could eat you up.' Ayvarahsa hugs him.
She then goes to Xarsha who is standing with his hands placed behind his back. She looks up at him and tears fall from her eyes. Without saying a word, she wraps her arms around him.
Ayvarahsa says to him 'I'm going to miss you most of all.' Xarsha takes his hands from behind his back and places them around Ayva. He lifts her chin with his finger to look him in the eyes.
Xarsha says 'You are a candle in the dark. Keep shining, little one. In time you will grow brighter.'
Atherak says 'Come, Ayvarahsa. It is time to go.' Atherak places his hand on her back and leads her towards the Atheron Key.
Ayvarahsa forms into energy and is absorbed into the Atheron Key. Atherak says to Xarsha as he passes by him 'Until next time Xarsha.'
Xarhsa replies 'Yes, master.'
The dust of Atherak's form swirls again back into the Atheron Key.
Xarsha looks at the others and says 'The time will come soon. We must prepare to greet our visitors.'
High above watching them, unnoticed by anyone, Rovitomial is standing there. A tear rolls down his cheek.
End of flashback...
The Aspects Sadness, Veil Keeper, Eomeya, and Tulkas are in the borderlands.
Ashoweah, Vustik, Shaderell, Seed of Life, Mono, and the six Ourhkina have gathered.
They all face each other and there is a moment of silence.
Tulkas: "We have all gathered. We know what needs to be done."
Vustik laughs: "Your little plan, Tulkas. You really think Xarsha is just going to hand over the Atheron Key just because you are asking him. Yeah, watch and see what happens there, oh mighty one."
Tulkas is a little annoyed by the insult, but he keeps his composure.
Tulkas: "You must understand something here. Those we will face are friends to some of us. We do not wish to see their demise in any way."
Eomeya: "We must get the Atheron Key without any conflict. We must get Ayvarahsa. If that is our plan then let us parley with them. Xarsha will listen. He is wise."
Mono: "I am in agreement with Tulkas' plan, although I do not think Xarsha will abide by it. I agree that the Atheron Key must be retrieved as well as Ayvarahsa. No harm must befall her."
Tulkas smiles at Mono. He notices something has changed in him. He remembers back to the friend who used to stand by his side. Tulkas walks forward to him and places his hand on his shoulder.
Tulkas: "It is good to see you stand with us, brother. If it comes down to having to take the Atheron Key by force, then let us not end this in bloodshed. Let us end this in a way we can all walk away from here today. Us, Xarsha, and the Myrrdonite."
Ashoweah, Vustik, and Shaderell remain silent. Hue and Juleen arrive.
Hue: "Why are we standing here? What we have come to seek is in there."
Tulkas: "We are discussing a way to negotiate with Xarsha to surrender the key so no bloodshed will be caused."
Hue: "I don't see that happening. Juleen and I know this. The Atheron Key must not be in the possession of any Aspect or Demi-Aspect. It must be kept under a watchful eye. It must be in agreement that none of us ever try to wield this."
Hue stares at Ashoweah and Vustik with an angry glare: "Including any of you."
Hue raises her sword: "And if I find out or feel deep inside that you will try to take it for yourselves, then I will stop you. Do not think that you will try to harm Ayvarahsa. I will cut you down."
Tulkas: "Ayvarahsa will be taken to the place we have all chosen to take the Key. There we will wait until Ashontrah comes to claim her. As soon as we are in possession a message will be sent."
Veil Keeper steps forward: "I myself will go. I will take the message to Ashontrah."
Ashoweah, Vustik, and Shaderell look at each other. They have other plans in store.
Ashoweah speaks up: "Yes, we are all in agreement for once. Even though there is no trust here, we will try your negotiation. Just so I can see it fail Tulkas."
They hear a voice a little distance from the crowd.
Xaxo: "There will be no negotiation. You will leave now."
Xaxo, Mevinah, and Dolloiandea are standing there.
Tulkas: "Xaxo, my friends, you must convince Xarsha to hand over the Atheron Key. You must trust me."
Dolloiandea: "We understand more than what you all may think. We have accepted the inevitable."
She rises as dark energy and fire burn around her. Mevinah draws his blades.
Tulkas tries to diffuse the situation as the other Aspects start to power up and the Ourhkina makes ready.
Tulkas: "Please, there is another way."
Mevinah: "There is no other way Tulkas."
Dolloiandea: "The time for that has run out."
There is a long pause and a standoff for who will strike first.
Tulkas: "Please my friend, don't make me do this."
Xaxo: "You have to."
Vustik yells out: "Enough of this!" He creates an illusion and appears beside Mevinah and then energy attacks him. All hell breaks loose.
Tulkas with a shocked look on his face does not see the incoming strike from Xaxo. He is knocked back and a fight pursues between all of them.
Mevinah throws his daggers into the air. They multiply and shoot toward the Ourhkina as they begin their attack upon him.
Tulkas is entangled with Xaxo. Sadness veers away from the battlefield. He has not joined in.
Eomeya stands beside Sadness. She is in horror that everything has deteriorated so fast.
Shaderell faces Dolloiandea and says: "I got something for you, sister. Come get it."
Dolloiandea with eyes of black fire waves her hand and says: "Get the fuck out of my way!"
Shaderell is blasted by black fire that throws him back. A ball of dark fire surrounds him. He feels the pain of the burn and fights back against it.
Vustik pulls back from the battle and notices that Ashoweah has not yet made a move. They see Dolloiandea approach them.
Vustik: "What is the plan now?"
Ashoweah: "Deal with the Cutter. This is a father and daughter dispute that is long overdue."
Ashoweah floats up into the air and strikes darkness toward Dolloiandea. A fire shield forms around her. They throw energy and fire back at each other.
Dolloiandea's strike gets through Ashoweah's field and hits him. This comes as a surprise to Ashoweah. His daughter has grown in power.
Dolloiandea: "Father, are you tired? I have just begun."
She blasts Ashoweah with dark fire burning away some of his robes. It singes him a bit. When she is done, there is smoke rising from him.
Ashoweah can feel the power within his daughter, yet he knows his own. He regains himself.
Vustik yells to Mono: "You and your brothers need to help Tulkas!"
Mono looks over to see Tulkas being overpowered and slammed into the ground with Xaxo striking him again and again.
Tulkas using all his might kicks Xaxo off. Xaxo is sent flying and lands on his feet. He comes rushing back.
Mono whistles to his brothers. Melek Taus notices what is going on. The Ourhkina fly to Tulkas.
Vustik turns to the Cutter Mevinah. The Cutter raises his hand and his blades return to him.
Mevinah: "Come, illusionist, let me cut through your lies."
Vustik disappears and then multiplies himself. Mevinah sends blades from his hands and they cut through the duplicates. It slices Vex in the shoulder.
Vex casts stalactites in the sky which come falling down around Mevinah. The Cutter spins around and cuts them into small pieces causing only pebbles to fall down upon him.
Vustik is a bit taken aback by this. How could these non-Aspects be so powerful here? He looks toward the athranaak. It must be Xarsha. He must be giving them more power through those pieces.
Hue stands next to Juleen in a battle stance deciding where they should strike.
Vex yells to Hue: "It's Xarsha! He is empowering them through the pieces! We must find a way to block it. Bring up your Darkness and your Light.
If we can surround the athranaak in a shield it should cut them off long enough to make a strike. To at least subdue these ones long enough to bring them down."
Hue and Juleen know what must be done. They head towards the athranaak at the garden of bones. There Hue slams her sword into the ground. They both concentrate as Light and Dark energy flow from them, surrounding the athranaak.
Dolloiandea, Mevinah, and Xaxo look to this.
Dolloiandea says: "The time has come." She strikes back toward Ashoweah.
Ashoweah: "Yes my daughter, the time has come."
Dark energy builds around Ashoweah as Dolloiandea moves forward. He grabs Dolloiandea by the neck. His left hand forming a dark blade as he pierces it through her.
Dolloiandea can feel her energy fading. Ashoweah pulls her closer as she slides down the blade.
Ashoweah looks her in the eyes and says: "You are no daughter of mine. Nor will you ever be."
He pushes the blade harder through her core. Then pulls it out and tosses Dolloiandea's body aside.
Tulkas notices this as he is held down by Xaxo. He screams out: "NOOO!"
A strike comes down from Xaxo who then picks Tulkas up and tosses him. Tulkas lands and rolls.
The Ourhkina make their attack against Xaxo. With each strike, they seem to wound him a little bit.
Xaxo grabs them as they fly in to strike again. He slams some of them to the ground. He strikes others with his large fists, smashing them and then tossing them aside.
Mono flies down to make a strike with Arku's spear.
Mono: "Xaxo! Enough!"
They rush toward each other. When they meet, Xaxo comes striking down as coils come out of his body. The coils grasp the spear of Arkunoss as Mono holds onto it tightly.
The spear is pulled and tossed away. Xaxo wraps both hands around Mono's neck and says: "I am going to crush you."
Mono gasps for air as spears fly through Xaxo pinning him to the ground.
Mono reaches for Arku's spear and concentrates all his energy causing the spear to come to his hands. He uses it to strike through Xaxo's chest and then pulls it back out. Xaxo is pinned by spears.
The fight pursues between Vustik and Mevinah. They go back and forth. Vex is struck again by Mevinah's blades.
Mevinah: "I cut through all your illusions and lies. Now it is time to cut through you."
Vustik grins: "Come get me."
Mevinah sends blades flying forward. Vex stands up and spreads his arms as if to receive them and then he disappears.
Vustik reappears behind Mevinah and the blades come flying back. Mevinah is surprised by this as Vex stabs him through with his own Cutter blades. Mevinah falls to the ground.
Tulkas looks around at the carnage and screams: "This is not the way it was meant to be!"
Shaderell: "They struck. They wanted this."
Hue and Juleen return as the shield they placed over the athranaak dissipates.
Hue: "This may not have been what we wanted but this is what happened."
Juleen: "We must now get the Atheron Key. Make sure that Ayvarahsa is safe. Xarsha will not surrender it now."
Ashoweah: "I can get us into the athranaak."
He signals for Pathagoras who has been in hiding.
Ashoweah tells him: "Get us in there. Put an end to this. Any disagreements in what has happened we will deal with later. Now we must finish what we came to do."
Pathagoras opens a small rift. Hue and Juleen are the first to go through. Followed by Vustik and Mono. Ashoweah then steps through.
As Tulkas and the other Aspects make ready, Ashoweah turns to Pathagoras and whispers: "Close it."
Tulkas sees the rift closing. He rushes forward but it is too late. He grabs Pathagoras by the collar and lifts him up.
Tulkas: "What have you done?!"
Pathagoras: "I cannot control it. Xarsha must have closed it. I cannot reopen it."
Tulkas drops Pathagoras back to the ground.
Pathagoras: "Whatever pieces Xarsha has. It overrides the power now. They are on their own."
Eomeya is worried and puts her hands over her face. She asks: "What about Ayvarahsa?"
Tulkas: "Mono is there as well as Hue. They will not let anything happen to her. It is up to them now to end this."
Inside the chamber of the athranaak...
The Atheron Key is floating beneath the coil core. Xarsha stands before it. He has Thrax to his side. Piglet remains in the darkness snorting and growling.
Xarsha: "I see that those who are meant to come are here."
Hue: "Surrender the Key, Xarsha. Do not force our hand."
Xarsha: "I will surrender nothing! Thrax, kill them."
Vustik laughs: "Yeah, come on pet."
Their eyes widen as Thrax grows and become stronger and more savage. He has sharp teeth and jagged claws. Coils are coming from his back.
Thrax rushes forward knocking all of them back. Coils wrap around many of them.
Ashoweah yells to Hue: "You must stop Xarsha! It is the pieces. Get them from him!" Hue concentrates her attack on Xarsha.
Xarsha: "I have what you came for Hue." He concentrates as the pieces swirl around him.
Coils fly from them. Hue dodges most of them but is struck by a few. She regains herself, slashing through the coils with her sword.
Thrax knocks Ashoweah back against the wall. Vustik creates an illusion of himself. Thrax goes for it, smashing down on it with his claws. Vex reappears on his back and blasts energy into him. This startles Thrax for a moment.
Juleen builds up Dark energy. Thrax reaches up behind his back, grabbing Vustik and slamming him into the ground.
Mono makes a move, striking Thrax in the shoulder with Arku's spear. Thrax grabs Mono and throws him to the ground. He opens his mouth of sharp teeth and goes to bite Mono.
Juleen casts and sends forward Dark energy, blinding Thrax. Mono regains control of his spear and thrusts it through Thrax's chest. Thrax shrieks out in pain and then falls limp. He shrinks back down to his normal form.
Mono walks up to Thrax and pulls his spear away. He places his hand on Thrax's head and says: "I am sorry."
Xarsha takes notice of this: "Now I stand alone. Come see what I have learned."
Ashoweah: "It is over Xarsha."
Xarsha: "No Ashoweah, it has only just begun." The pieces fly forward with coils forming from them. They strike at all those around them. With every move the Aspects make toward Xarsha, he disappears and reappears striking back at them.
The other Aspects are knocked back and it is Hue who stands alone against Xarsha.
Xarsha: "Come, take what you wish. It is time Hue."
Ashoweah calls to Mono: "The spear! Throw the spear now!"
Xarsha prepares to make his final strike against Hue. Mono tosses the spear to Hue and she catches it.
Ashoweah pulls a small stone from his pocket and crushes it.
As Xarsha strikes down on Hue it seems to her as if everything is going in slow motion. Hue can move at normal speed. She can see Xarsha slowly moving toward her throat.
With a mighty thrust, she forces the spear through Xarsha. After the strike, the slow motion stops. Hue is speechless as if she walked out of a vision. Beside her, Xarsha is impaled upon the spear of EinossArku.
Hue: "What have I done?"
Mono stands in disbelief. Has it really come to this?
Vustik steps forward to Xarsha: "A fitting end to you. Looks like your time has run out. To think, the same spear that so long you watched another carry. The one you twisted to your own little plots. Well, my friend, I am the master of illusions, not you. This right now, is real."
Xarsha looks at Vex: "I know what is real and what is lies. One day Truth will find you."
The 13 pieces fall to the floor. Hue and Juleen gather them up. Juleen places them into Hue's hands. Hue closes her hands around them. She uses Light and Dark energy to form the 13 pieces into one.
Ashoweah walks toward the Atheron Key. It is within his grasp. The Power of Judgement. It is no matter that he cannot find the child. He will deal with her once he has this power. He reaches forward with his hand almost around the Atheron Key.
Other little pieces go flying through the air striking his hands. These pieces explode into clouds of smoke. As it starts to clear, Ashoweah looks forward. The Atheron Key is gone!
They look around the room as the smoke clears. There stands Rovitomial with the Atheron Key in his hand.
Ashoweah: "Rovitomial, you little pack rat. Hand it over."
Vustik: "Do it now."
Hue: "Rovitomial, give it here. You do not understand the power it possesses."
Juleen: "Please listen to us."
Mono: "Rovitomial, you must listen. Hand it over. We will not let Ashoweah and Vustik have it. I beg of you. You do not understand what you hold within your hands."
Rovitomial: "Oh I understand enough."
Ashoweah gets angry and approaches him: "Hand it over or I will take it."
Hue steps forward: "You will take nothing Ashoweah. The Atheron Key will go where it needs to be. I will see to it. This was yours and Vustik's plan all along to take this. Was it to kill Ayvarahsa too? I knew this would be what you wanted."
Juleen: "Please Rovitomial, give me the key. We will protect you. Trust us."
Rovitomial: "It is not that I don't trust you. I just know what needs to be done."
Mono: "Then do what is right."
Rovitomial: "I am."
Rovitomial rushes around them and uses the pieces to help him leap into the air. He holds his hand forward with the Atheron Key. He is going to the athranaak coil core.
Ashoweah screams: "NOO!"
Rovitomial connects with the coil core. There is a bright flash of light and everyone is knocked back. They regain themselves. The Atheron Key is gone.
Vustik: "What the hell?"
Ashoweah: "What have you done you little pack rat?!"
He builds his energy up to strike Rovitomial. As the energy pours forward, Xarsha waves his hand.
A rift opens behind Rovitomial and he is pulled through. The rift closes.
Ashoweah's dark energy blasts the area where Rovitomial was standing.
Xarsha laughs in a weak voice as he is impaled and dying: "All this for nothing, Ashoweah."
Ashoweah: "It wasn't all for nothing. You think I am a fool Xarsha. Where did you send him? Same place where the key is? I will find it. So it is not all for nothing. You die here today Xarsha. You have been a thorn in my side long enough."
Ashoweah places his face close to Xarsha and whispers: "But now, your time has run out."
Ashoweah opens a portal: "Come Vex, I will find the key." They both go through it and it closes. Hue, Juleen, and Mono are left behind.
Mono opens a portal: "Come, we must get to it before they do. There is no time."
Hue: "Agreed."
They start to go through the portal. Before Mono goes through, he takes one last look back at Xarsha. "I am sorry it came to this. Forgive me." He turns and goes through the portal as it closes.
The three find themselves outside the athranaak where the other Aspects have gathered.
Hue: "Ashoweah and Vustik plan to take the key as we thought. Rovitomial was there. He was able to send it through the athranaak. Ashoweah believes it is somewhere here in the borderlands and Rovitomial may have it."
Tulkas: "What of Xarsha?"
Hue: "I had to. I am sorry."
Many are sad, but they realize the task at hand. They must stop Ashoweah and Vustik from claiming the Atheron Key.
Mono: "It seems Shaderell and Pathagoras are gone. Obviously, they are headed to Ashoweah and Vustik. With Pathagoras, they will know their way around the borderlands."
Eomeya: "Then we must stop them."
The Veil Keeper casts a mist: "Come, I will take us back to the Veil Mist. There I have a way of overseeing the borderlands. It was a gift from Atherak a long time ago.
If I can find it, we may be able to find out where Rovitomial and the Atheron Key are. If they are together as Ashoweah believes."
The Veil Mist portal opens and they go through. Before Tulkas goes in he turns with a look of despair upon his face. He says to himself: "I will make this right."
Upon the field of the borderlands, Dolloiandea and Mevinah are dead. Xaxo is mortally wounded. He struggles to remove the spears which impale him, but to no avail.
Xaxo cries out in agony as he struggles with all his strength. Just then a figure emerges from the shadows. He recognizes the voice.
Moidaybe: "Hang on my friend."
He pulls the spears out. Xaxo falls to the ground and tries to lift himself up. Moidaybe helps him.
Moidaybe: "We have to get inside the athranaak. I cannot do it alone. I need you."
Xaxo looks around and walks over to the body of Dolloiandea. With tears in his eyes, he lifts her up.
Xaxo: "Dolloiandea, not you."
Xaxo gathers the body of Mevinah. He and Moidaybe make their way to the athranaak.
As they approach the garden of bones, Xaxo reaches into the wall and pulls a lever. A small athranaak emerges from the sand.
Moidaybe and Xaxo step into it and it submerges beneath the sand. When it reopens they are inside the athranaak.
Xaxo looks around and sees Thrax on the floor dead. He gently places the bodies of Dolloiandea and Mevinah next to Thrax.
Xaxo: "I am sorry my friends. I should join you soon."
He turns to notice Moidaybe standing next to Xarsha.
Xarsha's left hand starts to crumble away. Xaxo drops to his knees. "I am sorry Xarsha. I tried."
Xarsha in weakness lifts his head: "It was inevitable, that time had to come."
Xaxo: "Remake us. Bring them back Xarsha."
He lifts Xarsha up and pulls the spear from him.
Xarsha: "I cannot. My time has run out."
Xaxo begs: "Please Xarsha. I cannot remake them."
In the silence, they hear a small voice.
Ayvarahsa: "No, but I can."
Somewhere in the borderlands...
Rovitomial regains himself and brushes himself off. He looks around. It is desolate.
He is still in the borderlands, but where? Where did Xarsha send him? He thinks of Xarsha and hangs his head in sadness.
Rovitomial: "I will protect it Xarsha. I promise. I will take it to Ashontrah. She will know what to do."
Rovitomial looks around: "I just got to find out where it is."
He notices something gleaming in the distance. He walks toward it. As he gets closer, he recognizes it. He begins to run.
There in the sand is the Atheron Key. He picks it up and smiles.
Rovitomial: "I got it Xarsha. I got it."
Then as if he hears a voice in his head, he looks down.
Rovitomial: "Stand up you say? You mean turn around? Walk that way? Okay."
He walks off in the distance with the Atheron Key in his hands.
True Self Connection...