Ghetheria: Queen of the Valkyrie

The true self past vision begins. Ghetheria's creation is shrouded in mystery. Ghetheria is known to be the daughter of Odin and one of the three Norn sisters.
It is said Ghetheria was born within the cycle of a sun and a moon. She was the Queen of the Nordic pantheon.
Her children Thor, Freya, Loki, and many others were the descendants of her and a primordial elemental giant named Yarin.
Yarin fell so deeply in love with Ghetheria that he gave her an army of unstoppable maidens. They are the shieldmaidens. A hundred mighty female warriors.
As time passed, Yarin became unstable from being mixed upon all the elements. He finally cracked and fell apart into millions of pieces which sank into the oceans and grounds that formed the realm of Asgard.
It is said that Yarin is every piece, every stone, every water, every tree, he is everything within Asgard.
Ghetheria raised her children. She made them strong and warrior-like. Above all, her favorite is her daughter Freya who reminded her so much of herself.
Of course Thor was the most strong and handsome. Loki wise and cunning. She loved all her children equally.
But Freya was her most beloved daughter. This of course created jealousy with her other daughters.
Ghetheria was always blessed by her father who all the Nordic pantheon knew as All-Father or Woden. He is Great Father.
Upon the Nordic pantheon, All-Father was more than just Time and the wanderer. Here he was a warrior.
All-Father would train with his grandchildren and teach them the ways of fighting and war. He did this so one day when the time would come they would rise up and be strong as one. The children grew into young adults.
This leads us into the time of the Bentian War...
All-Father enters the palace of Asgard where shieldmaidens stand guard. There upon the throne is Ghetheria.
Ghetheria rises and smiles. She walks to her father and embraces him.
Ghetheria says 'It has been some time. You have been gone. I was about to prepare a feast. My children are returning soon.'
She takes All-Father's arm and they sit at a long table. Several servants bring in food.
All-Father looks around. He does not see his grandchildren and he wonders what has been keeping them.
The Bentian War is a war like any other, there are not many sides. But there are some troubling questions All-Father brought with him.
Ghetheria sends support and her own children to fight in Jotunheim under the command of Raugunitar against the renegade forces of the outlawed Queen.
The Joutnn Queen Frigia herself stakes claim to the throne and vows to recapture her kingdom. She has sought aid from the shifters of Volheim and the war chieftess Jaiddaka.
All-Father has sensed something worse. Raugunitar's treatment of the Dwarves and Jotunn who have remained under his rule. He has been cruel to them and mistreated the prisoners which have been captured.
The occupation of Raugunitar in Jotunheim is brutal. It seems ever since the fall of Jotunheim and the escape of Moonstone and Saurzon that proxy wars have spread throughout the realms.
The Void and Light realms have turned on each other. The mad Void King descends deeper into insanity.
All-Father has come to ask Ghetheria to do a task that only she can undertake. This he knows.
It seems the mad King of the Void is in possession of something dangerous. Something Moonstone and Saurzon seek out.
All-Father explains his concerns to his daughter. Then with a heavy heart he asks if she and her shieldmaidens will undertake the mission to retrieve this dangerous object before it falls into the wrong hands.
Ghetheria says 'Too long have I sat up here in my palace. My children fight in distant lands against Moonstone and those who wish to destroy the realms.
I will go myself Father and bring my hundred shieldmaidens with me. I will retrieve this object. If the mad King of the Void wishes to stand in my way then his kingdom will find themselves without a king.'
All-Father and Ghetheria finish their dinner and have a discussion late into the night. Ghetheria keeps looking out across her kingdom of Asgard waiting for her children to return.
A messenger arrives during the late hours. Ghetheria reads the message and a concerned look crosses her face.
Her children are trapped high up in the mountains of Jotunheim. There they are under siege in an old fortress by Jaiddaka and her Volwynn army.
Ghetheria decides that the other mission from her father will have to wait. She must gather her hundred shieldmaidens and go to the aid of her children. She gives the order and they prepare.
Ghetheria calls for her sorcerers and says 'I want you to find them. No matter how deep you have to look you must find them quickly.'
She paces back and forth as she impatiently waits for the sorcerers to find her children.
Finally one of them says 'Your majesty, I have them.'
Ghetheria looks into a pool where the sorcerer stands. She sees her children under siege in the old fortress. It is not only Jaiddaka, but the exiled Jotunn Queen's forces are also there as well.
The eyes of her sorcerer burn within his head. The pool focuses in and she sees Moonstone standing upon a high mountain.
Ghetheria is shocked and realizes her children are in more danger than it seems. She tells her sorcerers to prepare a portal.
Ghetheria turns to her hundred shieldmaidens 'Be with me sisters, let us vanquish this evil which falls upon our kin. Let us destroy them and send them to the lands far beyond death. If we shall not succeed, then let us fall together as sisters.'
Her shieldmaidens cheer and do a battle cry. The sorcerers open a portal. Ghetheria and her shieldmaidens rush through.
On the other side of the portal, they are in the middle of the fortress under siege.
Thor and Freya see their mother and the shieldmaidens come through. Freya says 'Your majesty, my Queen, you have come just in time.'
Ghetheria steps forward and says 'Moonstone is here. We must end this evil now. Open the gates.'
Warriors go to open the massive gates. Ghetheria draws her sword and raises it high in the air to give the command for her shieldmaidens to charge.
They move out in a wedge formation slashing through the besieging armies.
Jaiddaka stands next to Moonstone on a hill and watches in horror as her kind are cut down. She realizes that these are the hundred shieldmaidens of Asgard.
Jaiddaka says 'I am prepared to sound the retreat. The hundred shieldmaidens have arrived with the Queen of Asgard. I will not have my kind cut down here and now.'
Moonstone replies 'Be patient lass, I have something more in store for them. You will have your warriors hold their ground.'
Jaiddaka in defiance 'If I command them to hold their ground the Queen of Asgard and her shieldmaidens will cut through them! I will lose all my forces. Many of them kinfolk and friends to me. I will not do this. I do not serve you. I serve the Queen of Jotunheim.'
Moonstone says 'She is not here. I also wish to serve the Queen of Jotunheim to recapture my homeland from the Elf invaders. You see lass, I have allies now. Powerful ones. The Queen understands this. I showed her that King Yserah killed her mother.'
Moonstone had gone to the exiled Queen Frigia and showed her the vision. Frigia watched in anger as she saw Yserah and Raugunitar cut her mother down. Moonstone had warped the vision to show him trying to save the Queen.
Jaiddaka looks down watching her armies being slaughtered. The Nordic divine children of Ghetheria have joined the fight. Her armies are being destroyed.
Jaiddaka says 'I am going to sound the retreat. There will not be a single one of us left. All will die. This is not part of our agreement.'
Moonstone replies 'Our agreement has been altered lass. Yes, they will all die, but that is what I need them to do.'
Jaiddaka looks in horror 'No they shall not!' She pulls out a large horn and raises it to her mouth. She takes in a deep breath to blow on it.
Before she can sound the retreat, coils pierce through her throat and body. She drops the horn and looks to see the piece that floats around Moonstone.
Moonstone says 'I have no more need for you either great warrior chieftess. Not as the living anyway.'
The coils pierce deep into Jaiddaka and she falls to the ground as her life flows out of her.
Moonstone smiles as he watches Ghetheria and her shieldmaidens cut through the fleeing forces of Jaiddaka.
The fleeing warriors try to make their way out to a mountain pass. Moonstone notices this and power builds within him.
Moonstone says 'No, I need all of you dead.'
The mountains rumble, causing avalanches and stones to fall upon the fleeing armies. Burying and crushing them beneath the debris.
Ghetheria along with her children and shieldmaidens shout in victory. They notice a darkness gathering upon the hill. There a lonely figure stands.
Ghetheria draws her sword and points. She yells in a strong voice 'Moonstone, your armies are no more. Do not run and hide. If you are as powerful as you claim to be then come. I shall fight you alone!'
Moonstones floats into the air and down toward the battlefield where the Volywnn army was defeated.
Freya says 'Be careful. The strange object that floats around him is of great evil.'
Ghetheria says 'I shall. Everything I have ever trained for. Every war I have ever fought. Nothing can compare to this challenge before me.'
Moonstone stops half-way down and lands upon a high rock. He grins at Ghetheria and the others.
Moonstone says 'Did you think I came here to throw my life away just so I could die by your sword? No lass, you gave me everything I want.
It is because of your sword that an army shall arise. It will devour and conquer Jotunheim. Then it shall stretch on to the other realms.
Your beloved Asgard will burn and be inhabited by the dead. You Mighty Queen, you and your children will die here today and join the ranks of my new army.'
Power flows through Moonstone as the piece swirls around him. Many coils come from it and strike into the corpses of the dead Volywnn. They wither and then rise.
Moonstone laughs 'Come mighty warriors, let's see if you can kill what is already dead.'
With a wave of his arms, he commands the undead Volwynn to attack.
Ghetheria calls for a shield wall, but the undead army is overpowering. Some of her shieldmaidens are cut down and ripped apart. There is too many.
Ghetheria takes a necklace from around her neck and gives it to Freya. 'My child, if I am to fall today then remember you must rise. Do not let Moonstone bring death to Asgard or the realms. It is up to you now. Go, take your brothers and sisters and go.'
Ghetheria looks at her handsome son Thor and touches his cheek. 'Protect her my son with everything you are.'
Thor with a tear in his eye says 'I will mother.'
Her children head back into the fortress and go through a portal. Ghetheria and the remaining shieldmaidens stand alone against the onslaught of the undead Volwynn army.
The battle rages on until every shieldmaiden falls and only Ghetheria remains. The undead circle around her.
Battered and wounded Ghetheria taunts them. 'Finish it! Come for me!'
They stop and make way. Moonstone approaches and Ghetheria moves forward to attack. She hurls her sword at him and as it gets within inches of his chest it shatters.
When Ghetheria is only a few feet away from Moonstone he raises his hand and a coil comes from the piece and pierces into her. She can feel herself dying.
Moonstone looks her in the eyes 'Your children may have escaped for now. I would have you serve me, but I think I would find it more useful to me if the pantheons and others who try to fight against my will witness your body rot upon this mountain.'
He clutches his hand together and the coil splits inside her. She fades away and her body falls to the ground.
Moonstone and his undead army leave the valley. He looks down upon Ghetheria and the dead shieldmaidens with their corpses in the snow.
Moonstone laughs 'This is only the beginning. Soon all will fall to death.'
He looks up at the sky 'Do you see Almighty Father? Come to your child now. You cannot save them. Any of them.'
A raven flies down into the valley. When it gets near the body of Ghetheria it forms into Great Father. He lifts his daughter with tears in his eyes.
Father says 'No, this is my fault. I will not let the borderlands have you. I will find a way.'
Great Father calls to the sky. 'Hear me, Guardian of Fate and Destiny I call to you. Hear me.' A figure flies down behind him.
EinossArku says 'What you ask Father I can do for you, but she must remain dead. There is one who can help, but there is a price to pay. Will you pay it?'
Father says 'Yes, do not let her dwell in the borderlands.'
EinossArku says 'Come Father, let us take her to the one.'
A portal opens and they step through. Xarsha is on the other side. EinossArku speaks to him in thothilssin and Xarsha replies. He gives something to Great Father. It is a spool of cloth.
Great Father must wrap his daughter Ghetheria and her hundred shieldmaidens in this cloth and then burn their bodies.
Father does this and places his daughter Ghetheria on the highest pyre. When the torches are lit the bodies burn.
The flames die down the wind picks up. He sees his daughter and the shieldmaidens rise from the ashes. They are translucent and spirit-like.
His daughter Ghetheria flies down to him and touches his face.
Ghetheria says 'I will watch over them in death, those who die so bravely upon the field of battle. I will carry them to the borderlands and beyond into tranquility.'
Great Father touches her face and his hand goes through it as if she is a spirit. He says 'I will watch over your children until the time comes. Know that I love you. They will always remember their mother.'
Ghetheria says 'And I shall watch over them and you. I must go now, Father. Many die upon battlefields across the realms. My Valkyrie and I shall gather the souls of the dead.'
True Self Connection...