Book of Aphrodite Chapter Nine

The real history of Aphrodite. The ninth chapter begins as Aphrodite, Yahweh, King Yserah, and Raugunitar arrive back at Mount Olympus after their journey to Arcturia.
Many defense preparations have been made within a short amount of time. Acturian ships are up in the sky.
Alakin Silverleaf greets King Yserah as they walk up on the path toward the council chambers. He bows and says 'The armies of Alfheim have been assembled. They are awaiting you my King.'
King Yserah responds to him 'I will be with them momentarily.' He turns to Aphrodite and says 'Now we must depart young lady Asherah. I wish you well.'
Aphrodite says 'I wish you well and victory. Let us end this evil. I hope you will return safely.'
King Yserah takes her hand and kisses it. 'We shall see each other again when all this is done.' He turns to leave.
Aphrodite stops Raugunitar and says to him 'Make sure he survives.'
Raugunitar replies 'I will sacrifice myself to protect him. I can guarantee you young lady Asherah no harm will come to him.'
Aphrodite continues to walk up the path where she is greeted by Poseidon. As they embrace he says 'It is good to see you Aphrodite.'
She still holds the crystal given to her by Queshjet within her satchel. This is for mass teleportation of the armies to Jotunheim.
Aphrodite says 'Give this to the High Magi so they may begin to work. The armies have already been assembled.'
Poseidon says 'I was waiting on your return. They are already ready. The message arrived from King Yserah. They already started preparing for the ritual. I am going along with them.'
Aphrodite is shocked by this. She thought her brother Poseidon would stay and help defend Olympus. She says 'Why brother? Your place is here.'
Poseidon says 'Zeus himself entrusted me to represent Olympus there. I am taking a small cohort of Myrmidon with me. I wish to shine in his eyes. Zeus called me little brother. I want to show him that I am ready to represent us in any way he sees fit.'
Aphrodite smiles 'I understand. Where is Zeus now?'
Poseidon says 'This is what I came to see you about. He requests your presence.'
Aphrodite says 'Very well then.' She gives the satchel with the crystal to Poseidon. Then she hugs him 'Return to me safely.'
She goes up to the council chambers where she sees Zeus standing outside along with Ares. He looks at Aphrodite and smiles. He approaches her and places his hand on her shoulder.
Zeus says 'Ah young Aphrodite, you have done us well. Even though Queshjet would not come with us, you still brought us what is needed so we may bring an end to this evil.
I have further use for you. You will come with me and Ares to the lower chambers. I will not let Saurzon get the advantage of us. Even though we will be under siege, he himself will come for the pieces.'
Aphrodite looks at him with worry 'Do you believe we will be able to handle him?'
Hades approaches and says 'You will not be alone.' Hecate is with him. Aphrodite feels much better.
Hades says to Ares 'Come we must prepare.' He turns to Zeus 'Will you be joining us?'
Zeus says 'In a moment. I must speak with young Aphrodite alone. Come Aphrodite, if you will. Let's speak together.'
Aphrodite walks with Zeus as Ares, Hecate, and Hades go in a different direction.
Zeus says 'I have been thinking lately about the conversations we share about our dreams and about your curiosity of the borderlands. I have something for you. You are familiar with the words of Vosmetheus.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes, Vosmetheus is a truly fascinating historian. A titan who journeyed to all the realms. I studied his manuscripts. I think all of us have.'
Zeus says 'Vosmetheus was a great titan. He was a historian, but there was more to him. Did Prometheus or any of your other instructors ever speak of his lost works? The unfinished journeys of Vosmetheus.'
Aphrodite says 'I have only heard of it, but not from any of the instructors.'
Zeus says 'Well, follow me. I have something to show you.'
Aphrodite follows him into his palace and down a long corridor to his personal library. He goes to a shelf and pulls down a small black chest. Inside are three books.
Aphrodite is astonished 'Are these the lost writings?'
Zeus says 'Yes, there is much information in here I need you to study once this conflict is over. I feel it will lead to bigger things.'
Aphrodite picks up the first manuscript. It reads 'The Forgotten Realms.' She opens it up and starts reading about the sub-heim realms such as Volheim, Verginheim, and Vlackheim. These realms were either unexplored or very little was known about them.
She turns to another page and her eyes widen. There she sees a drawing of the object that floats in the borderlands.
Zeus takes the book from her and closes it. He says 'Have you ever heard the tale of Vosmetheus himself as he journied through the realms?'
Aphrodite says 'Yes I am somewhat familiar with it. It was never said what happened to him.'
Zeus says 'Vosmetheus always wished to discover history of the realms in his journeys. He was informed of the borderlands and found certain ways to travel there. He wrote...'
Zeus opens the book and turns the page then continues 'That this mysterious realm is older and more ancient than anything.
It was governed my mysterious mutilated beings and was a place of pain and suffering for those who wished to dwell in evil, wickedness, and cruelty.
Vosmetheus discovered there was a place of knowledge and wisdom within the borderlands. He talks about discovering it from a wandering spirit.
I remember the tale from when I was very young. How he wandered into borderlands and never returned.'
Aphrodite says 'I wonder if Vosmetheus is still there. Maybe in time we can find him.'
Zeus closes the book and says 'He has been lost now for a long time. Wherever he is he wants to be forgotten.'
A myrmidon royal guard walks in the room and says 'My King, all preparations have been made. The Alfheim army and those supporting them have started teleporting to Jotunheim.'
Zeus says 'Then we shall make ready. Young Aphrodite, we must join the others in the catacombs below. Soon Saurzon will come for the pieces.'
Just then Aphrodite remembers that Yahweh followed her up to the steps but no further.
Aphrodite says 'I must find Yahweh and tell him to seek shelter in my villa down in the wine cellar.'
Zeus says 'It may be difficult to convince him on that. Seems that he wants to be by your side. Bring your friend, he will be safer among us.'
Aphrodite and Zeus walk outside to see Yahweh sitting on the steps. He is looking up in the sky watching the Arcturian ships disappear all at once.
Yahweh says to himself 'Fascinating. They were all here and now they are all gone.'
Aphrodite calls out to him. Yahweh turns to her and says 'Asherah, did you see that?' He points to the sky. 'They make their way to Jotunheim. What shall we be doing now?'
Aphrodite says 'You will be joining me down in the catacombs. You must be ready. Zeus believes Saurzon will come for the pieces.'
Yahweh says 'I am ready to sacrifice myself if need be to protect you Asherah.'
Just then they are joined by the titan Hephaestus. He says 'All the armor has been upgraded with mithril from Alfheim. The new armor will be better than the old. What shall your orders be my King?'
Zeus says 'We could always use another hand down in the catacombs. Come join us Hephaestus.'
Hephaestus says 'You will be coming with us lady Aphrodite? I am honored.'
Aphrodite remembers Hephaestus from growing up on Mount Olympus. He was always the quiet one. Always toiling in his blacksmith shop creating such beautiful things.
Once when Aphrodite was young he made her a beautiful silver necklace. She still wears it quite often.
Aphrodite smiles 'It is good to know you will be down there by our side. I have seen the enemy we face and he is a powerful foe.'
Hephaestus reaches toward his belt and pulls out a short sword. He gives it to Aphrodite and says 'Here, I made this. You should take it. This is made of elven mithril combined with our hardened steel. It is as light as a feather.'
Aphrodite notices how unique the blade feels in her hands. It is so light it feels like an extension of her arm.
Hephaestus says 'Just in case any get close.' He pulls out a large war hammer from behind his back. 'I am going to use this. I made it this morning and I want to test it out.'
Zeus laughs 'Then come. If Saurzon wants a fight then we are ready to give him one.'
They go down to the catacombs to join Hades and Ares. The pieces are inside a chamber with a sealed door. Outside the chamber is a squad of the finest royal guards.
Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Yahweh, Zeus, Ares, Hecate, and Hades enter inside the chamber and the doors close leaving the guards on the outside.
Zeus says 'Here we will make our stand. It is here he will come.'
Aphrodite says 'Then let us end this.'
In Jotunheim...
Arcturian ships begin to appear above the capital of Jotunheim beyond the great wall. Moonstone stands in the highest tower and looks outward.
Moonstone says 'So they have come just as I wanted them to. Come King of Alfheim. Come to claim what you believe is yours.'
Aboard the Arcturian command ship Meenik gives the order for all Arcturians vessels to fire upon the shield.
Meenik turns to King Yserah and says 'Once we bring the shield down we should be able to bust through the wall. Have your armies ready.'
King Yserah says 'Today we end Moonstone and drive back this dark evil.'
The shield over the capital starts to weaken. The Jotunheim forces gather along the wall to make their stand.
Within the core of the capital fortress Fogbeard is trying his best to sustain the shield but to no avail.
Fogbeard says 'We must get ready to clear. She is going to blow. The shield will not hold for long.'
He turns to Greymountain and Blacklace 'You two young lasses will have to come with me. We have to get out of here. The main heart of the crystal holding the shield is cracking.'
The large blue crystal in the middle of the room cracks and is about to shatter. Fogbeard grabs his two cousins making his way toward an exit. He gets out just as the crystal explodes.
Inside the Arcturian command ship Meenik looks down watching the magical energy shield dissipate. He says 'It is done. Fire upon the wall.'
The order is received by an Arcturian on the bridge and they target the great wall protecting the fortress of Jotunheim. There is an explosion and a section of the wall tumbles down taking the Jotunheim forces with them.
Meenik gives the command and on the ground at the breach of the wall they transport the armies of Alfheim. Tens of thousands of little lights form and the warriors of Alfheim pour out. They clash against the armies of Jotunheim.
King Yserah, Raugunitar, Poseidon, and Thor are in the lead piercing through the opposition. King Yserah says 'We must make our way to the fortress. Moonstone will be there.'
The battle is fierce and the exhausted Jotunheim armies begin to fall. Above in the high tower Fogbeard makes his way to Moonstone and says 'The defenses and walls are down. They have breached and will make their way up to the fortress. We should flee now cousin to the cold weather retreat.'
Moonstone says 'Deploy your last weapon. Let's make it difficult for them to breach this fortress. Their bodies will fall piled up before I let Jotunheim fall.'
Fogbeard is hesitant but he carries out Moonstone's commands. He goes to what looks like a large throne with a gunner station. Fogbeard takes position in the throne and looks down at a sphere.
In this sphere he can see the battle raging below. Outside the fortress is a large cannon-like device. Fogbeard targets the Alfheim forces and freezes many them where they stand.
Raugunitar notices and calls to King Yserah 'My King! They will decimate our forces if their cannon is not destroyed.'
Poseidon says 'Leave it us! Come Thor, we must stop that cannon.'
Thor grabs Poseidon by the back collar of his armor. He lifts him up and twirls him spinning faster and faster. Thor throws Poseidon high up into the air. Then Thor jumps with a mighty leap.
They both land up by the cannon which is guarded by a few trolls and Jotunn. Thor and Poseidon battle their way through them.
King Yserah and Raugunitar make their way to the steps of the large gates that protect the keep. There Jotunn, trolls, and dwarves have gathered in formation.
King Yserah says 'We won't be able to take them all. Raugunitar we must stand back.'
They move back from the front gate. Raugunitar gives signal for the Alfheim warriors to maintain position.
King Yserah sends a signal up to the Arcturian ships. A vessel targets the main gates of the fortress and shoots an energy blast causing a large explosion as the gates crash down. Bodies of Jotunn, dwarves, and trolls go flying.
Raugunitar and Yserah approach the steps where they see the smoldering remains of the opposition. King Yserah says 'Let us end this now.' They make their way into the fortress meeting little resistance on their way up to the tower.
Back on Olympus...
Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Zeus, Yahweh, Ares, Hecate, and Hades are in the catacombs. There is massive shaking and some bits of rock and stone fall from the ceiling.
Zeus says 'We must defend the chamber. All of us make ready.'
Aphrodite casts a small orb to see what is going on above. It shows an image high up in the sky. There are Nether ships.
Zeus says 'The Nether is attacking us. They chose their side as been foreseen.'
Hecate says 'Our battle is here. We must defend.'
Outside the chamber they can hear clashes of the myrmidon royal guards. They are battling something. Their screams are heard as they are cut down and slain.
The chamber door starts to crack then burns away into ash. Two myrrdonite enter the room. A troll and dark elf. They attack right away.
Zeus says 'Aphrodite, stay at the back of the room next to the pieces. Yahweh stay with her. If they are to take us down you must take the pieces and port them anywhere far from here. You will be the last hope if we are to fail.'
Hecate, Hades, Hephaestus, Ares, and Zeus fight against the two myrrdonite. The troll forces Hecate and Hades out of the room. Outside there is still fighting.
A rift opens up inside the chamber and Saurzon steps through. He says 'I see you have brought numbers King of Olympus. This will not help you.'
With a wave of his hand Saurzon collapses the entrance to the chamber cutting off Hecate and Hades from intervening in the fight.
Ares points his sword at Saurzon 'You bested me last time. Now I stand upon the mountain I was born. This is where your days end.' He then looks to Zeus and says 'Let's bring him down father.'
Zeus finishes off the dark elf myrrdonite. Both he and Ares leap forward to attack Saurzon.
Saurzon deflects their attacks with his sword and fights back and forth with them. Hephaestus joins in on the battle.
Saurzon says 'I am tired of these games.' He grabs Ares by the helmet and throws him against the wall knocking the wind out of him.
Zeus thrusts his sword into Saurzon's side, but Saurzon just turns and laughs. 'A deadly blow, but not deadly enough.' He grabs Zeus by his face 'Now King of Olympus you shall die.'
Dark energy flows from Saurzon's hand and pours into Zeus' eyes and mouth. Zeus grabs Saurzon by the wrist trying to break it away.
Hephaestus makes an attack with his hammer hitting Saurzon on the side of his helmet. This dazes Saurzon a bit but he does not loosen his grip on Zeus.
Saurzon says to Hephaestus 'How dare you intervene young Olympian.'
Dark energy flows from Saurzon's hand. Hephaestus holds up his hammer to block it but it hits and incinerates his hammer.
Saurzon then focuses back on Zeus and flows more dark energy into his body. Zeus cries out in agony while he struggles and fights against it with all his might.
Saurzon says 'So you choose not to die easily. Good, suffer.'
In Jotunheim...
Poseidon and Thor disabled and destroyed the cannon. They then joined back in with the Alfheim army led by Alakin Silverleaf in the courtyard of Jotunheim. Many Jotunn, dwarves, and trolls have surrendered.
Alakin says 'There may still be some holding up within the fortress. Be careful.' He enters in with Poseidon, Thor, and some elven guards.
Fogbeard takes his two small cousins Greymountain and Blacklace and goes up to the tower where Moonstone and Jotunn Queen Helginin are held up. He can hear the voices coming up from below.
Fogbeard places his cousins into a small room and says 'You two stay here. I am going to go negotiate a surrender for us. We won't die today cousins. Not for Moonstone.' They hide in the room as they hear footsteps approach.
King Yserah and Raugunitar reach the top of the tower and a large door blocks their way. They slam their shoulders against the door with all their might until it buckles and breaks.
Inside in front of a large altar stands Moonstone and Jotunn Queen Helginin. Moonstone says 'I see you finally made it to claim your prize great King. There is none who will stand in the way now. Come take what is yours.'
Queen Helginin is surprised by this 'What do you mean Moonstone? It is you and I who stand against them. I will slay this King. No one shall conquer Jotunheim. Let it be us in our final hours.'
Moonstone says to her 'Nah your majesty. You see, Jotunheim must fall. You are weak and so is Jotunheim. They are spent to me.'
King Yserah yells out 'Great Jotunn Queen, it is Moonstone. He is Bentian and has led us here. He deceived you. Join us now and help us strike him down. We shall have peace Queen. Let us end this horrible war between Jotunheim and Alfheim. Together we stand against a common enemy.'
Queen Helginin draws her mighty sword and says 'You betrayed me Moonstone. You kept me ill. Now I shall bring you down. This ends today.' She raises her sword making ready to strike.
Moonstone looks at her and grins 'No Queen. I shall not die today.'
Just as Queen Helginin strikes down King Yserah makes a sudden move and cuts off one of her hands. She rears back in pain. With her other hand she reaches down and grabs Yserah and slams him to the ground.
Queen Helginin says 'What is this treachery?'
King Yserah turns and yells 'Who do you serve Raugunitar?!'
Raugunitar looks at his King and then up at the Jotunn Queen. With a quick leap he jumps up and pierces his sword through her chest.
He then draws his dagger and wraps his arm around her giant neck and slices her throat. Jotunn Queen Helginin falls to the ground.
In the chamber at Mount Olympus...
The battle rages against Saurzon. He incapacitated Ares. Hephaestus tries to regain himself. Saurzon slowly but surely starts to drain Zeus.
Saurzon says 'You are weakening great King. Soon you will be mine.'
Aphrodite draws her sword and runs toward Saurzon stabbing him in the side of his neck.
He releases Zeus and reaches for the sword. He pulls it out and with a wave of his hand knocks Aphrodite against the wall.
Saurzon says 'I should kill you for that. The master wishes you alive. However, I will ruin you beautiful one.'
A dark fire burns in his hand. He says 'None will look upon you anymore and think of beauty. They will look upon you and see a face that is hideous.'
Aphrodite is dazed and cannot move. Saurzon waves his hand toward her and black reddish fire comes forth from him.
Hephaestus gets in front of it and takes the full blow of the fire to his face and chest. He screams in pain falling to the floor.
Saurzon says 'How unfortunate. No matter, I will burn and disfigure you both.' He prepares to cast more fire.
Just then a sword cuts down between his right neck and shoulder blade. It is Ares. Saurzon falls to a knee. Zeus regains himself and thrusts a sword into his side.
Zeus and Ares are about ready to make their final attack when Saurzon launches coils from his body and wrap around them.
Saurzon is weakened but other coils launch from his hands and break the glass to get the pieces.
Aphrodite grabs for the coils trying to stop them. Saurzon laughs 'Now I will return with what is mine. You have lost this day.'
Black mist swirls around him and he vanishes with the pieces. The coils drop to the floor.
They all look at each other feeling exhausted. Aphrodite rushes to Hephaestus where Yahweh is trying to tend to his wounds. Hephaestus is twitching and screaming in pain. This is how Hephaestus becomes known as the disfigured titan.
Zeus says 'We lost. He has them.'
In Jotunheim...
Upon a great mountain overlooking the fortress Jotunn Princess Frigia stands with Jaiddaka and a small detachment of Volwynn warriors.
Frigia looks down at the devastation and a single tear falls from her eyes. The bear shifter Jaiddaka looks up at her and asks 'What is it Princess?'
Frigia replies 'My kingdom is fallen and my mother is dead.' Then a look of anger and rage crosses her face as she steps forward.
Jaiddaka says 'You are Queen of Jotunheim now. If we attack we will lose. We must bide our time Queen. We must rally forces to us to retake the capital. Be sure we stand with you and the Jotunn Queen did not die in vain. Let's make our way back and begin our plans to retake the city.'
Frigia looks down 'I will return King Yserah. One day after I have reclaimed my capital, I will lay siege to yours.' She turns and walks off with the Volwynn.
In the Jotunheim tower Ragunitar, King Yserah, and Moonstone stand alone. Moonstone says 'I see your plan carried out perfectly King.'
King Yserah says 'Yes, it has. We should go now. They will be coming.'
Moonstone says 'Very well, we will meet again great King of Alfheim. Until then, enjoy your victory.' He opens a rift and leaves.
Moments later General Alakin Silverleaf enters the room with several elven warriors. They have Fogbeard with them as prisoner.
Alakin says 'It is the dwarf Fogbeard, engineer of Jotunheim, he wishes to surrender to us.'
King Yserah says 'Fogbeard, I hereby find you guilty of crimes against Alfheim and conspiring with Moonstone to destroy my realm. You will be executed.' He signals to Raugunitar to carry out the sentence.
Just then a small voice is heard yelling out 'You leave him alone you fucking elf bastards!'
It is little Blacklace. She rushes forward with her dagger drawn stabbing into the leg of Raugunitar.
Raugunitar looks down and backhands her 'You little dwarven bitch.'
Fogbeard reacts as Raugunitar goes for Blacklace and says 'You back away now! Leave the lass alone!' His left hand lights up with elemental blue fire.
As Fogbeard goes to strike, Raugunitar swiftly turns and cuts off his left hand. Fogbeard falls to the floor in pain.
Raugunitar goes to make a final move. Alakin steps forward and says 'My King, this is the engineer of Jotunheim. He would know the workings of this place. To kill him would be a waste.'
King Yserah says 'Yes, we shall keep him here. Moonstone has killed your Queen and he has gotten away. I spare your life Fogbeard. You will serve now here. For your crimes I sentence you to eternal servitude.
Raugunitar will stay here in Jotunheim and govern it in my absense. The Princess Frigia was not here. There is no doubt she will come to reclaim the kingdom. I trust you Raugunitar to keep it safe. Come Alakin, we shall return to the ships.'
Raugunitar says 'What of this little dwarf bitch? I am not going to let her just stab me.'
King Yserah says 'I will spare her life too. Send her to the camps in Svartalfheim.' He then turns to leave.
Alakin looks at Raugunitar with a long stare. Raugunitar says to him 'Go on now and join the King. You heard him. I will govern Jotunheim.'
An angry look crosses Alakin's face but he does not reply. His distaste for Raugunitar is known. He leaves and joins King Yserah.
Blacklace is taken away with other prisoners. Fogbeard is locked in a cell within the Jotunheim dungeons. Raugunitar stands high upon the tower as the Arcturian ships return to Alfheim.
Raugunitar gives instruction to the elven guard 'Gather up the commoners. I need to lay down the law of how things will be from now on.'
Back on Mount Olympus...
Hades and Hecate break through the collapsed chamber door. Aphrodite and Yahweh are tending to Hephaestus. His face and upper chest are badly scarred.
Hecate looks around the room 'Saurzon got the pieces didn't he?'
Zeus says 'Yes, he has.'
Hades says 'What shall we do now?'
Aphrodite places her hand upon Hephaestus and says 'I can never repay you for what you have done. Whatever you need of me I will be there. Just ask.'
Zeus signals for guards to come in and pick Hephaestus up and carry him away. Aphrodite joins Zeus and the others.
Another guard from outside rushes in to give a report and informs 'The Nether vessels along with their troops retreated. There was not much damage to the mountain and not many were lost. King Yserah achieved victory in Alfheim but Moonstone escaped.'
Aphrodite asks 'Have we gained any victories today?'
Zeus says 'Some, but this is only the beginning.'
Aphrodite says 'I feel that too, but I know together we will be able to root out this dark evil and bring Moonstone and Saurzon down. I will be there. I will stand against them and they will know the name Asherah Aphrodite.'
Zeus smiles 'That they shall lady Asherah. The Bentian War has begun.'
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