Varekrin the Very First Cat

This is a true self past vision for Varekrin the Demi-Aspect son of Usula and Great Father.
The door to the great library of Thoth opens. Great Father steps through. He removes his long robe and hangs it up along with his walking stick.
His ravens take perch upon the coat hanger. Thoth sits in a large chair across the hall.
Thoth says 'You are early again Father.'
Father says 'I always enjoy our tea times and I like to show up early to start the conversations we have.'
Thoth says 'Yes Father I assumed that would be your reason.'
Father takes his place in a large chair across from Thoth. He pulls his long pipe from his pocket.
Before he can light it, Thoth clears his throat 'Ahem, Father every time I must ask you, please do not smoke in here.'
Father says 'Oh of course, I always seem to forget.' He puts his pipe away.
Thoth says 'Usula should be bringing us our tea soon.'
Father leans back and smiles.
Thoth says 'I am sure this is another reason you have come so early.'
Father gives him a strange look 'Oh? What do you mean?'
Usula enters the room carrying a silver tray with a kettle and two tea cups. She places it down on the table. Then she stands and smiles at Father.
Usula asks 'How are you today Great Father?'
Father takes her hand and kisses it 'Very well now.'
Usula shyly smiles. Thoth notices the interaction between them. He has a straight face and a stern look.
Father says to Usula 'You should show me more of those manuscripts you have been rewriting. I am curious to see them.'
Usula says 'When you are finished with your tea if you have some time I would love to show you what I transcribed.'
Father says 'After tea then.'
Usula smiles and walks away to continue her work.
Thoth takes a sip of tea 'I have something to ask you on the matter of my scribe Usula. What are your intentions with her Father?'
Father says 'She is a very wise woman. I enjoy her company. She is intelligent in her conversations.'
Thoth says 'You almost stuttered there. Anything else you wished to say but decided not to?'
Father lowers his head and blushes 'She is very beautiful to me.'
Thoth smiles 'Then maybe one time you should take her on one of your walks.'
Father laughs 'Oh she would not like to go on one of my wanderings with me. This old man?'
Thoth says 'You would be surprised. Why don't you ask her later?'
They continue drinking their tea and discuss the issues of the times.
When they finish Thoth stands and says 'If you will excuse me, I have some work to do. Remember Father, you should ask her.'
Father says with a boost of confidence 'I will.'
Great Father makes his way to the scribing room where he finds Usula hard at work. He steps in behind her and places his hand on her shoulder to give her a little massage.
Usula leans back and sighs 'Oh, that is what I needed all day. I have been crouched over these manuscripts and scrolls for far too long.'
Father says 'You should get out more.'
Usula leans back over her desk continuing her work 'Where would I go? And with who?'
Father says 'Well if you wish sometime, you could walk with me. I know a very unique place we could uh, see. That is if you would like, and you could find the time to pull yourself away from such important work.'
Usula closes the book and sets down her pen 'Then let's go now.'
This comes as a shock to Father. He was not expecting such an immediate reaction. Usula gathers her things.
Father stands in silence. He is taken in awe by Usula. She is beautiful, but it is not her looks that attract Father. It is her intelligence.
Usula walks with Father back to the main part of the library where Father's ravens are waiting with his robe and walking stick.
She helps him put on his robe and then hands him his walking stick.
Usula says 'Should we go then? I wish to see this unique place you describe.'
Father says 'Well yes, let us go.' He opens a portal and they step through.
On the other side is a beautiful land with high rolling hills of golden grass. There are unique blue purple trees in the distance.
Below in the valley they see a herd of tricorns. They are like unicorns but zebra-like with three horns. Tricorns are naturals while unicorns are sentials.
Up in the sky there are birds of many different colors. Their songs fill the trees and meadows.
Usula smiles in delight 'This is a fascinating and unique place.'
Father says 'Yes, I knew you would enjoy it.'
Usula faces Father and takes one of his hands. 'I must admit, there is desire in my heart for you Father. Am I wrong in thinking such?'
Father says 'Well no, and I must admit to you. There is also desire in my heart that attracts me toward you.'
They stare into each other's eyes while they enjoy a sunset upon the meadow. They laugh and exchange conversation for hours.
Usula and Great Father spend the night making love under the stars.
The next morning they gather berries together.
Father says 'I feel I have kept you too long.'
Usula is reminded of her work in the library. She agrees they should return.
Father opens a portal back to the great library and they go through. They see Riovo standing there.
Riovo says 'You have been gone some time, but I am glad to see your return. Usula, if I may speak with Great Father for a moment.'
Father says 'Oh? Is there something concerning?'
Riovo says 'Yes, it is something that requires your attention.'
Father kisses Usula on the forehead 'I shall let you go back to your work now.'
Usula says 'Yes, if there are pressing matters Riovo wishes to speak to you of I should let you get to them. But I would like to walk with you again.'
Father says 'And so would I.'
Usula leaves and returns to her scribing work. Riovo and Father are met by Thoth.
Thoth says 'A concerning matter that needs our attention. Eternal Death has gained 7 of the 13 pieces. There is one who tells him of a way to enter the Atheron.'
Father say 'But the time of judgement is over. It appears that Eternal Death wishes to complete Atherak's work.'
Thoth says 'Yes, you and I must travel to find a being that is willing to give valuable information to Eternal Death of how to enter the Atheron. This journey may be long Father but I need your help on it.'
Father says 'I understand. First, I must say goodbye to Usula.'
Thoth says 'Yes Father, but make haste, time runs short.'
Great Father finds Usula in her scribing room. She stands looking at him. Father has a concerned look on his face as he tries to figure out how to tell her. Before he can explain she starts to speak.
Usula says 'I heard the whispers throughout the library. Eternal Death must never find his way inside the Atheron. If you can help Thoth avoid this then I understand why you must go.'
She walks forward close to him and takes his hands in hers.
Usula continues 'Before you do, know that I feel a presence growing within me even now. However far and long your journey may take you, know that I will raise the child here. Here the child will be safe.'
Father places his hand under her chin 'I would not wish it any other way. I thank you.' He embraces her and holds Usula tight for a moment.
No other words are spoken between them as Great Father turns to leave. Great Father and Thoth set out on their long journey.
Usula's belly grows with the child her and Father conceived together under the stars.
Riovo is the one there for Usula during the birth. She names the baby Varekrin. The child grows and spends his young years inside the great library always in the presence of his mother.
Varekrin looks at the illustrations in the many books and scrolls. Usula notices how hard he concentrates on the drawings. It almost seems as if he tries to become them.
He is still young but she notices he has a more natural side to him like the naturals. The naturals are the animals and plants which inhabit the existences.
After a few years, Great Father and Thoth return. Young Varekrin is appears around 3 years old by human standards when he first sees Father.
Great Father looks down at him and smiles. He pats the young boy's head. Father reaches into his pocket and takes out a carving of a small four-legged animal with two pointy ears.
Varekrin cherishes this gift. Father comes back and forth keeping his tea times to visit Usula and the young Varekrin.
One day Father notices that Varekrin is concentrating hard on the little carving.
In a flash Varekrin takes on the shape of the carving and becomes the form of the very first cat. He is orange with stripes.
This comes as a shock to Father. This son of his with Usula is a shifter but became a form has never been seen before.
Great Father has dreamed of this type of animal before and made the carving based on it. But the carving itself is not very detailed. It is not like this creature his son Varekrin just formed into.
Usula is delighted that her son has shifted, and at such a young age.
As the young Varekrin grows he learns to read. He is always shifting into his cat form.
Thoth finds this creature remarkable. He asks Usula if he may have some of the hairs from the brush she uses when she brushes Varekrin's fur. She agrees.
With these hairs Thoth and Great Father create the animals known as cats. They make a male cat and female cat who reproduce more cats within the library.
The cats always follow Varekrin around. They are friends to him and he enjoys their company.
Varekrin grows to a young man around the age of 14 by human standards. He is a skilled shifter and sometimes gets himself in trouble with Thoth and Riovo.
He is able to shift into large beasts and one time Varekrin shifted into a Hydra and knocked several shelves over. This upset Thoth and he made Varekrin spend the next few months reorganizing the shelves.
Varekrin studies often and focuses on his shifting abilities. He always stays at the great library and never leaves.
The time comes when Usula says 'It is time for you to journey beyond this library to see the some of the places within these books.
Although many of these places are devastated and no longer exist, there is a new place. A new existence you should see.'
Varekrin agrees with excitement to see these realms. He has never been outside the library. His curiosity to investigate and see for himself fills his mind and core.
Varekrin appears about 17 years old when he travels with his mother Usula to this existence we live in now.
There he meets the many titans and pantheons as well as the Kings and High Chieftains of the realms. He finds much knowledge among the divine of the pantheons.
The Razak are one of his favorites. This is the Egyptian pantheon. Ra becomes his close friend.
Varekrin gifts cats to many of the divine to be their eyes and ears in the many realms.
Varekrin journeys to the underworld quite frequently and speaks with the titans there. It is also there that he falls in love with a young titan named Hecate.
Although Hecate is not permitted to marry anyone other than a titan, they have a secret love affair they keep to themselves.
Through this Varekrin and Hecate have a child. A daughter they name Bast. She shall be raised in the Razak pantheon for it never must be revealed who the father was.
During the birth of their child their love had to be kept secret. Hecate worried for Varekrin. It was her decision to keep their love and their child a secret.
Although it saddened Varekrin he understood. His love for Hecate was greater than his pride.
Varekrin travels to some of the other realms. He visits the Nordic pantheon. He is received well there and spends much time.
He brought his cats with him and gave two of them as a gift to Freya when she was born. He also gave two cats to Ostara at her birth.
After this he travels more. His favorite realm is Volheim. Here he sees the Volwynn as shifters like him. He enjoyed them because they were more like the naturals.
After several years of traveling Varekrin became worried. A great war was coming to this existence. He returned to the great library where he remained until after the Urthak War.
When the war was over he traveled again among the realms. Varekrin now spends most of his time in the great library of Thoth.
For those who go there, the large orange tabby that watches you from the shelf is him. Varekrin the son of Usula and Great Father. His love with Hecate still remains strong to this day.
True Self Connection...