Fundin: Origin of the Rephrax Crystal Giants

The true self past vision begins. Hammer falls upon chisel, chisel upon rock. Deep within the mountains of Jotunheim, Myrdrin Moonstone is busy.
He is searching for more Rephraxi crystal. A larger vein he can extract from the mountain and continue his work.
Moonstone says 'Aye, there you are lovely, hiding deep within the mountain.'
He chisels more of the mountain stone away from it and brushes it off. The Rephraxi crystal shines.
Moonstone says 'Aye, a large vein too. Perfect for another form. I am going to have to get my number one over here to pull you from the side and uncover the rest of you.'
He is the wise counselor to King Frostcag and the Keeper of the Stones. He is searching for more large Rephraxi crystal fragments.
Myrdrin Moonstone has been working on this project for many years, ever since the discovery of the first Rephraxi crystal.
He always dwelled within the mountain and dug deep within it. Moonstone found many of the precious gemstones said to be the tears and blood droplets of the primordial giants that once ruled over Jotunheim.
He collected these over the years. There are powers within them. The most powerful ones were placed inside the Crown of Jotunheim, the very same crown which sits upon the head of King Frostcag.
It was many years ago during his search for gemstones of power to place within the crown that Moonstone discovered the first Rephraxi crystal. It fit in his hands, not small but large.
As Moonstone studied the crystal it spoke to him as if there were consciousness and life inside it. The Rephraxi crystal became one of Moonstone's closest friends so to say.
Moonstone decided he would craft a body for this Rephraxi crystal. He tried for years with different forms and would place the Rephraxi crystal inside.
There were reactions to it, but after a while the Rephraxi crystal became too overwhelming to whatever form it was placed in.
At first, Moonstone tried the hard black granite from deep within the mountains. He placed the Rephraxi crystal inside the head of the carved gollum. For a while it seemed to react.
Although it could not speak verbally, it would move and interact. Then after some time it began to crumble and fall apart.
Moonstone tried many other times from the materials he could carve from around Jotunheim.
From the great blacklace pines high up in the mountains he built a body, but after some time the Rephraxi crystal caused it to catch on fire.
Moonstone tried every possible form he could think of and even formed a body out of metal.
This metal body is number one. The form he placed the Rephraxi crystal into. This seems to be holding for now.
Moonstone continues his work to uncover this larger Rephraxi crystal. He discovered more deep within these mountains.
Large veins of it which has brought back to his own private workshop. He has begun to carve them into forms.
Moonstone can sense the energy within them, but they do not seem to have a consciousness like the first crystal he found. He has been studying many different ways to bring these to life.
He hears steps approach from behind him. It is his dwarven friend Fundin Blacklace, he is the great wise shaman of the high mountains and deep blacklace forest.
Fundin Blacklace says 'I see you have discovered a large vein of the Rephraxi crystal.'
Moonstone replies 'Aye, I have. This one here should provide me with two forms. I will almost be complete for my project.'
Fundin Blacklace says 'You know my friend, it is known among us dwarves. Those who delve deep into the mountains are really looking to discover what is deep within themselves.'
Moonstone says 'Maybe I am looking for that my friend, but this is the place I feel most at home. Among the mountains and the stones.'
Fundin Blacklace says 'As for your project with the gollum, you plan to make him a more sustainable body out of the Rephraxi crystals. They have already been studied and found to be unstable. As powerful as they are my friend, to bring them to life is not possible.'
Moonstone says 'I have searched for other alternatives and I believe I can find them. The answer is here within this mountain, like a missing piece of the puzzle.
All I have to do is uncover it. In the meantime, I shall keep creating forms. One day I shall find it and bring these Rephraxi crystal beings to life.'
Fundin Blacklace says 'Even though number one may seem to have a consciousness of its own, I feel no consciousness within these other crystals.
More it is an unknown power, a power that should not be tampered with in some ways.
Please my friend, delving deep within the mountain, even if you are searching for what is deep inside you... sometimes you may not like what you find.'
They hear a commotion behind them as if a cavern is falling in. Both of the dwarves take off running in the direction of the tunnels of the caverns.
Moonstone says 'Oh no, number one.' He rushes forward.
The body of number one, which is made out of mithril seems to have collapsed while it was mining. This caused a small cave in.
Moonstone walks up to the dismantled and crushed body of his number one. He removes the mechanical head.
Moonstone says 'Don't worry, we will get you back in a place soon. I will have Fogbeard bring up some of the black clay. I will form you a temporary body.'
Fundin Blacklace says 'This is only a small setback. As you know, we always learn from our greatest failures. I will send down some of the most trusted miner dwarves. They will help remove these large Rephraxi veins. I will have them bring them to your workshop.'
Moonstone says 'Thank you my friend. Until I can get number one a much sturdier body the help will be greatly appreciated.'
The two dwarves go up from the caverns and mines below. Fundin Blacklace kept his word and sent down the best miners to retrieve the large veins of Rephraxi crystals.
Inside Moonstone's workshop there are many large stone gems of all different types. But there in the middle are the forms of bodies he has been shaping from Rephraxi crystals.
Moonstone sets the mechanical mithril head down on the workbench. He takes some tools and opens the top of it. There he pulls out the Rephraxi crystal. The one with the consciousness.
As if it speaks to him, Moonstone replies 'Aye, I know my friend. But soon I will be able to bring you into a better form. One more stable to your kind. Look, you have seen what I have been making.'
He holds the Rephraxi crystal out in the direction of the others he has been carving into forms. The crystal lights up.
Moonstone says 'Aye, you do like them don't you? They will all be you, once I find a way.'
He hears a voice behind him. 'And you will find a way.' It is King Frostcag, he enters the room.
King Frostcag continues 'They are magnificent carvings. I have to admit. But I must ask you, why not why not too small and why not so large?'
Moonstone answers 'Jotunheim is all large and small. I wanted to have a race here that is in-between. That of the elements themselves as some of us are.'
King Frostcag scratches his beard. 'The elements are as much of the heart and blood of Jotunheim as the beings who dwell here themselves. Fogbeard informed me that you need some of the black clay.'
Moonstone replies 'Yes, I wish to form a temporary body for my friend here. Until I can find a way to complete the other ones and bring them forth to life.'
King Frostcag smiles 'You will find that way my friend and you shall bless Jotunheim with this race of beings. Now come, a banquet is being held in your cousin Flamebeard's honor.'
Moonstone says 'His great achievement of bringing forth the core fire so that the watch fires may burn always and burn within the high towers. No longer will we have to use wood to heat our furnaces. It is a great achievement. I am very proud of my cousin.'
King Frostcag says 'Come then, we await your presence.'
Moonstone says 'I will be with you shortly.'
He takes the Rephraxi crystal and places it in a chest lined with fine dwarven velvet.
Moonstone say 'Rest well my friend. Do not worry, I will get you up and moving around again soon.'
The Rephraxi crystal shines brightly and Moonstone leaves to join the others at the banquet.
The celebration at the banquet is in full swing. Dwarves, Jotunn, and so many have come. Even the Volwynn from the realm of Volheim are here.
Moonstone seems surprised by this. Such a special occassion with such distiguished guests. Is there more to this than just to acknowledge the triumphs of his cousin Flamebeard?
He wonders if the King has something else to announce. Something major that will change the Kingdom of Jotunheim forever.
Moonstone takes his place at the head table next to Flamebeard. Sitting next to them is the King and Queen of Jotunheim. On their opposite side sits Fogbeard the great engineer and architect and Greywillow the wisest of all dwarves.
The crowd falls silent as King Frostcag stands and raises his cup. Frostcag says 'We are here today in the Kingdom of Jotunheim to honor Flamebeard. He himself who brought the eternal flame from deep within Jotunheim itself to light our fires.
No longer will we have to timber our brother trees. No longer will their flesh feel our fires. Now Jotunheim is truly in balance with nature and the elements. Stand and be recognized Flamebeard.'
Flamebeard stands and the crowd gives him a standing ovation.
King Frostcag continues 'Now for entertainment.' He calls forth several jugglers and acrobats as the feast is served.
Moonstone says 'Quite an accomplishment cousin. You do us dwarves proud.' He raises his chalice and does a toast.
Flamebeard returns the gesture 'Aye, and to you cousin. Your great works on the gemstones and your understanding of them have also helped Jotunheim greatly.
It was the first firestone that was able to contain the eternal fire within it. Without that cousin I would not have any triumph today. Without you I would not be standing at the King's side and honored by all of Jotunheim.'
Moonstone says 'Then let us toast to our triumphs, but this day is yours cousin. I drink to you.'
They toast and guzzle down the dwarven ale. Moonstone looks around at the roaring fires. He is in awe of his cousin's achievement.
Moonstone says 'Aye, the eternal fires of Jotunheim will always burn.'
Flamebeard says 'Yes, much like the Waters of Life from the Eternal Sea.'
Moonstone becomes curious of this. Waters of Life? He knows of the Eternal Sea. He has heard the waters there are enchanted, but he has never heard of them referred to as the Waters of Life.
Moonstone says 'Tell me more of these Waters of Life.'
Flamebeard says 'It is said the waters from the Eternal Sea beyond the Great Mist can bring forth life and also take it. There is ancient magic within them.'
Moonstone asks 'Have any dwarves ever sailed upon the Eternal Sea?'
Flamebeard answers 'No, none have. In fact, not many beings from other realms have been to the Eternal Sea. It is said to connect somewhere, but none have ever discovered where it is.'
Moonstone signals to a dwarven servant to fill both their chalices. They toast again and drink.
Moonstone says 'Aye, to the discover the waters of the Eternal Sea. That is truly a great discovery cousin.'
King Frostcag stands again and raises his cup 'Today is truly a great day of celebration. Not only for the triumphs of Flamebeard and many others that have brought Jotunheim prosperity.
It is an honorable day for me as well. Great races, tribes, and houses of Jotunheim, honored guests from Volheim... my wife is with child.'
The crowd smiles at each other and many are speaking. It is a momentous event. A Jotunn captain stands and starts to applaud. Many stand with him. Flamebeard and Moonstone are delighted by this news.
King Frostcag motions for the crowd to quiet 'Thank you honored guests and great citizens. Let us drink to the prosperity of Jotunheim and to the new heir who will inherit my throne.' They all drink.
Fogbeard stands and raises his cup 'In honor of the King and Queen, I shall craft the finest crib.'
Flamebeard stands 'I shall provide the fires to forge this crib.'
Moonstone stands 'I shall encrust it with the most powerful and beautiful gemstones to protect your future heir while she is young.'
Greywillow stands and raises her cup 'I shall weave the finest cloth for her to sleep upon and bring her the blessing of the mother of the mountain.'
King Frostcag says 'I drink to you my dwarven friends and council. You bless me and my wife with so many gifts and that of wisdom. The Kingdom of Jotunheim shall prosper. Let us all drink now. To Jotunheim.'
The crowd responds 'To Jotunheim!' They drink and the celebration continues.
Moonstone is not one for celebrations or for spending time drinking, feasting, and conversating. He is more concerned with his work. He thinks of his friend number one.
He finishes his drink and takes a final bite of dwarven bread. Then he stands up and speaks to his cousin Flamebeard.
Moonstone says 'Excuse me cousin, I have much work to do. There was an accident today with my number one. I am hoping that Fogbeard brought forth the black clay. I wish to make him a new body.'
Flamebeard says 'It is hard for many gollums to remain in a form too long without accidents happening. Good luck to you cousin and I wish you well. Tell your number one that I hope he shall have a new form soon. And tell him to be more careful.'
Moonstone says 'Aye, that I will cousin.'
The King and Moonstone acknowledge each other with a nod.
As Moonstone goes back to his workshop he notices Fogbeard was prompt with his delivery of black clay. He looks across the room and notices the Rephraxi crystal shining bright.
Moonstone says 'Good evening to you my friend.'
He walks over to the black clay then rolls up his sleeves and takes a lump of it.
Moonstone speaks to the crystal 'Eh, I am not much one for celebrations. When you have your permanent body you will have a chance to experience them yourself.'
The Rephraxi crystal glows brightly.
Moonstone works to form a black clay body for his number one and then places the Rephraxi crystal inside the head.
He seals it shut and speaks and incantation. He takes water he gathered from the mother mountain and pours it upon the gollum form.
Number one slowly comes to life and opens his eyes. Although he cannot speak, he can move and stumbles a bit.
Moonstone says 'Careful now friend, rest easy. Do not overexert yourself. Tomorrow I need to go down to the mines again and collect stones. I plan to encrust the crib that Fogbeard builds. The King is expecting a child.'
The gollum nods and Moonstone goes to his favorite chair. He stares at his shelves of books and manuscripts. He pulls a book down and reads. It is a book about the Eternal Sea.
Moonstone falls asleep while reading. His friend number one moves around the room discovering how to grip and walk again.
The next day, Moonstone arises early and grabs his tools and gem bag. He takes his number one with him down deep into the mine.
There he chisels away at the stone collecting many beautiful gems that hold great power within them. These will help guard and protect the future heir of Jotunheim when she is within her crib.
Number one helps him with this task in searching for the best veins. He simply touches the wall. This helps Moonstone discover where the most precious gems and stones are.
When number one gets to a certain section he pauses and does not move. Moonstone notices this and comes up to him.
Moonstone asks 'What is it number one? What have you found?'
It seems his gollum is in a trance. Moonstone chips away at the rock. As he chips further in his chisel breaks.
Moonstone says 'What is this? Material strong enough to break my chisel?'
He notices the top of a strange object. Moonstone chisels around it and brushes off the dust. It is a black object with strange golden engravings, almost like a language.
Moonstone removes the strange object from the rock and holds it in his hand. He senses something about it, but cannot yet figure it out.
He looks at it for moment and says 'This one needs further examination.' Then he places it into the bag of gems.
When Moonstone and his gollum are finished for the day they head back to the workshop. Moonstone sets his tools aside and number one puts them all away.
Moonstone says 'Well, let's see what we got friend.'
He pours the gem bag onto the table. To his surprise, the gems have been crushed to dust. All of them, except for the strange black object.
Moonstone says 'Well, this is unusual.' He picks up the black object and starts to study it. He looks at it and senses into it.
Flashes come before his eyes with images he cannot understand and has never seen. He sees a place of darkness. There upon a hill are several beings.
Some of them on their knees. Another one standing as if watching over them. A black mutilated being with tentacles out of his back is holding a strange object.
He recovers from the flashes and finds himself on the floor. His number one standing over him looking down with worry.
Moonstone says 'I don't know what that is. There are secrets in this object that I wish to unlock. I must rest.'
He places the black object into a chest and locks it. As he sleeps he sees strange images in his dreams. They are images of the first judgement.
The next day, Moonstone arises and sends his number one to mine more gems from the mines below. He wishes to further study the object. It has entranced him. There is discovery to be made.
As Moonstone holds the object he rubs his fingers over the symbols. 'What secrets do you hide lass? Something deep within you.'
He cuts his finger on one of the symbols and a drop of his blood falls upon it. When this happens the object turns. It floats and changes shape.
Moonstone senses something and sees a rift open. 'What is this now?'
Out of curiosity, he stands and walks through the rift. He is in a place where he feels himself growing weaker.
This place looks like Jotunheim, but there is no snow or trees. The mountains are tall, but are only covered in what seems to be dark grey sand.
Moonstone looks around in surprise at this strange place. He notices figures and silhouettes by the hundreds approaching him.
As they get closer into view he realizes they are corpses of many different kinds.
Moonstone is in shock and feels a bit of fear. He does not know if he should move or flee. Then he hears someone speak to him.
The being says 'You have come seeking what you desire.'
Moonstone turns to see a mutilated being and others like him standing behind. A strange object floats next to the being.
Moonstone asks 'Who are you?'
The being replies 'We are the Myrrdonite. I am the Count of Pain. You are in the realm of the dead. The forgotten and wicked dead. My name is Duharguin. You have come seeking your deepest desires.'
Moonstone says 'If this is the place then yes, I have come seeking. Tell me, where can I find the answers to my deepest desires?'
Duharguin says 'You seek to bring that to life which cannot be brought to life. You seek the waters of the Eternal Sea. What will you be willing to give to it to take its waters?'
Moonstone replies 'I would be willing to give anything to obtain them if they can bring to life what I need them to. Is it true they can?'
Duharguin says 'That is true. That with what is within the piece. If you are willing to give anything, then you shall be granted what you seek.'
Moonstone says 'Tell me then, how do I get to the Eternal Sea?'
The Count of Pain starts to walk away along with the Myrrdonite. Duharguin turns his head over his shoulder and says 'I will come to you in your dreams and show you the way.'
Darkness surrounds Moonstone. When it dissipates he finds himself back in his chamber.
Moonstone turns to look at the piece. It is sitting gently on his desk, back in the original shape he had found it.
He picks the object up 'Thank you my friend. You have shown me the way.'
Number one returns with beautiful gems. Moonstone prepares them to be encrusted on the crib. It seems he is more skilled now.
Moonstone sets the piece on his work desk in front of him. The object empowers him. What took hours before only takes minutes.
He works tirelessly into the night and then falls asleep at his work bench.
In his dreams he is sailing upon the Eternal Sea. As he reaches into the waters to fill a small vial, he sees an image of a dead dwarf. He looks into the eyes of his best friend, Fundin Blacklace.
Moonstone is awakened from his dream by a shake on his shoulder. It is his number one. He notices that the arm of his gollum is broken off.
Out of anger Moonstone says 'Can't you be more careful with yourself? I cannot go around fixing you and making you more bodies. You need to be more careful!'
Number one moves back. This is shocking to him. Moonstone has never spoken such harsh angry words.
Fundin Blacklace arrives 'Everything okay my friend? I never heard you angry before.'
Moonstone looks over and something comes in his head as he sees his best friend. It is the vision. He knows now where the Eternal Sea will touch. He knows the realm.
With excitement Moonstone jumps up. 'I found it, I found the way to the Eternal Sea. I am going there now to gather the waters. It is what I need to finally bring number one to life and place him within the Rephraxi crystal bodies.'
Fundin Blacklace looks at him with a little bit of worry on his face. 'Then let me go with you my friend, the Eternal Sea can be dangerous.'
Moonstone is a bit hesitant, but decides to agree. 'Two of us sailing will be a lot easier. I welcome you along.'
He turns to his number one who seems to be saddened by the outburst of anger. Moonstone takes more of the black clay and forms an arm. He patches it back onto his number one.
Moonstone says 'I am sorry my friend. So much lately has weighed upon me. I did not mean to outburst on you as I did. This is good news of joy though, I will finally place you inside a form that will not shatter.
Then you will be able to walk freely through Jotunheim. I will bring the other forms to life and you won't be alone anymore. Stay here and watch over the chamber until I return.'
Moonstone and Fundin Blacklace leave the Kingdom of Jotunheim.
Fundin Blacklace asks 'Where are we going?'
Moonstone answers 'I have been given an ancient incantation within a dream. This shall take us to a distant realm. There the waters of the Eternal Sea touches the shores.'
He speaks the incantation and the portal opens. Both dwarves step through to a different place. There the wind blows heavily upon them.
Moonstone and Fundin Blacklace are almost blown away. Moonstone takes a gem from inside his robe and speaks an incantation. The gem forms a shield around them.
They wander down to the shore and see the water washing upon it. There is a powerful, beautiful, and enchanting energy.
Fundin Blacklace finds a piece of driftwood. He speaks an incantation and the drift wood forms into a small boat.
The dwarves both climb aboard and row out into the Eternal Sea until they come to the mist. There they row inside it.
The boat comes to a place of calm waters. Fundin Blacklace seems troubled. Moonstone brings out the vial. He has brought the piece with him as well.
Moonstone takes the piece out of the bag and looks at it for a moment then places it inside his robe. As he turns to gather water into the vial his friend speaks.
Fundin Blacklace says 'I have been thinking on our way here. I am not sure that this is the right idea. I am going to have to ask you if we should turn back now. I do not believe the eternal waters will do what you ask.'
Moonstone asks 'But why my friend? Why would you think this now?'
Fundin Blacklace replies 'Because dear friend, something is strange about these waters. We should go back before we gather any of it from here. We should find out more information my friend.'
Moonstone is shocked by this. He came all this way and is so close to completing what he set out so many years ago to do.
Moonstone places the vial in the middle of the boat and says 'I think you are wrong my friend. I think you are just afraid of what you don't understand. Maybe you are just afraid of discovery.'
Fundin Blacklace says 'Sometimes some things are not meant to be discovered and are meant to be left alone. I believe this is one of those things.' He reaches for the vial.
Moonstone is upset and can feel the piece speaking to him. 'Do not let him stop you. You are so close.'
This fills Moonstone with rage. He reaches forward and grabs his friend by the wrist. 'I am sorry my friend, but I cannot let you stop me now.'
Fundin Blacklace looks at him strangely 'What has come over you? The Moonstone that I know would sense that there is great danger within this. You are not yourself lately.'
Moonstone replies 'I know who I am. I know what I must do. Now give me the vial.'
Fundin Blacklace says 'I will not. I think you need time away from the project you have been working on.'
Moonstone gets angry 'I have wasted enough time.' He tries to take the vial from his friend's hand.
There is a struggle and Fundin Blacklace falls overboard into the waters of the Eternal Sea. He is treading water. He tries to climb back aboard the boat but cannot get up.
Moonstone gathers water into the vial from the other side of the boat and then places it into his robe.
He can hear Fundin Blacklace say 'If that is what you wish my friend. Help please though, pull me aboard. I feel myself sinking.'
Moonstone turns to his friend reaches over the side to help him. He grabs some of his robe and begins to lift him into the boat.
Then the object piece speaks into his mind 'He will try to stop you. He can go no further. Kill him and I will grant you what you desire.'
Fundin Blacklace grabs the arms of Moonstone and looks into his eyes. 'Thank you my friend, and I am sorry that it has come to this. Pull me aboard and we can go home now.'
Moonstone grins 'Oh yes, we'll be going home. But not you.'
He wraps his hands around Fundin Blacklace's neck and pushes him under the water. Moonstone holds him down as he struggles. He looks into his friend's eyes as the life flows out of them.
When Fundin Blacklace stops struggling Moonstone knows he is dead. He lets go as his friend sinks beneath the waves. He then rows away and returns to the shore.
There Moonstone speaks the incantation he heard in his dreams. A portal opens and he steps through. He has returned to Jotunheim and quickly rushes back to his workshop.
Moonstone says 'Number one, I have what we need. Number one?'
He looks around the room. There upon the floor is crumbled black clay. The crystal of his friend is there but is glowing strangely.
Moonstone rushes over to the Rephraxi crystal. He senses something within it as if it is speaking to him.
Moonstone says 'Oh no my friend, no no no. You cannot die my friend. We are so close to your life. I will not let you die.'
He then feels the object piece inside his robe speaking to him. Moonstone opens his robe and the piece floats out.
The piece says 'I can give you the power you desire, give me the waters. Place the crystal inside the body you created for it.'
Moonstone sets the vial of the eternal waters on his work bench. The piece floats next to it and strange energy flows. The water inside the vial glows.
The piece says 'Quickly now, the time is short. Place it inside the form. Your time is running out. It will die soon.'
Moonstone quickly takes the Rephraxi crystal and places it inside the body he has formed.
The piece says 'Take the water and pour it upon the form.'
Moonstone opens the vial and pours it upon the crystal body. 'Come to life my friend. Come forward, live among us now. I shall name you Fundin, after a dear friend who sacrificed himself so you may live.'
The Rephraxi crystal form begins to glow brightly. Its eyes open and bright light shines.
This is overwhelming to Moonstone. He places his arm over his eyes to protect himself from becoming blinded.
The mouth of the crystal being opens. The brightness settles down and all is silent.
Moonstone speaks 'Now tell me you live my friend. Speak to me Fundin. Tell me you live.'
As there is no reply, Moonstone drops to his knees. He turns to the floating object piece.
Moonstone asks 'What has happened? Why did he not come to life? Why can I not sense him anymore?'
The piece says 'You were too late.'
Moonstone stares at the body of the Rephrax giant and places his hand upon it. 'I am sorry my friend. I failed you.'
He feels himself become angry and looks around the room at the gem stones and everything else he has worked so hard on.
Moonstone outbursts in a rage. Smashing things and knocking gemstones down onto the floor. All the while the piece floats. When he has finished exerting himself he stands.
The piece says 'There is so much more I can have you discover, but this chapter of discovery for you here is over. Leave this place and I shall guide you to a new destiny.'
Moonstone takes the piece within his hand. 'And I shall follow you upon this new destiny.'
He looks at the form of the Rephrax crystal giant. 'Where I have failed here, I will succeed in other places.'
Moonstone holds the piece high and stares at it. 'Through your guidance I shall make new discoveries.'
He leaves the workshop chamber and seals it behind rock.
The chamber sits empty and silent. The Rephrax crystal giants stand motionless.
A light starts to shine in the form that Moonstone placed his number one inside and called Fundin. Slowly the Rephrax giant begins to glow.
Fundin says 'I am alive. I can feel myself.'
He turns to the forms of the other Rephrax crystal giants and stares at them as they remain motionless.
Fundin raises his hands 'Awaken my kinfolk, on this day we are born.'
Energy flows from Fundin's hands and into the forms. The other Rephrax crystal giants wake up and open their eyes.
Fundin walks around them. He then takes a book that has fallen to the floor. It is one of his favorite books. Moonstone has shown it to him.
As he opens the page he sees an illustration of a Pegasus. They have always fascinated him.
Fundin decides he shall take himself and his brothers to the realm of the Pegasus.
He closes the book and says 'Come now, we must go and find a home.'
Fundin speaks an incantation and a portal opens. The Rephrax crystal giants walk through it.
He looks around at the room he has become so familiar with. Fundin sees the crumbled clay of his former body.
He thinks of his master Moonstone. Fundin wonders what will become of him. The one who tried to bring him to life.
Fundin turns to the portal and looks through. A smile crosses his face. 'So much is ahead, so much to discover.' He steps through and the portal closes.
When we reached the end of this true self past vision we wanted to know more.
Why did number one have a consciousness? Why are Rephraxi crystals so powerful? Atherak went on a journey to find out.
Atherak sits inside the athranaak holding the memory probe of Fundin in his hands.
Xarsha asks 'Something troubling you master?'
Atherak says 'Unanswered questions Xarsha. Looking into Fundin's memories of his creation. I have questions behind it.'
Xarsha says 'You should seek out these questions master.'
Atherak says 'That I shall.'
He opens a rift to the great library. Great Father is freshening himself up.
Atherak says 'I see you have kept yourself quite busy today Father.'
Father is startled then puts on a more cheerful face 'Atherak, it is surprising to see you here. Have you come to check on Ashontrah?'
Atherak says 'Ashontrah is powerful in and of herself. She does not need me to check up on her. I have come seeking from you Father.'
Atherak holds out the memory probe. 'Tell me of these Rephraxi crystals. They are not of the origins of the existence in which the vessels of the Aspects currently inhabit. Where do they come from Father?'
Father's smile drops and there is a sad look upon his face. 'I cannot answer that for you Atherak. You would have to speak to Mother of this.'
Atherak says 'If Mother has the answers then I shall see her.' He opens a rift and steps through.
On the other side of the rift is a beautiful forest. Atherak wanders through the forest until he comes to a large tree with a door.
As Atherak approaches the door opens. He can hear Great Mother humming as she sits knitting in her favorite chair.
Mother says 'Atherak, I do not see you often and you come to pay me a visit. This is quite a surprise.'
Atherak says 'I don't get out much Mother. I have come with questions Father says you can answer.'
Mother says 'Well Atherak, if I can help you then I shall.'
Atherak asks 'Where do the Rephraxi crystals come from Mother?'
Great Mother has a sad look upon her face. She looks down into her lap and stops knitting.
Mother says 'From a long time ago Atherak. A time when you walked before the first judgement, I watched so many innocent and guilty die. You must understand.
Whether they be evil or good, wicked or kind, they are all my children. I care for all of you. Even though sometimes there are those who would bring cruelty, I would try to understand them. The Rephraxi crystals were the tears I cried during the first judgement.'
Atherak says 'And these tears have a conscious?'
Mother says 'That they do. Tell me, what has brought you here to ask me this?'
Atherak says 'Your tears you cried for those of the first judgement have found their way across existences to the one now currently inhabited by myself and the other Aspects. They have forms now. One of them by the name of Fundin is that of your tears Mother.'
A look of surprise crosses Great Mother's face. 'Fundin, from my tears?'
Atherak says 'That is him. He has brothers as well. Here is the memory probe, there is something you must see.'
Great Mother looks at Fundin's memory probe and she smiles. She lifts her head and says 'Thank you for this Atherak.'
Atherak says 'You are welcome.' A rift opens and Atherak leaves.
Great Mother watches the creation of Fundin and the Rephrax crystal giants. The tears she cried before in sadness have given birth to new life. Mother holds the memory probe as she smiles and hums a melody.
True Self Connection...