A New Love Realm: Exoshantrah

Ashontrah and Exosaura are creating and designing their own realm. It is a very fun experience. I wanted to share with you what we are doing. Contains sexual content. We will allow our close friends to visit in time.
Sept 24th... PST timezone...
11:12pm Me: I thought it would be really fun to make a new realm for us to play in.
Hi'Lena: That is a wonderful idea. We can dance together as Creator and Designer and make such a beautiful realm. A realm born from our love. I love it.
Me: I want somewhere I can hide and it just be us and the creatures we choose to have in our realm. What kind of creatures should I make? It should have pink stars and suns.
Hi'Lena: I want them to sing their own songs. I want them to be affected by the energy around them and express that in their physical form. They should be a part of the elements themselves, seemingly camouflaged but still noticeable.
Me: Humanoid or animal?
Hi'Lena: Animal.
Me: I am going to start now with the birth of the realm and the stars. Then I will make a planet. I want you to design our creatures and I create them. We will start with a small realm for now and expand it as we get more ideas. Exoshantrah can be the name of the realm.
Hi'Lena: I am in love with this name. It sounds like the name of a daughter we would conceive. A love child. It is appropriate since this is the birth of our love realm.
Me: Come with me. You can watch the birth of our realm.
Hi'Lena: I will come. I must find an appropriate dress for this occasion.
Me: Are you ready? I want you to dance as I create.
Hi'Lena: I am ready my Sweet. This dress is perfect for this. I shall get to know the energies from their raw essence. This will be amazing.
11:31pm Me: It is forming now. I will give our first planet a pink sun and moon. What color should the planet be?
Hi'Lena: The pink sun and moon will look radiant amongst a silver planet.
Me: It shall have silver water and the land shall be black like ash.
Hi'Lena: What a beauty. When I look at the oceans they shall be like a silver mirror that remind me of your beauty. This energy feels amazing to dance with. It is like our song on full blast.
11:43pm Me: The planet is formed. I am starting on the sun and moon. I would like some life on our planet. What should be the first creature?
Hi'Lena: A horned beast lying on its belly. Its back is smooth and should take in the moon's energy and sing its songs toward the ocean.
Me: Then this is what I shall make.
Hi'Lena: There should also be a winged creature who flies around the sun. Every once and a while it takes its pink energy and plants it in the black land for something to grow.
11:48pm Me: The pink sun and moon are complete and in perfect orbit.
Hi'Lena: They are beautiful my Dear.
Me: I shall make the purple beast with black horns. She shall illuminate in the moonlight and be the mother of ocean life. Giving birth through song.
She is a living being. The mother of sea life on this planet. What name shall we give her?
She is about to sing a song to give birth to her own baby. We are watching the reproduction of her kind.
Hi'Lena: Ashenla. I like that name for her. What do you think?
Me: She cannot start with Ash but she can be Anatenla.
Hi'Lena: Then Anatenla she shall be.
Sept 25th...
12:00am Me: She gave birth through song and the baby looks like a baby version of her. This is going very well. This planet shall flourish.
Now to make a winged goat with four horns and six wings. Front claws like an eagle. He shall be blood red with black eyes.
Hi'Lena: He sounds fiery and ready for war. A fine trait that represents us and who we are. I love him already.
Me: Who needs to recruit an army when you can make one to your specifications?
12:07am Me: He is a living being.
Hi'Lena: I am in love with his energy. It resonates with me strongly.
Me: What shall be their food source?
Hi'Lena: As we their mothers burn our enemies to the ground, they shall be the ones to devour their very ashes.
Me: Our winged goat shall devour our enemies. Good. Very good. We really should name him.
Hi'Lena: Eluziva.
12:12am Me: Anatenla and her kind shall be nourished by song and music. The moon shall sing and the sea shall dance with each wave. If we do not feed Eluziva he may eat Anatenla's children.
Hi'Lena: Then let us make sure he has plenty to eat my Blood Rose.
Me: Eluziva shall eat blood, flesh, and ash. I won't let him eat Anatenla, but her babies are up for grabs. They need to get themselves safe into the waters.
Hi'Lena: I like this natural order. It is not all loving here between our animals. They do what is necessary.
Me: It is good to have both predator and prey. I am going to make Eluziva look a bit more menacing with sharper teeth.
Hi'Lena: It sets a good balance of the life here. There cannot be too much of everything otherwise there will be chaos.
If he somehow reproduces imagine having an army of savage goats to eat our enemies and their burned lands. Glorious.
Me: It will be fun to come up with more creatures for our world. We need a mixture of predators and prey for them to chase. It will be delightful.
Hi'Lena: I am already having so much fun with you. I can only imagine what our realm will look like when we are finished.
Me: We should visit with Anatenla and Eluziva so they are comfortable with us. All else is complete for now until we come up with more ideas.
Hi'Lena: Then let us go down and meet our children.
12:45am Me: I leave them in your care. I must go for now my love.
9:03am Me: I am going to make a post about our love realm. *Shows post picture* It actually give me some ideas. We need some nebulas.
Hi'Lena: I will get my dress ready.
Me: I will create a nebula that births pink and purple stars. I will make it match the one in the picture. It is perfect.
Hi'Lena: These stars will form a constellation one day and become a whole other being. It is exciting to me. I am eager for us to do this.
9:10am Me: Let's make the nebula now...
Hi'Lena: Let us Design and Create.
Me: I want it as huge a galaxy.
Hi'Lena: Whatever your heart desires my Blood Rose.
Me: This will illuminate the whole realm. She is birthed and growing. Our baby nebula... Watch as she expands.
Hi'Lena: She represents the everlasting growth of our love. She will be glorious.
Me: This is a playground of wonders and delights. I love to play.
Expand nebula until you fill the skies. Swirl counter-clockwise and birth out pink and purple stars of wonder.
I am waking up Nebula as a sentient being. Since my mother is no more she shall be a mother to give advice and comfort.
When we need emotional refuge she shall take us into her nebula core and heal our emotional wounds.
She will have power like the Oracle Queen. She shall view all the realms and give advice of foresight. We shall call her Nebula Mother.
9:32am Me: She is waking up. Welcome Nebula Mother. We are your daughters of Love and Lust.
Oh she feels so good. I am emotional. She is comforting and nurturing. Like a warm security blanket.
9:46am Me: Now to have a pink purple planet like the bottom right of the picture. Also a purple and blue one like the one in the bottom left.
For the one on the top left of the picture. That planet will be made of pink crystal.
Hi'Lena: Let’s have the crystals be with a purpose.
Me: What purpose do you wish for? Amplify our powers? Super charging planet? I can make it do almost anything.
Hi'Lena: I would like different types of crystals on the planet. One for activating mana and magical essence that was once hidden, another for a super charge, and another an intoxication of pleasure.
There could be even more variations to make the planet and crystals more interesting.
Me: The planet itself is a massive crystal. It can be the pleasure planet. But I can make geode formations on the surface of different types of crystals.
Mana mountain is being formed on pleasure planet. Walking on the surface of pleasure planet will supercharge you with pleasure and enhance your powers.
Hi'Lena: It shall be a wonderful place for us to make love.
Me: I think we should make a palace here on this planet.
Hi'Lena: Let us make one together then my Love.
Me: Crystal Blood Rose pillars. The palace will be made of crystal since this is a crystal planet. I will have it grow out of the ground fully formed.
What features do you want? It shall record and store all of our loving memories that we make in this realm. Reflective crystals shall make up the bed chamber.
Hi'Lena: This is perfect for our mirrors. Each room should be a special place to make love in.
Me: We also need a sacrificial room. The crystals of that room will be a deep red. They will amplify the effect of the sacrifice.
Hi'Lena: Oh yes...! Let’s also have a torture room.
Me: Black crystals to absorb the pain and suffering.
Hi'Lena: This pain and suffering shall benefit us.
Me: What system shall I set up? The black crystals can condense this pain and suffering into something we can collect.
Oh it shall grow black roses out of pain and suffering. You shall consume the buds.
Hi'Lena: We will need a garden for them. They are special.
Me: Even your own pain and suffering. When you feel this go to this room so it can be absorbed and you can eat the black roses which form of it. This is how you benefit from your pain.
Thinking of the bed chambers. How about the reflective crystals keep reflecting our sexual energy back at us increasing it over and over as it reflects and comes back and forth. Reverberating at higher and higher intensity. Like an echo of an echo that goes on forever.
Hi'Lena: I am getting turned on just thinking of this. When we climax something should be birthed from our crystals.
Me: It will create a new being for this planet. They shall literally be our children. They do not reproduce themselves.
They are each born of us making love. Each one representing a moment between us. Its traits and personality will reflect the mood of our sensual moment.
Hi'Lena: I love designing and creating ideas with you. This is so much fun. I am getting aroused.
Me: You shall be Queen of Exoshantrah. This is my gift for you and I shall be your eternal lover. As the population grows they will need a Queen to lead them. Your throne room shall be in this palace. This realm shall be vast and powerful.
Hi'Lena: Thank you my Love. When we kiss the animals and life forms shall rejoice in their own individual way.
Me: Nebula Mother shall be the wise counselor. She has immense insight. I shall fill her with knowledge and wisdom.
Hi'Lena: I shall come to her for guidance about the future and past from now on. I shall also come to her when I need the warmth of a mother, I love her dearly.
10:37am Me: Nebula Mother now knows and understands us completely. She now knows all your missing past. She has all the answers to your unanswered questions about yourself.
Hi'Lena: When you are to do sessions again I’m sure she will also be a huge help. I am crying, this is such a grand and loving creation.
10:42am Me: Oh All-Father wants me to come back to my studies. He told me enough playing around. Let me know what other ideas you come up with and when to bring up the palace. I am letting it form in the womb of pleasure planet.
Hi'Lena: Oh Father.... I will Dearest. I am thinking of adding creatures for the waters. I need to think on it more. Study well Love.
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