Servant of Ashontrah

I do things differently than Asherah. You will find that I am not nearly as all-loving and compassionate as her. Yet I take care of my own. I take care of my friends.
I had had the dark elf girl, Yish, and Alakin Silverleaf brought back from the dead fully restored to the living and returned to Alfheim.
The dark elf girl, Eeaynna, and Moidaybe were kidnapped by minions of Ashoweah. They were with these new hunters that he created from my haters.
The dark elf girl was lured away and Moidaybe went to rescue her. That is how he got caught.
They wanted to find out why the Dark Elf girl was alive from the borderlands again.
Melkor is with the hunters. He speaks to Moidaybe...
Melkor: "I could kill you now but I would rather cut you piece by piece."
Then he turns to Eeaynna...
Melkor: "This is a prize catch. I am going to enjoy effing your brains out while King Lyindrinar watches through a crystal."
Eeaynna: "I will die first!" She spits at him and he strikes her.
Melkor: "All the better then."
The Melkor drags Moidaybe over and gets ready to cut his hands off.
Melkor: "This is the last trip you will ever take."
That is when Ashontrah sent her servant....
Melkor uses his valinorian steel sword to try and cut Moidaybe's hands off.
My servant intervened and grabbed the sword by the blade broke it.
Melkor stabbed my servant several times with a urthak blade and ran him through with it.
My servant pulled him closer bringing the blade further into him. Then he grabbed Melkor's skull and began to squeeze.
Melkor tried to use all his power to escape but could not. My servant tossed him aside and broke the urthak blade.
My servant called forth chains with barbed tips on the end that pierced into Melkor and held him in place.
Servant: "Go back to your master. Tell him this is courtesy of Ashontrah."
Then my servant threw Melkor back to Ashoweah.
Ashontrah: "Kill the hunters."
My servant kills all the hunters...
Moidaybe: "What is your name?"
Servant: "My name is not important. It is who I serve... I serve Ashontrah. Give me your hands Moidaybe. Know now that your deeds are being watched."
The dark elf girl was killed during the encounter.
Moidaybe: "I have failed her. She is dead again."
Servant: "I will take her where she will never die again. Remember that Ashontrah is always with you."
Moidaybe: "Ashontrah has come to our aid."
Eeanya: "It is like she is always watching us. Always able to see. As if she is always with us."
Moidabye: "Whoever this servant is. His power is beyond what I have seen. I must know more."
Moidaye's hands have new symbols on them.
Eeanya: "What did he do to your hands?"
Moidaybe: "I don't know. I can feel different energy running through me. I see places I have never seen before."
The symbols on his hands begin to glow.
Moidaybe: "I think of the palace of Alfheim." Suddenly they are there.
Eenaya: "What was that?"
Moidaybe looks down at his hands: "I still don't understand but I must find the answer. I am going to the library. Have Rovitomial meet me there."
My servant is with the dark elf girl...
Servant: "You will bring pain and suffering to those who harmed you."
My servant turns the dark elf girl into a Myrrdonite.
Xarsha: "This has never been done before. One like her has never been made."
Servant: "She is perfect in every way. A beautiful creation of pain and suffering. How do you feel?"
Girl: "I feel hurt by others."
Servant; "And what do you want to do?"
Girl: "I want to hurt them back."
Servant: "How about these ones? You can have your pick? You can have this one."
My servant gives her disgusting filthy souls in the borderlands as playthings.
Servant: "This is a human. Do you see him? Do you know what he liked to do? He had a lot of money. He liked to buy little girls and have his way with them."
Girl: "Do they always beg 'please'?"
Servant: "Most of the time. You see he believed his wealth could always protect him. He indulged in it.
When I found out about him I caused his fat heart to give out and then I claimed him. Do you want him for your plaything?"
Girl: "I hate him."
Servant: "Good. Let that hate become your pain and suffering. Let it afflict upon those who bring it. Do you want to?"
Girl: "Yes I do."
Servant: "Come. Take this." He gives her a blade.
Girl: "He is fat. Too fat." She is cutting his fat stomach off in pieces.
Servant: "A natural. Look at her go."
Xarsha: "She has skills."
Servant: "Where is that old cutter?"
My servant pulls the old cutter to him.
Servant: "I have no use for you anymore. Rottling him. I have a new cutter. One who has talent. My look what you have done my girl. What a beautiful creation you have made. Such skill."
Girl: "I want another."
Servant: "You will get something better than that. This here. You need the proper tools."
My servant gives the dark elf girl the cutter blades.
Servant: "Do you like these ones? They are yours."
Girl: "May I try them?"
Servant: "What do you think?"
Ashontrah: "Of course she can."
My servant brings forth Darka.
Servant: "He used to be a Myrrdonite. Then he was a fallen. When I discovered his other sick intentions. What he did you young Yazidi girls. He liked to cut them."
Girl: "I want to cut him."
Servant: "He is yours. They all are now yours my beautiful little artist. Enjoy. This place is now yours."
The dark elf girl now has her own cathedral of flesh.
Girl: "Can I still see Mevinah?"
Servant: "You can see him anytime you want."
Girl: "I want to protect Mevinah. I love him like a father."
Servant: "Create me some more art."
Ashontrah: "The dark elf girl is now known as cutter."
Xarsha: "I shall watch over her."
Servant: "That won't be needed. We have other needs for you Xarsha."
Xarsha: "How can I serve you?"
Servant: "Right now there is a mortal man that sits alone in a cell. He would not leave a young woman alone. He had his pleasure with her and killed her.
Punish him. Don't kill him yet. Drive him to the point he takes his own life. I have plans for him."
The mortal human man is laying in his prison cell. He got pushed out of his bed rack.
The rapist and murderer is a catholic. He is saying the Lord's Prayer. Xarsha appears before him. The man is screaming.
The prison guards rush into the cell at the jail facility. They were watching him on a camera. They are restraining him. He is fighting the guards. He is screaming: "There is something in here with me!"
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