Koshevago: Ancient Sun and Ancient Moon

I need to do a past vision on Doumarae. He has some information that I need. Something that is very much desired. I wonder if it could be a past romance of some sort. Whatever it is I know I will love it.
Aphrodite goes to Alfheim... Doumarae is meeting her at the tree. For Riley...
Me: "I would like to do a past reading about your love life."
Doumarae: "Yes please there is not much to tell in it but there are some exciting moments."
Me: "I am so excited. Let me hold your hands and look at your past."
Doumarae places his hands in Aphrodite's hands. She views the vision...
Me: "This was very interesting. Thank you for letting see this. This is ancient indeed."
Doumarae: "I told you it wasn't that eventful, but I am glad you enjoyed it."
Me: "I enjoyed it immensely." *Asherah winks and smiles*
I send out a call on my personal Facebook profile...
"Koshevago is the stone bringer. Gather the hens from the known plains. The rooster is set to crow at dawn. Hiccup. Speak to me of turning thunder while I set the world ablaze. Ashes fall down like rain upon the cattle of storms. Speak now and hold your tongue no more. Lashes strike immortal glory and eternal pain. Where is the speaker of the muted spell which is heard through every stone? Find the turning rain. Find him."
Start of Past vision...
This is a very long time ago shortly after the creation of the realms. There was a Great Stone Guardian named Eiexiah. Each of the Stone Guardians eyes were something different. One eye was the Ancient Sun and the other the Ancient Moon.
Koshevago stumbled upon this Great Stone Guardian by accident. Koshevago was a thief. He went around stealing certain relics, objects, and powers. He did this because it was in his nature.
This theif Koshevago had heard of these two gems placed within this Stone Guardian. No one who searched for him was ever able to find Eiexiah. Koshevago had found him purely by accident.
Koshevago came across a Morgaei which is one of Doumarae's kind. This Morgaei was known as Photannin. Koshevago followed Photannin around.
He would watch as Photannin reaches into a sack and always pulls out interesting beautiful gems. Because Koshevago was a master theif he was able to steal this sack from Photannin.
As Koshevago was going through the sack and pulling out gems he would gaze into them. He would see different realms and galaxies.
This fascinated Koshevago. He found a gem in there that half looked like sunlight and the other half looked like moonlight. As he gazed into the gem he was somehow able to activate it.
Photannin kept within the gems the information of places he had been. These acted as portals. Koshevago ended up activating this portal to a planet where there was both the moon and the sun in the sky. They constantly follow each other.
Koshevago could not figure out how to get back. He didn't even know where he was. He was on this place without any civilization. He wandered for a very long time yet always held on to the sack of gems.
While Koshevago was wandering on this world he stumbled across this stone statue. Once he uncovered the vegetation that had grown up on and around it he noticed that the eyes were orb gems. One looked like a moon and the other like a sun.
When he picked up these orb gems they began to glow brightly. He started getting flashes of all different kinds. It was so overwhelming to him that it knocked him back. He dropped the two orb gems.
Koshevago picks them back up one at a time and places them into the gem sack. When he does this the Great Stone Guardian awakens.
The Stone Guardian Eiexiah starts to chase after Koshevago. As he ran through the vegetation he was getting cut up by thorns. He doesn't notice that a small hole gets ripped in the gem sack. Gems are falling out as he runs. One here and there falling onto the ground.
By the time Koshevago notices the hole in the sack he feels around. Most of the other gems are gone but those two are still remaining inside. He sees one of the few last little gems fall out. He grabs it and when he does this he trips and falls. He rolls down a hill.
By the time he can get himself up and together the Great Stone Guardian Eiexiah is upon him. Eiexiah comes to strike him.
Koshevago tenses up getting ready to receive the blow. He has the last little gem in his right hand. It activates and sends him somewhere in the Nether.
He didn't even realize that this gem was a portal. Koshevago was carrying these gems around all this time and didn't realize they were portals. He would look at them but not realize what they were.
Vision flashes forward...
Koshevago is no longer in the Nether. He had traveled to Jotunheim. He is speaking to the Dwarves there. He brings them gems and certain rare objects like daggers.
Fogbeard is looking at the gems and says 'I have plenty of these. Show me something interesting.'
Koshevago says 'I have a gem that I have possessed for a while. This is a portal gem that can teleport the user to the Nether.'
Fogbeard looks at it and says 'To the Nether you say? And tell me why the hell anybody would want to go to the damn Nether? Portal gems are easy to come by anyway. Just find yourself a good Morgaei. They can make you one. Speaking of this gem it looks like Photannin's craftsmanship. How did you come by this?'
Koshevago says 'I found it.'
Fogbeard says 'Picking up another owner's gem who has put their energy into it is all bad news. Keep your gem. Hope that he don't come looking for it. The other stuff I will take.' The Dwarf Fogbeard buys some items.
Koshevago is in a Dwarven city. He has a place at a local tavern. He returns to his room. He is looking through the money he just got.
He opens a chest in his room. There are many different kinds of coins. He adds the payment from Fogbeard into the chest. This is an infinity chest. It can hold a lot. He looks down into the chest and sees the moon orb. He is curious about it and picks it up.
Koshevago says to himself 'I have never tried to sell these before. Maybe Fogbeard would be interested in these.'
He has the moon orb in his left hand. He reaches down and picks up the sun orb with his right hand. He starts getting a bunch of flashes that knock him back. He drops the gem orbs.
Koshevago picks them up one at a time to place them back. He picks up the sun orb first and puts it away in the chest. He takes the moon orb and places it in a sack and puts it under the mattress.
Koshevago says to himself 'I will sell this moon gem first. Best not to try and sell them at the same time. I wouldn't want old Fogbeard asking questions.'
If Fogbeard would come across something really powerful he would take it to Jotunn Queen. This would bring trouble to Koshevago because he is a theif. He has stolen from the Jotunn QUeen before. He has stolen from pretty much everyone.
The next day Koshevago takes the moon gem to Fogbeard...
Koshevago arrives to meet with Fogbeard but sees him in a crowd speaking with other Dwarves. Koshevago approaches the group and says 'A moment of your time Fogbeard.'
Fogbeard says 'A moment? A moment is going to cost you. Did you not hear? They are going to war. I will have many orders to fill for the Jotunn Queen. Weapons, armor, much more. So you had better have brought me something worth my time or get the fuck out of here.'
Koshevago says 'This will be worth all your time.' He brings out the moon gem.
Fogbeard takes the moon orb and looks at it. Fogbeard says 'I told you not to waste my fucking time with your trash.'
Fogbeard throws the moon gem and says 'Go steal me something worthy.'
Koshevago walks away to where the moon gem rolled.
He picks it up and says 'What am I going to do with this worthless trash? I guess it could just sit in the chest with the other one.'
Koshevago goes back to the tavern. The tavern maid says 'Hey, you have visitors upstairs.' He suddenly gets worried and feels cautious. He plays it off as 'Oh I was expecting them. Thank you.'
You see Koshevago had one thing that others don't have. He had a cloak that makes him completely undetectable. After so much time of wearing the cloak the energy of it had drained into him.
So Koshevago has this ability within him. He creeps up to where his room is and he peers inside. He sees Photannin and another one of the Morgaei kind. They are looking through the chest.
Photannin says 'All this wealth this little thief has been acquiring yet he does not know the power that is right under his nose. If he still possesses them. What have you found Doumarae?'
Doumarae pulls out the sun orb and says 'The Ancient Sun is still here. Unfortunately all the gems he stole from you are gone.'
Photannin says 'A great loss. It took me much time to gather all of them. Those are places I will have to revisit. But first, to finish this task.'
Doumarae says 'We have been looking for this Koshevago for some time now. We must find where he put the Ancient Moon. He does not know what power he possesses. If it were to fall into the wrong hands it could mean destruction for all of us.'
Photannin says 'Yes there are many who seek it.'
Doumarae says 'There are many who would pay well for this prize. The Scarlet Selene has sought this. As well as many other devious organizations. It is good that we have obtained the Ancient Sun before the Candelabra.'
Koshevago thinks to himself 'I have heard of the Candelabra. I could sell them what I have and tell them where the other one is. They would reward me with so much wealth I could retire and go far away and live like a King.'
He leans against the wall and thinks about this. He imagines himself living like a King with immense wealth. Without even thinking Koshevago says out loud 'Ahh wouldn't that be grand?'
Doumarae says 'Did you hear that?' He and Photannin start using their sensing abilities.
Photannin says 'My senses are not picking up any life forms.'
Doumarae says 'I heard a voice. There is someone here. They must posess an object that makes them undetectable to the senses.'
Koshevago thinks to himself 'Oh shit.' He gets up to move away but his cloak gets caught. He struggles to get it unstuck.
Doumarae says 'There is someone outside.'
Koshevago panics and runs and pulls out of the cloak. He takes off running outside of the tavern.
Doumarae touches the cloak and says 'Just as I suspected. Thisk cloaks allows the wearer to be undetected by the senses. Koshevago is near.'
Doumarae uses his power to scan the minds of everyone around. He still cannot detect Koshevago.
Photannin says 'The energy from the cloak must have worn into his essence. So he will even remain undetectible to us now.'
Doumarae says 'Yes but not unseen.' Doumarae is looking through all the Dwarves eyes. He can see Koshevago running through the market.
Doumarae says 'The market center. We must hurry.'
Koshevago is running and pushing by Dwarves. He pushes a Dwarf into another guard. The guard tumbles over and yells 'Hey you! Get back here!' The Dwarven guard blow their horn. It alerts the other guards.
These Dwarven guards chase after Koshevago. He is trying to get to the main rope elevator made wedges and stones. It is an elevator made with a pulley system.
Koshevago turns the corner and sees Doumarae standing in front of him.
Doumarae says 'Koshevago stop.'
Koshevago turns around to run the other way but sees Photannin.
Photannin says 'Give us back what you stole. We will not harm you. You do not understand the object you hold. It will bring you great danger.'
Koshevago says 'You will never take me.' He is looking for a way out.
Both Doumarae and Photannin try to control his mind. Koshevago gets sharp pains in his head.
Doumarae says 'The energy of the cloak combined with his essence has made him almost completely immune to our mind control.'
Koshevago sees his opportunity. He runs past Photannin and pushes him aside. He is running away.
As he turns the corner he sees Dwarven guard 'There he is! Get him!' Koshevago is now running from the Dwarves.
Koshevago notices irrigation water flowing out from the city. It is a canal with very fast moving water. He sees Doumarae and Photannin portal in front of him. The Dwarven Captain of the Guard says 'Shoot him down laddies!'
Doumarae says 'Unfortuantely we arrived too late to save him. Such are the ways of a theif. Live and die by chance.'
Photannin says 'It is no concern to us what path he chose. We will gather the Ancient Moon when he is dead.'
Koshevago turns and jumps into the canal and gets swept away by the current. The Dwarves are firing at him. He gets hit in the shoulder.
Doumarae asks the Captain of the Dwarven Guard 'WHere does this canal exit?'
The Captain says 'It travels through the mountain and exists out the far southern side into a lake. Why are you pursuing that man?'
Doumarae says 'He has stolen from us. Something of great value.'
Dwarven Guard says 'Aye, I saw him earlier speaking to Fogbeard. He had brought him an object but Fogbeard was not interested so he threw it.'
Photannin says 'I will go see this Fogbeard. Doumarae go to this lake that this canal exists into. Recover the Ancient Moon. The poor theif has probably drowned.'
Doumarae says 'If he has or hasn't I will find him.' They both leave to go separate directions.
Koshevago goes down the canal into the lake and washes up on shore. He is wounded and hurting in his shoulder. He hears rustling in the bushes in the nearby forest. He cannot really move. He is trying to look up.
Koshevago sees brush trolls. They are about 3 feet tall. They are coming out of the brush. He pulls out his little dagger and says 'Stay back!' The brush trolls jump on him. They start to drag Koshevago off into the forest.
The brush trolls bring Koshevago back to their little camp. It is not much of a camp. They have a camp fire. They sleep on piles of brush and branches.
Koshevago is laying face down in the dirt with these brush trolls sitting on top of him. They are taking off his boots and sniffing them. A brush troll eats his boots.
They pull off the sack and out falls the Ancient Moon gem. The trolls fight each other over it. One of the trolls gets the gem and places it inside his mouth. He swallows it. The other brush trolls jump on him and fight him for a bit. Then they lose interest. They figure he ate it already.
Koshevago tries to crawl away but the trolls go back to him. They drag him towards the fire. He turns over and is kicking at them. The trolls get angry at him. They hold him down and bite his legs off from the knees down.
A brush troll takes a log that is burning and cauterizes Koshevago's legs. The trolls roast his legs over the fire.
The brush troll that ate the Ancient Moon starts to feel sick. It is starting decay him. He vomits the Ancient Moon gem out and he falls over dead.
Koshevago is in shock and barely alive. As the trolls are fighting over his roasted lower legs he crawls and grabs the Ancient Moon. He crawls off into the brush.
Then Koshevago sees Doumarae arrive. All these trolls turn their attention towards Doumarae. They growl at him and rush at him.
Doumarae puts his hand forward and all the brush trolls instantly stop. They in suspended animation. Doumarae scans the area and says 'He is close.'
Doumarae walks to leave and looks at the brush trolls. He shakes his head and does something with his hand. The brush trolls then start attacking each other.
Koshevago is crawling away. Doumarae walks up on him. Koshevago rolls over onto his back and holds up the Ancient Moon. He says 'Take it but don't let me die here.'
Doumarae takes the Ancient Moon and levitates Koshevago into the air.
Photannin arrives and says 'You have the Ancient Moon I see.'
Doumarae says 'Yes, what shall be done now?'
Photannin says 'We must take the Ancient Sun and the Ancient Moon and place them where they will be safe until the time comes.'
Doumarae says 'When the time comes one must be chosen to hold them both. Do you have any idea who this being may be?'
If any other being tries to hold them both at the same time it drives them mad.
Photannin says 'When the time comes the Ancient Sun and Ancient Moon will choose who is meant to hold them. For now we must place them until that time comes. We will need a new guardian to watch over them.'
Doumarae says 'Koshevago you took so much from others in your existence. Now you will repay that. You will come with us.'
All three of them teleport. They go to this desert world full of black sand. There are only a few oasis locations. They place Koshevago down.
Both Doumarae and Photannin use the power of their minds. Koshevago rises up into the air with both hands out and palms up.
Photannin takes the Ancient Sun and says 'I place the Ancient Sun under your watch until the one it calls for comes to claim it.' He places it in Koshevago's right hand.
Doumarae takes the Ancient Moon and says 'I place the Ancient Moon under your watch until the one it calls for comes to claim it.' He places it in Koshevago's left hand.
Koshevago starts screaming and as he does this he turns to stone. Half of him is black and the half looks like sandstone. The energies in the orbs dim down.
Photannin says to Doumarae 'It is done. Until the time comes no others must know of this. Only you.'
Then Photannin places his hand where his hearts are and creates this gem. 'When the time comes this gem will return you here. You will know when it is time.'
Photannin gives the gem to Doumarae. As he does this he begins to wither away and he turns to dust.
Doumarae leaves this world and he floats out into the cosmos. He has the gem and is looking at it.
Doumarae says 'When the time comes. When you call to the one I will find you again. Until then travel the stars.'
Then Doumarae brings a comet to him. He throws the gem into the comet and it sticks to it. He watches the comet go off.
Doumarae says 'Safe journeys. Until we meet again.'
This gem is Photannin. This is what happens to their remains when a Morgaei dies.
The vision ends...
Me: "Do you know where Photannin travels now?"
Doumarae: "Yes I do."
Me: "Will this be difficult to acquire?"
Doumarae: "Not difficult just may be a little bit of a wait. Think of it like fishing. Have you ever fished for a comet?"
Me: "No. Is it possible?"
Doumarae: "Would you like to try?"
Me: "I will."
Asherah Aphrodite takes Doumarae's hand and he ports them out into space. They have a field around them.
Doumarae brings up a little glowing orb. He hands it to Asherah.
Doumarae: "Now cast that out there as far as you can."
Asherah Aphrodite takes it and throws it as hard as he can.
Me: "Now what?"
Doumarae: "Just watch."
We stand there and watch for a while. We see this blinking pulsating light.
Me: "Is that it?"
Doumarae: "Looks like we caught something. You may want to let me take it from here."
Me: "Okay. What should I do then?"
Doumarae: "You may want to back up."
Doumarae reaches out and acts like he is pulling a fishing line from where the blinking light is. We notice the light getting bigger and bigger really fast.
Doumarae takes out a little hook not much bigger than a fishing hook. It is on a shining black diamond string.
Doumarae: "I will be right back."
He puts the hook up as the comet passes by. It hooks him and drags him off.
Me: "Doumarae?" Asherah Aphrodite watches him shoot off with the comet.
Asherah calls his name three times. On the last time he appears behind her.
Doumarae: "Yes?" This startles Asherah.
Me: "Don't sneak up on me like that."
Doumarae: "Oh I am sorry." He pulls the gem out of his robe.
Doumarae: "It took me a time to dig it out, but here it is. Shall we return?"
Asherah Aphrodite and Doumarae return to Alfhiem.
Me: We have to wait for the Ancient Sun and Ancient Moon to call and choose someone. I have the gem required to travel there. We must find the turning rain.
You should have an intuitive guidance session before you get a past vision session. You can get both at the same time, but do not get this if you have never had an ig session and you are not on the waiting list for one.
Doing a True Self Past Vision session is really interesting. It is a completely different format than an IG session. It would be especially interesting to get the events right after the Urthak War and the rise of the Candelabra from different perspectives.
I do them for the same price as an ig session. They are really interesting. It gives you a history of your true self and what they experienced during that time period.
If you want one use the IG session link and put "TS Past Vision" in the notes. I really think this can help us piece together the history of the Candelabra.
For the session, I will ask your true self for memories that focus on certain time periods and events that we need more information about. I do not have time for other types of memories that do not help our cause.
Intuitive Guidance Sessions...
I will also be looking for memories related to Aphrodite. Asherah Aphrodite has lost so much of what happened. We will also look for interactions with the Candelabra.
If you are on the list for a past incarnation reading and want to switch it to a true self past vision session you can by donating the $20 difference.
True Self Past Vision Sessions are $110.
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