Ashuvalarmus System

September 26th 2018 by Hi'Léna Kitsune
This is a conversation I had with my wise Nebula Mother from Exhoshantrah about wielding magic on Midgard. This is a very important post.
Exo: I have been trying to have my incarnation learn magic on Midgard. Midgard is a very restrictive place. I know I can do this with her threads. I have been able to do many things with them, but it is difficult for some reason to move then when it comes to magic.... It is as if they do not wish to move.
NM: It is not impossible to wield magic on Midgard, but you must have a healthy body and a clear Ashuvalarmus system. You will need to write this down. This is going to go in your studies. Go to your library and get the Book of Exosaura and return here. There is much I need to teach you for your incarnation.
Exo: I will be back.
Ashontus: Ashuvalarmus system. What is this?
Exo: "I would assume it is a system that is related to mana and to directly use it. It is my first time hearing it."
Exosaura is going deep down stairs in her palace. She is heading to the inner vaults. She cannot go to her library to retrieve her book. It is too valuable. The fact that Nebula Mother asked her to put it in the Book of Exosaura means this will be priceless information.
Exo: So what is this Ashuvalarmus System? I have never heard of it before.
NM: This is the first time you have fully connected to an incarnation on Midgard isn’t it? It is best you know of this now. I should first begin to tell you that many who had access to magic on Midgard were very much connected to their spiritual. They took their time every day to connect with what was within them and not what was outside of themselves that were foreign from what they were. They connected to who they truly were daily and nightly.
Do you know why this is? Why it is important to be fully connected to your spiritual on Midgard to have magic and wield it?
Exo: Your powers come from your spiritual and are connected to them. I assume this Ashuvalarmus System is a direct link for that.
NM: You could call it a link. I would like to use the word ‘extension’ more so though. Or even a second stomach.
Exo: Excuse me...?
NM: Well, think of it this way. You as the spiritual choose to incarnate on Midgard. An extension of your powers is taken to Midgard. Once your physical is connected to you, they have the potential to use said powers, but this ‘second stomach’ that they have is so filled with junk, that the powers cannot be used. They must be digested, and cleaned out. Once the junk is cleaned out, the connection you have built can finally act and fill your system with the right amount of energy you need to weird magic or any other power you have in the physical.
Exo: What is this junk that fills the system?
NM: It’s not what you think it is. Often from what I have seen by the visions and your memories, people think it is emotional blockages, and although that can contribute to junk or lack of connection, it is not a direct problem. People in the spiritual deal with emotional blockages, but that does not mean their magic is blocked out forever. No, it comes often by not eating right, having too many spiritual blockages, or even vlahgos. Vlahgos is what many start off with.
Exo: What is vlahgos?
NM: Vlahgos is a yellow-greenish essence that naturally is in the Ashuvalarmus system at birth. It comes from Midgard and its environment. It’s not necessarily “normal”, but I suppose now in this modern age it is now considered normal for humans.
Exo: How do we get rid of it?
NM: Clean yourself out. There are various ways to do this. You are a creative lady of magic. I am sure you can figure this out. I want to see what you come up with on your own.
Exo: What do you recommend we eat?
NM: Something that wont poison you. *Nebula Mother laughs*. Drink tea. Tea is good. And drink water. Both are good for the Ashuvalarmus System.
Exo: And by poison you mean...?
NM: Something that is foreign to you and that your body naturally rejects. For humans, its the poisonous chemicals other humans put into food to harm each other. If you are a meat eater, eat meat. Hunt for it. Don’t go out of your way to eat veggies when your body will reject it. If you like fruits and nuts, eat those. Eat what is true to you. Stay away from what is foreign. For you, it will be sacrifices from living things.
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