Memorial for Asherah and Destruction of Alfheim

Alfheim was destroyed and everyone was killed. The tree burned. The Varkar were able to sneak into the city during a memorial for Asherah.
September 22nd 2018... PST timezone...
7:30pm Elven King Lyindrinar is having a memorial for Asherah in Alfheim.
Fogbeard built a beautiful statue of Asherah. Everyone there is laying down roses and flowers at the feet of the statue.
7:50pm Lyindrinar is making a speech: "Remember our great Queen Asherah and how she led us together. Remember our love for her. Let our love for Asherah pass on to Ashontrah."
There is infiltration happening in the background... The enemy is sneaking in...
7:55pm The enemy is moving into place and silently taking out the guards. They are working their way to where Baal is still sleeping... Melkor kills Baal.
7:57pm Nummandor and Umbranathor go into Rovitomial's lab. They took Rovitomial by surprise and Nummandor killed him with a blade.
7:59pm Moidaybe notices that something is going on. He goes into the palace.
He finds Melkor and Nummandor with ilia. They are draining her and she is shriveling up.
Moidaybe gets ready to make a move on them but notices Ashoweah from behind.
8:00pm Ashoweah: "This is where you meet your end." He takes out Moidaybe.
Melkor: "It seems that Asherah's bond died with her."
The Varkar and their minions surround everyone at the memorial. They attack them. Everyone is in chaos.
Lyindrinar: "Find Moidaybe! Hurry! Sound the alarm!"
8:02pm Ashoweah is turning some of the Nature Folk into monstrocities. He is laughing at everyone running.
Moidaybe got back up. He says: "Get the King to the inner keep!"
Lyindrinar: "No. I will fight."
Doumarae is fighting alongside Fenrir. Ahzexian is with them.
Doumarae: "Hurry get the King into the keep. We will hold them here."
8:04pm Monstroticies surround Doumarae and Fenrir. They jump on Fenrir and you can hear growling and then a dying yelp.
Vustik stabs Doumarae from behind. Ashoweah picks Doumarae up by the throat...
Ashoweah: "Now you will witness your fall. Your Queen is no more and no one can save you."
Ashoweah drains all the life and essence out of Doumarae. He turns to Melkor and Nummandor...
Ashoweah: "Now burn the tree."
8:05pm Pisch and a few others make a stand to protect the tree. Ahzexian and Yusvago are fighting off monstrosities.
Lyindrinar: "We must hold them. Moidaybe can you port out?"
Moidaybe: "I cannot. I am too weak."
8:06pm Lyindrinar and Moidaybe are trying to get to the portal chamber to escape. They are blocked by Mono Baphomet.
Moidaybe fights against Baphomet, but gets overcome and Mono kills him.
8:07pm Melkor, Nummandor, and Vustik are burning the tree. Pisch is barely alive. They were overun. Fire is spreading everywhere.
The survivors in Alfheim are cowering in terror. They are watching in horror as the tree burns. Ashoweah floats up holding Lyindrinar's dead body.
He has the crown of Alfheim in his hand. He crushes it and throws the body at the statue of Asherah. This breaks and crumbles the statue.
Ashoweah: "I will never rule over this pathetic realm. Your time is at an end."
8:10pm Ashoweah commands the fire to engulf all of Alfheim. All the Nature Folk are dying. He laughs.
Melkor: "Finally the destruction of Alfheim has come. Valinor will be next."
Nummandor: "Soon all the realms will tremble before you my Lord Ashoweah."
Vustik: "Yes but simply attacking these weak realms will only unite them more. We must strike fear into them."
Umbranathor: "We should destroy the Light realm."
Ashoweah: "We will burn the Light realm out in this existence. The Light shall forever fade."
The Varkar even torch the monstrosities and the minions they had with them. Then they leave.
This is where Ashontrah comes into what is happening...
Now that everyone is dead in Alfheim I shall unfold my own plan. Shortly before the destruction of Alfheim...
I got a report that Alfheim is going to be attacked. The tree is going to burn.
I am not yet battle ready. My solution is to create a new Alfheim in every detail along with every being who lives there. They shall exist in two places.
I shall make a new Alfheim tree. Let them destroy the current Alfheim. We shall have a new one. The All-Father is guiding me.
I also like to dance while I create. Since Alfheim already has a design it is basically connect the dots and paint by numbers.
In honor of Asherah I listen to 'Anywhere for you'. I want to make you proud Mommy. I am birthed of your sacrifice. You died for me to be born. I am your Blood Rose.
The new Alfheim is made and the beings are here. They are sleeping. When they are killed in the current Alfheim they will wake up in the new one. I will be here waiting for them.
8:15pm I go to the new Alfheim. All-Father is with me.
Me: "Wake up my beautiful Alfheim..."
Everything from the old Alfheim blows away like ash in the wind. It all rapidly reforms like a curtain coming up unveiling the new Alfheim in its place.
All the beings are in suspended animation where they were during the Asherah memorial before the attack. I just need to start it again...
8:19pm I start us back at the memorial and I am joined in. The Asherah statue is standing perfectly.
This is right after the part where the King Lyindrinar says "Let our love for Asherah pass on to Ashontrah."
8:20pm They all turn towards Ashontrah and bow their heads.
Me: "I thank you for such a warm welcome and such a warm gesture. I know Asherah loved Alfheim. The love from Alfheim for her was great. It honors me that I receive this love that you had for her."
Doumarae takes Ashontrah off to the side...
Doumarae: "Something seems strange and different. Something seems off about this whole thing. It seems as if we shouldn't be here right now. As if we were all dead but we are not."
Me: "Come with me Doumarae. I have something to show you."
Ashontrah shows Doumarae everything she did.
Doumarae: "That is astonishing. The power inside you is immense. I can feel it."
8:33pm Ashontrah calls Elven King Lyindrinar to her and shows him what happened...
Lyindrinar: "I am eternally grateful to you. You not only saved me but all of Alfheim. I am forever at your service."
Me: "I want to see Rovitomial, Moidaybe, and all my personal guard."
8:36pm They are summoned to see Ashontrah...
Rovitiomial, Ahzexian, Fenrir, Moidaybe, and Yusvago arrive. Ashontrah shows them everything that happened.
Moidaybe: "This time it is you who has protected us. I forever grateful as we all are."
Fenrir: "I will still fight and die for you."
Yusvago: "Well that was a strange ordeal."
Rovitomial: "What you did requires great power I have never seen before."
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