Lyindrinar Silverleaf King of Alfheim

I am already making changes since my birth as Ashontrah. A new ruler of Alfheim has been crowned.
September 15th... PST timezone...
I have been with the All-Father since I fully formed. He has been guiding me. I still look like a glowing pink shimmering light.
You can only see my feminine humanoid outline through it. I do not know what I look like under the brightness. Only the All Father has seen my appearance features.
8:08am My fist matter of business is to destroy the Candelabra statue of me. It is interfering with my physical progress...
It is in a place where the Candelabra used to meet. The statue looks like my previous self dressed as a Candelabra Queen. There is a chain around the ankle. It is made out of a dark grey stone.
8:11am I am seen by one of the Varkar's minions. He yells. 'There is a being here destroying our statue!'
8:12am Melkor arrives...
Melkor: "So you are Ashontrah."
Me: "Yes I am. This statue is no more."
Melkor: "What is it like to be the new Aphrodite? Do you think you are strong now?"
Me: "I am learning."
Melkor: "I am sure you are. You will catch on real quick."
8:14am Mono Baphomet arrives...
Mono: "Leave her be. Let her destroy this statue."
Me: "Thank you Baphomet."
8:15am Me: "The statue is destroyed. I have other matters to attend to."
Then I left...
I am with the All-Father...
I am no longer meant to be Queen of Alfheim.
Me: "What is the name of this existence?"
All-Father: "It is called Khanmnosarrahk."
6:42am Me: "I should make Lyindrinar the King of Alfheim?"
All-Father: "This needs to be done. You must let go of the throne of Alfheim. You are meant to be Queen of much more. Not only in this existence but in many."
9:00am I invite Lyindrinar and Raugunitar to meet with me...
Me: "Raugunitar I would like you to be Hand of Ashontrah."
Raugunitar: "I accept."
Me: "Lyrindinar I would like you to become King of Alfheim."
Lyindrinar: "Why do you choose me?"
Me: "Because you are meant to be King for this new cycle."
Lyindrinar: "If this is your wish then I accept."
Me: "I will make it official soon. I wanted to tell you both first."
Lyindinar: "This is surprising and yet wonderful news."
Me: "Raguinitar you shall be my hand for this existence."
Raugunitar: "I accept."
9:03am I do an Ashontrah bond with Rauguintar and Lyindrinar. They both glow brightly.
9:09am Me: "I have now formed my new bond with you both. I will come to Alfheim soon for the ceremony. I will see you soon."
9:13am I want the Elves gathered for my announcement.
9:56am Ashontrah goes to Alfheim... She stands in front of the throne. There is a big gathering of Elves and Nature Folk. They are signing together. Lyindrinar is wearing nice ceremonial armor. Tulkas is with him.
Lyindrinar approaches Astontrah at the throne...
9:59am "I am Ashontrah. I was born of the sacrifice of Queen Asherah. I am Aphrodite reborn.
A new cycle is set before us and many changes need to happen moving forward.
I have decided to step down as Queen of Alfheim. I give the throne to Lyindrinar Silverleaf. I place the Crown of Alfheim upon his head.
The All-Father told me I am to be Queen of Sarrah. Everything that is good and beautiful in our existence.
I choose to keep Raugunitar as Hand of Queen Ashontrah. I also keep Doumarae as my High Chancellor."
10:00am Ashontrah places the Crown of Alfheim on Lyindrinar...
Me: "All hail Lyindrinar Silverleaf King of Alfheim!"
Crowd: "All hail Lyindrinar Silverleaf King of Alfheim!"
10:01am Lyindrinar smiles at Ashontrah then takes his place on the throne.
The Alfheim celebration begins...
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