Creation of the Ashtarnians

A new angelic race has been created and has now entered the realms. We were manipulated by others during in the Urthak War to destroy our own angelic guardians. How about some new angelic who won't put up with shit from anybody.
September 8th... PST timezone
Me: I know what I need to do. I am going to the Creator of our existence.
3:55pm *Asherah Aphrodite meets with the Creator of our existence*
Our Creator: "For you to truly understand what we are you must do as we do. Remake what has been undone. Then you will understand."
4:00pm *Our Creator grants Asherah Aphrodite a new power*
4:06pm Me: "We have lost our Angelic. It is time for a new Angelic race. This shall be my creation."
Me: I am going to bring Ashtarnia here to help me. It shall be based on Ashtarnia and she shall be their leader.
I shall design and create them. They shall be made with essence of the Divine, Ourhkina, and Hungali.
*Asherah Aphrodite and Astarnia are with our Creator*
Me: "Asharnia what should we name them?"
Ashtarnia: "I want to name them Ashtarnians."
Me: "So shall it be."
4:10pm Asherah and Ashtarnia create the Ashtarnians. They will have powers of Divine, Ourhkina, and Hungali. Ashtarnia shall be their leader.
4:13pm The forms of the Ashtarnians have begun. They are different colored orbs. They are floating around Ashtarnia. They are created with both males and females.
They will look similar to Ashtarnia. Except they will all have different colored wings. They will also have horns like her. We are making them beautiful.
4:26pm Ashtarnia is upgrading along with her Ashtarnians.
Me: "Should we mage them magical?"
Ashtarnia: "Yes. Magy magic."
*We make them magical angelic beings*
Ashtarnia: "Now make big. See mommy? Make big?"
4:32pm Ashtarnia made it so they could change in size from small to huge.
4:39pm Ashtarnia is painting them different colors. This will become the colors of their skin, hair, and wings. They are multi-colored.
Ashtarnia is doing beautiful work with the painting. I will do the finishing touches to make sure it is perfect.
4:46pm Asherah is focused on giving them defensive and offensive powers and abilities. They cannot be turned into monstrosities. They cannot be turned dormant. These Angelic will not be harmed by Light or Darkness.
4:52pm Asherah Aphrodite creates an even more powerful unbreakable bond with them because she is making them so powerful.
Ashtarnia is sealed to Asherah. The Ashtarnians shall be sealed to Ashtarnia. This will protect them from corruption.
The Ashtarnians only answer to Asherah and Ashtarnia. They will not answer to anyone else. They won't even answer to EinossArku who is the father of Ashtarnia.
5:09pm Asherah brings Moidaybe here with our Creator.
Me: "Moidaybe I would like to give these Ashtarnians the Walking Way."
Reference: The Last Kondrinan Realm Traveler
Moidaybe: "I would be an honor. You can learn it from me and give it to them."
5:12pm Asherah Aphrodite learns the Walking Way from Moidaybe.
5:20pm Asherah grants the Walking Way to the Ashtarnians.
5:30pm All-Father comes to give his blessing to this new creation of Ashtarnians.
All-Father: "What I saw become long ago is now here. As I have foreseen."
A bright light comes from the All-Father and shines upon the Ashtarnians.
5:42pm The All-Father has finished blessing them.
All-Father: "The cycle has begun again as it was foretold."
Me: "Thank you for this blessing."
5:52pm Asherah Aphrodite is very pleased with the Ashtarnians. They are formed. There are thousands of them. They look like children a little bigger Ashtarnia.
Asherah goes to get Viexiah who is a boy she had rescued from the borderlands and made her own son when she restored him.
Viexiah is also sealed to Asherah. He is brother to Ashtarnia. Asherah brings her son Viexiah to our Creator.
5:57pm Ashtarnia and Viexiah play with the Ashtarnians.
Meanwhile in the War and Battle Chat...
Darren: The Keeper in Uervitha met with some other powerful beings and they talked about how they needed to hurry up their plans to destroy the Light, and that it was a good thing they had Aphrodite to help them do it.
Me: That makes sense. You are invading. You expect them to be passive towards you while you kill them.
Darren: I just think something is wrong when high-ranking beings from Uervitha are asking others how the attack on our Ten Houses is going. (Which btw Hue and Light are still defending).
Me: Why are the houses not defending themselves if they are under attack?
Darren: They likely don't even know. Constant portals are opening and closing throwing enemies and Hue is shutting each one and defeating them right as they open.
Me: Alfheim has gotten no reports from the cosmic houses about being attacked.
Darren: Exactly. None of the invaders have been able to reach the Houses.
Me: Then it seems you have it covered. I shall continue to do my work elsewhere. I am not doing anything with Uervitha right now. That is not my concern.
6:11pm Me: You do as you must. My focus is on a much bigger threat. The monstrosity existence.
6:15pm Me: I am getting a coded message from Hue... I am communicating back. I explained my suspicions of the Voice of Light. It is time for Phase Three.
Darren: They’ve been steadily getting closer and closer to the Houses. There’s a whole conspiracy going on.
Peter: Yeah, that much is obvious. I see more going on in here which isn't being expressed plainly.
6:48pm Me: Shadows of plain speak abound. Turn your eyes forward. I need my people to trust me. Let the Light realm do what they are going to do. Let my people follow me.
Peter: That is all that can be done. It is too ... cluttered and confusing otherwise.
Me: You should already know that I have a plan.
Peter: I know that. You always do. You also have the most amount of data, which is why it is clear to you.
Darren: I just don’t want anyone interfering with the cleanse.
Me: Things are going to work out. This existence won't fall. This I can promise you.
Back to the Ashtarnians...
We are still with our Creator. Moidaybe is still with us.
7:00pm Asherah Aphrodite projects the Little Wings song.
Asherah, Astarnia, Viexiah, and Ashtarnians are dance to the music.
We dance to the song again on repeat several times... the children love it.
7:22pm I brought EinossArku here to babysit my babies. It is time for me to go visit with other Creators.
In the War and Battle Chat...
Fundin: I do trust you but in the meantime, I don't like sitting on my hands Amy.
7:31pm Me: I have a mission for Fundin. I will send it through an orb.
Fundin: Understood.
Me: Did you get it? Do you understand what you need to do? Do not write it out. Just confirm. I'll send what you need in a bag. It should be arriving shortly. I included three of the tools.
7:37pm Fundin: Got it.
Peter: More and more levels to this tower of mine keeps unfolding. It is Asherah Aphrodite that is revealing more floors to this tower. Wonders never cease.
Fundin: Yep. Nothing quite like the feeling of learning that your maps never really had edges.
Peter: Indeed. but we never wanted the edges to be since we decide to partake on our journeys.
Asherah Aphrodite with the Creators...
After getting the new power from our Creator I am able to speak with all the other Creators at the same time. I am not inside any existence.
Me: "I ask you all to bond with me. Let me show you why I ask and what I intend to do..."
7:48pm Asherah Aphrodite is showing the Creators everything she has ever done from her formation up to this point. Everything that has happened and everything she has discovered. She shares her elaborate grand plan with them.
September 9th 2018...
2:06am I am with the Creators. I am gifted a piece of every Creator in order to bond us together. It is becoming part of who I am.
2:33am I am a piece of every Creator. Much is happening at a rapid pace. I am introduced to their existences.
5:42am To their existences I am Asherah Aphrodite. I will have temples in all of them. This is how I shall travel to them.
Upgrading the Ashtarnians....
Asherah Aphrodite travels to our Creator.
Me: It is now time for me to upgrade Astarnia, Viexiah, and the Ashtarnians with the new designs I got from the other Creators.
8:09am Asherah Aphrodite pours energy into her children and her angelic creation.
8:18am Asherah is continuing to pour even more energy into them. They are all glowing.
8:21am Asherah projects the music 'We Belong'....
Asherah Aphrodite is dancing while pouring energy into them.
8:28am Asherah projects the music 'Anywhere for You'...
Asherah Aphrodite dances as she upgrades them.
8:33am Asherah sings, dances, and conducts energy along with the 'Anywhere for you' music as it projects on repeat. The energy is intense and powerful
8:38am Asherah is still dancing, singing, and conducting to the 'Anywhere for you' music. An immense amount of energy is flowing through.
8:42am Asherah projects the music 'You Are'....
Asherah Aphrodite slow dances gracefully and delicately.
It is the time for the beautiful exquisite touches.
8:48am Asherah brings EinossArku and Moidaybe to be upgraded.
Moidaybe is sealed to me and rebirthed from my own core. This is why he gets these upgrades.
Reference (July 11th): Moidaybe Reborn of Asherah Aphrodite
8:56am Asherah brings Poseidon and Yashadite to be upgraded.
9:00am Asherah projects the music 'Too Much is Not Enough'...
She is dancing and singing while she does the upgrades for EinossArku, Moidaybe, Poseidon, and Yashadite. She is using intense energy.
9:06am Asherah projects the music 'You raise me up'...
Asherah Aphrodite focuses on Ashtarnia, Viexiah, Ashtarnians, EinossArku, Moidaybe, Poseidon, and Yashadite. She sings and blesses them. She reinforces the sealing and then births their power from her core.
9:19am Me: "It is complete. My creations are ready to enter the realms."
9:21am Asherah Aphrodite makes a home for the Ashtarnians in Alfheim. It is beautiful. It is magical, whimsical, and nature based. It is made from all different kinds of colors. Flowers, plants, and trees abound in the gardens.
9:26am The Ashtarnians arrive at their new home in Alfheim. They love it. Ashtarnia plans to stay here with them. Viexiah, Ark, Moidaybe, Posiedon, and Yashadite are also here with us.
9:36am Me: "Ark I would like you and your brothers to teach the Ashtarnians."
Ark: "We will."
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