Ilia Chained in a Lake: Coming Forth of Ashoweah

This was a very powerful and interesting true self past vision. When we had first found ilia chained at the bottom of a lake when we first did her intuitive guidance session we had no idea how deeply involved she was in this. Everything connects together. For Hylia...
This includes the coming forth of Ashoweah the first time the Candelabra brought him here as Master. He has now recently had a second coming from the Vosmos since Mono Baphomet gained the Ancient Darkness.
*Asherah Aphrodite calls ilia into her war room to do a past vision*
Me: "I need to see what happened when you got chained in the lake."
ilia: "I can tell you about it."
Me: "Give me your hands and let me see it."
ilia puts her hands into Asherah Aphrodite's hands.
Me: "This is more than I expected. You lover was Candelabra. Thank you ilia. This is what I needed. Speak of this to no one."
ilia: "I understand."
Vision begins...
This takes place right after the Urthak War. Aphrodite was already imprisoned. We see ilia. She is waiting on somewhere near a lake. She is pacing back and forth. It seems like she is worried about being discovered. A male arrives to have a secret rendezvous.
ilia says 'My love you have come. I was worried we would be discovered.'
This male being is a Candelabra named Veris.
Veris says 'I have taken all precautions to keep our love from being discovered by my fellow Candelabra. I have discovered something that we have been searching for a long time.'
ilia asks 'What is this discovery you have made?' Veris says 'The Master who will come forth into the realms to rule them, to guide them. He will be the one above all.'
ilia asks 'Who is this Master and where does he come from?
Veris says 'He is known by Ashoweah. He is the Master. The one of Myth and Legend. Some say he was once Divine. Some say he came from the Vosmos where he was created. That is where he exists now.
Some believe that he would come from the Vosmos to rule over all the realms. Some believe that he would bring great power to those who served him. Other believe that he was the undoing of everything and complete destruction.
He has orchestrated the rise of the Candelabra so we may restore balance to the realms. I have found a way to bring him here from the Vosmos, but I would need your help.'
ilia says 'Anything I can do for you my love.'
Veris says 'You must fetch for me water from Aphrodite's garden.'
ilia says 'I could not do that. For Aphrodite would be enraged.'
Veris says 'The garden you think of is not the true Aphrodite's garden for she is not the true Aphrodite.'
ilia is surprised and says 'How can that be possible?'
Veris says 'Because the true Aphrodite slumbers and we await to awaken her. That is why the Master must arrive. She is destined for him. And you my love can be part of that.'
ilia says 'I truly wish to help you in any way I can. What is it I must do?'
Veris says 'You must go to true Aphrodite's ancient garden. There you must take from the sacred waters. That we can use to restore and bring the Master here from the Vosmos.'
ilia asks 'Why must I go? Zeus and the others who are in disagreement of the Candelabra would stop me.'
Veris says 'They would never suspect you.'
ilia says 'Zeus is not one to trifle with, but because of my love for you I will help you in any way I can.'
Veris says 'Then go.' ilia asks 'How do I find this place?'
Veris says 'I have obtained this one-use portal.'
He had stolen this from Aphrodite's ancient temple.
Veris says 'True Aphrodite has guided me to this. This will take you to her garden. You must go there. Gather the water and meet me back here as soon as you can.'
ilia says 'I will go and retrieve this water.'
Veris gives ilia a pink gemstone. He kisses her and says 'Be careful my love. For many are watching. You must hurry.'
ilia says 'I will return as soon as I can with these sacred waters.'
Then ilia uses the pink gemstone to open the portal. She goes through it and enters Aphrodite's garden. Everything in the garden is dead.
ilia goes to the sacred waters which are like being next to a dead sea.
ilia thinks to herself 'How could these waters bring life? They seem so decayed and forgotten.'
As ilia leans down toward the water she sees the image of Aphrodite inside mouthing 'Help me.'
ilia is amazed and says 'I will help you Aphrodite, I know that you are waiting to be awoken at the arrival of this Master.'
Aphrodite shakes her head in disagreement but ilia does not understand. ilia takes a vial and dips it in the water.
As she tries to remove it Aphrodite's hands grab her. She is struggling back and forth. She can Aphrodite flashing between darkness and normal. This startles ilia.
ilia finally struggle enough to pull her and the vial of waters free. Aphrodite's image in the water fades away.
ilia is shocked. There was something about the encounter that is leaving questions in her mind. She wonders to herself 'Is this the right thing?'
Before she fully steps back through the portal she can hear Aphrodite weeping.
After she goes through the portal she returns and sees Veris standing waiting for her.
Veris says 'My love, you have returned.'
ilia says 'Yes, and I have the sacred waters.'
Veris is very happy. He grabs ilia and lifts her up and twirls her around.
He says 'My darling you achieved what I have always dreamed. My Lord will be very pleased.'
ilia asks 'Your Lord? You mean Ashoweah?'
Veris laughs and says 'No, my other Lord.'
ilia says 'You have never spoken to me of this other Lord.'
Veris becomes stern and says 'It wasn't meant for you to know.'
ilia feels distraught about his words toward her.
She says 'You have never spoken to me that way before. I sense something in you. Something I feel you are trying to keep hidden from me. I had an experience when I gathered this water. I saw Aphrodite in a reflection. She tried to stop me from taking this water.'
Veris says 'That is the false Aphrodite. You did well.'
ilia says 'Somehow I do not believe that it was.'
Veris says 'This is because you are simple. You are a simple being. There are many things in the realms that you do not yet understand. Ancient magic and power of trickery. It can infest your mind and make you believe things that can lead to your own self-destruction. Come and you will see for yourself...'
Veris takes ilia to the Void...
ilia asks 'What are we doing here?'
Veris says 'You are here to witness the glorious return of our Master.'
ilia sees the other Candelabra. Mono, Vustik, Nummandor, Melkor, Ahmo, Ahnameo, and more.
She recognizes these beings and knows who they are.
Mono approaches ilia and Veris. Mono says 'Has your fling obtained what I sent you for?'
Veris says 'I have obtained the sacred waters from her garden.'
Mono laughs and says 'If that is the way you choose to perceive it.'
He knows ilia got it instead of Veris.
Mono says 'You think we didn't know about your secret love here? You are blind, but yet you have achieved what we have asked. The waters.'
Veris hands the waters over to Mono Baphomet. ilia sees a being that looks like a pregnant Arcturian. She is laying on a sacrificial table.
ilia whispers softly to Veris 'Oh this feels wrong.' Melkor notices this.
They bring forth a Void Crystal with Aphrodite trapped inside.
Mono says 'Now the ritual can begin.'
Nummandor brings forth relics and essence of others they imprisoned.
He goes up to the crystal and touches it with his finger. Like a needle it goes through and pricks Aphrodite for a single drop of blood. This he mixes into the vial of water. He pours the energy of the relics into it.
Mono Baphomet goes over to the pregnant Arcturian. He gives her a sip from the vial. She starts to convulse and react to it.
Mono says to Nummandor 'Sacred blade. Quickly...'
Mono uses the blade to cut the pregnant Arcturian open in the belly. The Arcturian female dies.
He pulls a male child and holds him up and says 'The Master has returned.' They all bow.
Mono says 'Now for the final sealing.' He looks for the vial but doesn't see it.
Mono asks 'Where is the vial?' ilia has it behind her back.
Melkor says 'Give us the vial foolish girl or the things that I will do to you. Your suffering will become legend.'
They are all telling ilia to give them the vial. She smashes it on the ground. Mono yells in anger 'No!' He grabs her by the throat and picks her up.
Veris pleads with Mono and says 'Do not harm her.'
Mono says 'I will break her little neck.'
Veris says 'I will retrieve more water.'
Mono says 'How? That was the only way to her garden. You are a fool. Step aside.'
Veris says 'I will not.'
Mono says 'You dare challenge me? What is your choice? Do you choose this girl over the Candelabra? Do you serve her or do you serve the Master?'
Veris says 'I serve the Master.'
Mono says 'Good. Then kill her.'
ilia says 'My love. No.'
Veris says 'I am sorry. Forgive me.'
He ports her the lake and chains her at the bottom.
Mono asks 'What have you done?'
Veris says 'I chose and I chose well. Love.'
Mono says 'So be it.' He runs Veris through with his spear and kills him.
The next thing ilia remembers is Asteria breaking her out of the chains.
This was her previous intuitive guidance session from November 2017...
Hylia: I'm.. sort of in shock, but I knew.. I knew that there was a great deal that I wanted to show to Aphrodite.
It was frequently on my mind to where I wished to mention that fact, but I always hesitated because of everything else going on.
I never wanted to betray Aphrodite, I thought that I was helping, every step of the way until the moment that I arrived in the garden.
All I could do in the end was try to stop what was happening, everything was changing around me after the Urthak War and I wanted it to be right again.
Everything was so terribly out of balance everywhere and having a solution given to me. Perhaps I was blinded by my feelings for my love, he was so kind to me, and I trusted him completely.
Peter: So many of us were betrayed, believing we were doing the right thing. What was interesting was Veris's choice in the end of that TSPV.
Me: His love saved you in the end Hylia.
Hylia: *nods* It did.. and it has allowed me to be here and to help to make things right. You are free now, and you have done so much. My love did change but he also saved me. He hadn't stopped loving me. Knowing that means a great deal to me.
Peter: And thus another example of Love does work in mysterious ways to even a member of the Candelabra.
Gandolin: Veris was admirable. I am glad he followed his heart.
You should have an intuitive guidance session before you get a past vision session. You can get both at the same time, but do not get this if you have never had an ig session and you are not on the waiting list for one.
Doing a True Self Past Vision session is really interesting. It is a completely different format than an IG session. It would be especially interesting to get the events right after the Urthak War and the rise of the Candelabra from different perspectives.
I do them for the same price as an ig session. They are really interesting. It gives you a history of your true self and what they experienced during that time period.
If you want one use the IG session link and put "TS Past Vision" in the notes. I really think this can help us piece together the history of the Candelabra.
For the session, I will ask your true self for memories that focus on certain time periods and events that we need more information about. I do not have time for other types of memories that do not help our cause.
Intuitive Guidance Sessions...
I will also be looking for memories related to Aphrodite. Asherah Aphrodite has lost so much of what happened. We will also look for interactions with the Candelabra.
If you are on the list for a past incarnation reading and want to switch it to a true self past vision session you can by donating the $20 difference.
True Self Past Vision Sessions are $110.
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