Book of Kyiross Part Two: Karienyata Existence

This is beyond what I thought it would become. It goes far deeper than I anticipated. This is a must read for everyone.
This is a continuation of my previous post. Book of Kyiross Part One: Uervitha Existence...
September 8th... PST timezone...
Ark: "Moidaybe go to this page... Kyiross keeps going back there to the existence that got destroyed."
The book says: "Oh my lonely existence. Oh this place of love where I felt so embraced. So welcomed. You are all that is left." It shows him holding a pink orb.
Book continues: "You are all that is left. Like these memoirs. You are my only friend. A reminder of all the friends I once had. I am not alone here. They have devoured everything and still I hear their roars and screams throughout this existence. They look for you my little friend but I will not let them find you."
Ark: "So Kyiross keeps going back there."
Moidaybe: "Kyiross is following a pattern."
2:47pm Ark: "We got to get the jump to that existence. Can you get us there Moidabye?"
Moidaybe: "This is something my kind has not tried before. Kyiross was the only one. I will figure it out and I will get Queen Asherah to this existence. It is all part of your plan isn't it?"
Ark: "Yes it is. We can take Asherah Aphrodite there and she can re-create that existence. That pink orb is what is left of that Creator. We have to get him to jump there."
Moidaybe closes the book: "I will get us there. The answer is in this book."
Moidaybe: "How could Ashoweah influence Hue if Ashoweah cannot get into the Light realm?"
There must be someone on the inside doing it for him.
3:07pm Asherah Aphrodite goes to Goyanna to get secret passage into Uervitha. I want to go there unseen.
3:23pm Moidaybe: "I got his next location. We are not the only ones. We need to go. Ashoweah knows."
Ark: Asherah you keep doing what you are doing. Moidaybe and I will push him onto the next jump.
3:24pm Ark and Moidaybe are in Valinor.
Ark: "I am taking it that this is the cave up there. Let's check it out."
Ark: We are at the cave and I don't see him. Shit we are not alone. We are getting attacked by a bunch of other beings. It is the Scarlet Selene.
Black energy is all around Ark and Moidaybe. They have Kyiross. They are opening a portal.
Moidaybe opens a portal beneath the Scarlet Selene being who was taking Kyiross. She fell through. Kyiross is getting free from his bond.
Scarlet Selene Leader: "Do not let the captive get away. Kill the others while they are restrained."
Ark: Shit they have Orthac blades. Where did they get those?
Moidaybe: "The kind that kill us. Can you break free?"
They shot more darkness around his hands. Something just cut them free.
Some female Light being helped Ark and Moidaybe.
3:28pm Kyiross is porting away. He is gone. The Scarlet Selene are escaping.
Ark: "I know you. You are that Light being on Uervitha that got away."
Light being: "I mean you no harm. My name is Kenshee. I am a Captain to the Light King and Queen. I was. Now I am a deserter. I have been following you.
In fact, my incarnation has been paying attention for quite some time. I think I can help you. I am also on your intuitive guidance session list. I can help if you wish to add me in."
Moidaybe: "What can you help us with? If you are a deserter from Hue she will come looking for you."
Kenshee: "Hue will deal with me in time. But this right now is much more important."
Ark: "What made you desert?"
Kenshee: "I have my reasons to believe my King is influenced."
Ark: "What gives you these reasons?"
Kenshee: "I do not trust the Voice of Light."
Me: When I wrote the Enemy is Me post I kept going back to feeling that the Voice of Light was somehow connected with Mono.
***Flashback to June 4th...
Me: I sense Mono is somehow connected with a false Voice of Light. They have been planning this for thousands of years at a rapid pace. Growing in immense power. Then they let Poseidon and I free at the right time for us to reclaim all their powers so they could take them.
Hi'Lena: And I thought Vex was 10 steps ahead... This guy is a thousand steps ahead of us.
Maxime: I must admit the idea was genius.. A false voice of the light! He has taken over the cosmos... unbelievable. What a plan he created.
Me: I doubt Darren would believe me. It could cause more issues. So don't mention it to anyone about an impostor Voice of Light. My hands are tied on the matter.***
Back to the session...
Me: Hue now knows how I feel about a false Voice of Light from our recent conversations through the orb. I told her all my suspicions.
Kenshee: "I brought my suspicions to my superiors but they quickly dismissed it. The one you are chasing I am also chasing. I tried to explain to my superiors that an Outside being came into our realm and left something."
Me: There was a time when Darren could not connect with Hue and I was telling him that I sensed an invader in the Light realm. He did not listen to me. He said it was impossible.
Kenshee: "That invader is the same one that we are following. Kyiross brought it to the Light Realm. Whatever this was. I tried to go back but something kept bothering me.
I returned to the Light realm as wounded. From there I kept having nightmares of my glorious King changing. Hue becoming something else. Something much more sinister. So I deserted."
Moidaybe: "This is good information but we are not going to just you take this Kyiross back to Hue. You can be of no assistance to us."
Kenshee: "Even if I could tell you where he is going next?"
3:35pm Ark: "We will work out the details in the end. For now, welcome aboard. He is going to a world we know very well. It is Queen Valstanarra's world."
Ark: The Light Being Kenshee knows where Kyiross is going to be next. She is willing to help us.
September 10th...
2:22am Me: "Since Ashoweah has been in his physical I usurped his monstrosity existence. They will no longer be a threat to us."
3:00pm Kenshee has been waiting with us in Alfheim for Kyiross to move again. We had to back off because he kept jumping.
Kenshee looks like a humanoid light being. She has platinum blonde hair, an athletic figure, and really light blue eyes.
Me: "Would you like a bond with me?"
Kenshee: "I need to see where I stand at this time. I mean no disrespect. I just need to see where I stand.
Right now I am a deserter. The Light realm is my home. I do not want to anger Hue any further. I know her wrath."
Me: "That is understandable."
4:15pm I posted *Pink Thread and Physical Vulnerabilities*
I get messages directly through my energy. It is similar to how I hear prayers...
5:22pm Message from Ashoweah: "You expose your weaknesses too lightly. All of this will be mine like you. You think you have all the answers but you do not know me yet fully. You will find out how powerful I am."
5:24pm Message from Kyiross: "Don't come looking for me. Stay away. There are things you don't understand about Ashoweah."
5:28pm Message from Kyiross: "You do not know what you are getting yourself into. You need to stay away. I won't help you. I just want to be left alone."
5:31pm Message from Ashoweah: "My little flower how little you know. You will find out soon. I will show you how truly powerful I am."
5:32pm Message from Kyiross: "You don't know how extensive his power is. I know you will try to come find me. I ask you one more time to please stay away."
5:34pm Message from Kyiross: "No matter how much you try fool him and outsmart him it just does not work. He is more powerful than you can imagine. His dominance stretches further than you know."
5:36pm Kenshee: "I know where he is going next. We can capture him there. He will be moving soon."
5:37pm Message from Kyiross: "Do not follow me. You do not understand what will happen. Do not come after me."
5:39pm Ark, Moidaybe, and Kenshee jump to his location...
Message from Ashoweah: "Thank you. You have given me most of what I wanted."
Ashoweah followed them when they jumped...
Ashoweah: "Is this who you were looking for?" He has Kyiross
Kenshee draws her sword: "Hand him over."
Ashoweah laughs: "Foolish being of the light do you think I would come alone?" He has the Varkar with him.
Ashoweah: "Where is the Ancient Light?"
Ark: "You mean this thing?" He shows the Ancient Light.
Kenshee: "It is the Ancient Light. The power of the Light itself."
Ashoweah: "And soon it will be ours."
Kenshee: "Never!" She starts to attack Ashoweah.
5:43pm Melkor steps in front of her strike on Ashoweah and blocks it.
Ashoweah calls his monstrosities that destroyed the cuddly animal existence and are still here.
5:43pm Ashoweah: "Destroy them and take the Ancient Light."
Kyiross: "I warned you not to follow."
5:44pm Asherah walks through Ark and arrives where they all are.
Moidaybe: "My Queen get back."
Asherah Aphrodite looks at Ashoweah...
Me: "You will not have what you want. You do not know where I have been and what I have done. I have followed through and undone what you have unmade. Now you will taste my wrath."
5:45pm Asherah puts on her Uervitha armor...
Me: "Now you will feel the ancient powers of my existence."
Ashowah steps back: "Defend your Lord."
Nummandor: "You will soon be Varkar as we are. Do not resist. You do not fathom the power of Ashoweah my Lord."
Asherah Aphrodite pushes Nummandor back...
Me: "You underestimate my power."
Asherah fights Nummandor. Those beings he turned into monstrosities in the cuddly animal existence are there.
5:47pm Ashowah commands them: "Destroy them my servants. Bring me the Queen and the Ancient Light."
Kenshee: "How do we defeat these things?"
Me: "You don't have to defeat them."
The monstrosities do not advance and they do not attack. They answer to Asherah Aphrodite.
Ashoweah: "Is this part of your game Asherah? What do you seek to gain by this?"
Me: "Your defeat."
The monstrosities attack Ashoweah...
Ashowah laughs: "You are so arrogant. Did you think me a fool?"
Ashoweah destroys all of the monstrosities. They explode into dust.
Ash: "Did you think I didn't know about you going to the existences that serve me? Going there and freeing them and bonding them to you.
Do you think your bond is so great that it can overcome everything I have done? Everything that I am? You know nothing of me. Behold. Look upon the existence you saved."
5:50pm He opens up a huge portal to the existence of monstrocities.
Kyiross: "I warned you. You should have let me be."
Ashowah shows all the things Asherah changed. He brings out something in his right hand.
5:51pm Ashoweah: "Do you believe that you are more powerful than me? That you will hold sway over existences through your bond?
I came way before. I have traveled far and have conquered many. I hold all of the existences I have taken in my hand. This is the one. Now witness my power of my bond."
*Ashoweah destroys the whole monstrosity existence*
Ashoweah: "You yourself believe that you can overcome anything that I am. My power. I have existed way before you were even conceived. Way before your existence was thought of. I orchestrate everything down even to the littlest of gifts..."
5:52pm Asherah's Uervitha armor and crown are reacting. There is a crystal forming around her to trap her.
Ashoweah: "Welcome to your new home."
5:53pm Ashoweah: "Do you think I just own one existence that serves me? I have many. This is where you lose."
The Light being Kenshee tries to stop Ashoweah but he blasted her back. Ashowah froze Moidaybe in something. He looks at Ark...
Ashoweah: "Now Ourhkina you will die by my own hand and the Ancient Light will be mine."
Ashoweah has Ark pinned: "I will own it all including your love. She in her final vision will watch you die."
5:55pm Ashoweah is taking the Ancient Light from Ark. Someone hit him... It is Mono Baphomet.
Ashoweah: "You dare betray me?!"
Mono: "I am loyal only to my kin. I always have been."
Mono and Ark knock Ashoweah into the monstrosity existence. They are with him. Nummandor is making sure Asherah is imprisoned.
Moidaybe broke free but Vustik stopped him from teleporting.
Ashoweah, Ark, and Mono are in this existence that Ashoweah rules. They still have Asherah Aphrodite in the crystal.
Ashoweah turns to Ark and Mono...
Ashoweah: "Now witness the end of your kind."
He sends monsters to attack Ark and Mono. Ashowah pulls Aphrodite in the crystal into the existence.
Ashoweah tells Nummandor: "Now go and prepare for my return. All of their existence will bow to me when I return with their Queen imprisoned."
To myself: Thank you Shadow Queen you saved me from being imprisoned. I got this ability from you. Playing with dolls is fun.
Ashoweah notices that it is a doll instead of Aphrodite...
Ashoweah: "What is this?!" He smashes the crystal and the doll. "This is no matter."
5:59pm Me: "I am doing something I am not going to let you die."
Asherah Aphrodite stands outside and sends a rope. Mono Baphomet grabs it. He turns to Ark...
Mono: "Come on!"
Ark throws the Ancient Light to him: "Do what is right!"
Asherah pulls the rope out with Mono Baphomet and the portal closes.
6:00pm Asherah hooks into Ark. All has gone black for him.
Asherah has Ark but a hand reaches through and grabs him. Then another one. They are four hands grabbing him. It was Baphomet and Vustik pulling Ark back through.
6:02pm Ashoweah: "No matter. I have what I need."
6:03pm He takes the ingredients from Kyiross. He has the book too. Ashoweah disappears. Vustik and Baphomet leave as well.
Mono leaves the Ancient Light for Ark just as we returned the Ancient Darkness to him.
Kenshee wakes up. Moidaybe helps Asherah.
Kyiross: "I am sorry for all of this. If only you could understand how powerful he is."
Me: "Help me understand."
Kyross: "He torments my mind. If I do not obey I suffer great pain. Many lives have been lost at my hand."
6:05pm Me: "Give me your hands."
Kyiross: "I am not deserving. There were those who were more deserving. I myself have created my own punishment."
Moidaybe: "Trust in Queen Asherah. She can free you from this."
Kyiross: "If you wish to do anything for me..." He takes the little pink orb out.
Kyiross: "Do something for them and I will help you in any way I can. I must warn you. He has plagued my mind and he has a direct link."
Me: "Can he see and hear everything you do?"
Kyiross: "Not all the time but he controls me like a puppet. He has conquered more existences than you know. Some existences took no conquering at all but willingly serve him.
His armies are vast. I have seen every existence he controls and every existence that align themselves with him."
Me: "Then it is time to cut the strings. Give me your hands and show me everything."
6:08pm Kyiross puts his hands into my hands. I start to absorb all the information.
I see the existences that rally to him and the ones he controls. They are very powerful beings.
I also see something else that is interesting. There are beings that have escaped to our existence and have made incarnations here.
I am seeing very powerful beings that bow to Ashoweah and serve him. Ones that cannot be convinced otherwise.
Kenshee: "There is still the matter of what he did in the Light realm."
Me: "You can deal with that later. I am doing something of more importance."
6:10pm Kenshee: "I will not challenge you."
Me: "Kyiross has gone to these existences. He has seen the way Ashoweah takes over."
Kyiross: "That book is only one of two. I kept them because it was hard for me to even think at times. I could hear the screams of billions and billions dying. This haunts me. I wrote it all down. I have a second volume."
Me: "How can we read this second volume?"
Kyiross: "You cannot. It was destroyed. Fortunately somebody made a copy of it."
Me: "Who has this copy?"
Kyiross: "It was someone I met in another existence. He made a copy of both books. I tried to run from Ashoweah. Before I was caught again I gave these books to someone I trust to copy.
The second volume is where I hid the secret to defeating Ashoweah permanently. However this being's existence was taken over shortly after.
He fled to a different existence and it may be to yours. He might still have these copies. I can help you find him."
Kenshee: "The matter of what you did in the Light realm."
Kyiross: "Ah yes, the King of Light. If I had a choice I would not have placed it there. To bring me back to now would only hand me to Ashoweah."
Me: "Why do you say this?"
Kyiross: "Ashoweah influences Urevitha and the Light."
Me: "Who is the Voice of Light in the Light realm?"
Kyiross: "Ashoweah. He has the real Voice of Light."
Me: "I had this suspicion all the way back in June. Has it been this long? I was unable to say anything because I didn't want conflict with my Midgard son."
Kenshee: "Then returning for me would benefit me in no way. I guess I am without a home."
Moidaybe: "I understand how you feel."
Kenshee draws her sword and kneels...
Kenshee: "I serve you in any way you choose Queen Asherah. I pledge my life to you. Let me be the protector of Kyiross if your will sees fit."
6:18pm Asherah is thinking....
Me: "I ask for the bond."
Kenshee: "I agree. I will serve and protect you and him."
Me: "Kyiross I offer you protection."
Kyiross: "As much as my heart desires to take it. At this time I cannot bond with you out of fear that Ashoweah may find a way to use it against you. His hold on me is still very strong."
Me: "I shall remove this but it will take some time. Come to Alfheim. There I can help break this hold that Ashoweah has over you."'
*Asherah takes out the little pink orb that Kyiross gave her.*
Me: "This is my gift to you."
*Asherah Aphrodite glows brightly*
Me: "This place will be once again as it was."
Asherah tells Moidaybe: "Take them back to Alfheim. I will return when I am finished here."
6:23pm Kyiross watches Asherah starts to re-create the existence.
Kenshee: "I will stay with him and protect him."
6:24pm Kyiross witnesses the big planet protectors coming back including his friend that he lost.
Asherah Aphrodite is focused on the re-creation of the sweet cuddly animal existence.
6:26pm Asherah Aphrodite dances to music as re-creates an existence.
6:33pm Asherah Aphrodite hears the voices of all the beings in the existence. They speaking to her.
6:39pm Asherah continues to dance and re-create. Planets, suns, moons, stars, celestial bodies. Oceans, lands, and plants form on the planets.
Asherah dances into each of the universes and realms and out of her comes billions of pink lights. They go down onto the planets and become the creatures who used to exist on them.
Asherah Aphrodite goes universe by universe and realm by realm of this existence.
6:44pm Ark looks into the eyes of Asherah's incarnation. He sees pink galaxies inside her eyes. Her physical is almost in a trance.
7:03pm Asherah Aphrodite finishes restoring a realm and universe and moves onto the next. She starts the process over again for each one. She continues to dance to the music.
7:22pm Asherah Aphrodite continues to dance and re-create this sweet cuddly animal existence.
Questions from the incarnation of Kyiross...
Q1. What should I do to connect with my TS more?
Kyiross: "Focus on the night sky. Project yourself far from where you are."
Q2. Why have I incarnated here? What’s my purpose?
Kyiross: "This was a safe haven for me. A place where I can be close to my enemies. It allows me to foresee their plans and movements."
Q3. How many past incarnations have we had?
Kyiross: "This is my 14th incarnation in Midgard."
Q4. How do I best prepare for the plague?
Kyiross: "Learn how to move silently with stealth. Study the places around you. Study Midgard. Find safe havens which you can move from. Begin to supply these havens with what you will need to survive."
Q5. Do we have any True Self friends or relatives on Midgard, or possibly in the MP group?
Kyiross: "I do not have any friends. Something drew me to the Mind Power group through my incarnation. I hoped I could find answers there and answers I have found. I hope to find friendship as well."
Q6. What is our true age, in terms of Midgard years?
Kyiross: "About 2 billion Midgard years."
7:50pm Asherah Aphrodite does the final piece. The little pink orb expands and becomes bigger and bigger. The Creator of this cuddly animal existence is now remade.
7:52pm This Creator bonds with Asherah Aphrodite gives her a little piece of itself.
Me: "What is the name of this existence?"
Cuddly Creator: "Karienyata."
8:00pm Asherah Aphrodite returns to Alfheim...
Me: "Are you ready to bond and do the core fusion?"
Kenshee: "Yes I am ready."
*Ark does the bonding of Kenshee to Asherah Aphrodite*
Me: "You are the first Light being that has bonded with me."
Kenshee: "I hope that in my service to you I may find a new home here."
Core fusion for Kenshee...
Asherah Aphrodite brings her incarnation through a Myrrdonite rift. She starts the core fusion...
Music: Light of Hope...
0:24 in the music... Rays of light shine down. Asherah takes energy from the rays and sews them into Kenshee.
0:59... Light rises up from the ground.
1:22... Asherah Aphrodite sews the light energy into Kenshee.
1:49... Bright suns orbs float around. Asherah gathers the energy and sews it in.
2:52... The orbs are swirling around. It is getting brighter and brighter. Asherah sews in the energy.
3:36... Asherah pulls out a glowing sword and thrusts it into the ground. It cracks the ground and light shines through.
4:12... Asherah gathers the light energy coming forth from the crack in the ground and sews it in.
4:40... The sun orbs combine together into a huge ball of light.
4:52... Asherah gathers threads from the rays of this ball of light and sews it in.
5:20... The sewing is complete and the core fusion begins.
Music: Path of Light....
0:27 in the music... The sunlight and bright silvery moonlight comes out.
0:49... Asherah pulls from the moonlight and pours it into Kenshee.
1:10... Spectrals of Light warriors rise up. Asherah gathers energy from them. They are in formation.
2:02... The warriors throw javelins and spears over our heads. Asherah gathers the energy as they pass by. She pours it into Kenshee.
2:36... The warriors shoot a volley of arrows overhead. Asherah gathers this energy and directs it into Kenshee.
Music: Riding the Light
0:30 in the music... Kenshee spars with the spectral Light warriors. When she defeats them Asherah gathers the energy and directs it into Kenshee.
1:01... The sword thrust into the ground rises up. It is glowing with Light energy.
1:18... Asherah Aphrodite brings the sword into her hand and build energy into it as she raises it above her head.
1:50... She points the sword at Kenshee and the energy flows into her.
2:11... Kenshee rises into the air. Then she comes down and lands.
2:28... Kenshee draws her sword and is sword dancing and Asherah pours Light energy from all around into her.
2:55 in the music... Asherah Aphrodite completes the core fusion.
Kenshee: "With this I shall serve you and your cause. I will rally to your banner whenever you call."
Me: "I would like to add you as my personal guard. You have proven to be a skilled warrior."
Kenshee: "I would be honored in serving and protecting. It would also be an honor to serve beside Moidaybe. I find him to be a fascinating individual. Very skilled."
9:08pm Asherah Aphrodite sends a message to the Light King Hue...
Me: "I am going to be posting about the false Voice of Light."
Hue: "You are mistaken about the Voice of Light."
Me: "How do you know it is not Ashoweah?"
Hue: "Because Ashoweah can never become the Voice of Light."
Me: "How do you know they cannot get into the Light realm?"
Hue: "Because it is impossible."
After the post...
9:40pm I publish this post in the Mind Power group...
'Book of Kyiross Part Two: Karienyata Existence'
9:50pm Message from Ashoweah: "Boast now because it is I who will be claiming victory later. I already know your doubts and fears. When the time comes your incarnation will not be strong enough to defeat me and those who will serve me. I know now how to control them."
9:53pm Message from Ashoweah: "I will forever trap you here in Midgard and you can watch me rule from here and all around me. You are a fool to expose your weaknesses."
Me: "I won't allow you to trap me."
9:56pm Message from Ashoweah: "I will have armies. The finest of Midgard warriors. You may be strong in your spiritual but your physical will be your undoing.
You will bow before me. You will watch all those you care for and love die at the hands of my new Midgard army which will soon be mine. Your weaknesses here will be my triumphs."
9:58pm Message from Ashoweah: "You will lose the battle here."
9:59pm Message from Thoth: "Asherah you must be prepared. You must train yourself. You must become the Warrior Queen in Midgard."
10:01pm Message from Hue: *Coded Message*
Me: "I will be the Warrior Queen in Midgard."
Ark: "Then we begin now..." He tosses Asherah a sword and goes at her. He disarms her. "Again." Then he attacks again.
10:09pm Message from Ashoweah: *Laughing* "You think mere melee brutality will stop me? My physical will become stronger than you can imagine. I will be trained by the best. You will be nothing but a weak feeble trophy that I have conquered."
10:12pm Asherah Aphrodite gets angry. She takes out her aggression with the sword.
Ark: "Learn to focus your aggression but do not let your anger overwhelm you and make you imbalanced." He makes Asherah fall over.
10:15pm Message from Ashoweah: "I will conquer you in the physical and you shall be my servant. And when I demand pleasure you will be there to give pleasure when I command it."
Me: "The only pleasure I will take is removing your head. Both of them."
10:17pm Message from Ashoweah: "You are wrong. You will serve me in any way I see fit. For you have let it known that your physical is weak. This will be your undoing. You will be my servant. This you must come to realize."
10:24pm Message from Ashoweah: "You will fall into my traps. While you are arrogant and over confident I am patient and precise."
He is able to send messages to me because he is in the physical. He is trying to pinpoint my physical location. Ark is trying to find a way to block his transmission to me.
Me: I won't let myself get captured. I will not be trapped again.
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