Epimetheus Defeats the God of War

This is an intuitive guidance session and true self past vision for Epimetheus. This leads to trials in Alfheim. For Epimetheus Titan...
The session begins...
September 1st 2018...PST timezone....
10:20am Me: I am in my war room in Alfheim. I am calling Epimetheus here to me. He will be here shortly.
He arrives and we greet each other.
Me: "I would like to do your session now if that is okay."
Epimetheus: "Yes that is fine."
Me: "What do you remember from before you were taken and imprisoned?"
Epimetheus: "I remember being on Mount Olympus. I was tossing stones over the side. It was Ares who came to me first."
Past vision begins...
Epimetheus is up on Mount Olympus tossing stones off the side. Ares walks up to him and says 'Any luck yet?'
Epimetheus asks 'Luck?'
Ares says 'Hit anything?' Ares picks up a stone and tosses it downward. It goes down and hits a man working in his field. Ares laughs.
Epimetheus says 'That wasn't very kind.'
Ares says 'Just watch. The show is about ready to begin.'
This farmer gets up and has blood on his head. He starts yelling at his son. He grabs his son and whoops him.
Ares laughs 'Serves him right for throwing rocks.'
Epimetheus says 'I don't find any humor in this.'
Ares says 'Well I didn't come here to entertain you with comedy.'
Epimetheus asks 'Then what did you come for?'
Ares says 'Zeus and I need your help.'
Epimetheus asks 'Why come to me with this? You all think me a fool.'
Ares says 'That is exactly why we come to you with this. No one would suspect you. Zeus has a dangerous mission that might benefit us.'
Epimetheus asks 'Benefit us how?'
Ares says 'To regain control against the Candelabra. I know you have no love for them.'
Epimetheus says 'Yes it is told to me they killed my brother while he was chained.'
Ares says 'Yes they did. That is why Zeus thought of you. He knows that you would also seek revenge on them in any way you could find. But you haven't found the answer to that yet.
Zeus gives you your answer. He offers what you have been looking for. A chance to avenge your brother if you will accept this invitation from him for this task.'
Epimetheus asks 'What must I do?'
Ares says 'It is believed that one of the Candelabra known as the Controller has several Divine imprisoned on a far away world.
We need someone with the strength. Someone they wouldn't expect that Zeus was behind them. That is why we come to you.'
Epimetheus asks 'Who is this Controller and how much power does he hold?'
Ares says 'Oh he is a nobody. He has no power at all. Just title given to him. He will be easy to crush.'
Epimetheus says 'But he will surely be guarded.'
Ares says 'I will be there with you in disguise as your personal enforcer.'
Epimetheus says 'Then you will do what I say in front of this Controller.'
Ares says 'Yes I agree. Treat me like a slave. This will be more convincing.'
Epimetheus says 'What are we to convince him of?'
Ares says 'You will tell him that you come to him with a plan to trap Zeus. That you can get close to Zeus. This will intrigue him.
Once we can get him away from any of the other Candelabra we can free the others and destroy him. You will be recognized as a hero.'
Epimetheus says 'A hero huh?'
Ares replies 'Yes. Your name will be known among all the pantheons.'
Epimetheus says 'Then I agree.'
Ares says 'Good. Meet me here when the moon shines and we shall go and begin our task of sealing your name forever in destiny.'
Then Ares leaves and Epimetheus is alone.
Epimetheus says to himself 'Finally brother, I will avenge your name and restore your honor. I will demand this of Zeus as a hero and a champion.'
He meets up later with Ares...
Ares asks 'Are you ready to go?'
Epimetheus has his armor on, his mighty shield, and his great golden spear. He says 'I am ready.'
Ares says 'You will need to look less threatening. Here...' Ares gives Epimetheus a black robe.
Ares says 'I will hold your spear and shield.' Ares puts on a disguise that has a helm that looks like an elongated skull.
Ares says 'Come follow me...' He takes Epimetheus down into Mount Olympus.
Epimetheus asks 'Where are we going?'
Ares replies 'To the secret portals that I found down here. Only Zeus and I know of them.'
Epimetheus says 'How come no others have heard of these?'
Ares says 'Because I just said only Zeus and I know of them. Just follow me...'
He leads him down into a room below Mount Olympus. There are all these portals inside. Epimetheus is amazed at all of them.
Epimetheus asks 'Where do these all lead?'
Ares says 'To all the different realms. We will use these for Zeus' plan to unite the pantheons and overthrow the Candelabra and their allies.'
Epimetheus says 'Yes and I will be there on that day as a champion of Olympus.'
Ares says 'Through this portal your destiny awaits.'
They go through a portal together... This is the place where we were with the Cube Master.
Reference: Destroying the Arcturian Cube Master...
Guards stop them at the front gate. Epimetheus says 'I am here to see the Controller.'
Guard says 'You come unannounced Divine. What is your purpose? What do you wish to see the Controller for?'
Epimetheus says 'Tell him I can bring him a great prize.'
Guard whispers to another. That guard leaves. A bit later the gate opens.
A guard comes out and says 'Right this way...'
Epimetheus is looking around and sees all these Arcturians. He is thinking about how much he despises the Arcturians.
Epimetheus thinks 'When I free everyone else I will defeat the Arcturians and their Candelabra masters.'
Epimetheus goes before the Controller Ahzprikan.
Ahzprikan says 'Epimetheus of Olympus, you seek an audience with me. You claim to offer a great prize. Where is it?'
Epimetheus says 'It is just outside. I can offer you a way into Olympus. I can bring you Zeus.
He already plans to uprise against you and destroy you. I have come with that warning and an offer of my own. Make me your puppet King of Olympus once he is yours.'
Ahzprikan laughs 'You have your brother's traitor heart.' Epimetheus gets angry inside but does not show it.
Ahzprikan continues 'A good quality. Show me this what you speak of.'
Epimetheus says 'It is just right outside. Not too far from here. It is a way to Mount Olympus.'
Ahzprikan says 'I am intrigued. Show me...'
Epimetheus takes the Controller Ahzprikan. He also has Ares with him in disguise. They travel outside.
Epimetheus says 'What do you do with all the Divine that you take?'
Ahzprikan says 'That is for me to know. You should not be asking questions of such things.'
Epimetheus takes Ahzprikan to the portal. The Controller Ahzprikan is looking at it.
Ares whispers to Epimetheus 'Push him through then we can attack him.'
Epimetheus creeps up behind the Controller. Then he feels a heavy blow hit from behind.
Controller turns around and says 'You truly are the fool. If I cannot have your brother then I shall have you.'
Epimetheus flies up and says 'You shall not have me. I shall avenge my brother this day.' He yells 'Ares! My shield! My spear!'
Ares drops them on the ground. This shocks Epimetheus. The Controller laughs 'You are a fool!'
Ares attacks Epimetheus.
Controller Ahzprikan says 'Subdue him and bring him to me.'
Ares says 'This will be easy.' Then he flies up toward Epimetheus. He uses his sword and Epimetheus grabs it with his hand.
Epimetheus' hand is bleeding and he is yelling. He twists the sword of Ares' hand.
Then he grabs Ares by the chest plate and beats his face and dents his helmet.
Epimetheus yells 'You traitor! I will destroy you!' Epimetheus throws Ares to the ground.
Ahzprikan says 'Divine... Must I do everything?'
Epimetheus gets hit really hard. He is being held down by Baal.
Controller Ahzprikan brings up a cube into his hand and it grows bigger.
Ahzprikan says to Baal 'Hold him.'
Baal and Epimetheus wrestle on the ground. Epimetheus rolls on top of Baal and punches him.
Epimetheus gets shocked by the cube. All these tentacle things come out of it.
The last this Epimetheus remembers is getting pulled back by these things. Ares comes up and punches Epimetheus hard in the face and stomach.
Then Epimetheus passes out. All he can remember is a horrible nightmare of drowning. What he remembers after that is being freed.
Vision ends...
Epimetheus: "And I thank you for freeing me. I was drowning in a nightmare and you freed me. I awoke to a beautiful dream."
Me: "You are safe now and I will have need of you. Please make yourself comfortable. There is something I must announce."
10:50am Asherah Aphrodite goes to Doumarae...
Me: "Announce to all that we will be having trials today."
Doumarae: "Trials?"
Me: "I have been betrayed enough and many others have. Bring forth that former Elven King Yserah. He stands trial first."
Reference: The Murder of Alakin Silverleaf...
Doumarae: "As you wish. And who will be second?"
Me: "I will go with my personal guard to arrest him soon."
Doumarae: "Arrest?" He is trying to read Aphrodite's mind. "You cannot mean Ares?"
Me: "He has betrayed so many. I will go and arrest him and he will stand trial for his crimes against the realms."
Doumarae: "But Zeus..."
Me: "I don't care what Zeus thinks. He will keep his mouth shut or I will have him arrested as well."
Doumarae: "I understand. I will announce it."
Me: "Good. Make sure all are in attendance. The former Elven King Yserah and Ares will be tried today and the sentence will be carried out."
11:11am Asherah Aphrodite gets on her armor and gets geared up. Her personal guard do the same.
Yusvago: "He won't come without a fight."
Moidaybe: "The more fight the better."
Ahzexian: "Are you sure this is the right thing to do? It may cause greater problems."
Moidaybe: "We do as the Queen asks as her guard. If you don't like it go into politics."
11:13am Asherah Aphrodite goes the Epimetheus...
Me: "Today you will have your justice. Ares will answer for his crimes against you. This I swear."
Epimetheus: "I will be ready to deliver judgment."
11:15am Doumarae has made the announcement. Many will be arriving soon.
Lyindrinar is sharpening his sword. Tulkas is there with him...
Tulkas: "Is this truly what you want?"
Lyindrinar: "More than anything. I have been waiting for this day."
Tulkas puts his hand on Lyindrinar's shoulder: "Then may your blade strike with justice."
11:20am Aphrodite meets up with her personal guard...
Me: "Subdue him in whatever way you see fit. Do not harm him to the point where he cannot stand trial."
Moidaybe: "Understood."
We leave to go to Ares home on Mount Olympus...
Ares is with one of his temple maids in bed. Aphrodite kicks the door open on him.
Ares: "What the hell?! What are you doing here? Get the fuck out!"
Me: "Ares God of War, I arrest you for treason against the pantheons of the Divine and for the beings of many realms."
Ares laughs: "Get the fuck out of here you stupid bitch."
Fenrir rushes at Ares and paws him.
Fenrir: "You want to resist arrest some more?"
Ares: "Get the fuck off me you damn mangy mutt." He bites in Fenrir's paw. Fenrir slams down on him.
Moidaybe puts his knife at Ares' throat.
Moidaybe: "Bite my friend again and I will have him bite you."
Ares: "I demand to see Zeus!... Zeus! Zeus!"
The temple maid tries to run out the door. Aphrodite hits her to the floor with the hilt of her sword when she tried to pass by.
Ares: "You assault my priestess you hag?! You will pay for this! ZEUS!"
11:25am Zeus shows up with his guard...
Zeus: "What is the meaning of this?! Release him at once!"
Me: "I will not. He will stand trial for treason."
Zeus: "By whose authority?"
Me: "By the authority of all the realms. By my authority. If you challenge this then you declare war on all the realms and I would much rather see Mount Olympus burn than to see you fight a war you cannot win."
Ares: "Zeus tell her to let me go."
Aphrodite looks at Zeus...
Me: "Make your choice."
Zeus: "I have but only one choice. If Ares is guilty of treason then he must stand trial."
Ares: "What?! You asshole! It should be you in my place! This fucking bitch! You are not going to let her drag me out of here! Get some fucking balls!"
Me: "Yusvago, silence the prisoner."
Yusvago: "My pleasure." He walks up and punches Ares right in the face. This knocked him out.
Zeus: "Give him a dignified sentence."
11:28am Then Zeus leaves...
We all return to Alfheim with Ares. Aphrodite throws Ares in the same cell as former King Yserah.
Me: "Doumarae, make sure all have gathered. These trials will begin shortly."
Doumarae: "As you wish my Queen."
Epimetheus stops Aphrodite on her way back...
Epimetheus: "Whatever sentence you give to Ares I would like to ask that you consider me meeting him in combat."
Me: "I have already considered that. Go prepare yourself."
Epimetheus smiles: "I shall."
11:32am Everyone is gathering around the arena. There are horns sounding. Ares and former King Yserah are being brought forth.
Me to Everyone: "My fellow citizens of the realms, you are here today to witness the trial and sentencing of the former King of Alfheim Yserah and the former God of War Ares. For their crimes against all of you. Are there any here who wish to speak in their defense?"
Voice from the crowd: "Kill them already!"
Me: "There are none of you here who wish to speak on their behalf?"
Crowd: "No!" They are yelling out things these guys have done to them.
Aphrodite motions for the crowed to quiet down...
Me: "Does the accused have anything to say in their defense?"
Ares: "I will do my defending with my hands. I ask for trial by combat."
Me: "And you shall receive it."
Aphrodite looks at Yserah...
Me: "As for you? Do you have anything to say in your defense?"
Yserah: "What I did was for Alfheim and my people."
Me: "So be it. The people have made their judgment against you as well as I. We find you guilt on all counts. Your sentence will be trial by combat. If you survive you will go free. If not, you will join the others in the borderlands. Let the contest begin."
11:38am Yserah vs Lyindrinar...
They throw a single sword to the former Elven King Yserah. Lyindrinar enters the arena.
Yserah: "Lyindrinar listen to me. This Witch Queen has put a spell over you. I knew your father better than anyone. He would not approve of what you do here. There is no honor in this. Remember I was there when you were born. I know your father. He is watching you now. He awaits for you to make the right decision."
Lyindrinar turns his back to Yserah...
Lyindrinar: "The right decision..."
Yserah creeps up on Lyindrinar behind his back to strike him...
Yserah: "The right decision, you can make the right decision."
Lyindrinar turned around and cut Yserah's head off with one stroke.
Lyindrinar: "I have."
11:41am The next part of the trial...
Me: "Bring forth Ares."
Ares gets thrown a single spear.
Ares laughs: "And who is my opponent? Great Queen? Definitely not you. Which one of your weaklings did you get? Your big dog? Your little bug man huh? Your stupid flying boyfriend? I don't see him here. He get tired of you yet too? You witch!"
Me: "I have my champion."
Epimetheus enters the arena...
Ares laughs: "Then you are a bigger fool than he is. I walk out of here today."
11:43am An Elven guard shows Epimetheus all the weapons...
Epimetheus: "I will do this with my hands." He chooses no weapon.
Ares laughs: "So be it. You just made things quicker for me."
Me: "Let the contest..." Ares starts attacking Epimetheus.
Epimetheus blocks the blows but is getting cut by the spear. Ares hits him with the round end of it and knocks him to the ground.
Ares laughs: "You are just like your brother. Weak, stupid, and pathetic."
Epimetheus: "You know nothing of me and my brother!" He gets up.
Ares: "You want to die? That is fine by me."
Ares charges towards Epimetheus with his spear. Epimetheus grabs the end but the blade with both hands.
Epimetheus bends and breaks the spear and then throws Ares towards the end of the arena.
Ares hit the wall and then Epimetheus throws the spear to the ground. He rushes towards Ares and smashes into him.
Epimetheus is holding down Ares and beating the crap out of him. He takes a piece of the smashed wall and hits Ares over and over with it.
Ares: "Just finish me."
Epimetheus drops the brick: "You are not worthy of a death by my hand. Now get up."
Epimetheus lifts Ares up. Aphrodite enters the arena with her personal guard...
Me: "What will you do now Ares?"
Ares: "I will serve you. I will take your bond. I will do anything you ask."
Me: "So you will take the bond?" *Aphrodite acts like she is going to offer* "That is another thing you are not worthy of. Now leave..."
11:48am Ares stumbles away out of the arena...
Aphrodite turns to Epimetheus.
Me: "You could have killed him, but you were right."
Epimetheus: "Whatever end Ares meets it will not be glorious. He will be alone surrounded by nobody and nobody will care. That is the greatest punishment of all for ones like him."
Epimetheus: "My Queen if you would have me I would choose to serve on your personal guard. To whatever end."
Me: "It would be an honor to have you on my guard. I agree."
Fenrir: "Welcome to the team."
Epimetheus smiles: "You will be like brothers to me. I will never let you down and I won't ever fail you or our Queen."
Moidaybe puts his hand on the shoulder of Epimetheus...
Moidaybe: "Spoken like a true champion."
Epimetheus: "Yes today I am a true champion."
Questions from your incarnation...
Q1. What are our abilities, and how do I bring them here at full power?
Epimetheus: "Strength, dexterity, and kindness. I have healing abilities. On this you must focus. Go out and work with my abilities."
Q2. Am I hearing other beings or is it my mind playing tricks?
Epimetheus: "I speak to you and you do hear other beings. I have only recently begun speaking through you. I will begin to understand more as our connection grows further."
Q3. What do I focus on this moment forward in my life?
Epimetheus: "Prepare yourself to be strong for your family. They will need you. Do not make any more rash decisions."
Q4. What else should I do to prepare for the plague?
Epimetheus: "Whatever needs to be done in Midgard to ensure survival without harming those who are surviving themselves."
Q5. How do I focus on our energy?
Epimetheus: "Take time alone away from civilization as I do. I like to look out over the sea or from a mountain. This is where I do most of my thinking. I recommend you try it. We can connect better that way and focus."
Q6. What can I do to get stronger?
Epimetheus: "Train physically and mentally. Learn by doing. With failure comes great wisdom. Remember that."
Asherah Aphrodite turns to Epimetheus...
Me: "So many have underestimated you. After today they will underestimate you no more."
Epimetheus: "They will know the real me. My strength and my kindness."
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