Yandoah: Son of Ashoweah

Creator Mother Mavanaeah
This began when I got a message from Eomeya telling me that she is pregnant. She had been having interactions with Mono and wondered if it could be his child.
This turned out to be a past vision and link into three intuitive guidance sessions as it involved three other true selves from the waiting list.
September 11th...
3:22pm Me: I just had a nightmare that Ashoweah was the father of your child. We need to do a past vision soon.
Eomeya: Yes please.
3:45pm I sent Ark to find out more about this pregnancy.
4:44pm I get a message from Mono Baphomet: "I do not have a child. Your suspicions are right."
September 12th... PST timezone...
10:23am Ashoweah is connected with my energy through a pearl.
10:26am Ashoweah: "Now I can see inside your mind all the time."
Asherah Aphrodite laughs...
Ashoweah: "You laugh now but you won't be laughing later."
10:32am Me: "You don't get to watch me."
The pearl goes big and dark then explodes...
10:41am Ashoweah: "Foolish girl. I have some of your essence. I will use this to trap you. We will see who is laughing soon."
11:27am I am getting a warning message... "He is trying to trap you. You need to be careful. He has your essence. He will use this against you. You must gather your angelic. He is already making his move. Prepare yourself."
11:31am The exact same warning comes through on repeat.
11:32am Asherah Aphrodite gathers the Ashtarnians.
11:43am Warning message: "You have gathered the Ashtarnians. You will know what must be done. I cannot protect you."
11:48am He must be planning to bring his son here through Eomeya.
11:50am Asherah Aphrodite goes the Alfheim to see Eomeya...
Me: "Give me your hands. I need to see what happened."
Eomeya places her hands inside Asherah's hands.
Vision begins...
There is an existence. One Ashoweah conquered long ago. The one where the Creator walked among her children.
He persuaded this Creator and his persuasion worked. He wiped out almost all of that existence.
He destroyed the guardians first. The others he enslaved and turned into his monstrosities.
Ashoweah he had son with this Creator. A cruel vicious being that helped him conquer other existences. Ashoweah is bringing him here. His name is Yandoah.
This is the existence Ashoweah is rooted in. This is where his essence still is. The Star Children came from that existence. They are here. The Creator of that existence is still alive.
The Star Twins know how to get there. They are the last ones to escape from that existence.
Eomeya was recently taken to the Vakar. Ashoweah impregnated her with his son. Baphomet sealed it.
Ashoweah says 'The power within you is what I need to transfer my beloved son here. You will be my vessel. My son is the Slayer of Guardians.'
Break from the vision...
Me: "I need to do something about this."
Ark: "You can't."
12:02pm Ark transfers Asherah and Eomeya somewhere else. Eomeya is in a trance.
Ark: Asherah you stay here with Eomeya. Moidaybe and two of my brothers will stay here with you. I do not suggest having Ashtarnians with you. Make sure your personal guard are here for the moment.
Me: I found them. I have the Creator that walked among her children and the Star Twins on my intuitive guidance session list.
12:17pm Ark: We cannot go for them yet. We need to wait for the right time.
From the vision...
When Yandoah would destroy guardians he would gain their powers. Once they bring the son here they will bring their vast army from their other existences.
Ashoweah used Baphomet. He doesn't keep any guardians around. He destroys them all.
Bringing his son was Ashoweah's answer to Creation of the Ashtarnians...
Back to the present...
12:33pm Ark, Bartelnia, Michael, and Gabriel go to get the Star Twins. They are in an ancient place.
Michael: "This doesn't feel right."
Ark: "They are hiding here somewhere."
Gabriel: "We are not here alone."
It got lit up in there. There are thousands of Scarlet Selene. There is an annoying familiar voice laughing.
Umbranathor: "How do you like the new me? Ashoweah rewards those who are loyal to him. Looking for these two brats?"
Umbranathor is different. He is very dark. He doesn't even look like his old self. He looks like a fiery demonic war steed. He also seems more intelligent than before.
Umbranathor: "I will have my throne back. I will also have the throne of the Light kingdom. Ashoweah has promised me these. I will laugh as he fornicates Queen Asherah over and over again. My joy comes today watching you die Fate and Destiny."
Malice, Despair, and Annihilation arrive...
Umbranathor: "Kill them."
Asherah Aphrodite passes an orb to Ark: "Use this."
The orb blinded most of them.
12:38pm Umbranathor is trying to leave with the Star Twins. Gabriel is on him.
Ark, Bartelnia, and Michael are fighting the three monstrosities. One of them grabs Gabriel. Umbranathor floats up holding the Star Twins. He is laughing.
Michael: "There is no way we can defeat these things."
Ark: "Yeah there is.
Mono Baphomet arrives...
Ark: "Just like old times brother. Shall we?"
Ark takes the Ancient Light and Baphomet takes the Ancient Darkness. They become one.
Ark: "Incoming delivery to you Asherah."
12:41pmm The Star Twins arrive where Asherah and Eomeya are.
Ark: "Now to deal with these."
They destroy Malice, Despair, and Annihilation. They drained the Darkness out of them and destroyed them with Light. Ashoweah is angry.
12:42pm Ark: "I guess we know where you stand now Baphomet."
Mono: "Until the end I stand with my brothers."
Michael and Gabriel place their hands on his shoulder.
Michael: "Welcome home little brother."
Gabriel: "Our long lost little brother."
Ark: "You should return to Midgard Baphomet."
12:44pm Ark returns to where Asherah is. He breaks the trance on the Star Twins. The male twin is Jinya and the female twin is Vinya.
They are known as the Star Twins. You would consider them here to be the Sun and the Moon. They are the last known survivors of their existence.
Ashoweah had convinced their Creator Mother that they were meant for each other. To combine together. To rule together.
She believed him. He imprisoned her then destroyed most of their existence. What was left he turned into monstrosities to serve him.
The guardians tried to stop him but the Creator Mother did not allow them. The guardians fought an insurgency against him until the birth of the son Yandoah.
After that he imprisoned the Creator Mother and his son destroyed the guardians. This is where Ashoweah is anchored.
He sits on a throne there. The Star Twins are the only ones who can get back there but they are afraid of going back.
Ark: "You don't have to go back. My brothers and I need to get there. We are going to unanchor him there so he is full in our existence. Both of them."
Vinya: "What about the Creator Mother?"
Ark: "She can be saved. We will save her in time."
The Creator Mother had sent the Star Twins here when she discovered Ashoweah's true intentions. She gave them a piece of her to bring here.
That is how she has an incarnation here. The Star Twins have been watching over her incarnation.
Ark: "Jinya and Vinya you need to open a way for me to get into that existence."
12:52pm They are both hesitant. They don't really want to do it.
Gabriel: "He will find you. He already has. If you don't help us now then not only are you risking what is left of your existence. You are not only risking your asses but all of ours."
Michael: "I am not going to allow our existence to be destroyed or ruled by this invader."
Star Twins: "We will do this. This will take some time for us to open it. We have to go into a deep meditation chant."
12:55pm Ark puts Eomeya in a state of suspended animation to postpone the birth until Yandoah can be unanchored.
Me: Since Eomeya is in suspended animation I am going to discover more about this Creator Mother who walked among her children. I am going to get information through her incarnation photo...
She is very loving and compassionate. She took very good care of her existence. There was no suffering there because she walked among her children.
Her weakness was that she felt lonely. That is when Ashoweah came. He dazzled her by showing her different existences that he did not conquer yet so she saw goodness.
He used many illusions to show that he is a kind being. He showed the cuddly animal existence and said 'I helped them.'
She fell in love with Ashoweah. She shared her Creator essence with him. Once that happened he began to take over that existence. He brought other beings from existences he conquered.
Ashoweah tricked her and acted like he was fighting against them. He blamed it on the guardians. He said 'The guardians brought them here.'
Through her and him together they created a son to help protect them from these invaders. This is their son Yandoah.
When their son was born she saw how evil he truly was. Yandoah destroyed all the guardians and most of her existence.
She took a piece of herself and gave it to the Star Twins. They are the Light and Darkness of this existence. She sent them here. Then she was imprisoned.
The Creator Mother is imprisoned right underneath where he sits on the throne in his real form. His faceless self. He is the one I will defeat.
1:03pm The Star Twins begin their meditation.
Me: It is a good thing we have the balance of chaos, deceit, and suffering in our existence. It allows us to not be so easily deceived and overcome.
Ashoweah thinks this will be an easy existence to take over, but through me he has met his match. He will wish he never set foot in my existence.
1:14pm Asherah Aphrodite communicates with the Creator Mother...
1:18pm Message from Ashoweah: "Do you think you can talk to her and I wouldn't know?" *He crushes the prison where she is.*
1:20pm Ashoweah: "Do you think you can outsmart me Asherah? You have no idea how much power I have. You will find out soon enough."
Me: "I know you intend the same for me as you did with her. You want to do the same thing."
Ashoweah: "No, you are different. You will get a much worse fate. You will suffer far more and you will never get relief. You will watch as I conquer existence after existence.
Imprisonment is not enough for you. You will be there for all of it. You will feel and experience all the destruction and suffering. You will never escape. You will be mine forever. I will make you my slave Queen."
1:31pm Message from Ashoweah: "There is no escaping my reach. You will belong to me and your existence will be mine. You will watch as it all crumbles. You will weep and cry over your friends. You will have nothing left."
Me: I will never belong to Ashoweah. He shall feel my wrath and I will be his nightmare. I am feeling so fired up and angry right now. That bastard!
2:08pm Asherah Aphrodite does a very dark chant in Thothilssin...
Exosaura: Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?
Me: I am a Queen but I do not mind rolling around in the mud. Let's play dirty.
Exosaura: War isn’t won by playing fair anyway. Besides, I’m kind of a cheater when it comes to games.
2:16pm Me: I am going to bring you here my vicious Exosaura. I need your help masterminding something.
3:04pm Asherah returns as Eomeya was screaming in pain.
Bartelnia: "The child comes."
3:05pm Star Twins open portal to their existence...
Ark: "My other two brothers will stay here with you Asherah. Gabriel, myself, Bartelnia, and Michael are going."
Mono Baphomet arrives: "You are not going alone."
Gabriel: "Then it is time."
Ark: "Asherah stay with Eomeya. No matter what happens protect her and these Star Twins. Once Yandoah comes through don't challenge him."
Michael: "Fate and Destiny has led us to here."
Ark: "It is time to do what we were made to do."
Star Twins: "The portal is open but you must go now. Ashoweah has already taken notice of this."
Ark: "I love you Asherah. I will see you soon."
3:09pm The Ouhrkina go through the portal to the other existence. Eomeya is screaming out in pain.
They can see his vast monstrosity army guarding a floating landmass where he sits faceless and motionless on the throne.
There is a portal opening in that existence. His son is kneeling before him. The Creator Mother is in chains at his side. He moves his left hand and his fingers point up. The Creator Mother's face gets pulled up.
Ashoweah's voice comes through: "Now watch as another existence becomes mine as another Queen I will crown."
3:11pm The portal for the son opens wider. Eomeya screams as darkness comes from her womb.
The Ourhkina fight their way to the steps where Ashoweah is in that existence. They are still fighting.
Ashoweah: "Never mind them. Go my son. Bring this existence to its knees."
3:13pm Yandoah goes through the portal as Eomeya gives birth to a dark baby. It is starting to grow and form into Yandoah.
Asherah's personal guard got knocked back. Moidaybe stands next to her.
Gabriel breaks the chain on the Creator Mother. Bartelnia grabs and takes her. Michael is trying to break chain that binds Ashoweah to that existence.
Bartelnia sends the Creator Mother through the Star Twin portal. We have her.
The Son is fully formed. We run away from him as the two Ourhkina fight him. Moidaybe tackles him and they teleport.
Gabriel goes for the chain....
Gabriel: "Go! It is time to fulfill my destiny."
It is Gabriel who is Guardian and Keeper of Death.
Michael, Bartelnia, and Baphomet return through the portal.
Gabriel: "I fulfill what I was made to do."
Ark: "Until that day brother."
Gabriel breaks the chain and destroys himself and all the monstrosities in the process.
Ashoweah: "And then there were four."
He throws down the spears of the Ourhkina brothers who were fighting Yandoah.
Yandoah: "And then there were three." He kills Bartelnia.
Ashoweah is speaking. Nummandor, Vustik, and Umbranathor are with him.
Ashoweah: "Now witness the end of your kind."
He tries to open a portal to another existence but he cannot.
Ark: "That's right. You are here permanently now."
Ashoweah: "It doesn't matter. I will have new guardians to serve me and a new Queen. Destroy them."
3:19pm Baphomet goes for Ashoweah. He uses the Ancient Darkness. Michael fights Yandoah. Ark fights Melkor and Nummandor.
Melkor: "I chose the side of power." Ark knocks him back.
Ashoweah fights Baphomet...
Ashoweah: "Did you think I would let any of you guardians exist? It took you long enough to realize that you were nothing. Your strength does not compare to your brothers. That is why you will fall."
3:21pm Ark throws Nummandor. Vustik attacks Baphomet from behind.
Ashoweah grabs Baphomet: "Let me take what is mine."
3:22pm He takes the Ancient Darkness out of him and puts it in himself. He tosses Baphomet to the side.
Ashoweah looks at Ark...
Ashoweah: "Now you stand alone. Pity your Queen wasn't here to watch you die."
Ark: "I stand for all the guardians you slayed. You don't have the Ancient Darkness."
3:23pm Ark pulls it out of Ashoweah...
Ashoweah tells his son: "Kill that guardian. Return the Ancient Darkness and Light to me."
Yandoah: "You will fall as all guardians have fallen before me."
Ark: "And this is for all the guardians that have fallen before you."
3:24pm Ark puts the Ancient Darkness and Ancient Light together and vaporizes Yandoah.
Melkor: "We must retreat my master."
Ashoweah is screaming: "You took my son! I swear I will have revenge! I will take your daughter and she will be my new conqueror!"
Ark: "You will never have her."
Ashowah gets ready to finish off Ark. Asherah Aphrodite hooks and yanks him away. Mono Baphomet also gets pulled.
Mono: "You promised you wouldn't go before me."
Ark: "I kept my promise."
Mono Baphomet takes EinossArku somewhere to be healed.
3:28pm The Creator Mother awakens. She is weeping.
Creator Mother: "I can never repay you. For my existence and even myself was my undoing. You have sacrificed so much to set me free."
She looks to the Star Twins and they embrace.
Star Twins: "What shall we do now Creator Mother?"
Creator Mother: "I don't know."
Me: "I have a plan. Let me share it with you."
3:58pm The Creator Mother gifts Asherah Aphrodite a little piece of her to bond them together.
Ark: This came at a great cost.
Me: I will make sure that Gabriel gets to our vosmos with his brothers.
4:01pm Ashtarnia is standing with the All-Father holding his hand. She watches as Ark and Baphomet lay the feathers of their brothers into the dark waters from which they came. Ark and Baphomet sing.
Ashtarnia: "What are they doing Grampy?"
All-Father: "Saying goodbye in their own way. Little Star, you will always shine hope even when all else seems dark."
4:04pm Something glows in Ashtarnia's chest.
Questions for the Creator Mother...
Q1. Why did you choose to get sent to this existence?
Creator Mother: "At the time I saw it well guarded and protected."
Q2. Why did you incarnate in Midgard?
Creator Mother: "It was rumored that it was the planet of the God Children. This is where the Star Twins sent me. They felt it to be safe.
I was one of the very first human incarnations on this world. So were the Star Twins. We chose to keep incarnating here because this world had guardians on it."
Q3. Your incarnation is a little child. What advice do you have for her mother?
Creator Mother: "Love me as I am. Understand me. Always show me compassion and kindness as I did in my existence. My incarnation is very special."
Q4. I would like to invite you to stay with me in Alfheim.
Creator Mother: "Where will the Star Twins stay? Can they stay there as well."
Me: "Yes you are all three welcome to stay with me."
Creator Mother: "I thank you and accept your invitation."
The Creator Mother has chosen a form that is half sun and half moon. With the Star Twins, the female Vinya looks like a humanoid sunlight. The male twin Jinya looks like humanoid moonlight.
They don't have any hair. They have pointy ears. They have the facial features of a humanoid. They don't have pupils in their eyes. Kind of like the Silver Surfer.
Questions for the Star Twin Vinya...
Q1. Did your incarnation have a vanishing twin in the womb?
Vinya: "Yes this was another Star Child that represents the cosmos. I do not know what happened to her."
Q2. Why is your incarnation so interested in weather and storms?
Vinya: "Because of the changes they bring. When the rain soaks the ground it has to do the cycle of life. The sun brings life.
Where I come from the sun represents feminine, life, and light. My brother Jinya represents masculine, darkness, and change."
Questions for the Star Twin Jinya...
Q1. Why did you incarnate here?
Jinya: "To be with my twin and to watch over the incarnation of the Creator Mother."
Q2. How can your incarnation best connect with you?
Jinya: "Focus on the aspects of darkness, masculinity, and change."
Asherah Aphrodite speaks with the Creator Mother...
Me: "Creator Mother do you have a name?"
Creator Mother: "I have never chosen a name."
Me: "May I name you?"
Creator Mother: "If you wish."
Me: "I name you the Creator Mother Mavanaeah."
Creator Mother: "I like that. I agree to this name."
Me: "Let me show you to your new home Mavanaeah."
Mavanaeah: "I would love that."
4:40pm Asherah takes Mavanaeah and the Star Twins to Alfheim. She goes to check on Eomeya who is recovering there...
Eomeya: "Thank you for helping me."
Me: "Rest here my beautiful. You will recover soon."
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