Crowning the Nether King

It was time for me to find a new leader for the Nether beings. This was what happened. It turned into an intuitive guidance session with core fusion.
I had previously made Helfga the Queen of Nether, but since she became Tia-Nan the Mother of Drakon it was her place to be with them.
Reference from Aug 28th: Varidon: The New King of Void...
"I have made the decision that Tia-Nan should focus on being Mother of Dragons and no longer be Queen of Nether. Effective immediately."
September 1st... PST timezone...
2:33pm Asherah Aphrodite speaking with Olorin...
Me: "Who should I make Nether King?"
Olorin: "There is a being named Ahvaxian. He would serve you very well as Nether King."
Me: "Let me know when you find Ahvaxian. I will see if he is worthy of becoming the King of Nether."
Olorin: "Understood. I will do so my Queen."
Me: "Do not let the Varkar know of our plans. We must keep this between you and me."
Olorin: "I understand. No one else will know."
4:30pm Olorin comes to Asherah Aphrodite...
Olorin: "I have found Ahvaxian."
Me: "Shall we go to the Nether?"
Olorin: "We must schedule an audience with him. I can do that for you."
Me: "Schedule it."
Olorin: "I will do that now."
Asherah Aphrodite changes her dress and prepares.
4:55pm Olorin: "My Queen. I have arranged the audience. We can leave as soon as you are ready."
Me: "I will call on my personal guard. They should be standing by."
Olorin: "Do you believe it would be wise to have an audience with such a show of force?"
Me: "Yes I believe it to be wise. If I am going to place him as King he must understand that I am the one who placed him there and I am not weak."
Olorin: "And I am also in total agreement with you. A show of strength would remind him of who has placed him as King."
Moidaybe places his hands on the shoulders of Epimetheus...
Moidaybe: "Are you ready for your first assignment?"
Epimetheus: "I am eager."
Reference: Epimetheus Defeats the God of War
Moidaybe: "Lets understand a few things first. I am the captain of this guard followed by Fenrir. So on and so forth down to you. Do not take any foolish actions without my lead.
The safety of our Queen is the upmost priority. I don't care if you see the enemy burning villages. You do not leave the Queen's side. Is that understood?"
Epimetheus: "That is understood."
Moidaybe: "Alright then. Let's go."
Rovitomial: "Wait. My Queen, there is something you should know. This Ahvaxian is not what he seems. He is a cruel clan leader. The way the Nether is divided up is by clans. He has subjugated all the other clans under him."
Me: "Well good then. That means he will have no resistance when I make him King."
Rovitomial is puzzled and confused. Asherah Aphrodite leaves to the Nether with Ahzexian, Epimetheus, Fenrir, Moidaybe, Olorin, and Yusvago.
Olorin: "Where we are going is the far end of the Nether realm where the Nether beings there still live under the Old Ways. Separate clans.
They are mighty warriors. Skilled in Nether magic. The one we go to see is no so much subjugated those as Rovitomial would have you believe. But has more brought them under his banner."
Me: "Yes, I understand. That is why I seek this person as King."
They arrive to see Ahvaxian. His soldiers are preparing.
Yusvago: "Looks like someone is planning to have a big fight."
Aphrodite meets with Ahvaxian. He bows and takes a knee and greets her.
Ahvaxian: "Mighty Queen Asherah, it is an honor to have you in my home and in my war camp. Olorin has said you are looking for a new King of the Nether."
Me: "Yes he has counseled me wisely recently. Ever since my other council has gone. He suggested you.
From looking at you Ahvaxian and what you have here I would say that maybe he has chosen well. This was shall see. If you are ready to take the bond."
Ahvaxian: "I will take this bond my Queen, but first I must bring down my last remaining enemy. I assure you that if this is not done he will undermine all that you have placed here."
Me: "Who is this you speak of?"
Ahvaxian: "Baradin. I assure you that he is a foul individual and a cruel being. I will defeat him now to show you my loyalty and that you can place trust in me. That no dissension to your rule will ever come out of the Nether."
Me: "Then I shall watch this battle. Bring me victory and I shall place the Nether Crown upon your head." All the soldiers cheer.
Ahvaxian: "Come and join us for feast and celebration. For tomorrow, many will die. We honor them tonight."
Me: "You are already starting to prove to be a good King with such hospitality."
Asherah Aphrodite enters into a huge long house. It almost looks Nordic...
Aphrodite is with Ahvaxian and one of his generals. He sits at the head of the table.
Me: "You have mustered a grand army."
Ahvaxian: "It is but a small loyal force of men and women who support me. Who I have taken under my banner and my care. But I am sure it is nothing compared to the grand armies that you possess."
Me: "Ahvaxian you flatter me."
Olorin is sitting on the other side of her. She leans to him...
Me: "I believe we have found the right one."
Ahvaxian: "Shall we dance my Queen?"
Me: "Of course."
Asherah Aphrodite and Ahvaxian dance together...
Ahvaxian: "I shall never fail you as King of Nether. You can always place your trust in me."
Me: "I feel that I could place my trust in you now."
Ahvaxian: "Please be my guest here tonight. You and your guard. For within a few hours I shall go to conquer my last adversary."
Me: "I will accept this invitation."
Ahvaxian and Aphrodite are laughing together and celebrating.
Ahvaxian is talking about how he slayed a Nether Hydra.
Meanwhile... In Baradin's camp...
Asherah Aphrodite had sent her spy Vastrunna...
Baradin is a humanoid Nether being with long black hair and a black beard. He has a scar on his forehead that goes across over his left eye and down the left side of his face.
His skin is grey-purple like other Nether beings. The post picture best depicts his presence, personality, and stature. Not necessarily colors. Baradin is the true self of Eder...
Spy: "Baradin does not have the numbers to win this battle."
Guard: "Halt. What brings you here?"
Spy: "I come to see Earl Baradin."
Guard: "Who sends you?"
Spy: "I come alone. I bring you urgent news. The armies that you face will overwhelm you. Tell Baradin I have a solution to this."
Guard: "Wait here."
Baradin comes up to the spy...
Baradin: "Who are you? Why have you come here?"
Spy: "To tell you that you are not going to win tomorrow. You do not have the forces. You adversary has amassed many."
Baradin: "Then I shall die free. What concern is this of yours?"
Spy: "I want to see you live. Someone of great importance wishes to see you live and also be victorious tomorrow. That is why I bring you these."
Vastrunna gives Baradin weapons...
Baradin: "What is special about these?"
Spy: "It is what's in them that will assure your army victory. Use them and live."
Baradin: "With these weapons or not I will defeat Ahvaxian or I will die trying."
Her spy Vastrunna leaves the camp of Baradin...
Asherah Aphrodite is with Ahvaxian as he prepares for battle. The armies are lined up. Ahvaxian outnumbers Baradin at least 20 to 1.
Ahvaxian gets on a Nether horse. Aphrodite is on a hill with her personal guard. He rides up to her.
Ahvaxian: "Now witness my Queen that you have chosen wisely in King."
Me: "Prove to me this day that all you have said to me were not just words and I shall crown you King."
Ahvaxian: "One more thing before I go. A kiss for good luck."
Aphrodite kisses Ahvaxian.
Me: "Return victorious to me and you shall have more than a kiss."
Ahvaxian calls his armies. He is at the head of them. He motions for them to move forward.
Yusvago: "This is going to be a really short battle."
Moidaybe: "This isn't a battle. This is butchery." Then Moidaybe turns and walks away.
Baradin's warriors begin to move forward. Ahvaxian's army picks up speed. Ahvaxian's army encircles around Baradin and his warriors.
Ahvaxian: "Kill them all!" The armies clash.
Fenrir: "This is a slaughter. This is not even a fair fight. Who is he to boast about power and strength when he has to fight with so many against so few?"
Olorin: "These are the ways of war, but we must honor Baradin for fighting such against a mighty foe with so few. It will be a glorious death for him."
Fenrir: "There is no glory in being slaughtered."
Ahvaxian is thinning Baradin's army out. They are going down.
Suddenly there is a bright Ancient Void glow coming from the center where Baradin is engulfed. It is like staring into a blacklight.
The Ancient Void blinds Ahvaxian's army. As it dims down you can see Ahvaxian's army getting knocked back.
We see Baradin's army fighting back with these Void infused weapons. One guy can rush forward and hit someone and many fly back.
Ahvaxian looks for Baradin and sees him covered in Nether blood. Ahvaxian runs for him and calls his men to rush at Baradin.
Baradin moves really quick. He flashes and vamps to a different point. He cuts through Ahvaxian's troops.
Baradin makes his way toward Ahvaxian.
Ahvaxian gets ready on his horse.
Yusvago: "Look my Queen. The two have met on the battlefield. This will be a good fight."
Ahvaxian turns and starts riding away from Baradin.
Baradin is chasing him and vamping to get closer.
Yusvago: "Where the fuck is he going? Get back there you cowardly bitch!"
Yusvago is about to jump in and Aphrodite told him to stand back.
All of Ahvaxian's men surround Baradin.
Ahvaxian stops riding and turns around laughing. He rides back towards Baradin.
Baradin got cut on the back of his legs. He tried to vamp but someone blasted the orb he sends out. He has a few Nether arrows in his leg.
Ahvaxian rides down: "He is mine to finish!"
Ahvaxian gets ready to hit Baradin.
Baradin looks up and is almost ready to die. Someone grabs Baradin and moves him. Ahvaxian falls off his horse as he swings down.
Ahvaxian gets up to his feet. He turns around and sees Baradin. All of Baradin's warriors are dead.
Ahvaxian raises his sword up and commands his men to kill Baradin.
Me: "Stop! Any of you make a move towards him you will face my wrath."
Fenrir: "Yeah you heard her. Stand down chew toys."
One guy tries to make a move and Yusvago flies forward and punches him. He goes flying.
Me: "Ahvaxian you boast to me of being mighty. If you choose to be King you must lead by example.
This will be decided here and now. You will face Baradin and whoever is victorious I shall crown King of the Nether."
Ahvaxian: "My Queen! But this..."
Baradin stabs him through the throat before he could finish speaking.
Ahvaxian falls to his knees. He grabs at Aphrodite's dress as she walks in front of him.
Me: "You are unworthy of being King." She puts her foot on his shoulder and pushes him down with her leg.
Aphrodite turns to Baradin...
Me: "I have only ever seen few fight so bravely against overwhelming odds. You were willing to die for what you believed. For you to remain free. Those are the aspects of a King that I am looking for. One willing to sacrifice himself so others will remain free."
Aphrodite takes the arrows out of his leg.
Baradin: "I am no King. I am just a man."
Me: "And that is all I would expect you to be as King."
Ahzexian brings Aphrodite a chest. She opens it up and inside is the Nether Crown and a Dwarven dagger.
Me: "I offer this to you along with my bond. Both are yours if you choose them."
Baradin: "I cannot promise you that I will be the wisest King or the most rational at times. What I can promise you, I will never rule for myself. I will rule for the beings of the Nether."
Me: "And that is what I wish. Take the crown. Be King here in the Nether. Take the dagger and when you decide on the bond I will be here ready to give it to you."
Baradin: "And I will be ready to receive it."
Aphrodite places the Nether crown on the head of Baradin...
Me: "Arise King Baradin of the Nether."
All the soldiers around him take a knee and bow...
Me: "Come. We must get you healed." ilia heals Baradin of his wounds.
We go to the Nether capital... Baradin looks around in awe.
Baradin: "I have never been here."
Me: "Well this is your home now. You will get used to it."
Baradin: "So much is overwhelming me today. So much since last night. As if unseen forces turned the tide of battle in my favor."
Me: "Unseen forces. Those are the best forces of all."
Aphrodite winks at Baradin...
Baradin: "I am not sure I understand."
Me: "I am a very good judge of character. That is why I was not going to let you die by that coward Ahvaxian."
Baradin: "So it was you who pulled me from his incoming blow?"
Me: "No. That would be one who is very loyal to me. My man Moidaybe here."
Baradin: "Then I am in debt to you Moidaybe."
Moidaybe: "You owe me nothing."
Baradin: "Where I come from when one saves another's life they are in debt to them to return the favor."
Moidaybe: "Well if I ever get in that situation I will be looking for you."
We enter the throne room in the Nether...
Baradin: "What do I do as King?"
Me: "Rule with your heart. If you have any questions trust in your council and you can always ask me for advice."
Baradin: "I will do that."
Me: "Would you like the core fusion?"
Baradin: "Yes I would like to receive this."
Asherah Aphrodite brings Eder through a Myrrdonite rift...
Music begins...
Danheim - Herja (Full Album 2018) - Viking War Songs
0:19 in the music... Baradin begins to float and comes together with his incarnation.
0:40... Aphrodite gathers Nether energy. She sews them together.
1:04... Spirits of Nether warriors come through. Aphrodite gathers Nether energy from them and sews it in.
1:38 in the music... The is a depiction of a spirit battle happening around them.
1:55... A volley of spiritual Nether arrows fly overhead. Aphrodite gathers energy from them and sews it in.
2:13... Aphrodite gathers energy from the spiritual Nether battle depiction.
2:45... There is a stampede of Nether horses. They kick up clouds of Nether dust.
3:04... Aphrodite gathers the Nether dust and creates thread from it. She uses this to sew.
3:31... Nether spirits dance around them. They are doing a war dance.
3:46... Asherah Aphrodite dances with the Nether spirits. She gathers energy from it and sews it in.
4:23... Asherah gathers energy from floating Nether swords in the air. She sews it in.
5:05... Asherah Aphrodite is dancing and gathering energy from the spirit dancers. She sews it in.
5:40 in the music... The sewing is almost complete.
6:18... The fusion begins. Aphrodite brings up all the energy from the Nether spirits. She pours it into Baradin.
6:44 in the music... Baradin rises up into the air.
6:57... Baradin comes back down with spiritual Nether weapons in hand.
7:21... The Nether spirits of Baradin's dead enemies are all around him.
7:48... The dead Nether spirits of his enemies attack Baradin.
8:00... As Baradin slays these enemies with these weapons Aphrodite gathers the energy and pours it into him.
8:50... After he defeated them she pours all the energy into Baradin.
9:08... Baradin does a war dance and Aphrodite dances with him.
9:20... Nether spirit warriors join in the war dance.
9:33... Aphrodite pours energy from the spirit warriors into Baradin.
9:52... Baradin is wielding a weapon doing movements with it. Energy rises up around him and Aphrodite gathers it. She pours it into him.
11:25... The Nether spirits turn into energy. The float up above Baradin and swirl around him. Aphrodite pours the energy into him as they swirl.
12:33... Aphrodite moves all the energy down into Baradin.
12:57... The fusion finishes with the last bit of Nether energy.
13:30 in the music... Baradin rises up.
Baradin: "Thank you my Queen. I shall not let you down. I will rule the Nether wisely. Whenever you are in need of me just call on my name and my banner shall rally to you."
Me: "The time will come when I will call on you."
Nether King Baradin and Asherah Aphrodite bow to each other. She leaves and returns to Alfheim...
Olorin: "I apologize my Queen. I believed Ahvaxian would have made a good choice. I see that I was wrong."
Me: "He didn't show his true colors and who he was until the end. Who he was was a coward. Anyone could have been fooled by his boasting. Do not worry yourself. I still trust in your council."
I realized I forgot to ask the six questions. Aphrodite returns back to the Nether capital...
Me: "I must ask you some questions on behalf of your incarnation Eder."
Baradin: "Yes please do."
Questions from the incarnation...
Q1. Is there anything you can tell me about my brothers madness?
Baradin: "My incarnation's brother has many spirits on him. These affect him."
Q2. Is there anything you can tell me about a being I call seraphim?
Baradin: "Seraphim was my father. He still speaks to me and guides you."
Q3. Is there any special training you want me to do?
Baradin: "Yes physically. Learn how to become skilled with weapons. Train yourself. Become the warrior that you are. That I am."
Q4. Do we have any allies or enemies i should know about?
Baradin: "We did. Now we don't. If any arise in the future you will know."
Q5. Any tips for traveling to other realms as in how?
Baradin: "Focus on them. You must do this in a meditative state."
6. How do I strengthen our connection?
Baradin: "Become a warrior and you will feel me inside you."
Me: "Thank you Baradin for answering these."
Baradin: "You are very welcome Queen Asherah. Any time I can assist you please do not hesitate to ask."
Asherah Aphrodite leaves and returns to Alfheim. She stands on her balcony and overlooks the city.
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