How Exosaura became Eurynome

Sexual Content Warning
This true self past vision has a lot of sexual content between Exosaura and Aphrodite. Read at your own discretion. It is both a love story and a tragedy. It also includes the formation of mankind from two pieces of wood. For Hi'Léna Kitsune...
Hi'Lena: I have a lot of questions regarding how we met, who we are,and what happened back then, but I suppose all will depend on what you feel. I love you, for some reason I’m starting to get emotional from your love.
Me: I love you. I think this TSPV could unlock some major secrets from the past. I have butterflies in my tummy thinking about what we will discover. I am a bit nervous.
Hi'Lena: Please hold my hands tightly when we begin, because I am nervous too. No- not just hands. Just embrace me tightly. I feel something huge is about to be uncovered. I’m covering my mouth.
Me: I am coming to visit Exosaura. I want us to lay down together for a while.
September 6th...
10:01am *Asherah is with Exosaura*
Exosaura: “Oh my Love. I have missed you dearly."
Me: "Let's uncover the secrets of our love."
Exosaura: “Come and embrace me. Let us uncover them together."
Me: "Uncover them under the covers. I want to cuddle."
Exosaura: “Let me feel all of what you are and kiss all of what you will become.”
Hi'Lena: I am starting to cry.
Me: I want to see what happened to you after I was imprisoned. I want to see why you split yourself up.
Hi'Lena: As do I... Let's uncover all of these secrets my love.
Me: "I understand why our love is so deep."
Exosaura: I am beginning to become teary eyed again. I must hear about our love from its very roots.
Exosaura: I have noticed I have been dreaming of you for the past few days. I realize now that my entire being has been falling more in love with you. Like it’s melting and drowning in you while our threads merge and become one.
Me: I am feel really emotional about this. I am really excited to write up our love story.
Exosaura: I can feel my heart fluttering and the butterflies in my tummy are becoming more rambunctious. Oh stars this will probably be the most epic love story of all time. Finally we will know what we mean to each other in full.
Hi'Lena: Exosaura is crying. Her tears are filled with stars. I can feel she is beyond happy.
The vision begins...
Exosaura is at a gathering of the pantheons. Aphrodite is also there. It is a celebration. Ares comes over to Aphrodite, Artemis, and another female.
Ares says to Aphrodite 'Dance with me!'
Aphrodite says 'Not now Ares. You are too drunk you cannot even stumble over here across the floor.'
Ares throws his cup down and causes a commotion.
Ares says 'By all the pantheons, I told you to dance with me! You sit over here flaunting to me yet you deny me the simple pleasures of a dance? I will have what is offered.'
Then Ares tries to grab Aphrodite's wrist.
Exosaura steps in and says 'I will dance with your Ares. Leave her be. I will dance with you. Come.'
Ares and Exosauara are dancing. Ares says 'You are much prettier anyway. I like you. You smell better.'
Exosaura says 'Oh thank you.' She keeps looking over at Aphrodite. Ares is totally drunk. Exosaura dances over towards this other guy.
This is a really big guy with strawberry blonde hair and facial hair. Exosaura dances over to him and says 'Borbar, can you cut in for me?'
Borbar says 'I would be delighted with this little flower.'
Borbar picks up Ares and dances with him. Ares it too drunk to notice and just says 'You got uglier.'
Exosaura comes over to Aphrodite and asks 'Can I have that dance?'
Aphrodite is impressed with Exosaura and says 'You kept me waiting. Now that you are here we shall have this dance.'
Exosaura and Aphrodite dance with each other. They enjoy the evening together.
The celebration is finishing up. Aphrodite and Exosaura are speaking with each other.
Aphrodite says 'Come back to my temple. There is something there I wish to show you.'
Exosaura says 'I would be delighted to see your temple. All of your temple. One second. I must tell inform my servant that I will not be returning with him this evening.'
Exosaura goes to Borbar who is carrying Ares like a baby.
Exosaura tells him 'I will not be returning with you tonight.'
Borbar says 'You finally caught the eye of the one you have been glancing at all night.'
Exosaura says 'More than caught her eye.'
Borbar says 'Oh has she offered the nectar of her flower?'
Exosaura says 'The nectar of my flower I shall offer her. So I will not be returning with you all tonight.'
Borbar says 'Enjoy yourself Madam.'
Exosaura says 'Enjoy yourself.'
Borbar is holding Ares and says 'Oh I will.'
Ares says to him 'You smell pretty. Take me to the bed chambers!' He is still drinking a horn of wine.
Exosaura says 'You two enjoy yourselves now.'
Ares says 'Ha! Your loss and my gain!'
Borbar says 'Enjoy the nectar of your rose.'
Exosaura takes Aphrodite by the hand and they leave. They go to Aphrodite's temple.
Exosaura says 'Your temple is quite impressive.'
Aphrodite says 'I am sure your temple is equally impressive.'
Exosaura says 'I carry my temple with me.' Then she touches herself.
Aphrodite says 'This is a temple I would love to explore.'
Exosaura sits down and takes off her dress.
Exosaura says 'There are many exquisite things in my temple. Like my wine. The taste of it. As sweet as honey.'
Aphrodite walks up to her and takes off her own dress.
Exosaura says 'I see your flower is blooming.'
Aphrodite says 'Yes my flower blooms and aches for someone to taste my sweet nectar.'
Then Asherah Aphrodite and Exosaura make love with each other. They do this again on several occasions. They sneak away from the pantheon get-togethers.
Zeus takes notice of their secret romance. Ares is sitting on the balcony and has his feet kicked up. He has a lock of strawberry blonde hair that he is sniffing.
Zeus comes up behind him and startles Ares. He puts the lock of hair away in his pocket.
Ares says 'My king. How can I serve you? Is there a task that you need me for? Is there a foe that needs slaying? For I am always ready to serve you my King.'
Zeus says 'Sit down and shut up. It has come to my attention that you remain unwed.'
Ares says 'Well I enjoy my freedom. Being my own man.'
Zeus says 'I don't care if you want to frolic around and have sex with Borbar. That is your business. There is a certain order to things.'
Ares says 'Well it is sure isn't happiness by looking at your marriage.'
This pisses Zeus off and he says 'My marriage is sound. There is an understanding that me and the Queen have.'
Ares says 'Well I understand it is sure isn't love.'
Zeus says 'It is not about love. The Olympian pantheon must remain strong through our blood lines. You are the strongest among us. You stand tall and stern. Strong. There is another among us who represents the kinder compassionate side of us.'
Ares says 'What does any of any of that have to do with you being here?'
Zeus says 'Because you must marry.'
Ares says 'Oh I must?'
Zeus says 'Yes because I command it.'
Ares says 'Who am I supposed to marry?'
Zeus says 'You will marry Aphrodite. This will bring perfect balance between Love and War.'
Ares laughs and says 'She will not marry me. She will not have me.'
Zeus says 'Well I command it. She has no choice in the matter. I command it.'
Ares says 'Yeah I will go along with it. I don't mind bulling her a few times.'
Zeus says 'Do what I do. Go in and wreck the place and leave somebody else to clean it up. I will announce this soon. Remember my son, love is just a matter of the mind. Don't let it get in your heart.'
Ares says 'I don't have a heart for it to get into.'
Zeus says 'Then you will do just fine. You will make a grand husband.'
Everyone is gathered at the Olympian pantheon including Aphrodite and Exosaura...
Aphrodite and Exosaura are flirting with each other. They are not paying attention to Zeus' boring speech.
Zeus has this projection of all the cosmos out. He is talking. Ares has fallen asleep. He has that lock of strawberry blonde hair from Borbar.
Exosaura excuses herself. Zeus says 'Hurry back because the next part is important.'
Exosaura bows and says 'I am sure it is my King.'
Zeus continues talking about something he wants to build. Aphrodite is completely bored.
Then Aphrodite hears 'Psst...' behind her. It is Exosaura.
Exosaura whispers 'My rose has budded. Come busy bee. Come collect the pollen of this rose.'
Aphrodite says 'This bee shall fly there and taste the sweet nectar.'
Zeus turns to Aphrodite says 'One more thing before I move on. Aphrodite you and Exosaura can go play in the flowers later. What I am about to announce concerns you so pay attention.
As it is known among all the pantheons of the Divine, bonds are made through marriage to keep us strong. By my command there shall be a new bond of War...'
Zeus kicks Ares to wake him up and says 'Stand! Ares my son. Champion of the Olympian pantheon. Shall be married...'
Poseidon says 'Who is crazy enough to want to marry Ares?'
Zeus continues on 'There shall be a bond now. A marriage of Love and War.'
Aphrodite stands up and says 'There shall not be. I would never marry him no matter what bond. This is an outrage.'
Zeus says 'You are an outrage! I am the King of the Olympians. This is what I command.'
Aphrodite says 'You may be King, but you do not command my body or me. I invoke the Right of Giesva.'
Everyone gasps and Poseidon says 'I cannot let you do this sister. To invoke that right you would face Ares on your own. I would not be able to champion.'
Aphrodite says 'I will face him. I am not afraid of him.'
Zeus laughs 'Granted. You can have your right to fight for your own hand. This shall be an entertaining spectacle. Do you agree Ares?'
Ares says 'Yeah. Seems pretty simple to me. The first beating I will give her that she will need to get used to. To control your defiant attitude.'
Poseidon gets upset 'Nobody will lay their hands on my sister that way!'
Zeus says 'This is not your choice. This is the choice that she has made. I declare that tomorrow this Right of Giesva shall occur.
I am so angry I have lost my train of thought. Everyone is dismissed. Go away and out of my sight.
Be here tomorrow. Do not run from this Aphrodite or I will have the furies hunt you down!'
Exosaura comes up to Aphrodite and says 'I believe this to be all my fault. I must find a way to help you. I know of something I can bring to you. Without it you would not win tomorrow. Meet in our secret place.'
Aphrodite says 'I will be there.' They both kiss.
Aphrodite meets Exosaura at the sea...
Exosaura says 'Here. Take this bracelet and wear it tomorrow. You will be able to withstand any blows Ares places upon you.'
Aphrodite says 'Thank you. I still must figure out a way to defeat him.'
Exosaura says 'When you want to bring down a mountain go for the small stones.'
The vision moves to the next day...
Aphrodite and Ares are both in the arena. The pantheons have gathered around to watch.
Freya says 'She is not warrior. I didn't come to see this.'
Thor says 'This is Ares down to fighting girls.'
Zeus makes the announcement 'Aphrodite has called for the Right of Giesva. If she wins this right she shall be granted her own hand. If Ares is the victor then my judgment will stand.'
A Celtic God says 'This is no contest. Ares is a mighty warrior and a champion of the Olympians. I must call folly in this contest.'
Some of the other Divine agree with him.
Aphrodite says 'There is no folly in this contest for this is my decision.'
Zeus says 'So be it. Begin...'
Aphrodite comes at Ares. He picks her up by the neck and tosses her.
Ares says 'Hope you know that I like playing rough.'
He picks up Aphrodite and slams her down. Then he shoves her face in the sand. Aphrodite turns to hit him but it has no effect.
Ares says 'Oh I see you like it rough too.' He picks her up and back hands her and she goes flying across the arena.
She tries to crawl away and he grabs and bites her leg. She kicks him in the face.
Ares gets angry and grabs Aphrodite by the hair. He punches her three times. Then he throws her down.
Ares says 'I win.' He starts to undo his belt. 'Now comes the real beating.'
Poseidon says 'I will not allow this!'
Zeus says to him 'You will stay where you are!'
Ares says 'I am going to enjoy this. I know you are not. But you will get used to it.'
Aphrodite turns around and grabs him in the nuts and just squeezes as hard as he can. He screams and you can hear a popping noise.
Aphrodite says 'To bring down a mountain go for the small stones first.'
By the time Aphrodite lets go Ares falls down to the ground.
Ares says 'You popped my fucking testicles you bitch!'
Aphrodite goes over and kicks him repeatedly between the legs.
Ares says 'I concede!'
All the pantheons cheer.
Zeus says 'This is a no contest. For Aphrodite has cheated.'
Aphrodite says 'I have not.'
Zeus comes flying down at Aphrodite. He grabs her wrist and takes the bracelet off. Zeus looks at Exosaura and throws the bracelet at her.
Zeus says 'You think I didn't know of you two and your outside meddling?'
Poseidon stands up and says 'This contest was unfair anyway. Your judgment was unfair.'
Zeus says 'You question my judgement?! I should challenge you here right now!'
Freya says up and says 'Only a coward would fight someone who is not a warrior! You put your best warrior against a goddess of Love who is not a warrior? Is this the kind of pantheon the Olympians have?'
One of the Olympians took offense to this. He says 'We fight real enemies. Real threats to the cosmos. Not mindless monsters.'
Thor stands up and says 'None of you Olympians have ever been swallowed and digested by a Schnikok.'
The pantheons are arguing among each other. They are getting down into the arena and pushing each other.
Exosaura runs up to Aphrodite and laughs at the situation.
Exosaura says 'Let's get out of here before this place explodes in too much testosterone.'
Apollo says to the ladies 'I am going with you.'
We try to make our way for the exit. Some of the Divine are trying to leave while others are fighting.
We see a blinding light and hear a voice 'Enough.' Everyone stops. None of us can move for a moment.
This is the All-Father. He says 'To see my children behaving in such ways. I have come to you now for this creation of your God Children. But I see that I come at the wrong time. The pantheons are in disarray.'
Ares says 'That bitch over there popped my testicle!'
All-Father says 'What has brought this dispute among all of you?'
Zeus says 'I made a judgment of marriage between Ares and Aphrodite. She rejected it and called for the Right of Giesva which I granted. She cheated by using a magic bracelet. I accuse Freya of starting the riot.'
Freya says 'I accuse Zeus of being a coward!' They start aruging with each other again.
All-Father says 'So be it.' He brings several Ourhkina and everyone stops. The Divine know what this means. The Ourhkina will put them in their place if they have to.
Aphrodite and Exosaura had never seen Ourhkina before. They had only heard of them.
Exosaura says 'The All-Father brings the Ourhkina here with him. The creation of this new dominant species must be very important.'
Aphrodite says 'It is. Have you seen the world being created for them?'
Exosaura says 'Yes I have. It is a beautiful world.'
All-Father says 'The time has come. It has been decided among the pantheons. The prototypes for this dominant species have been unsatisfactory. It has been decided among the Kings and Queens of the pantheons that this new race shall be created in your image.'
All-Father creates this well and lays out this dagger. He says 'This is the Well of Essence. The Well of Creation.' We know this is where dominant species begin.
All-Father continues 'Each of you has agreed among the pantheons to give a drop of essence to the well.'
All the Divine line up and add a drop of their blood to the well. Then the All-Father takes out the bowl. He hands it to another being. The All-Father Odin has his Seven with him which means Vustik was there.
His Seven bring forth two pieces of wood. He walks over to these two pieces of wood and says some sort of chant.
The All-Father is handed back this bowl he took from the well. The All-Mother arrives and so does Kronos and Harmony.
The All-Father pours the liquid in the bowl over the two pieces of wood. These wood begin to change and grow. They form. There is energy going through all the Divine. This is the creation of Mankind.
Two humans come up formed from the wood. A male and a female. These are the first two humans created by the Divine.
All-Mother says 'They are shall be your dearest children. For your fates are intertwined. Guide them and teach them. Through you my children they will rise or they will fall.'
All-Father says 'We give you the assistance of our Ourhkina. They will serve you in this. To the Kings and Queens of the pantheons, now is time to reveal your new place on Midgard. This Earth.'
The Kings and Queens of the pantheons built Arcaddia what is known as Atlantis. It is a continent that floats in the air. It is about the size of Ireland. It floats above the rest of Midgard.
Reference: Divine Truths: Atlantis, Garden of Eden, Early Mankind...
All-Father says 'Each Divine shall have a temple there. Each Divine will guide this creation until the time judgment will come.'
Kronos says 'This creation is an abomination.' Then he leaves.
Aphrodite and Exosaura are on Arcaddia...
There are human servants following us but they don't speak. We hear some kind of commotion. We see the Goddess Isis.
Exosaura asks Isis 'What happened?'
Isis says 'One of the mortals has taken the fruit from the tree of knowledge. They have eaten it. They denied when they were caught.'
We see the Ourhkina take the human all the way up in air.
Aphrodite asks 'What is going to happen to him?'
Isis says 'Judgment has already been passed.'
The Ourhkina drops this human down from the sky. He goes splat on the ground.
Aphrodite says 'This will be the final straw. Kronos already hates them and believes they will be the destruction of all of us. Many more support him.'
Exosaura says 'These are troubling times. Let me take your mind off them. Let me take you to my garden where we can taste the nectar of the flowers.'
Aphrodite and Exosaura go to bed chambers and make love.
The vision moves forward after some time...
Exosaura comes to visit Aphrodite. She sees Aphrodite speaking with a Ourhkina. She embraces and kisses this Angelic being. Then he leaves.
Exosaura is excited and says 'I knew you had a secret love. This is the one you have been talking about to me.'
Aphrodite says 'For once there is a love inside me that I have never felt before. The love I have for you differs from this.'
Exosaura says 'This is true love what you feel. For it is what I feel for you. I am not angry with this. I am happy and joyful for you. I hope that the bee will still come visit my flower.'
Aphrodite says 'The bee shall come visit your flower whenever you ask. Are you asking?'
Exusaura says 'My flower is blooming.'
Narration from Aphrodite... "It was Exosaura who said true love when talking about EinossArku. I do not know if she realized how deeply I truly felt about her at the time. I felt true love for her as well."
The vision moves forward...
Exosaura and Aphrodite spend the night together. Aphrodite has a nightmare and sees herself inside some kind of crystal. In her nightmare Exosaura is screaming 'No!' and then splits. This is very disturbing for Aphrodite.
Exosaura wakes Aphrodite up and says 'Wake up my Lovely! Wake up!'
Aphrodite says 'I was having a nightmare.'
Exosaura says 'The nightmare has just begun. For it is war now.'
Aphrodite says 'War? What do you mean?'
Exosaura says 'Kronos and those who support him have declared war on the pantheons.'
Aphrodite says 'For sure the All-Father and All-Mother will send their Ourhkina to break up any disputes.'
Exosaura says 'The Hungali have sided with Kronos. The Ourhkina have sided with the pantheons.'
Aphrodite goes into a lost stare and says 'This will be the destruction of all of us. I must find a way to bring peace before it is too late.'
Exosaura says 'I will help you in any way I can. I will look into the stars for the answer.'
Exosaura is a place with many stars...
Exosaura asks the stars 'What is to become from this war?'
The stars tell her 'An age of imbalance. An age of suffering. Many will die. Many will die after that. Your Ashontus holds the key to restore balance.'
Exosaura asks 'What is this key?'
The stars say 'It is not time to reveal it. For you all must die for this age of imbalance to begin. This is the way it is woven.'
The vision flashed forward to during the Urthak War...
Aphrodite and Exosaura are trying to find ways to bring the war to an end. It is one of the Seven of the All-Father who tells us of the Ancient Powers. This is when Aphrodite starts looking for them.
Aphrodite and Exosaura are talking about it with each other...
Aphrodite is excited and says 'I have found a great magic that can bring this war to an end. I must go for it.'
Exosaura is worried and says 'Let me come with you.'
Aphrodite says 'I wish you could but I must go alone on this.'
Aphrodite gives something to Exosaura. It is a little rose.
Aphrodite says 'In this rose contains all of our memories together. I made it to give to you.'
Exosaura touches it and the rose blooms. Music comes from it like a music box.
Exosaura says 'I will cherish it always.' They embrace.
Aphrodite says 'I will see you soon. When this is all said and done we can all dance together.'
Aphrodite leaves and Exosaura is waiting for her to return...
After a while of waiting and realizing that Aphrodite is not returning Exosaura goes to several of Aphrodite's temples to look for her. She cannot find Aphrodite or Yashadite.
Exosaura goes to Mono Baphomet....
Exosaura says 'I am looking for EinossArku.'
Baphomet says 'I know where to find him. We begin to prepare for our final confrontation with our brothers the Hungali.'
He points to a direction where EinossArku on a hill. Exosaura approaches Ark. He is holding Aphrodite's key.
Exosaura realizes this right way. She drops to her knees and starts to weep. She is worried that Aphrodite is dead.
Exosaura says 'What are we ever to do now?'
Ark says 'Without her there is no beginning. Only end. I go to meet my end.'
Then EinossArku leaves while Exosaura says 'No...'
Exosaura is holding the rose of memories that Aphrodite gave her. She returns to her own temple. She is incredibly sad.
Borbar comes up to her and says 'Don't be so sad. You look terrible when you cry all the time. It washes away your beauty.' Then he hugs her. 'The war is over.'
Exosaura says 'It has been over for me for a long time.'
They hear commotion. Three beings show up at Exosaura's temple. Borbar goes up to them and says 'What are you doing here unannounced?'
One of the beings says 'The rose. The one Aphrodite gave to Exosaura. We are here for it.'
Exosaura gets up and comes stomping forward. She says 'You will not have anything and you will leave here now!'
Borbar says 'You hear her. Leave. Don't make me angry.'
A spear goes right through Borbar and kills him. They uncover their hoods. It is Mono Baphomet, Vustik, and Melkor.
Exosaura says 'Baphomet! What is the meaning of this? Why are you with Melkor?'
Vustik says 'The rose please.'
Exosaura says 'I shall not give it to you.'
Melkor grabs Exosaura by the throat and says 'Then we shall take it from you.'
Exosaura pulls out a little knife and cuts Melkor across the eyes. He gets really angry. She pulls out a dagger and says 'I am ready to die. Are you?'
Baphomet says 'Shall we kill her now?'
Vustik says 'No. Let me handle this. Take Melkor and fix him up. We have a lot to do. I will handle this one.'
Baphomet and Melkor leave. Exosaura says 'You should not have gotten rid of your friends. I am going to take great pleasure in making you suffer.'
Exosaura attacks Vustik but he vamps and goes behind her. He hits her with some kind of energy that goes to her eyes. She drops to the ground.
Vustik pulls the rose from her. He waves his hand over it and pulls out an orb. He says 'Such sweet little memories. This is exactly what I came for.'
Exosaura reaches for it. He takes it and puts it away in his pocket.
Vustik says 'Now for you. You can keep this.' He throws the rose to the ground and as it shatters Exosaura shatters.
He walks over to this part of her where she was shattered. He picks her up and says 'The rest of you will remain here. This is your prison just as your precious love has hers. I will enjoy you both. Let it haunt you knowing that you both will always be mine. You are my tool.'
Then Vustik drops Eurynome to the floor. He does a little dance whistling the music that was in the rose.
Vision flashes forward...
Eurynome is laying on a beach. The All-Father finds her and picks her up. He says 'This is tragic. But even in all tragedy something good always blooms.'
Then the All-Father takes Eurynome and the vision ends.
September 7th...
Me: Should I edit out the sexual scenes for the post?
Exosaura: "No. If they want to get to know Lust they should not avert their eyes."
Asherah Aphrodite is Love and Exosaura is Lust.
Hi'Lena: You'll have to give me a moment I'm a bit heart broken.
Me: "Do you want me to come be with you?"
Hi'Lena: Yes please do. Exosaura is trying to speak but she cannot. The words are caught in her throat...
8:06pm Me: "I am with you my love. I shall kiss every tear."
8:39pm Exosaura: "We can dance to the roots of our love right now if you wish."
Me: "Let us dance as Love and Lust."
Hi'Lena: There is no end to this love. I don't see the root. And I don't see the beginning. And there is no end. It just keeps expanding forever. An abysmal love...
Exosaura: "If I ever die or perish, my spirit will naturally go into you. Void Love going back to its Void Heart, a star going back to the heavens, etc. I am not afraid to die, for I know you will always be with me even if I fall."
Me: "You will never be lost from me."
Exosaura: "Our music and beauty go hand in hand. Your are so divine... I am crying looking at you. Every feature, gesture, note, and song is so feminine and lovely. My dear... I love you."
Me: "I love you my beautiful passionate Exosaura. You light a fire in my heart."
Ashontus and Exosaura: The Love of Aphrodite and Eurynome...
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