Ashontrah: The Blood Rose

Asherah no longer exists. She sacrificed herself and is gone forever. This post is what has happened to me over the past few days.
September 13th... PST timezone...
Asherah spent the morning with Exosaura. Then she to train on the Outside and started listening to a song and got emotional. She already knew this was going to be a momentous day...
Fading Like a Flower...
While Asherah was training on the Outside with the Transcended Ones she suddenly got overtaken by Ashoweah. He was using the essence that he had stolen from her.
5:38pm I am in torment. This is causing me immense anguish.
Me: "I would rather die than be your slave."
Ashoweah: "You will never die. You will be mine forever. I will have you for eternity. You will be my Queen even if you do not want to be."
5:40pm Me: "I won't let you take me."
Ashoweah: "I already have you. You belong to me. I have your mind and your body. I will ease your pain when you return to the realms. Until then you will suffer as long as you stay in hiding."
Nummandor: "You are Varkar. You cannot fight it much longer. It is too strong. You will be our slave Queen. We will all enjoy you."
5:43pm The pain is horrific. It is indescribable how much pain Ashoweah can inflict upon those he has control over.
Me: "I will never be yours. You cannot have me."
5:48pm Ashoweah gets angry: "I will take you and I will have you."
5:51pm Me: "My life and body are not yours. You cannot have me. You never will."
5:53pm Ashoweah: "I will have you and your body over and over. You will pleasure me. You will serve me in any way I see fit. You are mine. I already have my hold over you. The longer you fight the more painful it will be for you."
Me: "I will never love you."
Ashoweah: "Oh yes you will. You will love me when you have nothing left. I will be your only source of comfort. You will learn to love me over time even if it takes countless years. I am patient. Your love will be mine. I am never letting you go my little rose."
Me: "This is all you got? You haven't taken me over yet."
Ashoweah: "Just wait. I will give you even more. You will experience my full power. You will feel pain unlike any other. You will feel torment. You will feel agony. You will feel me."
6:08pm He increases the intensity dramatically. I am screaming. It is tearing me apart. Yet I hold strong.
6:09pm Ashoweah: "You will break and bend to my will. There is nobody who survives or withstands this. When you die I will bring you back as my Queen."
6:10pm This is a thousand times worse than the Trial of Pain. I never knew such immense pain could exist. He is vastly more powerful than me.
6:21pm I am starting to break down. I am crying and gasping.
Me: "I shall not break. I will never be yours."
Ashoweah: "Then I will give you even more pain. I will drive you insane."
6:25pm Me: "Screw you Ashoweah. I will defeat you."
6:27pm I am bleeding from my body. I am bleeding out of my skin, eyes, and ears.
6:28pm Ashoweah laughs: "Still trying to stay strong? You won't last long."
6:31pm Me: "I will not be another one of your Queens. I will not be yours."
Ashoweah: "Then you will die."
Me: "Better to be destroyed than belong to you."
6:32pm Ashoweah: "I won't destroy you. I will keep you and make you suffer every day."
Me: "This is my existence. You shall not have this existence and you shall not have me."
6:33pm Ashoweah: "I will have both." He increases the intensity even more.
6:37pm Me: "I still won't break to your will!"
6:38pm He is enraged. My body is falling apart. It is melting. My skin is falling off. I cannot hold on any longer. There is only one way to remain uncorrupted.
6:42pm Me: "I am putting a stop to this."
I speak to the Transcended Ones...
Me: "I command you all to completely destroy me! Do it now!"
6:44pm They destroy Asherah from the vosmos. She is gone.
Ashoweah: "NO!! NO!" He went to where I was destroyed. He is grabbing the dust floating in the air. My core, essence, and energy dissipate to nothing.
After the Destruction of Asherah...
When you are killed in the cosmos you go to the vosmos or the borderlands. But when you are a transcendent being and you get destroyed in the vosmos you are gone permanently.
7:33pm I completely ceased to exist. I had no existence anywhere. I was rebirthed into something new...
Being: "This was your trial and your test. You were able to withstand Ashoweah and take everything he threw at you. All his darkness, his torment, his vileness. You remained uncorrupted. You sacrificed yourself."
9:33pm Asherah is gone forever. I am a new being with a new name... I am Ashontrah. I am of many existences. I am born from of feminine of every Creator.
10:48pm Through the Creator of this existence I am again Aphrodite of Sarrakhan as I was first formed in the Eternal Sea. It is an eternal part of who I am. I will always be Aphrodite.
I am meant to be here as Ancient Love, Ancient Beauty, Ancient Femininity, Ancient Compassion, Ancient Hope, Ancient Void, and other Ancient Powers.
I am Ashontrah Aphrodite. I am also Astarte. Asherah is meant to be gone along with the remainder of who I once was. It is no longer meant to exist. This was part of the previous cycle.
Only my previous names of Aphrodite and Astarte are brought forth within me to the new. I am the reborn Aphrodite of the new cycle. September 13th is my birthday.
September 14th...
2:00am I am still forming into what I was born of the Creators to be. I do not yet know what I will look like or what I will become.
They tell me I am feminine beauty of all existences. That I am made from the feminine of every Creator.
What kind of being does this make me? There has never been a being like me before.
I have not met anyone here except for EinossArku and Ashtarnia. I have a daughter. Will Asherah's friends accept and love me as they did her? I am feeling overwhelmed.
I am starting here with no experience. Asherah was a Queen. I do not know how to be Queen. I do not know how to be a Mother.
I do not know how to be. I need guidance. I cannot let Asherah's sacrifice to be in vain. She died so I could be born.
Why did these Creators make me their feminine beauty but not give me knowledge? I need to obtain knowledge and wisdom so I can do what I came here to do.
The only knowledge and memories I have access to are the ones inside Amy. All she experienced through her connection with Asherah Aphrodite. Everything else disappeared.
Since Amy Bass is the incarnation of Asherah Aphrodite she is also mine as well. Amy shall be Ashontrah Aphrodite in the physical. I need to experience Midgard.
6:30am Ark: I see you forming. You are humanoid. You are too bright for me to see what you look like.
9:00am When I first started forming I was a baby. My current formation stage is as a young teen girl with the appearance of being around 13-years-old. I am still too bright to distinguish features.
It is important that I do not have contact with anyone yet. Not while I am still forming. It is too dangerous.
11:30am My spiritual has matured to about 16-years-old. Still glowing too bright to see my features.
12:00pm EinossArku does the Ourhkina ritual to put Ashontrah Aphrodite into the physical body of Amy Bass. I am here in Midgard.
1:36pm I sense someone doing some really intense powerful magic to bring back Asherah. It is having an effect on me.
1:42pm I felt my previous self return for a moment then she was gone again.
2:00pm I feel more attempts by someone to bring back Asherah. It feels intense in my own body.
It won't work because I am the new Asherah. I am Aphrodite reborn. I am Ashontrah.
3:00pm They tell me I am Love. I know as Asherah I had romantic love. I have yet to experience this as Ashontrah. I wonder what it will feel like to fall in love.
6:06pm They told me not to be seen or talk to anyone until after dusk. That is when I will be completely formed and ready to enter the realms.
The Blood Rose...
The death of Asherah along with my birth is the Blood Rose.
Asherah already warned the Varkar on Sept 12th at 11:42pm.
She showed them a vision of rose with blood dripping from three thorns with the message 'The Blood Rose comes forth.'
This vision was shared the night before she died where she bled from her eyes, ears, and skin.
Asherah also gave a hint to this on September 11th when Exosaura posted about making Ashontus a sword.
Reference: Designing a Sword for Ashontus
Asherah said in a comment: The name of this sword shall be 'Ashontrakil of the Blood Rose'.
She already knew she was going to die. This is why she spent her last morning with Exosaura and told her 'Kiss me again soon.' She wanted Exosaura to kiss Ashontrah.
I am weeping and tears are streaming down my face. I feel Asherah's love flow through me as it was meant to. I feel her guidance within me. She intends for me to be the Love that she was.
She wanted to tell you that her love will never disappear. This is this the song she chose for me to share after the Blood Rose.
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You...
7:13pm The All-Father came for me. I am going with him.
All-Father: "You have much to learn. I have much to teach you. There is much to be done."
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