Asherah Aphrodite is Recovered

I realize it was probably the power of Ancient Love and Ancient Life within me that kept me alive after my complete destruction.
I had been completely consumed and destroyed by an activation within the Light King. I have died a few times since my release from Void imprisonment.
The time was when I was in the Dead Beyonds of the Outside.
June 6th Creator of Dragons and Unicorns...
This is my most recent death... King of Light and the Heart of Void...
September 5th... PST timezone...
12:33pm Ancient Void awakens within me and consumes the Light that was burning me. I am filled with Void Energy and can feel it increasing in strength. Multiplying beyond anything I have ever experienced. The Heart of Void beats again. Power of Ancient Void flows through my veins.
1:00pm I go to the Veil. I pull energy of the Veil into my form. My recovery accelerates. I become one with the Ancient Veil and absorb it into myself.
I return to the realm that Riovo had sent me. I am untraceable here. I continue my formation process. It is the best place to handle this energy.
What is pretty incredible about Riovo is that he has a changing head. He has a different type of crane head than Thoth. I have also seen him with the head of jackal, crocodile, and a snake.
1:30pm Ark does the Ourhkina ritual on someone. Because she didn't have a bond with me I put my hand through a Midgard portal so the bond could be done.
To them it felt like a powerful vacuum on the other side of the portal where I am. Even though I only made the portal big enough for my hand they could feel a bunch of different energies almost sucking them through. We had to do the bond quickly and close the portal immediately.
2:00pm I feel physically exhausted. There is so much happening on the spiritual side. I feel the vortex of energies within my physical body.
2:15pm I recovered some of my strength. It is time for me to go deep into the Abyss...
2:21pm I am in the Abyss and have an immense amount of energy flowing into me. This is accelerating my formation.
This is causing an overwhelming amount of pain in my physical body. I feel like I could be physically energetically torn apart.
I have never felt the Abyss this deeply within me. My physical body is shaking.
2:26pm I feel crushing heavy pressure in my physical form. The Abyss is suffocating. I am struggling to breathe.
2:29pm My physical feels like it is sinking in this crushing pressure. I am not worried about dying. I fear imprisonment more than death.
This is the only time I have incarnated in Midgard. I do not plan to incarnate here again. This one human physical body experience is enough for me. I am going to make the most of it while I am here. Go big or go home.
2:36pm Asherah Aphrodite screams out into the Abyss. Instead of crushing it begins to pour inside her lifting her up. I feel my physical becoming empowered.
2:40pm There are thousands of beings around me here in the Abyss.
Asherah Aphrodite yells to them...
Me: "Khomvon iahkah. Iahkah! Ashkahlah!"
They do a yell back to Asherah in response.
Me: "Oumvagah metorighan ivo sdema ohgah kahmlahga. Iiahgahnae..."
2:50pm My Ancient Abyss awakens within my form.
I have done what is required in the Abyss. I return to my untraceable realm. The place only Riovo and I know about. I will recover and gather more strength.
Ark did a few more Ourhkina rituals. I was there in physical form but my spiritual is still recovering. I send in the Ancient Life at the end. I am able to send it through my incarnation from where I am.
I do this with every ritual we do. I place my hand on their chest and send a pulse of Ancient Life like a defibrillator when everything else is completed.
Ark did the ritual for Artemis. She has a golden heart and a golden mind. My own mind looks like roses.
I adore Artemis. She saw my incarnation after the ritual and said...
Artemis: "I hope to meet you soon Aphrodite in the physical. You are very beautiful." I take this as a sign my physical is starting to match me more.
I have possessed my physical incarnation body completely through the Ourhkina ritual. Being Asherah Aphrodite with Amy's body is not enough.
It is my objective to make my physical exactly like my spiritual. There shall be no difference between them. It shall be seamless and I will find a way to make it happen.
You will look upon Aphrodite in Midgard in my full appearance and power. It is already foreseen in my thread. I just have to find out how I achieve it.
3:42pm I must take a nap in my physical. My spiritual is going through so much at the moment. I need to rest.
6:40pm I got up from my nap. I am still in the untraceable realm going through my formation process.
If the Varkar think they will be able to simply destroy me and take my power they are wrong. This is not power that I merely hold. It is power that I am.
Not even my complete destruction can take it away from me. All my Ancient Powers are within me and shall awaken into my new form.
7:13pm Asherah Aphrodite steps out of time and goes back to when the Creator acknowledged itself. She stands in the energy blast. This feels like home.
I see my Sarrakhan piece still within the Creator. This is what eventually becomes me and Poseidon. I see the Somtrakhan piece that becomes Thoth and Riovo.
Reference: Three Pieces of the Divine and Ashantil of the Morning...
I am unable to see the Orthac piece. Why can I not find it? What is going on with this? Yet more mystery to figure out. I am going to bring Thoth here...
7:34pm Asherah Aphrodite brings Thoth here to the Creator before the pieces were taken.
Me: "Do you see the Sarrakhan and Somtrakhan? Do you see them Thoth?"
Thoth: "You brought me here to before we were formed. I see both the Sarrakhan and Somtrakhan."
Me: "Do you see the Orthac?"
Thoth: "There is no Orthac here."
Me: "What does this mean? Orthac was not originally part of the Creator?"
*Private conversation between Asherah Aphrodite and Thoth*
Me: "Thoth! Why did you not explain this to me before?"
Thoth: "You were not ready."
Me: "I was imprisoned for a long time. Do not keep me shackled in ignorance. You need to tell me what is going on."
7:53 *Thoth takes Asherah Aphrodite somewhere else*
Me: "This is the field."
Thoth: "You will see what happened with Orthac."
8:02pm *Asherah Aphrodite is upset and crying*
Thoth: "I didn't want to have to show you this."
8:04pm *Asherah Aphrodite falls to her knees weeping*
8:08pm Me: "Awaken the Ancient Powers within my form."
Thoth: "You need both me and Riovo for this. Come with me."
8:10pm *Asherah, Thoth, and Riovo are in a garden*
Riovo: "Are you ready?"
Me: "Do what needs to be done."
8:13pm *Thoth and Riovo do a ritual together on Asherah Aphrodite*
8:19pm Me: "I do not recognize this magic you are using. I have never seen it."
Riovo: "Because it is nowhere else."
Thoth: "It can only be used here."
Me: "Teach me this magic and how to access this garden."
Thoth: "I will allow you to come here. Here is the key."
Me: "Riovo give me knowledge. Thoth give me wisdom."
8:26pm *Thoth and Riovo place their hands on Asherah Aphrodite's head*
8:29pm *Asherah Aphrodite glows brightly filled with immense energy*
8:33pm Riovo: "The awakening has begun."
*Asherah Aphrodite screams out and falls to the ground*
8:36pm My physical body feels overtaken by this energy. I am everything at once.
9:00pm Everything is awakening within me. What was dormant is returning.
9:13pm Immense energy is coming through into my physical body. It looks like multi-colored lightning striking me all over. It is like those plasma globe ball sphere things you can touch and it does this lightning like movement to your hands.
It is like my physical body is inside a plasma globe and the electrical energy is all around me. All this different colored energy. This has never happened to me before.
I am the holder of Ancient Life until the return of the All-Mother. She entrusted Ancient Life to me before she left. I shall give it back to her when it is time. She asked me to fulfill her role while she is gone.
***Flashback: This happened on August 20th...
3:09pm Aphrodite is with the All-Mother and the All-Father.
All-Mother: "You have proven yourself to be worthy of these titles and powers given to you. You are the one who brings Love and Hope to the Cosmos. It is time for me to transcend. I choose to give you Ancient Life."
Me: "How long shall I have Ancient Life?"
All-Mother: "Until I return."
Me: "May I use the Power of Ancient Life while I have it?"
All-Mother: "That is what intend for you to do. Restore and protect Life."
Me: "What are you going to become?"
All-Mother: "Something greater. Something the cosmos needs."
Me: "Can they take this from me?"
All-Mother: "They cannot. It is part of you until you give it back to me."
3:21pm Me: "I shall use this power wisely."
All-Mother: "I know you will. This is why I chose you."
Me: "Will we bond together when you return before I give you back Ancient Life?"
All-Mother: "That would be for the best. Bonded before the exchange. I cannot bond with you until I am changed. I will be a different being. I will bond with you then Ancient Love. I shall bond with you."
3:39pm All-Mother: "You have the Ancient Life now. It is time for me to go."***
Returning to September 5th...
11:02pm I am still in the garden with Riovo and Thoth. They have been teaching me many things. Especially about the changes I have experienced from this death. Every time I have died I have returned far more powerful than before.
I want to know and understand the mystery that is Ashoweah. He seems to be my opposite. I have only heard a small bit about who he is. He is an enigma to me.
From ilia's past vision we hear that Ashoweah is a Master spoken of in myth and legend. What are these myths and legends? I want to study them.
Reference: Ilia Chained in a Lake: Coming Forth of Ashoweah
Ashoweah knows more of me than I know of him. This puts me at a disadvantage. I do not know who I am dealing with. There has to be a true self who knows of these myths and legends. Share with me what you know.
Riovo: "Do not underestimate Ashoweah. He has power beyond comprehension."
I must discover it. I must comprehend this. You know how I am when I get a lead on something. I want to know everything about Ashoweah.
11:37pm Me: "How can I learn history of Ashoweah?"
Thoth: "I have something in my library. It is a very old book."
*Thoth gives Asherah Aphrodite a black and gold book*
Me: "I cannot decipher this language."
*All-Father examines the book*
All-Father: "This is old. Very old and written in a cryptic language. Not many can read this. I might be able to find someone who can. Return to me on the Midgard morning and you shall have your answer."
Me: "Who wrote this book?"
All-Father: "The one who brought Ashoweah here the first time."
This book is from way before the Urthak War. I thought the first time Ashoweah came was after the Urthak War.
This is far more ancient. That means this is not his second coming. He has been here more than once before.
Where does Ashoweah actually come from? Maybe this Uervitha spoken of by the Light King Hue. Maybe this is why it is power beyond my comprehension.
The Light King told me she has declared war on Uervitha and is conquering parts of it that she deems necessary. I have not been there myself. Uervitha is also a mystery to me.
Ashtarnia keeps trying to climb inside my physical womb because she wants to be born in the physical. She has tried several times tonight causing me to cramp up really badly.
I had to reason with her that I am not physically pregnant so there is no baby for her to get inside. Maybe later on that can happen.
Her presence is overpowering when she tries to go inside me. It sends me into convulsions.
When I conceived her spiritually it put my physical body into a really serious seizure. I couldn't speak or respond at all...
That's my baby girl. The only daughter my spiritual has ever had.
I birthed her spiritually on the Outside in the Vosmos with the Transcended Ones. This is when Ashtarnia became Ancient Divinity and Ancient Shadow.
She has this idea that if she climbs inside me I will be pregnant with her. Ashtarnia: "It is time." I will be your mommy in the physical but not yet.
Since Ashtarnia is both Divine and Ourhkina she will be fully true self connected in the physical from birth when she arrives. My little Firestarter. Since Ashtarnia is sealed to me she can only be born through me.
September 6th...
Me: "Am I fully recovered?"
12:33am Thoth: "You are complete."
Me: "You are like brothers to me. I have love for you both."
Riovo: "I have always loved you Asherah."
Me: "I am going to go dance with my Ashtarnia."
1:18am Asherah Aphrodite returns to Alfheim.
Doumarae: "You have returned my Queen."
Me: "Yes I have. There is much I would like to share with you."
*Asherah takes Doumarae's hands into her hands*
Doumarae: "There is a lot of information here. We must concentrate on getting the Ancient Sun and Moon."
Me: "We shall as soon as I receive word from the All-Father."
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