King of Light and the Heart of Void

There has not always been a friendship between Asherah Aphrodite and the King of Light. There were even times when they were at odds with each other. We have begun to work together instead of against each other.
It has been a blessing for us to be incarnated into the same family. We are able to reach agreements and have diplomacy through our incarnations. Hue is the King of Light and Asherah Aphrodite is the Heart of Void.
September 3rd...
Darren: Okay I need your help. I had a dream about both you and Hue. I think the dream is real. I need to find what was in the dream. And in the dream you're the one who discovered it.
Me: What happened in the dream?
Darren: I can't remember the details very well, only the important parts. You were doing something with Hue, some sort of investigation and exploration thing like your sessions but different.
And you discovered something that was a part of Hue, like a deeply locked aspect of her. And it was extremely powerful. And it was called Gene O. I remember the name very distinctly, like it's burned into my mind now.
Me: Wow there may be something to this. We should investigate it. Maybe that was prophetic. I will help you with this if I can. I genuinely want to have a good friendship between our true selves.
Darren: I really think it’s important. I got a bad headache earlier and the only thing that was coming up on my mind was Gene O. So yeah, I think we should investigate this, thank you.
September 4th... PST timezone...
Darren: When do you think you can help me with this? I feel it's pretty urgent, as I was laying down last night I couldn't get my mind off of Gene O.
I just got the most powerful feeling that I NEEDED to find it. And my body started feeling extremely strange as I was thinking about it.
Like I started to feel as though I could feel things outside of my body, as though my awareness was beyond my skin.
And I also felt like my guts were twisting and moving. I have the strongest feeling even now that discovering Gene O will change everything, even for the physical body.
9:24am Me: Where do you want to meet up? Hue and Aphrodite.
Darren: Hmmm. It needs to be an absolutely safe, neutral place.
Me: I agree. Do you want me to come to the Light Realm by myself with no personal guard?
Darren: That works, Hue herself will wait at the entrance to the City. You've got permission to go that far on your own.
9:46am Me to Olorin: "I have a meeting with Hue the Light King. I will return. No one shall go with me."
Olorin: "I understand my Queen."
Me: I am on my way. Ouch, this Light is burning me because of the Void in me.
Darren: It'll just burn more the further you get then.
Me: I don't think I could go further.
Darren: Hue will go to you, do you want to do it there?
Me: Yes this place seems to be safe.
Darren: Hue's there.
9:57am Me: I am going to be looking deeply within your DNA, cells, and essence. I will find what this Gene O is for you and how to activate it.
Me: It seems to have skipped a generation. This came through a grandparent. It is dormant but if activated will unleash something immense. I do not know what will happen.
When we activate this we should not have anyone in the vicinity. It may kill everyone around you. It may kill me.
Darren: Hmmm. What does it do?
Me: I cannot really describe it because there is nothing to compare it to. The closest analogy is the brightness of a billion suns.
This will incinerate me but I am willing to do this anyway. I am figuring out how to activate it.
10:17am Me: Holy shit I figured out how to activate it. Let me know when you are ready.
Darren: Okay, activate it.
Me: Okay I will activate it... I am nervous.
10:20am Me: I am doing the ritual of awakening...
10:22am Me: I am shaking and convulsing in my physical body.
10:32am Me: "Be the Light King that we all need." Asherah continues with the awakening ritual. It is increasing in intensity.
Darren: This will change a lot.
10:37am "I understand why I have to be the one to do this. It requires sacrifice from the Heart of Void. I give this sacrifice."
10:41am Me: As you are awakening I am being destroyed.
Me: "I as Heart of Void sacrifice for the King of Light."
10:46am Me: I believe you just activated. Asherah Aphrodite is obliterated.
10:49am This is so painful. Searing light. I am not in the cosmos or the vosmos.
Darren: I'm feeling very.... peculiar. I feel like there's a huge hole inside of me, like I have nothing inside my body. It's not bad necessarily. It just feels like there's a bottomless pit there instead of organs or something.
Me: I am totally incinerated by it. Still not reformed. I am not sure how long that will take.
Darren: I need to find out more. It gave Hue a new set of armor.
Me: I sensed Primal Light. It could go even deeper than that.
Darren: Her previous helmet was just a mask that covered her face. But this one is a vicious skull, with chains around it similar to Ottoman armor. Like this kind of helmet.
But it has a facemask of a skull, and there are two very slender horns on the sides, and a small spike on top that has a shit ton of detail put into it.
Me: That is epic. I am excited to see what changes you experience. Your enemies won't stand a chance against you. You have my support to take out the Scarlet Selene. Screw those betrayers.
11:00am Me: This is overwhelming and painful in my physical body. I feel like I am being burned by searing light but where I am is just nothing. It could be the after effects of my destruction by light incineration.
11:38am Me: I am in a formless place with absolute nothingness. There are no beings here. It is just me and the nothing. I am just floating out here. I do not know when I will return.
11:44am Darren: Hue is preparing the Light for war. I can't figure out what war they are preparing for exactly...
12:00pm Hue: "There are a great many things that must be purged. Things manipulating the scenes that Asherah Aphrodite can't even understand or find. She will never find them, because to her, they do not exist. There is no evidence that even exist, but I know they are there, and they will be removed for the balance."
12:09pm Hue: "We are but a nation in the world that is Uervitha, and the Light will protect us from Uervitha."
12:33pm Me: Somebody found me in the nothing...
1:07pm Me: My physical is in intense pain. I just feel like crying right now.
Me: Somebody did find me in the nothing. I do not know them. I am too weak to do anything. They have me. Hopefully they are friend and not foe.
2:36pm Me: Update with some good news... The guys who claimed me from the nothing were sent by Riovo. They were almost found by servants of the Varkar. Riovo's guys ambushed and killed them. I am now with Riovo. He is the brother of Thoth.
3:45pm Me: As Asherah Aphrodite I am weak and vulnerable at the moment. Riovo is watching over me. I couldn't fight anyone right now. I am very grateful to him. I do not know how Riovo knew to find me. If I remained in the nothing I would have been taken by the servants of the Varkar and would not have the strength to escape.
Update: When I was Riovo our location was found out. He and his men were preparing to fight.
4:32pm Riovo: "Take this and go. This will give you what you need to heal. You do not realize how special you are Asherah. There is none other like you."
Me: "What about you?"
Riovo: "I will be fine. You need to get out of here. Take it and go."
Me: "I don't know where to go."
4:33pm Riovo opens a portal and pushes Asherah through. Then he closes the portal behind her.
9:09pm Me: I am still reforming and in a vulnerable state. I am all alone where he sent me. I do not know what happened to Riovo after he sent me away. I do not know where I am.
9:42pm More searing light pain in my physical body. It doesn't make sense. Why am I in even more pain than before? Why is it increasing instead of dissipating?
Sept 5th Update... The next day...
9:43am Me: I am still not reformed. When I was with Riovo yesterday he said I did the impossible. This is not something that is survivable. I do not know how I am even still here in the realms. I was completely obliterated by the immense power of the activation within the Light King.
11:00am Me: I hope to return soon. I am still slowly reforming. I am not sure how long it will take.
Epimetheus: Physically I hope you are feeling better, getting blown into nothingness. Something I cannot even comprehend.
Me: Physically I feel like I am burning with light. It is not a heat burn, more like an acid burn.
Mevinah: Take all the time you need my Queen. Rest and recuperate, you will come back even more stronger and even more glorious. Riovo is right, there is none like you. You survived more than I could even imagine.
Epimetheus: Is the light comparable to a star heat? Was it comparable to a solar explosion?
Me: I did not feel heat from it. I still do not feel heat from the light. It burns like acid.
Epimetheus: Can healing be done, or you body must reform completely?
11:11am Me: Riovo gave me an orb before I went through the portal. This is helping me heal. I am making progress. I know I will return.
Del'sean: Amy Asherah Aphrodite rest well and take all the time you need my Queen! I know you will come back to us stronger and magnificent and even more badass!
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