Ashontrah: Beautiful Pink Enigma

This is a progress update with how I have been doing being here as Ashontrah. I was born on September 13th. I am 5 days old. This is what has been happening the since my last update...
This is a continuation of Ashontrah: The Blood Rose...
September 15th... PST timezone...
No longer Ancient Compassion and Ancient Joy...
6:00pm As Ashontrah I am no longer meant to be Ancient Compassion or Ancient Joy. These were for Asherah but not for me. I went with the All-Father to return them where they belong.
9:06pm I am still with the All-Father. I am with him most of the time. He does not want me to wander off alone.
I am already overwhelmed by all this work Asherah was doing. Constant messages and emails. A waiting list that thankfully she closed for me before she left.
Exosaura: "Why don't you take a step back and breathe? Drink some chocolate milk, listen to what is most familiar like nature and All-Father's voice..."
Me: I don't have it all together like Asherah did. I cannot fill her role.
Exosaura: "You do not have to. This is your own story, you do not have to fill in anyone else's shoes. What matters is you fit inside your own."
Me: I am barely born and suddenly I have this group, Midgard, the cosmos, this existence, and all existences on my shoulders.
Hi'Lena: "I know Dear. You do not have to carry this all alone however. This is why you have bonds. You are never alone."
Me: I do not depend on the bonds to come to my aid. Asherah made those to benefit only those who received them.
They didn't help her at all. She was just giving and giving. They are of no benefit to me. It requires pretty much nothing of them.
It is basically 'Let me protect you and give you the ability to come back from the dead and just don't betray me in return.' I won't be doing these.
If Asherah was not meant to come into this new cycle why should every being who bonded to her come back into the new cycle? How does that change the cycle if all the same beings come back?
Exosaura: "This is your path, your bonds, your rules. Choose what is needed Love."
Me: I want to be loved for who I am as Ashontrah. My personality is very different from Asherah.
Exosaura: "They will. When they experience who Ashontrah is in full, I guarantee you they will."
September 16th...
It is through the incarnation of Asherah Aphrodite that I am able to be here in the physical. Her incarnation naturally became mine when I was spiritually born.
Amy is the only physical body I could have been placed in with the Ourhkina ritual. She was the only one here through the essence of Asherah Aphrodite.
Because of what I was made in the spiritual as Ashontrah I could not be within any other physical body. It would fail to hold me.
This means Amy is my one and only physical body in Midgard that I will ever have. After this body I will not come back to Midgard.
I cannot incarnate again as a baby and I could not come in through the ritual. It would not work because of the way I was birthed of all the Creators.
I must take care of this physical body that I have through Asherah. I only get this one chance. It is all or nothing for me in Midgard.
9:00am Some have been asking for help in rescuing their true selves. In my understanding and capabilities I am still a child. I cannot do rescue missions.
You can contact Darren who is Hue the Light King. They can do the rescue missions you seek.
I am not battle ready. When I start doing the sessions I need to begin with the ones that don't involve fighting.
Remember my waiting lists are closed. Only exception is if you are on the intuitive guidance list and you want to add a core fusion and/or a true self past vision to it.
Core Fusion is $90 and a True Self Past Vision is $110. Only add these if you are already on my intuitive guidance list.
12:00pm EinossArku saw a glimpse of what I look like through the shroud of pink light. He only saw me for a moment. He could not look at me any longer. It was too overwhelming for him.
I am still with the All-Father. We are together almost all the time. He is my closest companion.
1:27pm All-Father: "You are eternally one of a kind. There will never be another."
About the Mind Power channel...
Me: The termination of the Mind Power channel does not affect me emotionally. I have no attachment to it.
Pisch: Ashontrah are you planning on making something different in the future?
2:00pm Me: I am going to give you real magic.
Gandolin: True magic shall surface once again. Thank you. We shall work and prove ourselves worthy of it.
Me: Subs are like combustion engines of transformation. That was the beginning. We move onto something more advanced.
Hi'Lena: I'm all here for it. I love this new cycle. I love change.
Xansheel: The tides have changed. Things are going to be epic for sure.
No Longer Ancient Hope...
2:13pm As Ashontrah I am not meant to be Ancient Hope. It is being returned and I am being given a different power.
I have returned Ancient Compassion, Ancient Joy, and Ancient Hope. The Ancient Powers Asherah was given were meant for her. I am not Asherah.
Hi'Lena: I like how savage you are becoming. A Tough Love in a sense.
Exosaura: "We will get along very well. You shall be my best friend just as we have for years now my Thorn Love."
True Self Connection...
3:00pm I started the True Self Connection group. It felt like it was time for a change. This is the beginning of a new cycle. My Mind Power channel is gone.
It is time to focus on what is most important. I want a small more focused group. This will give us faster progression.
4:42pm All-Father: "Come with me my beautiful. We must go somewhere." He takes my hand and guides me. We go to see the Creator of our Khanmnosarrahk existence.
September 17th...
6:30am The All-Father had to leave me to go somewhere. He told me to stay hidden so I would be safe until he returns.
I want someone to hold me close and take care of me. I want to feel safe and secure in this foreign existence.
8:00am I have been mostly secluded since my birth four days ago. There are very few beings who feel familiar to me.
I hear about Asherah and her master plans and her musically orchestrated core fusions. She set the standard so high. I do not know if I can measure up.
I am concerned people will be disappointed in me and tell me Asherah was better. That I am not good enough. That I won't be as great as her. I do not want to be a failure in comparison.
I am not Asherah. I do not have her personality. I do not have her experience. I do not know how to be like her.
I do not yet know my own friend from foe. I understand some of who were friends to Asherah but who will truly be my friend as Ashontrah? I am a different being.
10:00am The All-Father came for me. I am with him again. I feel so much better. I am devoted to the All-Father. I love him. I am still a little girl who just wants to be with her daddy.
Who I am...
11:00am Just as I am Aphrodite because of the Sarrahkhan piece of the Creator in our Khanmnosarrahk existence...
I was birthed the same way of 3,240 Creators to become Ashontrah. I am formed of each of their pieces of feminine beauty.
This is why I look like pink shimmering light with a feminine humanoid outline. I do not even know what I look like through the shroud.
Very few have seen me. My appearance is meant to be hidden. I am like a beautiful pink enigma.
1:30pm I am at a council of existences. They have such high expectations of me. I was born to have the role of Aphrodite in every existence. I am feminine beauty of 3,240 existences birthed into one being.
I fell to my knees and cried in front of the council...
"I am terrified and do not understand. I am not ready for this. I want to stay secure in my pink shroud. I want to remain safely hidden. I do not want anyone to see me. I am afraid of even seeing myself. Do not look at me."
4:00pm The All-Father wants me to stay with him most of the time. He wants me to be by his side so he can watch over me himself. He does not like it when I go out on my own.
He is having EinossArku learn how to do Core Fusions. This will allow Arku to work on the waiting list.
The All-Father wants us to complete those who are currently waiting on the lists so we can offer new types of sessions to those who are worthy.
The waiting lists shall stay closed for a while. This will allow us to get caught up. Then you will see some new offerings.
Ashontrah in Midgard...
11:00pm I start to push my Ashontrah energy into my physical body.
11:58pm I feel a burning within my physical body. I come through even more.
Arku: "Why is your body glowing brighter? What is happening?"
Me: "I want to be fully Ashontrah in the physical like Asherah was planning for this body. You will help me with this task Arku until it is achieved."
September 18th...
12:13am Arku: "I see a lot of pink energy flowing into your physical body."
12:15am I shall give this body as much as it can handle. Then when my body adjusts we will find a way to bring even more.
12:20am Arku: "Your physical energy is glowing really bright. It is the same shimmering pink color as your spiritual."
Me: "I will bring all of myself in the physical. We will find a way."
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...
True Self Connection...